This was super eye opening! I’m a manifestor and a real estate agent. I recently started my own property management company too. I always get super excited at the beginning and slowly lose excitement as the venture starts to take off. It’s reassuring to know that’s normal for a manifestor
Ha I'm a new MLO! So far I think it's a perfect fit for me. I don't give up, I'm defined centered. My only line on Penta was determination and it was all the way up there lol.
I’m a 5/2 Manifestor. I left corporate in 2008. I feel SO seen since I found out that I am a manifestor type. It’s been a battle for family to accept me and my energy.
I started phrasing "protective, closed, repelling" to MYSTERIOUS. Takes the spikies off a bit. Thank you so much! I have a business and will go a loooong stretch without putting anything out. I simply don't have the energetic resources for it. I know business coaches and experts say "Go, do, grind, hustle." I can't. I mean NOTHING.
Whaaat. This lady just literally told my life story. Multiple jobs, worked as a nurse and also stopped because of the "kids"... But actually energetically could not handle the working schedules. And god, the angryness and resentment. Thanks for sharing this all. Making other manifestors feeling less alone.
I'm 2/4 emo Manifestor and I totally resonate with her experience. I used to think there was something wrong with me because I got bored after a year or two in one job, then I thought it was because of my Mercury in Gemini, then I thought it was because I'm neurodivergent 😅... We need more conversations about Manifestors.
Hey, I am a 2/4 emo manifestor too, also Gemini, and also neurodivergent;-). I never was in a longtime job, the longest was during my apprenticeship as a scenic artist for 2 years (horror show) , then self employed and now a full time artist in Kauai. But I need to dive into more info too. I hate the resting time….
This was a very enlightening interview for me as a 5/1 emo manifestor. I’ve struggled with managing my energy cycles with a demanding corporate job. I’ve since quit and am figuring out a career path that would be more aligned with my energy cycles. My conditioning is strong so it has been challenging but I’ve been letting go of the limiting beliefs tying me to traditional jobs/career. I also appreciated learning from Holly that a manifestor’s rest cycle is a void & can include being depressed etc and last for months. I’ve definitely expressed this & and am grateful to hear I’m not alone in the experience.
As a fellow 4/6 splenic manifestor, I have NEVER (and I don’t say this lightly) NE-VAH felt more seen in my life. The amount of self criticism I have about my rest cycles is out of this world. My whole life I have believed that ‘once I found the right job, I would want to not just stay but be happy with the constant go-go-go!’
3/5 Manifestor here. My granddaughter (3/5) and my son-in-law (4/6) are both Manifestors. I left corporate America and completely changed careers. I now research, heal and teach. Both are perfect for me. Just learning about this human design. Wish I’d known about it earlier in life. Thanks
Omg I cannot believe how much this resonates with me. Its like there is finally somebody who understands me and sees what I am going through my whole life. I am 6/2 emotional manifestor and everytime I read something about my type i feel such a relief. Thank you for this interview
“Having to be the catalyst and the motor when I wasn’t meant to be the motor” THAT PART!!!! Recently began to dig into what my work life needs to look like in order for me to truly thrive and that’s exactly what kept coming for me.
YES! I can't find ANYONE who talks much about Manifestors without that hint of irritation from that one irritating Manifestor they experienced that one time. 😅 I definitely don't think anyone gets us. Thank you for introducing us to Holly. This talk was extremely helpful. ❤️
Also a 3/5 emotional manifestor! This comment is spot on! I try to make everyone else's life great by being cathartic and helpful and problem solving but feel so stuck and helpless in my life sometimes. I'm just st now learning that I need to apply my gifts of initiation towards myself...towards SELF-INITIATION! which honestly is very difficult sometimes especially if your very conditioned but unfortunately no one else is going to do it for us. They're not coming to save us or help us in the way we can for them because that's not their's ours. Not their job, OURS! KEEP IT UP MANIFESTORS!!! WE GOT THIS!❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
As a 1/4 emotional manifestor I have felt like a failure most of my life. Diving into my unique design recently has felt like breaking free of a lifetime of shackles. Thank you for your insight ♍️
I feel so seen! I can't tell you how many businesses and movements I've started on a 'whim'. I'm currently designing my life to support my impulses so I can flow with ease.
I’m a manifestor and I created a podcast for people who want to leave or left their 9-5 😊 this episode talks about how to find the next step after leaving. Hope this helps
Omg, I never felt more seen in my life. Everything she said I truly can relate to. Emotional Manifestor 4/6 here and this was so insightful for me. I’m currently recovering from burnout.
It was very eye opening when I learned that I was a 3/5 Splenic Manifestor, and that I have a very different energy system from other people. I've struggled with burnout and low energy for a long time. There was a time I even wondered if I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I've had trouble keep jobs, and honoring my health needs. I've even ended homeless before. The thing I have the most trouble with is finding people to delegate tasks to.
Me too! Even though I inform,people seem to resent me and don't want to continue what I started,even though they say it's great!..I feel there's a part of the puzzle still missing here..
Wow, I cried for the first half of this because it pretty much described my life up until now. Thank you so much for all of this! Only just realized in the last couple days what type I am after a friend referred me to the system, and I'm seriously blown away at how accurate it is. Appreciate you so much
This interview is great. Not only were the answers great, but the questions were also wonderful; where they lead to, and what they focused on are very helpful for me. I am a 2/5 manifestor, and one thing I'm becoming increasingly aware of is that there is nothing wrong with me being flaky, aloof, and inconsistent- I'm in it, then I just don't feel like it anymore. Then, I want to do nothing literally for months, and wonder... "It's been 7 months... should I be doing something right now?" It's all apart of being a manifestor. This is so grounding for me, it's currently providing a lot of healing. I love people, but I LOOOOOVE being alone, and I finally understand why. I'm sifting through my true desires, (I have the motivation of innocence...) Taurus sun =worthiness journey for sure! Thank you both
This is so validating. I used to work in mgmt consulting so that I wouldn't get bored, like I would feel I'm on a new job with a new project. Then went into biotech business development and traveled internationally. It was fantastic until it wasn't as fulfilling anymore. Then completely went 180 going into mindfulness facilitation. Thankfully, this path invited me to go on months of silent retreats which I find easy to be on. Retreats are such a beautiful way to deepen the rest cycle. I've definitely struggled in the past asking myself why is it that I have no clue what I am doing these many months except taking walks in the park? LOL There is much to learn in surrender, in uncertainty and ensuing possibilities. Dan Siegel's Plane of Possibilities supported me so much in living this Manifestor lifepath. He shares that certainty = no change. Uncertainty invites in possibilities. I love and live for possibilities. I notice I feel so much better when I honor my rest cycles and just go and lie down in the grass, meditate, listen to birdsong. Nothing to do. Nowhere to be. And TRUST the next creative idea will spark itself into my consciousness. Thank you again for validating this!
