Your father and grandmother is trying to induce guilt, but their absence during your upbringing and success is their own doing. Despite their desire to witness failure, your mother raised you to thrive independently. They are to Trying to manipulate you into believing their approval is essential for success, but remember, you've thrived without them. Don't fret over their tactics. You've done nothing wrong. Keep being the good person you are, but stay wise to their attempts at manipulation.
Message for the sister who sent your sad story. You did nothing wrong,so you don’t need to worry about karma. Your birth father and family should be ashamed of themselves. They are the ones who should be worrying for not supporting and loving you. There’s nothing in Hmong cultural that children must be their parent’s slaves to receive blessing. Just continue to love those who love you and distance yourself from those who only want to take advantage of you.
Txhob txhawj2 thiab os lawv twb Tsi tau tu Koj ce nyaj yuav Tsi npam thiab ca Koj tsev neeg es siab dub Ua luaj tseem Tsi txaj muag rau neeg ua yu Tsi hlub es tseem yuav mu ntaim noj ntaim hau thiab tau luag foom luag os yom os
Me ntxais aw tsis muaj hnub yuav nplam li os koj tsis tas yuav nug koj txiv moo lawm kav tsij hlub koj niam xwb os yog koj niam tsis foom koj ces yeej tsis nplam li nawb mog
Me ntxhais aw yog koj zaj no yeej muaj tseeb li koj hais tiag ces hnub uas koj txiv tuaj xees npe nram court tso Cai rau koj mus meka lub xeem ces koj twb tuag hauv koj txiv lub neej lawm ces nws foom nws foom tus neeg tuag yeej tsis npam li lawm os mog.
If I was in your situation, I would just cut off all contact with those negative people. It is not right for your birth dad to say those things to you because he was the one to abandon you and your mom first. 😢 You don’t owe them anything. They just want to use you now because they see you and your mom surpassed them in life. They curse you so you will feel bad and do as they say. Live your life, be thankful for your husband, kids and especially your mom and step dad.❤ Best of Luck!
Omg gosh… Cut these toxic people from your life. There’s no karma, it’s a give and take relationship. Just love your mom, step dad and your husband. These are the people you want to keep around you or surround yourself with. Cut ties and move on.
Love the ones who love you. Your step-dad didn't birth you but he raised you and took care of you. Don't let your sperm donor and his family shame you into doing things you don't want to do. If you haven't done anyone wrong then there is no bad karma.
You’ll be just fine! Don’t worry about what your father and grandmother is saying. They are just basically empty threats. They just want you to cater to them after all these years of not being in your life. They now want to be rewarded with you and your love. Give those to the ones who, were there with you all this time. Karma comes to those who have done wrong. You’ll be fine, dear. Forget about them and live your life the best you can.
Zoo tshaj plaw ua koj niam coj koj tawm ntawm haiv neeg hmoob zoo tshaj plaw ua koj g rov qab lo yuav hmoob .hmoob ce yog ib haiv neeg ua poob qab yog ib haiv neeg ua tsim poj niam kom poj niam lwj siab lwj ntsw .txiv neej hmoob ce twb g hlub nw tu kheej e yuav ua ca hlub tau poj niam me nyuam o lawv
I don't get these ppl who think you owe them when you are successful but turn their backs on you when you have nothing. SMH. Sister, don't worry. Karma will not hit you. It'll only bounce back to them. Just continue to love your mom and meka family only.
tu me ntxhai aw tsi txhob mu tseeg cov niag neeg siab phem li koj txiv thiab koj pog lawv cov phem ko os mog yu yog neeg zoo lawm yeej tsi npaum tsi khaum yu ib sim neej li os yog lawv yeej hlub hlub koj li es koj siab phem koj tau hlub lawv xwb no ma tej zaum koj yuav npam me2 thiab tab si lawv twb tsi koj es nim yuav npam qhov twg naj koj tsi tag yuav ntshai li os!! thiab tsi tag li ntawm lo koj tsi txhob mu ntshaw lawv tej niag koob hmoov ntawm li os lawv cov niag koob hmoov ntawm yog koob hmoov phem xwb tsi yog koob hmoov zoo os yu rau2 siab ua yu lub neej xwb ce yu yeej tau koob hmoov xwb os mog tsi txhob quav ntsej txog lawv tej niag lu tsi muaj qab hau ko twb lawv pom koj lub neej zoo lawm es khib2 lawv xwb os
If they really love you, they should have been ashamed of their bad behavior and learned to love you properly. They are mad and jealous that you turn out fine without their help, so they just wanted to make you miserable like them. Dont pay attention to their curse because it won't fall on you. If you didn't do anything wrong, those words would fly back at their children. If your mother and your new dad curse you, then you should worry about it. Just live your life happily, and you dont owe those people anything either (include your biological dad).
