Survival Lilly Practicing With Compound Bow For The First Time

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 868

  • @SurvivalLilly
    @SurvivalLilly  7 ปีที่แล้ว +51

    BIG NEWS: I have designed my own Survival Knife called “APO-1”. You can get it now at my online store: Thank you so much for your support

    • @sAlt-jj2qf
      @sAlt-jj2qf 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Survival Lilly دجاج

    • @thrandwel1389
      @thrandwel1389 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Survival Lilly حلو يامزة

    • @Nancyjan2001
      @Nancyjan2001 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Survival Lilly with

    • @JRWahrhaftig
      @JRWahrhaftig 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lilly, can you do a tutorial on compound bows for beginners? Thank you for your videos.

    • @jonreeck8042
      @jonreeck8042 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think Apollo Tactical went out of business.

  • @animalmansurvivor1452
    @animalmansurvivor1452 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great job Lilly! It's great to see somebody who is not afraid to show that they aren't an expert all the time. To me, it makes me trust what you have to say more that way. I love watching your videos. Keep up the great work!

  • @stephenclarke3990
    @stephenclarke3990 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I really like and respect how you always "have a go", and not afraid to show your failures. Well done 👍🏼

  • @cadehill9174
    @cadehill9174 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Even though this video was three years ago, i still love watching it because most people never just shoot bows at a target which is what i want to watch, so thank you for doing this

  • @trinityfinke1796
    @trinityfinke1796 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    When knocking your arrow especially on Compounds you want the odd color fletching to be facing up. And also know the 11 steps to Success which is the steps of how to shoot a bow properly:
    1. Stance (feet shoulder width apart)
    2. Knock arrow
    3. Bow Hand (no death gripping, make sure your hand is on the grip how you want it. I recommend having your hand at an angle to the point you could put a golf ball inside the palm of your hand)
    4. String Hand (in your case attach the release to the D-Ring on your bow)
    5. Pre-draw (this is just a simple tiny push with your bow hand)
    6. Shot Setup (this is when you make sure that steps 1-5 are to your satisfaction. If something doesn’t feel right start over and wait 5-7 seconds before trying again. )
    7. Draw (just simply pull the strings back the your string hand arm.)
    8. Anchor (when finding an anchor spot I recommend using the corner of your smile. It’s ok if the string touches you a little but. And make sure you have the same anchor spot every time.
    9. Aim
    10. Release (when releasing with a trigger like you have you want to slightly squeeze the trigger to the point when the arrow leaves it actually surprises you. And you should be able to strengthen the release so it’s harder to squeeze which i do when I am changing between seasons.)
    11. Reflect (this is when you ask yourself questions like Where did it go? What did I do wrong/right? Etc.)
    Note: I would put what’s called a “Kisser button” on the string and have a local bow shop do it so you are able to get your anchor the same every time. And make sure you do all of these steps the same every time. And put together groups before making any adjustments to your sight. That what you can see that your shooting low for 5 arrows, you pull them and make the adjustment to your sight then your right in the kill zone. (Up is down, down is up, left is right and right is left) each pin adjusts separately as well. Top pin is the closest range (this could be 10 yards for example) and the bottom most pin is the farthest distance (like 60 yards)
    P.S. I compete in archery I am currently in the Junior Olympics, Scholastic 3D Archery, and shoot National Archery in the Schools program here in the U.S. and great job shooting!!

    • @samthai818
      @samthai818 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Great points for those beginning to shoot for the first time. I only opened this video because I saw that she is shooting a compound without a kisser button. This should be one of the most basic attachments to install on a bow regardless if it's a longbow, compound, or recurve.

    • @brandonmartin8258
      @brandonmartin8258 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you use a whisker biscuit? If so, the odd color fletching should be pointed directly left. I use a drop away rest, so it doesnt matter where the oddball is, but I always put it left just because of pre-shot routine. Of course, I'm not sure what equipment you have, and your system is most likely different than mine, i just wanted to tell you what works for me. I can repeatedly hit a golf ball from 41 yards.

    • @trinityfinke1796
      @trinityfinke1796 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      sam thai Yes indeed. It doesn’t matter what bow you shoot the form is the same. I shoot a compound with a thumb release, recurve releasing with fingers and a original Genesis bow releasing with fingers as well. The steps are slightly different. I shoot competitively myself only using my compound for hunting.

