Story 1: Based on the EM's response to her son's actions, that's where he learned that it was OK to assault women, no matter how much his dad might have tried teaching him otherwise.
What kind of woman thinks that? She definitely wouldn't appreciate being treated that way. Then again, she's probably to fugly to get sexually harassed. Yeah, maybe she thinks women sexually harassed deserve it for being pretty.
@@thunderflare59 surprisingly, there are women who exist that do believe in all the sexist "excuses" for why women are sexually assaulted, like how they're dressed or they must have said or done something that implied they were into the guy them changed their mind. These women usually are Christian too, but the kind who don't actually follow the Bible but the backwards interpretations regurgitated in much of the world.
Story 1: That boy needs to get therapy. Story 2: I'd refuse any other requests from him from now on. Story 3: Nope, not gonna let you back in. Story 4: I would send them an invoice for data used.
Story 2: I'm surprised she accepted THIS request. Honestly, I had a cousin who was the same way, I stopped saying yes 25 years ago, even though my parents ("BUT YOU'RE FAMILY!" "Ha! No.") kept trying to commit me to doing things.
"My son is on video physically assaulting and threatening a girl with promises of other things, but YOUR son is a menace to the normal kids!" Okay, Karen. As an aside, what color is the sky in your world?
@@BersealiaDreamheart not mentioned but I'm sure he's dumping her ass for that right then and there. Also, if he has OP's contact, he'd have grounds for therapy for the son and likely get a custody case rolling in his favor via witness statements as she is proven to be a negative influence on the boy (doubt it as the boy is almost an adult/is an adult
Should have tricked that kid and his mother into a discussion of before he does it to other poor women he should do all that to his mother. I would love to listen in on that.
I was not expecting that plot twist in that last story. I hope the EPs’ daughter moved out as soon as she can. Scamming money from your own child(ren) is indeed pathetic
@@velvety2006 Daughter should pay money to OP in exchange for THEIR password. That way she's not affected but her parents ARE. "Honey are you having trouble with the internet?" "No? I'm doing just fine!"
Not surprised with a father who knows full well he's using someone else's internet. Yet has the nerve to say "mine" like an entitled twat! I swear Ken's and Karen's see their kids as weapons and shields to justify their bad behavior and to protect them from it (notice how they ALWAYS push their kids in front of them every time they start shit, like their trying to say "You wouldn't want to hit little timmy/sally now will you! Do you hate me that much that you'd hurt an innocent kid".....I love to say "yeah" and then hit them while AVOIDING harming Timmy and Sally. Cause yeah I'm risking the hostage getting hurt, but you're sloppy hostage takers so have fun getting your just desserts while your victim doesn't get harmed!)
...I didn't go through abuse myself...I can only speak by proxy. A friend of mine was emotionally abused as a child...cut out contact with his parents. Same sort of scenario...he died young, left behind a wife and daughter. Despite it all...she did let his parents in...and yes...they had changed drastically. When a child walks away like contact for 10+ years...there are a number of parents who realize that they went very wrong...and the loss of that child is what really drives it home. They can't make it up to the child they they'll try to make it up to their not repeat the mistakes of their past. I understand it's a situation where nobody knows what the outcome will be...but denying them a chance to prove themselves is no different than saying "A thief is always a thief."'s continuing to punish them even when they're trying to reform...which only hurts everyone in the long run.
I don’t really see it as punishing the in-laws. What got to me was OP’s comment in the story. It’s possible that they have changed, but if they haven’t, OP and her child will become punching bags for the in-laws (well, she said emotional abuse so take that figuratively). What obligation does she have to take that risk for herself or, much more importantly, for her child?
@@KingNicotine While yes, people can change, if they actually did, they would not put that much pressure on her. For me, that current behaviour is why I would DEFINATLY not let those people into the child's life.
@@KingNicotinenah your not about to get forgiven because you "changed". You can never make up for that kinda thing because it sticks with the victim for yes I hold abusers for Thier crimes Thier whole life.To me it's fair.i would say you'd have to be idiot to take that chance.
@@KingNicotine Interesting take, and it’s great that these people changed. But there’s no black and white to this, not that you’re saying there is. Just that it varies by situation. I think we all agree that there are some people who are so deeply toxic, whose abuse was so cruel, that you’d be a complete fool to give them any chance at all. Repeatedly physical abuse or any sexual abuse, obviously, is a full stop. You don’t get near kids again. But even if you had parents who were verbally or psychologically abusive, which is quite damaging enough, who really have fully changed their ways, they have lost the right to expect that second chance. It’s great when people can mend their ways. We love the idea that someone can overcome their demons and become a better person. But if that person then takes it as a pass to demand privileges they once abused, they aren’t better people. So the answer to this is that if they really have learned from their mistakes and own them, they may ask for contact with their grandchild but will fully understand when it’s denied. It’s not punishment. It’s natural consequences. Something good parents do instead of arbitrary punishment. It’s like rSlash said. They mistreated their son for decades. They’re freaking stalking her and harassing her. They’ve used up their chances.
Story 1: The fact that the mother was trying to defend the assault against OP's sister because "she asked for it" makes my blood boil. I would have beaten that guy (EK) up as well.
The entitled parents who have internalized sexism just deflate me. I can’t even be fully mad, that’s just a blatant product of being raised with an inferiority complex. I pity the entitled parent for being raised with such an anti-woman mind set, but she’s still an asshole for saying it.
@@silverflight01 I think this is a rare circumstance where beating your child can be perfectly acceptable. You didn’t raise a predator, and you shouldn’t tolerate such evil behavior. Correcting them now is CRITICAL at this point. Preferably the use of a belt is applied.
About the wi-fi story, the daughter was paying £5 a month for internet that her parents were stealing? That’s all kinds of fucked up! At least she had a better head on her shoulders than her parents. It’s great when the kids are less entitled.
i would tell the daughter. yo if u want u can share it. just dont share it with your parents. but that kinda depends on the strength etc. we had 100mbps for years now. and soon i need to upgrade. and i honestly wouldnt mind sharing. if its not at my expense. but damn those parents are scummy as shit.
@@penguin-schluppstudio Yes, I second this. Maybe one of us can DM the original OP to see if they know? If not, we know she streams, just we don’t know what for.
So let me get this straight: a 17 year old boy (who is almost a man) is saying that he's going to sexually assault women who are almost 4-5 years younger than him
yes. because trophy wife karen said: if u wanna rape a girl against her will go for it. seriously i wouldnt let that kid go... neither would my sister. he would either be dead. or bound to a wheelchair. and even then i would taunt him each day. saying: now atleast you cant rape anyone kiddo.
@@miciso666 "against her will go for it" - Him: "Mother, tag, you're it". Joke aside having girls is so stressful. Oh the nightmares I've had. I made sure to be a strong presence in their school so boys knew to treat all girls right or deal with me. A few parents complained when I ripped their son a new one. They learned the hard way complaining made it worse for their son. After some time I only needed to give boys a look and they would cower in fear.
Almost a man? That piece of crap will never truly be a man. There are guys in their 30s, 40s, and up who are not - and will likely never be - a real man. Real men don't do the kind of thing EK did. Let's say instead "almost a legal adult".