I have recently discovered Human Design and discovered I’m a manifestor. Weirdly, I had my husband’s (of 40 years) profile done too and found out he is also a manifestor! I wonder how likely that is. Anyway, everything makes so much sense to me and I’m excited about discovering more about it all!
I’m a 1/3 Manifestor just discovering Human Design and Wow….did your guest nail me and the way I am! That retreat to rest (mentally and physically)….check, and the start it up great creative idea then possible dont finish……check AND most importantly all my life I have been the one to open peoples eyes about stuff or had the idea to start with……check, and bored? Oh man…..I should have been in advertising! Lol. Can’t wait to explore more……
Same Manifestor 1/3 here. The longest job I have had is the one I am in 3 yrs... I am so sick of it, started many profitable businesses, but got "bored" and stopped. Always wondered what's wrong with me.
I wonder if many of us get confused as bipolar with our high-highs, and our exhausted rests? I wonder if people confuse Manifestor energy highs as the "manic" state, and the rests as the "depressive" states? I feel like I already know 😳
This is SO eye opening!! I’ve always felt bad that I feel closed from other people. But this gave me the permission that is ME! Also the creating and burning are so eye opening tooooo!!!!! It’s like no wonder!!! 😂
Girl! On some shadows work energy, seriously! I’m exhausted too and praying that eventually I stack enough creative urges on top of each other or into a space within the foundation so that I can actually raise my home. It gets heavy
This was beautiful and uplifting for me as a 5/2 emotional manifestos. I decided to surrender, been testing my type 5x because I could not feel myself as a leader and how to use my energy wisely
I’m so happy the episode lifted your spirits! The goal with Human Design is to help you fall in love with yourself exactly as you are. This leadership potential is in you. Your 2 line (Hermit) and Emotional Authority may make you feel like that isn’t so at times but the potential is there. Surrender and then ask yourself what COULD leadership look like for me? What’s my brand of leadership?
@Nicole Laino thank you so much for the questions and love that falling in love with yourself again, so needed. ❤️ Also happy International Women's day 👋🏻
Thank youuuuuu, just when I was asking myself" is there any manifestor community to help us figure out things hahahah " 6/2 emotional manifestor here, just started my buisness and i m questionning everything hahahahaha
This was a brilliant interview. I have watched a few with Holly and this was my favourite. After years of learning about being a Manifestor (4/6 emotional s.plexus) I was so happy to learn some new things from Holly! I'd love to hear you Holly discuss the challenges of motherhood whilst being a manifestor. Obviously, having the urge to have a baby is one of the most beautiful things we can create. But I really want to discuss how to parent when we need to rest. Especially when you are a single parent ! So much love, great work happening here xxx
I would LOVE to hear this. I am a single mom, a manifestor, an ENTP and have Saturn in my Fifth house. I struggle with needing breaks from motherhood and impatience! My gosh. The impatience! 😅
Hello tribe 🥰💪🏽💕 2/4 splenic manifestor here who homeschooled my two kids. It was amazing. The thing with parenting is - about the time you’re getting frustrated with the “mundane” they change! Also my son is a manifestor and my daughter is a manifesting generator with a learning challenge. There was NO way I was gonna let the public school system squash my kids’spirits. They are both very successful/well-adjusted adults now who know who they are. And as a manifestor you can trust they will be who they will be because you know how important your freedom and ability to create/rest is. 💥 love y’all🙏🏽
Love this 💕 same here! Manifestor mom homeschooling my 3 girls. I’d love to hear your thoughts on managing your energy cycles with all this on your plate
@@IsabelRising22 Well, the truth is I ran on buckets of green tea and youthful zeal. I will say though, I gained a great deal of strength from the core belief that my job was simply that of a steward or a gardener. I just had to find the resources, or offer the space for them to BECOME who they were wired to be. I really was tired a lot of the time, but--I chose to give them the freedom I never had. With my learning different daughter, I studied and read about all the brilliant people who struggled in school and how they found their own way DESPITE traditional education. I come from a family of educators so my parents were very supportive. My mom would laugh and shake her head because I became a teacher after giving so many of them such a hard time. Blessings, your girls are fortunate to have you. 💥
thanks for this explanation.✨ I have only been familiar with human design for a week, I’m an emo manifestor 2/4, but due to a low point in my life (dark night of the soul) I started to practice a lot of self-reflection/shadow work (inner child and ancestor trauma , relationships trauma etc) I've been able to accept myself, state my needs, and even feel self-love. I feel aligned. I am very curious about human design and tomorrow I have a Reading so that I can gain more insight.
For me this was strange to hear, since I am a manifestor, I get loads of ideas, and I carefully choose out what I will pursue and then I realize it all the way through - from idea to completion - knowing and seeing the hole vision from a meta perception. I always work in the flow, and I grab every possibility to catapult my projects ahead. I recognize the fact that people can handle me, or that they vanish. Then again they can say, Oh how wonderful and emphatic person you are...then I respond, well we have never spoken together how come you thought I was not a nice person. Because of your focus, they often say... I never run out of fatique - I always regenerate. Is there a possibility to be a fusion of being a manifestor and manifesting generator?
