This is my go to tank for missions that call for numerous "critical damage" hits or "damage to X number of vehicles." It's the fastest loading arty I have, even faster that my M44 now, which is just a useless pile of shit since WG nerfed the hell out of it! If I had more barracks space I'd sell that M44, because I'll never use it anymore!
If ProHeavyTank players were so good, they should be able to block every damage, If ProLightTanks players were so good, they should be able to detect the complete enemy team. Your comment it's so absurd, think next time dude.
It's obvious your never played arty. You're expectations of what they can reasonably do is out of touch! He almost ran out of ammo WITHOUT blind firing (low percentage shot) trying to counter the other arties! He literally killed that M44 with his LAST shell! It's hard enough to hit the targets you can see, much less the ones that are invisible and probably moving!
Просто потрясающий бой. Спасибо! Люблю "Арту",даже когда противник на такой технике уничтожает мой танк,отношусь с уважением.
Похоже на постиронию
Вы чо оба два артовода то
This is my go to tank for missions that call for numerous "critical damage" hits or "damage to X number of vehicles." It's the fastest loading arty I have, even faster that my M44 now, which is just a useless pile of shit since WG nerfed the hell out of it! If I had more barracks space I'd sell that M44, because I'll never use it anymore!
ты самый лучший канал я тебя люблю смотреть крутые реплеи
Спасибо ♥️
Well Done!!!!
I love this spg
Good man
WOW. Arty player that are using brain when playing.
Хороший бой(
Монстрический бой! Зб.
Epic :)
how much dmg does su 8 have i use hummel lmao idk how many dmg is
На СУ8 только так и надо играть !
SU-8 VS KB-2,M44 :)
мастерский бой...прошаренная стратегия.
if this guy were so good why doesnt he counter their arty?
if he wasnt so adhd he would have stayed focused on and killed their arty
If ProHeavyTank players were so good, they should be able to block every damage, If ProLightTanks players were so good, they should be able to detect the complete enemy team. Your comment it's so absurd, think next time dude.
It's obvious your never played arty. You're expectations of what they can reasonably do is out of touch! He almost ran out of ammo WITHOUT blind firing (low percentage shot) trying to counter the other arties! He literally killed that M44 with his LAST shell! It's hard enough to hit the targets you can see, much less the ones that are invisible and probably moving!
nerfelt sebzéssel és rádiusszal nagyon nehéz ekkora teljesítményt produkálni mé gyenge ellenfelek ellen is