Probably my favorite quote and very true. Another quote I love is "is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slvry? Forbid it. Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me: GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!" -Patrick Henry
I'm a Texan. Cover the horse's eyes, folks. Maybe his nostrils as well if you have time. Horses panic around fire and try to stay where they feel safe. If they can't see the fire and the smell is only of smoke, they'll revert to their training and allow themselves to be led...usually.
Native New Yorker, yes we have horses. I knew about covering the eyes but the nose, also, I'll remember that. I think ("that's what I heard") the smell of burning hay is intense for them so they tend to stay.
@@Joe-hu7di Never been bit but I've spent at least my share of time on the ground. Seems I had a knack for buying green horses or spooky thoroughbreds or having idiots do dumb stuff like honk their horn when passing me on the street. I've got some achy bones in my old age, but still horse crazy as I was at the age of three.
@@Lorne-u2h I realize horses aren't exclusive to Texas. I've seen your mounted police, if nothing else. And I do know NYC isn't all of the state. Do you still have bridle paths in the park?
@@Austin.Kilgore Actually, he directly implies that that is what you need to do to be a hero. Otherwise he would have worded it with "is one of the things that" instead of "is what". Is English not your first tongue?
My son was at a parade with his kids when all of a sudden he focused on the cops chasing a dude. They were zig zagging back and forth and when he started down the street toward him, my son flew off the curb and tackled the guy in the street. The cops were there a few seconds later and thanked him for his help. The crowd erupted in cheers at the tackle. I asked my son what the bleep he was thinking, the dude could've had a gun. He said his mind didn't even go there he just looked and thought in a split second, "I could tackle him".
I helped some fire fighters with a huge fire that was threatening some homes. We were pulling extremely heavy fire hoses up-close to the fire. When the intense heat, smoke and ash blew into my face all of my senses were screaming to turn around and get out. The firemen continued pushing in like bosses. Whole new level of respect for these heroic first responders.
Definitely cops and firefighters are the most underpaid for putting their lives on the line, and leaving their house every day, not knowing if they’ll be returning. Bad people are in every profession. All of them. But the good guys, deserve recognition, and our respect. ❤ Cops shouldn’t be solo, and in truth, especially women, let alone a pregnant one. I honestly think women cops are more of a liability, and make better detectives, but they usually have to have street time first to qualify. And their voices, sorry, were just not commanding. Not scary, just screechy. They naturally raise a feeling of resistance. Who would bow to that? Like a kindergartner child yelling at you. Not threatening, just annoying. Just being honest. I’m sure some women cops have more presence, but some of them had no business being on a beat. Ever. That pregnant one ran like a girl, as we used to say. Flopping all over the place. No form whatsoever. Just how PG was she, I wonder. Ran like she was 5 months along. Women have taken “equality” too far. It was a stupid goal to begin with because we’re NOT equal. We’re supposed to complement each other and fill in each other’s gaps, not be all things. And men saying they want to be women are just men afraid to be men. But they are men. The sooner they face that, the better. And vice versa. Just more honesty. Pervy bosses and equal pay for equal work is what started this mess…(sorry, Ben Shapiro, women aren’t complaining about jobs where men do something totally different. Women’s complaints are for the SAME job with the SAME output and often even MORE output and MORE productivity. He’s often right but sometimes so arrogantly wrong). Women who did the exact same job (no heavy lifting, same identical job skill set, nothing that has any physical effort, would indeed get less pay, and yes, it could easily be 40% less. I heard all kinds of excuses from bosses, “well, he has a family to support, so he needs more money”, or “he’s dating, that costs money”…as of being a woman and having to buy all the things women need just for basic hygiene, let alone paying for rent, that isn’t cheaper because you’re a woman, paying more for clothes, even a simple haircut (and no, people like Ben, trimming the ends and bangs is not “harder because it’s longer”. A man’s haircut can be more complicated than a woman’s. Women paid and probably still do more for dry cleaning. Smaller clothes, they were charged more money, maybe still are, with the same types of fabric so the Ben types can’t try that excuse. So if anything, being a single WOMAN is much more expensive, especially when this all started. She’s got to have safety, too, and it’s not like men are buying her lunches and dinners (bosses used to have that attitude, too, like “you don’t need money, men will take care of you”. Oh, sure, so we are…whores? With sugar daddies? It was BAD. I used to get far more done than the “I’m a dude, don’t have to work, I can slack off and dump it all on you” guys at work. My job even had more need for knowledge, more skill required and still men would get more because they were men “and they need more than you do”. Bosses saw women as frivolous and spenders that really didn’t have any legit expenses. It’s better now, but absolutely men got paid $1 to 60¢ to women for the SAME, yes the same or even harder, more important, more skilled work. Ben has this attitude that women are comparing typing in an office to laying brick. Not so. But he also thinks everyone has a college degree and works where people actually follow rules and laws. In other words, he doesn’t live in the real world. Women also have no business in the military at all. They’re also a liability and a distraction. Soldiers need to FOCUS. Their lives depend on it. Our country depends on it. Women are a distraction to straight men, and homosexual men are distracted, so common sense says only straight men should be in the military. Their lives are on the line. It’s not about who can do what. It’s about being practical. Solders say the women are a distraction. One said 30% of the women in his unit got pregnant “pretty much immediately”. I don’t think it’s any different with the police. A man’s instinct is to protect. A woman has the same instinct, or some of us do, just ask a mama bear. We defend the weaker things as well. But we also ARE the weaker things, too compared to men. And while we can protect to some degree, clearly these women were overpowered. Even with a weapon. They also probably failed to fire their weapon when they should have. Male cops need a partner they don’t have to worry about and have no natural instinct to have to protect, too. A male partner of course he will also have an instinct to protect out of duty, but his partner will be strong enough to be a reliable teammate, not a liability. Women hate it, but it’s true. We can jump in and help when bystanding and do a great job. Women cops have done great, heroic things, no question. But idk, overall, it’s just generally not a good idea. They’re good for security for schools, (if they don’t get an attitude and they usually do, so their attitudes are usually crap, and tbh, every female cop I’ve ever dealt with was either incredibly stupid, or arrogant with a chip on her shoulder, or both), they’re good for detective work, but not for chasing and trying to subdue smack heads who also lift at the gym, especially without a partner, without extreme fitness (some of these women cops are not remotely fit enough). Sorry, sisterhood, know when you are out of your depth. Stop trying to prove something that you’re not actually capable of doing. You actually CANNOT “be whatever you aspire to be, if you only try hard enough”. Someone lied to you. Big time.
