Thanks for your comment! The colors in the Dutch National Flag algorithm don’t actually represent the Dutch flag. They’re just three categories (like 0, 1, and 2) used to sort items in an array. The algorithm's name comes from the idea of sorting things into three groups, similar to the colors on a flag, but it doesn’t mean the colors match the real flag.
Great Video
That's the French flag. Dutch flag has horizontal stripes.
Thanks for your comment! The colors in the Dutch National Flag algorithm don’t actually represent the Dutch flag. They’re just three categories (like 0, 1, and 2) used to sort items in an array. The algorithm's name comes from the idea of sorting things into three groups, similar to the colors on a flag, but it doesn’t mean the colors match the real flag.
Let me know if you want some leetcode coaching lil bro you clearly do not know ball