Remember there's also a saying, "Ntuj kuj muaj qhov muag thiab. Ntuj paub, ntuj pom tus ua tsis yog." Karma falls on the one who is wrong. Why would you want to curse the people you love? Why would you want to see them suffer? Honest truth is, those who curse you, don't love you.
Tsi npam os Yog yus tsi tau ua txhaum nawj tus sister peb hmoob ces ib qhov 2 qhov lo foom xwb peb hmoob thiaj tsi vam meej txhob ntshai tsi npam mog ❤❤
Ur real dad & grandma are bitter & jealous cause ur life is good right now. They have never been there for u or supported u in life & now he wants to come back & ask u for money?? Lmfao!! Tell him to go wash his mom’s clothes & ask his mom for money. U do u & ignore them.
Sister tseem koj yuav hlub lawv npaum twg los yog lawm twb tsis hlub koj ces lawv tuag luas lov yeej tsis tso koob hmoov rau kj li os lawv yeej tso koob hmoov rau cov lawv hlub xwb os yeej tsis npam koj li os lawv yeej tsis yuav koj lawm thiab lawv twb tsis tau tu koj na tsis txhob tshai os yeej tsis npaj li os vim koj twb tsis tau ua ab tsis txhaum koj tswv ntuaj yeej pom tias leej twg yog tus zoo thiag yog tus yog os.
Tus me viv ncaus aw txhob ntshaw lawv cov koob hmoov os mog koj yeej muaj koj koob hmoov txaus txaus koj lawm os mog. Koj nco ntsoov tias peb hmoob lub siab me me qia qia dub kawg es koj twb tsis tau ua phem rau lawv li yeej meem Cia lawv foom lawv yeej tsis raug koj li os mog. Yog koj yeej tau ua kev phem lawm mas tsis tas lawv foom li koj yeej yuav npaj es koj txhob nyuab siab li os mog.
yog li no ces tsis npam koj li os tus niam tsev lub neej no yog muaj li koj hais ces kev npam ces yuav npam koj txiv xwb vim koj txiv yug tau koj es koj txiv tsis muaj saib xyuas koj yog koj txiv pheej foom2 koj ces ntshe kev npam yuav muaj loj ntxiv rau koj txiv xwb os
Koj txiv tsuss yog tso kev zoo nyob rau koj niam e muaj koj xwb koj txiv twb tsi xam muaj koj hnub no koj neej zoo lawv thiaj xav kom koj hlub lawv tab ma lawv tsi txawj ua lawv tsib nuj tsib nqis xwb koj tsi tshuav os
mi ntxhais aw koob hmoob ces dag koj xwb os koj txhob ntseeg txhob txhawj kiag nawb kav tsij ua lub neej kaj siab lug xwb nawb txhob ntshai kiag os mog
Don’t worry so much about all the BS curse if u haven’t done anything wrong. The OGs will always be OGs. Just live ur life, b happy, n take care of ur family. Do the best u can for ur dad n his family but don’t let them threaten u. Best of luck!
Yog koj tsis tau ua txhaum, mas tej lus foom phem yeej tsis los raug koj. Tej lus ntawd zoo yam tej noog uas ya los tiam sis tsis tsaws raws li lub hom phuaj. Pajlug 26:2
Me ntxhais aw g txhob tshai kev khaum kev npam li mog kv yg 1 tus niam tais laus2 lm kv paub moob tus cwj pwm phem moob lub siab phem moob nyiam cv lus foom luag hais cv phem heev ntiaj li zoo moob lub siab xwb cv lus foom kj tias kj yv ua neej g kawg g yg kj nb mog tus ntawm yg kj ntag nb tsuas qhov kj txiv nyiam cv lus phem li kj pog coj li pog neej g kawg yg kj txiv xwb
Yeej tsis muaj kev npam li li os me ntxhais aw....yog luag hlub hlub yus mas thiaj li napm hos twb tsis hlub yus ces yeej tsis npam li mog koob hmoov nyob ntawm yus lub zog thiab ob sab tes khwv xb tsi tad yuav so lawv quav ntxhua lawv ntuav os mog txhob ntseeg thiab thiab txhob ntshai npam mog Hais txog yuav rov mus ua rau koj txiv noj ces txhob mus ua os nkim nyiaj xwb os mog yuav li qhov koj niam ua xwb tag li ntawv xwb
Tsi npam li os lawv twb tsi tau tu koj tsi tau ua koj noj tsi npam li os koj twb tsi tau ua phem rau lawv ces yeej tsi npam li os tsi khe koj pog os nws twb tsi tau hlub koj tsi khe koj txiv yug koj li os thaum kj yv tuag nws twb tsi npo koj tsi npam koj li oa nb kavtsij hlub koj niam tus yug tus tu koj tus hlub koj xb os nb
Ohyo tsis npam li os. Lawv twb npam lawm los mas es lawm thiaj txom txom nyem os. Yog hnub no lawv tsis npam es muaj nyiaj lawm ces koj twb tuag hauv lub neej lawm os
The audacity! Thats hmong folks for you. They dont want you when they have to raise you, but when you are successful, all of a sudden, you are their kid. Tsis npam kiag li os. Keep doing you sister.