    • @trinityfinke1796
      @trinityfinke1796 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Brandon Martin I find when tuning a compound and really any bow it depends Me personally, I shoot a drop away rest with my “odd color” fletching up towards the sky, but slightly turned to the left so my fletching doesn’t rub too much on the rest. I also fixed the timing between the arrow when released and when the rest “drops” away. I do shoot completely using a recurve and a original Genesis bow releasing both with my fingers. With both my recurve and Genesis bow the “odd” fletching is pointed to the left. I also shoot a compound for hunting and to gain confidence. So yes I agree, it depends on equipment and the performance of the bow, whether it’s tuned or not. Thanks for the reply though. Oh, and 41 yards is a tiny distance for what I shoot competitively (just saying) lol. I shoot 70 yards with my recurve to compete.

    • @brandonmartin8258
      @brandonmartin8258 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@trinityfinke1796 thanks for your reply. Back in the day, I remember people bragging that they could hit a pie plate at 40. No matter what you have, 70 is impressive. Tech has come a long way since I was young. I've been shooting bow for only about 19 or 20 months, so I have a lot to learn, of which i am eager. Reading between, the guy who set up my bow told me to always do it the same way every time, which I already knew from golf. However, I also believe in Bruce Lee. Be like water. Whatever I can learn and try, I'm willing. However proficient I am, I dont yet know that what I'm doing is best for me, so the search continues. I welcome and appreciate any advice. Also apologies, for I often say antagonistic things on here just because it's more effective at getting responses, opening dialogue, and procuring information that I would not have gotten otherwise.

  • @spiritualastronomy
    @spiritualastronomy 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow, Survival Lilly your videos are outstanding!
    You have captured me as a fan! I'm an Eagle Scout from the United States, and I learned most of what you are teaching when I was a scout. I'm an adult now, but once an Eagle Scout always an Eagle Scout. The Boy Scouts are global, and I know you have Boy Scouts in Austria. As a Boy Scout, I was very fortunate to be a member of an elite Scout Troop. I grew up in a wealthy area, a suburb of Cleveland, OH. The adult leaders of my Troop were doctors, lawyers, engineers, CPAs, architects, and businessmen. Therefore we had access to the best equipment, travel, adventure, and opportunities. We had great adult leadership.
    We got drilled in the lessons you are teaching.
    I studied my Boy Scout Handbook all the time. I loved learning about camping, cooking, backpacking, fishing, shooting, wilderness survival, first-aid and everything else we could do, like sailing, rock climbing, white water paddling, winter camping, SCUBA diving, the list goes on and on.
    I am sharing this with you because you are right on. Excellent well made videos!
    I also watched your video where you teach how to make a good TH-cam video. Very well done.
    Your videos are text book perfect. You teach with an easy, relaxed style. Your English is excellent and I personally love your accent. You are attractive, your glasses look good on you, you have beautiful hair, and you are in great shape. I say this because you probably desire feedback on your videos and I'm telling you what a TV executive would say when looking at an actress. Does she fit the part? Is she believable? Do people like her? I'm not saying you should be an actress in the "Hunger Games"...You certainly are a good shot with your bow, and that does not come easily.
    Next, your clothes. You wear the same clothes or similar outfits and this gives you an image. It works. You almost always wear green. I also notice you never really look dirty, your dog looks dirty sometimes, but your hair is always clean. Hey I agree, keep clean. As a scout out in the field for a few days, I got dirty, especially from campfires. I was just a teenage boy back then. But there is a lot to learn about hygine in the wilderness.
    I'm writing this to encourage you to keep making videos. You will never run out of topics. You are a crafty woman, and it seems you have received extensive training in the outdoors. Where did you get your training? I'm writing this because you are not like other TH-cam videos that are wrong or poorly made.
    Men are fascinated with woman who can hold their own in the woods. Maybe it is because not many woman are interested in playing in the woods. Sure, woman go camping and hunting; but mostly it is a male dominated sporting environment. Therefore, when a woman shows up who really enjoys the outdoors and knows her stuff...we think that is cool. Your videos are of professional quality and I they pass my Boy Scout Handbook test. And just in case you are wondering, I know Army Rangers who say the Boy Scout Handbook is better than the Army Ranger Handbook. I guess it just depends on what you are looking for?
    I just wanted to send you this note Lilly, because I'm watching your videos from Tampa, Florida... and people all around the world are giving you thumbs up for good work. Good job. When you are ready for jungle training, contact me:
    I'll show you the Everglades, alligators, jungle camping, deep sea fishing, coastal sailing, snorkeling, and mermaids. Well, maybe not mermaids...they are hard to find sometimes.
    -Capt. Jack

    @METALVERM 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am very impressed with this Apollo compound bow. I like the fact that as a beginner you were able to make adjustments on the fly. Looking forward to more videos with your new bow. Great job Lilly!

