I came here after all these years to verify that they changed the death animation for the enemies, and at 50 seconds your video is the only one I found that gave me that confirmation! They didn't use to explode in a puff of dark aether.
Mr Happy, I'm really loving your guides. I'm mostly a solo player and so far every guide of yours has helped me enter uncharted territory and clear it without breaking a sweat. Keep up the good work!
I LOVE the get-mini'd-get-eaten mechanic for Cerberus. Absolutely brilliant way to divvy up the action. Reminds me of fighting Ansem's many stages at the end of KH1.
I adore this raid. The Crystal Tower series are my favorite large group content...and I don't say that often about most MMOs. This stuff keeps you engaged and busy. Great fun.
For the feint Particle beams, I counted about 20 beams that chases the targeted player. I believe that's the maximum amount of times the feint particle beam will try to hit you if you're not dead.
Did this twice so far, once on the third day it came out and again 1 week after, the difference was real, got wiped 4 times first try and second time only wiped once. Seems like this dungeon wasn't as hard as it could have been
For Cerberus, rather than have a "stomach alliance", just having as many dps go into the stomach works too. Or that's how I've always seen it in duty finder.
Just a simple note about the Dark Cloud phase on the final boss, my raid group came to the conclusion that it isn't LoS that slows down the clouds; it's simply having someone stand inside of one of them. Doing so gives them the Heavy debuff, until there are no longer any players standing inside of the clouds, in which they will begin moving normally again.
Well, having just done another run of the World of Darkness, I can say that I was wrong about the standing inside of clouds; while it does work, it's because of the amount of people between/inside them and the CoD herself, as was mentioned in the video. My bad!
Just a note about poison slimes... I noticed that if you keep a small slime on the puddle and kill it there, then the big slime and additional small slimes will not pop. I don't know if that was a fluke or actually how you handle the mechanic.
Ryan Anderson Good note, every group I've in has just zerged the Slimes where they stood so its likely why the poison resistance splash is even a thing.
Mrhappy1227 The mechanic is that slimes don't spawn as long as a player stands atop of the puddle, if a player stands on the puddle for long enough it'll quench. The slimes poison debuff is so that a player does not take DoT while standing in the puddle. Might want to amend that in the guide.
For the dragon, the windstream attack can be prevented by having the marked player step in the ice which is always up during then (at least in my experience), I can't remember if surrounding players still are affected, I don't remember sorry.
Note. for the first boss it seems like if you dont kill all the hourglasses in time. the finger will instastun anyone who it lands on instead of giving you a few seconds to run out. not sure if this is lag or if thats how the mechanic actually works.
I think that WoD will not be getting the upgrade mats in any of the treasure coffers in the raid it self. I think the weekly quest will be the only other way (other then fcob). I think in a few more weeks they will add the other mats and all 3 will be an optional reward to that quest and the catalyst will just be a given.
The in-game text states that you can only get one gear or upgrade item until reset if you have already looted one this week. I have been through 4 times though and have never seen an upgrade item drop from the chests so maybe that text is just there for a future patch where upgrade items will be added but the loot lockout will still be in place
Rhea Silhouette Yeah they'll definitely put them in at some point. The item most people wanted is the tombstone, but only the Carbon Coat from the weekly quest is possible currently.
Hey happy. During the cloud of darkness fight at the "second cloud phase" where shes sucking in all the clouds to charge up i thought that was a dps check. I tried clearing all clouds but just seemed impossible due to there being so many of them so we figured just LB3 cloud of darkness and burn her before she gets her AOE out. Or is it possible to clear all the clouds the second time?
Its possible to clear them. You can see me do it in this video, although its sped up. Entirely with the Duty Finder. Remember you can slow them down by standing between them and her.
Hey, a question about the five headed dragon, that fire dragon with, debuff stacks, how can you pass it to someone else or how can ppl take it from you? tried walking towards them doesnt work, do you have to "left click or right click"?
I haven't played this since what October? Got tired of the grind, has it gotten any better? Have we gotten player housing like they promised or is everyone fighting for space still? Has the duty finder improved?
all you mentioned is there and much more, well you will be overwhelmed but here we go : docs.google.com/document/d/1HxICNH__f_qtlJTqPRmm8-zhohbz0HON_Mr7mutQEuc/edit
I have a question about the second boss. If you don't open the chest, will it unlock the room after a delay? Or do you HAVE to open that chest and fight that secondary boss in order to clear it? Also, on the third trash section ...if you get the cross hairs, I heard that if you jump down off the platform it goes away. Do you know if that is correct?