Thanks for doin something alot of people wouldnt bother doing, it only takes ONE person for other people to join in thats why you ALWAYS be that one no matter if people decide to or not but most of the time if one starts doing something the rest will follow, if people just watch then…sadly everyone else most likely will too
@@INSA.NEL.Y Thank you for the comment. I agree. As long as people are alert, conscientious, and stay within their skill level, there is usually very meaningful ways to assist. I have to remind myself of this because jumping-in does not come naturally for me, and once I'm in my adrenaline gets the best of me. In this case, my tunnel vision was a problem as I was standing directly under power lines where their power poles were burning. I did not realize until the next day when I went back to talk with homeowners.😨 Thx again. Regards.
They GENERALLY put something over a horse's eyes, because then they do not see the fire and will be able to be brought along by the bridle, trusting the human.
@@Freeman-Dl70 try telling that to people who live in a legal system were they get punished and sued for stopping criminals, even if you dont die and you stop the suspect you could end up in prison or get sued for every penny by the criminals family its happened to a lot of people. its also not really worth it when these guys are back out on the street in a few months anyway.
@jaredflynn3750 That's not called a legal system, we all have what's called an injustice system because of scumbag judges, prosecutors, and cops. It's all been created with leftist ideals. Have you heard the saying" they can't squeeze blood from a turnip" they can get the "judgement" , they can't collect what the injustice system tries giving them.
People in the U.S. have become blackpilled because a lot of police in moreso metropolitan areas are disproportionately bad and corrupt. It's like helping the enemy to a lot of Americans (I'd imagine other places like South American countries have a bad problem with corruption and evil police).
Not really because doing so only incurs extra risk for yourself when the cop has an entire department and judicial system behind him. For example, when was the last time you heard of a civilian getting qualified immunity? They made the rules and those rules have consequences, so don’t expect civilians to stick their neck out just to have it cut off. 😂
@@HopplyYT What did I say that was untrue? It's been shown repeatedly in court to be exactly how it goes. They've even repeatedly found that the police have no duty to protect you, despite the slogan and despite keeping you from lawfully carrying to defend yourself in those magical 'gun free zones' that are 'feel good zones' at best. lol
So the guy who gave the cop a ride. It was 114 degrees and 98% humidity during a weeks long heat wave and they had been in afoot chase for many blocks at that point. In the one where he said you killed someone! The someone was an unmarked police vehicle and ghetto officer was dead at the scene. The reason the very pregnant female officer was still working was because the police were under staffed due to defund the police movement.
The defund the police movement never really resulted in much defunding or anything like that If they were understaffed then its prob the norm for the area its not uncommon for police departments in small towns and what not to have this issue
@@carlcarlson5553 a study of budgets in over 400 American cities over the last 5 years shows that, despite persistent claims by politicians, pundits, and police unions, there was no mass defunding of police. Police departments got the same average cut of the city budget in 2021 as they did in previous years. There was little to no actual defunding that took place because of protests
People should always help out because one day it may be you who needs help. I would die helping someone than watching that someone getting killed or seriously hurt.
Here in Europe helping someone out has a very low chance of you dying so it's second nature for most of us, but I have huge respect for any Americans that do the same in the US, not sure I'd have the guts to try and separate a fight or stop a guy beating his wife if there was a chance I could get shot and killed.
@@krashd The criminals are less dangerous than the local and state attorneys who will prosecute citizens for political purposes when they step in to help.
@@krashdEuropeans have a lot of of guns too, just the majority of them get them illegally. And aren't you afraid of getting stabbed a few times? Strangled? Your head cracked against concrete? I'd be more comfortable intervening in Texas where you can easily carry a gun than in my shithole where you can't carry anything other than pepper spray and tazers
they dont get rewards mostly as its only a smile, thank you ,and acknowledgement on them helping its just that this is something others should do as its a humane thing to do now you can wlk around proud to have helped someone.
This is 100% true. So often during a crisis you see a woman crying or screaming or telling men to act. Men, masculine men, act. They make the world go around.