I got on the bus, telling my friend about being touched by a boy while waiting, and didn't realize my huge, big brother was in the seat behind me. The next morning, as we got off at the high school, we heard yelling, so we ran to it. My brother had this boy literally bent over backwards, screaming, with his finger in his face, saying "Don't you EVER touch my sister or ANY girl that doesn't want it. You got it?" Then he let the boy run. That boy wouldn't even LOOK at me when we passed in the halls. 😆😆😆
I did this for my little sisters, they did not fuck with them anymore. We’re older now, long out of school, and one let me know that one of the kids avoided her into and through high school. I’m surprised OP didn’t kill the guy tbh
I once had an incident where I got into an argument with a friend when I was 15 and he covered me in hot sauce for some reason. I was wearing white too. Anyway, one of my big brothers saw it when I came home that day and he knew who I had been haning out with. Fast forward a couple weeks and my friend and I had made up and he was hanging out at the house. My brother came in and covered him in mustard and was rubbing it in his hair saying dont ever fu** with my little sister. That actually felt good even though we were back on good terms. I was so happy my brother stood up for me. I think about it often now that he has passed away. I miss him so much.
damn. i was a bit of a delinquent. and me and my sis would sometimes get intro trouble. not cuz we started shit but. one fight i had i had a shitty 1v3. my sis jumped the fence because classes are split. and she decked the shit out of 1 guy yelling STAY AWAY FROM MY BRO ASSHAT i was like. hell yeah now its fair. sadly my sis did get expelled for 2 months for '' abusive and aggressive behaviour '' years later i threw in a few windows and later the school shut down due to money issues. but im always glad i can count on my sis.
Story 3: honey the next time your parents say "if the situation was reversed... Blah blah blah" you say "If YOU treated me the ways they treated him, I cut you off as completely as he did."
Story 1: Op is a hero! And his sister is incredibly clever. Story 2: I am glad op reversed things and didn't let her entitled brother get away with it. Story 3: With the husband gone you have to honor his memory. Op knows her husband wouldn't want his parents around, so that's the end of that. Don't let them around. Op is NTA. Story 4: I would consider looking into taking them to small claims court. Also I feel so bad for the sweet innocent daughter.
I’d like to tie this back to an older r slash story where a prison guard tells a mom to discipline her child or he would be watching the child in a few years. Because his prison is no longer drug dealers and murderers, it’s full of entitled brats who were never told “no” and couldn’t understand when a girl said it.
I agree. If they kept showing up at my house, even when I went to great lengths to getting a restraining order, they would be met with cuffs or a bullet. It's their choice.
Story 3: Thank you for voicing literally everything I was screaming at the screen while you read the post. Those parents don’t deserve anything, and the mother should file for a restraining order if they’re literally showing up at her house over this.
@@whyuu25 It's TH-cam dude stfu. Also "OverThinker" yeah about absolutely trivial things that don't matter. So long as the point is conveyed and understandable there's zero issue. They could be like 8 years old and haven't learnt that yet, they could be 16 but English is a second language for them. There's so many variables that you being a wanker doesn't really help, everyone eventually figures it out if they want/need to.
@@whyuu25 Grammatically correct but the condescending tone pegs you as an individual that most people aren't going to want to interact with for more than 30 seconds.
Likewise with me as well for my sister, even though I'm the younger sibling of the two of us. I guarantee you that whoever thinks laying any kind of harm on my sister is a "good idea" would find themselves with broken fingers *and* broken wrists. But I seriously feel for the dad of the turd in that story, because that one must have been a really horrid thing to live through. Imagine trying your absolute damned best as a responsible, upstanding ex-military guy to instill good and responsible behavior into your kid, and then find out one day after you've been called into a parent-teacher meeting that said kid of yours had been threatening and doing god knows what to other girls and that your own wife is busted blatantly insisting it was excusable. And worse, the older brother of one of those victims would have been punished for doing the right thing. I just hope things don't lead to the implied-to-be-now-ex-wife deciding to make his life hell for divorcing her.
OP, my mother was extremely abusive and doesn’t think she’s ever done anything wrong, and my adoptive sister refuses point blank to allow her kids around my biological family, she knows how toxic they are. My mother allowed my brother to physically abuse me whilst she psychologically abused me, and is fully aware that my brother has been a danger around my nieces and nephew. None of my adoptive family can ever trust them, and I can never trust them, and we’ll never allow them to be around the kids. They’ve kicked up a fuss, tried harassing me through others, tried guilt tripping, straight up harassed me and somehow believe they “deserve” contact with my adoptive family, but none of us want contact with them and know they’re dangerous. Thankfully we haven’t had any buttholes try to tell us “they deserve a second chance”, because your late husbands parents HAD a chance when he was still ALIVE, they chose to destroy any chances they had, and that’s on them and they have to live with that. It’s called consequences to their actions, they don’t like being held accountable and are now trying to bully you into giving in, so do NOT give in to these buttholes, they don’t respect you or your late husband.
I respect the guy from story 1, he has a lot of self restraint. Idk of i could stop kicking the shit out of him if I saw anyone backing my sister into a corner. And after I learned what he said I would have to fight him one more time. That story got my blood boiling
The phone story: I love that post-hoc justification for keeping the phones. "He deserves the phone because of what you said to him after he got the phone he shouldn't have with your money"
Story 1: Why were there no mentions of charges being pressed against the ES and EM? And yes, I do believe that the EM should be charged as well, because what she said should be counted as making herself an accomplice. Every idiot who says “Well, she was asking for it” should be held as an accomplice to the sexual assault in question, if not charged with sexual assault outright by proxy.
Probably took a LOT of doing, but the account was properly notated and it was 100% their fault. Used to work help desk for a web hosting company and if it came to legal action we would 100% lose that case and be responsible for fees so it is an easy thing to do but sometimes getting a phone rep to read the comments and get to that point and do it can take hours to days of time to accomplish.
These days phone companies record all conversations with their customer service people, and I don't know what it's like in other places but where I live you can demand to get that recording. They also know many people record such calls on their end. That has resulted in some surprising instances of them admitting guilt because they know ultimately it can be proven that they did something wrong, especially when the issue involves something expensive like in this case because then people have incentive to take the matter further
@@limiv5272 yeah i always get the : this call will be recorded for bla bla. mostly training ends or whatever. so one time with the provider i had this guy went on a rant i never said shit like that. i contacted them by email to get another dude on. and then went: so he said i never said DOWNGRADE my package. i suddenly have to pay 50 euros a month? and he upgraded it once. the guy went : o shit really? uhm hold on. got a manager on and he said let me see where it is. i told him the date which helped. and the guy was fired on the spot. seems it wasnt a first time offense. as they got multiple calls and emails saying : why does this bussiness randomly increase my bundles.
@@peanutbutter7357 she doesn't even have to tell them no, just ignore all knocks and avoid eye contact. If you pretend you don't speak English, even if you clearly do, they'll get the picture and screw off. There's a million different ways to say no without ever saying it or even saying a word.
To be fair, she was giving it out on good faith, and might not have necessarily believed OP had he told her the truth- because, being a sweet person that she seems to be, given her generosity, she likely wouldn't have any reason to think otherwise, especially if they pulled the "daughter" card on her, as well. There's also the matter that it simply might not have occurred to OP to do in the first place.