Mi ntxhais aw, koj Twb tsis Tau ua txhaum qhov es txhob ntshai txog Kev Npam os, ua Neeg nyob tus hlub koj yog koj tsis mloog lus ces tsis tas lawv yuav foom koj es mam li npam os, yog koj pog lawv twb tsis Tau hlub koj es lawv foom koj los yeej tsis npam li os mog😊
Me ntxhais aw hais txog kev npam ces yog koj tsis tau tsim ib tug neeg twg thiab koj tsis tau cab koj pog thiab koj txiv tes tawm nraum zoov thiab koj tsis tau chua lawv diav ces yeej tsis txhaum leej twg li os tus yuav txhaum ces yog koj txiv xwb es txhob mloog tej Lus mob hlwb xwb kav tsij ua qhov zoo rau tus hlub2 koj xwb os
Tus mi ntxhais aw yog yus ua zoo ces yeej tsis npam li os tab sis yus yog yus niam yus txiv yug lawm ces yus yeej hlub hlub li yus hlub tau lawm ces yeej tsis npam li os mog ❤️
Tam sim no koj tau zoo ces koj txiv UA txuj hlub koj. Yog hais tias koj txom nyem ces nws tseem yuav hnyos koj xwb os. Tsis k k cov neeg tsis zoo rau koj lub neej os. Hlub tus hlub koj xwb os. Tus tsis tau hlub koj foom tsis Npam nawb. Txhob ntshais os.
Mus ntau ces ces qhov yuav npam ces yog qhov pheej mus rau lawv foom xwb os mus hnov tej lus ntawv tas ces cia li nyuaj nyuaj siab tsi xav ua neej Kaj siab ces npam li ntawv xwb mas tsi xav npam ces nyob twj ywm xwb os
Ntxais aw yog koj es koj thiaj tseem mus saib xwb os. Yog kuv tes kuv twb tsi mus saib lawm. Tej ko yog Kev lim hiam xwb os koob hmoov tes ntawm koj niam xwb os nwg twb tsi tàu hlub koj tsi muaj khaum li os txhob ntseeg txhob quav ntsej koj txiv lawv tsev neeg os.
Kev caij hmoob ces nyob ntawm yus xwb mog Koob moov ces dab xwb mog 😂 yog koj txiv koj poj siab phem npaus lis ntawm na koj Xav tau koob moov n'a dab tsis naws😂😂😂 koj txiv na koob moov tsis zoo os zoo lis ntawm ces tsis yuav os Mog Xav tau mus au kev nyuam siab xwb 😂😂😂😂
Rau tus ntxhais of this story, koj txiv thiab koj pog lawv lub siab phem rau koj niam neb xwb. Koj txiv yog tus muab txoj sia rau koj nws tsis hlub koj npam ces npam koj txiv xwb. Lawv hem kom koj ntshai thiab xav ntau xwb. Kavtsij ua koj lub neej koj txiv xav tau kev pab ces pab li koj pab tau xwb. No worry about him worry about yourself and your family. I am single mom my x left 4 kids and I take care them by myself. Karma after him only not you and your mom.
kv mas ntxub cov niag niam txiv ua yug tau thaum me tsis hlub es thaum pom luag tau zoo neej lawm es pheej mus hais ub hais no kom luag tig rov los hlub yus ntxub tshaj plaws li os
lawv pom yus lub neej zoo2 lawm lawv xav rhuav yus lub neej xwb os yus twb tsis tau tsim lawv thiab twb tsis tau ua phem rau lawv yeej tsis npam li os ...
Your father and grandmother is trying to induce guilt, but their absence during your upbringing and success is their own doing. Despite their desire to witness failure, your mother raised you to thrive independently. They are to Trying to manipulate you into believing their approval is essential for success, but remember, you've thrived without them. Don't fret over their tactics. You've done nothing wrong. Keep being the good person you are, but stay wise to their attempts at manipulation.