I am the same way always see things through, but as I learn more and more about myself as a manifestor I think it has to do with our extremely strong will. Because even though I find energy some where through my will to see things through I always get exhausted afterwards and very low on energy. That way I know intellectually that maybe it’s not that good for me to work this way because it’s not natural to me
The other day I was talking passionately about a person and the person I was talking to got a text from who I was talking about and was dissing me 😂. Like he FELT me speaking about him 🤷♀️. Crazy the energy I can literally scare ANYONE 🤔😡🫣
This is awesome! It’s so great to be seen! For me, once COVID came, I left teaching for these exact reasons, and I’ve been trying to find my footing ever since. My only thing is, I’m at an impasse in terms of finding something that does fit me. I know the career path I want to take, but getting there is proving challenging. I’m grateful for the journey nonetheless!
I'm at 4/6 manifestor and I just had to chuckle when Nicole asks if Holly crashed and burned as a nurse... Because I was an ICU RN (and for stress relief/fun I was an ultra runner) and I crashed and burned big time! I had what they think now 6 years later was a subcortical stroke and I have brain damage in my left frontal lobe, have been on long term disability for 6 years and having learned recently about human design and my type I'm actually amazed I lasted as long as I did (7 years!). As awful as it has been and the difficulty I have now in my daily life, it also forced me to stop pushing myself and through a multiple year dark night of the soul I found astrology which I've found very helpful and now human design. Thank you so much for what both of you ladies do 💞 ... Ha! Have to add in response to Holly saying some manifestors come to her with a volcanic rage .. not in public but my close circle (mostly my sister and husband at the time) called me The Boiling Cauldron of Rage lol... Anyhow, Im happy to say that since my life now is so uneventful and slow I have peace and am a happy person.. I do however still have this burning feeling that im supposed to do something important with my life but i don't have a clue what.
Yes!!! Finally answers. I'm a 4/6 Manifestor, too. I never understood why I was never satisfied with anything, what was this curse I had to live with. I am towards the end of a void. Quit my career, started a business with my significant other, and I'm pregnant. No better way than all or nothing 😅. And the anger is definitely something to learn from. I was doing the same career for 12 years, and I was at a point where I was completely done and pissed all day no matter the outcome of the day. Thank you x1000 for this video! It brought so much clarity!
Hello Nicole, hello Holly, I'm a 5/1 Manifestor with the left angle cross of individualism. I loved your conversation and please let me add something: Experiencing a life of creative circles with a purpose defined by gene 57, I did receive some clarity about those cycles and integrated some of my past projects into a new one that permanently changes with new adds. Like this I am living a spiral of creative energy that generates a more stable flow of inspiration and when I need a pause, I just give it to myself. Inspiration is an Innate Value available to all of us and to manifestors, it largely compensates the lack of a defined sacral.
this is so helpful. I have jumped projects, passionate but not financially supportive, feeling burnt out in massage therapy. would going back to school for psych and environmental sustainability be wise?
I just found out I'm a manifestor from my projector girlfriend who recently got into human design. Ironically her best friend is a manifestor as well. She looked up her ex husband/dear friend and he is also a projector. So far we don't have any confirmed generators in our life. Granted she has only checked into 4 people but still kinda interesting.
As a 6/2 emotional Manifestor, I despise joining groups. I will lead groups and teach groups. but joining groups is for sheep. Lol I find the most difficult are the CONSTANT blockages. Mostly from people. Exhausting ....BTW, my rest cycle can go on for YEARS!
this is super interesting. I'm an emotional 4/6 Manifestor and I have a small copywriting side business. I also have ADD and sort of created the business out of this aspect of my identity a year ago. I wanted to build a community for people like me right away. this was my inital vision. it was also before I knew about Human Design. now, I have been thinking about specializing in working with other Manifestors for a while. I have two longterm clients right now and one of them is a MG. she's amazing but her buzzing energy can be a bit too much for me sometimes. now the other one has just recently come into my space and is a fellow Manifestor. from the get go, we clicked. the work with her has been nothing but pleasant and deeply valuable - both on a personal and a business level. this connection had already further driven me into the thought of redirecting my business. but now stumbling upon this video, I am amazed. it's like a divine affirmation. thanks for the Podcast - it was extremely entertaining!
Im 1/3 emotional Manifestor. My definition is defined. I am the opposite of giving up. I keep at it and don't know when I should walk away. My brain never turns off and I think im chess. If i have an idea, and I always do, it HAS to come out after it swirls in my head and gets perfect. I really like multitasking and am a great delegator. I just got rid of so many toxic people in my life. 2024 is going to be the best one yet for me. I just got my MLO license. 🎉
I’m a 5/1 ego manifestor with 25.5 life’s work. Innocence. I was a preschool teacher for many years. It was very rewarding but my hair started falling out at age 25. That’s when I knew physically I couldn’t do it. Now I live alone in Hawaii and run my own business.
I did a rest cycle from April 1 - July 15, 2021 and "torture" is exactly how it felt for the first 6 weeks. The second half was a lot more surrendered. Since then I'll go into a couple weeks rest cycle about once a month. 6/3 emo mani
This is such an amazing information i am 4/6 Manifestor as well and i am new to this human design my other two children are also manifestors and i would like to know more about it i know we are very powerful Manifestors and would like to harness it more and put it to good use for myself my children and hopefuly be the role model that i am. Thank you.