@Chris G What do you mean shouldn’t have to? If she was paying for it then she can do what she likes with it, but OP was the one paying for it, not her, she should have asked OP if it was alright to give passwords to the neighbors
Last story: glad that the daughter was more understanding, like, why the hell would you use your own daughter on your own benefit? And that note “my Internet”? Like… dude, your daughter gave you money to pay for your OWN Internet
For the last story it seems like op could have the daughter pay for the internet so she can do what she needs since she was paying her parents and seems like an actually good person
No. The daughter didn't do anything wrong. Don't encourage the parents to steal from the girl. The parents were scamming the girl for money and OP for his internet. What OP should have done was start billing them for the data they were using or calling the cops on them for fraud
I have a story about the thing with the Internet. My next door neighbour couldn't afford the Internet for his home, he's a single dad who has his daughter like half the week. So we gave him ours. She uses to watch disney films and you tube. In return he takes the bins out for me, will run and extend if I need and is always willing to help with the garden. Its such a simple thing to just be considerate with your neighbours, I feel it must take more effort to be a butt hole.
Story 3 - OP you absolutely would not be the buttonhole. That is ypur child, and as a parent your doing what you thibk is best and that's what matters. I'm in kind of the same predicament. My bio mom wants to meet my son but she was against my pregnancy since the beginning and kicked me out bc of it, talked crap about me and my bf and a few other things that I won't get into. Regardless if they are family they are toxic.
Story 4: No good deed goes unpunished. Get your own internet. Not only that, the fact that the daughter is paying the parents for internet is trashy as H. Oh, and that note being glued to the door is probably some sort of vandalism. You can't just simply get glue off of a door.
@@d.phantomfan1216 yeah i was like the fuck? at least tell him what u did. she kinda stole then to if u think about it. but the glue thing... i would not let that shit slide.
The last story reminded me of when we used to give our neighbor's daughter a ride to school to help them out since both parents are working and have to go to work early. Everything was fine for a couple of months until my wife found a job and she had to take my daughter and neighbor's kid to school right at 7am or my wife will be late to her job. My wife informed the kid's mom of this and asked her to make sure their daughter is ready to leave at 7am so she can ride with them to school. The first few days worked out well then by the following week the neighbor's daughter started to come out later which caused my wife to be late. My wife put up with this for a week and did ask the kid's mom when she had to knock at their door to look for their kid to please get her ready on time next time. But after a week more of this where the daughter was always coming out late and my wife asking the kid's mom politely to please get their daughter ready, she finally gave her an ultimatum that if their daughter is not outside at 7am the following week that she will be forced to leave her as she is now in jeopardy of losing her job if she is always late. The following Monday came and its 7am. My wife and daughter are in the car and the neighbor's daughter was not outside. My wife then left without her without knocking at their door. That afternoon we found a very angry note on our door from the mom saying how she was late for her job because my wife left their daughter without even letting them know and how my wife knows that she has a tight schedule and how inconsiderate she was and blah blah blah. My wife was distraught and I decided to write a note to our neighbor informing them how we volunteered to help them without even being asked, without asking for any gas money and how we did gave their kid a ride because we thought it was the neighborly thing to do. The following day the kid's dad knocked on our door, apologized profusely to my wife and I which my wife accepted. As an aside, apparently the dad did not know what was happening until HE saw the note I wrote and put on their door. My daughter and their kid remained friends but after that, they never sent their daughter out to ride with my wife and kid again.
Story 4: My mom actually pass something similar. Our neighbor ask for our internet and my mom say no but she was willing to help her get the same deal. She got very pissed off, to the point that she put her own internet, but the cable passed across our yard and was tangled on our tree. My mom to avoid confrontation, she never said anything until hurricane season came in. The tree was constantly pulling and grinding the tree, my mom response "I never told you to pass the cable on me yard" 😂
That first story had me fuming, but I was actually very happy when I heard that OP had autism, having it myself, after hearing/seeing so many comments about how bad it is.
The neighbors in that last story are insane. Genuinely insane. Edit: Stealing money from their own kid and then weaponizing that kid to try to manipulate people? Someone needs to save that kid.
10:20 "my parents had nothing to do with his parents" got me a bit lol. poor op though also the daughter in the last one... no wonder she reads this sub
This made me unreasonably angry so thought it might be worth tossing my coin in Story 3 (crazy in-laws): NO! If they wanted a second chance they should have tried harder while their OWN CHILD was still alive. If they wanted a piece of their son then they shouldn't have abused him. OP in the story made exactly the right choice, if they made any other choice they would be disrespecting their husband and hurting their child. Those parents do not deserve the chance to have a relationship with OP's son as they would most likely mistreat him as they mistreated their own son. They dug their own grave and now they must lay in it!
I notice he changes words around all the time and sometimes it's for the better for the story/organizing thoughts/make things clearer/etc. but other times he's completely messing up the story oof, lol I pause so much and have to reread what I just heard myself
And what are her parents talking about "if the roles were reversed"?? Well good thing they aren't! So keep respecting Op's boundaries and her wishes regarding HER child! Just tell the inlaws it's not their sons, they'll drop all contact.
Your husband tell you not to let his parents come to his own funeral, and doesn’t talk to them for 20 years. You couldn’t possibly get a bigger red flag then that.
My son's father's mother assaulted me while I was pregnant. Her family tried to excuse it. My son hasn't met anyone in his dad's family. You can't assault a pregnant woman and then demand access to their baby. So to OP with the grandparent problem, don't feel bad. No reason to.
People change, sometimes for the worse. Or sometimes the husband was once as bad but he changed for the better. And sometimes people only see their partner’s better sides when dating, and don’t discover their worst sides until after marriage. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if divorce proceedings are in that couple’s future.
@@stardf29 fair enough , and does make sense , but to stay with the karen always amazes me lol your the husband put your woman in her place in public lol THEN watch the fire works :P like that one husband did who gave the redditor $50 in front of the wife and laughed then they drove a way with her freaking out lol
Re: crazy in laws The mere fact that they are harassing OP means, to me, that they have not changed at all. Ask them what are the things that they did wrong and what will they do in the future if the same thing happens. I doubt they would know.
The phone story gave me joy. I am assuming it was T-mobile, since it was similar to how my (parents') phone plan is. I don't live with my parents but I am still on their family plan. I wanted a new phone last year but I couldn't buy it without being an authorized user. It was a huge hassle to even get added, despite the option supposedly being online my Dad had to call their customer support twice to get me added. When I bought my phone and accessories, I paid for it in FULL so that it wouldn't be added to my parents' monthly bill. I can't imagine the trouble I would get into if I left them with that $1500 bill.
Story 2: Your in-laws are trying to bully you into letting them have access to your son. This is not exactly a good sign. Ditch them and don't look back. Best of luck with your baby!
If you ever let someone temporarily use your wifi, always set up a guest login on a timer that deactivates at the time and date you set. That way you never have to worry about changing the wifi password and then changing it on every device that uses it.
Not all routers have such advanced features. Mine doesn't. I put a checkmark in the router to allow that phone's mac address and give them the password. Only thing I need to do is uncheck and they're locked out. I configured my router to auto block unless the mac address was in the allowed list.