Well said. Totally agreed
I hope this sister see all these comments, and have a happy life.
Her birth dad is a jerk.
Your DAD just need your money he didn't love you he love your money remember that
Message for the sister who sent your sad story. You did nothing wrong,so you don’t need to worry about karma. Your birth father and family should be ashamed of themselves. They are the ones who should be worrying for not supporting and loving you. There’s nothing in Hmong cultural that children must be their parent’s slaves to receive blessing. Just continue to love those who love you and distance yourself from those who only want to take advantage of you.
Me Ntxhais koj txiv ib tswm yeej tsis yuav koj thaum me lawm ces yeej tsis npam koj li os koj hlub li qhov koj hlub xwb os tsis tas yuav tshawj li os
Txhob txhawj2 thiab os lawv twb Tsi tau tu Koj ce nyaj yuav Tsi npam thiab ca Koj tsev neeg es siab dub Ua luaj tseem Tsi txaj muag rau neeg ua yu Tsi hlub es tseem yuav mu ntaim noj ntaim hau thiab tau luag foom luag os yom os
Well said
Yes, your dad and his family sound toxic and petty. Use caution around them.
Solely agree
Me ntxais aw tsis muaj hnub yuav nplam li os koj tsis tas yuav nug koj txiv moo lawm kav tsij hlub koj niam xwb os yog koj niam tsis foom koj ces yeej tsis nplam li nawb mog
Me ntxhais aw yog koj zaj no yeej muaj tseeb li koj hais tiag ces hnub uas koj txiv tuaj xees npe nram court tso Cai rau koj mus meka lub xeem ces koj twb tuag hauv koj txiv lub neej lawm ces nws foom nws foom tus neeg tuag yeej tsis npam li lawm os mog.
You don’t need blessing from your dad and your grandparents who never rise you. You are already blessed.
If I was in your situation, I would just cut off all contact with those negative people. It is not right for your birth dad to say those things to you because he was the one to abandon you and your mom first. 😢 You don’t owe them anything. They just want to use you now because they see you and your mom surpassed them in life. They curse you so you will feel bad and do as they say. Live your life, be thankful for your husband, kids and especially your mom and step dad.❤ Best of Luck!
Kav liam os tsuav yus tus txiv hlub hlub yus xwb os kv twb mus yuav txiv lwm haiv neeg ib yam kj thiab muaj qee yam kv yeej tu tu siab ib yam kj thiab 😭😭😭
Omg gosh… Cut these toxic people from your life. There’s no karma, it’s a give and take relationship. Just love your mom, step dad and your husband. These are the people you want to keep around you or surround yourself with. Cut ties and move on.
Nah.. no karma. They werent in your life when you needed them. Theyre trying to scare you to get their way. Just block and ignore them. Less stress.
Lawv twb tsis tau hlub koj ces tsis npam li os mi ntxhais txhob txhawj li os mog .
Leej txiv Siab phem thaum koj yau nws tsis xav yuav koj thaum koj loj lawm koj kawm ntawv qib Siab koj muaj nyiaj ces nws xav tau nyiaj los ntawm koj xwb yog koj tsis ua li nws siab nyiam ces nws cem thiab foom tsis zoo rau koj cov neeg zoo li no txhob quav ntsej kiag li
Love the ones who love you. Your step-dad didn't birth you but he raised you and took care of you. Don't let your sperm donor and his family shame you into doing things you don't want to do. If you haven't done anyone wrong then there is no bad karma.
You’ll be just fine! Don’t worry about what your father and grandmother is saying. They are just basically empty threats. They just want you to cater to them after all these years of not being in your life. They now want to be rewarded with you and your love. Give those to the ones who, were there with you all this time. Karma comes to those who have done wrong. You’ll be fine, dear. Forget about them and live your life the best you can.
Koj ua yog lawm os mi naib hlub koj niam xwb os
Koj txiv yog ib tig neeg negative
koj txiv tsis paub appreciate leej twg
Xav deb ntawm koj txiv los yog qhov zoo .
Yeej tsis npam kiag vim koj txiv twb tsis tus koj tsis hlub koj o .