I sitting here listening as a Reflector and thinking, Wow I am the same way..especially with the nap issue and crashing completely ---she doesnt realize how much we are like manifestors
3/5 Splenic Manifestor here… RAX Contagion 1 ~ Sun ☀️ 30.3 ~ Earth 🌍 29.3 / unconscious Sun ☀️ 14.5 ~ Earth 🌍 8.5 ~ I just finished my level 1 certification and am beginning level 2 certification and I will be including Quantum Human Design on my journey for the remainder of my life.. no doubt I have so much to do and I am trusting the Universe and Investing best I can on the daily… Breathe 💜♾🙏🏼🕉 Tamela ~ )*
So… I’m a 4/6 Solar Plexus Manifestor… and this was all well and good but… i am only just beginning to step into some of this Manifestor stuff so I have lots of questions. But my biggest struggle right now is how do I breech conversations about this kind of stuff with people like my parents? I’m learning to give up on the idea of ever being understood by others (something I’ve struggled with my whole life), but my parents have ALWAYS laid the hammer down with me. They tell me ‘no’ for literally everything and I think only just recently (I’m almost 40) are tired enough to let go (lol) some… but I just can’t bring myself to walk away from them with zero explanation just so I can follow my ‘spark’ (whenever it comes back 😅. I’m going into my 7th month of ‘rest’ and can’t begin to explain all the anxiety lol). The whole “Manifestor informing” thing triggers the hell out of me 😅, and my parents are Boomers sooooo… yea… lol. At any rate, this was a refreshing conversation. I’ve felt alone my whole life. It’s nice to hear that others like me DO exist and that I’m not crazy or broken. Thank you ladies. 🥰
Only speak to them about it when they ask to or bring it up...I relate to seeking approval and acknowledgement from them - and they cannot provide that in the way you want it. We need to mourn that, if we want to be free. I heard another tuber say "penetrate with consent" and if you are anything like me...we have been penetrating a lot without waiting for consent. Your parents probably don't want to talk about it, despite the meaning it has for you.
The way you said it’s like a 5D download or like from God. That’s definitely how i feel about what I’ve been working on since 2018 i just had a lot of distraction but in going to pick back on it cause i never truly gave up and I’m extremely unhappy when i go pursue something else i get super bored and I’m like well I’m done 😂😂
15 social media accounts?? you mean 25 domains LOL That being said- happy I managed to keep my channel open for almost 4 years. I realize now why I wanted to close it so many times haha
i have the urge to open a human design based childcare center. would love some encouragement and other manifesters to brain storm with because no one else gets it and seem to be terrified of the risk that I’m able to take and willing to take.
Those are the profiles in Human Design. You can listen to this episode to learn a bit more about what they mean: If you don't know yours, you can get your full HD chart for free on my website at
Oh my goodness !!!! Ummmm … I don’t even know what to say …, except dang I have completely kept myself blindfolded on purpose , yet knowing that I am here on Earth for something BIG !!!! I am a6/2 Ego Manifestor Anyone rise ?
This was super eye opening! I’m a manifestor and a real estate agent. I recently started my own property management company too. I always get super excited at the beginning and slowly lose excitement as the venture starts to take off. It’s reassuring to know that’s normal for a manifestor
I’m also a realtor, 5/1 emotional manifestor, and a certified emotion code practitioner. I work from my home so this works for me very well.
That’s totally normal! I’m so happy the episode helped you embrace your nature more!
Ditto! As a life/mindset coaching, speaker, and budding author, the "loss of momentum" and going internal drives me nuts! 😂
LOL I am also a manifestor, a real estate agent with my own property management company 😂😂
Ha I'm a new MLO! So far I think it's a perfect fit for me. I don't give up, I'm defined centered. My only line on Penta was determination and it was all the way up there lol.
I’m a 5/2 Manifestor. I left corporate in 2008. I feel SO seen since I found out that I am a manifestor type. It’s been a battle for family to accept me and my energy.
I’m a 5/2 emo mani! I left corporate in 2020 and am having a hard time returning. Super eye opening ❤️
I love that HD is making you feel so seen! Your vision is valuable and the right people will see that. best of luck to you!
I started phrasing "protective, closed, repelling" to MYSTERIOUS. Takes the spikies off a bit.
Thank you so much! I have a business and will go a loooong stretch without putting anything out. I simply don't have the energetic resources for it. I know business coaches and experts say "Go, do, grind, hustle." I can't. I mean NOTHING.
Whaaat. This lady just literally told my life story. Multiple jobs, worked as a nurse and also stopped because of the "kids"... But actually energetically could not handle the working schedules. And god, the angryness and resentment. Thanks for sharing this all. Making other manifestors feeling less alone.
Thank you for having this conversation. 1/3 Manifestor here. May we all find what brings us peace. May we all find our rhythm.
I'm 2/4 emo Manifestor and I totally resonate with her experience. I used to think there was something wrong with me because I got bored after a year or two in one job, then I thought it was because of my Mercury in Gemini, then I thought it was because I'm neurodivergent 😅... We need more conversations about Manifestors.
Hey, I am a 2/4 emo manifestor too, also Gemini, and also neurodivergent;-). I never was in a longtime job, the longest was during my apprenticeship as a scenic artist for 2 years (horror show) , then self employed and now a full time artist in Kauai. But I need to dive into more info too. I hate the resting time….
This was a very enlightening interview for me as a 5/1 emo manifestor. I’ve struggled with managing my energy cycles with a demanding corporate job. I’ve since quit and am figuring out a career path that would be more aligned with my energy cycles. My conditioning is strong so it has been challenging but I’ve been letting go of the limiting beliefs tying me to traditional jobs/career.
I also appreciated learning from Holly that a manifestor’s rest cycle is a void & can include being depressed etc and last for months. I’ve definitely expressed this & and am grateful to hear I’m not alone in the experience.
As a fellow 4/6 splenic manifestor, I have NEVER (and I don’t say this lightly) NE-VAH felt more seen in my life. The amount of self criticism I have about my rest cycles is out of this world. My whole life I have believed that ‘once I found the right job, I would want to not just stay but be happy with the constant go-go-go!’
3/5 Manifestor here. My granddaughter (3/5) and my son-in-law (4/6) are both Manifestors.
