Sad, but the older I get, the more I see that those crazy homeless people you see on the street had normal and fulfilling lives at one point. Guys like this aren't even rare- when you hear the backstory of a lot of homeless and alcoholic people from former friends or family, a lot of them were surprisingly accomplished and successful. Then they lost it all or lost a loved one in a crazy tragedy and just sank into depression and spent all day drinking and started living on the street. It puts things into perspective. I know a lot of people, especially lifters, have egos, but this should be a lesson in humility. Even if you're hardworking and disciplined enough to build the largest biceps on the planet, a bright future isn't guaranteed. The gap between where we are now and a life on the street isn't as big as many of us probably think. I think that's a humbling thought
Pete No were not rare. Things like your only son dying and then your wife dying and then losing your home because your so fucked up from their deaths you lose your ability to work. Then there you are. Your just one catastrophe away from crazy homeless!
Something like half of American households live paycheck to paycheck and would have trouble coming up with $400 in an emergency. So let's legalize pot and make it easier for people to f*** themselves up.
Holy crap!! that's him... that dude walked around Venice in those red shorts everyday. such a shame. WOW!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for helping him have a face again.
Yes, same here, I would see him all the walking around Venice Beach, I even saw him on a bus with those pictures, I kinda wish I would of talked to him
@S. Marcus yeah many black folks have american indian genetics because of history your totally right but the guys here clearly referred to an east indian dude
All he had left before death was a lil black box with pictures of him as a bodybuilder and him hanging out with Arnold. Thats really tragic man, hit me right in the feels. R.I.P Bill.
Lifting doesn't take over your life. You can workout as much as you want, eat healthy, be in shape, and still be successful. That's why it's called being a personal trainer. But even then, you can still have a different job where it doesn't involve exercise and still workout on your free time. The problem with this dip shit dude was it seemed like he never ever attempted to try an get a job. Regardless if it involved flipping fucking burgers at McDonald's for Christ sakes. This dude just expected everything to be handed over to him without working hard or earning anything.
I knew Bill in the 70s from the original Gold's Gym. Bill was a gentle and kind soul at that time. His speech wasn't the best and sometimes he was difficult to understand which I'm sure held him back. I remember a period when he was living on a friends boat in nearby Marina Del Rey and eating mostly peanut butter for protein due to his lack of money. He told me he his arms were over 18 inches in high school after just 1 year of training. I don't believe Bill used steroids since the rest of his body did not match his arms, and he really did not have the money to buy them. Bill had a brother that looked quite a bit like him and also hung around the Venice beach area. I don't know if his brother is still in Venice or still alive. Nice tribute Nick.
what ...what in you sense of victimhood made you wake up, feel the need to go into a story about a man, about an issue we rarely talk about, and troll it with ,well women women and women feel in the blank, this wasnt about a female it was about a man... so why should I have to include anything else.... go to the huffington post they love crap like that there
skwcw2001 I think jasmi was only trying to bring up the different issues women and men face as they age. In a sense women socially still are valued only in their looks so once they age they’re disposable whereas men don’t have to solely rely on there looks when the age because it’s more about power that men were socially engineered to obtain and maintain throughout their life. Hell Hugh Hefner was still getting women despite his age and even though it was obvious women were after him because of his money he still had power to obtain what he wanted but 9 times out of 10 an old women wouldn’t be able to go what hugh Hefner did even with money
I'm a vet. I work in aviation, where a lot of vets work. I can tell you personally, that I know so many 60+ year old men that were in the Navy for just 2 years, or in the Air Force for just 4 years, that even in their old age their service is all they talk about. It is a weird effect, and I think it's a huge contributor to homelessness. The effect is that when you are part of an important group in your formative years, but are no longer in that group, you always think about it to the determent of your life living forward.
Matthew Richardson So glad I didn't join. They said "don't do things now that will limit your options down the road" and I replied with "I don't understand what we're still doing in the middle east" (mind you, this was back in 09-10 before the media simply stopped talking about it and 99% of people forgot we're even in a conflict at all). Never got an answer, they just gave up when I said that shit.