Zoo tshaj plaw ua koj niam coj koj tawm ntawm haiv neeg hmoob zoo tshaj plaw ua koj g rov qab lo yuav hmoob .hmoob ce yog ib haiv neeg ua poob qab yog ib haiv neeg ua tsim poj niam kom poj niam lwj siab lwj ntsw .txiv neej hmoob ce twb g hlub nw tu kheej e yuav ua ca hlub tau poj niam me nyuam o lawv
Leej twg tsis tau hlub yus ces yus tsis tshuav lawv nqi
I don't get these ppl who think you owe them when you are successful but turn their backs on you when you have nothing. SMH. Sister, don't worry. Karma will not hit you. It'll only bounce back to them. Just continue to love your mom and meka family only.
tu me ntxhai aw tsi txhob mu tseeg cov niag neeg siab phem li koj txiv thiab koj pog lawv cov phem ko os mog yu yog neeg zoo lawm yeej tsi npaum tsi khaum yu ib sim neej li os yog lawv yeej hlub hlub koj li es koj siab phem koj tau hlub lawv xwb no ma tej zaum koj yuav npam me2 thiab tab si lawv twb tsi koj es nim yuav npam qhov twg naj koj tsi tag yuav ntshai li os!! thiab tsi tag li ntawm lo koj tsi txhob mu ntshaw lawv tej niag koob hmoov ntawm li os lawv cov niag koob hmoov ntawm yog koob hmoov phem xwb tsi yog koob hmoov zoo os yu rau2 siab ua yu lub neej xwb ce yu yeej tau koob hmoov xwb os mog tsi txhob quav ntsej txog lawv tej niag lu tsi muaj qab hau ko twb lawv pom koj lub neej zoo lawm es khib2 lawv xwb os
Me Ntxhais respect tus hlub koj thiab txhawb koj xwb tsi k k koj leej txiv hmoob na
The curse is your. Dad ok Daugther, don’t worry about cursing you, you only daughter not cursing you,
If they really love you, they should have been ashamed of their bad behavior and learned to love you properly. They are mad and jealous that you turn out fine without their help, so they just wanted to make you miserable like them. Dont pay attention to their curse because it won't fall on you. If you didn't do anything wrong, those words would fly back at their children. If your mother and your new dad curse you, then you should worry about it. Just live your life happily, and you dont owe those people anything either (include your biological dad).
Coj li kj txiv yug koj ntaw coj ces yeej tsis npaj li koj yeej meem qab siab hlo ua koj lub neej mog
Txhob nug nug koj txiv hmoob moo lawm
Stay away from your father and his family, they are not good for you because all they did and talked bad to you, forget about that family.
Remember there's also a saying, "Ntuj kuj muaj qhov muag thiab. Ntuj paub, ntuj pom tus ua tsis yog." Karma falls on the one who is wrong. Why would you want to curse the people you love? Why would you want to see them suffer? Honest truth is, those who curse you, don't love you.
Ha😅😅😅 koj hais tias kev npaum Thiab kev kham no na
Tsi npam os Yog yus tsi tau ua txhaum nawj tus sister peb hmoob ces ib qhov 2 qhov lo foom xwb peb hmoob thiaj tsi vam meej txhob ntshai tsi npam mog ❤❤
Ur real dad & grandma are bitter & jealous cause ur life is good right now. They have never been there for u or supported u in life & now he wants to come back & ask u for money?? Lmfao!! Tell him to go wash his mom’s clothes & ask his mom for money. U do u & ignore them.
Me ntxhais yus yog neeg zoo lawm tsis muaj kev npam li os nawb...
Sister tseem koj yuav hlub lawv npaum twg los yog lawm twb tsis hlub koj ces lawv tuag luas lov yeej tsis tso koob hmoov rau kj li os lawv yeej tso koob hmoov rau cov lawv hlub xwb os yeej tsis npam koj li os lawv yeej tsis yuav koj lawm thiab lawv twb tsis tau tu koj na tsis txhob tshai os yeej tsis npaj li os vim koj twb tsis tau ua ab tsis txhaum koj tswv ntuaj yeej pom tias leej twg yog tus zoo thiag yog tus yog os.
Tus me viv ncaus aw txhob ntshaw lawv cov koob hmoov os mog koj yeej muaj koj koob hmoov txaus txaus koj lawm os mog. Koj nco ntsoov tias peb hmoob lub siab me me qia qia dub kawg es koj twb tsis tau ua phem rau lawv li yeej meem Cia lawv foom lawv yeej tsis raug koj li os mog. Yog koj yeej tau ua kev phem lawm mas tsis tas lawv foom li koj yeej yuav npaj es koj txhob nyuab siab li os mog.
Nws twb tsis tau hlub yus tsis npam li os
Yus tsis txhaum yeej tsis khaum tsis npam li os me ntxhais aw.
