Always learning something new from your channel, Ankit! I didn't know that ORDERING BY two columns in a window function works this way. Thank you again for such an awesome video.
with cte as (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY group_id) as row_num, player_id, group_id, sum(IF(player_id=first_player, first_score, second_score)) as total_score from players INNER JOIN matches where (player_id = first_player or player_id = second_player) group by player_id, group_id order by group_id, total_score desc, player_id asc) select player_id, group_id from cte where row_num = 1; Your teaching got me to this solution
Thank you Ankit : My Solution : %sql -- create table players -- (player_id int, -- group_id int) -- insert into players values (15,1),(25,1),(30,1),(45,1),(10,2),(35,2),(50,2),(20,3),(40,3); -- create table matches -- ( -- match_id int, -- first_player int, -- second_player int, -- first_score int, -- second_score int) -- insert into matches values (1,15,45,3,0),(2,30,25,1,2),(3,30,15,2,0),(4,40,20,5,2),(5,35,50,1,1); With finding_total_runs as ( select first_player as player_id,sum(first_score) as score from matches group by first_player union all select second_player as player_id,sum(second_score) as score from matches group by second_player ),total_runs as ( select player_id,sum(score) as score from finding_total_runs group by player_id ) ,finding_row_number as ( select group_id,player_id,score from ( select P.group_id,TR.player_id,TR.score,row_number() over (partition by P.group_id order by TR.score desc,TR.player_id ) as RN from total_runs TR left join players P on TR.player_id=P.player_id ) where RN=1 ) --select * from total_runs select * from finding_row_number
Tried it myself in first attempt, but before that have checked a lot of your videos which helped in understanding the process of 'How to approach these kind of problems': [with matches_transform as (select first_player as player_id, first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player_id, second_score as score from matches), group_wise_total_player_score as (select p.group_id, mt.player_id, sum(mt.score) as total_player_score from matches_transform mt inner join players p on p.player_id = mt.player_id group by p.group_id, mt.player_id), max_score_group_wise as (select group_id, max(total_player_score) max_score_in_group from group_wise_total_player_score group by group_id) select msgw.group_id, min(gwtps.player_id) winners from group_wise_total_player_score gwtps inner join max_score_group_wise msgw on gwtps.group_id = msgw.group_id and gwtps.total_player_score = msgw.max_score_in_group group by msgw.group_id order by group_id];
select group_id, player from (select *, dense_rank() over (partition by group_id order by score desc,player asc) as rnk from (select group_id ,player , sum(score) as score from ((select group_id,first_player as player,first_score as score from players p join matches m on p.player_id = m.first_player union all select group_id, second_player, second_score from players l join matches k on l.player_id = k.second_player))a group by group_id, player)a)b where rnk = 1; Thanks a lot ,Ankit. In this video, I learnt how to apply two conditions in order by in case got two conditions to fulfill for ranking.
thanks a lot for sharing the great content, I made a daily habit of watching your videos (at least one) and solve it... keep it up! lot of people like me are benefiting from your videos.
Thank you so much for these videos Ankit. My approach is a little different: with player_score as ( SELECT first_player as pl, first_score as score from matches UNION all SELECT second_player as pl, second_score as score from matches )
SELECT group_id,pl,max(total_score) from (select distinct,p.group_id, sum(s.score) as total_score from player_score s join players p on group by 1)x group by 1 having max(total_score) order by pl
Nice explanation My approach with cte as(select p.group_id,p.player_id, sum(ifnull(m.first_score,0) + ifnull(m2.second_score,0)) as total from players as p left join matches as m on p.player_id=first_player left join matches as m2 on p.player_id=m2.second_player group by 1,2) select * from (select *, dense_rank() over( partition by group_id order by total desc,player_id asc) as rnk from cte) sal where rnk =1;
Thank you so much Ankit so nicely explained .... My approach with cte as( select first_player as player_id , first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player_id , second_score as score from matches), cte1 as (select player_id, sum(score) as total_score from cte c group by player_id) select p.group_id, c.player_id, max(total_score) as score from cte1 c, players p where c.player_id=p.player_id group by p.group_id;
After practicing sql several problems, my approach from start to end for this Que is the same as u approached. Thank u bhai. in later videos , don't hear baby crying as it add more spices like bg music 😁🥰♥.
again a wonderful video.. I tried to solve it on my own, but was stuck at how to get the last step that is, ranking.. I wasn't applying correct window function. so after watching your video, everything got clear and I was able to solve it. This playlist is amazing.
Instead of this query Select * , rank() over(partition by group_id order by score desc, player_id asc) as rn from final_score; We should use Select * , row_number() over(partition by group_id order by score desc, player_id asc) as rn from final_score; Because, In first query, if score is same then we will get same rank number for both tie player_id. But In second query, If score is same then we will get different rank like lowest score we will get 1 rw_num and rw_num 2. then select * from final_ranking where rn=1 will work fine. Thanks for sharing knowledge .
Thanks Ankit, wasn't aware the power of CTE & Window Fn.😲 while using multiple CTEs in a query ..dikhne me structure quite complex lagta h, but jo samjh gya..use likhne me mza ata h.!!😅 with cte as (select first_player player_id,first_score score from matches union all select second_player,second_score from matches), cte1 as (select c.player_id,p.group_id,sum(score) sum from cte c join players p on c.player_id = p.player_id group by player_id), cte2 as (select *, row_number() over(partition by group_id order by sum desc) as rn from cte1) select * from cte2 where rn = 1;
with cte as ( select first_player as playerid , first_score as runsscore from matches a union select second_player as playerid , second_score as runsscore from matches a ), ctea as ( select playerid ,sum(runsscore) as playerruns from cte group by playerid ) ,cteb as ( select A.playerid,A.playerruns, B.group_id, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by B.group_id order by A.playerruns desc,A.playerid asc) as ranking from ctea A inner join players B on A.playerid=B.player_id ) select * from cteb C where C.ranking=1 ;
I tried to break the problems into small chunks and finally i came to answer from myself, this approach i learned from u sir thanku so much sir😊😊😊😊. yes this query can also me conclude in less line but i go through your approach sir with cte as( select m.player_id,p1.first_player as player,p1.first_score as score,m.group_id from players m join matches p1 on p1.first_player=m.player_id union all select m.player_id,p2.second_player,p2.second_score,m.group_id from players m inner join matches p2 on p2.second_player=m.player_id), cte1 as(select player_id,sum(score) as total_score,group_id from cte group by group_id,player_id), cte2 as( select group_id,player_id,total_score ,rank() over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id) as rn from cte1) select group_id,player_id,total_score from cte2 where rn=1;
Thank you for bringing up the problems that are paid on leetcode, I am sharing my solution for the above problem without looking into the video, please let me know your feedback: with ans as (select t.player,p.group_id,sum(t.score) as total_score, rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum(t.score) desc, player asc) as rnk from( select first_player as player,first_score as score from matches union select second_player as player,second_score as score from matches) t join players p on t.player = p.player_id group by player ) select group_id, player as winner from ans where rnk = 1;
Hi Ankit , My approach to these type of questions is to find the input dataset first , like how the structure should look like for the dataset where i can apply my logic , is it the correct approach or how do you approach these complex questions ?
