I think reamp boxes for this purpose are a myth. I can't discern a reason why you need to use one when reamping into a pedal, but I'd be happy to know that I'm wrong! The low impedance of the line out into the high impedance of the pedal input shouldn't matter as long as the voltage is in the expected range, which you provided by lowering the output level. On the other hand, if you were to reamp into a tube amplifier, a reamper or impedance matching transformer would be needed to load the amp in the way it expects. The only other reason I can see for a reamper in this application would be to provide an isolating transformer, but I think you can buy 1:1 isolation boxes or impedance matching transformer cables for like $10, much cheaper than a $200 reamper... Or you could just use a shorter cable. Anyway, great video as always!
Absolutely. I concur with you. In some situations with a good reamp box, the controls they offer might allow you to squeeze more mojo out of a pedal. It's very dependent on the pedal but honestly... I never do it. As I said... attenuate the level and off we go. It sounded pretty good. When going for true reamping... It means you are going to an amp. In that case, for many reasons, use a reamp box. But using it for getting into a pedal, even if it expects instrument-level signal, you can "wing it", the way I do it. If they criticize it, blame it on me and say I gave you the bad tip ;) Thanks again for staying with me and enjoying the video and tinkering!
2 reasons you might want to use a reamp box. 1) to reduce the level from line level to a more guitar friendly level. line level signal is way too hot. 2) if you experience humming when reamping it typically has a ground lift. sure there are work arounds and some might not have issues but some might. each person probably have different setups and different set of circumstances. For instance some people might be abled to use a Boss pedal because the buffer turns any signal into guitar friendly level but that doesnt compensate if there are humming noises while reamping. Then again some may or may not have that issue. imo i would rather have it then not lol
I think reamp boxes for this purpose are a myth. I can't discern a reason why you need to use one when reamping into a pedal, but I'd be happy to know that I'm wrong! The low impedance of the line out into the high impedance of the pedal input shouldn't matter as long as the voltage is in the expected range, which you provided by lowering the output level.
On the other hand, if you were to reamp into a tube amplifier, a reamper or impedance matching transformer would be needed to load the amp in the way it expects. The only other reason I can see for a reamper in this application would be to provide an isolating transformer, but I think you can buy 1:1 isolation boxes or impedance matching transformer cables for like $10, much cheaper than a $200 reamper... Or you could just use a shorter cable.
Anyway, great video as always!
Absolutely. I concur with you. In some situations with a good reamp box, the controls they offer might allow you to squeeze more mojo out of a pedal. It's very dependent on the pedal but honestly... I never do it. As I said... attenuate the level and off we go. It sounded pretty good. When going for true reamping... It means you are going to an amp. In that case, for many reasons, use a reamp box. But using it for getting into a pedal, even if it expects instrument-level signal, you can "wing it", the way I do it.
If they criticize it, blame it on me and say I gave you the bad tip ;)
Thanks again for staying with me and enjoying the video and tinkering!
2 reasons you might want to use a reamp box. 1) to reduce the level from line level to a more guitar friendly level. line level signal is way too hot. 2) if you experience humming when reamping it typically has a ground lift. sure there are work arounds and some might not have issues but some might. each person probably have different setups and different set of circumstances. For instance some people might be abled to use a Boss pedal because the buffer turns any signal into guitar friendly level but that doesnt compensate if there are humming noises while reamping. Then again some may or may not have that issue. imo i would rather have it then not lol
True indeed! Thanks for the message!
I have never got pipeline to work well.
Strange, it worked quite easily for me!