Koj yuav tau hlub koj niam dua viv koj txiv twb tsis tau hlub koj ces yeej tsis npham li os .
yog li no ces tsis npam koj li os tus niam tsev lub neej no yog muaj li koj hais ces kev npam ces yuav npam koj txiv xwb vim koj txiv yug tau koj es koj txiv tsis muaj saib xyuas koj yog koj txiv pheej foom2 koj ces ntshe kev npam yuav muaj loj ntxiv rau koj txiv xwb os
Koj txiv tsuss yog tso kev zoo nyob rau koj niam e muaj koj xwb koj txiv twb tsi xam muaj koj hnub no koj neej zoo lawv thiaj xav kom koj hlub lawv tab ma lawv tsi txawj ua lawv tsib nuj tsib nqis xwb koj tsi tshuav os
yuav npam tus txiv hmoob tus pog hmoob ntag koj saib mus yuav npam sai sai tsis ntev lawm
mi ntxhais aw koob hmoob ces dag koj xwb os koj txhob ntseeg txhob txhawj kiag nawb kav tsij ua lub neej kaj siab lug xwb nawb txhob ntshai kiag os mog
txhob yuav lawv cov khoom cai lawv yuav txoj kev npam txhob ua lawv qhev tsis khaum kiag
Koj txiv tsev neeg tsis tau tu koj yeej tsis npam li
Sister no worries about your dab and his family just work hard and take care your family
What u do is right sis no worries
Yog koj rov qab mu hlub koj txiv koj pog lawv tsev neeg ce koj yuav yog tu npam ntag ho
Me ntxhais aw yus twb tsis yog neeg phem es yeej tsis npam li os
you do you, dont care what anyone say.
Don’t worry so much about all the BS curse if u haven’t done anything wrong. The OGs will always be OGs. Just live ur life, b happy, n take care of ur family. Do the best u can for ur dad n his family but don’t let them threaten u. Best of luck!
Yog koj tsis tau ua txhaum, mas tej lus foom phem yeej tsis los raug koj. Tej lus ntawd zoo yam tej noog uas ya los tiam sis tsis tsaws raws li lub hom phuaj. Pajlug 26:2
Tsis muaj hnub npam li nawb txhob ze ze lawv lawm mog
Me ntxhais aw g txhob tshai kev khaum kev npam li mog kv yg 1 tus niam tais laus2 lm kv paub moob tus cwj pwm phem moob lub siab phem moob nyiam cv lus foom luag hais cv phem heev ntiaj li zoo moob lub siab xwb cv lus foom kj tias kj yv ua neej g kawg g yg kj nb mog tus ntawm yg kj ntag nb tsuas qhov kj txiv nyiam cv lus phem li kj pog coj li pog neej g kawg yg kj txiv xwb
Viv ncaus, hlub tus uas koj xwb os txhob nyuaj siab txog kwm tus txoj kev xav.
Yeej tsis muaj kev npam li li os me ntxhais aw....yog luag hlub hlub yus mas thiaj li napm hos twb tsis hlub yus ces yeej tsis npam li mog koob hmoov nyob ntawm yus lub zog thiab ob sab tes khwv xb tsi tad yuav so lawv quav ntxhua lawv ntuav os mog txhob ntseeg thiab thiab txhob ntshai npam mog
Hais txog yuav rov mus ua rau koj txiv noj ces txhob mus ua os nkim nyiaj xwb os mog yuav li qhov koj niam ua xwb tag li ntawv xwb
Me ntxhais koj yeej tsis npam vim lawv twb tsis hlub koj nawb mog
Txiav kev tu nrho txhob ntsib koj txiv lawv thiab txhob cia koj txiv lawv ntsib koj ntxiv lawm. Lawv tsis txheeb tsis ze koj vim koj twb tsis yog lawv lub xeem lawm. Koj niam koj txiv meskas 2 tug thiaj txhawb txhawb koj. Koj hlub nkawd koj thiaj li tau koob tau hmoov.
Zaj dab neeg no Hai tau tu siab tshaj plwg li o mi Viv n 😂😂😂😂
Koj pog thiab koj txiv siab phem xwb os.hmoob muaj lub siab khib2 qhov ncauj loj2
Tsi npam li os lawv twb tsi tau tu koj tsi tau ua koj noj tsi npam li os koj twb tsi tau ua phem rau lawv ces yeej tsi npam li os tsi khe koj pog os nws twb tsi tau hlub koj tsi khe koj txiv yug koj li os thaum kj yv tuag nws twb tsi npo koj tsi npam koj li oa nb kavtsij hlub koj niam tus yug tus tu koj tus hlub koj xb os nb
Tsi npam li os
Tus mi niam tsev txhob txhawj thiab txhob ntshaw lawv tej koob hmoov os yeej tsis npam tsis khaum qhov twg li os, twb yog lawv ntshaw ntshaw koj li nyiaj xwb txhob k os mog, kav tsij hlub koj niam xwb, koj niam foom koj thiaj npam xwb os mog.