I left corporate America and completely changed careers. I now research, heal and teach. Both are perfect for me. Just learning about this human design. Wish I’d known about it earlier in life. Thanks
Omg I cannot believe how much this resonates with me. Its like there is finally somebody who understands me and sees what I am going through my whole life. I am 6/2 emotional manifestor and everytime I read something about my type i feel such a relief. Thank you for this interview
Anch'io Manifesto 6-2 emozionale
@@danielacasu9013hello there 🙌🏻 sending you energetic high 5
I’m 6/2 emotional Manifestor myself and just started learning about Human Design. I also, feel a relief, understanding that nothing wrong with me.
“Having to be the catalyst and the motor when I wasn’t meant to be the motor” THAT PART!!!! Recently began to dig into what my work life needs to look like in order for me to truly thrive and that’s exactly what kept coming for me.
YES! I can't find ANYONE who talks much about Manifestors without that hint of irritation from that one irritating Manifestor they experienced that one time. 😅
I definitely don't think anyone gets us.
Thank you for introducing us to Holly. This talk was extremely helpful. ❤️
Same 😂 I find that a lot of human design makes manifestors like a holes
@@imjustsayin34 Right?! It sucks
Y’all are magic! Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise!
I feel like most materials are made for the generator perspective I mean the world is made for them according to a lot of readings 🙄
Thank you so much for this from a 3/5 emotional manifestor 🙌💕. I make everyone’s life great but my own!😱🤷♀️
3/5 Emo Manifestor here as well! Hi friend!
How do you know if you’re an emotional Manifester I am also a 3/5
Also a 3/5 emotional manifestor! This comment is spot on! I try to make everyone else's life great by being cathartic and helpful and problem solving but feel so stuck and helpless in my life sometimes. I'm just st now learning that I need to apply my gifts of initiation towards myself...towards SELF-INITIATION! which honestly is very difficult sometimes especially if your very conditioned but unfortunately no one else is going to do it for us. They're not coming to save us or help us in the way we can for them because that's not their's ours. Not their job, OURS! KEEP IT UP MANIFESTORS!!! WE GOT THIS!❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😊
@@AlexisNicoleJones awesome comment. So agree. 🙌🙏🏻💕🙋♀️
5/1 emotional manifestor here, and I deeply feel u ❤
As a 1/4 emotional manifestor I have felt like a failure most of my life. Diving into my unique design recently has felt like breaking free of a lifetime of shackles. Thank you for your insight ♍️
1/3 emotional manifestor . I use think something was wrong when my passion and interest was dissolve . I’m glad everyone can relate here 💕
I feel so seen! I can't tell you how many businesses and movements I've started on a 'whim'. I'm currently designing my life to support my impulses so I can flow with ease.
Watching this as a manifestor that just quit her job😂. Still trying to find something that suits my energy cycle…
I’m a manifestor and I created a podcast for people who want to leave or left their 9-5 😊 this episode talks about how to find the next step after leaving. Hope this helps
Build it!
Omg, I never felt more seen in my life. Everything she said I truly can relate to. Emotional Manifestor 4/6 here and this was so insightful for me. I’m currently recovering from burnout.
omg my people!!!!! we are soooooo small of a group i could cry hiiiiiii everybody!!!!!!!
It was very eye opening when I learned that I was a 3/5 Splenic Manifestor, and that I have a very different energy system from other people. I've struggled with burnout and low energy for a long time. There was a time I even wondered if I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I've had trouble keep jobs, and honoring my health needs. I've even ended homeless before. The thing I have the most trouble with is finding people to delegate tasks to.
Me too! Even though I inform,people seem to resent me and don't want to continue what I started,even though they say it's great!..I feel there's a part of the puzzle still missing here..
I'm a 4/6 emotional manifestor and this was great to listen to.
Wow, I cried for the first half of this because it pretty much described my life up until now. Thank you so much for all of this! Only just realized in the last couple days what type I am after a friend referred me to the system, and I'm seriously blown away at how accurate it is. Appreciate you so much
I’m a manifestor and this all resonates sooo much! I need to figure out how to allow myself to rest when I need it while also paying my rent 😅
This interview is great. Not only were the answers great, but the questions were also wonderful; where they lead to, and what they focused on are very helpful for me. I am a 2/5 manifestor, and one thing I'm becoming increasingly aware of is that there is nothing wrong with me being flaky, aloof, and inconsistent- I'm in it, then I just don't feel like it anymore. Then, I want to do nothing literally for months, and wonder... "It's been 7 months... should I be doing something right now?" It's all apart of being a manifestor. This is so grounding for me, it's currently providing a lot of healing. I love people, but I LOOOOOVE being alone, and I finally understand why. I'm sifting through my true desires, (I have the motivation of innocence...) Taurus sun =worthiness journey for sure!
Thank you both
This resonates so much with me 😂. Im a 2/5 emo manifestor 🤍
So insightful thanks. Im a manifestor and my 1.5 year old son is too. Our chart is for 95% the same. So i created a mini me haha
Good luck with that tiny manifestor! I have a manifesting generator and a projector. I am grateful I don't have quite an exact mini me!
I've hesitated to watch it but I enjoyed watching it. I'm glad I clicked. Thanks!
This is so validating. I used to work in mgmt consulting so that I wouldn't get bored, like I would feel I'm on a new job with a new project. Then went into biotech business development and traveled internationally. It was fantastic until it wasn't as fulfilling anymore. Then completely went 180 going into mindfulness facilitation. Thankfully, this path invited me to go on months of silent retreats which I find easy to be on. Retreats are such a beautiful way to deepen the rest cycle.
I've definitely struggled in the past asking myself why is it that I have no clue what I am doing these many months except taking walks in the park? LOL
There is much to learn in surrender, in uncertainty and ensuing possibilities. Dan Siegel's Plane of Possibilities supported me so much in living this Manifestor lifepath. He shares that certainty = no change. Uncertainty invites in possibilities. I love and live for possibilities.
I notice I feel so much better when I honor my rest cycles and just go and lie down in the grass, meditate, listen to birdsong. Nothing to do. Nowhere to be. And TRUST the next creative idea will spark itself into my consciousness. Thank you again for validating this!
