About 3 minutes into this video I went off and purchased the full set (mouse pad as well) ... then remembered that my old amiga is dead, so went off and found a replacement for that as well. I figure it's a rediculously expensive birthday gift to myself, but I'm very much looking forward to having a working amiga again (and in a brilliant new case!)
Biting my own fist here trying to stop myself falling in love with this case. I'm a massive sucker for translucent. Transparent just takes that to another level!
It looks like they're going to be selling non-clear cases as well soon, hopefully for a lot cheaper. When I went off to college my dad was worried my new expensive computer would get stolen. So he bought this big ugly anchor that could be tied into a cable and lock the computers in place and glued it the top of my A500. I've long wanted to take it off, but it's nearly impossible to do with the epoxy that glued it down. So I'm glad to see someone is making a replacement case. If the price is right, I'd buy it.
@@BrainSlugs83 I hadn't thought of that. I hope you're right. I suspect many people would want to keep it around as a spare, or in case they decide they want the original look back. But I'll keep my eyes peeled just in case.
Wow! I'm currently patiently awaiting for a couple of new A500 & A1200 replacement case, along with the new replacement keycaps. I guess what it would be like, giving THIS crystal case a 1987 A500 "forever perfect color" keyboard? The one with PBT plastic that will never turn yellow. Well, maybe I'm going to "clear" this doubt away, just purchasing this wonderful case! Cheers, M
Tad expensive, especially to Australia, however watching this video just makes me more happy that I went ahead and purchased! Thanks for the video Jan!
The thing is, it's way less expensive to make a mold of something that exists... (and these do exist now). 🙃 But yes, the original molds that made these are being modified to (finally) fill the orders that we placed multiple years ago. Can't wait to get mine... I'm sure it will arrive any month now. 😅 Seeing you get one gives me hope though, that they really are making progress now, so that's nice. 😁
Great video :) Btw, I've contributed to their Amiga 1200 case+keycaps campaign 3 years ago and still waiting. Therefore it's good to see some products..
@@psteier it's ok to see that they are doing other works, but I believe they are not paying attention to what they have already committed. So I am disappointed, too.
They told me they finally managed to resolve the production/quality issues and the cases+keycaps are going to be shipping soon. I backed the indiegogo campaign for the keycaps a couple of years ago myself. Eagerly and patiently waiting still.
Nice that there is so much enthusiasm that these are still being made. I bought a C64 case from pixel wizard a few year ago and was very disappointed with the product. Basically it was spray painted "grey" to mimic a SX64 but it was uneven, the plastic seemed second rate at best etc. I still have not used it and didnt return it due to all the hassle. I saw Feripractic bought one too and he had the same issue. Pixel Wizard is shut now last time i checked.
Back then I'd love this. I was really into clear cases and seeing the electronics. You should have left off the cover of the floppy-drive if that's not strictly necessary :)
2 ปีที่แล้ว +2
I'm wondering if there is a floppy-drive top cover made from transparent plastic ;)
Unfortunately the mounting posts for the fdd screw into the rf shield, so it's not that easy to leave that off. Also, in my experience disk drives do not take electromagnetic noise well so you'd probably run into issues, especially when using a CRT near to the machine (which is what I usually do, outside of making videos--flat screens are just easier to film and people are not complaining about high-pitched CRT noise in the videos...).
@@JanBeta Tried cutting the sound in your edit at 14.5khz ? my son tells me he has tinnitus every time I'm using a CRT but it's curable for him. Just switch off the CRT. I can only hear a CRT in my good ear.. the one that doesn't ring haha
Yes, I did that on some videos. Usually resulting in a slightly muffled voiceover which I don't like (the filters work as a slight curve, so there is no exact cutoff at a given frequency). And then sometimes I forgot adding the filter which usually results in comments from some upset youngsters. It's just way easier (both from the audio and the video perspective) to use TFT screens for testing things in the videos. I can barely hear those frequencies myself these days so I can't tell how bad it actually is in the videos where I forgot to cut the frequencies... :D
I backed the A1200net indiegogo campaign for a set of black keycaps. I guess they are going to finally deliver those soon. They told me they managed to get the production issues out of the way now after production was delayed for years by the manufacturing plant. More keycaps will be available soon through some of the regular Amiga retailers, too!
that case looks great.. i was in 2 minds about the yellow of the keys, i think it was not quite the right green to be "deliberate yellow" almost green-screen style. great vid as usual, thanks :D
I have a set of black keycaps on order, I think they are going to look way better than the original color! (Although I plan on eventually retrobrighting the yellow keys, too...)
Nice that I found this video as I have one of these on its way. Now, I know what I will get... And it will be used with a purple A500++ motherboard. Sadly, there are no keycaps to buy as I write this...
@@JanBeta I'm far from done with it too - I populate the board as time goes by and I manage to get the parts. At least, the tricky ones (connectors and such) are solved. And I have a A500+ that will donate the drive, keyboard and custom IC's. To finish it off, I have a VXL30 accelerator that will go in when it is done...