  • @jeffreydurocher2066
    @jeffreydurocher2066 8 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Great job Lilly! I've been shooting compounds for the last 18 years and now have both of my children and my wife involved in the sport. Here are a couple of quick tips for you to help you get started. Determine your draw length base by measuring the distance between your middle fingers when your arms are fully stretched out to your sides. Have someone measure that length behind your back, finger tip to finger tip, then divide that number by 2.5 (example, my son has a measurement of 63.5 inches, when divided by 2.5 his draw length is 25.4. You can start there and see what works. Also, your draw length will affect the draw weight so figure out your draw length first then move on the pull weight. A good rule of thumb for draw weight is to pull back as much weight as you can without having to point the bow anywhere other then straight ahead. Pointing it up or down to gain leverage means you are pulling too much weight. I hope this helps and thanks for all the great videos.

    • @SurvivalLilly
      @SurvivalLilly  8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      +Jeffrey Durocher aha ok thanks, good to know :)

    • @bowhunter65ful
      @bowhunter65ful 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Jeffrey Durocher I agree on that. Also, get your arrows cut to your draw length. Too long an arrow, causes the arrow to plane. The weight is not distributed evenly that way.

    • @Jefduro1
      @Jefduro1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Stan Quick I was going to also mention that and arrow spine as well but figured it would be better to take one step at a time.
      Survival Lilly, once you have the proper draw length and draw weight determined you should purchase arrows that are suited for that draw length and weight. When the arrow is launch from the bow it flexes significantly. The flex is controlled by the arrow spine. Having the correct spine (weight) means you will get much tighter groups at farther distances when you do that. As for length, most suggest a length that puts the front of the shaft of the arrow about 1" (25.4mm) forward of the arrow rest, a little more if you use broadhead tips for hunting. Archery shooting and hunting is all about consistency. Consistent draw, anchor, arrow weights and lengths, etc. It's a great hobby, enjoy!

    • @ammoshortage
      @ammoshortage 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also keep in mind that properly cut arrows, measured and fit to your draw length, will also improve your accuracy. Jeffrey Durocher is correct about the draw length too. Don't be afraid to drop your draw weight down a bit to a more comfortable setting and work up from there. Great job!

    • @sophiezuckman4615
      @sophiezuckman4615 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      hi Lilly, I love your videos so much! Please tell me if i'm wrong, but I think you are insuring the arrow upside down. with compound bows with weird rests like that, I would flip the arrow over the arrow so the odd color is facing up.

  • @christoforospaphitis4090
    @christoforospaphitis4090 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Are you kidding me, first time shooting a bow? This is excellent arrow concentration

  • @melissajennings8185
    @melissajennings8185 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nice bow. It doesnt take you long to learn something, you started shooting that bow like you had been doing it all your life. Your awesome!!

  • @IndianaBushcrafter
    @IndianaBushcrafter 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    a few small tips, i've been shooting bow for 18 years. the trigger on the caliper release i found to be more comfortable away from my cheek, then i place my trigger finger behind the trigger when i draw to make sure i dont accidently release on draw. (arrows are expensive and hard to get from up a tree lol). also take the bow to someone who can tune the rest, nock, and peep for you. the arrow will jump out of the rest if not level from the nock through the rest. the arrow jump greatly increases the deflection of the arrow causing the arrow to undulate much more in flight. properly tuned bows are much more consistant. google paper tuning a compound bow. best of luck. great vid and thanks for all you do.

  • @tommylitchfield3450
    @tommylitchfield3450 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi Survival Lilly. I just discovered you here on youtube today, and am impressed with your site. For someone new to compounds, I gotta say, you really took to shooting with a release quickly! It's easy for someone new to releases to touch the trigger while drawing and shoot an arrow as you are drawing, which can send it anywhere. Another thing that helps with consistent shooting with a short compound is to make sure not to squeeze the grip, which puts sideways torque on the bow. That's why the para-cord strap is so useful-it keeps the bow in your hand while using a loose grip, really just pulling against the meaty part of your hand between your thumb and forefinger, and just barely wrapping your thumb, index and middle fingers around the grip. Another tip that nobody asked for :) is when adjusting sights, chase a miss with a front sight, and correct a miss with a back sight. Since a bow uses an adjustable front sight, you follow your misses with your sight pins to correct misses. By that, I mean if you are shooting high, raise your pin. If you are shooting to the right, move your pin to the right. A rear sight, like most firearms works opposite. If you are shooting high, lower the sight. If you are shooting right, move the sight to the left. Hope that helps someone.

  • @kmrenard
    @kmrenard 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bought my 1st compound bow last year and completed my 1st deer hunt with a bow. It's a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing your experience

  • @johnpenn8091
    @johnpenn8091 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't know about everyone else, but for me the bow experience began with the traditional longbow then I went into my compound bow phase, spent a lot of money on different compound bows and enjoyed them. Now, I find myself embracing the longbow again...Great video Lilly :)

  • @steve45ca
    @steve45ca 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    nice shooting! I love archery, i wish i had gotten into it sooner than i did. cheers Lily!