I tried this before trying your solution. you avoided two joins to players which is good in terms of optimization. I am very happy that i got to know your youtube channel, i may become sql champion like you if i keep practicing with amazing problems. sql is like a cake walk for me now after practicing your questions and approach that is followed. with total_points as( select player_id, group_id, sum(points) as total_points from ( select p1.player_id, group_id, first_score as points from matches m inner join players p1 on m.first_player = p1.player_id union all select p2.player_id, group_id, second_score as points from matches m inner join players p2 on m.second_player = p2.player_id ) a group by player_id, group_id ), rank_cte as ( select player_id, group_id, total_points, rank() over (partition by group_id order by total_points desc, player_id asc) rank from total_points ) select player_id, group_id, total_points from rank_cte where rank=1;
with ct as (select *,case when (first_score > second_score) or (first_score = second_score and first_player < second_player) then first_player else second_player end winners, case when (first_score > second_score) or (first_score = second_score and first_player < second_player) then first_score else second_score end winners_score from matches) select group_id, winners, winners_score from ct left join players on = players.player_id where (group_id, winners_score) in (select group_id, max(winners_score) max_score from ct left join players on = players.player_id group by 1)
slight different approach = with t1 as( select p.player_id,p.group_id,isnull(sum(fp.first_score),0)+isnull(sum(sp.second_score),0) total_points, rank () over (partition by p.group_id order by(isnull(sum(fp.first_score),0)+isnull(sum(sp.second_score),0))desc) as r from players p left join matches fp on fp.first_player = p.player_id left join matches sp on sp.second_player = p.player_id group by p.player_id,p.group_id ), t2 as( select player_id,group_id,total_points, rank () over (partition by group_id order by( player_id)) as pr from t1 where r =1 ) select * from t2 where pr = 1
my sol : with temp1 as (select first_player as player , first_score as score from matches ) , temp2 as ( select second_player as player , second_score as score from matches ) , temp3 as ( select * from temp1 Union all select * from temp2 ) , temp4 as (select player , group_id ,sum(score) score from temp3 inner join players on players.player_id = temp3.player group by player order by group_id , player ) , temp5 as (select * , row_number() over (partition by group_id order by score desc ) maxscore from temp4 ) select group_id , player from temp5 where maxscore = 1
sir my solution to the problem: with cte as ( select *, case when first_score>second_score then first_player when second_score > first_score then second_player when first_score = second_score then (select case when first_player>second_player then second_player else first_player end) end as winner, case when first_score > second_score then first_score when second_score > first_score then second_score when first_score = second_score then first_score end as score from matches ) ,cteone as ( select c.winner,c.score,p.group_id, dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by score desc, winner asc) as by_win from cte c join players p on c.winner = p.player_id ) select cto.winner,cto.score,cto.group_id from cteone cto where by_win = 1
Great Work Ankit. Really appreciated with Players_with_group_score as ( select group_id,Player,sum(score) as Total_score ,Dense_Rank() Over( Partition By group_id Order by sum(score) desc, player asc) as rnk from ( select group_id,first_player as Player,sum(first_score) as score from matches m Inner JOIN players p1 ON m.first_player = p1.player_id group by group_id,first_player UNION ALL select group_id,second_player as Player,sum(second_score) as score from matches m Inner JOIN players p2 ON m.second_player = p2.player_id group by group_id,second_player ) a Group by group_id,Player order by group_id desc,Player desc ) select group_id,player as winner from Players_with_group_score where rnk =1
Hi Ankit, My Solution :) with cte1 as ( select m.first_player as player, m.first_score as player_score, fp.group_id as player_group_id from matches m inner join players fp on fp.player_id = m.first_player union select m.second_player as player, m.second_score as player_score, sp.group_id as player_group_id from matches m inner join players sp on sp.player_id = m.second_player ) ,cte2 as ( select *, max(player_score) over(partition by player_group_id order by player_group_id ) as max_scre_by_grp, sum(player_score) over(partition by player order by player) as per_players_scre from cte1 ) select distinct player_group_id as group_id, min(case when max_scre_by_grp = per_players_scre then player else null end) over(Partition by player_group_id order by player_group_id) as winner, max_scre_by_grp as score from cte2 Happy learning guys !!
Hi Ankit, Loved your video 👏👏👏👏 You could have change column name first name to score, score to playerID or let me know is there reason to take like that ??
with cte1 as (select first_player,max(first_score) s from (SELECT first_player,first_score from matches union all select second_player,second_score from matches) a group by first_player order by first_player), cte2 as (select *,row_number() over(partition by group_id order by s desc,player_id) rnk from cte1 join players p on cte1.first_player = p.player_id ) select player_id,group_id,s score from cte2 where rnk=1 (easy solution)
select first_player,first_score into #tmp from matches union all select second_player,second_score from matches select * from (select a.group_id,b.first_player,a.player_id,b.first_score ,dense_rank() over(partition by a.group_id order by first_score desc,player_id) as rnk from players a left join #tmp b on a.player_id=b.first_player) a where rnk=1
with cte as( select match_id, first_player as player_id,first_score as runs from matches union select match_id,second_player as player_id ,second_score as runs from matches),cte2 as( select c.* ,p.group_id from cte c inner join players p on c.player_id =p.player_id),cte3 as( select *,DENSE_RANK() over(partition by group_id order by runs desc ,player_id ) rk from cte2) select * from cte3 where rk=1
with player_score as ( Select b.group_id,a.PlayerID,sum(a.Score) as Score from ( Select first_player as PlayerID, first_score as score from matches union all Select second_player,second_score as score from matches ) a left join players b on a.playerid = b.player_id group by b.group_id,a.PlayerID order by 1 asc,2 asc ) , player_rank as( Select *,dense_rank(score) over(partition by group_id order by score desc,PlayerID asc ) as rnk from player_score ) Select * from player_rank where rnk=1 order by group_id asc, rnk asc
Great video, another solution. with cte as ( SELECT d.*, rank() over(partition by d.group_id order by tot_score desc) as rnk FROM ( select p.group_id, p.player_id, SUM(COALESCE(fp.first_score, 0) + COALESCE(sp.second_score, 0)) as tot_score from players p LEFT join matches fp on p.player_id = fp.first_player LEFT join matches sp on p.player_id = sp.second_player group by p.group_id, p.player_id --order by group_id, player_id )d ) select c1.group_id, c1.player_id from cte c1 where rnk = 1 and player_id = (select min(player_id) from cte c2 where c1.group_id = c2.group_id and c2.rnk = 1)
My Solution: -- creating a cte containing the player_id and total score obtained by them with cte as ( select player,sum(score) as score from ( select first_player as player,first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player,second_score as score from matches) group by 1 ) -- Finding the player having maximum score in each group select player, group_id from( select *,rank() over(partition by p.group_id order by c.score desc, c.player) as rnk from cte c join players p on c.player=p.player_id) where rnk=1
My attempt was quite different towards the last CTE Here is a look at my attempt with score_table as (select m.match_id, m.first_player as player_id, m.first_score as player_score from matches m union all select mm.match_id, mm.second_player as player_id, mm.second_score as player_score from matches mm), ranking as (select s.player_id, p.group_id,sum(s.player_score) as total_score, DENSE_RANK() over(partition by p.group_id order by sum(s.player_score) DESC) as rnk from score_table s inner join players p on s.player_id = p.player_id group by s.player_id, p.group_id) select min(player_id) as player_id, group_id,total_score from ranking where rnk = 1 group by group_id, total_score
I did it a little differently but got stuck with the ties part "with cte as(select n.second_player as players_id,n.second_score as score, p.group_id as groups from players p INNER JOIN matches n on p.player_id=n.second_player UNION ALL select m.first_player as players_id,m.first_score as score,p.group_id as groups from players p INNER JOIN matches m on p.player_id=m.first_player) ,scorecard as (select players_id,sum(score) as total_scored, groups, rank() over(partition by groups order by sum(score) desc) as rn from cte group by players_id, groups) select players_id, total_scored, groups, rn from scorecard where rn=1"
its simple, the first score column belongs only to the first player and second score belongs only to the second player in the tables, we cannot use viceversa here
My solution for the problem: with cte as( Select p.player_id, sum(coalesce(m.first_score,0)+coalesce(m1.second_score,0)) total_scores from players p left join matches m on p.player_id=m.first_player left join matches m1 on p.player_id=m1.second_player group by p.player_id), cte1 as( Select p.*,cte.total_scores,dense_RANK() over (partition by group_id order by cte.total_scores desc) rank from players p inner join cte on cte.player_id=p.player_id ), cte2 as( Select player_id,group_id,total_scores,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by group_id order by player_id asc) rn from cte1 where rank=1) Select player_id,group_id,total_scores from cte2 where rn=1
My attempt a little lengthy but hehe : with cte_1 as ( select m.*,group_id, case when first_score > second_Score then first_player when first_score second_Score then first_score when first_score
with scores as ( select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches ) ,total_scores as ( select player, sum(score) as total_scores from scores group by player ) ,compare as ( select p.player_id, p.group_id, ts.total_scores as total_score, max(ts.total_scores) over(partition by p.group_id) as max_group_score from players p join total_scores ts on p.player_id=ts.player group by p.player_id ) select group_id, min(player_id) as player from compare where total_score=max_group_score; group by group_id;
