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V (Kim Taehyung) speaking the cutest English for 612 seconds
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- There are lot of fans for V who felled in love with him because of his looks and Cuteness. He looks so adorable with his accent when he speaks English.
So i just collected his clips from their Interviews and Shows.
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I do not own the clips except editing, credit to rightful owners.
I fall in love with his English accent 💜💜💜💜💜
Same here 💜💜
Same here
Plzz vote for V in most handsome asian king fan choice 2021
sometime his voice sounds higher sometime sounds deeper😍
Plzz vote for V in most handsome asian king fan choice 2021
@@internationalarmy3148 He already won.... 🥳🥳
Ya ya🤗
he doesn’t need to learn English, we’ll all learn Korean just to understand him haha ♡︎
@@나는현애 yes I am also trying to learn korean
Any good channels to learn Korean army??
True 😀
Yeah,I have already started.
Сколько же в этой головушке всего. Говорит на японском, английский выучил. Не удивлюсь, если еще и французский изучает. А сколько разных идей, мыслей и прочего. Тэхен, браво тебе.
На концертах помимо английского говорил на японском и француском. Вроде немецкого не слышала
I love it when V tries to speak in English, it cute
He is speaking English he’s not trying he is🤣
Да , он мило говорит по английски
I love the way RM looks so proud of him when he speaks English he always smiles at V
Daddy 💜
Taehyung mistreated by Company👇👇
@@jannat_m345 🏆
Yeah soo cute
his deep voice makes his english so cute 🥺✋
Deeper than the ocean 🌊
@@Nateulofficial 😂😂
🎀I love BTS channel, the best singing band and sweet dance clips. Laugh me backstage. Thank you for my comment.
Exactly. English never sounded so beautiful ❤❤
Rm looks at v like: my kid is learning to talk 😂🥺😍
Plzz vote for V in most handsome asian king fan choice 2021
@@internationalarmy3148 i already have 😊
@@internationalarmy3148 absolutely right
Daddy 💜
@@jannat_m345 tf-
Kim Taehyung ты прелесть, такой милый когда говорит на английском, он очень способный и сейчас он уверенно говорит, способный и гениальный наше СОЛНЦЕ.
He speaks English so much better now, he has really tried hard to learn it! I love V, he is so honest and humble!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It looks like he is saying just 5% of what he actually wants to and that brimming happy helplessness is so adorable. Don't worry V we get your feelings just by your vibes
Этот невероятный красавец все делает отлично , за что ни возьмётся , ему все по плечу !!!!!
I love the fact that despite his weak English he isn't insecure at all to speak and joke around
God ! He is so precious ❤️
Отличное произношение!Не устаю восхищаться и удивляться Техеном:))
I love V's voice and even more how he says English words. Its so precious 💕
Голос Тэхена это просто бальзам на душу,можно слушать бесконечно...❤❤❤
Тембр голоса Тэхена очень подходит для английского языка. А вообще то его голос можно слушать на любом языке, это будет круто!💜
Да согласна с Вами , ещё Тэхен это 8 ое Чудо Вселенной
Concordo! em português brasil fica bonito tbm…
Для меня Техён всегда был номер 1,так им и останется, не смотря ни на что ❤❤❤❤❤
Уважаю людей которые не меняют своего мнения Тэхена он космос его невозможно не любить им только восторгаться🎉❤
Как Вы хорошо написали!Техеном можно только восхищаться и любить его!@@ЕленаБугаева-э4з
Me too
Техен ты и правда очень необычьный всегда разный и непавторимый ты классный ❤❤❤❤ браво
Ким Тэхён очаровательный безумно красивый талантливый человек ❤❤❤
"It's not in my vocabulary" will always be an iconic🥰
Tae's voice becomes much deeper when he speaks english 😳
Wow, I actually think the opposite
Wow!! He’s amazing!! To think that for almost 25 years, he has only known one language and has picked up so much of this new one so already! It’s not easy to learn a new language as an adult learner, I’ve been there. To think that he’s picking this up so quickly is something he should be respected for. His confidence is growing also, as you see he his happy to take the mic more and more. Then you look at RM, who doesn’t speak over him or correct him, he waits patiently for Tae to finish and then when he knows it’s required, will just clarify what Tae has said. You can see why these guys are so universally loved. Despite all the adulation, fame and wealth, they remain very humble with a great deal of humility. Western pop stars, who don’t possess even a fraction of the talent or international appeal of these lads, should take a leaf or several out the BTS book.
Hear hear
V also speaks fluent Japanese.
Произношение шикарное у Тэхёна, что бы он ни делал, у него всё на высоте. Очень красивый голос, впрочем, как и сам Тэ, его голос слушала бы бесконечно, хоть на корейском, хоть на английском, на любом языке пусть говорит его голос завораживает, пленяет. Тэхён, само очарование. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Yeah!! Exactly!!