I have recently discovered Human Design and discovered I’m a manifestor. Weirdly, I had my husband’s (of 40 years) profile done too and found out he is also a manifestor! I wonder how likely that is. Anyway, everything makes so much sense to me and I’m excited about discovering more about it all!
OMG Holly nailed my life experience and gave me some valuable pointers. It’s so wonderful to be seen. It helps with the shame.
I’m a 1/3 Manifestor just discovering Human Design and Wow….did your guest nail me and the way I am! That retreat to rest (mentally and physically)….check, and the start it up great creative idea then possible dont finish……check AND most importantly all my life I have been the one to open peoples eyes about stuff or had the idea to start with……check, and bored? Oh man…..I should have been in advertising! Lol. Can’t wait to explore more……
Same Manifestor 1/3 here. The longest job I have had is the one I am in 3 yrs... I am so sick of it, started many profitable businesses, but got "bored" and stopped. Always wondered what's wrong with me.
Im Manifestor 5/1 and I love how Holly talk about us. It help me so much in understanding myself. ❤
I wonder if many of us get confused as bipolar with our high-highs, and our exhausted rests? I wonder if people confuse Manifestor energy highs as the "manic" state, and the rests as the "depressive" states?
I feel like I already know 😳
Whoa you just described my life lol. I feel like I have ADHD/bipolar all the time
I was misdiagnosed with the disorder because of my 4/6 manifester profile. It's actually a fine line between the two
I do wish there was more insight on this… emo mani here and yep on also being diagnosed.
Yes I just found out I’m a manifestor and Thought it was only bipolar 😮
I’m a manifestor 4/6 and I was diagnosed with ADHD. Now I know 😊
This is SO eye opening!! I’ve always felt bad that I feel closed from other people. But this gave me the permission that is ME! Also the creating and burning are so eye opening tooooo!!!!! It’s like no wonder!!! 😂
I feel frustrated and debilitated as a manifestor. Have suffered with mental health a lot. Wondering how many manifestors just choose to end it all...
I'm exhusted
Girl! On some shadows work energy, seriously! I’m exhausted too and praying that eventually I stack enough creative urges on top of each other or into a space within the foundation so that I can actually raise my home. It gets heavy
What a fantastic interviewer and manifestor expert!
thank you - this was super helpful! i am a 2/4 ego manifestor and am really learning how to navigate this life.
This was beautiful and uplifting for me as a 5/2 emotional manifestos. I decided to surrender, been testing my type 5x because I could not feel myself as a leader and how to use my energy wisely
I’m so happy the episode lifted your spirits! The goal with Human Design is to help you fall in love with yourself exactly as you are. This leadership potential is in you. Your 2 line (Hermit) and Emotional Authority may make you feel like that isn’t so at times but the potential is there. Surrender and then ask yourself what COULD leadership look like for me? What’s my brand of leadership?
@Nicole Laino thank you so much for the questions and love that falling in love with yourself again, so needed. ❤️ Also happy International Women's day 👋🏻
Ah, just realised a day too early but should celebrate each other every day 😃
Thank youuuuuu, just when I was asking myself" is there any manifestor community to help us figure out things hahahah " 6/2 emotional manifestor here, just started my buisness and i m questionning everything hahahahaha
This was a brilliant interview. I have watched a few with Holly and this was my favourite. After years of learning about being a Manifestor (4/6 emotional s.plexus) I was so happy to learn some new things from Holly!
I'd love to hear you Holly discuss the challenges of motherhood whilst being a manifestor. Obviously, having the urge to have a baby is one of the most beautiful things we can create. But I really want to discuss how to parent when we need to rest. Especially when you are a single parent !
So much love, great work happening here xxx
I would LOVE to hear this. I am a single mom, a manifestor, an ENTP and have Saturn in my Fifth house. I struggle with needing breaks from motherhood and impatience! My gosh. The impatience! 😅
2/4 emo manifestor here too! Solidarity!
Hello tribe 🥰💪🏽💕
2/4 splenic manifestor here who homeschooled my two kids. It was amazing. The thing with parenting is - about the time you’re getting frustrated with the “mundane” they change!
Also my son is a manifestor and my daughter is a manifesting generator with a learning challenge. There was NO way I was gonna let the public school system squash my kids’spirits. They are both very successful/well-adjusted adults now who know who they are.
And as a manifestor you can trust they will be who they will be because you know how important your freedom and ability to create/rest is. 💥 love y’all🙏🏽
Love this 💕 same here! Manifestor mom homeschooling my 3 girls. I’d love to hear your thoughts on managing your energy cycles with all this on your plate
@@IsabelRising22 Well, the truth is I ran on buckets of green tea and youthful zeal. I will say though, I gained a great deal of strength from the core belief that my job was simply that of a steward or a gardener. I just had to find the resources, or offer the space for them to BECOME who they were wired to be. I really was tired a lot of the time, but--I chose to give them the freedom I never had. With my learning different daughter, I studied and read about all the brilliant people who struggled in school and how they found their own way DESPITE traditional education. I come from a family of educators so my parents were very supportive. My mom would laugh and shake her head because I became a teacher after giving so many of them such a hard time. Blessings, your girls are fortunate to have you. 💥
I’m happy and have always been about being a manifestor and 4/6 and a Sagittarius. Now I finally understand this deeper and love learning all this ❤
True. When I’m Not initiating Something I’m so frustrated 😳
I'm supposed to watch the Netflix! yay lol.
thanks for this explanation.✨
I have only been familiar with human design for a week, I’m an emo manifestor 2/4, but due to a low point in my life (dark night of the soul) I started to practice a lot of self-reflection/shadow work (inner child and ancestor trauma , relationships trauma etc) I've been able to accept myself, state my needs, and even feel self-love. I feel aligned. I am very curious about human design and tomorrow I have a Reading so that I can gain more insight.
Wow. Thanks for this!
For me this was strange to hear, since I am a manifestor, I get loads of ideas, and I carefully choose out what I will pursue and then I realize it all the way through - from idea to completion - knowing and seeing the hole vision from a meta perception.