Alternate solution: with t1 as( select player,sum(pts) as pts from( select first_player as player,sum(first_score) as pts from matches group by first_player union all select second_player as player,sum(second_score) as pts from matches group by second_player )a group by player ),t2 as( select group_id,player_id,pts,max(pts) over(partition by group_id) as max_pts from( select players.*,t1.pts from players join t1 on players.player_id = t1.player)b ) select group_id,pts,min(player_id) as winner from t2 where pts=max_pts group by group_id,pts
with cte as (select first_player as player_id , first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player_id , second_score as score from matches order by player_id), cte_2 as (select P.group_id, P.player_id, coalesce(score,0) as score from players P left join cte C on P.player_id=C.player_id) select * from ( select group_id, player_id,score, dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by score desc,player_id asc) as ranking from cte_2) a where ranking = 1 happy SQL coding!! :):)
Here is my approach to solve this problem(used nested case when) with cte as ( select *, case when first_score > second_score then first_score else second_score end as winning_score, case when first_score > second_score then first_player when first_score = second_score then (case when first_player < second_player then first_player else second_player end) else second_player end as winning_player from matches ) select * from( select p.group_id,m.winning_player,rank () over (partition by p.group_id order by m.winning_score desc) as rn from cte m inner join players p on p.player_id=m.winning_player) a where rn=1;
MYSQL Solution with base as ( select first_player as player_id, first_score as score from matches UNION ALL select second_player as player_id, second_score as score from matches ), base_added as ( select b.*,p.group_id,sum(score) as total_score from base b join players p on b.player_id = p.player_id group by b.player_id,p.group_id) select distinct group_id,first_value(player_id) over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id asc) as player_id from base_added;
with cte as ( Select player_id,group_id,total_score, dense_rank() over (partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id) as rn from ( Select p.*,(coalesce(m.first_score,0)+coalesce(m1.second_score,0)) as total_score from Players p left join matches m on p.player_id = m.first_player left join matches m1 on p.player_id = m1.second_player) group by 1,2,total_score) Select * from cte where rn = 1 (I also tried with less ctes)
My Solution in MySQL: SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, Row_number() OVER ( partition BY group_id ORDER BY player_id) AS rn FROM (SELECT t.player_id, t.group_id, Sum(t.score) AS score, Max(Sum(t.score)) OVER( partition BY t.group_id) AS max_score FROM (SELECT p.*, m.first_player, m.second_player, m.first_score, m.second_score, CASE WHEN p.player_id = m.first_player THEN first_score ELSE second_score END AS score FROM players p LEFT JOIN matches m ON p.player_id = m.first_player OR p.player_id = m.second_player) t GROUP BY player_id, group_id) x WHERE score = max_score) final WHERE rn = 1;
select group_id,first_player from(select group_id,first_player, rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum(first_score)desc,player_id asc) as v from(select match_id,first_player,first_score from matches union all select match_id,second_player,second_score from matches)a, players b where a.first_player=b.player_id group by group_id,first_player) where v=1;
with q1 as ( select c.group_id, c.player_id, sum(c.score) as score from ( select a.group_id, b.first_player as player_id, b.first_score as score from players a, matches b where a.player_id=b.first_player union select a.group_id, b.second_player as player_id, b.second_score as score from players a, matches b where a.player_id=b.second_player ) c group by c.group_id, c.player_id order by c.group_id, score desc ) select group_id, player_id, score from ( select *, row_number() over (partition by group_id) as rn from q1 ) d where d.rn=1;
My solution: with tb_player_scores as (select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches) , tb_final_scores as (select player, sum(score) as total_score from tb_player_scores group by player) , tb_player_group_scores as (select player_id, group_id, isnull(total_score,0) as player_score, rank() over (partition by group_id order by isnull(total_score,0) desc, player_id asc) as rn from players left join tb_final_scores on players.player_id=tb_final_scores.player) select group_id, player_id as winner, player_score from tb_player_group_scores where rn = 1;
My solution: with t1 as( select player_id, sum(score) as total_score from ( select first_player as player_id, first_score as score from matches UNION ALL select second_player as player_id, second_score as score from matches ) t1 group by 1 ), comb as( select t1.*, p.group_id, rank() over(partition by p.group_id ORDER by t1.total_score desc, t1.player_id ASC ) as ranks from t1 join players as p on t1.player_id= p.player_id ) select group_id, player_id from comb where ranks=1
my approach: with allmatch as( select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches union all select second_player, second_score from matches), PlayerTotal as( select player,sum(score) as score from allmatch group by player), rnkTable as( select p.*,t.score,dense_rank() over(partition by p.group_id order by score desc,player_id) as rn from players p inner join PlayerTotal t on p.player_id = t.player) select * from rnkTable where rn = 1
here is my solution using joins with set1 as ( select p.group_id,p.player_id, sum(isnull(m1.first_score,0) + isnull(m2.second_score,0)) as TotalScore from players as p left join matches as m1 on m1.first_player=p.player_id left join matches as m2 on m2.second_player=p.player_id group by p.player_id,p.group_id ), set2 as ( select t.*, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by group_id order by t.TotalScore desc,t.player_id ) as SubSr from set1 as t ) select * from set2 as t where t.SubSr=1
We can do it in another way without CTE. select a.player,a.group_id,a.total_score from (select m.player,p.group_id, sum(score) as total_score, rank() over (partition by p.group_id order by sum(score) desc,player asc) as rn from ( select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches union ALL select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches order by player) m inner join players p on p.player_id=m.player group by m.player) a where a.rn =1;
My Solution -- with cte as (select player_id,group_id, first_score as score from players p join matches m on p.player_id = m.first_player union all select player_id,group_id, second_score as score from players p join matches m on p.player_id = m.second_player), cte2 as (select group_id,player_id, sum(score) as total_points, rank() over (partition by group_id order by sum(score) desc, player_id asc) as ranking from cte group by group_id, player_id) select * from cte2 where ranking = 1
Solution: with cte as (select m.match_id,m.first_player,p.group_id,m.first_score from matches m left join players p on m.first_player= p.player_id union select m.match_id,m.second_player,p.group_id,m.second_score from matches m left join players p on m.second_player= p.player_id), new_rank as( select c.group_id,c.first_player,sum(c.first_score), row_number() over (partition by group_id order by sum(first_score) desc, first_player asc) as rnk from cte c group by c.group_id,c.first_player order by group_id) select group_id,first_player,sum from new_rank where rnk=1
With temp1 as( SELECT FIRST_PLAYER,SUM(FIRST_SCORE) as sum1 from( SELECT first_player, first_score from matches union all select second_player as first_player, second_score as first_score from matches ) tmp group by first_player), result as ( select player_id,sum1,group_id, dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum1 desc,player_id asc) as rnk from temp1 inner join players on temp1.FIRST_PLAYER = players.player_id) select player_id,group_id from result where rnk=1
MY SQL Solution with base as ( select t1.first_player, t2.group_id as first_player_group, t1.first_score, t1.second_player, t3.group_id as second_player_group, t1.second_score from matches t1 join players t2 on t1.first_player = t2.player_id join players t3 on t1.second_player = t3.player_id ), flat_dataset as ( select first_player_group as group_id, first_player as player_id, first_score as score from base UNION ALL select second_player_group as group_id, second_player as player_id, second_score as score from base ), sum_dataset as ( select *, sum(score) over(partition by group_id,player_id) as score_sum from flat_dataset order by group_id,player_id ) select distinct group_id,first_value(player_id) over(partition by group_id order by score_sum desc,player_id) as highest_score_in_group from sum_dataset;
Thanks @Ankit Bansal for the excellent video -Keep Going !!!. Please find the solution from my end - with match_info as ( select m.first_player as player,m.first_score as score, p.group_id from matches m inner join players p on m.first_player=p.player_id union all select m.second_player as player,m.second_score as score, p.group_id from matches m inner join players p on m.second_player=p.player_id) , final_result as (Select m.* , DENSE_RANK() over ( partition by group_id order by group_id,score desc,player ) as ranking from match_info m ) select group_id,player,score from final_result where ranking=1
withour RANK() and ROW_NUMBER() Here is my query : with ftable as ( with player_score as (select first_player as player , first_score as score from Matches UNION select second_player as player , second_score as score from Matches) select p.group_id , ps.player , sum(score) as score from player_score ps JOIN Players p ON p.player_id = ps.player group by p.group_id,ps.player ) select f1.group_id , f1.player from ftable f1 where f1.score = (select max(score) from ftable f2 where f2.group_id = f1.group_id);
--solution with player_score as( select player,sum(score) score from (select first_player as player,first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player,second_score as score from matches)group by 1), result as(select player_id,group_id ,player,score from players a join player_score b on a.player_id= b.player) select group_id,Player_id,score from (select group_id,player_id,score,row_number() over (partition by group_id order by score desc, player_id asc )r from result)where r=1 ;
with cte as( select first_player player,sum(first_score)score from matches group by first_player union all select second_player,sum(second_score)score from matches group by second_player),cte2 as( select player,sum(score)score from cte group by player),final as( select p.*,ISNULL(score,0)score,dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by ISNULL(score,0) desc,player_id )rn from players p left join cte2 c on p.player_id=c.player) select * from final where rn=1