If I were to buy one of these, I would put in a re-created A500 board as I have a purple pcb. I would also think hard about leaving the bottom metal rf shield off... unless it was re-coated or something. I have some laser cut A1200 back panel metal rods so you can leave all of the rf shields off. I hope an A500 version is in the works as that would solve some problems. Also when are these keycaps coming? its seems as if it has been years now :(
I mean... it's been years for the cases too. And this isn't even part of the Kickstarter, they put it on hold to do this (if you check the campaign updates). 🙃
Glad they are making new A500 cases. They are very expensive, especially for being made in China. In following the development of the cases, I learned that China has a New Year holiday multiple times a year, which has caused the delays.
I think China has Chinese New Year in February where everybody gets a week off work. Some parts of China also celebrate the "western" New Year, I guess. The production issues/delays mostly came from pandemic lockdowns and supply chains being completely overthrown by those, as far as I know.
I have the clear A1200 case at home and I'm wondering how the clear tank mouse would fit with that? (After all they are from different projects and probably have a slightly different look) I have already seen the clear A1200 case here in some other video - maybe you can put them side by side?
Does the badge fit better than it looks at 27:07? Looks like quite a bit of a gap on the left side. Only minor blemish that I could see on what looks like a beautiful replacement case. Absolutely beautiful project.
It has a bit of a gap. I guess I'm going to have to center it better and it's going to be a nice fit. It's barely visible in real life though because everything is translucent anyway... ;)
Guten morgen ! Gibt es keine Probleme ohne Abschirmung? Sprich das abschirmblech wurde ja nicht verbaut ? Danke für das Feedback Tolle Videos und super erklärt, bin inzwischen ein begeisterter Zuschauer. Lieben Gruß
Vielen Dank! Das Abschirmblech dient größtenteils dazu, die Umgebung vor den Störungen zu schützen, die im Amiga entstehen. Für den Amiga ist das relativ nutzlos. Und wenn du kein AM Radio oder Amateurfunk betreibst, gibt es keine Probleme ohne Abschirmung. :)
I'm about 5 minutes in so you might mention it later, but this thing being crystal clear plastic i can just imagine it going from pristine to covered in finger cheese in no time.
sieht echt geil aus, wobei ich die satinierten cases besser finde, aufgrund der fingerabdruck problematik, sieht auch c65 dev kit :D super witzig auch mit den original keys, eeek! gibt es eigentlich nun endlich liefertermine fuer die a500 cases und keys?
Die Fingerabdruck-Problematik ist gar nicht so schlimm bei diesem. Ich weiß nicht, ob es am Plastik liegt. Kenne das auch von klaren Acryl-Cases. Liefertermine gibt es leider noch nicht konkret, aber "coming soon". Die Keycaps wohl auch endlich, nachdem es wiederholte Verzögerungen und Qualitätsprobleme gab.
How did you keep your Competition Pro so nice and blue? I have two, and both have "degraded" into a very dark blue/teal color by now. Still looks kinda cool I guess...
I have another one that was blue and that looks completely green now due to the yellowing that occurred over the years. I guess they used different plastic mixes back in the day so they are behaving differently. They also produced green ones at some point on purpose but mine was definitely blue back in the day when I first got it.
Yes! I have one of the purple A500++ boards sitting in the lab waiting to be populated. I'm definitely going to put that into the crystal case once I finish it. :D
Like the A1200 Translucent case better. Which i use and the rare A1200 GHOST case. Waiting for the black A500 case and the black keycaps. And the black tank shell.
given you can buy an ebay amiga 500 for less than this means the case is for the hardcore enthusiast I would rather have an amiga with a yellowed case than a pristine clear case, that is empty
Yes, however, it's for a machine you'll keep close probably forever. I really don't mind paying something like that for a great case, especially if it'll likely never be produced again when the entire retro hype dies down again. I'll just go to one festival visit less this year. :)
Way too expensive 👎 I mean.. Hey... It's just a case. But the real retro fans will buy it, because it's rare and strictly limited. Maybe worth thousands of Euros in a few years. Yeah... Poor retro scene... 😑
@@VincentGroenewold k' heb hem al besteld. i twijfelde ff, maar ik zit in de mallen wereld en deze krijg je nooit weer. aangezien de mallen inmiddels al gezandstraald zijn en van een EDM vonkstructuur zijn voorzien. toch denk ik dat dit er meer 1 voor aan de muur is want hij is wel heel kwetsbaar. er moet eigenlijk zo'n rooie of zwarte Re-Amiga in. en ik denk at ik voor de muis een optische PCB-inlay bestel.
Tbh, with transparent case, it halfway feels it'd be almost laughably perfect, objectively speaking, if the keyboard or the case itself had RGB or maybe UV lights inside it lol. This does look amazing though
Not my kind of thing but it does occur to me that the transparent case could be masked up and sprayed from the inside for some fantastic colour effects in the same way you paint a polycarbonate RC car shell.
