That's kind of party celebrations for getting Visa may he keeps in his mind for all his life. This is the happiest moment for his but some upset things for his parents. Stay bless in all the way coming up. Stick with family and native land rather than feeling unseen or unexpected things.
Who doesn't separation hurts he will be living better life that's where it starts, when u leave ur family behind were u been born and bred and leave ur best friend behind 💯 u be upset
Masha Allah very nice Mubarak ho
Mashallah beautiful video Allah give you good health and happiness
MashA Allah MashA Allah
Allah thallah khusch rakhey 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼❤
Awww mashallah mubrk ho🥳🤲❤️
Mashallah 🎉 both both mubarak ho allah kush raky ameen
Mashallah 🌹🌹🌹
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉
Red Bull gives you wings. CONGRATULATIONS MY DEAR
Yes Darubla walee Auntie seh app bath kartha uk mein aap neh bola aap uk aah keh on seh bath karoo gaa. Raheem keh baahd ap bee uk ayga
MashaAllah congratulations idrees bhai
Ma Shaa Allah congratulations 🎉
Masha Allah congratulations ❤
Masallah very nice brother 👌😍
That's kind of party celebrations for getting Visa may he keeps in his mind for all his life. This is the happiest moment for his but some upset things for his parents. Stay bless in all the way coming up. Stick with family and native land rather than feeling unseen or unexpected things.
Who doesn't separation hurts he will be living better life that's where it starts, when u leave ur family behind were u been born and bred and leave ur best friend behind 💯 u be upset
Congratulations to u my brother
Mashallah Mubarak ho sab family ko💞💑
سالام بھای اپ کو بہت بہت مبارک ھو ھم بھی خادم باد بتلی کے رکنے والے ے
بہت اچھا 🎉
Your all vlogs are outstanding I just love to watch
MashaAllah congrats Papy❤
بہت بہت مبارک ہو
Who is proud to be a Muslim?
Mubrak ho bhi g
Congratulations bohth mubarak ho 🎉 👏
Mashallah very good news congratulations brother
Mashallah Mubarak ho bahi jaan
Congratulations dear brother
Congratulations Papy❤
Nabel ap ka keya lagta ha bae ap buhot nice ho masaallah Allah pak salmat raka ameen 🤲😊
Mashallah very interesting vlog 😊
پاپیوں بہت بہت مبارک ہو آپ کو لڑکی انگلینڈ کی ہے یا ادھر کی
Mashallah very nice video
Who is feeling proud to be a ummat-e-Muhammad saw ❤️❤️❤️
Mashahallah bhai Mubarak ho ap ki pori family ko 🤲🏻❤🌹
Apky engagement vlog ka bohut intzar ha kb upload kry gy🙄🤔still waiting bro🥰🥳
Congratulations MashaAllah 🎉
It's nice to say good bye like this. He will miss this in UK and will never get this time again in life.
Mashallah mubarak brother
Mubrak ho jnb
Nervous mean sonaa this is very good meaning
Allah pak kray khair say ho sub
Nice vlog good work my Brother🥰
Congratulations 🎊
Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳
My guess was right ✅️ I told you before the aunty said you can check lol congrats
Mashallah congratulations
Masahallah 🎉very nice 👌👌
MashaAllah very nice shering
Mubarkan master g
Congrats 🎉
Congratulations 👍🏻💗
Bht bht Mubarak apki shadi b au gai
Congratulations, Mashallah…
Congratulations bhai ma ko bhi mubarak dena
Kia baat hay Pashto ki
Congratulations ❤
First Comment❤🙈
Congratulations 🎉. Bhai 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mashallah congratulations 🥳
Congrats bhai
Bohat bohat mubarik ho
Masha Allah 🤲
Nice kamal
Jis larki ke sth song shoot Kia tha ussi ke Sath engagment hui??
Is Nabeel your blood brother? Anyway congratulations on your engagement
Cousin brother
Which one is nabeel
@@hahacurrymuncher4551 huh
@@Akhtar1234-y9p bule clothes one
@@sadafsadaferum6567 u lad
Mubarak ho
He will be cry soon let him come uk 🇬🇧
Mashallah janab♥
Good video nice 👍👍🤝🤝👌👌⌚🇵🇰🇵🇰
Congratulations bhai
Alot of jealous people commenting on here. If you haven't got anything nice to say about someone, then say nothing
Congratulations bro
Love from kahuta congratulations bro
That aunty said 22nd is your engagement 🎉
Nice video 👍
When is he gonna go?
Very nervous 😂😂
Ya jacket change karo
AAP ke sath kon shadi karna laga hai
انے وڈے ہوئی گئے تے شادی نئی ہوئی
Why his celebrating for his visa like he passed his css
same question 🤔
The new kanjar khana of dadyal
Mangies thats y
@@hahacurrymuncher4551 well what are they there village boys from dadyal not city boys giving the villagers bad name's
You looks nervous