This update about the winter celibacy is giving me LIFE. The best tea I’ve heard in MONTHS. I cannot stress enough how this is my favorite day of the week 🎉
Is nobody else stressed that the flat are going to listen to the pod whilst they make this week’s fajitas and the whole thing will be exposed - not only that it was Sarah but also that susie considered outting her 👀👀
Then it’s off her conscience but she didn’t really get involved or have to have or force her friend to have the awkward convo! But doesn’t feel guilty for the GF
the two girls who both wrote in because of that guy who doesn't have s4x in winter, they NEED to talk or catchup and we need updates. im so invested now!!!
When I caught my older siblings putting gifts under the tree I confronted them😅 They kept the magic alive by telling me that Santa had employed them to help him get to every house on time 😂
i found out santa wasnt real very young cos my brother dropped his play station game boy thing and when my mum said careful, he said 'why do you care santa got me it' and mum was so annoyed she told us hahaha
My daughter is in year 6, we had to tell her this year as people decided it was fun to bully the believers 😢 it was actually heart breaking. She was gutted. She said we made her Christmas’s so special. We explained it her time to make Christmas so special for her cousins and baby brother. Xx
I knew a guy ages ago who lied to girls he was chatting too that he was celibate so he could sleep around with random girls elsewhere without the fear that he’d ‘give a girl he actually liked an STI’ …. He wasn’t a Greek guy though 😂
As soon as I heard about Brian having a “winter celibacy” I just knew another women was in the picture.. men make it so easy for us to find these things out 😂
Mom tips- Santa has different wrapping paper for each kid so then you don’t have to write name tags. Or my mom used to write a small initial for each kid’s name that we never noticed & we were always amazed she knew whose gift was whose. 😅
I'm assuming that in a heated argument, Brian #1 told Brian #2 he already was intimate with her to be hurtful or one up in a way.. so i'd be honest from the beginning if she really likes the second guy. We shall seeeee
I’m sorry the last girl is getting played…. There’s just no way that it was all a coincidence. I feel as tho it’s a game for both of the guys and she needs to block them ASAP.
Hello, I just finished watching your incredible video, and I'm genuinely impressed by the depth of information and the polished production. Your content is simply outstanding! I've got a unique idea to take it to the next level - creating bite-sized, engaging shorts from your podcast that can captivate a broader audience and supercharge your growth.
Nahhhhh the way Sophia’s sitting like a bloke in the chair with the grinch hands 😭😂😭😂 a comedy queen 🙌🏻
Cinz: “how old are you at 14?”
Soph: “14”
Killed me 😂😂😂
‘How old were you at 14?’ ‘14..’ 🤣🤣🤣
These costumes are too realistic😂 Sophia when the camera zooms in and she’s talking so seriously😂😂
We need to see a "get ready with us" while you're getting all Grinched up. 😂
This update about the winter celibacy is giving me LIFE. The best tea I’ve heard in MONTHS. I cannot stress enough how this is my favorite day of the week 🎉
Just switched from Spotify to watch on here. CRYING. This is iconic hahahaha. Have a fab Christmas girls!!
The way Sophia has been Shrek and now the Grinch…I’m dying 😂
i can’t take Sophia seriously my brain just can’t believe it’s her under there 🤣🤣
It’s as if her voice has been edited in 🤣😭 even the way she’s sitting
It’s the Grinch in a pair of Nikes for me 😂🥰
Is nobody else stressed that the flat are going to listen to the pod whilst they make this week’s fajitas and the whole thing will be exposed - not only that it was Sarah but also that susie considered outting her 👀👀
YES!!! Was coming here to say this!!!! It’s gonna be a messy situation now 🫣
Omg i was so confused about this during the entire explanation 😂😂 thought maybe i had misheard
Yes but my take is that I think that’s why she did it… so she didn’t necessarily have to say/do anything to get the truth out about the situ!
Then it’s off her conscience but she didn’t really get involved or have to have or force her friend to have the awkward convo! But doesn’t feel guilty for the GF
Costumes every week please COMEDY GOLD 😭🤣🤣
the two girls who both wrote in because of that guy who doesn't have s4x in winter, they NEED to talk or catchup and we need updates. im so invested now!!!
