Why don't U mention everything had been paid for U? That's why they say it's better to put a visitor up in a hotel to avoid them interfering with Ur family life.
Stop abuses, you can be Bishop for your self because no one forced you any how, this man he has a good teacher, I listened his teaching after I had about a Kenyan lady from Germany talking bad about shammah, in the world we are now , no one is forced to listen any one about God words , so stop that nonsense
Where he said kanisa lake lilo ngong karatina and githigoro hapo nilawa na maswali cz najua kwake na sjui akiwa na permanent church namjua akipreach kwa Manuka na towns
Kenyans it's so sad that this is the kind of people you call beshop, i have been outside for a very long time but 70% of the story is not making any sense, and if someone do something good for you learn to appreciate
Do U know it's illegal for a grown up man to share a bedroom with children especially if they are not his in Europe, that couple should have been reported to social services.
Bishop, for sure, this is not how to talk; it's good to be reserved and to know what to say and where. Not just verbal diarrhea, especially as a man of God.
We know of Bishop in Germany and He hv churches doing very well n he hv never spoken bad about Germany a man who i respect down to earth full of wisdom, after kuenda round mwenda huko what did you do how many lives did you change juu nimeona nikama uliona sana
Bishop! Why is it that in Germany everything works, and yet they don't believe in God as you claim, yet in Kenya where God is being preached 24/7 nothing works?? surely something must be wrong somewhere.
@@steuerveronicah9676: We Kenyans say our country is blessed, mara we are the land of revival blah blah blah. But in true sense we bow and are slaves to Atheists. Even to Arabs, who we claim don't also know God and are evil. How now???
@@monniemugo3793 The pastors will tell you that you have to suffer to enter heaven, but he is already living in heaven here on earth! what a joke!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂
Hello Cate Jijo. I have much respect for you since I listened to your scriptural prayers at Kamuti-ini concerning the worship ministers. I realized you are deeply rooted in the word of God and guided by holy spirit. Hat off great minister. I'm convinced for better things for you. Looking forward to your elevation in the ministry soonest.
No i leave in Germany and we are all equal..No Germany person can pass you when you are on the line.& It's not Allowed.,NEVER.you came the wrong season come sommer season and you will enjoy yourself.....
Mr murage did anyone explain the bridge with padlocks is a symbol of love n fun for young people therefore, u are showing ur true colours by misinterpreting it as evil. How sad.
TURKEY?? Please people Turkey is the eorsr country to go to work, turkish people are running away rhemselves from their country for green pasture. Please please people be careful.
Noooooooo! I have stayed here in Germany for many years and I tend to disagree with some of the things you've said. Its not so bad here. One just needs to understands the system then you are good to go!.
😢 This Story is Halfway Truth, We Are Treated Very Well, We Shop in Supermarkets With Germans, And This Country Justifies Every Person Equally . Our Children Are Treated Equall With German Children. The Rights Of Every Person As Long As You live Legally Is Equal With Germans, Plz With All Due Respect Don't Exergeräte. Na Kuna Police Stations😂😂
Imagine eti boy child hananga right 🙄🙄🙄 in Germany everyone is treated equally under the law! na mimi huishi karibu na police station😂😂😂 Mwenye alikupea Information no doubt alikuwa antaka kuharibia Germany jina!
@@IMANI417 am not saying that he's speaking the truth no.. I was just supporting the part he was talking about cleanliness, relatives should appreciate the little help they get from their people in diaspora. Am in UK so I understand.. please don't get worked up.
It's very unfortunate and unfair to give sweeping statements like that about a nation. What if you had stayed there for 6 months? Every nation has its victories and setbacks! That wasn't enough exposure for you to come up with such conclusions more so as a man of God.
Apo pa kuharibu ndoa siezi kubali✅Why???For a simple reason that 3 weeks are not enough for any1to make 2 people who love each other part ways💯✅He may have misbehaved but that couple had issues before he even went there💯
😢😢Hapo Kwa Supermarkets Sio Ukweli, kuna Tentands But As Well Hizo Self Checkout automats, na Wazungu Hupanga Line Nyuma Yetu , Justice Is Equal For Everyone.😂😂😂😂. Napenda Kenya❤
Aki nii hau itanakììgua Mühunjia aria ündü Wamaheni, noguo niguo gükü gükoraguo.Tigai kühumbira uhoro wa Ma Mükimürumaga ,Mükiugaga ni müikarite Germany Miaka Mingi.Sharma Waheana Ma, Gükü güka ütari na Stay ndokona Wira ona Nyumba, Noüikarire kwaria üüìì, Narìa mena stay ona matiendaga Ageni.