I always work in the flow, and I grab every possibility to catapult my projects ahead.
I recognize the fact that people can handle me, or that they vanish. Then again they can say, Oh how wonderful and emphatic person you are...then I respond, well we have never spoken together how come you thought I was not a nice person. Because of your focus, they often say...
I never run out of fatique - I always regenerate.
Is there a possibility to be a fusion of being a manifestor and manifesting generator?
I am the same way always see things through, but as I learn more and more about myself as a manifestor I think it has to do with our extremely strong will. Because even though I find energy some where through my will to see things through I always get exhausted afterwards and very low on energy. That way I know intellectually that maybe it’s not that good for me to work this way because it’s not natural to me
@@ladnacladnac3796 Perhaps another thing helping me, is that I am not very often surrounded by people and those people that i meet are not toxic.
The other day I was talking passionately about a person and the person I was talking to got a text from who I was talking about and was dissing me 😂. Like he FELT me speaking about him 🤷♀️. Crazy the energy I can literally scare ANYONE 🤔😡🫣
Wow! That is EPIC!
This was one of the best videos I’ve ever watched. Thank you so much for this content. I have never felt more seen 😊
This is one of the best interviews! As a Manifestor so much of this rang true.
This is awesome! It’s so great to be seen! For me, once COVID came, I left teaching for these exact reasons, and I’ve been trying to find my footing ever since. My only thing is, I’m at an impasse in terms of finding something that does fit me. I know the career path I want to take, but getting there is proving challenging. I’m grateful for the journey nonetheless!
Very very very good interview. Thanx so much. Me as a Manifestor love to learn from other Manifestors
I’m 1/3 Manifestor Emotional authority… Thank-you Holly for sharing.✨🕊️✨
Wow so much gratitude for this episode. Thank you both.
I'm at 4/6 manifestor and I just had to chuckle when Nicole asks if Holly crashed and burned as a nurse... Because I was an ICU RN (and for stress relief/fun I was an ultra runner) and I crashed and burned big time! I had what they think now 6 years later was a subcortical stroke and I have brain damage in my left frontal lobe, have been on long term disability for 6 years and having learned recently about human design and my type I'm actually amazed I lasted as long as I did (7 years!). As awful as it has been and the difficulty I have now in my daily life, it also forced me to stop pushing myself and through a multiple year dark night of the soul I found astrology which I've found very helpful and now human design. Thank you so much for what both of you ladies do 💞 ... Ha! Have to add in response to Holly saying some manifestors come to her with a volcanic rage .. not in public but my close circle (mostly my sister and husband at the time) called me The Boiling Cauldron of Rage lol... Anyhow, Im happy to say that since my life now is so uneventful and slow I have peace and am a happy person.. I do however still have this burning feeling that im supposed to do something important with my life but i don't have a clue what.
Yes!!! Finally answers. I'm a 4/6 Manifestor, too. I never understood why I was never satisfied with anything, what was this curse I had to live with.
I am towards the end of a void. Quit my career, started a business with my significant other, and I'm pregnant. No better way than all or nothing 😅. And the anger is definitely something to learn from. I was doing the same career for 12 years, and I was at a point where I was completely done and pissed all day no matter the outcome of the day.
Thank you x1000 for this video! It brought so much clarity!
I'm a 4/6 manifester too! ❤️
@@Pridentandane hey hey hey!
Brilliant interview. Thank you so much now I understand I am a manifestor in rest stage
This was a fantastic interview.
Brilliant description of the rest cycle. Knowing it's time to rest but also not having a creative project on the horizon 💔
Hello Nicole, hello Holly, I'm a 5/1 Manifestor with the left angle cross of individualism. I loved your conversation and please let me add something: Experiencing a life of creative circles with a purpose defined by gene 57, I did receive some clarity about those cycles and integrated some of my past projects into a new one that permanently changes with new adds. Like this I am living a spiral of creative energy that generates a more stable flow of inspiration and when I need a pause, I just give it to myself. Inspiration is an Innate Value available to all of us and to manifestors, it largely compensates the lack of a defined sacral.
Love that insight!
We are the second rarest and somehow I found a fellow manifestor (&ENTP) to fall in love with before I knew about gene keys 😅😅😅😅
Thanks for sharing this!
Wow I resonate with this SO MUCH
thank you for this.
this is so helpful. I have jumped projects, passionate but not financially supportive, feeling burnt out in massage therapy. would going back to school for psych and environmental sustainability be wise?
this was magic, helped me a lot as a manifestor , lots of ahas :)
I just found out I'm a manifestor from my projector girlfriend who recently got into human design. Ironically her best friend is a manifestor as well. She looked up her ex husband/dear friend and he is also a projector. So far we don't have any confirmed generators in our life. Granted she has only checked into 4 people but still kinda interesting.
As a 6/2 emotional Manifestor, I despise joining groups. I will lead groups and teach groups. but joining groups is for sheep. Lol
I find the most difficult are the CONSTANT blockages. Mostly from people. Exhausting ....BTW, my rest cycle can go on for YEARS!
i too am a 6/2 emo manifestor and i could seriously have written this myself.
Thank you for this podcast. Very informative! I didn’t know the rest cycle can be so long. Lol😂. I’m a 6/3 Splenic Manifestor. Undefined.
I'm so happy it spoke to you! Yes, the rest cycle can be a lot longer than makes us comfortable!
this is super interesting. I'm an emotional 4/6 Manifestor and I have a small copywriting side business. I also have ADD and sort of created the business out of this aspect of my identity a year ago. I wanted to build a community for people like me right away. this was my inital vision.
it was also before I knew about Human Design. now, I have been thinking about specializing in working with other Manifestors for a while.
I have two longterm clients right now and one of them is a MG. she's amazing but her buzzing energy can be a bit too much for me sometimes.
now the other one has just recently come into my space and is a fellow Manifestor. from the get go, we clicked. the work with her has been nothing but pleasant and deeply valuable - both on a personal and a business level.
this connection had already further driven me into the thought of redirecting my business. but now stumbling upon this video, I am amazed. it's like a divine affirmation.
thanks for the Podcast - it was extremely entertaining!