It's an all too common thing too when people get trapped in their glory days, when people are young and naive, their minds process and store all the flashy information, soaking up their pinnacle, but as they get older, they still have the foundation that their young mind created hardwired in, essentially keeping them trapped in the past, and everyone else after those glory days is all lumped into the same zone of mundane days, even if it's the vast bulk of their life. It might seem a daft point I'm about to make, but even the clothing people wear shows their era, old men wearing trousers belted up to their belly button with flat caps etc like they're about to ask Maureen to dance as if it were still the 1940's.
This is a very important video you’ve made. It really transcends bodybuilding. We as people, mostly men, need to understand that our sheer survival depends on constantly evolving and improving and facing fears and addressing weaknesses. You can’t live in the past to the point where you drown in it (absolutely no pun intended). Of course fitness is important at any age but it seems like that’s all this guy had. And even at his peak he didn’t really have a macro ambition to match his superior physical prowess. His life can hopefully help a lot of people. Thx for making it.
I had the honor of having breakfast with him at ihop many times he was a smart caring and loving man and he did not have any "screws loose"... he loved bodybuilding and was happy he was proud of his accomplishments... RIP
My first day in Venice I went down to the boardwalk to people watch. I saw this guy in red posing trunks with a boombox. After watching him for minute he seemed happy enough but a little clueless. At one point he walked over to a palm tree kissed it and the proceeded to pee on himself. He then splashed some water from a near by drinking fountain on himself to wash away the urine and went back to his boombox. Now I know who that was. Cool video!
I remember seeing this guy when I was a little kid, I never knew what happened to him..thank you for filling us in on this incredible bodybuilder and his tragic tale.
Bill was a good friend of mine. I would take him home every night after I worked out at world gym He stayed with his girlfriend in Inglewood. He worked as security for Joe at the gym. I built the World Gym for Joe Gold in 2000. And his house and corporate offices. I have all the build pictures of the gym. It was a cool time for me. In my 20’s as a contractor. Building the gym and working out there with all the muscle beach crew.
Bill was a very nice guy I used to see him daily in Venice he used to hang around World gym on Main street and Joe Gold did look after him. I saw this guy do one arm overhead triceps extensions with 150lbs for a couple of reps pretty routinely. He was a bodybuilder at heart all the way. I'm saddened to hear he passed away.
Bodybuilding can be such a dark sport... I mean for a lot of people mental illness (body dysmorphia) is what brings people to the sport. Fuel that mindset with an assortment of pricey drugs to feed that never ending desire to get as big as possible and you've got a path that can easily go off the rails. Whether it be G4P to pay for the steroids, or the comfort around needles and doing risky behaviors, that makes the idea of pinning other drugs (namely opiates) not as extreme as it would to the average person... especially when injured.
Dude, this is so touching. The sensitivity, too, in your voice and the refinement with which you’ve made other videos, it’s amazing. You really should do a good coffee table book project, full of pictures, vintage never seen pictures with well-researched stories of bodybuilders. Categorised by different eras in the sport...a lot of the magnificent content in your videos. Kudos to your efforts, sir.
There are two things every man should have in life, a trade and a family network. The two of those things can sustain you through life. Without those two your always on the edge of fcuksville. There are lessons to be learned from everyone. This guy showed us how not to live. But he had his time in the sun and may he rest in peace 💪
His twin brother is still homeless roaming up and down the beach from Venice to Santa Monica. So sad that some people make the beach their life and actually do allow that lifestyle of being a beach bum rule their outcome. I admit I was a beach bum from 2000 to 2003 and it can suck you in. The sun, the surf, the tourism, the sights. Even though I was a vendor making about $1000 a week there, reality set in and I had to get a real job again knowing retirement was fast approaching. I feel sorry for Bill Pettis and compassion for his twin brother. To have been well known in some respect and then overlooked. Not forgotten, just overlooked.
Great video! My dad talks about him because he lived in the Harrisburg area for several years. Played semi pro football for the Cumberland Colts from 66-68. My dad played there in 69-70. He told me that he would lift with Bill at the Harrisburg ymca and this guy would down a full jar of peanut butter and then start warming up with 300 lbs on the bench press. Amazing!
Damn Nick how are u able to produce video after video with only a few hours in between?? Your work ethic are greater than Arnold on roids. Big thumbs up!!
The only problem with this man is he was not motivated enough to earn... That's what happens to not just body builders ... But to anyone who is dependent on others.
The american dream baby, 2 guys do the same thing with similiar results. One gets titles, fame an acting career the other one ends up homeless. Anyone telling me that he couldnt imagine Arnold being a crazy homeless guy is fucking nuts.