with cte as (select player_id , group_id , case when first_player = player_id then first_score else 0 end + case when second_player=player_id then second_score else 0 end as total_score from players p left join matches m on p.player_id = m.first_player or p.player_id = m.second_player ), cte2 as (select player_id , group_id , sum(total_score) as total_score , row_number() over (partition by group_id order by sum(total_score) desc , player_id) as rn from cte group by player_id, group_id) select * from cte2 a where rn=1;
with a as (select first_player p, sum(first_score) s from matches group by 1 union ALL select second_player p, sum(second_score) s from matches group by 1 ), b as (SELECT p, sum(s) total from a group by 1), c as (SELECT * from players inner join b on b.p=players.player_id), d as (select *, row_number() over (PARTITION by group_id order by total desc, p asc) as rn from c) select group_id, player_id from d where rn=1
Sharing my approach : select * from ( with player_scores as ( select player,sum(score) Total_Score from (select first_player player, first_score score from matches UNION ALL select second_player player, second_Score score from matches) group by player ) select p.*,DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY GROUP_ID ORDER BY TOTAL_SCORE DESC NULLS LAST,p.PLAYER_ID) Rank, s.Total_Score from players p left join player_scores s on p.player_id = s.player ) where rank = 1
with t1 as ( select case when first_score>=second_score then first_player else second_player end as player, case when first_score>=second_score then first_score else second_score end as score from matches) select group_id,player_id,max(score) as score from t1 join players on t1.player=players.player_id group by group_id order by group_id
The below solution gives you more readability in PostgreSQL: with only_maximum_scores as ( (select first_player as player_id,first_score as score from matches order by first_player) union all (select second_player as player_id,second_score as score from matches order by second_player) ) , player_aggregated_scores as ( select player_id,sum(score) as max_score from only_maximum_scores group by player_id ) , get_group_id as ( select a.player_id,a.max_score,b.group_id from player_aggregated_scores a join players b on a.player_id=b.player_id ) , get_max_from_each_group as ( select group_id,min(player_id),max(max_score) as max_score from (select group_id,player_id,max_score,dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by max_score desc) rnk from get_group_id) a where rnk=1 group by group_id ) select * from get_max_from_each_group;
with cte as( select match_id, first_player, first_score from matches UNION ALL select match_id, second_player, second_score from matches ), cte_2 as ( select first_player, group_id, sum(first_score)as total_score , dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum(first_score) desc, first_player asc) as rnk from cte inner join players on cte.first_player = players.player_id group by first_player, group_id ) select * from cte_2 where rnk =1
with CTE as ( select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches UNION ALL select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches), CTE2 as( select player, SUM(score) as total_score from CTE group by player CTE3 as ( select p.player_id, p.group_id, total_score from players as p JOIN CTE2 on p.player_id= CTE2.player), CTE4 as ( select *,RANK() over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc, player_id) as winner from CTE3) select group_id, player_id, total_score from CTE4 where winner=1;
with cte as ( select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches), cte2 as ( select p.PLAYER_ID, p.GROUP_ID, sum(nvl(c.score,0)) as total_score from players p left join cte c on p.player_id = c.player group by p.PLAYER_ID, p.GROUP_ID order by group_id, player_id), cte3 as ( select *, rank() over (partition by group_id order by total_score desc, player_id asc) as rnk from cte2) select group_id, player_id from cte3 where rnk =1 ;
my Approach with one as ( select player, group_id, sum(score) as total_score from ( select first_player as player, sum(first_score) as score from matches group by first_player union all select second_player as player, sum(second_score) as score from matches group by second_player) x join players on players.player_id=x.player group by player,group_id) select group_id,max(total_score) as winning_score from one group by group_id
with cte as ( select first_player as player_id, first_score as score from matches union all select second_player as player_id, second_score as score from matches ), results as ( select cte.player_id ,players.group_id, sum(score) as total_score , dense_rank() over (partition by players.group_id order by total_score desc) as rank from cte inner join players on players.player_id= cte.player_id group by cte.player_id, players.group_id ) select min(player_id), group_id from results where rank=1 group by group_id;
with high_Score as (select player,sum(score) as total_score from ( Select first_player as player,first_score as score from matches union ALL Select second_player as player,second_score as score from matches) group by 1) select * from ( select players.*,high_Score.total_score, rank() over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc, player_id asc) grank from players inner join high_Score on players.player_id = high_score.player) where grank = 1
with total_score as (select first_player player_id,sum(first_score) over(partition by first_player) tot_score from matches union select second_player player_id,sum(second_score) over(partition by second_player) tot_score from matches) ,tot_points_per_player as (select player_id,sum(tot_score) final_score,max(tot_score) top_score from total_score group by player_id) select a.player_id,a.group_id,a.dr from (select p.player_id,p.group_id,tp.final_score,DENSE_RANK() over(partition by p.group_id order by final_score desc, p.player_id asc) dr from players p inner join tot_points_per_player tp on p.player_id=tp.player_id) a where a.dr=1
with cte1 AS (select first_player, first_score from matches), cte2 AS (select second_player, second_score from matches), cte3 AS (select p.player_id, p.group_id, ISNULL(c.first_score,0) + ISNULL(b.second_score,0) as total_score_of_player from players p left join cte1 c on p.player_id = c.first_player left join cte2 b on p.player_id = b.second_player) select * from (select *, rank() over(partition by group_id order by total_score_of_player desc, player_id asc) as rnk from cte3) as t where t.rnk = 1
with cte as( select player_id,group_id,second_player as oppo_player,first_score as score from matches a inner join players b on a.first_player=b.player_id union all select player_id,group_id,first_player as oppo_player,second_score as score from matches a inner join players b on a.second_player=b.player_id ) ,cte2 as ( select player_id,group_id,total_player_points,row_number() over(partition by group_id order by total_player_points desc,player_id) as ranks from ( select player_id,sum(score) as total_player_points,group_id from cte group by player_id,group_id )a ) select * from cte2 where ranks=1
I used below query, with cte as ( select player_id,first_score score,group_id from matches m inner join players p on p.player_id=m.first_player union all select player_id,second_score score,group_id from matches m inner join players p on p.player_id=m.second_player ), cte1 as( select player_id,group_id, sum (score) as s, DENSE_RANK() Over(partition by group_id order by sum (score) desc,player_id asc ) rn from cte group by player_id,group_id) select * from cte1 where rn=1
WITH CTE AS (SELECT first_player as p_id,first_score as score FROM matches UNION ALL SELECT second_player,second_score FROM matches) SELECT group_id,player_id as winner,total_score FROM (SELECT group_id,player_id,total_score, RANK() OVER (partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id) as rnk FROM (SELECT c.p_id,SUM(score) as total_score,p.player_id,p.group_id FROM CTE c INNER JOIN players p on c.p_id=p.player_id GROUP BY p.player_id)M)N WHERE rnk=1; I used subqueries after CTE, is it fine or CTE is better to use?
Hi Ankit , PFB my logic and thanks a lot your video helped me a lot to build logic 😄. Do let me know if this is optimal or if it can be improved.. SELECT group_id,MIN(PLAYER_ID) PLAYER_ID FROM ( SELECT BB.*, P.group_id, MAX(TOTAL_PLAYER_SCORE) OVER (PARTITION BY group_id) SCORE_MAX_GROUP FROM ( SELECT player_id, SUM(PLAYER_SCORE) TOTAL_PLAYER_SCORE FROM ( SELECT first_player PLAYER_ID, first_score PLAYER_SCORE FROM matches UNION ALL SELECT second_player PLAYER_ID, second_score PLAYER_SCORE FROM matches ) AA GROUP BY player_id ) BB JOIN PLAYERS P ON P.player_id = BB.PLAYER_ID )CC WHERE TOTAL_PLAYER_SCORE=SCORE_MAX_GROUP GROUP BY group_id
Providing the script is really helpful to practise and learn.
May god bless you !!
I second that. Thanks for providing the scripts to create the tables and insert statements Ankit!
yes, really helpful to quickly get into the action ;)
Always learning something new from your channel, Ankit! I didn't know that ORDERING BY two columns in a window function works this way. Thank you again for such an awesome video.
Happy to help😊
with cte as (select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY group_id) as row_num, player_id, group_id, sum(IF(player_id=first_player, first_score, second_score)) as total_score from players INNER JOIN matches
where (player_id = first_player or player_id = second_player)
group by player_id, group_id order by group_id, total_score desc, player_id asc)
select player_id, group_id
from cte where row_num = 1;
Your teaching got me to this solution
Thank you Ankit : My Solution :
-- create table players
-- (player_id int,
-- group_id int)
-- insert into players values (15,1),(25,1),(30,1),(45,1),(10,2),(35,2),(50,2),(20,3),(40,3);
-- create table matches
-- (
-- match_id int,
-- first_player int,
-- second_player int,
-- first_score int,
-- second_score int)
-- insert into matches values (1,15,45,3,0),(2,30,25,1,2),(3,30,15,2,0),(4,40,20,5,2),(5,35,50,1,1);
With finding_total_runs as (
select first_player as player_id,sum(first_score) as score from matches group by first_player
union all
select second_player as player_id,sum(second_score) as score from matches group by second_player
),total_runs as (
select player_id,sum(score) as score from finding_total_runs group by player_id
,finding_row_number as (
select group_id,player_id,score from (
select P.group_id,TR.player_id,TR.score,row_number() over (partition by P.group_id order by TR.score desc,TR.player_id ) as RN from total_runs TR left join players P on TR.player_id=P.player_id
) where RN=1
--select * from total_runs
select * from finding_row_number
Thanks for posting.