Omg im an emotional manifestor 6/2 and this my life.
Im 1/3 emotional Manifestor. My definition is defined. I am the opposite of giving up. I keep at it and don't know when I should walk away.
My brain never turns off and I think im chess. If i have an idea, and I always do, it HAS to come out after it swirls in my head and gets perfect. I really like multitasking and am a great delegator. I just got rid of so many toxic people in my life. 2024 is going to be the best one yet for me. I just got my MLO license. 🎉
I’m a 5/1 ego manifestor with 25.5 life’s work. Innocence. I was a preschool teacher for many years. It was very rewarding but my hair started falling out at age 25. That’s when I knew physically I couldn’t do it. Now I live alone in Hawaii and run my own business.
I did a rest cycle from April 1 - July 15, 2021 and "torture" is exactly how it felt for the first 6 weeks. The second half was a lot more surrendered. Since then I'll go into a couple weeks rest cycle about once a month. 6/3 emo mani
Thank you 🙏
This is such an amazing information i am 4/6 Manifestor as well and i am new to this human design my other two children are also manifestors and i would like to know more about it i know we are very powerful Manifestors and would like to harness it more and put it to good use for myself my children and hopefuly be the role model that i am. Thank you.
I sitting here listening as a Reflector and thinking, Wow I am the same way..especially with the nap issue and crashing completely ---she doesnt realize how much we are like manifestors
I love this episode thank you very much!
I'm a Manifestor - still growing into it!
Please I want to date you 6/2
@@karolina2293 WHen can we begin ;-))
I have searched and searched but I cannot find this community for manifestos could somebody please guide me in the right direction?❤
3/5 Splenic Manifestor here… RAX Contagion 1 ~ Sun ☀️ 30.3 ~ Earth 🌍 29.3 / unconscious Sun ☀️ 14.5 ~ Earth 🌍 8.5 ~
I just finished my level 1 certification and am beginning level 2 certification and I will be including Quantum Human Design on my journey for the remainder of my life.. no doubt
I have so much to do and I am trusting the Universe and Investing best I can on the daily… Breathe 💜♾🙏🏼🕉 Tamela ~ )*
So… I’m a 4/6 Solar Plexus Manifestor… and this was all well and good but… i am only just beginning to step into some of this Manifestor stuff so I have lots of questions. But my biggest struggle right now is how do I breech conversations about this kind of stuff with people like my parents? I’m learning to give up on the idea of ever being understood by others (something I’ve struggled with my whole life), but my parents have ALWAYS laid the hammer down with me. They tell me ‘no’ for literally everything and I think only just recently (I’m almost 40) are tired enough to let go (lol) some… but I just can’t bring myself to walk away from them with zero explanation just so I can follow my ‘spark’ (whenever it comes back 😅. I’m going into my 7th month of ‘rest’ and can’t begin to explain all the anxiety lol). The whole “Manifestor informing” thing triggers the hell out of me 😅, and my parents are Boomers sooooo… yea… lol. At any rate, this was a refreshing conversation. I’ve felt alone my whole life. It’s nice to hear that others like me DO exist and that I’m not crazy or broken. Thank you ladies. 🥰
Only speak to them about it when they ask to or bring it up...I relate to seeking approval and acknowledgement from them - and they cannot provide that in the way you want it. We need to mourn that, if we want to be free. I heard another tuber say "penetrate with consent" and if you are anything like me...we have been penetrating a lot without waiting for consent. Your parents probably don't want to talk about it, despite the meaning it has for you.
She's wonderful
Hi 👋 5/1 manifestor ... can you put the link to the community of manifestor please. I'd love to join. Leaving Corp in 2 weeks :)
The way you said it’s like a 5D download or like from God. That’s definitely how i feel about what I’ve been working on since 2018 i just had a lot of distraction but in going to pick back on it cause i never truly gave up and I’m extremely unhappy when i go pursue something else i get super bored and I’m like well I’m done 😂😂
15 social media accounts?? you mean 25 domains LOL
That being said- happy I managed to keep my channel open for almost 4 years. I realize now why I wanted to close it so many times haha
i have the urge to open a human design based childcare center. would love some encouragement and other manifesters to brain storm with because no one else gets it and seem to be terrified of the risk that I’m able to take and willing to take.
Thank you 🙏🤗🌹
6/2 splenic manifestor powerful amazing energy been into it 5 years
There is hope for me? I am 40 - feel dead
Is Manifestor just short for manifesting generator?
Nope, Manifestors and Manifesting Generators are two completely different types!
I’m a projector and 2 of my bffs (of over 30 years) are Manifestors. Crazy sometimes. But ebb and flow. I’ve dated a reflector.
I didn't know much about manifestation. I'm curious to know what 5/1 ,4/6 etc mean?
Can someone please clarify this?
Those are the profiles in Human Design. You can listen to this episode to learn a bit more about what they mean:
If you don't know yours, you can get your full HD chart for free on my website at
I am a 6/2 emotional manifestor. I have never initiated anything. Only the burnout phase.
Whoah I'm Indonesia massage terapis I'm a manifestor and I hope can manifesting but still boom
I feel seen, I feel heard, I feel understood 😢
I am so glad this episode resonated with you!
6/2 Manifestor ;) Thanks a Lot
Thank you 🙏 #111
Oh my goodness !!!! Ummmm … I don’t even know what to say …, except dang I have completely kept myself blindfolded on purpose , yet knowing that I am here on Earth for something BIG !!!!
I am a6/2 Ego Manifestor
Anyone rise ?
I have been suicidal multiple times during “rest periods” it’s awful
Im a manifestor. Id love to find other manifestor friends!
I date a manifestor! Explains a lot. Had one brother in my family who is also.
Reflector daughter and sister
I feel so fucking seen. The comment about shame and anger for being misaligned.