Years ago, my mom got an iPad. She didn’t have internet set up at her place. She would to Panera and their wifi. After about a month, she calls me to ask about internet at her home. She said when she tries to log on, she sees networks, “but they need passwords. How do I get the passwords?” We had to explain that those people paid for internet and lock so people like cannot use it. She wasn’t being entitled, she simply didn’t know. She signed up for her own internet.
11:24 if they are doing all that, then DONT give in. This is exactly WHY your beloved left them. If they cant respect your boundaries, then they haven't changed. Even if it's something extremely important to them, they cant just jump boundaries to do it.
Hmm, yeah... Never trust an addict. And why should it be the sister who has to make sure the junkie has a phone? His entitled mom should have the honors to make sure he has it.
that last story had me rolling, lmao so they steal OPs internet and make their daughter pay THEM for the internet usage of OPs internet, then bitch to OP when he changes HIS password to HIS internet that HE pays for, like wtf xD
I think you gave the best advice to OP whose husband passed & he didn't want his parents in his child's was like therapist level lol..but seriously ur advice and ability to see things as unbiased and very clearly & concise you explain.
11:40 stand your ground, no compromises, im sorry but your child's safety above all else. If your husband was abused as a child and didn't see them fit at his death to even have them at his funeral them should not be allowed to see both of yours kid. Too often I see this situation of the parent feeling bad but as a parent you should be unapologetic about your kids wellbeing. Of course as your child grows you must let them spread their wings and as they get older let them make their own decisions but in early life is a different story.
2nd to last story, don't let the in-laws see your child, and for your parents saying if they were in that situation they want that 2nd chance... Remember that at that point you would have them cut out of your life and not care what they think so that's a pointless argument.
Yeah, that one with the mom, if this was me, I'd look my parents dead in the eye and say, "If you don't STOP pressuring me to let my husband's ABUSIVE parents near my son, not to mention they're harassing me so much I had to block them, then YOU WILL NOT see your grandkid!"
These actually stress me out, but are actually satisfying to see justice get served. I LOVE that one story with the description of the Karen mom. Because it proves that there are monsters among us. That mom and her son were like Echidna and Chimera. Anyone who thinks it's okay to do this is isn't human.
12:32 if their daughter needs the internet to study so bad she could set up in a library or coffee shop. those places normally have wifi and she can stay for a bit and study. I'm sure she could also find a study partner at school who has wifi and wouldn't mind studying with her together. there are solutions but i dont think their daughter studying is their priority in this case. it was good on OP to keep changing the password
Regarding the story on the crazy in-laws, good on OP for standing her ground and not letting these toxic people in her son's life. Her being pregnant with her late husband's son, does not give the in-laws any right to OP's child.
Story 1: Based on the EM's response to her son's actions, that's where he learned that it was OK to assault women, no matter how much his dad might have tried teaching him otherwise.
What kind of woman thinks that? She definitely wouldn't appreciate being treated that way. Then again, she's probably to fugly to get sexually harassed. Yeah, maybe she thinks women sexually harassed deserve it for being pretty.
And when her son takes it too far, and ends up in jail or killed, she’ll be sitting there trying to figure out where she went wrong.
@@thunderflare59 surprisingly, there are women who exist that do believe in all the sexist "excuses" for why women are sexually assaulted, like how they're dressed or they must have said or done something that implied they were into the guy them changed their mind. These women usually are Christian too, but the kind who don't actually follow the Bible but the backwards interpretations regurgitated in much of the world.
@@thunderflare59 Looks don't have anything to do with being assaulted or attacked. This type of attitude is offensive and disturbing.
@@katrinawendel2647 they are part of it
Story 1: That boy needs to get therapy.
Story 2: I'd refuse any other requests from him from now on.
Story 3: Nope, not gonna let you back in.
Story 4: I would send them an invoice for data used.
The first one needs there head caved in
If there isn't a price on data just access, as it usably is in Europe?
Story 2: I'm surprised she accepted THIS request. Honestly, I had a cousin who was the same way, I stopped saying yes 25 years ago, even though my parents ("BUT YOU'RE FAMILY!" "Ha! No.") kept trying to commit me to doing things.
Story 1: No, he needs prison. Better to put him there now instead of after he R some poor woman.
Story 4: Send them the bill for the data used AND the bill for glue solvent and door repairs. Who TF GLUES a note to a door.
"My son is on video physically assaulting and threatening a girl with promises of other things, but YOUR son is a menace to the normal kids!"
Okay, Karen. As an aside, what color is the sky in your world?
red, cause that's all she ever sees
@@kaiseremotion854 True, but my question is did her husband do anything to punish his wife and son for their actions?
purple cause why not
@@BersealiaDreamheart not mentioned but I'm sure he's dumping her ass for that right then and there. Also, if he has OP's contact, he'd have grounds for therapy for the son and likely get a custody case rolling in his favor via witness statements as she is proven to be a negative influence on the boy (doubt it as the boy is almost an adult/is an adult
Should have tricked that kid and his mother into a discussion of before he does it to other poor women he should do all that to his mother. I would love to listen in on that.
I was not expecting that plot twist in that last story. I hope the EPs’ daughter moved out as soon as she can. Scamming money from your own child(ren) is indeed pathetic
Depending on how old she is, she could set up the internet in her home. Then cut it off when she moves.
@@thunderflare59 or they might be able to figure out a way that she can have internet but not the parents
@@velvety2006 Daughter should pay money to OP in exchange for THEIR password. That way she's not affected but her parents ARE. "Honey are you having trouble with the internet?" "No? I'm doing just fine!"
Not surprised with a father who knows full well he's using someone else's internet. Yet has the nerve to say "mine" like an entitled twat! I swear Ken's and Karen's see their kids as weapons and shields to justify their bad behavior and to protect them from it (notice how they ALWAYS push their kids in front of them every time they start shit, like their trying to say "You wouldn't want to hit little timmy/sally now will you! Do you hate me that much that you'd hurt an innocent kid".....I love to say "yeah" and then hit them while AVOIDING harming Timmy and Sally. Cause yeah I'm risking the hostage getting hurt, but you're sloppy hostage takers so have fun getting your just desserts while your victim doesn't get harmed!)
@@velvety2006 yeah its called buying a router and not telling them the password
As someone who survived childhood emotional abuse, the pregnancy story is literally my worst nightmare. Don’t let your kid near the abusive in-laws.
...I didn't go through abuse myself...I can only speak by proxy. A friend of mine was emotionally abused as a child...cut out contact with his parents. Same sort of scenario...he died young, left behind a wife and daughter. Despite it all...she did let his parents in...and yes...they had changed drastically. When a child walks away like contact for 10+ years...there are a number of parents who realize that they went very wrong...and the loss of that child is what really drives it home. They can't make it up to the child they they'll try to make it up to their not repeat the mistakes of their past. I understand it's a situation where nobody knows what the outcome will be...but denying them a chance to prove themselves is no different than saying "A thief is always a thief."'s continuing to punish them even when they're trying to reform...which only hurts everyone in the long run.
I don’t really see it as punishing the in-laws. What got to me was OP’s comment in the story. It’s possible that they have changed, but if they haven’t, OP and her child will become punching bags for the in-laws (well, she said emotional abuse so take that figuratively). What obligation does she have to take that risk for herself or, much more importantly, for her child?