Yes, that’s the plan. I have backed a black key set in the indiegogo campaign. I hope they arrive soon! (A1200net told me that they finally resolved all quality/production issues a while back and production is finally underway, thankfully.)
@@JanBeta I don't like it either. It hurts my hand to use it. Great looking, terrible design as its use is almost impossible in what comfort concerns. But the two color ball is a nice touch and would look awesome on that mouse! 😁
Also wenn ich das Teil auch geschenkt bekommen würde dann wäre es ok aber bei dem Preis komme ich mir echt veräppelt vor. Alleine die Versandkosten sind ja komplett aus dem Ruder gelaufen. Kommt das Teil auf eine Sänfte oder warum ist das so teuer? Wie kann man dafür auch noch Werbung machen?
Das kommt aus Großbritannien. Die Versandkosten sind leider horrend momentan. Dank Brexit ist das ja nicht mehr Europa, also kommt zu dem internationalen Versand noch Zollgebühr dazu. Schau mal auf der DHL-Seite, wenn du Lust hast. In die andere Richtung sieht's leider genauso schlimm aus. :/ Wie der Grundpreis zustande kommt, habe ich glaube ich ausführlich im Video erläutert. Ich glaube nicht, dass die darüber hinaus viel Gewinn damit machen.
Und zu "Wie kann man dafür auch noch Werbung machen?": Mein Kanal, meine Entscheidung. Ich zeige gerne neue interessante Dinge, die für Retrocomputer auf den Markt kommen. Zudem ist das keine Werbung, wie auch im Video erläutert, sondern ein wohlwollendes Review. Ich mag das Ding ziemlich und hab's umsonst bekommen, auch das habe ich sehr klar im Video gesagt. Finde es ein bisschen frech, dass zu mokieren. Niemand zwingt dich, das Video anzuschauen und/oder das Teil zu kaufen, lieber Bastelix.
@@JanBeta jep, dein Kanal deine Entscheidung, mein Kommentar meine Meinung. Für ein durchsichtiges Stück Plastik so einen Preis auszurufen ist echt Krass und das sollte man einfach nicht unterstützen. Nur meine Meinung. Das ist doch irgendwie wie auf Amazon, wo die Hersteller über andere Kanäle den Deal aushandeln und der der die Rezension positiv schreibt, das Produkt umsonst bekommt. Ich würde jede Wette eingehen das du dir das Teil für 250 nicht gekauft hättest. Aber sei es drum.
That Amiga mat would be much more useful if it was a grounded anti-static mat. Nice, but for the extreme price you're paying for this kit, it would have been nice to be multi-purpose.
Yeah, I think they made it low volume on purpose to be more collectable. Don't know if that's good or bad, though. :D The regular A500 cases are going to be back in stock soon, too. Also the clear (textured) ones, as far as I know. Maybe that's a less pricey option.
I don't like transparent cases myself. The innards where never meant for display and it takes away from the case design itself. I can't wait for the normal cases to go in production.
This is an awesomme and not awesomme thing. It is awesomme because of it being such a solid product, not awesomme because it is clear. But it is a matter of personal taste, the clear thing. Personally I would love to have one that is dark green or black'ish purple. Still waiting for the release of the keycaps, more than the 500 case.
New colored cases are going to be available soon, too. And they finally managed to get the production/quality issues with the keycaps out of the way! I'm still waiting for my set, too. Should not take too long now!
@@JanBeta I really need a new set for my 1200. Even better if I can get dark grey and red. But I know my dream colour scheme can never be done. Red special keys, grey letter and number keys and green enter keys.
I really think that you should mount an A500 Mini inside this case instead of a real Amiga. Get a Keyrah for the keyboard and some acrylic port covers / replicators to make it neat. You could build a completely brand new "pregnant" A500 where you can see the baby inside. 🙂
A1200net does keycaps, too. The current production run was delayed a couple of years unfortunately but they are going to be available again pretty soon. They told me they were finally able to resolve all the issues.
I think this would look pretty cool with an LED strip lighting from underneath the keyboard and maybe some black or red (a red and white cross pattern would be ideal) plastic wrap cut to fit into the 'Amiga' indentation of the case just to make that pop visually. If I was going to rig up an Amiga like this I would definitely go on to install a PiStorm.
EDIT: I JUST ORDERED ONE. JUST TO EXCLUSIVE AND COLLECTABLE TO MISS THIS. (as i am in the molding industry myself, i want to have this.) i wanted to buy but hmmmm? price 179,00 euro okay but shipping 39,95 and tax 37,59 makes 256,54 euro's. noway hosay! i just ordered and! received a translusant A1200 case like your's from Vesalia for about 179,00 euro's and ofcourse shipping DHL 12,52 euro. (and some other stuff AF9 and a kb menbrane. aber du kannst mir natürlich immer 1 kostenlos schicken. ;) LOL
good explanation of the moulding proces. and pretty exclusive though. as the molds are getting sandblasted an added EDM structure from now on in the following batches.
its a cool idea, but the price is insane. 180 for a case only? I got a used Amiga 500 for 100 Euros. So for some funny diy projects its definetly too expensive.