Have you guys seen that video (in my home state if Indiana) where a young guy who was out driving really late at night after a fight with his GF and saw a house on fire, he ran inside and woke the the people inside. They were all kids and a 17 year old, then he ran upstairs where a year old girl was trapped and jumped out a 2ᴺᴰ story window and brought her to firefighters and I wanna say his arms looked all burnt up but I might be misremembering. It happened around year ago. (For some reason all the news story’s were covering it as “a pizza delivery man saves family from burning house” if you wanna find it. Idk why they only call him “pizza delivery man” though considering he wasn’t even working when it happened, so I don’t get the relevance of his job)
What i like about these videos is that the people that stop and help do so because of their love for humanity. Not because they have the same pokitical affiliations, religious beliefs or are the same race. They see a person i need and they help.
That drunk driver crash with the Jeep wasn’t just anyone that was killed either, the victim was actually an Off Duty Police Officer and they actually ended up trying to bring charges against the bartender who continued serving him long after he was visibly wasted in the middle of the day and then the bartender then kicked the guy out of the bar only after he went behind the bar trying to get his own drinks
The one with the drunk driver trying to flee, fell, and was then pinned was in Euless TX. The one thst tackled him was following behind him in traffic and watched the whole thing. He killed an off duty officer who was out with his wife and children. He died instantly, his wife and young kids were badly injured.
One thing I have always tried to teach folks who don’t want anyone to possess firearms. In Texas we had concealed carry and now open carry. If you were wanting to rob a convenience store you would likely not be the only person in the establishment that was carrying and while that has not put our crime statistics in the best possible numbers I can only imagine that they are much lower than cities where firearms are not allowed.
13:03 Honestly, as an American woman I feel communities would be better served with male police officers. I’m saying this as the survivor of horrendous DV/SA by a former military, current police officer. There should be more training and women can hold positions within “The Force” that don’t actually use physical force.
I'm with Das also. I've had to this a few times in my life. It's weird that you don't think about your own risk, but you just do it. I won't waste your time, but Daz has my email if he ever needs my stories. Again, thanks for the hat.
I worked as a highschool teacher my entire nine months of pregnancy.I delivered the early morning after I had taught. I would come home after teaching all day and go straight to bed.Teaching exhausted me But I endured in spite of the principal harassing me about my pregnancy.I was the youngest teacher.The older lady teachers mocked me and said I would never lose my baby weight and regain my twenty two inch waist and shape.I got even with these jealous women.I was off for only one month leave post delivery.I weighed less than before I got pregnant.I bet they seethed inside when they saw me.This same principal who harassed me , later asked me out.What a douche bag.This school provided the worst environment for a young teacher was to teach and inspire young minds to want to succeed.
Yeah. The son looks like a major jerk. It’s called humanity. There are definitely times when someone might freeze in that situation - out of panic. But, for those who wouldn’t even be willing to help, let’s just say karma is a thing.
As an American, the regulations and policies as far as pregnancy differ per each state, but I can assure the majority are not allowed on active duty. As well as the majority opinion is no, pregnant officers should not be allowed out on patrol.
Women should never be patrol officer's, especially now, when most officer's ride alone. Having them on the street's puts everyone at risk, since so many offender's are combative in today's world.
7:41 It looks like the man running at the drunk driver is wearing a University of Oregon hoodie. True good Samaritans are the ones who don't need or want anything in return.
The guy in white would probably be the first to call the police if he were in any kind of danger, and then would stand by and watch the cop get killed. What a jerk!
@6:45 It skips the bit about the officer getting a ride with a citizen to catch up with his partner WHO ONLY HAS ONE ARM, IS FRESH OUT OF THE ACADEMY and is wrestling the suspect into handcuffs. In the same theme you want to watch "Hero Driver Drags Injured Police Officer to Safety", ex-con runs into a shoot out to drag a shot Officer to cover.
Today at my kids High School in California, they had burrito bowls (1 cup black beans. 1/2 cup rice. 1/2 cup chicken. I cup lettuce. Tomatoes. Grilled veggies. Dressing. Sour cream. Guacamole. And chips). They have a full salad bar every day. They also have other choices. Pizza with either cheese, pepperoni, or veggie. 12inch chicken quesadilla, cold sandwich, hot sandwich. Plus smoothies, parfaits, salad bar, and many others. That was the menu for today. The craziest part is that it’s 100% free every day for every student.
I wouldn't say its public duty to help out, its just the right thing to do... like seeing an old lady being mugged, or a lady being assaulted or a car wreck, u help bcuz u can... the ppl willing to help have that instinct inside and they jump n without hesitation bcuz they feel that helping someone n need, somebody more vulnerable than themselves or somebody that would likely do the same for u such as a cop, is the right thing to do
Some heroes do get recognized. In 2005, My father received a Carnegie Medal for saving a woman's life. An car crashed and caught on fire on the highway and he pulled the unconscious woman out of the car right before it was completely engulfed in flames. He was one of 15 people from throughout the United States and Canada to be awarded. And then in 2018, he died. He was a donor, so even in death he was able to save 11 more people's lives. He was only 45 when he died, and I miss him very much so.
I dove into a flooded river swam over 75 yards and saved an autistic girl from drowning. I got an accommodation for bravery from the local sheriff, the Robin M Daniel Memorial Life Saving Award and was nominated for a Carnegie Award. I was 15 at the time.
That female cop and that old man did not need to happen, she actually escalated that. She had a big attitude for no reason, but they only show the last part of the video.