Keep doing good work bro. For me u are best SQL teacher online ..Great explanation..Thanks
Tried it myself in first attempt, but before that have checked a lot of your videos which helped in understanding the process of 'How to approach these kind of problems':
[with matches_transform as (select first_player as player_id,
first_score as score
from matches
union all
select second_player as player_id,
second_score as score
from matches),
group_wise_total_player_score as (select p.group_id,
sum(mt.score) as total_player_score
from matches_transform mt
join players p
on p.player_id = mt.player_id
group by p.group_id,
max_score_group_wise as (select group_id,
max(total_player_score) max_score_in_group
from group_wise_total_player_score
group by group_id)
select msgw.group_id,
min(gwtps.player_id) winners
from group_wise_total_player_score gwtps
join max_score_group_wise msgw
on gwtps.group_id = msgw.group_id
and gwtps.total_player_score = msgw.max_score_in_group
group by msgw.group_id
order by group_id];
select group_id, player from
(select *, dense_rank() over (partition by group_id order by score desc,player asc) as rnk from
(select group_id ,player , sum(score) as score from
((select group_id,first_player as player,first_score as score from players p join matches m on p.player_id = m.first_player
union all
select group_id, second_player, second_score from players l join matches k on l.player_id = k.second_player))a
group by group_id, player)a)b
where rnk = 1;
Thanks a lot ,Ankit. In this video, I learnt how to apply two conditions in order by in case got two conditions to fulfill for ranking.
thanks a lot for sharing the great content, I made a daily habit of watching your videos (at least one) and solve it... keep it up! lot of people like me are benefiting from your videos.
Thank you. Keep going 😊
Good Habit
Thank you so much for these videos Ankit. My approach is a little different:
with player_score as (
SELECT first_player as pl, first_score as score from matches
SELECT second_player as pl, second_score as score from matches )
SELECT group_id,pl,max(total_score) from
(select distinct,p.group_id, sum(s.score) as total_score
from player_score s
join players p
group by 1)x
group by 1
having max(total_score)
order by pl
Nice explanation
My approach
with cte as(select p.group_id,p.player_id, sum(ifnull(m.first_score,0) + ifnull(m2.second_score,0)) as total
from players as p left join matches as m on p.player_id=first_player left join matches as m2 on p.player_id=m2.second_player group by 1,2)
select * from (select *, dense_rank() over( partition by group_id order by total desc,player_id asc) as rnk from cte) sal where rnk =1;
you always put into service new concept, keep the good work. I see you as an outstanding instructor. thanks
Glad to help
Thank you so much Ankit so nicely explained ....
My approach
with cte as(
select first_player as player_id , first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player as player_id , second_score as score from matches),
cte1 as
(select player_id, sum(score) as total_score from cte c group by player_id)
select p.group_id, c.player_id, max(total_score) as score from cte1 c, players p where c.player_id=p.player_id group by p.group_id;
Great effort 😊
@@ankitbansal6 Thanks alot... Because of you writing queries has been becoming easy for us
After practicing sql several problems, my approach from start to end for this Que is the same as u approached. Thank u bhai.
in later videos , don't hear baby crying as it add more spices like bg music 😁🥰♥.
again a wonderful video.. I tried to solve it on my own, but was stuck at how to get the last step that is, ranking.. I wasn't applying correct window function. so after watching your video, everything got clear and I was able to solve it.
This playlist is amazing.
Great job!
Instead of this query Select * , rank() over(partition by group_id order by score desc, player_id asc) as rn from final_score;
We should use Select * , row_number() over(partition by group_id order by score desc, player_id asc) as rn from final_score;
Because, In first query, if score is same then we will get same rank number for both tie player_id.
But In second query, If score is same then we will get different rank like lowest score we will get 1 rw_num and rw_num 2.
then select * from final_ranking where rn=1 will work fine.
Thanks for sharing knowledge .
These videos are really helpful. Please continue this initiative. God bless you.
Sure. Thank you 😊
Thanks Ankit, wasn't aware the power of CTE & Window Fn.😲
while using multiple CTEs in a query ..dikhne me structure quite complex lagta h, but jo samjh gya..use likhne me mza ata h.!!😅
with cte as
(select first_player player_id,first_score score from matches
union all
select second_player,second_score from matches),
cte1 as
(select c.player_id,p.group_id,sum(score) sum from cte c join players p
on c.player_id = p.player_id
group by player_id),
cte2 as
(select *,
row_number() over(partition by group_id order by sum desc) as rn
from cte1)
select * from cte2 where rn = 1;
is this row_number same as rank() over?
with cte as (
select first_player as playerid , first_score as runsscore from matches a
select second_player as playerid , second_score as runsscore from matches a
), ctea as
( select playerid ,sum(runsscore) as playerruns from cte group by playerid
) ,cteb as (
select A.playerid,A.playerruns, B.group_id, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by B.group_id order by A.playerruns desc,A.playerid asc) as ranking from ctea A inner join players B on A.playerid=B.player_id
) select * from cteb C where C.ranking=1 ;
Very nicely explained. Like the approach of solving the heard leetcode problem. Thanks for posting such videos.
Thank you 😊
I tried to break the problems into small chunks and finally i came to answer from myself, this approach i learned from u sir thanku so much sir😊😊😊😊.
yes this query can also me conclude in less line but i go through your approach sir
with cte as(
select m.player_id,p1.first_player as player,p1.first_score as score,m.group_id from players m
join matches p1 on p1.first_player=m.player_id
union all
select m.player_id,p2.second_player,p2.second_score,m.group_id from
players m inner join matches p2 on p2.second_player=m.player_id),
cte1 as(select player_id,sum(score) as total_score,group_id from cte
group by group_id,player_id),
cte2 as(
select group_id,player_id,total_score ,rank() over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id) as rn
from cte1)
select group_id,player_id,total_score from cte2 where rn=1;
use dense_rank as rank can give same number when the score is equal as dense rank can give proper ranking in this case
Thank you for bringing up the problems that are paid on leetcode, I am sharing my solution for the above problem without looking into the video, please let me know your feedback:
with ans as
(select t.player,p.group_id,sum(t.score) as total_score,
rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum(t.score) desc, player asc) as rnk
select first_player as player,first_score as score
from matches
select second_player as player,second_score as score
from matches) t
join players p on t.player = p.player_id
group by player
select group_id, player as winner
from ans
where rnk = 1;
Hi Ankit , My approach to these type of questions is to find the input dataset first , like how the structure should look like for the dataset where i can apply my logic , is it the correct approach or how do you approach these complex questions ?
I tried this before trying your solution. you avoided two joins to players which is good in terms of optimization. I am very happy that i got to know your youtube channel, i may become sql champion like you if i keep practicing with amazing problems. sql is like a cake walk for me now after practicing your questions and approach that is followed. with total_points as(
select player_id, group_id, sum(points) as total_points
select p1.player_id, group_id, first_score as points from matches m
inner join players p1
on m.first_player = p1.player_id
union all
select p2.player_id, group_id, second_score as points from matches m
inner join players p2
on m.second_player = p2.player_id
) a
group by player_id, group_id
rank_cte as (
select player_id, group_id, total_points,
rank() over (partition by group_id order by total_points desc, player_id asc) rank
from total_points
select player_id, group_id, total_points
from rank_cte
where rank=1;
Keep going 💪
with ct as (select *,case when (first_score > second_score)
or (first_score = second_score and first_player < second_player) then first_player
else second_player end winners,
case when (first_score > second_score)
or (first_score = second_score and first_player < second_player) then first_score
else second_score end winners_score
from matches)
select group_id, winners, winners_score from ct left join players on = players.player_id
where (group_id, winners_score) in
(select group_id, max(winners_score) max_score from ct left join players on = players.player_id
group by 1)
Good explanation and easy to understand.
Thank you 😊
slight different approach =
with t1 as(
select p.player_id,p.group_id,isnull(sum(fp.first_score),0)+isnull(sum(sp.second_score),0) total_points,
rank () over (partition by p.group_id order by(isnull(sum(fp.first_score),0)+isnull(sum(sp.second_score),0))desc) as r
from players p
left join matches fp on fp.first_player = p.player_id
left join matches sp on sp.second_player = p.player_id
group by p.player_id,p.group_id
), t2 as(
select player_id,group_id,total_points, rank () over (partition by group_id order by( player_id)) as pr
from t1
where r =1 )
select * from t2 where pr = 1
my sol :
with temp1 as (select first_player as player , first_score as score
from matches
) ,
temp2 as ( select second_player as player , second_score as score from matches ) ,
temp3 as (
select * from temp1
Union all
select * from temp2 ) ,
temp4 as (select player , group_id ,sum(score) score from temp3
inner join players
on players.player_id = temp3.player
group by player
order by group_id , player )
temp5 as (select * ,
row_number() over (partition by group_id order by score desc ) maxscore
from temp4 )
select group_id , player
from temp5
where maxscore = 1
really useful videos keep up the good work
Glad you like them!