Я очарована Тэхеном и его английским, он чудо ✌️
RM BE LIKE: I'm proud of my son 😁
Nah he really isn't proud of me 😔
Plzz vote for V in most handsome asian king fan choice 2021
Yeah 😇😅
Doesn't matter in which language he speaks he is always so cute and adorable 💜💜💜 I love him so much
,,брилиантовая макне"техени ми тебя любим еще больше как ти развиваешся!
너의 순수한 그맑음이 빛을바라는구나
영혼이 맑은 태형이 흥해라😊😊😊
Да как же его не понять, при такой любви к нему ! И никакой язык учить то,и не надо ! ( Тэшечка - бой ! на убой ,всего мира) ❤❤❤
Тэша как улыбнется ,так и у нас рот растягивается до ушей . 😂
Тэша только говорит и это уже театр одного актера. Сплошное наслаждение. Зал визжит и мы тоже.
This is the cutest English I've ever heard. He is trying so hard to speak English, so we should try just as hard to speak and learn Korean ❤️✨
Техеееен❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤неповторимый умопомрачительный безумно красивый😊😊
I am indian and the first thing came in my mind when the clip "army you are the brightest star in my universe" the way he had tied his scarf I thought of gamjha(a cloth indian framers wear it's kinda famous 😁)😂😂😂😂😂 hope any other indian can relate 😘
Gamcha🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣oh god 😂 it's little weird to say he tied gamcha on his forehead 😂😂😂
@@leenasrivastava7876 yeah right I was also like that🤔😂
@@justasimp8509 🤣🤣🤣
Omg !! It was just a headband !! We Indian Armys are craziest lol 🇮🇳🇮🇳💜💜 😂😂
Ys ... very true
His English has improved so much! Well done to our V!
Люблю тэху больше всех обояшка службы тебе лёгкой ждём любимка
Он давно уже ТЭХЕН!
Что за любовь такая ваша неуважительная??? Шанс хейтерам или вы и есть хейтер!?
V: not in my vocabulary, I'm perfect😏
Taes talking and singing voice is so soothing. I could fall asleep listening to him talk for hours
I smiled and laughed the whole video. he is so happy and cheerful everywhere, somewhere he reminded me of a happy and small child. I'm very proud of him. Taehyung, always be happy
Волшебной, магнетической, манящей красоты самый милый мальчик мой неземной
Taehyung! 👍👍👍👍👍
V es V incomparable, me gusta su carisma, su inocencia y no es calculador, es puro a veces creo que por eso la mal iterpretan
Tango a TAE colgado de mi corazón por tanta pureza que hay en su alma el tiene un aura tan llamativa que es el nunca podría pasar desapercibido haga lo que haga es tan hermoso ✌🏻🤟🏻🐻👑💚💜
Kim Taehyung's English is so cute and perfect 💜😂
Why nobody’s talking about how Kookie was staring at V the whole time 😍😍😍
Who will not stare on this living perfection ?? Everyone is whipped for Taetae !!💜💜
Ys very true...I was focusing on kookie as well... along with tae 😁😁
Rm too.....
I 💜Taekook ..
I just love how he speaks english, his thick accent and how he pronounces everything its just to cute
He’s getting so much better with English because he’s not afraid to speak. That’s huge. I studied Spanish. I could understand, read, and write, but I was afraid to speak. If you don’t speak, you can’t have a conversation. If you can’t have a conversation, you can’t practice. If you don’t practice, you don’t get better or may forget. Kudos to V.
V is just like a superb wow , and his expressions on a bit are so cute and attractive
Omg he's the cutest, the deep voice with his accent... Boi is sending me
I'm addicted to this video mainly 2 things
1. Tae voice
2. And the way JK staring Tae whenever he speaks oh my God it's indirectly an taekook video
I respect u loving taekook together but u ship them as friends right not trying to be rude purple u💜
Taekook foreverrr~
for me it looks like jk wanna speaking english confident like tae do but tae is too confident and that's why make jk look at him with kinda embarrassed feels lmao😂 it's just taekook things✨
Just noticed haha.
He is even more cute when he speaks English.
RM would be proud of his son. 😇
Какой же красивый голос у Тэ!❤❤❤❤❤
Бесконечная любовь это Тэхени, Тэ, Тэшечка!!! Такой безумно красивый!!! Позитив на высшей точке!!! Человек праздник!!! BTS, вы крутые!!! Смотрю и радуюсь, что вы есть в нашей жизни. Будьте вместе как можно дольше. Пожалуйста будьте счастливы каждый по-своему, но обязательно будьте!!!