The pregnant cop was on patrol duty (ticket/speed deterance), but just happened to have this bastard run across her on this day. She isnt/wasnt expected to intervene. Female fighter piolets can even fly up until 5 months, I think.
If you see a police officer who needs help, the best course of action is to inform the officer that you are there to help and ask what they need you to do. If you are armed, you should inform the officer. It is better to not take unilateral action to help an officer, which could put you and the officer at a greater risk without at least informing the officer what you are doing. They might perceive that you are joining the fight against them if you don't tell them otherwise. Of course, time is a consideration. In an imminent death situation, you might just have to act first and explain later.
As an aside, cops also have the authority to legally deputize civilians in emergency scenarios. It's not an everyday thing, but they 100% have the power to do it.
I was given my first rifle at 12 years old , taught to use it safely, taught to hunt safely. In Texas we are ALL armed and have one of the lowest firearm murder rates in America …. The states with the strictest firearm laws have the highest murder rates ( because innocent people are not allowed to defend themselves)
11:00 can't believe bystanders and the officer are called heroes for beaching a whale like that! It's usually the other way around; the whale goes in the water, not out.
"I'm not dying for that!" Did I just hear a grown man say that? I felt bad, for his dad. There are cowards, that will do nothing. They would just stand by, and watch a person die. Then, there are hero's, that take a stand. Hero's, will risk everything to save a life. I would feel ashamed, if I raised a coward.
This stuff makes me cry. I've helped out the police a few times myself, and more people need to. They are trying to arrest people that are hopped up on drug-muscles.
It is situations like these that really make me wonder why some departments have cops patrol alone. I know funds might be tight and all, but it’s flipping dangerous for everyone involved.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
Seemingly becoming more relevant everyday
Probably my favorite quote and very true. Another quote I love is
"is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains or slvry? Forbid it. Almighty God! I know not what course others may take but as for me: GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!"
-Patrick Henry
Ok kids
@@TruthIsTheNewHate84, I’m named after this absolute legend. Love the original.
meanwhile a bunch of evil is flooding into America....
I'm a Texan. Cover the horse's eyes, folks. Maybe his nostrils as well if you have time. Horses panic around fire and try to stay where they feel safe. If they can't see the fire and the smell is only of smoke, they'll revert to their training and allow themselves to be led...usually.
Native New Yorker, yes we have horses. I knew about covering the eyes but the nose, also, I'll remember that. I think ("that's what I heard") the smell of burning hay is intense for them so they tend to stay.
@@Joe-hu7di Never been bit but I've spent at least my share of time on the ground. Seems I had a knack for buying green horses or spooky thoroughbreds or having idiots do dumb stuff like honk their horn when passing me on the street. I've got some achy bones in my old age, but still horse crazy as I was at the age of three.
Thank you! I know nothing about horses, but you never know when you'll need this info though! Appreciate it!
Thank you for telling us this. I have seen massive horse graves, and I wonder if knowing this might have saved them.
@@Lorne-u2h I realize horses aren't exclusive to Texas. I've seen your mounted police, if nothing else. And I do know NYC isn't all of the state. Do you still have bridle paths in the park?
Helping when you could die is what makes a hero.
That's not quite true, there are plenty of heroes out there that haven't faced that kind of danger.
@@jacket5456 He never said it’s the only thing that makes you a hero… just that it’s what makes you one. Which is 100% true
@@Austin.Kilgore Actually, he directly implies that that is what you need to do to be a hero. Otherwise he would have worded it with "is one of the things that" instead of "is what".
Is English not your first tongue?
You know how many equations you can do to get a result of 100...a ton. If you don't understand what I'm inferring than I'm sorry.
That's directed at the responses to this thread.
My son was at a parade with his kids when all of a sudden he focused on the cops chasing a dude. They were zig zagging back and forth and when he started down the street toward him, my son flew off the curb and tackled the guy in the street. The cops were there a few seconds later and thanked him for his help. The crowd erupted in cheers at the tackle. I asked my son what the bleep he was thinking, the dude could've had a gun. He said his mind didn't even go there he just looked and thought in a split second, "I could tackle him".
That's a real man and a hero! You raised him right! 👍
He could have had a gun, that's why you tackle them so the cops can handle them
@williammurphy-zp6nj In this instance, the tackled dude was definitely in the wrong and running from the police.
I helped some fire fighters with a huge fire that was threatening some homes. We were pulling extremely heavy fire hoses up-close to the fire. When the intense heat, smoke and ash blew into my face all of my senses were screaming to turn around and get out. The firemen continued pushing in like bosses. Whole new level of respect for these heroic first responders.
Thanks for helping
Definitely cops and firefighters are the most underpaid for putting their lives on the line, and leaving their house every day, not knowing if they’ll be returning. Bad people are in every profession. All of them. But the good guys, deserve recognition, and our respect. ❤
Cops shouldn’t be solo, and in truth, especially women, let alone a pregnant one. I honestly think women cops are more of a liability, and make better detectives, but they usually have to have street time first to qualify. And their voices, sorry, were just not commanding. Not scary, just screechy. They naturally raise a feeling of resistance. Who would bow to that? Like a kindergartner child yelling at you. Not threatening, just annoying. Just being honest.
I’m sure some women cops have more presence, but some of them had no business being on a beat. Ever. That pregnant one ran like a girl, as we used to say. Flopping all over the place. No form whatsoever. Just how PG was she, I wonder. Ran like she was 5 months along.