I believe it is a premium question at LeetCode, sir?? But I solved it anyways.... (interpreted it differently at first though)...... Thank you sir!
Thank you very much Ankit learnt a lot from this 🙌
Awesome 👍
@@ankitbansal6 How can I practice leetcode problems for free it will be a great help you could help me in this regard
@@shivarajhalageri2513 i have a playlist for Leetcode hard problems
sir my solution to the problem:
with cte as
select *,
case when first_score>second_score then first_player
when second_score > first_score then second_player
when first_score = second_score then (select case when first_player>second_player then second_player else first_player end)
end as winner,
case when first_score > second_score then first_score
when second_score > first_score then second_score
when first_score = second_score then first_score
end as score
from matches
,cteone as
select c.winner,c.score,p.group_id,
dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by score desc, winner asc) as by_win
from cte c
join players p
on c.winner = p.player_id
select cto.winner,cto.score,cto.group_id from cteone cto
where by_win = 1
Great effort 😊
Loved the videos brother ❤ keep posting it 👍
Thank you 😊
You are doing God's work. Thank you
Thank you 😊
thanks for the question and solution.
Great explanation
Great Work Ankit. Really appreciated
with Players_with_group_score as (
select group_id,Player,sum(score) as Total_score
,Dense_Rank() Over( Partition By group_id Order by sum(score) desc, player asc) as rnk
from (
select group_id,first_player as Player,sum(first_score) as score
from matches m
Inner JOIN players p1
ON m.first_player = p1.player_id
group by group_id,first_player
select group_id,second_player as Player,sum(second_score) as score
from matches m
Inner JOIN players p2
ON m.second_player = p2.player_id
group by group_id,second_player
) a
Group by group_id,Player
order by group_id desc,Player desc
select group_id,player as winner
from Players_with_group_score
where rnk =1
Thanks for posting 👏
Hi Ankit,
My Solution :)
with cte1 as (
m.first_player as player, m.first_score as player_score, fp.group_id as player_group_id
from matches m
inner join players fp on fp.player_id = m.first_player
m.second_player as player, m.second_score as player_score, sp.group_id as player_group_id
from matches m
inner join players sp on sp.player_id = m.second_player
,cte2 as (
select *, max(player_score) over(partition by player_group_id order by player_group_id ) as max_scre_by_grp,
sum(player_score) over(partition by player order by player) as per_players_scre
from cte1
select distinct player_group_id as group_id,
min(case when max_scre_by_grp = per_players_scre then player else null end) over(Partition by player_group_id
order by player_group_id) as winner, max_scre_by_grp as score
Happy learning guys !!
Good one buddy ! You are doing a great job
Thank you 😊
Great explanation!! Thanks
Hi Ankit,
Loved your video 👏👏👏👏
You could have change column name first name to score, score to playerID
or let me know is there reason to take like that ??
Thank you :)
Didn't get you. First_player and second_player are player_id only and first_score and second_score are their respective scores.
with cte1 as
(select first_player,max(first_score) s from
(SELECT first_player,first_score from matches
union all
select second_player,second_score from matches) a
group by first_player order by first_player),
cte2 as
(select *,row_number() over(partition by group_id order by s desc,player_id) rnk
from cte1 join players p on cte1.first_player = p.player_id )
select player_id,group_id,s score from cte2 where rnk=1
(easy solution)
Loved your video and how you break the problem
Can you please share the insert script I want to try it out as well
Great job
It's there in description box.
select first_player,first_score into #tmp from matches union all select second_player,second_score from matches
select * from (select a.group_id,b.first_player,a.player_id,b.first_score ,dense_rank() over(partition by a.group_id order by first_score desc,player_id) as rnk
from players a left join #tmp b on a.player_id=b.first_player) a
where rnk=1
Good job 👍
with cte as(
select match_id, first_player as player_id,first_score as runs from matches
select match_id,second_player as player_id
,second_score as runs from matches),cte2 as(
select c.*
,p.group_id from cte c inner join players p on c.player_id
=p.player_id),cte3 as(
select *,DENSE_RANK() over(partition by group_id order by runs desc
,player_id ) rk
from cte2)
select * from cte3 where rk=1
was able to solve it in 14 mins , not sure if it will take more time i interview condition .Please suggest a way to improve timing and do it faster
Practice practice practice
with player_score as (
Select b.group_id,a.PlayerID,sum(a.Score) as Score
Select first_player as PlayerID, first_score as score from matches
union all
Select second_player,second_score as score from matches
) a
left join players b on a.playerid = b.player_id
group by b.group_id,a.PlayerID
order by 1 asc,2 asc
, player_rank as(
Select *,dense_rank(score) over(partition by group_id order by score desc,PlayerID asc ) as rnk from player_score
Select * from player_rank
where rnk=1
order by group_id asc, rnk asc
Great video, another solution.
with cte as (
SELECT d.*, rank() over(partition by d.group_id order by tot_score desc) as rnk
SUM(COALESCE(fp.first_score, 0) + COALESCE(sp.second_score, 0)) as tot_score
from players p
LEFT join matches fp on p.player_id = fp.first_player
LEFT join matches sp on p.player_id = sp.second_player
group by p.group_id, p.player_id
--order by group_id, player_id
select c1.group_id, c1.player_id
from cte c1
where rnk = 1
and player_id = (select min(player_id) from cte c2 where c1.group_id = c2.group_id and c2.rnk = 1)
My Solution:
-- creating a cte containing the player_id and total score obtained by them
with cte as (
select player,sum(score) as score from (
select first_player as player,first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player as player,second_score as score from matches)
group by 1
-- Finding the player having maximum score in each group
select player, group_id from(
select *,rank() over(partition by p.group_id order by c.score desc, c.player) as rnk from cte c
join players p on c.player=p.player_id)
where rnk=1
My attempt was quite different towards the last CTE
Here is a look at my attempt
with score_table as
(select m.match_id, m.first_player as player_id, m.first_score as player_score
from matches m
union all
select mm.match_id, mm.second_player as player_id, mm.second_score as player_score
from matches mm),
ranking as
(select s.player_id, p.group_id,sum(s.player_score) as total_score, DENSE_RANK() over(partition by p.group_id order by sum(s.player_score) DESC) as rnk
from score_table s
inner join players p on s.player_id = p.player_id
group by s.player_id, p.group_id)
select min(player_id) as player_id, group_id,total_score
from ranking
where rnk = 1
group by group_id, total_score
Just add sum(s.score) over(partition by group_id) as total_score instead of sum(score)
Ankit, It would be really helpful if you could provide us all SQL Leetcode Questions.
As soon as possible
I did it a little differently but got stuck with the ties part "with cte as(select n.second_player as players_id,n.second_score as score, p.group_id as groups from players p INNER JOIN matches n on p.player_id=n.second_player
select m.first_player as players_id,m.first_score as score,p.group_id as groups from players p INNER JOIN matches m on p.player_id=m.first_player)
,scorecard as (select players_id,sum(score) as total_scored, groups, rank() over(partition by groups order by sum(score) desc) as rn from cte group by players_id, groups)
select players_id, total_scored, groups, rn from scorecard where rn=1"
bro just one question why we are not taking second score of first player and first score of second player while doing union?
its simple, the first score column belongs only to the first player and second score belongs only to the second player in the tables, we cannot use viceversa here
My solution for the problem:
with cte as(
Select p.player_id,
sum(coalesce(m.first_score,0)+coalesce(m1.second_score,0)) total_scores
from players p
left join matches m
on p.player_id=m.first_player
left join matches m1
on p.player_id=m1.second_player group by p.player_id),
cte1 as(
Select p.*,cte.total_scores,dense_RANK() over (partition by group_id order by cte.total_scores desc) rank
from players p
inner join cte
on cte.player_id=p.player_id ),
cte2 as(
Select player_id,group_id,total_scores,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by group_id order by player_id asc) rn from cte1 where rank=1)
Select player_id,group_id,total_scores from cte2 where rn=1
Doing grt job...