People clap in europe when introducing 5th wives etc? Where did u see that? When? Who else witnessed that? Thats sounds like lies n excergeration otherwise called bollocks or bullshit
It’s a pity to watch pple tell stuff they don’t really understand. Just because you visited a country for a short period doesn’t mean you’ve understood the system. I live in Germany since over 20 years and believe you me the system is more complex than you can explain in a few words. Some very few stuff you are telling us are true but most of it is very much untrue dear pastor.
I think the Pastor is Exaggerating most of the stuff he is saying .. It seems his visit was very short there that he did not really understand the system. I am a kenyan American and I have visited Germany so many times and yes there is Attendants incase you need assistance at the check out in the supermarkets, about giving the white people a pass in a line is totally not true..everyone is treated equal as along you follow the laws and rules the system there is more complex than you think
Poor Pastor, its because you haven never in Foreign Country😮😮... Uta thiaga augaga no Nyina ürugaga wega... Wewe ni mjinga sana... Am in Germany for over 10 years...
He said nothing wrong but created awareness how things work out there & it's all true & yes we pray for them but onething you should know is that you can never teach an old dog new tricks.
Shammah the way I had respect for my worry why do you want to embarrass Jesus after serving God for all those years...very sad situation ...but time has come to know them by their fruits
That's a good experience, it's almost similar to Qatar, the train, metro, works the same, underground, car wash the same and not to forget about garages, no hawking mechanics
He is laying kenyans living in Germany let's gather here Germany is not close to hell it's the best country you can live in uyu ni postor wa wapi anaongea uongo
Germany and west are going down...as years pass by..no empires last forever....mzungu will be poor in the next 50 years ..go back there and you'll find their system down
Waaaah, please stop telling lies.....I've personally visited Germany 4 times, and they treated me equal 🎉although there's racism but the laws protect us. Therefore, many things you’ve said are not truthful, u also spoke about people lifestyle, it was not important, and I also believe those who invited you were for one purpose, gospel !!! but you decided to change that. Anyway, people have to do things to settle regardless, I also failed so miserably to understand what stopped you from either getting a kid or doing other things you claimed for you to settle????? We must be very honest with ourselves Mr Murage.
I am Kenyan but Germany citizen but somethings he is talking is not true
It's an eye opening experience he talking about,He is a man of God we know him ,he talking the truth about that content
Different states with different laws
I agree. Even common sense will tell you some things are just far fetched
Am here after hearing the truth on what happened, this man is a scam ,andu Me wira shiro in Okland God bless you😊
I know this man. We’re from the same village and I even used to date his sister Shiku. He’s never left Kenya. Shame on you former “brother-in-law”.
Here from shiru in Oakland to see this so called bishop😊
Tell them louder
Maybe they're not funs wa shiru orkland an truth
Shammah you're a disgrace to church
Thank you so much am in Europe this is true we suffer so much to send you anything 😢😢😢😢😢
What an arongant man. Talking untruth unashamedly
Why don't U mention everything had been paid for U? That's why they say it's better to put a visitor up in a hotel to avoid them interfering with Ur family life.
Bishop Kimaramari, you're exposed by your Germany hosts 😭😭so evil
Huko kwa Shiro wa oakland 😂I thought so, githuri kimia hamwe
Ukiwa na spirit ya discernment you don't need to be told more
Stop abuses, you can be Bishop for your self because no one forced you any how, this man he has a good teacher, I listened his teaching after I had about a Kenyan lady from Germany talking bad about shammah, in the world we are now , no one is forced to listen any one about God words , so stop that nonsense
You were invited to preach the gospel but instead you went to talk about yourself and to look for money. Too bad for us Christians.
Where he said kanisa lake lilo ngong karatina and githigoro hapo nilawa na maswali cz najua kwake na sjui akiwa na permanent church namjua akipreach kwa Manuka na towns
That's why I'm proud of working in Africa.Kumbe majuu ni shida tupu.Umetwambia ukweli.
3weeks and you are talking like you have been there for ages mcheeeew!