Tragic story. But keeping their memory alive is a just thing to do. Thank you for remembering Bill. The amount of work it takes to build any muscle like his is phenomenal. Just for that reason he stands on alone with what is basically a hand full of guys. Great, but also sad story.
thevernonposse yeah, same thing I said ,all these bullshit comments, you mean to tell me he couldn't get him in a shed , garage at the very least c'mon_man! really!
very sad story, but I'm glad that you are putting it out there. I think it's important for us to know the history, and lesser known bodybuilders and their stories, not just the popular guys
this was inspiring to me. It spoke to me that you there are no refunds for yesterday. You are only 22,32,62 ONCE. Gotta make the best of whatever phase of life you're at. I've been living in the past, for the past 2 years and i'm only 22.
This is so sad that no one would help this guy, he was a great bb with an obvious disability. All those guys just placated him and laughed at him behind his back. A few guys even interviewed him when Bill was clearly on the skids, no real clothes, homeless, probably in quite some pain, and just in need of some help, he shouldn't have had to die in such an undignified, humiliating, and awful life circumstances..RIP BROTHER BILL
Thanks for telling this story. It is fascinating and sad and needs to be told. People need to know and you do an excellent job of telling the tale - the real story.
Sad indeed. Sometimes BB can be an obsession or addiction even. Very few people can afford to spend hours in the gym daily. Poor guy needed a job is all...
Thank you so much for sharing. I would see him walking around Venice in competition trunks all the time. Makes me think I should stop and talk to people more often.
I feel for him. I made a decision in my early 30's that I didn't want bodybuilding to define who I was. So I gradually let it go but went to the gym still to keep my motivation and sanity. Had I made the decision to go all in on bodybuilding, I would have probably been let down at some point like so many others. The one thing to know is that your body will not stay in shape forever. I'm much happier now knowing I didn't let it define who I was.
This was a great tribute. Glad I watched this. I hope all's good Bill, and you're resting easy. It's always sad to see people suffer like this. The saddest part was when Gold died. I believe there are many people on this Earth that are in similar situations where they only have one or sometimes very few friends. When they're gone, and you're family's gone, it is tough to keep living sometimes. It's as if a huge part of you died with them.
T Zub You will find out one day. The stupid always find out too late though. Bodybuilding is not something that can be maintained at the level you did when you were younger. It can't be done. You can't stay massively pumped beyond a certain age. I have yet to see a body builder maintain his pristine physique throughout his entire life. But just go on thinking that it's all there is. You will have a wake-up call one day...
Daaaaamn I used to always see this guy walking around on the beach and I really didn’t think nothin of it its a lot of weirdos In LA never knew there was so much behind him I vaguely remember some one once telling me he used to be buff af
bro wtf. I used to see this guy walking around and getting on the bus when I would get out of school. I went to this elementary school less than a mile away from the beach and he would get on sometimes. He was always quiet and tried to sit by himself. Just astonished right now.
I apreciate your videos! Not many people really get into the lost guys. So here is a story about Pettis! I personally new nothing about him in 2014 or 2015 I brought my gf to the npc Venice beach show in August. We were lifting at muscle beach when I first met Pettis he was arrogant towards me. I honestly didn't know who he was or what he had done. But some of the guys told me he used to lift with Arnold. I plainly told him that's awesome, but it's 2015 time to move on with life. He clearly was insane, which is super sad especially that he was walking Around with a old stereo. I feel bad now :not knowing who he was. Maybe I could have given him some enthusiasm. Unfortunatly he couldn't speak to well either. So I think his problems went a lot further. I might have videos of him which I might be able to post if I can find them. I'll see what I can do.
Mr Pettis was a friend of mine, met him in 2004. Venice Beach will never be the same he will be missed!. He wasn't crazy very friendly and has a twin brother that he would sometimes live with but for the most part he was homeless. I asked him one time how did he keep warm when sleeping out at the beach an he said he would put Vaseline on himself to close his pours. I've got some good store about my friend Mr Billy Pettis The Man with 23 1/4 inch Arm's, may you R.I.P 🙇♂️
Wow, I remember seeing a video with him in it from 2015. I believe it was a video of Calum von Moger training and posing at muscle beach and he was just starring at him like a creep which makes sense to what you have said. This guy was probably still in his era and comparing Calum to Arnold
John Reeves try to find the video on Steve cook channel "Calum Von Mogger and Steve Cook troll Venice Beach." Then click on the video and go at 3:43. You will see Bill Pettis.