Girls I’d love to see updates!! Maybe a segment on updates to advice given ! Would love that ❤
It could be a segment called “touch up” like when girls go to the bathroom to touch up their hair/makeup 🤭
40:46 Sophia’s face ☠️☠️☠️
Sophia looking back and forth between the roommates fighting over her got me in tears 😂
sophias face at 40:45 is killing me
I’m so glad this is on TH-cam cause 😭😭😭 I’m crying 😂😂 have a great Christmas girlies
“Blow your nose Susan” 😂
When I caught my older siblings putting gifts under the tree I confronted them😅 They kept the magic alive by telling me that Santa had employed them to help him get to every house on time 😂
This was genuinely my favourite podcast episode ever loool I was cracking up and there was so many plot twists
sophia having a scowl and pout lip while sitting deadpan is absolutely killing me
“how old are you at 14” LMAOOO
Loving the new costume thing girls 😄❤️🔥✨🤭
“Do the flatmates live together?” 😭😭😭😭
i found out santa wasnt real very young cos my brother dropped his play station game boy thing and when my mum said careful, he said 'why do you care santa got me it' and mum was so annoyed she told us hahaha
Sophia being shrek and now grinch is sending me🤣
My daughter is in year 6, we had to tell her this year as people decided it was fun to bully the believers 😢 it was actually heart breaking. She was gutted. She said we made her Christmas’s so special. We explained it her time to make Christmas so special for her cousins and baby brother. Xx
The dedication is really showing!!! I’m dying! These costumes are the hilarious and so on point 💯🤣🤣🤣
I never thought i would watch the grinch give advice to girls and their dilemmas😂 i love it
I cannot watch this with a straight face😭🤣🤣
😂 omg these costumes have me howling at the screen.. the way Sophia is sat back too… you girls 😂😂
the way im a spotify listener but had to watch here to see this hhahhahahaha
the fact Cinzia had to scroll down because Sophia had the grinch hands ffs🤣🤣🤣
I knew a guy ages ago who lied to girls he was chatting too that he was celibate so he could sleep around with random girls elsewhere without the fear that he’d ‘give a girl he actually liked an STI’ …. He wasn’t a Greek guy though 😂
omg stop hahaha
And therefore stopped himself having sex with girls he liked.. eliminating the risk of giving them an STI anyway hahahah
As soon as I heard about Brian having a “winter celibacy” I just knew another women was in the picture.. men make it so easy for us to find these things out 😂
"do the flatmates live together."
-_- "...I beg your pardon?"
I REFUSE to believe that’s actually Sophia 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
i’m cant breathe at this episode 😭
I need Sophia to be the grinch every week🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I usually ALWAYS listen but I had to come here for this hahahaha! 🤣
Mom tips- Santa has different wrapping paper for each kid so then you don’t have to write name tags. Or my mom used to write a small initial for each kid’s name that we never noticed & we were always amazed she knew whose gift was whose. 😅
Omg I am pissing myself guys this is too good 😭😭🤣🤣🤣
The “beg your pardon” in the grinch costume actually sent me 😂
Best episode I’ve EVER watched😂😂😂😂 howling
This is EVERYTHING!!!! 😂😂 Girls, you've outdone yourselves 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
your commitment to the Christmas spirit is unbeatable
that laugh kills me dead x cinzia's little nose too cute
Can’t cope with the grinch hands 🤣🤣🤣
soph is iconic !! obsessed with this episode
EATING with these costumes, 1000/10 amazing!! im dying at work right now XD
This podcast had me laughing so hard, well done ladies
I always listen on Spotify while driving but for these two episodes i was like WATCHING IS MUCH
pleassssse. the costumes are incredible and made this so much fun😂😂😂
Sophia -‘I hope that we haven’t broken any hearts’ 😂 erm only the engagement you assisted in breaking up last month 🫣
The last one had me dead lmao
you guys were like happy little kids this episode hahaha loved it
i love how u both laugh so much, made my day xxx
That wallpaper is ghastly…your ghastly 🤣
You guys honestly make my life! The amount you make me laugh!😂😂😂 the best ❤
LAUGHING OUT LOUD at the dramatic mum comments #mylittleprince
Watched the first dilemma on the way to work, but decided I needed to come here to see it. Wow 😂 iconic gals
Best ep you guys look brilliant 😭😭
Love it, hilarious. Also Cinzia’s hair blonde LOVE
NO THE MOTHER IN LAW! That’s exactly how my ex’s mum was the comments are literally the same I can’t copeeeee
“How old are you at 14?” “…14”
the ocasional "JA JA JA" send meeeee
This is GOLD😂
You two are the best ❤️💚 love the grinch vibes
You girls crack me up🤣🤣
love the costumes ahahah
The outfits 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sophia deserves an Oscar for her interpretation, you're both awesome tho.
Best ep ever omg
I'm assuming that in a heated argument, Brian #1 told Brian #2 he already was intimate with her to be hurtful or one up in a way.. so i'd be honest from the beginning if she really likes the second guy. We shall seeeee
what the hell those costumes are so realistic ahah
Cinz looks like Soph 😂
You guys are amazing 🤣🤣💞
This issss incredible 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I’m sorry the last girl is getting played…. There’s just no way that it was all a coincidence. I feel as tho it’s a game for both of the guys and she needs to block them ASAP.
This had me cackling. Fucking love you both
2 friends one, I'd walk away too messy. Not fair on their friendship
i love the episode !!!!! very funny
40:46 I’m dead
Did we ever find out what happened with the girl and the guy who took her to New York for her bday but hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend?????
I am so here for the costumes 😂❤
OMG I am crying 🤣
I love you girls ❤
The last girl needs to date them both 🤪
Amazing 😂😂😂😂😂
Hello, I just finished watching your incredible video, and I'm genuinely impressed by the depth of information and the polished production. Your content is simply outstanding! I've got a unique idea to take it to the next level - creating bite-sized, engaging shorts from your podcast that can captivate a broader audience and supercharge your growth.
You should of swapped shoes!🤣🖤🤍♥️
No but that IS the grinch
Omg 😂💕
Omg the grinch mother is awful
Omg when I heard the episode about the winter celibacy guy I screamed he’s got a girlfriend!! 🥲