  • @kennethsteele8808
    @kennethsteele8808 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like this girl,I'm 71 years old been hunting and shooting bows ( recurves,compounds and crossbows for 55 years ) this young lady knows her stuff.

  • @kitkit5450
    @kitkit5450 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    my hubby has been wanting to get me a bow he was the one that told me about you and your show it made his day to find girls that do bushcraft hes bin trying to get me into it so as a woman im very happy you are out there showing the world that its not just a mans thing. my hubby is very good at all this and hes very much happy you are showing othet girls that we are just as good as the men. you rock xx

  • @texlittle1314
    @texlittle1314 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    After watching your videos . I got my first compound bow today. It's awesome. Thank you Lilly. You go girl.

  • @ln2596
    @ln2596 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly, I have been watching your videos for some time now and subscribed a few days back.
    You are a truly interesting person and bring the viewers right into what you are doing .love the exuberance that comes out of you ,keep your smile and joy Lilly.
    From America .

  • @themoosehillclimb8829
    @themoosehillclimb8829 ปีที่แล้ว

    I personally always put the odd coloured fletching upwards when inserting the arrow... Not that it is the only way obviously but I like to keep it consistent. I've also been told that not over gripping the bow and keeping your hand relaxed and allowing the bow to fall into the groove between your thumb and palm is also important. I'm far from an expert though. I've been shooting for a few years but still learning new stuff all the time from the veteran shooters. Another great video Lilly! Your videos are always very informative and inspiring to watch. I am particularly partial to the archery and knife testing videos. Take care! All the best to you und your family!

  • @michiwonderoutdoors2282
    @michiwonderoutdoors2282 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Lilly , I'm amazed at modern bow technology , 25 to 70# weight adjustment is fantastic .

  • @BornRandy62
    @BornRandy62 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I look forward to seeing yours and Stephis videos every time. They are like sunshine. I always end up smiling.

  • @lburrell1965
    @lburrell1965 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are such a bad ass Lilly ! Getting that bow to draw before you adjusted the draw length was impressive ! You are clearly strength in a small package !

  • @monicajones8450
    @monicajones8450 8 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    That is a nice bow. You did great Lilly. This is something I would like to try. Thanks for sharing.

    • @voxpopuli905
      @voxpopuli905 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Try Diamond Edge320. Vastly superior. Trust me I have one. Among several others

  • @Bowhunterwt
    @Bowhunterwt 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Keep practicing are doing great

  • @tammyamri8784
    @tammyamri8784 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    if you would like to learn compound archery the correct way follow nock on archery and nock on tv. most important make sure your draw length is correct which is arm spand divide by 2.5 and tip of nose on string also that your rest has been paper tuned.

  • @pwrplnt1975
    @pwrplnt1975 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great Video Lilly!! I checked that set up out on Amazon and for about 700.00 you can't beat it! I found it really cool that you can adjust everything with tools included with no bow press!!

  • @jdavidbaxter
    @jdavidbaxter 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love your videos! Tip for shooting a bow using trigger. Keep your finger behind the trigger until you are ready to fire, that way you won't accidentally release the arrow before you intend to do so, possibly sending it off into the woods.

  • @stevekushman3030
    @stevekushman3030 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    You did a nice job adjusting that bow to fit your reach and shooting style. A few days of practice and it will be smooth, accurate, and comfortable. Nice Job.

  • @russromstadt6293
    @russromstadt6293 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly , The more you shoot the easier the pull ,I hold my breath before release just like rifle.Have always loved bow hunting !

  • @crazy4offroad
    @crazy4offroad 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    My advice, get a couple square bails of straw and put your target flat in front of it, the stacked layers of foam in the target perform better when the arrows go straight in. Also concentrate on keeping the bow perfectly vertical and a clean, motionless release. Also keep watch on your peepsight tubing, I have to replace mine each hunting season, it dry-rots easily. Then, you should go somewhere bow hunting is legal! I was surprised to see It is not allowed in Austria. Very good shooting Lilly, it is something you have to practice often to keep!

  • @johnnyvonline1862
    @johnnyvonline1862 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think you inserted the arrow up-side-down in the arrow rest. the odd color vane (fletching) should be pointed so It doesn't collide with the bristles of the 3 brushes in the arrow rest after the arrow is released.