It made me feel very sad, when I watched this video, although I never heard from him before. This is the other side of the "American dream". Billionaires on one side, people who live homeless in the street without shelter, money or health insurance on the other. What an amoral sick country this is...
remember seeing this guy a few years back in venice beach...wasn't really sure who he was. When I moved to LA recently I noted that he wasn't there anymore. This explains it. R.I.P. Bill. Great video man
I remember seeing him a while ago before I even began lifting when I was in Venice. he had the same speedo on and looked exactly like the later pictures.
Dang. I can’t believe that guy died. I used to see him all the time at Venice Beach. Thought I saw him the last time I was there. I guess not... RIP... Thanks for making this. Ever since I was a kid I wondered what his story was... sad
I used to see Bill many times around Venice Beach. I think he was a genuine nice guy. i used to see him assisting a guy in a wheel chair, I suppose he was hired to do so....or volunteered to help him. I saw him do standing tricep extensions with 225lbs on venice beach weight gym. What a sad way to the end of your life. May he rest in peace.
We think you have the most on point fitness videos on TH-cam!! it's informative, you aren't bashing anyone and you help educate people about the legends!!! Much respect!
It doesn't just stop at bodybuilders. Just think about all the superstar jocks in highschool who everyone had high expectations for that never really made it to prominence. Like making it in a professional sport like football and basketball kind of way. Years later all they have are memories back when they were in their primes and every college scout in the country wanted them. But being that they had a cocky attitude, and no one couldn't tell them anything; they just wouldn't be able to prosper even with all the talent in the world. Respect combined with humbleness and social intelligence makes you more marketable. And all these guys have to offer in the end are albundie stories talking about how great they were in athletics, but not as a person. Lets not forget all the girls who had crushes on them too though. lol
For every successful athlete, there are so many left behind. Some find solace and love in family or a new career. But some never fill that void and die in sad, blind agony.
oh no I remember this man!! I always saw him on Venice beach with his stereo!! I was actually wondering why he stopped hanging around there! Wish I knew who he was !! Peace be upon him.
I met Bill walking on Venice. He was a super nice man. Gave me a copy of the photo at the end of this video. I framed it and everything. I was unpleasantly surprised to learn of his death. I always wondered what happened to him since 2010.
Howd he end up in pa nick? I met this guy in '07-'08 at the beach he was very nice kinda weird but was excited we were lifting we got pizza and he told us about stuff kinda mumbly but he was a cool man glad i knew him for those few days in the summer!
Sad story...Nah, I think its a great story if you look at it correctly. Man died with little to no baggage. Lived everyday FREE! Great Story - thanks for sharing.
that was his act at Venice Muscle Beach he walk around with them pictures cuz if you wanted to take a picture with him he would charge you a 3 dollar and a dollar if you wanted a photo of him good man at heart not crazy just a hustler
This is very sad. I am from the UK and take my vacations in california and since 4 years ago I met bill and had some nice chats and used to give him a few dollars here and there during my stay and saw him every year since then, sad I won't see him again. rip
OH my God! I met this guy at Muscle Beach once. And yes, he was showing me his pictures in that box. RIP Bill.....
You saw THE box? Like the one he died in the creek with? Did he let you hold the box?
Sad, but the older I get, the more I see that those crazy homeless people you see on the street had normal and fulfilling lives at one point. Guys like this aren't even rare- when you hear the backstory of a lot of homeless and alcoholic people from former friends or family, a lot of them were surprisingly accomplished and successful. Then they lost it all or lost a loved one in a crazy tragedy and just sank into depression and spent all day drinking and started living on the street. It puts things into perspective. I know a lot of people, especially lifters, have egos, but this should be a lesson in humility. Even if you're hardworking and disciplined enough to build the largest biceps on the planet, a bright future isn't guaranteed. The gap between where we are now and a life on the street isn't as big as many of us probably think. I think that's a humbling thought
Pete No were not rare. Things like your only son dying and then your wife dying and then losing your home because your so fucked up from their deaths you lose your ability to work. Then there you are. Your just one catastrophe away from crazy homeless!