Low volume production, super expensive tooling, lots of manual retooling and extensive quality control. I don't think there's a lot of margin, actually. Making large plastic molds like the ones used is VERY costly as far as I know. It's not for everyone, obviously, just for the die-hard collectors.
As I said repeatedly in the video, that’s the plan. I backed a set of black keycaps when the indiegogo campaign was going. They should finally ship pretty soon.
Low volume production, super expensive tooling, lots of manual retooling and extensive quality control. I don't think there's a lot of margin, actually. Making large plastic molds like the ones used is VERY costly as far as I know. It's not for everyone, obviously, just for the die-hard collectors.
The problem with the A500 is the damned thing is too large, the motherboard is too large also. It looks better in clear than "hearing aid beige" but still............
The trapdoor shouldn't have those vent holes. It is very easy to get something under the Amiga that could short circuit the board. The Amiga itself has the shield that prevent it from short circuit the board from the bottom hole, but not the expansion card you put in the trapdoor.
Low volume production, super expensive tooling, lots of manual retooling and extensive quality control. I don't think there's a lot of margin, actually. Making large plastic molds like the ones used is VERY costly as far as I know. It's not for everyone, obviously, just for the die-hard collectors.
A very useful video. I have some shopping to do - I want to convert my Amigas to these nice new cases. Cheers!
Can you get clear keys and LED,s ?
It's nice to see someone genuinely excited and happy doing a review
Amazing what people are doing. I remember lots of people that had the A500. I had an A1000, A3000 and CDTV. Very cool.
About 3 minutes into this video I went off and purchased the full set (mouse pad as well) ... then remembered that my old amiga is dead, so went off and found a replacement for that as well. I figure it's a rediculously expensive birthday gift to myself, but I'm very much looking forward to having a working amiga again (and in a brilliant new case!)
Biting my own fist here trying to stop myself falling in love with this case. I'm a massive sucker for translucent. Transparent just takes that to another level!
It looks like they're going to be selling non-clear cases as well soon, hopefully for a lot cheaper.
When I went off to college my dad was worried my new expensive computer would get stolen. So he bought this big ugly anchor that could be tied into a cable and lock the computers in place and glued it the top of my A500. I've long wanted to take it off, but it's nearly impossible to do with the epoxy that glued it down.
So I'm glad to see someone is making a replacement case. If the price is right, I'd buy it.
Yeah, new regular cases are going to be available soon. Same for the keycaps. They finally managed to get all the production issues out of the way.
I'm guessing a lot of people are going to be selling their original shells cheaply on eBay when the new ones eventually launch...
@@BrainSlugs83 I hadn't thought of that. I hope you're right.
I suspect many people would want to keep it around as a spare, or in case they decide they want the original look back. But I'll keep my eyes peeled just in case.
L'estetica dell'A500 con il case trasparente e' incredibile,il computer è stupendo!.e' perfetto Jan
Jan you are humble man
We love you ❤️
Wow! I'm currently patiently awaiting for a couple of new A500 & A1200 replacement case, along with the new replacement keycaps.
I guess what it would be like, giving THIS crystal case a 1987 A500 "forever perfect color" keyboard? The one with PBT plastic that will never turn yellow. Well, maybe I'm going to "clear" this doubt away, just purchasing this wonderful case! Cheers, M
Being the only youtuber I trust 100% I appreciate your review. I'm not going to buy one but the has me wondering how many they produced
How do you keep your floppy drive in good working order?
Tad expensive, especially to Australia, however watching this video just makes me more happy that I went ahead and purchased! Thanks for the video Jan!
Woah, what a beautiful thing! Transparent cases are so 90s, they really need to make a comeback!
Definitely! I love the clear aesthetic sooo much. I'd love to see some clear coloured cases, too. That would be even more nineties! :D
Really a lot of fun! Thanks for posting this!
The thing is, it's way less expensive to make a mold of something that exists... (and these do exist now). 🙃
But yes, the original molds that made these are being modified to (finally) fill the orders that we placed multiple years ago. Can't wait to get mine... I'm sure it will arrive any month now. 😅
Seeing you get one gives me hope though, that they really are making progress now, so that's nice. 😁
Wow these clear cases are awesome. You can spraypaint them in any color you like!
Lol. :D
Clear / translucent cases are the apex of aesthetic on my humble opinion.
Great video :) Btw, I've contributed to their Amiga 1200 case+keycaps campaign 3 years ago and still waiting. Therefore it's good to see some products..
me too
Still waiting for their keycaps, since 2017 now... Deeply dissapointed at this time... Asking myself, if I should ever support them.
@@psteier it's ok to see that they are doing other works, but I believe they are not paying attention to what they have already committed. So I am disappointed, too.
They told me they finally managed to resolve the production/quality issues and the cases+keycaps are going to be shipping soon. I backed the indiegogo campaign for the keycaps a couple of years ago myself. Eagerly and patiently waiting still.