Koj tsis npam hlo li koj ua yog lawm
Ohyo tsis npam li os. Lawv twb npam lawm los mas es lawm thiaj txom txom nyem os. Yog hnub no lawv tsis npam es muaj nyiaj lawm ces koj twb tuag hauv lub neej lawm os
The audacity! Thats hmong folks for you. They dont want you when they have to raise you, but when you are successful, all of a sudden, you are their kid. Tsis npam kiag li os. Keep doing you sister.
Mi ntxhais aw, koj Twb tsis Tau ua txhaum qhov es txhob ntshai txog Kev Npam os, ua Neeg nyob tus hlub koj yog koj tsis mloog lus ces tsis tas lawv yuav foom koj es mam li npam os, yog koj pog lawv twb tsis Tau hlub koj es lawv foom koj los yeej tsis npam li os mog😊
Nyab ntsuab tsev kuv niaj hnub mloog koj hais dab neeg os kuv you lee yaj nyob Australia os
koj txiv hmoob lawv xav tau nyiaj lawm nawb koj txiv hmoob lawv yuav liam kom tau koj ib teg nyiaj los rau lawv siv xwb nawb koj txhob ntseeg txhob ntshai nawb dag kom ntshai kom koj them ib yeg nyiaj rov rau lawv xwb dag koj xwb nawb mog
Me ntxhais aw hais txog kev npam ces yog koj tsis tau tsim ib tug neeg twg thiab koj tsis tau cab koj pog thiab koj txiv tes tawm nraum zoov thiab koj tsis tau chua lawv diav ces yeej tsis txhaum leej twg li os tus yuav txhaum ces yog koj txiv xwb es txhob mloog tej Lus mob hlwb xwb kav tsij ua qhov zoo rau tus hlub2 koj xwb os
Tus mi ntxhais aw yog yus ua zoo ces yeej tsis npam li os tab sis yus yog yus niam yus txiv yug lawm ces yus yeej hlub hlub li yus hlub tau lawm ces yeej tsis npam li os mog ❤️
Me ntxhais koj kom txhob worry ok you don't have to do anything ok you do nothing wrong. You dad family yog tsev neeg yuam kev Deb heev.
ใช่ค่ะ อยากรู้เหมือนกันว่าจะบาปจริงไหม 😢
Hlub tus hlub yus tu yus xwb txaus lawm tus pub mov yus noj xa thiab pab yus kawm ntawv xwb tau lawm tsis tas nug txiv yug koj ntawv moo lawm rau2 siab khwv thiab hlub koj niam thiab txiv tshiab xwb
Tus npam ces txawm yog koj txiv ntag mas tsis hlub koj ces tsam no koj tau zoo lawm thiaj niaj hnub tuaj kauj koj.
You did nothing wrong. Thank you for being such a strong and inspirational person. Live your life and avoid those who only tries to bring you down.
Tus muam, tsis muaj kev npam li os hmoob ce phem xwb hmoob cov kev cai npua cai xwb os tsis muaj qab huaj
Kuv xa tias kav tsij hlub koj niam xwb os txawm tsis hlub koj txiv los yeej tsis npam li os
There's no Karma. Stay away from toxic people.
Mi ntxhais aw…! Koj txiv txoj koob hmoov txom2 nyem xwb txhob ntshaw os mog.
Kav tsij rau2 siab hlub koj niam thiab koj txiv mekas xwb thiaj tau koob hmoov nawb.
Koj txiv thiab koj Pog lawv twb tsis muaj koob hmoov dabtsi es thiaj hem koj xwb os. Txhob ntshai es kav tsij rau 2 siab ua koj lub neej xwb mog.
Tam sim no koj tau zoo ces koj txiv UA txuj hlub koj. Yog hais tias koj txom nyem ces nws tseem yuav hnyos koj xwb os. Tsis k k cov neeg tsis zoo rau koj lub neej os. Hlub tus hlub koj xwb os. Tus tsis tau hlub koj foom tsis Npam nawb. Txhob ntshais os.