Can you share any link for rows between and indexes and stored procedure
My attempt a little lengthy but hehe :
with cte_1 as (
select m.*,group_id,
when first_score > second_Score then first_player
when first_score second_Score then first_score
when first_score
with scores as
first_player as player,
first_score as score
from matches
union all
second_player as player,
second_score as score
from matches
,total_scores as
sum(score) as total_scores
from scores
group by player
,compare as
ts.total_scores as total_score,
max(ts.total_scores) over(partition by p.group_id) as max_group_score
from players p
join total_scores ts on p.player_id=ts.player
group by p.player_id
min(player_id) as player
from compare
where total_score=max_group_score;
group by group_id;
This doesn't seem hard though as the logic is pretty straight forward. Seems more like a medium level leetcode problem.
Alternate solution:
with t1 as(
select player,sum(pts) as pts from(
select first_player as player,sum(first_score) as pts from matches group by first_player
union all
select second_player as player,sum(second_score) as pts from matches group by second_player
group by player
),t2 as(
select group_id,player_id,pts,max(pts) over(partition by group_id) as max_pts from(
select players.*,t1.pts from players join t1 on players.player_id = t1.player)b
select group_id,pts,min(player_id) as winner from t2 where pts=max_pts group by group_id,pts
with cte as (select first_player as player_id , first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player as player_id , second_score as score from matches
order by player_id),
cte_2 as (select P.group_id, P.player_id, coalesce(score,0) as score
from players P left join cte C on P.player_id=C.player_id)
select * from (
select group_id, player_id,score, dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by score desc,player_id asc) as ranking
from cte_2) a
where ranking = 1
happy SQL coding!! :):)
Here is my approach to solve this problem(used nested case when)
with cte as
select *, case when first_score > second_score then first_score else second_score end as winning_score,
case when first_score > second_score then first_player
when first_score = second_score then
(case when first_player < second_player then first_player else second_player end)
else second_player end as winning_player
from matches
select * from(
select p.group_id,m.winning_player,rank () over (partition by p.group_id order by m.winning_score desc) as rn
from cte m
inner join players p
on p.player_id=m.winning_player) a
where rn=1;
MYSQL Solution
with base as (
first_player as player_id,
first_score as score
from matches
second_player as player_id,
second_score as score
from matches
base_added as (
select b.*,p.group_id,sum(score) as total_score from base b join players p on b.player_id = p.player_id
group by b.player_id,p.group_id)
select distinct group_id,first_value(player_id) over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id asc) as player_id
from base_added;
with cte as (
Select player_id,group_id,total_score,
dense_rank() over (partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id) as rn
from (
Select p.*,(coalesce(m.first_score,0)+coalesce(m1.second_score,0)) as total_score
from Players p
left join matches m
on p.player_id = m.first_player
left join matches m1
on p.player_id = m1.second_player)
group by 1,2,total_score)
Select * from cte where rn = 1 (I also tried with less ctes)
My Solution in MySQL:
partition BY group_id
ORDER BY player_id) AS rn
FROM (SELECT t.player_id,
Sum(t.score) AS score,
partition BY t.group_id) AS max_score
WHEN p.player_id = m.first_player THEN
ELSE second_score
END AS score
FROM players p
LEFT JOIN matches m
ON p.player_id = m.first_player
OR p.player_id = m.second_player) t
GROUP BY player_id,
group_id) x
WHERE score = max_score) final
WHERE rn = 1;
Thanks for posting. Keep rocking.
select group_id,first_player from(select group_id,first_player,
rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum(first_score)desc,player_id asc) as v
from(select match_id,first_player,first_score from matches
union all
select match_id,second_player,second_score from matches)a,
players b where a.first_player=b.player_id
group by group_id,first_player) where v=1;
with q1 as
select c.group_id, c.player_id, sum(c.score) as score
from (
select a.group_id, b.first_player as player_id, b.first_score as score from
players a, matches b where a.player_id=b.first_player
select a.group_id, b.second_player as player_id, b.second_score as score from
players a, matches b where a.player_id=b.second_player
) c group by c.group_id, c.player_id order by c.group_id, score desc
select group_id, player_id, score from
select *,
row_number() over (partition by group_id) as rn from q1
) d where d.rn=1;
My solution:
with tb_player_scores as
(select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches)
, tb_final_scores as (select player, sum(score) as total_score from tb_player_scores group by player)
, tb_player_group_scores as (select player_id, group_id, isnull(total_score,0) as player_score, rank() over (partition by group_id order by isnull(total_score,0) desc, player_id asc) as rn from players left join tb_final_scores on players.player_id=tb_final_scores.player)
select group_id, player_id as winner, player_score from tb_player_group_scores where rn = 1;
My solution:
with t1 as(
select player_id, sum(score) as total_score
select first_player as player_id, first_score as score from matches
select second_player as player_id, second_score as score from matches
) t1
group by 1
comb as(
rank() over(partition by p.group_id ORDER by t1.total_score desc, t1.player_id ASC ) as ranks
from t1 join players as p on t1.player_id= p.player_id
group_id, player_id
from comb
where ranks=1
my approach:
with allmatch as(
select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player, second_score from matches),
PlayerTotal as(
select player,sum(score) as score from allmatch group by player),
rnkTable as(
select p.*,t.score,dense_rank() over(partition by p.group_id order by score desc,player_id) as rn
from players p inner join PlayerTotal t on p.player_id = t.player)
select * from rnkTable where rn = 1
here is my solution using joins
with set1 as
select p.group_id,p.player_id,
sum(isnull(m1.first_score,0) + isnull(m2.second_score,0)) as TotalScore
from players as p
left join matches as m1 on m1.first_player=p.player_id
left join matches as m2 on m2.second_player=p.player_id
group by p.player_id,p.group_id
), set2 as
select t.*,
ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by group_id order by t.TotalScore desc,t.player_id ) as SubSr
from set1 as t
select * from set2 as t
where t.SubSr=1
We can do it in another way without CTE.
select a.player,a.group_id,a.total_score from
(select m.player,p.group_id, sum(score) as total_score,
rank() over (partition by p.group_id order by sum(score) desc,player asc) as rn
select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches
union ALL
select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches
order by player) m
inner join players p on p.player_id=m.player
group by m.player) a
where a.rn =1;
My Solution --
with cte as
(select player_id,group_id,
first_score as score
from players p
join matches m
on p.player_id = m.first_player
union all
select player_id,group_id,
second_score as score
from players p
join matches m
on p.player_id = m.second_player),
cte2 as
(select group_id,player_id,
sum(score) as total_points,
rank() over (partition by group_id order by sum(score) desc, player_id asc) as ranking
from cte
group by group_id, player_id)
select * from cte2
where ranking = 1
with cte as
(select m.match_id,m.first_player,p.group_id,m.first_score
from matches m
left join players p
on m.first_player= p.player_id
select m.match_id,m.second_player,p.group_id,m.second_score
from matches m
left join players p
on m.second_player= p.player_id),
new_rank as(
select c.group_id,c.first_player,sum(c.first_score),
row_number() over (partition by group_id order by sum(first_score) desc, first_player asc) as rnk
from cte c
group by c.group_id,c.first_player
order by group_id)
select group_id,first_player,sum
from new_rank where rnk=1
Thanks good effort
EveryONE become SQL teacher ,until "AB COMING
A big compliment for me 🙏
@@ankitbansal6 Yes Sir
With temp1 as(
SELECT first_player, first_score from matches
union all
select second_player as first_player, second_score as first_score from matches
) tmp
group by first_player),
result as (
select player_id,sum1,group_id,
dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum1 desc,player_id asc) as rnk
from temp1 inner join players on temp1.FIRST_PLAYER = players.player_id)
select player_id,group_id
from result where rnk=1
MY SQL Solution
with base as (
select t1.first_player,
t2.group_id as first_player_group,
t3.group_id as second_player_group,
from matches t1 join players t2
on t1.first_player = t2.player_id
join players t3
on t1.second_player = t3.player_id ),
flat_dataset as (
select first_player_group as group_id,
first_player as player_id,
first_score as score
from base
select second_player_group as group_id,
second_player as player_id,
second_score as score
from base
sum_dataset as (
select *,
sum(score) over(partition by group_id,player_id) as score_sum
from flat_dataset order by group_id,player_id )
select distinct group_id,first_value(player_id) over(partition by group_id order by score_sum desc,player_id) as highest_score_in_group
from sum_dataset;
Thanks @Ankit Bansal for the excellent video -Keep Going !!!. Please find the solution from my end -
with match_info as
select m.first_player as player,m.first_score as score, p.group_id from matches m inner join players p
on m.first_player=p.player_id
union all
select m.second_player as player,m.second_score as score, p.group_id from matches m inner join players p
on m.second_player=p.player_id)
final_result as
(Select m.* , DENSE_RANK() over ( partition by group_id order by group_id,score desc,player ) as ranking
from match_info m )
select group_id,player,score from final_result where ranking=1
