The smartphone has killed Rom-Coms. Seriously. Watch a Rom Com from before 1998 and see how the main plot's "misunderstanding" around which the entire movie revolves would be remedied by a single cell phone text - missing each other atop the Empire State Building by seconds, the sudden disinterest of a love-interest who marries another for no apparent reason, etc. Confusion about where the other person IS or how they think is the lynch pin of most Rom-Coms. Cell phones would turn a two-hour movie into an 8-second text message.
How come you guys did not end up together after this wonderful film. chemistry is so good on and off screen.! Hugh-Sandra
“I’m really the actresses in this film” - Hugh’s the best!!
i've seen the movie many times
The smartphone has killed Rom-Coms. Seriously. Watch a Rom Com from before 1998 and see how the main plot's "misunderstanding" around which the entire movie revolves would be remedied by a single cell phone text - missing each other atop the Empire State Building by seconds, the sudden disinterest of a love-interest who marries another for no apparent reason, etc. Confusion about where the other person IS or how they think is the lynch pin of most Rom-Coms. Cell phones would turn a two-hour movie into an 8-second text message.
The only question worth hearing the answer to was cut off right at the end.