  • @dougswanson7391
    @dougswanson7391 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wonderful video. Archery is underappreciated in survival

  • @TheOutdoorLife
    @TheOutdoorLife 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    It might have been suggested already in the comments below but, draw your bow using your back muscles instead of your arm strength. Do this by pushing one arm and pulling the other at the same time all in one motion. You should feel the muscle after a bit in between your shoulder blades doing the work.
    Lilly, I admire your desire to try new things. A huge 👍 to you!

  • @tim7of717
    @tim7of717 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly, look at your left hand. At the base of your hand you have a pocket where your thumb pad meets your hand. Now turn your hand around as if you were holding your bow. The handle of your bow should go between your thumb and index finger and the pocket at the base of your hand. Your knuckles should be at a 45 degree angle with the bottom of your hand pointing at 8 o'clock. Allow two fingers to relax around the handle (not gripping) and your ring and pinky tucked back against your hand. Your left hand should be completely relaxed, you won't drop your bow. This works for compound or recurve. You'll also notice this rotates your forearm more out of the way from the string. Allow a slight bend to your left arm. Happy shooting.

  • @rooramblingon895
    @rooramblingon895 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow, Tim's release action was excellent. No snatch at all....
    That's a lovely bow.

  • @vitodelorto1796
    @vitodelorto1796 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful kit. You are doing something a little more akin to shooting a long gun now, with the addition of front and rear sites. You rocked your first session. You are going to get addicted to the power stored in those horizontal limbs and giant cams, real quick. You are also going to find that you will be able to draw more and more weight, rapidly. Every week or two, depending on how much you shoot that bow, give yourself some more draw weight. After say, a dozen sessions, turn one limb screw in about half a turn. Measure the distance from the riser at that limb, to the string. Go to the other limb screw and tighten it until you have the same measurement from the riser at the limb, to the string, top and bottom. Directions often tell you to give equal rotations on the limb screws. What they are trying to achieve or maintain is the bow string being parallel with the riser. You simply can't miss with a ruler. Anyway, good luck and enjoy your beautiful bow!

  • @RedBrow-96
    @RedBrow-96 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent video Lilly! I actually sell bows in the US for a living a
    few tips for you. Firstly your draw length is taken by measuring your
    wing span and dividing that by 2.5 (I have a 72 inch wingspan and shoot a
    29 inch draw length). As for your poundage, I would start out around
    30lbs and move up from there. You should be able to draw the bow
    smoothly without raising or lowering it while sitting. Once you are
    able to do that you are at a correct weight. Another thing it when you
    attach your release, the trigger part of it should point out away from
    your face to avoid hitting your face. You also should move your rest up
    some. Judging by what I saw your rest and d loop aren't aligned. That
    is why your arrows keep deflecting and hit the target at an angle. You
    can fix this by moving your rest up. Another important tip is to keep a
    loose grip on the handle. You don't actually need to grip it at all it
    only needs to rest between your thumb and first finger and the pressure
    from drawing the bow will keep it in place (your bow should also
    balance on your hand at that spot). When you grip the bow handle to
    tightly you torque your bow and become inaccurate. Also make sure sure you tighten up the screw on your bow sight. It should be lose at all. When you are ready to sight it in most people start at 20 yards. Move the entire sight up/down and left/right until you have the first (top) pin set. From then on all you need to do it move the lower pins down to account for the drop at further distances (30,40,50 yards, or whatever increments you choose). It is important to note that when sighting in a bow it is opposite of a rifle. With a bow if your shot is to the right you move the sight right. Same with all other directions. I hope this helps you out some. Keep up the hard work! Archery is a very fun and rewarding sport. It is also very fun to bow hunt. Please Please Please ask me if you have any other questions about archery or getting your bow set up correctly for you.

  • @hop1414
    @hop1414 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Enjoy watching you shoot! Research paper tuning. 1st thing to do in compound accuracy. It will tighten your groups at longer range and correct your arrow flight.

  • @tammyamri8784
    @tammyamri8784 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    learn compound archery the correct way and follow nock on tv and nock on archery. also for lily I saw a few things that you can adjust your form/shooting. one is your odd vane should be up not down when loaded, next is the trigger on the release at full draw should be pointing out not in your check, paper tune your rest, and last thing correct draw length is arm spand divide by 2.5

  • @darkone1685
    @darkone1685 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly turn the trigger release toward the out side! So its more like pulling the trigger on a gun! Plus if you bump the release on your clothes or your hair it wont miss fire accidentally! Also might find some accuracy like that?