Hey Mrhappy ! How do you make those hot bars shorter...haha, and how do you have the bigger ones there, the 7, r, t and f ones. New sub btw :) Great videos.
in system go to hud layout , from there click on the tab u want to fix than press Home+ctrl at the same time and youll be able to adjust the sides of ur hud
The first few days of WoD was fun but now..... everyone is like a pro... clearing WoD without any wipe even messing up really badly I guess we should expect a even higher skill check on the next 24 man raid
I hope they do a higher difficulty and higher reward version of 24 man's in heavensward. All of them took less than a week for the general public to master. There's a ton of opportunities to make the mechanics more devastating
if you wanna have fun invite me to your group im the type of player that don't watch any videos, wont learn a thing by testing it it self , will most probably wipe the entire team for almost 20 times.... lots of fun with me around
Has Cloud of Darkness been brought from another game? I was playing FF ATB because it was free. (I didn't spend any real money on that crap. I'm not stupid xD) Sorry, I'm only 13. I never played the old ones. I only got into it at FF13 but experienced the old ones through emulators and such.
why the heck do you have so many stuff on your screen, it takes like 60% of your screen, you'd better off just turn off the game engine and just look at your stuff on the screen. Srsly, being a raider for years in wow i only use like 10% of my screen when doing 25 men content
8 yr old vid I'm really hoping everything in here is still relevant bc im really not tryna be the sprout that gets the whole raid wiped (like i did in labyrinth 🥲). i learned my lesson and im researching raids before i start them but fuck idk if i can memorize all these mechanics
Feel like guides come out a little too fast now everyone well be playing brain dead during this raid. It was fun building strategies and developing plans with other ppl even the wipes was bearable because we all learned from it. But great guide though.
I came here after all these years to verify that they changed the death animation for the enemies, and at 50 seconds your video is the only one I found that gave me that confirmation! They didn't use to explode in a puff of dark aether.
Can't wait to be continuously moaned at by elitists when I mess up on my first try.
Last night this was me lol
Yeah, I don't care what others think now though
yeah i got kicked on my first try
Mr Happy, I'm really loving your guides. I'm mostly a solo player and so far every guide of yours has helped me enter uncharted territory and clear it without breaking a sweat. Keep up the good work!
I LOVE the get-mini'd-get-eaten mechanic for Cerberus. Absolutely brilliant way to divvy up the action. Reminds me of fighting Ansem's many stages at the end of KH1.
Reminded me far more of C-Thun in vanilla WoW...
Thanks for posting this, I'm getting sick of these fail groups, hopefully people watch this
I adore this raid. The Crystal Tower series are my favorite large group content...and I don't say that often about most MMOs. This stuff keeps you engaged and busy. Great fun.
Not sure what you mean. The Crystal Tower series is the ONLY large raid series in FF14...
Brian Wilson in comparison to other raids from different games obviously.
"Dont be alone." At the cerberus boss strategy just killed me from laughing xDD
Frost Ken D:
Mrhappy1227 dude i love u thank you for doing this guide! ^^
Thanks for all the videos Mr Happy. It's been a great help returning after a 6 month break ;p
For the feint Particle beams, I counted about 20 beams that chases the targeted player. I believe that's the maximum amount of times the feint particle beam will try to hit you if you're not dead.
First time on WOD and got Demon Armor of Fending! o/ Thanks for the guide, helps me a lot!
Have to say, between you and MTQ, you two do some great work. TYVM for the guide so fast... maybe some of pugs won't be so bad now lol :)
I love this place and how difficult it can be, Square really stepped up the skill check here lol
***** Exactly, I just it stays that way lol.
***** I don't like the average 70-80 raises I gotta throw out per run ; ;
i doubt it seeing how SE wants everyone to play the game.
Did this twice so far, once on the third day it came out and again 1 week after, the difference was real, got wiped 4 times first try and second time only wiped once. Seems like this dungeon wasn't as hard as it could have been
All of Mr Happy's guides in a nutshell: JUST obey the mechanics, JUST don't die, and you'll be JUST fine.
I guess it might be worth mentioning that there is no longer a weekly loot limit on WoD.
Doing this for the first time tonight. Thx for the guide :)
For Cerberus, rather than have a "stomach alliance", just having as many dps go into the stomach works too. Or that's how I've always seen it in duty finder.
Just a simple note about the Dark Cloud phase on the final boss, my raid group came to the conclusion that it isn't LoS that slows down the clouds; it's simply having someone stand inside of one of them. Doing so gives them the Heavy debuff, until there are no longer any players standing inside of the clouds, in which they will begin moving normally again.