Women have taken “equality” too far. It was a stupid goal to begin with because we’re NOT equal. We’re supposed to complement each other and fill in each other’s gaps, not be all things.
And men saying they want to be women are just men afraid to be men. But they are men. The sooner they face that, the better. And vice versa. Just more honesty.
Pervy bosses and equal pay for equal work is what started this mess…(sorry, Ben Shapiro, women aren’t complaining about jobs where men do something totally different. Women’s complaints are for the SAME job with the SAME output and often even MORE output and MORE productivity. He’s often right but sometimes so arrogantly wrong).
Women who did the exact same job (no heavy lifting, same identical job skill set, nothing that has any physical effort, would indeed get less pay, and yes, it could easily be 40% less.
I heard all kinds of excuses from bosses, “well, he has a family to support, so he needs more money”, or “he’s dating, that costs money”…as of being a woman and having to buy all the things women need just for basic hygiene, let alone paying for rent, that isn’t cheaper because you’re a woman, paying more for clothes, even a simple haircut (and no, people like Ben, trimming the ends and bangs is not “harder because it’s longer”. A man’s haircut can be more complicated than a woman’s.
Women paid and probably still do more for dry cleaning. Smaller clothes, they were charged more money, maybe still are, with the same types of fabric so the Ben types can’t try that excuse.
So if anything, being a single WOMAN is much more expensive, especially when this all started. She’s got to have safety, too, and it’s not like men are buying her lunches and dinners (bosses used to have that attitude, too, like “you don’t need money, men will take care of you”. Oh, sure, so we are…whores? With sugar daddies?
It was BAD.
I used to get far more done than the “I’m a dude, don’t have to work, I can slack off and dump it all on you” guys at work. My job even had more need for knowledge, more skill required and still men would get more because they were men “and they need more than you do”. Bosses saw women as frivolous and spenders that really didn’t have any legit expenses.
It’s better now, but absolutely men got paid $1 to 60¢ to women for the SAME, yes the same or even harder, more important, more skilled work. Ben has this attitude that women are comparing typing in an office to laying brick. Not so. But he also thinks everyone has a college degree and works where people actually follow rules and laws.
In other words, he doesn’t live in the real world.
Women also have no business in the military at all. They’re also a liability and a distraction. Soldiers need to FOCUS. Their lives depend on it. Our country depends on it. Women are a distraction to straight men, and homosexual men are distracted, so common sense says only straight men should be in the military. Their lives are on the line.
It’s not about who can do what. It’s about being practical. Solders say the women are a distraction. One said 30% of the women in his unit got pregnant “pretty much immediately”.
I don’t think it’s any different with the police. A man’s instinct is to protect. A woman has the same instinct, or some of us do, just ask a mama bear. We defend the weaker things as well. But we also ARE the weaker things, too compared to men. And while we can protect to some degree, clearly these women were overpowered. Even with a weapon. They also probably failed to fire their weapon when they should have.
Male cops need a partner they don’t have to worry about and have no natural instinct to have to protect, too. A male partner of course he will also have an instinct to protect out of duty, but his partner will be strong enough to be a reliable teammate, not a liability.
Women hate it, but it’s true. We can jump in and help when bystanding and do a great job. Women cops have done great, heroic things, no question.
But idk, overall, it’s just generally not a good idea. They’re good for security for schools, (if they don’t get an attitude and they usually do, so their attitudes are usually crap, and tbh, every female cop I’ve ever dealt with was either incredibly stupid, or arrogant with a chip on her shoulder, or both), they’re good for detective work, but not for chasing and trying to subdue smack heads who also lift at the gym, especially without a partner, without extreme fitness (some of these women cops are not remotely fit enough).
Sorry, sisterhood, know when you are out of your depth. Stop trying to prove something that you’re not actually capable of doing. You actually CANNOT “be whatever you aspire to be, if you only try hard enough”.
Someone lied to you.
Big time.
Thanks for doin something alot of people wouldnt bother doing, it only takes ONE person for other people to join in thats why you ALWAYS be that one no matter if people decide to or not but most of the time if one starts doing something the rest will follow, if people just watch then…sadly everyone else most likely will too
@@INSA.NEL.Y Thank you for the comment. I agree. As long as people are alert, conscientious, and stay within their skill level, there is usually very meaningful ways to assist. I have to remind myself of this because jumping-in does not come naturally for me, and once I'm in my adrenaline gets the best of me. In this case, my tunnel vision was a problem as I was standing directly under power lines where their power poles were burning. I did not realize until the next day when I went back to talk with homeowners.😨 Thx again. Regards.
There's a ribbon you get called a "Citizans Award" given to civilians when they demonstrate honor and courage
In the US?
@@krashd yes
Not as of 2020. The criminal gets the award for being brave and his family gets millions of dollars. The US is reversed nowadays. It's such a shame.
You had one chance and couldn't even spell it right. 😅
the old lady with thors purse gets me every time.
@NCSCGoblin yeah shes like 100 ? she was winded before waking up
Our best people helping our best people against our worst people!
You can usually rely on a good guy in a pickup truck😂
True dat. ❤
Just goes to show that good people are still among us all. Thank God for that.
They GENERALLY put something over a horse's eyes, because then they do not see the fire and will be able to be brought along by the bridle, trusting the human.