@@JanBeta we all hope to have the set one day. Despite the pandemic, I believe it's been too long but all we can do is to wait at the moment.
Thank you for this great video - I followed it to install my own......love it
Nice that there is so much enthusiasm that these are still being made. I bought a C64 case from pixel wizard a few year ago and was very disappointed with the product. Basically it was spray painted "grey" to mimic a SX64 but it was uneven, the plastic seemed second rate at best etc. I still have not used it and didnt return it due to all the hassle. I saw Feripractic bought one too and he had the same issue. Pixel Wizard is shut now last time i checked.
Back then I'd love this. I was really into clear cases and seeing the electronics.
You should have left off the cover of the floppy-drive if that's not strictly necessary :)
I'm wondering if there is a floppy-drive top cover made from transparent plastic ;)
Unfortunately the mounting posts for the fdd screw into the rf shield, so it's not that easy to leave that off. Also, in my experience disk drives do not take electromagnetic noise well so you'd probably run into issues, especially when using a CRT near to the machine (which is what I usually do, outside of making videos--flat screens are just easier to film and people are not complaining about high-pitched CRT noise in the videos...).
@@JanBeta Tried cutting the sound in your edit at 14.5khz ? my son tells me he has tinnitus every time I'm using a CRT but it's curable for him. Just switch off the CRT. I can only hear a CRT in my good ear.. the one that doesn't ring haha
Yes, I did that on some videos. Usually resulting in a slightly muffled voiceover which I don't like (the filters work as a slight curve, so there is no exact cutoff at a given frequency). And then sometimes I forgot adding the filter which usually results in comments from some upset youngsters. It's just way easier (both from the audio and the video perspective) to use TFT screens for testing things in the videos. I can barely hear those frequencies myself these days so I can't tell how bad it actually is in the videos where I forgot to cut the frequencies... :D
Great video Jan, where do you purchase the replacement keycaps from? will the keycaps be clear keycaps?
I backed the A1200net indiegogo campaign for a set of black keycaps. I guess they are going to finally deliver those soon. They told me they managed to get the production issues out of the way now after production was delayed for years by the manufacturing plant. More keycaps will be available soon through some of the regular Amiga retailers, too!
I really need to find someone to restore my old Commodore. Would love to play it again.
Reminiscent of the MEGA65 DevKit which I thought looked super cool. 🙂
Looks fantastic! I really enjoyed this video 👍
Thanks for all the great videos
You are very welcome! Thanks! :D
I wonder if there will ever be a clear CD32?
Probably the market is too small to go through the effort. Would be amazing, though! 😍
that case looks great.. i was in 2 minds about the yellow of the keys, i think it was not quite the right green to be "deliberate yellow" almost green-screen style. great vid as usual, thanks :D
Transparent case looks great, but 😊I think you could do a followup video how you retrobrite the keyboard keys
I have a set of black keycaps on order, I think they are going to look way better than the original color! (Although I plan on eventually retrobrighting the yellow keys, too...)
@@JanBeta Yep, please do the retrobrite as well. Cheers! M
Nice that I found this video as I have one of these on its way. Now, I know what I will get... And it will be used with a purple A500++ motherboard. Sadly, there are no keycaps to buy as I write this...
I also plan on putting my purple A500++ board in it eventually! If I ever get to populating that, it's been on my bucket list for ages! :D
@@JanBeta I'm far from done with it too - I populate the board as time goes by and I manage to get the parts. At least, the tricky ones (connectors and such) are solved. And I have a A500+ that will donate the drive, keyboard and custom IC's. To finish it off, I have a VXL30 accelerator that will go in when it is done...
Mine is on its way and should arrive shortly.
If I were to buy one of these, I would put in a re-created A500 board as I have a purple pcb. I would also think hard about leaving the bottom metal rf shield off... unless it was re-coated or something. I have some laser cut A1200 back panel metal rods so you can leave all of the rf shields off. I hope an A500 version is in the works as that would solve some problems. Also when are these keycaps coming? its seems as if it has been years now :(
I mean... it's been years for the cases too. And this isn't even part of the Kickstarter, they put it on hold to do this (if you check the campaign updates). 🙃
Glad they are making new A500 cases. They are very expensive, especially for being made in China. In following the development of the cases, I learned that China has a New Year holiday multiple times a year, which has caused the delays.
I think China has Chinese New Year in February where everybody gets a week off work. Some parts of China also celebrate the "western" New Year, I guess. The production issues/delays mostly came from pandemic lockdowns and supply chains being completely overthrown by those, as far as I know.
Man I love clear stuff too! I think this needs some tasteful LED's to be placed inside.
One thing that would be an idea is to pick up an A500 mini to put in a case like that that would be interesting!
wouldn't that just look stupid with a really small pcb visible through a clear case ?
