Thank you for all the testing, it’s been helping me a lot. I too, am always in the forums looking for the meta and what works and doesn’t, but seeing you test it in a video is so much more helpful
I was tired of going to the forums, asking questions, and seemingly getting into a debate or argument. Players will try and get fancy with their numbers, and its like... Where did you do that math? Where is the lroof of your math, and how did you tell and compare? No offense, but... After doing many tests, i have been able to prove that in most cases, the numbers lie, and so does the game. I found I could do the real testing without being fancy to say, "Yes or no," this works or does not. Plain and simple. I'm really glad I opened these videos up to the public. My real hope is to have Wing Fighter and Minigame look at these and fix their game. We work hard to play this, and we want all of our upgrades and features to work the way they say. We are not dumb and can test this in different ways vs. what we are told. I really appreciate your support. If you ever have questions better ways of playing or want to see a video comparison, do not hesitate to reach out. I love learning and getting better at the game. That's what it's all about.
I'm going to to the missle test in the morning. I have screwed that one up 2 times now. 😅😅😅 I will do the wing gun test after that. But when I did my first missle test, the attack rate was rhe king of them.
I did a very cool missle test yesterday, but I forgot to put the mic on 😅😅 I was surprised to see the main guns critical damage be the best but, when I did the missles yesterday, the attack rate was the best and a small inside to what the result was. Im going to do the wing gun tomorrow and the missle again the next day. Some say the base does affect other portions of the pilots and other things but, thats hard to say with no proof. Personally, I would more than likey still even out the tech for the most part. Maybe a bit higher on critical damage for the main gun and now, attack Rate for missle.
Thats make sense..coz missile is not always release like main gun or winggun...missile has interval firing, adding att speed, increase the interval firing missile
@777sate well. I have found that most of the game does not make sense. Numbers never really add up correctly. I have found many glitches and pieces of the game that do not even work. I will be doing the missle test today to prove that technology works, especially the attack rate. The videos don't lie.
50% is additive to the attack number of the gear in the gear set - if you got 10k attach on MG - you get 5k more on base. verifiable in PW with comparison
I'm made this video not only for you but, everyone else that said the 50% shows on your base weapons in planet wars. That is completely incorrect.
I haven't been playing long but I think the damage is based off your total power. I think that's the only calculation. I upgrade non selected pilots and get more damage as it still upgrades my total power.
Thank you for all the testing, it’s been helping me a lot. I too, am always in the forums looking for the meta and what works and doesn’t, but seeing you test it in a video is so much more helpful
I was tired of going to the forums, asking questions, and seemingly getting into a debate or argument. Players will try and get fancy with their numbers, and its like... Where did you do that math? Where is the lroof of your math, and how did you tell and compare? No offense, but... After doing many tests, i have been able to prove that in most cases, the numbers lie, and so does the game. I found I could do the real testing without being fancy to say, "Yes or no," this works or does not. Plain and simple.
I'm really glad I opened these videos up to the public. My real hope is to have Wing Fighter and Minigame look at these and fix their game. We work hard to play this, and we want all of our upgrades and features to work the way they say. We are not dumb and can test this in different ways vs. what we are told.
I really appreciate your support. If you ever have questions better ways of playing or want to see a video comparison, do not hesitate to reach out. I love learning and getting better at the game. That's what it's all about.
Thanks for info as usual, ur vids really help me out. Especially for u beginners 🙏
@@chrisphan4005 🙏❤️🙏
Thank you for all the testing
Means a lot.
Thx :)
The thanks is always mine.
I have heard that you want to go missile attack rate for missiles. Is this true? Also, what stat matters, if any, for wing gun?
I'm going to to the missle test in the morning. I have screwed that one up 2 times now. 😅😅😅
I will do the wing gun test after that. But when I did my first missle test, the attack rate was rhe king of them.
Do you think the increased damage from increased crit damage will also works in Planet Wars?
So is this corroborated, given my technology centre resources are limited is it best to hike crit damage above others?
I did a very cool missle test yesterday, but I forgot to put the mic on 😅😅 I was surprised to see the main guns critical damage be the best but, when I did the missles yesterday, the attack rate was the best and a small inside to what the result was. Im going to do the wing gun tomorrow and the missle again the next day. Some say the base does affect other portions of the pilots and other things but, thats hard to say with no proof. Personally, I would more than likey still even out the tech for the most part. Maybe a bit higher on critical damage for the main gun and now, attack Rate for missle.
@@WingFighterTalk interesting! I’ll look forward to the videos 👍
@@christospallis me to! 😊
Thats make sense..coz missile is not always release like main gun or winggun...missile has interval firing, adding att speed, increase the interval firing missile
@777sate well. I have found that most of the game does not make sense. Numbers never really add up correctly. I have found many glitches and pieces of the game that do not even work. I will be doing the missle test today to prove that technology works, especially the attack rate. The videos don't lie.
Thank you
The thanks is always mine.
50% is additive to the attack number of the gear in the gear set - if you got 10k attach on MG - you get 5k more on base. verifiable in PW with comparison
It's never seems to match up fully.
Nor do you see a factual increase to legion boss or titan.
I'm made this video not only for you but, everyone else that said the 50% shows on your base weapons in planet wars. That is completely incorrect.
Ummmm. Your own words saying it's verifiable in planet wars. Right here. I proved you were wrong. Cocky. Just a bit... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I haven't been playing long but I think the damage is based off your total power. I think that's the only calculation. I upgrade non selected pilots and get more damage as it still upgrades my total power.
We have done the math 100 different ways, and none of it totals right.
i can never get enough stars for this
It's a constant struggle. I have the same problem.
id jokerman