I believe this song is about self neglect, so like for example, you have school work or a mental issue to fix and you don't do it out of "pure laziness" which may be underlining depression or a need to not fail, even though by doing nothing you'll obviously do so anyways. "Rotting away as I live in denial" "Now I'd much rather do nothing at all" "Debts pile up and my life starts to fall" Id know from personal experience :)
I heard this a year ago and I loved it so much! I remembered the song and I eventually found your video and OMG all the memories came flooding back Thank you for giving us this amazing cover
It's a parody to a drama called Sun Go Kong (if I'm not mistaken? The character's silhouettes are there in the vid too) they went to India to search for somekind of a holy book or place, but it simply means "going to india = goal"
Max: All apples are red
Granny Smiths: *Am I a joke to you*
I believe this song is about self neglect, so like for example, you have school work or a mental issue to fix and you don't do it out of "pure laziness" which may be underlining depression or a need to not fail, even though by doing nothing you'll obviously do so anyways.
"Rotting away as I live in denial"
"Now I'd much rather do nothing at all"
"Debts pile up and my life starts to fall"
Id know from personal experience :)
banger pfp
this song is such a mood
Also: this is really good! i can't hit notes that high at all
this is done so well??? yes!! And you hit the high notes amazingly!! I love this
This is a terrific cover and i love the way the lyrics are written for an english cover.
I heard this a year ago and I loved it so much! I remembered the song and I eventually found your video and OMG all the memories came flooding back
Thank you for giving us this amazing cover
This deserves more likes and you deserve more subscribers. Great Job!
My life in a nutshell
aa this is so good!!!
this is a JAM
This song makes me think of apples and not the song. So while this person is talking about dying, I’m just thinking “apple”
3 years and only 11k views? rnis deserves more attention
Honestly, my mood daily...
Great job!👌🏽👏🏽
What the heck this was uploaded on my birthday last year how'd I never notice
this is q u a l i t y
Heyy, anyone got any idea what happened to SelinKim's video? I can't find it anymore.
Yeah me too :(((
I myself cannot find it either, and i enjoyed it. I'm assuming it got removed, or Selin removed it herself.
If anyone has a reupload they should see if they can get it up.
It's been reuploaded on soundcloud
@@AURELIAN-restitutororbis Link? I've looked and I can't find it
Ok besides the debt and the phone bill ( I’m still a high school student) Why the heck do I relate to this song so much lol
I still have no clue why it says "here I go to India". is it a way to say they're leaving the country to avoid prosecution?
It's a parody to a drama called Sun Go Kong (if I'm not mistaken? The character's silhouettes are there in the vid too) they went to India to search for somekind of a holy book or place, but it simply means "going to india = goal"
.............. .com
“All apples are red”