Aljebayesh is beautiful .My Brother was Teacher in Alfhood . You in Ajebayesh have Watter ,but thier is not to much trees .Just do more green in your City ,it will be so nice . Girl and Boys do it right aow .Please more and more green "Sifssaf" . Dr. Amir
Beautiful Marsh of schools of Altchebayesh .wish you good luck in the Future Girls and Boys ..... Dr. Amir
كل توفيق
Aljebayesh is beautiful .My Brother was Teacher in Alfhood . You in Ajebayesh have Watter ,but thier is not to much trees .Just do more green in your City ,it will be so nice . Girl and Boys do it right aow .Please more and more green "Sifssaf" . Dr. Amir
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