@@KingNicotine While yes, people can change, if they actually did, they would not put that much pressure on her. For me, that current behaviour is why I would DEFINATLY not let those people into the child's life.
@@KingNicotinenah your not about to get forgiven because you "changed". You can never make up for that kinda thing because it sticks with the victim for yes I hold abusers for Thier crimes Thier whole life.To me it's fair.i would say you'd have to be idiot to take that chance.
@@KingNicotine Interesting take, and it’s great that these people changed. But there’s no black and white to this, not that you’re saying there is. Just that it varies by situation. I think we all agree that there are some people who are so deeply toxic, whose abuse was so cruel, that you’d be a complete fool to give them any chance at all. Repeatedly physical abuse or any sexual abuse, obviously, is a full stop. You don’t get near kids again.
But even if you had parents who were verbally or psychologically abusive, which is quite damaging enough, who really have fully changed their ways, they have lost the right to expect that second chance. It’s great when people can mend their ways. We love the idea that someone can overcome their demons and become a better person. But if that person then takes it as a pass to demand privileges they once abused, they aren’t better people. So the answer to this is that if they really have learned from their mistakes and own them, they may ask for contact with their grandchild but will fully understand when it’s denied.
It’s not punishment. It’s natural consequences. Something good parents do instead of arbitrary punishment. It’s like rSlash said. They mistreated their son for decades. They’re freaking stalking her and harassing her. They’ve used up their chances.
The daughter of the last story is a good kid despite her parents. Good on her.
Plothole: how did she see the post if her internet was cut off?
*shovked pikachu gif
@@dylanmorgan5589 Perhaps she has a cellphone?
@@infiniteshay8660, or school wifi
@@dylanmorgan5589 She could've had McDonald's or another place's Wi-Fi at places such as library or a cafe
@@infiniteshay8660 a cellphone in 2021? Preposterous
Story 1: The fact that the mother was trying to defend the assault against OP's sister because "she asked for it" makes my blood boil. I would have beaten that guy (EK) up as well.
The entitled parents who have internalized sexism just deflate me. I can’t even be fully mad, that’s just a blatant product of being raised with an inferiority complex. I pity the entitled parent for being raised with such an anti-woman mind set, but she’s still an asshole for saying it.
Me too! I would've caved EM's skull in for having a gall to say that!
@horrorflickguy I hope the father managed to straighten him out.
@@silverflight01 I think this is a rare circumstance where beating your child can be perfectly acceptable. You didn’t raise a predator, and you shouldn’t tolerate such evil behavior. Correcting them now is CRITICAL at this point. Preferably the use of a belt is applied.
*So did your child maam, and now, so did you.*
About the wi-fi story, the daughter was paying £5 a month for internet that her parents were stealing? That’s all kinds of fucked up! At least she had a better head on her shoulders than her parents. It’s great when the kids are less entitled.
i would tell the daughter. yo if u want u can share it. just dont share it with your parents.
but that kinda depends on the strength etc. we had 100mbps for years now. and soon i need to upgrade. and i honestly wouldnt mind sharing.
if its not at my expense. but damn those parents are scummy as shit.
Yep. Up until that point I thought it was just a typical r/entitledparents story. But this is messed up on so many levels.
I say we find out the daughter's TH-cam channel and go support her.
@@penguin-schluppstudio Yes, I second this.
Maybe one of us can DM the original OP to see if they know? If not, we know she streams, just we don’t know what for.
So let me get this straight: a 17 year old boy (who is almost a man) is saying that he's going to sexually assault women who are almost 4-5 years younger than him
You can't expect him to try that with girls that are old enough to kick his a@@!
Not like it’d be any better if he said that to women his age…
yes. because trophy wife karen said: if u wanna rape a girl against her will go for it.
seriously i wouldnt let that kid go... neither would my sister.
he would either be dead. or bound to a wheelchair. and even then i would taunt him each day. saying: now atleast you cant rape anyone kiddo.
@@miciso666 "against her will go for it" - Him: "Mother, tag, you're it". Joke aside having girls is so stressful. Oh the nightmares I've had. I made sure to be a strong presence in their school so boys knew to treat all girls right or deal with me. A few parents complained when I ripped their son a new one. They learned the hard way complaining made it worse for their son. After some time I only needed to give boys a look and they would cower in fear.
Almost a man? That piece of crap will never truly be a man. There are guys in their 30s, 40s, and up who are not - and will likely never be - a real man. Real men don't do the kind of thing EK did.
Let's say instead "almost a legal adult".
I got on the bus, telling my friend about being touched by a boy while waiting, and didn't realize my huge, big brother was in the seat behind me. The next morning, as we got off at the high school, we heard yelling, so we ran to it. My brother had this boy literally bent over backwards, screaming, with his finger in his face, saying "Don't you EVER touch my sister or ANY girl that doesn't want it. You got it?" Then he let the boy run. That boy wouldn't even LOOK at me when we passed in the halls. 😆😆😆
And, as an older brother to 3 sisters, THAT is what a big brother is supposed to do when something like that happens.
I did this for my little sisters, they did not fuck with them anymore. We’re older now, long out of school, and one let me know that one of the kids avoided her into and through high school.
I’m surprised OP didn’t kill the guy tbh
I once had an incident where I got into an argument with a friend when I was 15 and he covered me in hot sauce for some reason. I was wearing white too. Anyway, one of my big brothers saw it when I came home that day and he knew who I had been haning out with. Fast forward a couple weeks and my friend and I had made up and he was hanging out at the house. My brother came in and covered him in mustard and was rubbing it in his hair saying dont ever fu** with my little sister. That actually felt good even though we were back on good terms. I was so happy my brother stood up for me. I think about it often now that he has passed away. I miss him so much.
damn. i was a bit of a delinquent. and me and my sis would sometimes get intro trouble. not cuz we started shit but.
one fight i had i had a shitty 1v3. my sis jumped the fence because classes are split. and she decked the shit out of 1 guy yelling STAY AWAY FROM MY BRO ASSHAT
i was like. hell yeah now its fair. sadly my sis did get expelled for 2 months for '' abusive and aggressive behaviour ''
years later i threw in a few windows and later the school shut down due to money issues. but im always glad i can count on my sis.
@@TheOfficialTarynTots How did that friend react? My condolences for your brother.
Story 3: honey the next time your parents say "if the situation was reversed... Blah blah blah" you say "If YOU treated me the ways they treated him, I cut you off as completely as he did."
Yeah either OPs parents don't know the full story or something is very wrong with them
To be fair, bringing a child into the world into a single parent household intentionally is just as bad according to the statistics
Story 1: Op is a hero! And his sister is incredibly clever.
Story 2: I am glad op reversed things and didn't let her entitled brother get away with it.
Story 3: With the husband gone you have to honor his memory. Op knows her husband wouldn't want his parents around, so that's the end of that. Don't let them around. Op is NTA.
Story 4: I would consider looking into taking them to small claims court. Also I feel so bad for the sweet innocent daughter.
I’m so glad that EK got expelled. What a monster.
You better take that blade up before Rapey Davey becomes “Zombie” Rapey Davey
I’d like to tie this back to an older r slash story where a prison guard tells a mom to discipline her child or he would be watching the child in a few years. Because his prison is no longer drug dealers and murderers, it’s full of entitled brats who were never told “no” and couldn’t understand when a girl said it.