Koob hmoob ces koj txoj job thiab koj daim degree es koj twb tau koj txoj koob hmoob lawm os
Me ntxhais kev npam yeej muaj thiab txoj kev Niam thiab txiv sib nrauj yeej muaj nawb qhov 1 yog koj Niam thiab txiv sib nrauj tas koj txiv yeej tseem hlub thiab Saib xyuas koj kom raws txoj cai hais tias yog yus txiv thiab yus tsev no MAs thiaj yuav npam taus Rau yus nawb hos yog ib sim neej no luag twb tsis hlub yus ces luag Foom rov Rau luag yeej raug yus li os lov Peb ua neeg Nyob yog luag hlub yus txaus tsis tas Foom Los yeej yuav npam hos luag tsis hlub yus ces foom npaum cas yeej tsis raug Rau yus os koj mloog mus lawm Tom ntej no lawv lus yuav poob rov Rau lawv tsev neeg ua yog koj Pog yug ntawv xwb os lov
Mus ntau ces ces qhov yuav npam ces yog qhov pheej mus rau lawv foom xwb os mus hnov tej lus ntawv tas ces cia li nyuaj nyuaj siab tsi xav ua neej Kaj siab ces npam li ntawv xwb mas tsi xav npam ces nyob twj ywm xwb os
Tsis npam vim nws tsis tau tu koj thiab hlub txhawb koj.
Sister! Stay away from all those evil people's or haters. Them never there for you in the beginning and no npam in your case
Ntsib txiv thiab pog thaum twg foom yus thiab hais kom yis nyuab siab xwb tsis txhob ntsib nkawv zoo dua os me ntxhais
Sister, don’t listen to your dad and your grandma. Stay away from this people .
Lim hiam ntai ntuj lam hais tsis npam li os py
Ntxais aw yog koj es koj thiaj tseem mus saib xwb os. Yog kuv tes kuv twb tsi mus saib lawm. Tej ko yog Kev lim hiam xwb os koob hmoov tes ntawm koj niam xwb os nwg twb tsi tàu hlub koj tsi muaj khaum li os txhob ntseeg txhob quav ntsej koj txiv lawv tsev neeg os.
Sister, move on and careless about the drama from your dad side because they are jealous. Glad to hear that you have a great family. Take care.
Kev caij hmoob ces nyob ntawm yus xwb mog Koob moov ces dab xwb mog 😂 yog koj txiv koj poj siab phem npaus lis ntawm na koj Xav tau koob moov n'a dab tsis naws😂😂😂 koj txiv na koob moov tsis zoo os zoo lis ntawm ces tsis yuav os Mog Xav tau mus au kev nyuam siab xwb 😂😂😂😂
Tus ntxhais aws lawv siab phem xwb xwb yus tsis tau ua phem ces yeej tsis npam os.
Rau tus ntxhais of this story, koj txiv thiab koj pog lawv lub siab phem rau koj niam neb xwb. Koj txiv yog tus muab txoj sia rau koj nws tsis hlub koj npam ces npam koj txiv xwb. Lawv hem kom koj ntshai thiab xav ntau xwb. Kavtsij ua koj lub neej koj txiv xav tau kev pab ces pab li koj pab tau xwb. No worry about him worry about yourself and your family. I am single mom my x left 4 kids and I take care them by myself. Karma after him only not you and your mom.
Tsis thas noog lawv moo li os tub yog lawv ntshaw koj lub neej es lawv thiaj khib khib koj xwb mog.
Tsis npam kj li mog vim lawv twb tsis tau hluab kj mog yog kj niam foom mas thiaj npam kj xwb don't care ok
kv mas ntxub cov niag niam txiv ua yug tau thaum me tsis hlub es thaum pom luag tau zoo neej lawm es pheej mus hais ub hais no kom luag tig rov los hlub yus ntxub tshaj plaws li os
Me ntxhais thaum koj txiv koj niam nkawd sib nrauj koj txiv twb tsis yuav koj ces twb tag thaum ntawd lawm. Tsis npam tsis khaum li nawb twb yog koj thiaj tseem mus khiav lawv yog kuv ces twb tsis mus saib li lawm os me ntxhais aw.
tsis txhob mus saib koj txiv lawm xwb ces tsis muaj lus hais lawm muab xaus twj ywm cia xwb
lawv pom yus lub neej zoo2 lawm lawv xav rhuav yus lub neej xwb os yus twb tsis tau tsim lawv thiab twb tsis tau ua phem rau lawv yeej tsis npam li os ...
Koj tsis tau ua txhaum koj yeej tsis npam li os.
Koj twb tsis tau ua txhaum rau cov tsis hlub koj. Tus koj yuav ua txhaum rau ces yog tus yug koj thiab hlub koj tu koj tiav niam. Koj txiv tsev neeg twb tsis hlub koj niam neb.