Or with the whole A500mini showing through the case maybe? Like a meta Amiga. Or Metamiga. ;P
You might want to look into getting a PCB from your favourite place to upgrade the mouse to a laser version :D
I have the clear A1200 case at home and I'm wondering how the clear tank mouse would fit with that? (After all they are from different projects and probably have a slightly different look)
I have already seen the clear A1200 case here in some other video - maybe you can put them side by side?
Does the badge fit better than it looks at 27:07? Looks like quite a bit of a gap on the left side. Only minor blemish that I could see on what looks like a beautiful replacement case. Absolutely beautiful project.
It has a bit of a gap. I guess I'm going to have to center it better and it's going to be a nice fit. It's barely visible in real life though because everything is translucent anyway... ;)
I would think the test-run and rejected clear cases could be sold as paint able cases instead. could help them recover some of the costs.
The crystal clear cases are very cool 👍 and the cost is great too 😋 but a lot of people are waiting for they cases from 2017 😒.
We need a TS 1000 clear case next.
Guten morgen !
Gibt es keine Probleme ohne Abschirmung?
Sprich das abschirmblech wurde ja nicht verbaut ?
Danke für das Feedback
Tolle Videos und super erklärt, bin inzwischen ein begeisterter Zuschauer.
Lieben Gruß
Vielen Dank! Das Abschirmblech dient größtenteils dazu, die Umgebung vor den Störungen zu schützen, die im Amiga entstehen. Für den Amiga ist das relativ nutzlos. Und wenn du kein AM Radio oder Amateurfunk betreibst, gibt es keine Probleme ohne Abschirmung. :)
Does anyone know where I can get one of the metal trays that the A500 motherboard sits in ???
A thing of beauty!
I'm about 5 minutes in so you might mention it later, but this thing being crystal clear plastic i can just imagine it going from pristine to covered in finger cheese in no time.
sieht echt geil aus, wobei ich die satinierten cases besser finde, aufgrund der fingerabdruck problematik, sieht auch c65 dev kit :D super witzig auch mit den original keys, eeek! gibt es eigentlich nun endlich liefertermine fuer die a500 cases und keys?
Die Fingerabdruck-Problematik ist gar nicht so schlimm bei diesem. Ich weiß nicht, ob es am Plastik liegt. Kenne das auch von klaren Acryl-Cases. Liefertermine gibt es leider noch nicht konkret, aber "coming soon". Die Keycaps wohl auch endlich, nachdem es wiederholte Verzögerungen und Qualitätsprobleme gab.
How did you keep your Competition Pro so nice and blue? I have two, and both have "degraded" into a very dark blue/teal color by now. Still looks kinda cool I guess...
I have another one that was blue and that looks completely green now due to the yellowing that occurred over the years. I guess they used different plastic mixes back in the day so they are behaving differently. They also produced green ones at some point on purpose but mine was definitely blue back in the day when I first got it.
Do you know if they will release the case in it's original colour, same with some keycaps?
I think so, yes. They are going to release regular cases (with the additional ports) in a number of different colors soon!
Now all I'm waiting for is an A1000 case!
That would indeed be nice! :D
This would look awesome with one of those purple or black Amiga 500 remake boards installed..
Yes! I have one of the purple A500++ boards sitting in the lab waiting to be populated. I'm definitely going to put that into the crystal case once I finish it. :D
@@JanBeta Add a Kipper2k A500 in there, and it'd be a completely 'new' Amiga 500 with cherry keyswitches on top.
Like the A1200 Translucent case better. Which i use and the rare A1200 GHOST case. Waiting for the black A500 case and the black keycaps. And the black tank shell.
Where i can buy it?
Das Kristallgehäuse sieht fantastisch aus, mein Freund mit den Hühnerlippen!🐔
Haha, auf deutsch klingt "chicken lips" sehr seltsam. :D
@@JanBeta I imagine it would 😆
179€ + Shipping, just for the Case is abolutely insane.
given you can buy an ebay amiga 500 for less than this means the case is for the hardcore enthusiast
I would rather have an amiga with a yellowed case than a pristine clear case, that is empty
Yes, however, it's for a machine you'll keep close probably forever. I really don't mind paying something like that for a great case, especially if it'll likely never be produced again when the entire retro hype dies down again. I'll just go to one festival visit less this year. :)
Way too expensive 👎
I mean.. Hey... It's just a case.
But the real retro fans will buy it, because it's rare and strictly limited. Maybe worth thousands of Euros in a few years.
Yeah... Poor retro scene... 😑
@@VincentGroenewold k' heb hem al besteld. i twijfelde ff, maar ik zit in de mallen wereld en deze krijg je nooit weer.
aangezien de mallen inmiddels al gezandstraald zijn en van een EDM vonkstructuur zijn voorzien. toch denk ik dat dit er meer 1 voor aan de muur is want hij is wel heel kwetsbaar.
er moet eigenlijk zo'n rooie of zwarte Re-Amiga in. en ik denk at ik voor de muis een optische PCB-inlay bestel.
I'd agree. I'd hope the non-clear cases are closer to $120/€100, which is what the A1200 cases are selling for.