Hot Cocoa, sandwiches and Rslash is the perfect, most balanced breakfast.
@Celebratle 💀
That is so weird, it's EXACTLY what I'm eating while watching this. But for a very balanced dinner.
Idk man, not sure how good hot cocoa would taste with sandwiches. Maybe if they were pb and j
I thought the word RSlash was raisins lol
That sounds lovely
I wouldn’t want the abusive parents in my son’s life either for JUST the reasons Rslash has illustrated. In fact, I’d alert the police for harassment.
let the other relatives pop out a kid they can play grandparents too
I agree. If they kept showing up at my house, even when I went to great lengths to getting a restraining order, they would be met with cuffs or a bullet. It's their choice.
Don't forget restraining order.
Story 3: Thank you for voicing literally everything I was screaming at the screen while you read the post. Those parents don’t deserve anything, and the mother should file for a restraining order if they’re literally showing up at her house over this.
First story: OP you’re a good brother and a kind person, because if someone did that to my sister, they would be in the hospital.
Learn the difference between You're and your. You're means you are and your is something that belongs to you. It's not that difficult.
@@whyuu25 better?
@@whyuu25 It's TH-cam dude stfu.
Also "OverThinker" yeah about absolutely trivial things that don't matter. So long as the point is conveyed and understandable there's zero issue. They could be like 8 years old and haven't learnt that yet, they could be 16 but English is a second language for them.
There's so many variables that you being a wanker doesn't really help, everyone eventually figures it out if they want/need to.
@@whyuu25 Grammatically correct but the condescending tone pegs you as an individual that most people aren't going to want to interact with for more than 30 seconds.
Likewise with me as well for my sister, even though I'm the younger sibling of the two of us. I guarantee you that whoever thinks laying any kind of harm on my sister is a "good idea" would find themselves with broken fingers *and* broken wrists.
But I seriously feel for the dad of the turd in that story, because that one must have been a really horrid thing to live through.
Imagine trying your absolute damned best as a responsible, upstanding ex-military guy to instill good and responsible behavior into your kid, and then find out one day after you've been called into a parent-teacher meeting that said kid of yours had been threatening and doing god knows what to other girls and that your own wife is busted blatantly insisting it was excusable. And worse, the older brother of one of those victims would have been punished for doing the right thing.
I just hope things don't lead to the implied-to-be-now-ex-wife deciding to make his life hell for divorcing her.
"Alright so we're checking out the only sub where a woman allows her kid to assault other kids... it's r/entitledparents."
yes honey its ok to sexually assault other kids.
dad: hold up what.
also depends on where you are from i think. this could have severe issues for dad.
I read that in my head with Gray's voice lol
@@Juzokinnie like you were supposed to
The last story: you know Rslash is seething in rage when he either yells too loud or lowers his voice too low.
I got chills
OP, my mother was extremely abusive and doesn’t think she’s ever done anything wrong, and my adoptive sister refuses point blank to allow her kids around my biological family, she knows how toxic they are. My mother allowed my brother to physically abuse me whilst she psychologically abused me, and is fully aware that my brother has been a danger around my nieces and nephew. None of my adoptive family can ever trust them, and I can never trust them, and we’ll never allow them to be around the kids. They’ve kicked up a fuss, tried harassing me through others, tried guilt tripping, straight up harassed me and somehow believe they “deserve” contact with my adoptive family, but none of us want contact with them and know they’re dangerous.
Thankfully we haven’t had any buttholes try to tell us “they deserve a second chance”, because your late husbands parents HAD a chance when he was still ALIVE, they chose to destroy any chances they had, and that’s on them and they have to live with that. It’s called consequences to their actions, they don’t like being held accountable and are now trying to bully you into giving in, so do NOT give in to these buttholes, they don’t respect you or your late husband.
I respect the guy from story 1, he has a lot of self restraint. Idk of i could stop kicking the shit out of him if I saw anyone backing my sister into a corner. And after I learned what he said I would have to fight him one more time. That story got my blood boiling
Story 1: As an older brother, I fully support OP's actions against that creep. If it was my sister, EK wouldn't be on the ground but IN it.
EM: *"Well the bitch was asking for it, talking to my son like that!"*
**Everyone HATED that.**
EM: *"wHY ArE YoU bOoINg Me?! I'm RiGHt!"*
The funny thing about the original meme is the guy WAS right! Still doesn’t mean the EM is right of course, but ye
Peter Griffin**(loads shotgun)** : _“I Just Wanna Talk To Her!”_
Story 2: I really hope she pressed charges for fraud.
And cut your stepbrother off from your phone plan
Last story: I agree with Rslash, any person who qualifies as an entitled person I consider Pathetic!!!
Love the disgust in his voice when he said that.
Man, this bullying thing needs to stop. Daily stresses, grades and stuff, the life at school is bad enough for students even without bullying.
The phone story: I love that post-hoc justification for keeping the phones. "He deserves the phone because of what you said to him after he got the phone he shouldn't have with your money"
Story 1: Why were there no mentions of charges being pressed against the ES and EM? And yes, I do believe that the EM should be charged as well, because what she said should be counted as making herself an accomplice. Every idiot who says “Well, she was asking for it” should be held as an accomplice to the sexual assault in question, if not charged with sexual assault outright by proxy.
I'm genuinely surprised the phone company actually reversed the charge and flagged the phones as stolen.
Probably took a LOT of doing, but the account was properly notated and it was 100% their fault. Used to work help desk for a web hosting company and if it came to legal action we would 100% lose that case and be responsible for fees so it is an easy thing to do but sometimes getting a phone rep to read the comments and get to that point and do it can take hours to days of time to accomplish.
These days phone companies record all conversations with their customer service people, and I don't know what it's like in other places but where I live you can demand to get that recording. They also know many people record such calls on their end. That has resulted in some surprising instances of them admitting guilt because they know ultimately it can be proven that they did something wrong, especially when the issue involves something expensive like in this case because then people have incentive to take the matter further
@@limiv5272 yeah i always get the : this call will be recorded for bla bla. mostly training ends or whatever.
so one time with the provider i had this guy went on a rant i never said shit like that. i contacted them by email to get another dude on.
and then went: so he said i never said DOWNGRADE my package. i suddenly have to pay 50 euros a month? and he upgraded it once.
the guy went : o shit really? uhm hold on. got a manager on and he said let me see where it is. i told him the date which helped. and the guy was fired on the spot.
seems it wasnt a first time offense. as they got multiple calls and emails saying : why does this bussiness randomly increase my bundles.
@@center4nerds yep. A++ for that rep for thoroughly noting the account. Covered them and the customer.
Why did OP not tell his girlfriend to not be giving out the wifi? This whole incident was caused by her giving it away without consulting OP
Proberly doesn't like confrontation whereas OP wouldn't hesitate to tell them no
@@peanutbutter7357 she doesn't even have to tell them no, just ignore all knocks and avoid eye contact. If you pretend you don't speak English, even if you clearly do, they'll get the picture and screw off. There's a million different ways to say no without ever saying it or even saying a word.
To be fair, she was giving it out on good faith, and might not have necessarily believed OP had he told her the truth- because, being a sweet person that she seems to be, given her generosity, she likely wouldn't have any reason to think otherwise, especially if they pulled the "daughter" card on her, as well.