Mamba zingine it's not true,kai tuikaraga ku. Europe is very nice, the only problem is language
Kenyans it's so sad that this is the kind of people you call beshop, i have been outside for a very long time but 70% of the story is not making any sense, and if someone do something good for you learn to appreciate
50 percent not true l stay in germany and been here for long
Be specific on what is untrue. Don't be a f00l.
😂 wacha kuchoma
I totally agree with you alipewa false Information!
I agree with you.
Na picha mpaka kitchen ya wenyewe😂😂😂😂
Nuûracinire mbica biû... Wee.. andy me wîra! 😅😅😅😅😅
Thanks paster Sharmer . It's true.we work hard for our money .
Lies lies lies. U seem to have mastered the whole of Germany after 3 weeks
wacha uongo we have listened to your host a
Bishop,next time you come, I will take you around uone another side of this place.
Sasa umeanikwa kwa shiro😂jitetee
Do U know it's illegal for a grown up man to share a bedroom with children especially if they are not his in Europe, that couple should have been reported to social services.
I also felt very bad to hear a whole Bishop was sleeping with children, what is that?
Ino ti ndungata ni ndungana.
Bishop, for sure, this is not how to talk; it's good to be reserved and to know what to say and where. Not just verbal diarrhea, especially as a man of God.
Na kwani uyu MTU alikaa Germany miaka ngapi😮
@@TabithaNjuguna-l4n I wonder
Hahaha 😢😢😢 verbal diarrhea 🤣🤣🤣
All the way frm orkland to measure the wait of both sides😅😅
Same here 🙈😂
Bishop Shammar never disappoints
We know of Bishop in Germany and He hv churches doing very well n he hv never spoken bad about Germany a man who i respect down to earth full of wisdom, after kuenda round mwenda huko what did you do how many lives did you change juu nimeona nikama uliona sana
Good question
From Shiro Oakland, huyu sio bishop ni bigshop ni biashara kama kawaida, God is watching
Bishop! Why is it that in Germany everything works, and yet they don't believe in God as you claim, yet in Kenya where God is being preached 24/7 nothing works?? surely something must be wrong somewhere.
Wewe hapo no
@@steuerveronicah9676: We Kenyans say our country is blessed, mara we are the land of revival blah blah blah.
But in true sense we bow and are slaves to Atheists.
Even to Arabs, who we claim don't also know God and are evil.
How now???
@@monniemugo3793 The pastors will tell you that you have to suffer to enter heaven, but he is already living in heaven here on earth! what a joke!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂
@@mawama6719totally agree with you
Thank you very much...I'm in Europe 🇪🇺 and I understand that 👍 everything work perfectly
Hello Cate Jijo. I have much respect for you since I listened to your scriptural prayers at Kamuti-ini concerning the worship ministers. I realized you are deeply rooted in the word of God and guided by holy spirit. Hat off great minister. I'm convinced for better things for you. Looking forward to your elevation in the ministry soonest.
hi kindly watch shiro in okland anafugua watu mach
Oooh my God.. To God be The Glory.. Thankyu sana
No i leave in Germany and we are all equal..No Germany person can pass you when you are on the line.& It's not Allowed.,NEVER.you came the wrong season come sommer season and you will enjoy yourself.....
Mr murage did anyone explain the bridge with padlocks is a symbol of love n fun for young people therefore, u are showing ur true colours by misinterpreting it as evil. How sad.
In Europe, all people are equal, whether black, rich white or red.
TURKEY?? Please people Turkey is the eorsr country to go to work, turkish people are running away rhemselves from their country for green pasture. Please please people be careful.
Sasa wale wameeda na wako job nao utasemaje juu yao? Negative energy
She is a fisi destroying her own.
@shiru in Oakland Thankyou very much expose them kabisa
Am here from Oakland Andu me wira
Inviting this man in your hse is like inviting the devil in your hse,,mdomo nikama,,,,,
Tell them all tell it all this is pure truth 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
we Kenyan in Germany we have to campaign huyu asiwahi pewa visa ya Germany tena aki.....lying lying about Germany.....very sad
From Shiro and your host I can clearly say you did not go there for your assignment ni muchene tu😂 wueh!
Bonn was the capital city not cologne
Noooooooo! I have stayed here in Germany for many years and I tend to disagree with some of the things you've said. Its not so bad here. One just needs to understands the system then you are good to go!.