Looks great. So much easier than messing about with retr0br1te. Nice one Jan 👍
Just ordered one of these, cannot wait for it to arrive :)
will you be interested in printmaster plus
Both you and Adrian Black had trouble filming a large unboxing in your videos on the same week :-)
Oh, I have to catch up on Adrian's videos then, I guess! :D
Amazing case!
Looks ok.....thanks for posting the video.
Tbh, with transparent case, it halfway feels it'd be almost laughably perfect, objectively speaking, if the keyboard or the case itself had RGB or maybe UV lights inside it lol. This does look amazing though
In fairness and full "clarity", I'd suggest the light be diffused, not directly blasting bright light through the case.
Really Cool!! 👍🏻🤩
Are A1200net and AmigaKit the same?
No, they are completely separate companies for all I know.
The reason why i did not instant buy one, is because it's clear. :) Waiting for colored ones.
Coming soon. As I said, they are retooling the molds for "regular" replacement cases now. Production most likely is already underway. :)
I'm easy like sunday morning.
12:20 Oh noooo! You flipped the case over and didn't put in on any cloth or something else soft. 😳
My desk mat is relatively soft (at least softer than any plastic case), no worries there. ;)
Not my kind of thing but it does occur to me that the transparent case could be masked up and sprayed from the inside for some fantastic colour effects in the same way you paint a polycarbonate RC car shell.
This would look awesome with black keys
Yes, that’s the plan. I have backed a black key set in the indiegogo campaign. I hope they arrive soon! (A1200net told me that they finally resolved all quality/production issues a while back and production is finally underway, thankfully.)
@@JanBeta this is their standard answer. I've backed the keys on their campain, too. Still nothing. I'm really dissapointed at this time...
Link to clear C64C please
They used to be available from the Pixelwizard website but they seem to be out of stock unfortunately. :/
That mouse would go SO well with one of those Apple mouse (the round one) that had two colors, half dark, half light... not sure about the size.
Ha! Those would look great together indeed. Although I don't like the Apple "puck" mouse a lot (except for the look)!
@@JanBeta I don't like it either. It hurts my hand to use it. Great looking, terrible design as its use is almost impossible in what comfort concerns.
But the two color ball is a nice touch and would look awesome on that mouse! 😁
Also wenn ich das Teil auch geschenkt bekommen würde dann wäre es ok aber bei dem Preis komme ich mir echt veräppelt vor. Alleine die Versandkosten sind ja komplett aus dem Ruder gelaufen. Kommt das Teil auf eine Sänfte oder warum ist das so teuer? Wie kann man dafür auch noch Werbung machen?
Das kommt aus Großbritannien. Die Versandkosten sind leider horrend momentan. Dank Brexit ist das ja nicht mehr Europa, also kommt zu dem internationalen Versand noch Zollgebühr dazu. Schau mal auf der DHL-Seite, wenn du Lust hast. In die andere Richtung sieht's leider genauso schlimm aus. :/ Wie der Grundpreis zustande kommt, habe ich glaube ich ausführlich im Video erläutert. Ich glaube nicht, dass die darüber hinaus viel Gewinn damit machen.
Und zu "Wie kann man dafür auch noch Werbung machen?": Mein Kanal, meine Entscheidung. Ich zeige gerne neue interessante Dinge, die für Retrocomputer auf den Markt kommen. Zudem ist das keine Werbung, wie auch im Video erläutert, sondern ein wohlwollendes Review. Ich mag das Ding ziemlich und hab's umsonst bekommen, auch das habe ich sehr klar im Video gesagt. Finde es ein bisschen frech, dass zu mokieren. Niemand zwingt dich, das Video anzuschauen und/oder das Teil zu kaufen, lieber Bastelix.
@@JanBeta jep, dein Kanal deine Entscheidung, mein Kommentar meine Meinung. Für ein durchsichtiges Stück Plastik so einen Preis auszurufen ist echt Krass und das sollte man einfach nicht unterstützen. Nur meine Meinung. Das ist doch irgendwie wie auf Amazon, wo die Hersteller über andere Kanäle den Deal aushandeln und der der die Rezension positiv schreibt, das Produkt umsonst bekommt. Ich würde jede Wette eingehen das du dir das Teil für 250 nicht gekauft hättest. Aber sei es drum.
Keep the keyboard keep it the way it is 😁 kinda cool actually
Yeah, no. I don't really like it that much. I already have a set of black keycaps on order, too! :D
Nice, looks good.
So cool! But wow, so expensive.
That Amiga mat would be much more useful if it was a grounded anti-static mat. Nice, but for the extreme price you're paying for this kit, it would have been nice to be multi-purpose.
They need to get more volume as this is quite expensive in my mind. And shipping is very expensive too. Would like to have one though. Thinking...
Yeah, I think they made it low volume on purpose to be more collectable. Don't know if that's good or bad, though. :D The regular A500 cases are going to be back in stock soon, too. Also the clear (textured) ones, as far as I know. Maybe that's a less pricey option.
