Instant Photos are Permissible & Details Regarding Photography | Imam Ibn Uthaymeen رحمه الله

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2024
  • Instant Photos are Permissible & Details Regarding Photography - Imam Ibn Uthaymeen
    ‎سلمك الله هذا سائل يكرر السؤال كثيراً ويقول:
    May Allah protect you.
    This is a questioner who has repeated the question many times, and he says:
    ‎ذكرت في كتابك "المجموع الثمين للفتاوى" جواز الصور الفوتوغرافية مطلقاً من غير ضرورة،
    You mentioned in your book “The Valuable Collection of Fatwas” that photographs are unconditionally permissible even without necessity.
    ‎ثم ذكرت بعد ذلك عدم جواز اغتنام الصور للذكرى، فما هو التنبيه على هذا؟
    Then, you mentioned that it is not permissible to have pictures for memory. So, what is the observation/remark regarding this?
    ‎الحقيقة أن مسألة التصوير أتعجب من كونها الشغل الشاغل لبعض الناس،
    In truth, I am surprised that the issue of Tasweer (creating pictures) would be a main concern for some people,
    ‎وكأن فتح بيت المقدس متوقف على ذلك أو تحرير أفغانستان أو غيرها من بلاد المسلمين
    as if freeing Jerusalem, Afghanistan, or other Muslim Countries is dependent upon it.
    ‎مسألة الصور مسألة اجتهادية، وليس من العقائد في شي حتى نقول إنها خطيرة
    The issue of pictures is a matter of Ijtihad, and it has nothing to do with Aqeedah (creed) which would warrant us to say it is a dangerous (issue).
    ‎مسألة الصور على أقسام:
    The matter of pictures is split into categories:
    ‎القسم الأول: الصورة التمثيلية المحسوسة ذات الجرم التي يصنعها الإنسان بيده، فهذه لا شك في تحريمها.
    The first category: The tangible, representative picture with a body (I.e., sculpture) which is made by a person’s hand. This is undoubtedly prohibited.
    ‎لأن الذي صنعها يضاهي بذلك خلق الله.
    That's because the one who made it is imitating the creation of Allah by it.
    ‎يضاهي بذلك خلق الله، فهو داخل في قول النبي ﷺ: "أشد الناس عذاباً يوم القيامة (المصورون) الذين يضاهون بخلق الله"
    He is imitating the creation of Allah by it. So, he is included in the saying of the Prophet, ﷺ: “Those who will receive the severest punishment on the Day of Resurrection will be the musawwiroon (picture makers), they who imitate what Allah has created.”
    ‎الثاني: صورة رسم يخطها الإنسان بيده، فهذه محل خلاف بين العلماء
    The second: A picture “drawing” that a person draws with his hand. This is a matter of difference among scholars.
    ‎وإن كان الخلاف فيها ضعيفاً لكن وجد خلاف بين علماء الأمة الإسلامية،
    Although the difference regarding it is weak, but it is there among the scholars of the Islamic ummah (nation)
    ‎استناداً إلى ما جاء في صحيح البخاري من قوله: "إلا رقماً في ثوب"
    based on what was stated in Sahih Al-Bukhari, from his statement: “Except the prints upon a garment.”
    ‎وقالوا إن مجرد الرسم ليس مضاهاة كاملةً لخلق الله
    And they said that merely drawing, is not a complete imitation of the creation of Allah.
    ‎لأن خلق الله الذي هو خلقه جسم قائم ملموس محسوس
    That's because the creation of Allah - which is His creation - is an existing, physical, tangible body.
    ‎ أما هذي فهي مجرد تلوين، فالمضاهاة فيها ليست كاملة، فلا تدخل في النهي
    As for this, it is just a coloring, so the imitation in it is not a complete (imitation), therefore, it is not included in the prohibition.
    ‎ولكن هذا القول لا شك أنه ضعيف، لأن حديث علي بن أبي طالب حين قال لأبي الهياج الأسدي:
    However, this saying is undoubtedly weak, because of the hadith of Ali bin Abi Talib when he said to Abu Al-Hayyaj Al-Asadi:
    ‎"لأبعثنك على ما بعثني على رسول الله ﷺ أن لا تدع صورةً إلا طمستها"
    “I am sending you on the same (mission) that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ sent me for, that I should not leave an image without distorting/erasing it.”
    ‎يدل على أن ما صور باليد وبالتلوين داخل في العموم.
    This indicates that what is drawn by hand and color is included in the general rule.
    ‎وهذا هو الحق.
    And this the truth.
    ‎القسم الثالث: ما صور بالآلة الفوتوغرافية التي تحتاج إلى تحميض وتعديل للصورة فهذه أيضاً يقرب أن نقول إنها من التصوير المحرم
    The Third Category: that which is photographed using photographic devices that require developing and modifying this picture. This also comes close to saying that it is from the prohibited Tasweer,
    ‎لما فيه عمل المصور بيده من تحسين هذه الصورة وتحميضها.
    due to what it entails from the actions of the photographer with his hands, in improving and developing the picture.
    ‎القسم الرابع: ما كان صور فوتوغرافية فورية ولا عمل لليد في تحسينها ولتلوينها فهذه لا تدخل في النهي. لا تدخل.
    The Fourth Category: that which involves instant photographs where there is no hand labor involved in enhancing or coloring them. These are not included in the prohibition. They are not included.
    Check the comments in this video for the remaining part of the translation text.
    📱✨Social Media of Ustadh AbdulAziz Al-Haqqan حفظه الله :