Something like half of American households live paycheck to paycheck and would have trouble coming up with $400 in an emergency. So let's legalize pot and make it easier for people to f*** themselves up.
This is the best comment so far. It's a scary thing that could happen to anybody.
Holy crap!! that's him... that dude walked around Venice in those red shorts everyday. such a shame. WOW!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for helping him have a face again.
I used to live in marina del Rey I used to see him on venice every day
Do you ever met him??
Yes, same here, I would see him all the walking around Venice Beach, I even saw him on a bus with those pictures, I kinda wish I would of talked to him
He went from black to Indian tf?
Haha yeah for real, was thinking the same
@S. Marcus But Indians are smart they dont end up in jail LOL i thought they were African american no matter where they lived HAHA
@S. Marcus yeah many black folks have american indian genetics because of history your totally right but the guys here clearly referred to an east indian dude
All he had left before death was a lil black box with pictures of him as a bodybuilder and him hanging out with Arnold. Thats really tragic man, hit me right in the feels. R.I.P Bill.
just a reminder there is more to life than lifting weights...its all about having a balance.
Lifting is life
Ash Damned that sounds ridiculous... you’re watching too many movies
Ash Damned perhaps it shouldn't, as you can see in the video.
It's all about balancing the weights. Make sure to have an equal number of plates on each end of the bar.
Lifting doesn't take over your life. You can workout as much as you want, eat healthy, be in shape, and still be successful. That's why it's called being a personal trainer. But even then, you can still have a different job where it doesn't involve exercise and still workout on your free time.
The problem with this dip shit dude was it seemed like he never ever attempted to try an get a job. Regardless if it involved flipping fucking burgers at McDonald's for Christ sakes. This dude just expected everything to be handed over to him without working hard or earning anything.
I knew Bill in the 70s from the original Gold's Gym. Bill was a gentle and kind soul at that time. His speech wasn't the best and sometimes he was difficult to understand which I'm sure held him back. I remember a period when he was living on a friends boat in nearby Marina Del Rey and eating mostly peanut butter for protein due to his lack of money. He told me he his arms were over 18 inches in high school after just 1 year of training. I don't believe Bill used steroids since the rest of his body did not match his arms, and he really did not have the money to buy them. Bill had a brother that looked quite a bit like him and also hung around the Venice beach area. I don't know if his brother is still in Venice or still alive. Nice tribute Nick.
thx for sharing your memories
How can eat peanut for your protein to save money? Fuck me peanut butter is much more expensive than protein powder
Yes he had a brother who used to visit him and give him money.What happened to him?
dgarber771 yeah dude and I’m 9foot tall and 345 years old
@@jameskid81 imagine back in 1975
it is hard for many men to age. it is something we ignore so much
what ...what in you sense of victimhood made you wake up, feel the need to go into a story about a man, about an issue we rarely talk about, and troll it with ,well women women and women feel in the blank, this wasnt about a female it was about a man... so why should I have to include anything else.... go to the huffington post they love crap like that there
skwcw2001 dude you looked so wise on your first comment...till I saw the second one xD
skwcw2001 I think jasmi was only trying to bring up the different issues women and men face as they age. In a sense women socially still are valued only in their looks so once they age they’re disposable whereas men don’t have to solely rely on there looks when the age because it’s more about power that men were socially engineered to obtain and maintain throughout their life. Hell Hugh Hefner was still getting women despite his age and even though it was obvious women were after him because of his money he still had power to obtain what he wanted but 9 times out of 10 an old women wouldn’t be able to go what hugh Hefner did even with money
Michael Wilson eh fuck them they get enough attention
Your right about that. Today i left the 30s behind, today I turned 40 and don't like the feeling of what am leaving behind.
Billy was my friend. Nicest human being I ever met. Thanks for everything Billy.
RIP Legend Bill Pettis
I'm a vet. I work in aviation, where a lot of vets work. I can tell you personally, that I know so many 60+ year old men that were in the Navy for just 2 years, or in the Air Force for just 4 years, that even in their old age their service is all they talk about. It is a weird effect, and I think it's a huge contributor to homelessness. The effect is that when you are part of an important group in your formative years, but are no longer in that group, you always think about it to the determent of your life living forward.