  • @eqlzr2
    @eqlzr2 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Lily. I'm new to archery, and I just got a Bear Cruzer RTH compound bow a few days ago after developing some soreness in my right shoulder from trying to hold my Samick Sage recurve bow back at full draw to aim a bit better. As you know, it is typically much much easier to hold a compound bow at full-draw to aim. One thing I think I noticed about your shooting technique is that you seemed to draw your compound bow with your finger ON the trigger of your release. My understanding is that this can cause accidentally release of the arrow, and that it is much safer to draw the bow with your finger actually behind the trigger, only placing your finger in front of the trigger when you are ready to shoot. Many thanks for your informative vids! ;-)

  • @tylersmith1869
    @tylersmith1869 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    And a tip for you. Make sure that the trigger for the release aid is facing out and not in toward your face.

  • @docleafman
    @docleafman 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly, First of all thank you for all of your instruction and videos. Just a bit of advice on your compound shooting. Relax your grip a bit more and remove the quiver before shooting. Both will reduce the side to side twist in the bow. Go with a good hip or back quiver for carrying the arrows. Keep bring the good stuff!!! Cheers

  • @derekpoosbug
    @derekpoosbug 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    +Survival Lilly the pull was a struggle, get a lighter pullback weight. My first bow for some dumb reason was 65lb's so I am use to it but still its a struggle. Have fun -Derek

  • @tinaturner134
    @tinaturner134 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    This awesome bushcraft video and I am glad to support survival lily and her bushcraft video are amazing and her bushcraft channel too

  • @TheEvilj1
    @TheEvilj1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    With some of the arrows having broadhead tips already on them I would look into getting some pods to slip over them. If you are unfortunate enough to have an arrow get loose or just bump your string against one of them. It almost instantly sever the string, and ruin a day of shooting.

  • @brandonmartin8258
    @brandonmartin8258 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I've been shooting compound quite a bit over the past couple years. Trust me on this. Your arrow should come no further than 2 inches past the arrow rest when at full draw. What I mean is, when you're at full draw and ready to shoot, the point of your arrow should be right around where your left index finger is.

  • @stevegartman113
    @stevegartman113 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    One thing that helped me get more accurate earlier on, is to reduce your draw weight to start with, find that perfect feeling draw length. As your accuracy increases then slowly increase your draw weight over a period of weeks. Also there is a technique the chinese use where you start by holding the string stationary and pushing out with your hand that's holding the bow as you start to draw back the string. You will find what works best for you. Viel Glück wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß mit ihm! Tschüss!

  • @Army880
    @Army880 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great first time shooting. I have the same bow. It's a lot of fun I shoot it roughly 30 times a day on average. If I may point out to keep the white fletching facing the sky and the two blue fletchings facing the ground; so when it goes through the brush rest you don't have an issue breaking off a fletching. Overall glad to see you enjoy the bow package.

  • @pfalky2k
    @pfalky2k 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly. to find your correct draw length. stretch out your arms & measure fingertip to fingertip, then divide by 2.5.

  • @lifeiswonderful7986
    @lifeiswonderful7986 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    That was awesome Lilly! Congrats on the new bow! Nice shooting also. Thanks for the information on this particular compound bow.

  • @BlackRifleSurvival
    @BlackRifleSurvival 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    You did very good shooting the bow, thank you for the review. Very cool Lilly

  • @beepot2764
    @beepot2764 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sweet! I've never been a fan of the compound bow, I just can't find my rhythm while shooting, but I can appreciate how awesome that bow is! Cool video again Lilly, thanks for sharing!

  • @renatoloo579
    @renatoloo579 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    it's recomenbable to put the white fletching up ,and the other 2 down other way you could broke of your arrow and it give you more acurracy.

  • @virgosintellect
    @virgosintellect 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fishtailing flight, appears your arrow rest is below your nock point. Raise the arrow rest or lower your nock point to clear up the wobble.

  • @AB-C1
    @AB-C1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another great video! You don't give yourself enough credit! You're like every guys ideal woman outdoorsy, very handy with tools DIY, multi skilled, in fact I'd dare say most people don't have the skills you have in half the fields you do whether man or woman! You always make spot on videos to the point (excuse the pun!) Extremely thorough, informative and accurate full of accurate information and you also seem to be an excellent hunter!
    Keep making great videos! Very entertaining and informative!!
    Best wishes from London England 👍💪👏🙏

  • @UziRyder1
    @UziRyder1 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    It was a bit hard to tell looking at the video because the target is tilted, but if your arrows are not horizontal to the ground that would indicate that the spine (stiffness) of the arrow is not appropriate for the draw weight of the bow.

  • @georgemcdaniel8625
    @georgemcdaniel8625 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly;I enjoy your videos so much that I watch the advertisements all the way through to support you.Great channel.

