- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
Petugas pemadam kebakaran Los Angeles dibuat terkejut menemukan sekumpulan jasad. Para jasad ini diduga sedang melakukan pesta hubungan sesama jenis di sebuah rumah atau gedung. Damkar itupun seketika menemukan Islam.
#fitrimaharani #kebakaran #losangeles #lgbt #sejarahislam #sodom #korbankebakaran
Fitri Maharani adalah Channel Islami yang belajar seputar :
• Cerita Islami
• Sejarah Islam
• Nasihat Islam
• Kisah Nabi dan Rasul
• Kisah Para Sahabat Nabi
• Kisah Waliyullah dan
• Kisah Islami lainnya
Tayang Setiap Hari
Semoga channel ini bermanfaat
Fitri Maharani,Sejarah Islam,Kisah Nabi,Kisah Di Alqur'an,DITEMUKAN BANYAK JASAD DALAM POSISI SEDANG BERHUBUNGAN SESAMA JENIS,los angeles,kebakaran los angeles,korban kebakaran los angeles,kebakaran di los angeles,hutan los angeles,los angeles kebakaran,uya kuya los angeles,kebakaran besar los angeles,kaum sodom,kaum sodom film,kaum sodom sekarang,lgbt,jejak kaum sodom,kaum sodom dan gomorah,lgbtq,GEGER,kebakaran,
Sosok Adam meski bukan umat muslim,namun amal kebaikan sosok Adam sangat di sukai Allah swt sbg pencipta alam semesta beserta seluruh pengisinya.Semoga sosok Adam mendapat Inayah dn Allah swt,dn alhamdllah menjadi mu'alaf❤❤❤❤❤
Ingat umat Nabi Luth kan.
Kami umat Islam akan membantu saudara kami yg Islam dan non islam.agama kami Islam tidak pandang bulu untuk membantu yg kesusahan.kalo oten oten indo tidak akan peduli pada agama seiman oten
Bagi yang sudah tau bersyukur bahwa hubungan sesama jenis itu laknatulloh ajan nyata sudah tertera didalam Al qur'an pada jaman nabi Lut A.S.
Ini Azab dari Allah Swt pembalasan atas ucapan org² yg merasa dirinya lebih dari tuhan maka itu balasan yg nyata
Have mercy on us may God have mercy on you appeal only out of hunger and poverty, O scholar, be well in our skin. 😭😢😭😢😢I asked you, by God, to save us before we die of extreme hunger. I asked you to enter. on God. On you, I am facing you, I am your sister, I beg you, I beg you, save us for the love of GodGod is my witness, my brother, that from morning until now we are forbidden to ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' I swear to God on the book of God that I will not lie to you, nor set you up, nor cheat you. I am a Yemeni girl from Yemen, displaced from my family and I. Between us is a house of 20 thousand Yemeni riyals, and now we owe 60 thousand for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of those people who do not have mercy. By God, my brother, he comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants us to go out to the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. The neighbors saw us crying and they went back to talk to the neighbors and we have not paid him until the end of the week. I swear to God, this will put us out to the street. May God have mercy on us. Our country is suffering because of this war and we cannot find our daily sustenance and we live, my mother and my brothers are traveling, our father passed away, may God have mercy on him, and we have no one in this world to be with us in these harsh circumstances. My little brothers went out to the street and saw the neighbors eating and stopped at their door to give them even a piece of bread. By God, who owns the heavens and the earth, they closed the door and threw them out and they came back crying, dying of hunger. No one had mercy on them and the holiday was returned so I could live. Now, if one of us does not help us with a kilo of flour, I swear to God that we will die of hunger. Oh brother, I seek refuge in God and then in you and I want your help for the sake of God. I ask you by God, do you love good and help me even with 500 Yemeni riyals? Send me a WhatsApp message on this number +𝟵𝟲𝟳𝟳12414748 and ask for my card name and send it and do not delay and God will compensate you with all good. My little brothers, see how they are and help us and save us before they throw us out into the street. You will be humiliated or die of hunger. My family and I ask you by God, if you are able to help us, do not delay in helping us. May God reward you.°÷π÷π÷÷π`π^~_~÷`÷`π÷~_π`÷~ππ°~÷~π~π~÷~π~ππ~π.......،.، ......،.،..،.،..،.،.،..،.،..،.،.،.،..............,.,..,.,.,.,..,.,.,..,..،.،.،.،.،..،..,..,., , ,.,.,..,.,.,..,.,.,.,........................,.,.,..,. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . ... ....،..، ........... ....،.... ...~``~~♤♡♡♤♡♡♡