Bhai ye code kha milega likha hua
Apne aap likhna padega Bhai 😊
withour RANK() and ROW_NUMBER()
Here is my query :
with ftable as ( with player_score as (select first_player as player , first_score as score from Matches UNION select second_player as player , second_score as score from Matches) select p.group_id , ps.player , sum(score) as score from player_score ps JOIN Players p ON p.player_id = ps.player group by p.group_id,ps.player ) select f1.group_id , f1.player from ftable f1 where f1.score = (select max(score) from ftable f2 where f2.group_id = f1.group_id);
with player_score as(
select player,sum(score) score from
(select first_player as player,first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player as player,second_score as score from matches)group by 1),
result as(select player_id,group_id ,player,score from
players a join player_score b on a.player_id= b.player)
select group_id,Player_id,score from (select group_id,player_id,score,row_number() over (partition by group_id order by score desc, player_id asc )r
from result)where r=1
WITH win_flag AS (
SELECT match_id, CASE WHEN first_score>second_score THEN first_player
WHEN first_score
with cte as(
select first_player player,sum(first_score)score
from matches
group by first_player
union all
select second_player,sum(second_score)score
from matches
group by second_player),cte2 as(
select player,sum(score)score
from cte
group by player),final as(
select p.*,ISNULL(score,0)score,dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by ISNULL(score,0) desc,player_id )rn
from players p
left join cte2 c on p.player_id=c.player)
select * from final
where rn=1
with cte as (select player_id , group_id , case when first_player = player_id then first_score else 0 end
+ case when second_player=player_id then second_score else 0 end as total_score
from players p left join matches m on p.player_id = m.first_player or p.player_id = m.second_player
cte2 as (select player_id , group_id , sum(total_score) as total_score , row_number() over (partition by group_id order by sum(total_score) desc , player_id) as rn from cte group by player_id, group_id)
select * from cte2 a where rn=1;
with a as (select first_player p, sum(first_score) s from matches group by 1
union ALL
select second_player p, sum(second_score) s from matches group by 1
b as (SELECT p, sum(s) total from a group by 1),
c as (SELECT * from players inner join b on b.p=players.player_id),
d as (select *, row_number() over (PARTITION by group_id order by total desc, p asc) as rn from c)
select group_id, player_id from d where rn=1
Sharing my approach :
select * from (
with player_scores as
select player,sum(score) Total_Score
from (select first_player player, first_score score from matches
select second_player player, second_Score score from matches)
group by player
from players p left join player_scores s
on p.player_id = s.player
where rank = 1
with t1 as (
select case when first_score>=second_score then first_player else second_player end as player,
case when first_score>=second_score then first_score else second_score end as score
from matches)
select group_id,player_id,max(score) as score from t1 join players on t1.player=players.player_id group by group_id order by group_id
The below solution gives you more readability in PostgreSQL:
with only_maximum_scores as
(select first_player as player_id,first_score as score from matches order by first_player)
union all
(select second_player as player_id,second_score as score from matches order by second_player)
, player_aggregated_scores as
select player_id,sum(score) as max_score from only_maximum_scores group by player_id
get_group_id as
select a.player_id,a.max_score,b.group_id from player_aggregated_scores a
join players b on a.player_id=b.player_id
get_max_from_each_group as
select group_id,min(player_id),max(max_score) as max_score from (select group_id,player_id,max_score,dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by max_score desc) rnk from get_group_id) a where rnk=1 group by group_id
select * from get_max_from_each_group;
Thanks for posting. This looks clean 👍
with cte as(
select match_id, first_player, first_score from matches
select match_id, second_player, second_score from matches
), cte_2 as (
sum(first_score)as total_score ,
dense_rank() over(partition by group_id order by sum(first_score) desc, first_player asc) as rnk
from cte inner join players on cte.first_player = players.player_id
group by first_player, group_id
select * from cte_2 where rnk =1
with CTE as (
select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches
select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches),
CTE2 as(
select player, SUM(score) as total_score from CTE
group by player
CTE3 as (
select p.player_id, p.group_id, total_score
from players as p JOIN CTE2
on p.player_id= CTE2.player),
CTE4 as (
select *,RANK() over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc, player_id) as winner
from CTE3)
select group_id, player_id, total_score from CTE4
where winner=1;
with cte as (
select first_player as player, first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player as player, second_score as score from matches),
cte2 as (
select p.PLAYER_ID, p.GROUP_ID, sum(nvl(c.score,0)) as total_score from players p
left join cte c
on p.player_id = c.player
group by p.PLAYER_ID, p.GROUP_ID
order by group_id, player_id),
cte3 as (
select *, rank() over (partition by group_id order by total_score desc, player_id asc) as rnk from cte2)
select group_id, player_id from cte3 where rnk =1 ;
my Approach
with one as (
select player, group_id, sum(score) as total_score from
select first_player as player, sum(first_score) as score
from matches
group by first_player
union all
select second_player as player, sum(second_score) as score
from matches
group by second_player) x
join players on players.player_id=x.player
group by player,group_id)
select group_id,max(total_score) as winning_score
from one
group by group_id
with cte as
select first_player as player_id, first_score as score from matches
union all
select second_player as player_id, second_score as score from matches
results as (
select cte.player_id ,players.group_id, sum(score) as total_score ,
dense_rank() over (partition by players.group_id order by total_score desc) as rank
from cte inner join players
on players.player_id= cte.player_id
group by cte.player_id, players.group_id
) select min(player_id), group_id from results where rank=1 group by group_id;
with high_Score as (select player,sum(score) as total_score from (
Select first_player as player,first_score as score from matches
union ALL
Select second_player as player,second_score as score from matches)
group by 1)
select * from (
select players.*,high_Score.total_score,
rank() over(partition by group_id order by total_score desc, player_id asc) grank
from players
inner join high_Score
on players.player_id = high_score.player)
where grank = 1
with total_score as
(select first_player player_id,sum(first_score) over(partition by first_player) tot_score
from matches
select second_player player_id,sum(second_score) over(partition by second_player) tot_score
from matches)
,tot_points_per_player as
(select player_id,sum(tot_score) final_score,max(tot_score) top_score
from total_score
group by player_id)
select a.player_id,a.group_id,a.dr from
(select p.player_id,p.group_id,tp.final_score,DENSE_RANK() over(partition by p.group_id order by final_score desc, p.player_id asc) dr
from players p inner join tot_points_per_player tp
on p.player_id=tp.player_id) a
where a.dr=1
Thanks for posting 👏
with cte1 AS
(select first_player, first_score
from matches),
cte2 AS
(select second_player, second_score
from matches),
cte3 AS
(select p.player_id, p.group_id, ISNULL(c.first_score,0) + ISNULL(b.second_score,0) as total_score_of_player
from players p left join cte1 c
on p.player_id = c.first_player
left join cte2 b
on p.player_id = b.second_player)
select *
from (select *, rank() over(partition by group_id order by total_score_of_player desc, player_id asc) as rnk
from cte3) as t
where t.rnk = 1
with cte as(
select player_id,group_id,second_player as oppo_player,first_score as score from matches a inner join players b on a.first_player=b.player_id
union all
select player_id,group_id,first_player as oppo_player,second_score as score from matches a inner join players b on a.second_player=b.player_id
,cte2 as (
select player_id,group_id,total_player_points,row_number() over(partition by group_id order by total_player_points desc,player_id) as ranks from (
select player_id,sum(score) as total_player_points,group_id from cte group by player_id,group_id )a )
select * from cte2 where ranks=1
I used below query,
with cte as (
select player_id,first_score score,group_id from matches m inner join players p on p.player_id=m.first_player
union all
select player_id,second_score score,group_id from matches m inner join players p on p.player_id=m.second_player
cte1 as(
select player_id,group_id, sum (score) as s, DENSE_RANK() Over(partition by group_id order by sum (score) desc,player_id asc ) rn from cte group by player_id,group_id)
select * from cte1 where rn=1
(SELECT first_player as p_id,first_score as score
FROM matches
SELECT second_player,second_score
FROM matches)
SELECT group_id,player_id as winner,total_score
(SELECT group_id,player_id,total_score,
RANK() OVER (partition by group_id order by total_score desc,player_id) as rnk
(SELECT c.p_id,SUM(score) as total_score,p.player_id,p.group_id
INNER JOIN players p on
GROUP BY p.player_id)M)N
WHERE rnk=1;
I used subqueries after CTE, is it fine or CTE is better to use?
Hi Ankit , PFB my logic and thanks a lot your video helped me a lot to build logic 😄. Do let me know if this is optimal or if it can be improved..
SELECT first_player PLAYER_ID, first_score PLAYER_SCORE
FROM matches
SELECT second_player PLAYER_ID, second_score PLAYER_SCORE
FROM matches
) AA
GROUP BY player_id
) BB
GROUP BY group_id
your solution is already optimized, there is just one thing, your query won't give the score of the player