There's also the matter that it simply might not have occurred to OP to do in the first place.
@Chris G What do you mean shouldn’t have to? If she was paying for it then she can do what she likes with it, but OP was the one paying for it, not her, she should have asked OP if it was alright to give passwords to the neighbors
I hope that kid from that last story makes it big on youtube so she can get away from her bad- no wait... irresponsible parents.
"Scamming money out of your own daughter, that's just pathetic."
Literally my words, word for word.
Last story: glad that the daughter was more understanding, like, why the hell would you use your own daughter on your own benefit? And that note “my Internet”? Like… dude, your daughter gave you money to pay for your OWN Internet
For the last story it seems like op could have the daughter pay for the internet so she can do what she needs since she was paying her parents and seems like an actually good person
No. The daughter didn't do anything wrong. Don't encourage the parents to steal from the girl. The parents were scamming the girl for money and OP for his internet. What OP should have done was start billing them for the data they were using or calling the cops on them for fraud
@@seanwhitman8353 no the parents get no money the girl pays the op for internet maby less then before but not free and the parents go without
I have a story about the thing with the Internet. My next door neighbour couldn't afford the Internet for his home, he's a single dad who has his daughter like half the week. So we gave him ours. She uses to watch disney films and you tube. In return he takes the bins out for me, will run and extend if I need and is always willing to help with the garden.
Its such a simple thing to just be considerate with your neighbours, I feel it must take more effort to be a butt hole.
Who would’ve thought that he can’t take a hit in RUGBY
Karen's after realising that they don't own the world: 💀
I doubt any Karen has ever reached that level of enlightenment
@@limiv5272 hahaha u r under estimating Karens my guy
Story 3 - OP you absolutely would not be the buttonhole. That is ypur child, and as a parent your doing what you thibk is best and that's what matters. I'm in kind of the same predicament. My bio mom wants to meet my son but she was against my pregnancy since the beginning and kicked me out bc of it, talked crap about me and my bf and a few other things that I won't get into. Regardless if they are family they are toxic.
Story 1: same way I raised my 6 kids (3 boys, 3 girls) don't start the fight, but you finish it!
Story 4: No good deed goes unpunished. Get your own internet. Not only that, the fact that the daughter is paying the parents for internet is trashy as H.
Oh, and that note being glued to the door is probably some sort of vandalism. You can't just simply get glue off of a door.
Also tell your girlfriend to stop giving away your internet, at least not without talking to you first.
@@d.phantomfan1216 yeah i was like the fuck? at least tell him what u did. she kinda stole then to if u think about it.
but the glue thing... i would not let that shit slide.
The line between "entitled" and "evil" gets slimmer with every installment of this series.
"Scamming money out of your own children? That's just pathetic."
- rSlash words to live by
12:26 "you do not want them in *you* or your sons live" - dafaq rslash, that's disgusting! true, but disgusting!
Second story: So now we see in OP's family some curse words is worse than stealing 2 grands from family members.
The last story reminded me of when we used to give our neighbor's daughter a ride to school to help them out since both parents are working and have to go to work early. Everything was fine for a couple of months until my wife found a job and she had to take my daughter and neighbor's kid to school right at 7am or my wife will be late to her job. My wife informed the kid's mom of this and asked her to make sure their daughter is ready to leave at 7am so she can ride with them to school. The first few days worked out well then by the following week the neighbor's daughter started to come out later which caused my wife to be late. My wife put up with this for a week and did ask the kid's mom when she had to knock at their door to look for their kid to please get her ready on time next time. But after a week more of this where the daughter was always coming out late and my wife asking the kid's mom politely to please get their daughter ready, she finally gave her an ultimatum that if their daughter is not outside at 7am the following week that she will be forced to leave her as she is now in jeopardy of losing her job if she is always late. The following Monday came and its 7am. My wife and daughter are in the car and the neighbor's daughter was not outside. My wife then left without her without knocking at their door. That afternoon we found a very angry note on our door from the mom saying how she was late for her job because my wife left their daughter without even letting them know and how my wife knows that she has a tight schedule and how inconsiderate she was and blah blah blah. My wife was distraught and I decided to write a note to our neighbor informing them how we volunteered to help them without even being asked, without asking for any gas money and how we did gave their kid a ride because we thought it was the neighborly thing to do. The following day the kid's dad knocked on our door, apologized profusely to my wife and I which my wife accepted. As an aside, apparently the dad did not know what was happening until HE saw the note I wrote and put on their door. My daughter and their kid remained friends but after that, they never sent their daughter out to ride with my wife and kid again.
Last story: something tells me she probably watches you as well.
As someone who works with a phone company , this is why we are told to take notes on everything that went on... despite calls also being recorded.
Story 4: My mom actually pass something similar. Our neighbor ask for our internet and my mom say no but she was willing to help her get the same deal. She got very pissed off, to the point that she put her own internet, but the cable passed across our yard and was tangled on our tree. My mom to avoid confrontation, she never said anything until hurricane season came in. The tree was constantly pulling and grinding the tree, my mom response "I never told you to pass the cable on me yard" 😂
That first story had me fuming, but I was actually very happy when I heard that OP had autism, having it myself, after hearing/seeing so many comments about how bad it is.
I’m also autistic. Nice to meet you!
@@retro3188 same to you!! ^_^
@@The_Nightsong same to both of you!
glad to see there’s more with autism
The neighbors in that last story are insane. Genuinely insane.
Edit: Stealing money from their own kid and then weaponizing that kid to try to manipulate people? Someone needs to save that kid.
10:20 "my parents had nothing to do with his parents" got me a bit lol. poor op though
also the daughter in the last one... no wonder she reads this sub
This made me unreasonably angry so thought it might be worth tossing my coin in
Story 3 (crazy in-laws): NO! If they wanted a second chance they should have tried harder while their OWN CHILD was still alive. If they wanted a piece of their son then they shouldn't have abused him. OP in the story made exactly the right choice, if they made any other choice they would be disrespecting their husband and hurting their child. Those parents do not deserve the chance to have a relationship with OP's son as they would most likely mistreat him as they mistreated their own son. They dug their own grave and now they must lay in it!
10:19 "my parents had nothing to do with his parents"
Well said r/slash, well said
I notice he changes words around all the time and sometimes it's for the better for the story/organizing thoughts/make things clearer/etc. but other times he's completely messing up the story oof, lol I pause so much and have to reread what I just heard myself
@@dynamo116 lmao same
“I don’t approve of the language but I approve of your message” is actually so wholesome of dad lol
And what are her parents talking about "if the roles were reversed"?? Well good thing they aren't! So keep respecting Op's boundaries and her wishes regarding HER child! Just tell the inlaws it's not their sons, they'll drop all contact.
Your husband tell you not to let his parents come to his own funeral, and doesn’t talk to them for 20 years. You couldn’t possibly get a bigger red flag then that.
My son's father's mother assaulted me while I was pregnant. Her family tried to excuse it. My son hasn't met anyone in his dad's family. You can't assault a pregnant woman and then demand access to their baby.
So to OP with the grandparent problem, don't feel bad. No reason to.
its always amazing to find the dads and husbands to karens are often ashamed of their actions , why marry in to that insanity ?