I don't like transparent cases myself. The innards where never meant for display and it takes away from the case design itself. I can't wait for the normal cases to go in production.
This is an awesomme and not awesomme thing. It is awesomme because of it being such a solid product, not awesomme because it is clear. But it is a matter of personal taste, the clear thing. Personally I would love to have one that is dark green or black'ish purple. Still waiting for the release of the keycaps, more than the 500 case.
New colored cases are going to be available soon, too. And they finally managed to get the production/quality issues with the keycaps out of the way! I'm still waiting for my set, too. Should not take too long now!
@@JanBeta I really need a new set for my 1200. Even better if I can get dark grey and red. But I know my dream colour scheme can never be done. Red special keys, grey letter and number keys and green enter keys.
I really think that you should mount an A500 Mini inside this case instead of a real Amiga. Get a Keyrah for the keyboard and some acrylic port covers / replicators to make it neat. You could build a completely brand new "pregnant" A500 where you can see the baby inside. 🙂
I doubt the beautiful autistic mind of Jan Beta is very entertained by A500 mini's, best leave those to the extroverted capitalists
i'd put the new purple amiga board in it. you can also get transparent ribbon cable and keycaps....... :D
Yes, I am definitely going to put my purple A500++ board in it (when/if I ever finish populating that... too many projects!). :D
Super Nice , but they Always do Cases. I Miss an Option for Keycaps . There are 2-3 manufactures and all do only Cases .☹️
A1200net does keycaps, too. The current production run was delayed a couple of years unfortunately but they are going to be available again pretty soon. They told me they were finally able to resolve all the issues.
Very Nice.
it would be cool if it had transparent cable
Oh, that would be awesome. I'm going to look into that. Might be possible to find something to hand solder to the mouse. :)
I want a clear n64 case
I think this would look pretty cool with an LED strip lighting from underneath the keyboard and maybe some black or red (a red and white cross pattern would be ideal) plastic wrap cut to fit into the 'Amiga' indentation of the case just to make that pop visually. If I was going to rig up an Amiga like this I would definitely go on to install a PiStorm.
Jan, get in touch and I'll send you a speccy case which is the same!
1:50am here
See you later
EDIT: I JUST ORDERED ONE. JUST TO EXCLUSIVE AND COLLECTABLE TO MISS THIS. (as i am in the molding industry myself, i want to have this.)
i wanted to buy but hmmmm? price 179,00 euro okay but shipping 39,95 and tax 37,59 makes 256,54 euro's.
noway hosay! i just ordered and! received a translusant A1200 case like your's from Vesalia for about 179,00 euro's and ofcourse shipping DHL 12,52 euro. (and some other stuff AF9 and a kb menbrane.
aber du kannst mir natürlich immer 1 kostenlos schicken. ;) LOL
good explanation of the moulding proces. and pretty exclusive though. as the molds are getting sandblasted an added EDM structure from now on in the following batches.
its a cool idea, but the price is insane. 180 for a case only? I got a used Amiga 500 for 100 Euros. So for some funny diy projects its definetly too expensive.
Low volume production, super expensive tooling, lots of manual retooling and extensive quality control. I don't think there's a lot of margin, actually. Making large plastic molds like the ones used is VERY costly as far as I know. It's not for everyone, obviously, just for the die-hard collectors.
This case is cool but… if i can say somethin’… the « yellow touch »… Perhaps they can give clear or white touch! ✌️🕹
All you need now is clear replacements Keys...
I have some black ones on order, actually. I think they are going to be a good match!
Cool case but with those yellowed keys, meh.
You have to get new keys to go with the new case.
As I said repeatedly in the video, that’s the plan. I backed a set of black keycaps when the indiegogo campaign was going. They should finally ship pretty soon.
Seems like a nice case, but waaay expensive.
Low volume production, super expensive tooling, lots of manual retooling and extensive quality control. I don't think there's a lot of margin, actually. Making large plastic molds like the ones used is VERY costly as far as I know. It's not for everyone, obviously, just for the die-hard collectors.
Beta ❤clear cases 🙂
Looks great but way too expensive
The problem with the A500 is the damned thing is too large, the motherboard is too large also. It looks better in clear than "hearing aid beige" but still............
The trapdoor shouldn't have those vent holes. It is very easy to get something under the Amiga that could short circuit the board. The Amiga itself has the shield that prevent it from short circuit the board from the bottom hole, but not the expansion card you put in the trapdoor.
179,- € Holy Moly..... Ich Passe! 🙂
Should whiten the keys
Waiting for the black keycaps I ordered. I think they are going to look awesome.
Love the case but for £150 way expensive .You can buy a boxed Amiga 500 mint condition for that.
I agree, way to expensive !!!!!!!!!!
Low volume production, super expensive tooling, lots of manual retooling and extensive quality control. I don't think there's a lot of margin, actually. Making large plastic molds like the ones used is VERY costly as far as I know. It's not for everyone, obviously, just for the die-hard collectors.