ความคิดเห็น • 22

  • @gardenofilm
    @gardenofilm  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    continued (from description of video) translation text:
    لماذا؟ لأن هذا المصور لم يخطط بيده وجهاً ولا عيناً ولا شفةً ولا أنفاً ولم يقلد الله عز وجل في التصوير.
    Why? Because this photographer did not draw with his hands a face, eye, lip, or nose, and he did not imitate Allah Almighty in the Tasweer.
    ‎غاية ما هنالك أن هذه الآلة ألقت ضوءاً على شيءٍ معين فالتقطته.
    The most of what it is, is that these devices cast light on a specific thing and capture it.
    ‎ولهذا نجد الأعمى يمكن أن يوجه الآلة هذه إلى شخص أو حيوان ويصوره، وهو أعمى!
    This is why we find that a blind person can point this device at a person or an animal and photograph it, while he is blind!
    ‎يمكن أن يصور في الليل ما فيه نور يرسم الإنسان عليه.
    It is possible to photograph at night when there is no light on which a person can draw with.
    ‎هذه لا تدخل في التصوير.
    This is not included in Tasweer.

    • @xxxaaa12
      @xxxaaa12 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      جزاك الله خيرا
      For sharing this.
      However, I didn't understand what is meant by, "It is possible to photograph at night when there is no light on which a person can draw with". Could you please explain?
      جزاك الله خيرا

    • @ابوآسيةالسويسري
      @ابوآسيةالسويسري 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thats not the case with modern smartphones and computers. It is not merely a reflection rather its a algorithm that literally draws the picture on your screen.

    • @ce-rf3lg
      @ce-rf3lg 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It is known that the deaf can also make music, so music is ok now?

    • @E.Cerulean
      @E.Cerulean 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@@ce-rf3lgwhy do you take only one part of the explanation and draw such an analogy, this is not based on anything, may Allah guide us to be humble and respect the scholars who are way more knowledgeable than us, amin.

  • @Abuhaadiyah
    @Abuhaadiyah 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    This is so heavily relied on by those who desire to take photos of themselves and others but we should also consider the rest of the major Ulama forbid it, so if one takes this opinion he should make sure its not out of desires and Allaah knows best

    • @ibnkofi
      @ibnkofi 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Well said

    • @ponderingspirit1475
      @ponderingspirit1475 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@azikazikaziknah bro, meaning taking pictures for reasons that aren't really out of a greater need or for a greater maslaha

    • @الثلجالأبيض-ف7ث
      @الثلجالأبيض-ف7ث 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @azikazikazik sometimes it is out necessity like passport renewal, job application, or forensics
      And of course none of that above can't be uploaded into social media

  • @E.Cerulean
    @E.Cerulean 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    جزاك الله خيرا وبارك الله فيك

  • @epicseason0
    @epicseason0 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Sheikh Uthaymeen permits Tasweer for Da'wah purposes?!
    'Iṣām ibn 'AbdilMun'im Al-Murri (one of Sheikh Uthaymeen's students) writes in his biography of the Sheikh:
    "The Sheikh (i.e. Sheikh 'Uthaymeen) was scheduled to deliver a lecture at the Islamic University of Madinah. In the main hall, there were several video cameras. Before ascending the stage to begin his lecture, the Sheikh personally went to each camera operator and turned the cameras downwards, one by one. After taking his place on the stage, and before starting his lecture, he said: 'I do not permit anyone to film me. Whoever films me I will be their adversary on the Day of Judgment.' He then proceeded with his lecture." [End quote]
    Ref: P. 293
    [الدرر الثمين في ترجمة فقيه الأمة العلامة ابن عثيمين]

  • @hva22
    @hva22 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Digital taswir containing living souls is not permissible according to the vast majority of major scholars and this is very clear from the sahih hadith regarding this. There's no need to dissect various opinions when we have a clear hadith prohibiting all types of taswir containing living souls.

  • @Zub4ir
    @Zub4ir 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The safer opinion is to not do it so I think that is best.

  • @crunchipan6593
    @crunchipan6593 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Brother what about digital photos such as TH-cam thumbnails and ur yt shorts ? Would they come under the prohibition or not ? As they are not tangible

    • @E.Cerulean
      @E.Cerulean 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @jibrintumaka3478
    @jibrintumaka3478 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How will one know which is fatwa to take since some of the sunny scholars view photography as something prohibited?

    • @الثلجالأبيض-ف7ث
      @الثلجالأبيض-ف7ث 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      All of the ulema agree that drawing and sculpting of living beings that have souls is haram.
      The confusion here stems from the fact these devices do not draw or sculpt in traditional sense, they essential capture the impression of visible light reflected of photographed objects.
      If you are confused then the best course of action here is to avoid photography of living beings that has souls ( human, animals) unless necessary

    • @hhhhh45543
      @hhhhh45543 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      the ijtihaad much accurate and strongest to the sunnah is that it’s not permitted

    • @al-Jakarti
      @al-Jakarti 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Better to avoid it, in syā Allāh. That's safer.

  • @AgMak
    @AgMak 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wealer stance