😢 This Story is Halfway Truth, We Are Treated Very Well, We Shop in Supermarkets With Germans, And This Country Justifies Every Person Equally . Our Children Are Treated Equall With German Children. The Rights Of Every Person As Long As You live Legally Is Equal With Germans, Plz With All Due Respect Don't Exergeräte. Na Kuna Police Stations😂😂
Imagine eti boy child hananga right 🙄🙄🙄 in Germany everyone is treated equally under the law! na mimi huishi karibu na police station😂😂😂 Mwenye alikupea Information no doubt alikuwa antaka kuharibia Germany jina!
Am in UK mambo mengi ameongea ni ukweli lakini kuna mengine sio ukweli.
@@krissmuchiri if you don't live in Germany then don't say mambo mengi ni ukweli!! He is talking nothing but bullshit!!😡😡😡😡
@@IMANI417 am not saying that he's speaking the truth no.. I was just supporting the part he was talking about cleanliness, relatives should appreciate the little help they get from their people in diaspora. Am in UK so I understand.. please don't get worked up.
@@IMANI417 I also didn't understand how can someone have alot of information of a place where he's been for only three weeks.....
This guy is so arrogant. Only 3 weeks in Germany and pretending to know. Bad thing you didn’t make money as you wanted.
Huyu mzee mkubwa hivi ndiye alilala chumba cha watoto germany😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Just imagine 😂😂
😂😂😂story za jaba
It's very unfortunate and unfair to give sweeping statements like that about a nation. What if you had stayed there for 6 months?
Every nation has its victories and setbacks! That wasn't enough exposure for you to come up with such conclusions more so as a man of God.
Say it, Louder, for Shammah to hear it .
Andu me wira!
Tiga maheni wee bishop wa mathara
Oh no why is he lying uongo mwingi
@@amena7105 just imagine alikaa huko only for three weeks and he’s talking like a German citizen 😂😂😂
Cate how can I contact you on that issue you have talked about Turkey
I had so much respect for shamma, kumbe e wira
Mundurume kihii,imagine alienda kuaibisha host.
Am also so disappointed,,wah
Andu me wiira
Mtu roho mbaya sana
Apo pa kuharibu ndoa siezi kubali✅Why???For a simple reason that 3 weeks are not enough for any1to make 2 people who love each other part ways💯✅He may have misbehaved but that couple had issues before he even went there💯
😢😢Hapo Kwa Supermarkets Sio Ukweli, kuna Tentands But As Well Hizo Self Checkout automats, na Wazungu Hupanga Line Nyuma Yetu , Justice Is Equal For Everyone.😂😂😂😂. Napenda Kenya❤
Uyu okite guku gwika atia na ndina nyita😮😮?
I really don't know why pple are bashing this bishop. 90% is true. I live abroad..
This man anandanganya most of the things.70% lies.
Aiii nimekata nimekuwa Germany. Tangu nirudi Kenya niko na one month. Hakuna kitu kama hio
Come tell us yours
Bishop kimaramariona ona kanitha ndari uyu mundu mwaganu taki uhoro wothe wi gwa shiru in oakland
I also don't agree with this man.
Huyu ndie alitaka kutongoza bibi ya wenyewe
@@dollydolly1317hahaha 😂😂😂,alitaka kupiga bibi ya wenyewe maji"
Kaba kuu handu ha guku muhunjagia ngai wa maheni.
If muhahee was a person 😂
😂😂😂😂Shammah could be it!😂😂😂😂
Aki nii hau itanakììgua Mühunjia aria ündü Wamaheni, noguo niguo gükü gükoraguo.Tigai kühumbira uhoro wa Ma Mükimürumaga ,Mükiugaga ni müikarite Germany Miaka Mingi.Sharma Waheana Ma, Gükü güka ütari na Stay ndokona Wira ona Nyumba, Noüikarire kwaria üüìì, Narìa mena stay ona matiendaga Ageni.
People clap in europe when introducing 5th wives etc? Where did u see that? When? Who else witnessed that? Thats sounds like lies n excergeration otherwise called bollocks or bullshit
Riu maya mothe aramenyire na wiki ithatu..uyu anga ni araria muno😂😂
It’s a pity to watch pple tell stuff they don’t really understand. Just because you visited a country for a short period doesn’t mean you’ve understood the system. I live in Germany since over 20 years and believe you me the system is more complex than you can explain in a few words. Some very few stuff you are telling us are true but most of it is very much untrue dear pastor.
I think the Pastor is Exaggerating most of the stuff he is saying ..
It seems his visit was very short there that he did not really understand the system.