I already love his deep voice so him speaking English makes its even more cute
His English, which is not easy to learn, is good. Even with his accent, he's understandable. I like that he's trying & looks excited to speak. They travel the world. They have tons of English speaking fans. It awesome to hear them speak, even if it's only sometimes! Greetings from the States! 🤗
Rm- Tae's English is so good, proud of my son
V- perfect 🤣😂
Как же Ви красиво говорит на Английском Ваууу,как Всегда Секси❤❤❤❤❤❤
I always think that V comes from the most beautiful planet in the Universe and is send to us to brighten our lives with his sweetness and beautiful deep voice
No one
V:- this is not in my vocabulary
the cute aggression I feel when I watch this man speak English is so strong. I'm so proud of him for learning and trying even if it's daunting. To anyone that can speak multiple languages, you are amazing!
His " army ur the brightest source in my universe, we purple u" Was EVERYTHING TO ME PURPLE U TOO V 💜💜💜
Awww!! That’s really true! I swear💜
Are you a die-hard ARMY? If so, don’t miss out this clip!
I really loved that line when he said “BTS is incomplete without ARMY” it touched my heart ❤️ Borahae BTS 💜💜💜
my new favorite video. This is so.... This makes me imagine how charming and funny and cute and smart and elegant Tae is in his own language because he's all that in English. So fortunate are those who can understand and fully appreciate him in Korean. I thought he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen before I saw this........
0:45 The way Tae looks at RM like a kid after speaking in English and RM is like a proud dad!
hes the most adorable human being ever ugh
Наша неискончаемая вечная радость, Тэхени! Счастье! Милота! 💕💕💕
Нескончаемая вечная радость!!! ЗДОРОВО!!!
Умничка, наш Теэхён!
Тут от одного голоса помереть можно! 💔
💜V is amazingly adorable 🥰
Taehyung is so adorable when he starts speaking english
He improved his english so well.. Proud of you 💜💜💜
Loved the way he speaks..no fakeness .. Amazing video...He is trying to speak English because he wants to interact with his fans.. Such a Charming personality...After Lee min ho my most favorite Korean actor..best of luck..❤️❤️
Техен - безграничный космос. 🎉🎉
I’ve never heard a cutest and hottest combination of English at the same time
Plzz vote for V in most handsome asian king fan choice 2021
Yeah i voted currently second
@@corneliaatami3067 you can vote again and again
@@internationalarmy3148 yes I did vote many times with my phone, I pad and even my moms phone
@@corneliaatami3067 Thank you FIGHTING!!!!! Army
where do you vote from?!?
Taehyung : *speaks English*
Namjoon: You just breathe and I'll do everything 🥺
Congratulations V
Your English is perfectly amazing cute
Taehyung we purple You 💜
Awh I cant say how much I love this
Taehyung English is so cute like a little baby speaking 😂💜💜
Aww, the way he said “Popcorn” at 1:17. 🥺😍❤️
The member who caught everyone's minds the most Taehyung is really cool and everyone loves him
His cute expression and smile while speaking ...Just kills me 💘💘💘 Love you V❤️🌍
V speaking english. Me thinking -: How someone can look soo cute just by speaking english❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘
Simply superb V👍👍👍👍....They say that they can't speak, don't understand English except RM, bt V is speaking English very well, and I believe that remaining 5 will be also speaking English well......Bcz they write and sing lyrics of their own English songs 🎵....keep speaking English BTS 👍
"u are the brightest source in my universe"
Милое сексуальное очарование Тэхёна восхищает и сводит с ума от восторга💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I Love His Deep Voice😍😍💜
(in RM's voice)
Omg Taehyung's English is so cute WoOwwWww 😂
Love how RM helps them to pronounce better too , they are adorable
He is the cutest when he speaks English😭
No one can speak English like him his accent is amazing
His deep and kind british accent is really good 😍❤🔥
Love how hes so confident when speaking eng even tho not fluent
Hes so adorable love him ❤
Tip: listen to this video at night and you will see Taetae dreams 🌠💜
Ummm.... listen or watch
@@arishajahangir1439 let's do both😋
@@HarshitaGothwal15 ukhae😅
Today I saw dream that the whole bts was at my home and I talked to v and kookie proposed my bestie and they were together and suddenly kookie was having wife and son the dream was so weird
@@saiyedzoya2835 i also saw a dream of talking to bts😆
This is so weird but true:watching tae speak English made me become an army😭😂
V is perfect in all activities that's why we love him is english also cute
Vida siempre igual,con su humildad y bello🤗❤️💜🇦🇷
Tae's voice takes me to another world ❤❤😩
His voice is so good❤
Ele sempre se destaca tem luz própria 💜
Thanks to his deep voice, Taehyung sounds really good in English 💜💜💜
Love him ❤❤❤ got the confidence to talks in English . Loved him for that .. “ loved Panda Express “ hahaha 😂😂😂 soo precious. Soo soo handsome indeed ❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
Tae ist so niedlich gleich welche Sprache reden 👌er hat schöne Stimme ❤❤❤