  • @TELAL23
    @TELAL23 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there. As i see from video, i can say one thing - try to work with your scapula. Currently you "free" releaseser by pulling back just by elbow. But start this movement by scapula, and this movement will slightly modify trajectory of elbow, making it more "rounded" not like straight movement in video. This minor change will make the arrow release more smoother. And as result - shooting become more easier and increase of accuracyю

  • @klausnewiger4420
    @klausnewiger4420 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hallo Lilli mal wieder ein klasse Video. Noch ein kleiner Tipp Winkel deinen Zeigefinger ab hinter dem Abzug vom Release beim Spannen des Bogens. Damit verhinderst du ein versehentliches abziehen beim Spannen. Gruß Klaus

  • @s.o.b_max8592
    @s.o.b_max8592 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    keep your fist at a slight angle when you hold the bow and don't grab it tight because that will make the bow wobble. also when you pull the string back kinduv use both of your arms to pull it, the front arm pulling forward, and the back arm pulling back because if you just try to pull the back one as just that it will be much more hard to pull.

  • @charleslarson3152
    @charleslarson3152 8 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Impressive. I really like your attitude!! You have fun when you are learning something new instead of getting frustrated. >:)

  • @blackdirtoutdoors6703
    @blackdirtoutdoors6703 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just a suggestion, the index feather of the arrow should be up and in the opening of your rest

  • @Casperski1312
    @Casperski1312 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Practice makes perfect. I would suggest shooting without the sights and learning how to gauge distances. It might be hard at first, but you'll get used to it. Also, try doing an exercise called the single dumbbell row. It will make pulling back the bowstring easier.

    • @TraditionalBlackPowder
      @TraditionalBlackPowder 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Peaches Good advice on the dumbell row, it will help develop the muscles used to pull the string. I shoot a longbow and this does help.

  • @canadianbushman8982
    @canadianbushman8982 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bows vibrate a lot so be sure to give everything a tighten before shooting.

  • @baghaei90
    @baghaei90 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The cable should be slightly touching the cable stop and your off color vane should be pointing up.

  • @joshuanorgaard6425
    @joshuanorgaard6425 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Hey Lilly I don't know if you know this (disregard if you do) the odd color out on the fletchings is supposed to be facing up when you knock it.

    • @malochala
      @malochala 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      That depends on what type of rest you are using. For example, on the older two prong style rest, the odd (or cock) feather would face down. When shooting a traditional type bow, the cock feather faces away from the arrow shelf.

  • @patriotdawn5185
    @patriotdawn5185 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bought mine...well I bought the Vortex for the power side, the centershot for fast attack and a pistol crossbow.

  • @eyanchoate6693
    @eyanchoate6693 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just for advise make it to where your release trigger is on the outside pointing away from your body it is more comfortable

  • @Dutch1722
    @Dutch1722 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Back tension is what shoots the bow. Not pulling the finger on the release.

  • @zacktodd2001
    @zacktodd2001 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    That bow is slick, very cool. Case looks awesome too

  • @johnboots414
    @johnboots414 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    love your vids. maybe already mentioned and I may be wrong. To make the pull easier I push with my left at the same time pulling with my right hand. (usually pointed at a downward angle and rising up to the shooting position) I am able to pull more pounds this way. There is more movement so you have to take it into account in hunting situations.

  • @cliffclay7520
    @cliffclay7520 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lilly thanks for the informative videos. Look forward to learning more as your videos become available.

  • @richardmartinez506
    @richardmartinez506 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great bow, and's nice that one can change draw weight and length on the flywithout a bow press.

  • @CroakerOutdoors
    @CroakerOutdoors 8 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    4:15 draw back, hit the compound wall, sight drops down, editing cut, Bullseye!!! LOL

  • @ammoshortage
    @ammoshortage 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Pretty fun, isn't it?! I absolutely love my Mathews compound bow. You took to it like a duck to water. Keep it up and you'll absolutely love it the more you do it. Good job LIlly!!

  • @manicheanwarrior8589
    @manicheanwarrior8589 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loved it. Great demonstration of the strength it takes to use one of those bows. Watching has made me exhausted. Time for a beer and a laydown. Thanks

  • @jerrycoon4504
    @jerrycoon4504 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Lilly! That is a sweet bow! Mine is an old piece of crap compared to that one. Mine is also a little long for me on the draw length but it was given to me for free so I just deal with it. It's not adjustable like that one. You will get good at it really fast because you are familiar with shooting guns. You can apply a lot of the trigger "squeeze" techniques. It's very easy to lose arrows though. especially in the woods. Good shooting

  • @thelumberjack333
    @thelumberjack333 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    That arrow rest will give you trouble after some shooting. Those brushes will wear (I believe they are replaceable) and your zero will wander over time. It was a real pain in the ass for me, I didn't realize what was happening for a little while. Went to a local bow shop and they said that style rest is about the worst on the market. They got me onto a 50$ whisker biscuit and it's phenomenally better now. Highly recommend the upgrade, will prevent future frustrations. Other than that, really nice looking bow! Setup is key, everyone is built different and having it fit your body is critical! Have fun ! :)

  • @TaN00Ki
    @TaN00Ki 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome! What was the draw weight used?
    Also be careful with those: watch your elbow not being caught in the string, never dry fire, always use same settings on both cams and only use carbon arrows unless stated otherwise.
    Also note your draw length has to be calculated to your arms span. Enjoy.