Bystanders didn’t know, just did their best.
Yeah not helping someone fighting for their life is cowardly as hell.
Try telling that to the pull out your phone generation that would rather record a death than unglued their feet from their place their standing.
@@Freeman-Dl70 try telling that to people who live in a legal system were they get punished and sued for stopping criminals, even if you dont die and you stop the suspect you could end up in prison or get sued for every penny by the criminals family its happened to a lot of people. its also not really worth it when these guys are back out on the street in a few months anyway.
@jaredflynn3750 That's not called a legal system, we all have what's called an injustice system because of scumbag judges, prosecutors, and cops. It's all been created with leftist ideals. Have you heard the saying" they can't squeeze blood from a turnip" they can get the "judgement" , they can't collect what the injustice system tries giving them.
@@jaredflynn3750 I don't think the cops are going to be so quick to arrest you when you helped save one of theirs
@@joshua3113 Dude idk people have been sued for performing life-saving CPR before the legal system is fucked
Daz is right.
You have to be a pretty low selfish person to not assist an officer in trouble.
Exactly! Anyone that is in obvious jeopardy like that should get help. If you see someone in need, help. It's that simple.
People in the U.S. have become blackpilled because a lot of police in moreso metropolitan areas are disproportionately bad and corrupt. It's like helping the enemy to a lot of Americans (I'd imagine other places like South American countries have a bad problem with corruption and evil police).
Not really because doing so only incurs extra risk for yourself when the cop has an entire department and judicial system behind him. For example, when was the last time you heard of a civilian getting qualified immunity? They made the rules and those rules have consequences, so don’t expect civilians to stick their neck out just to have it cut off. 😂
@@iDeagles sounding like you just are a little bit too self-centered. Almost a ''narcissist''.. It's sad that you believe that.
@@HopplyYT What did I say that was untrue? It's been shown repeatedly in court to be exactly how it goes. They've even repeatedly found that the police have no duty to protect you, despite the slogan and despite keeping you from lawfully carrying to defend yourself in those magical 'gun free zones' that are 'feel good zones' at best. lol
That first scene is from my home town, Columbus Ohio.
Tripping that suspect outside of the west side Hauge Ave. library. 📖
So the guy who gave the cop a ride. It was 114 degrees and 98% humidity during a weeks long heat wave and they had been in afoot chase for many blocks at that point.
In the one where he said you killed someone! The someone was an unmarked police vehicle and ghetto officer was dead at the scene.
The reason the very pregnant female officer was still working was because the police were under staffed due to defund the police movement.
“Ghetto” officer?
You mean Detective Alex Cervantes, It seems you're knowledge of the English language is fine, so why that choice?
The defund the police movement never really resulted in much defunding or anything like that
If they were understaffed then its prob the norm for the area its not uncommon for police departments in small towns and what not to have this issue
@@thatdamncrow9197 That depends on the area, the movement actually did decimate the force in some areas
@@carlcarlson5553 a study of budgets in over 400 American cities over the last 5 years shows that, despite persistent claims by politicians, pundits, and police unions, there was no mass defunding of police. Police departments got the same average cut of the city budget in 2021 as they did in previous years.
There was little to no actual defunding that took place because of protests
I think a large portion of people (at least in the USA) would help an officer in distress.
It takes a special person (s) to run towards helping someone in dire need👍
People should always help out because one day it may be you who needs help. I would die helping someone than watching that someone getting killed or seriously hurt.
Here in Europe helping someone out has a very low chance of you dying so it's second nature for most of us, but I have huge respect for any Americans that do the same in the US, not sure I'd have the guts to try and separate a fight or stop a guy beating his wife if there was a chance I could get shot and killed.
@@krashd The criminals are less dangerous than the local and state attorneys who will prosecute citizens for political purposes when they step in to help.
@@krashdEuropeans have a lot of of guns too, just the majority of them get them illegally. And aren't you afraid of getting stabbed a few times? Strangled? Your head cracked against concrete? I'd be more comfortable intervening in Texas where you can easily carry a gun than in my shithole where you can't carry anything other than pepper spray and tazers
I love people that help the cops! ❤ Also, I am a woman and I have to say if a woman can not handle a suspect, they should not be a cop.
the pregnant cop thing kills me. she should have been at a desk until she was ready again
they dont get rewards mostly as its only a smile, thank you ,and acknowledgement on them helping its just that this is something others should do as its a humane thing to do now you can wlk around proud to have helped someone.
With terrified horses, blindfolding them helps. If they see the danger they won't go toward it but if they can't see they'll follow where you lead.
good to know I don't need to help Aiden if he's out numbered in a fight
Notice that most of the people that helped are men, in trucks or large vehicles. Masculinity is a gift, use it wisely.
This is 100% true.
So often during a crisis you see a woman crying or screaming or telling men to act.
Men, masculine men, act. They make the world go around.
What do vehicle size or model have to do with anything 😂
Have you guys seen that video (in my home state if Indiana) where a young guy who was out driving really late at night after a fight with his GF and saw a house on fire, he ran inside and woke the the people inside. They were all kids and a 17 year old, then he ran upstairs where a year old girl was trapped and jumped out a 2ᴺᴰ story window and brought her to firefighters and I wanna say his arms looked all burnt up but I might be misremembering. It happened around year ago. (For some reason all the news story’s were covering it as “a pizza delivery man saves family from burning house” if you wanna find it. Idk why they only call him “pizza delivery man” though considering he wasn’t even working when it happened, so I don’t get the relevance of his job)
Its how the media operates profiling people to sell a story.