People change, sometimes for the worse. Or sometimes the husband was once as bad but he changed for the better. And sometimes people only see their partner’s better sides when dating, and don’t discover their worst sides until after marriage.
That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if divorce proceedings are in that couple’s future.
Love is blind, unfortunately. 😞
or, at least, stay married once the mask comes off and the Karen comes out
@@stardf29 fair enough , and does make sense , but to stay with the karen always amazes me lol your the husband put your woman in her place in public lol THEN watch the fire works :P like that one husband did who gave the redditor $50 in front of the wife and laughed then they drove a way with her freaking out lol
I love listening to your podcasts while I detail cars
Oooh. That emotional delivery of "That is pathetic." Well done.
Re: crazy in laws
The mere fact that they are harassing OP means, to me, that they have not changed at all. Ask them what are the things that they did wrong and what will they do in the future if the same thing happens. I doubt they would know.
I hope the guy in the last story gave his internet password to the daughter. She knew her parents were entitled before; now she really knows.
I hope he didn't. Do you think her parents wouldn't demand she give it to them also?
Absolutely not. He doesn't owe the girl anything. And she is capable enough to earn her own money for internet.
when i heard that intro i nearly dropped my drink in the laundry i was folding holy shit. starting out guns blazing i see.
“My parents had nothing to do with his parents” lmao. I love it when that stuff sneaks in.
The phone story gave me joy. I am assuming it was T-mobile, since it was similar to how my (parents') phone plan is. I don't live with my parents but I am still on their family plan. I wanted a new phone last year but I couldn't buy it without being an authorized user. It was a huge hassle to even get added, despite the option supposedly being online my Dad had to call their customer support twice to get me added. When I bought my phone and accessories, I paid for it in FULL so that it wouldn't be added to my parents' monthly bill. I can't imagine the trouble I would get into if I left them with that $1500 bill.
2:35 doesn't matter how strong he is, they all of the same weakness, the balls :D
"My parents had nothing to do with his parents!"
What? It wouldn't be an rSlash video if he didn't completely misread at least one thing.
Story 2: Your in-laws are trying to bully you into letting them have access to your son. This is not exactly a good sign. Ditch them and don't look back. Best of luck with your baby!
If you ever let someone temporarily use your wifi, always set up a guest login on a timer that deactivates at the time and date you set. That way you never have to worry about changing the wifi password and then changing it on every device that uses it.
Not all routers have such advanced features. Mine doesn't. I put a checkmark in the router to allow that phone's mac address and give them the password. Only thing I need to do is uncheck and they're locked out. I configured my router to auto block unless the mac address was in the allowed list.
@@rowenkylee5627 my 15 year old wifi modem had the ability lol
10:20 "my parents had nothing to do with his parents " lmaooo
You would think EM in the first story would understand that her, being a woman, would understand that kind of 'interaction' is bad.
She was probably raised in some psychotic religious household. It wouldn't surprise me if that was the case.
"My parents had nothing to do with his parents" 😂 I had to double take on that one
Lmao as if anybody would be scared of a damn theater kid knocking them out
My highschool had plenty of people from the wrestling, football, and baseball teams participate in plays. Sorry your school wasn't as much fun.
Years ago, my mom got an iPad. She didn’t have internet set up at her place. She would to Panera and their wifi. After about a month, she calls me to ask about internet at her home. She said when she tries to log on, she sees networks, “but they need passwords. How do I get the passwords?” We had to explain that those people paid for internet and lock so people like cannot use it. She wasn’t being entitled, she simply didn’t know. She signed up for her own internet.
11:24 if they are doing all that, then DONT give in. This is exactly WHY your beloved left them.
If they cant respect your boundaries, then they haven't changed. Even if it's something extremely important to them, they cant just jump boundaries to do it.
Hmm, yeah... Never trust an addict. And why should it be the sister who has to make sure the junkie has a phone? His entitled mom should have the honors to make sure he has it.
That last sentence killed me, man. Sheesh. Hope she makes some good content and gets some subs for it. It's hard to keep motivated when no one cares.
really wish we knew what her yt was.
Let's be real here, scamming in general is pathetic.
that last story had me rolling, lmao so they steal OPs internet and make their daughter pay THEM for the internet usage of OPs internet, then bitch to OP when he changes HIS password to HIS internet that HE pays for, like wtf xD
10:19 you said "my parents had nothing to do with his parents" 😆
Dabney just went all edgy anime protagonist there. 🤣
I'd glue the parents car's windshield wipers onto the windscreen if this sort neighbors dare glue notes onto my door over my own internet.
Putting glue in the keyhole is a beloved classic.
I think you gave the best advice to OP whose husband passed & he didn't want his parents in his child's was like therapist level lol..but seriously ur advice and ability to see things as unbiased and very clearly & concise you explain.
6:08 if I were OP's father I would have just punched EM into a pulp for calling OP's sister the "B" word
11:40 stand your ground, no compromises, im sorry but your child's safety above all else. If your husband was abused as a child and didn't see them fit at his death to even have them at his funeral them should not be allowed to see both of yours kid. Too often I see this situation of the parent feeling bad but as a parent you should be unapologetic about your kids wellbeing. Of course as your child grows you must let them spread their wings and as they get older let them make their own decisions but in early life is a different story.
The last one made me go “damn! Stealing from own daughter?”
I didn’t expect that
5:37 the dude IS a menace but in a very very good way
"My parents had nothing to do with his parents" I love hearing little mess ups lol
10:30 OP, thank you. On behalf of those that could, if unlucky enough, be in a similar situation one day, thank you.
Those neighbors…wow, just wow. Charging your own kid for internet you aren’t even paying for?!?!
2nd to last story, don't let the in-laws see your child, and for your parents saying if they were in that situation they want that 2nd chance... Remember that at that point you would have them cut out of your life and not care what they think so that's a pointless argument.
Yeah, that one with the mom, if this was me, I'd look my parents dead in the eye and say, "If you don't STOP pressuring me to let my husband's ABUSIVE parents near my son, not to mention they're harassing me so much I had to block them, then YOU WILL NOT see your grandkid!"
In the first story the guy literally got a rage boost seeing his sister in trouble straight up anime protagonist moment right there.
These actually stress me out, but are actually satisfying to see justice get served. I LOVE that one story with the description of the Karen mom. Because it proves that there are monsters among us. That mom and her son were like Echidna and Chimera. Anyone who thinks it's okay to do this is isn't human.
Deadpan, no jokes, no voices, straight disgust, straight facts
12:32 if their daughter needs the internet to study so bad she could set up in a library or coffee shop. those places normally have wifi and she can stay for a bit and study. I'm sure she could also find a study partner at school who has wifi and wouldn't mind studying with her together. there are solutions but i dont think their daughter studying is their priority in this case. it was good on OP to keep changing the password
On the grieving mother part. It was his >last wishes< and i wouldnt break them even if i, myself didn't agree in this context.
The last story, honestly I'd just give the daughter the password but have her refuse to tell her parents lol
Wow. Those last parents are a piece of work. How do they think It's their internet? How many lies are In that family? 🤔
Regarding the story on the crazy in-laws, good on OP for standing her ground and not letting these toxic people in her son's life. Her being pregnant with her late husband's son, does not give the in-laws any right to OP's child.