  • @titosteinsgaming9340
    @titosteinsgaming9340 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    This bow is for a shooting tournament or slow moving hunting subject, not for man like Robin Hood, Green Arrow or Hawk Eye or an Elf. cause they (me too) will fight with the bow and strike with this sometimes too

  • @johnnyyukon7887
    @johnnyyukon7887 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good review on a what appears to be a nice unit. Practice practice practice, plus practice with a qualified compound user. Cheers

  • @mikeowens3164
    @mikeowens3164 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Nice shot Lilly

  • @hawkeye4937
    @hawkeye4937 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    great job Lilly! that looks like a super nice setup

  • @shesadrishekhardas4673
    @shesadrishekhardas4673 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome! So candid and so effective.

  • @papaschuette
    @papaschuette 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Lilly. You might also want to lower the draw weight so the bow is not so hard to pull back. Start with an easier draw weight and work your way up after you get use to shooting. Just a little tip Have fun shooting.

  • @ssevikeroutdoors7706
    @ssevikeroutdoors7706 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi! I enjoy watching your chanel! 😊
    What I wanted to say. Keep the white fletch up. That way fletchings won't touch the arrow rest. I heard some arrows hit too close one another. Check the arrows if any cracks. If find one break it. Do not shoot it again. They can cause nasty injuries upon releasing the arrow. I also flex my arrows before start shooting just in case. You might need your bow paper tuning too. Take care

  • @wesofx8148
    @wesofx8148 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm not really into camping, cooking, or archery, but I love your filming and commentary style. Subscribed for sure ;)

  • @outdoor_tommy07
    @outdoor_tommy07 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Put the white feather or vain on the top and the 2 blue feathers on the bottom, reverse the way you put the arrow on the bow

  • @SuperVonKiller
    @SuperVonKiller 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    An easier draw you might try is to hold the release to your shoulder area and push the bow upward then lowering your arm to the horizontal as you extend out. Allows for a person smaller stature to draw a much heavier weight.. Suppose to be an old Mongol draw...

    • @MichaelSaull
      @MichaelSaull 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +SuperVonKiller That draw is not recommended for safety reasons (especially at ranges) because if the bow releases while it is pointed so steeply it could go much further than intended and injure someone. It is best to shoot what is comfortable to draw and increase the weight as you get used to it.

    • @SuperVonKiller
      @SuperVonKiller 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      This is true Michael, without a clear area to practice it can be a safety issue and I would not recommend it for the tight confines at a range, Thanks for the clarification...

  • @teddykennedy7053
    @teddykennedy7053 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love bow hunting.... Congratulations Lilly, I am proud a proud bow hunter as I know you will be too...

  • @yotagerlie
    @yotagerlie 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video Lilly! I shot my first compound a few years back my step dad needed to adjust it as I got slapped with the string but still managed to hit bullseye at 20 yards! I really liked it and hope to have my own one day.

  • @TheEZGZ
    @TheEZGZ 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video Lilly. Let us know if your shoulder gets sore in a couple days. Seems like when we get new toys we over do it sometimes.

  • @MarshRat
    @MarshRat 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Keep on practicing. Your groups will start to tighten up. Seems I have to almost start over every year after not shooting during the winter.

  • @josephharrison3639
    @josephharrison3639 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good shooting Lilly! You are a natural. Anything to do with sporting, hunting, camping, and
    shooting, You are the perfect Lady. Thank you for the tips on using a compound bow.

  • @hunterhossbach5174
    @hunterhossbach5174 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hi, make sure your odd fletching is in the right position, you had the arrow upside down the first two shots and multiple other shots, your odd fletching should always be facing up.

  • @ozzieshikari
    @ozzieshikari 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think there is a formula for working out the draw length and draw weight for a compound bow , to suit an individual.

  • @arapahosundancer
    @arapahosundancer 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, this is why I watch your videos they are step by step techniques. I always wondered what/how a caliper was used.

  • @jimrafferty5609
    @jimrafferty5609 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    you are holding it to tight Lilly, remember what he said after firing it should just drop, so relax. and thanks again for another great video.