Well, having just done another run of the World of Darkness, I can say that I was wrong about the standing inside of clouds; while it does work, it's because of the amount of people between/inside them and the CoD herself, as was mentioned in the video. My bad!
I like the use of the word Dooty to explain Stomach Alliance's task. Sorry, I'm super entertained by that boss lol.
Just a note about poison slimes... I noticed that if you keep a small slime on the puddle and kill it there, then the big slime and additional small slimes will not pop. I don't know if that was a fluke or actually how you handle the mechanic.
Additional note: if small slimes are pulled away from the puddle then additional small slimes will pop until a big one does.
Ryan Anderson Good note, every group I've in has just zerged the Slimes where they stood so its likely why the poison resistance splash is even a thing.
Mrhappy1227 The mechanic is that slimes don't spawn as long as a player stands atop of the puddle, if a player stands on the puddle for long enough it'll quench. The slimes poison debuff is so that a player does not take DoT while standing in the puddle. Might want to amend that in the guide.
***** Done and Fixed*
Good to know, thanks!
For the dragon, the windstream attack can be prevented by having the marked player step in the ice which is always up during then (at least in my experience), I can't remember if surrounding players still are affected, I don't remember sorry.
You can avoid getting eatten by the Atomos, just jump down. It will still eat other players if they are not aware who got marked.
Lol some people from my server there!! This raid is so much fun, I wish I can find you there sometime :D
Went into this blind. It was fantastic hell 😭
I ran WOD with you yesterday Happy ^^
Note. for the first boss it seems like if you dont kill all the hourglasses in time. the finger will instastun anyone who it lands on instead of giving you a few seconds to run out. not sure if this is lag or if thats how the mechanic actually works.
Yeah it does, but it takes a reaaallly long time to happen.
>.> thats what happens when you are the last party alive... D:
This one looks really tough. Kinda scared to try it.
if COD is back then Ultimcia needs to come back her sexy self
Gotta love that music on final boss... FF1 ftw
I think that WoD will not be getting the upgrade mats in any of the treasure coffers in the raid it self. I think the weekly quest will be the only other way (other then fcob). I think in a few more weeks they will add the other mats and all 3 will be an optional reward to that quest and the catalyst will just be a given.
Well no...you can already /buy/ the upgrade mats from the npc next to the poetics NPC in rev-toll.
6 Unmarked hunt logs (500 allied marks each)
***** hunts are already toxic and to much of a cop out enough as it is. Hunts will NOT be the only other way to get the upgrade mats.
Ruben Fugate
That is pretty much my argument. You can get sand/oil of time from ST/SCoB and hunts. We'll get twine/coat from WoD/FCoB and hunts.
***** ok then. Your first reply is worded in a way where you where saying they WEREN'T going to add a 3rd way to get the mats.
So you can only loot for 1 thing? Gear/upgrade/minion or you can loot for 1gear and upgrade?
There are no upgrade materials yet
The in-game text states that you can only get one gear or upgrade item until reset if you have already looted one this week. I have been through 4 times though and have never seen an upgrade item drop from the chests so maybe that text is just there for a future patch where upgrade items will be added but the loot lockout will still be in place
Rhea Silhouette Yeah they'll definitely put them in at some point. The item most people wanted is the tombstone, but only the Carbon Coat from the weekly quest is possible currently.
Mrhappy1227 Tomestone* :D
Mrhappy1227 Can the new tomestone only be gotten from Final Coil?
Wow, beat Cloud with 53 minutes left?! Well done. My first run got it done with only 8 minutes to spare :D
Hey happy. During the cloud of darkness fight at the "second cloud phase" where shes sucking in all the clouds to charge up i thought that was a dps check. I tried clearing all clouds but just seemed impossible due to there being so many of them so we figured just LB3 cloud of darkness and burn her before she gets her AOE out. Or is it possible to clear all the clouds the second time?
Its possible to clear them. You can see me do it in this video, although its sped up. Entirely with the Duty Finder. Remember you can slow them down by standing between them and her.
Hey, a question about the five headed dragon, that fire dragon with, debuff stacks, how can you pass it to someone else or how can ppl take it from you? tried walking towards them doesnt work, do you have to "left click or right click"?