I remember that - what city was it in? (I’m in Indiana, too)
Looks like the apple fell far from the tree.
Britain should adopt the us constitution and the bill of rights unmolested by their own government
Most people have a lot of good in them and will step in if they can help.
What i like about these videos is that the people that stop and help do so because of their love for humanity. Not because they have the same pokitical affiliations, religious beliefs or are the same race. They see a person i need and they help.
Doing the right thing takes no thought, no thought at all.
The lady officer at the 4:30 mark seems to do everything she can to escalate the situation.
That drunk driver crash with the Jeep wasn’t just anyone that was killed either, the victim was actually an Off Duty Police Officer and they actually ended up trying to bring charges against the bartender who continued serving him long after he was visibly wasted in the middle of the day and then the bartender then kicked the guy out of the bar only after he went behind the bar trying to get his own drinks
wow, can't believe he wouldn't help, this generation is something else.
The one with the drunk driver trying to flee, fell, and was then pinned was in Euless TX. The one thst tackled him was following behind him in traffic and watched the whole thing. He killed an off duty officer who was out with his wife and children. He died instantly, his wife and young kids were badly injured.
Equal rights doesnt always equal equal capability
Thanks OFFICE BLOKE DAZ it great and refreshing to see people doing good instead of scrolling through negative behaviour after negative behaviour.
American here watching this channel for the first time. Shout out to the Brit on the right repping the ‘Stros!
One thing I have always tried to teach folks who don’t want anyone to possess firearms. In Texas we had concealed carry and now open carry. If you were wanting to rob a convenience store you would likely not be the only person in the establishment that was carrying and while that has not put our crime statistics in the best possible numbers I can only imagine that they are much lower than cities where firearms are not allowed.
13:03 Honestly, as an American woman I feel communities would be better served with male police officers. I’m saying this as the survivor of horrendous DV/SA by a former military, current police officer. There should be more training and women can hold positions within “The Force” that don’t actually use physical force.
I'm with Das also. I've had to this a few times in my life. It's weird that you don't think about your own risk, but you just do it. I won't waste your time, but Daz has my email if he ever needs my stories. Again, thanks for the hat.
Usually men are the ones to think that way. Testosterone is a great horomone.
6:20 “sorry I had to get a taxi” is the best line in law enforcement!
I worked as a highschool teacher my entire nine months of pregnancy.I delivered the early morning after I had taught. I would come home after teaching all day and go straight to bed.Teaching exhausted me
But I endured in spite of the principal harassing me about my pregnancy.I was the youngest teacher.The older lady teachers mocked me and said I would never lose my baby weight and regain my twenty two inch waist and shape.I got even with these jealous women.I was off for only one month leave post delivery.I weighed less than before I got pregnant.I bet they seethed inside when they saw me.This same principal who harassed me , later asked me out.What a douche bag.This school provided the worst environment for a young teacher was to teach and inspire young minds to want to succeed.
Yeah. The son looks like a major jerk. It’s called humanity. There are definitely times when someone might freeze in that situation - out of panic. But, for those who wouldn’t even be willing to help, let’s just say karma is a thing.
The whole pregnant cop thing! WTF IS WRONG WITH HER AND HER DEPARTMENT!
Both committed child endangerment!
It’s been a red truck 70% of the time stopping to help 😂😂😂
The pizza delivery guy was hilarious, it was definitely british thing, you can see funny stuff like that only in uk i think :D :D
As an American, the regulations and policies as far as pregnancy differ per each state, but I can assure the majority are not allowed on active duty. As well as the majority opinion is no, pregnant officers should not be allowed out on patrol.
A woman is no backup to her male partner. You have now put him at risk. Women shouldn't be beat officers.
I’m a woman and I agree.
Women should never be patrol officer's, especially now, when most officer's ride alone. Having them on the street's puts everyone at risk, since so many offender's are combative in today's world.
7:41 It looks like the man running at the drunk driver is wearing a University of Oregon hoodie.
True good Samaritans are the ones who don't need or want anything in return.
Never even dropped the pizza!
Dinner and a show.
As a cop and an Astros fan I appreciate the content and the hat!
Hi Daz, Gaynor and Aiden, loving the videos I wished that the guy would’ve shown more of the clips though. ❤👋🏽
I remember a few years ago when blue shirt guy would show up in a bunch of videos. Now it's red truck guy.
The guy in white would probably be the first to call the police if he were in any kind of danger, and then would stand by and watch the cop get killed. What a jerk!
That horse wasn’t moving unless it wanted to, those things weigh a ton
My brother would be someone who would jump out of his car to save a cop or anyone.
@6:45 It skips the bit about the officer getting a ride with a citizen to catch up with his partner WHO ONLY HAS ONE ARM, IS FRESH OUT OF THE ACADEMY and is wrestling the suspect into handcuffs.
In the same theme you want to watch "Hero Driver Drags Injured Police Officer to Safety", ex-con runs into a shoot out to drag a shot Officer to cover.