I am a kenyan American and I have visited Germany so many times and yes there is Attendants incase you need assistance at the check out in the supermarkets, about giving the white people a pass in a line is totally not true..everyone is treated equal as along you follow the laws and rules the system there is more complex than you think
Totally agree with you
Tell us your truth nonsense
Tell us your truth nonsense
Tell us your truth nonsense
Poor Pastor, its because you haven never in Foreign Country😮😮... Uta thiaga augaga no Nyina ürugaga wega... Wewe ni mjinga sana... Am in Germany for over 10 years...
Nì mùndùrùme nyakang'a
Hahaha 😂😂😂😂😂
Woooi Bishop ata hisia huna ukidanganya watu?
Uwongo, no dogs in church, atleast we value the church no matter what.😞
Lots of crimes in Germany. My family was killed there by her hubby.
Soo sorry,may God give your family strength & comfort!
Hata 966 shule from bby class to university they don't pay na hata hospitali
Av said times without number this mai is a quack
Muthuri kihunguiyo niturakumeyire gwa shiro in Oakland weee conoka muno urathire guconorithia Host
Please criticize and correct without insults, please. Insults reduce you!
Didn't like what you have siad about white people because all we are created by God. Our work is to pray for everyone
He said nothing wrong but created awareness how things work out there & it's all true & yes we pray for them but onething you should know is that you can never teach an old dog new tricks.
Basi kaeni huko huko kenya wacha sisi tuteembee, we love it .
Minyororo ya akili na kujichukia na kuabundu yesu shetani mzungu kawaroga waafrika
@@cytkl: Imagine, mpaka tunajaanga Gikomba kununua Mitumba, nguo mpaka za ndani zimevaliwa na wazungu.
Our self hate.
Shammah the way I had respect for my worry why do you want to embarrass Jesus after serving God for all those years...very sad situation ...but time has come to know them by their fruits
Wueh Mungu tupatie Spirit of discernment cz hawa wahubiri wamezidi sana😮😮😢
Greetings watching from kitengela
That's a good experience, it's almost similar to Qatar, the train, metro, works the same, underground, car wash the same and not to forget about garages, no hawking mechanics
Kate you are loosing because of this man
Ati bishop 😂😂Lord have mercy 🥺
The live videos were done with gitonga,so everything you did was seen..host is not lying
Correct he's on record with his live video...although Gitonga deleted them recently
Watu wako job 😂
Too much negativity about a host country, next time you want to visit Germany they won't give the visa
I bet
waah ile mambo nimesikia kwa shiro channel from your host ,hukufanya poa bishop aki very sad 😢😢
Dogs are not allowed in church, plus koln was not capital city other than Bonn.
German akuna shida kama uko hardworking .huwezi kufa njaa job ata bila kazi. Is a land of educated peoples they have displain
Absolutely correct 👍
Ati there are no police stations? Please say as it is cause i live 5 minutes away from cop station🙆♀️
26:45 aka........nigwaka....kujenga...whats wrong with that?
we allow them to steal our resources because of our greed.
Most of the things this man said are untrue Yes, Germany is very advanced. Everyone ques and it doesn't matter whether you are black or white
Watch Shiru in Oakland
Where I am the weather goes down to-40.
He is laying kenyans living in Germany let's gather here Germany is not close to hell it's the best country you can live in uyu ni postor wa wapi anaongea uongo
Even here in yues is the same..
Why did those parents allow shama to share the same bedroom with their kids? That was risky. It's like they don't love their kids.. oh my.
Mtu amekutokea usiku bila ripoti na huna place ingine wangedo nini?
@@susynjambi..sitting room man not children room Aaii
@@susynjambiDidn't they know he was traveling?
This bishop didn't even have a Bible 😮. Wuuuuuiiii
Lies Ngai, angenyamaza tu!
Germany and west are going down...as years pass by..no empires last forever....mzungu will be poor in the next 50 years ..go back there and you'll find their system down
Waaaah, please stop telling lies.....I've personally visited Germany 4 times, and they treated me equal 🎉although there's racism but the laws protect us.
Therefore, many things you’ve said are not truthful, u also spoke about people lifestyle, it was not important, and I also believe those who invited you were for one purpose, gospel !!! but you decided to change that. Anyway, people have to do things to settle regardless, I also failed so miserably to understand what stopped you from either getting a kid or doing other things you claimed for you to settle????? We must be very honest with ourselves Mr Murage.