This looks fun I can't wait to try it
oh damn, you really were mrhappy. i was baybey dwagon :U
I haven't played this since what October? Got tired of the grind, has it gotten any better? Have we gotten player housing like they promised or is everyone fighting for space still? Has the duty finder improved?
all you mentioned is there and much more, well you will be overwhelmed but here we go :
I have a question about the second boss. If you don't open the chest, will it unlock the room after a delay? Or do you HAVE to open that chest and fight that secondary boss in order to clear it?
Also, on the third trash section ...if you get the cross hairs, I heard that if you jump down off the platform it goes away. Do you know if that is correct?
how do you attach the chain on Cerberus once you drag the chain towards him? do you have to right click the chain around Cerberus?
thanks dude! this really helped now I don't have to embarrass myself XD
Sidenote: To get the "I hardly NOAH" quest, you first must complete "The Light of Hope" from Rammbroes.
I'm somewhat new at this and use Ninja mostly. Question your HP is 6900+ on Ninja, what is your gear setup?
Hey Mrhappy ! How do you make those hot bars shorter...haha, and how do you have the bigger ones there, the 7, r, t and f ones. New sub btw :) Great videos.
in system go to hud layout , from there click on the tab u want to fix than press Home+ctrl at the same time and youll be able to adjust the sides of ur hud
Cool, thanks :)
So well done. Great guide.
I prefer the Lalafell World Of Darkness Guide, personally.
wasnt there supposed to be weapons in this? or is that gonna be in something else?
The first few days of WoD was fun but now..... everyone is like a pro... clearing WoD without any wipe even messing up really badly I guess we should expect a even higher skill check on the next 24 man raid
I hope they do a higher difficulty and higher reward version of 24 man's in heavensward. All of them took less than a week for the general public to master. There's a ton of opportunities to make the mechanics more devastating
if you wanna have fun invite me to your group im the type of player that don't watch any videos, wont learn a thing by testing it it self , will most probably wipe the entire team for almost 20 times.... lots of fun with me around
This looks really freaking hard...I'm kinda scared to try it out for the first time, lol
Bacon It's daunting at first but you'll get used to it in no time.
First boss always gets me.. i feel its the hardest one with that much going on..
Wow, that looks more complicated than Syrcus Tower and Crystal Tower combined lol
1 piece of loot per week? Has that changed? I've received nearly a full 120 suit and other pieces for other jobs within 2 weeks...
James Bee As of Patch 2.55 the loot lockout was removed.
thank you so much for making this ,, i love you :)
What's Circus Tower? Is it something in that Golden Saucer thing?
This makes me not want to tank this and quit the game.
How do i whitelist your channel from adblock plus?
How active is this MMORPG atm? How's the population?
Peak times you'll find yourself in a queue.
this mmo is doing great and the population is increasing , if u want a strong pve experience this is the mmo for u
Wow - this one is rather complex here....
For Cerberus I usually call out who wants to be Dog Food! :p
Who else is here because we're forced to play through three old raids just to get to 5.3 MSQ?
So many mechanics in this one. I wonder how many of them can be ignored now? Going to be running this one for the first time here shortly.
Had no idea what I was doing my first time through lol
I'm nowhere even CLOSE to this point in the game. I'm still level 25. Should I be concerned?
We always say A=adds B=belly C=chains
nice guide
Hey look, I was the only good bard in the pt. Give me more goad next time pls
Has Cloud of Darkness been brought from another game? I was playing FF ATB because it was free. (I didn't spend any real money on that crap. I'm not stupid xD) Sorry, I'm only 13. I never played the old ones. I only got into it at FF13 but experienced the old ones through emulators and such.
lol He called the poop flush.
Hmm... I wonder if this info is still relevant?
nowadays we can do this raid without even thinking much about mechanics...
Yeah this gives me anxiety....
oh my god, this one is damn complicated.
Wow I'm definitely not good enough for this one😅
Cleared this with 2 minutes left lol
***** But you enjoyed it regardless
***** well there's a lovely image....
***** I love doing new content blind. Coil being the exception.
So many Bards lol
why the heck do you have so many stuff on your screen, it takes like 60% of your screen, you'd better off just turn off the game engine and just look at your stuff on the screen. Srsly, being a raider for years in wow i only use like 10% of my screen when doing 25 men content
was easy
8 yr old vid I'm really hoping everything in here is still relevant bc im really not tryna be the sprout that gets the whole raid wiped (like i did in labyrinth 🥲). i learned my lesson and im researching raids before i start them but fuck idk if i can memorize all these mechanics
Feel like guides come out a little too fast now everyone well be playing brain dead during this raid. It was fun building strategies and developing plans with other ppl even the wipes was bearable because we all learned from it. But great guide though.