Also glad there was multiple calls for the unconscious driver one laday just said "theres an unconscious woman and theyr trying to break into the car"
Today at my kids High School in California, they had burrito bowls (1 cup black beans. 1/2 cup rice. 1/2 cup chicken. I cup lettuce. Tomatoes. Grilled veggies. Dressing. Sour cream. Guacamole. And chips). They have a full salad bar every day. They also have other choices. Pizza with either cheese, pepperoni, or veggie. 12inch chicken quesadilla, cold sandwich, hot sandwich. Plus smoothies, parfaits, salad bar, and many others. That was the menu for today. The craziest part is that it’s 100% free every day for every student.
Pizza delivery dude is a fucking legend. I love him. Saved the day all while keeping that Pizza safe, and the people safe.
"I din know what to do. So I yust punched da guy in da ribs..."😂
Was that guy saying, “parkour”?!
Something’s you might not know….. red truck = country boy
I wouldn't say its public duty to help out, its just the right thing to do... like seeing an old lady being mugged, or a lady being assaulted or a car wreck, u help bcuz u can... the ppl willing to help have that instinct inside and they jump n without hesitation bcuz they feel that helping someone n need, somebody more vulnerable than themselves or somebody that would likely do the same for u such as a cop, is the right thing to do
That guy started running after he found out he killed someone
That pizza guy was offered a job by the police department. He refused 😂
Time for all the good folks to stand up and help each other for a better tomorrow.
In America carrying a fire arm is so important, evil is out there
He did kill someone. They literally said it was a 'fatal DUI crash'.
Some heroes do get recognized. In 2005, My father received a Carnegie Medal for saving a woman's life. An car crashed and caught on fire on the highway and he pulled the unconscious woman out of the car right before it was completely engulfed in flames. He was one of 15 people from throughout the United States and Canada to be awarded.
And then in 2018, he died. He was a donor, so even in death he was able to save 11 more people's lives. He was only 45 when he died, and I miss him very much so.
The reason a pregnant cop or (the ponytail crew) shouldnt be on duty is bacause she cant and wont do shit....
it sucks what's become of my country, so seeing these videos..well I can watch these a lot longer than those other videos, we need cops
I dove into a flooded river swam over 75 yards and saved an autistic girl from drowning. I got an accommodation for bravery from the local sheriff, the Robin M Daniel Memorial Life Saving Award and was nominated for a Carnegie Award. I was 15 at the time.
That female cop and that old man did not need to happen, she actually escalated that. She had a big attitude for no reason, but they only show the last part of the video.
The pregnant cop was on patrol duty (ticket/speed deterance), but just happened to have this bastard run across her on this day. She isnt/wasnt expected to intervene. Female fighter piolets can even fly up until 5 months, I think.
Sometimes they will get a certificate or something but not really any reward. The reward is being kind and knowing you helped somebody
If you see a police officer who needs help, the best course of action is to inform the officer that you are there to help and ask what they need you to do. If you are armed, you should inform the officer. It is better to not take unilateral action to help an officer, which could put you and the officer at a greater risk without at least informing the officer what you are doing. They might perceive that you are joining the fight against them if you don't tell them otherwise. Of course, time is a consideration. In an imminent death situation, you might just have to act first and explain later.
As an aside, cops also have the authority to legally deputize civilians in emergency scenarios. It's not an everyday thing, but they 100% have the power to do it.
I was given my first rifle at 12 years old , taught to use it safely, taught to hunt safely. In Texas we are ALL armed and have one of the lowest firearm murder rates in America …. The states with the strictest firearm laws have the highest murder rates ( because innocent people are not allowed to defend themselves)
11:00 can't believe bystanders and the officer are called heroes for beaching a whale like that! It's usually the other way around; the whale goes in the water, not out.
Her legs were numb from the cold. Have a heart; it could be someone in your family next time.
Welcome to America where the 2nd amendment protects the 1st.
Good day God bless
"I'm not dying for that!" Did I just hear a grown man say that? I felt bad, for his dad. There are cowards, that will do nothing. They would just stand by, and watch a person die. Then, there are hero's, that take a stand. Hero's, will risk everything to save a life. I would feel ashamed, if I raised a coward.
It would have been better if the had shown the video from which the thumbnail was taken with the bystander holding his rifle on the criminal.
Nice hanging out, with you lot.
This stuff makes me cry. I've helped out the police a few times myself, and more people need to. They are trying to arrest people that are hopped up on drug-muscles.
5:50 that car blew up just a few short minutes after they got the passengers out
She is a police officer because she wants to help her fellow citizens and as an American she has the right to chose when it's time to stop.
Like that Houston, Astros hat!
Gained a fan in Texas 😂
shouting "I aint do nothing" at a random passerby as u commit a felony running from the cops., is def up there on my list of worst things to say
You see what the hell is happening. The trooper had barely gotten out of the car and hadn’t touched that punk and he started saying “I can’t breathe.”
The good Samaritan that tripped the guy would likely have been charged with assault
Police officers are more and more being hobbled by what they can and can't do. Thank God for the brave who stop and help.
Everardo Navarro is the sickest name
Pregnant cop on duty making an arrest, welcome to the us babbbbbbyyyyy!
Does Aiden have his own channel?
Duty is its own reward
It is situations like these that really make me wonder why some departments have cops patrol alone. I know funds might be tight and all, but it’s flipping dangerous for everyone involved.
I agree, pregnant cops shouldn’t be in the field.
Unfortunately, it's all too common for civilian men to have to come help female cops subdue male suspects.