Matthew Richardson So glad I didn't join. They said "don't do things now that will limit your options down the road" and I replied with "I don't understand what we're still doing in the middle east" (mind you, this was back in 09-10 before the media simply stopped talking about it and 99% of people forgot we're even in a conflict at all). Never got an answer, they just gave up when I said that shit.
Very insightful comment.
It's an all too common thing too when people get trapped in their glory days, when people are young and naive, their minds process and store all the flashy information, soaking up their pinnacle, but as they get older, they still have the foundation that their young mind created hardwired in, essentially keeping them trapped in the past, and everyone else after those glory days is all lumped into the same zone of mundane days, even if it's the vast bulk of their life.
It might seem a daft point I'm about to make, but even the clothing people wear shows their era, old men wearing trousers belted up to their belly button with flat caps etc like they're about to ask Maureen to dance as if it were still the 1940's.
Well said.
i had to screen shot that one
Damn that hit hard with the little black box. Great video Nick!
Thanks bro
yeah. i kinda got a little emotional about this part, too. really sad.
It hit me too.
@@danielle8179 I agree that's sad
This is a very important video you’ve made. It really transcends bodybuilding. We as people, mostly men, need to understand that our sheer survival depends on constantly evolving and improving and facing fears and addressing weaknesses. You can’t live in the past to the point where you drown in it (absolutely no pun intended). Of course fitness is important at any age but it seems like that’s all this guy had. And even at his peak he didn’t really have a macro ambition to match his superior physical prowess. His life can hopefully help a lot of people. Thx for making it.
I had the honor of having breakfast with him at ihop many times he was a smart caring and loving man and he did not have any "screws loose"... he loved bodybuilding and was happy he was proud of his accomplishments... RIP
Man that kinda broke my heart a little. You rock mr.Pettis!!
My first day in Venice I went down to the boardwalk to people watch. I saw this guy in red posing trunks with a boombox. After watching him for minute he seemed happy enough but a little clueless. At one point he walked over to a palm tree kissed it and the proceeded to pee on himself. He then splashed some water from a near by drinking fountain on himself to wash away the urine and went back to his boombox. Now I know who that was. Cool video!
He still looks quite good for his age and social condition though.
Steve Cook tf
omg kiss da tree peed himself splash water used to rinse his pee away😮 an he studdered an got took advantage of...
Than he was crazy and thats was his restriction 😩
I remember seeing this guy when I was a little kid, I never knew what happened to him..thank you for filling us in on this incredible bodybuilder and his tragic tale.
R.I.P. Bill Pettis
Bill was a good friend of mine. I would take him home every night after I worked out at world gym He stayed with his girlfriend in Inglewood. He worked as security for Joe at the gym. I built the World Gym for Joe Gold in 2000. And his house and corporate offices. I have all the build pictures of the gym. It was a cool time for me. In my 20’s as a contractor. Building the gym and working out there with all the muscle beach crew.
@Max Lee you're an asshole
sad story strange how life works out
Bill was a very nice guy I used to see him daily in Venice he used to hang around World gym on Main street and Joe Gold did look after him. I saw this guy do one arm overhead triceps extensions with 150lbs for a couple of reps pretty routinely. He was a bodybuilder at heart all the way. I'm saddened to hear he passed away.
Never had heard of Bill Pettis, thanks for keeping his memory alive.
Bodybuilding can be such a dark sport...
I mean for a lot of people mental illness (body dysmorphia) is what brings people to the sport.
Fuel that mindset with an assortment of pricey drugs to feed that never ending desire to get as big as possible and you've got a path that can easily go off the rails.
Whether it be G4P to pay for the steroids, or the comfort around needles and doing risky behaviors, that makes the idea of pinning other drugs (namely opiates) not as extreme as it would to the average person... especially when injured.
Nick, you are a true historian. Thank you for sharing the and giving importance to Mr. Bill Pettis.
Oh man , I was not ready for the feels. Rest In Peace Bill Pettis.
*Sad Stroy*
Dude, this is so touching. The sensitivity, too, in your voice and the refinement with which you’ve made other videos, it’s amazing. You really should do a good coffee table book project, full of pictures, vintage never seen pictures with well-researched stories of bodybuilders. Categorised by different eras in the sport...a lot of the magnificent content in your videos. Kudos to your efforts, sir.
Man, tells you about the absurdity of life. No one asks to be born, life is forced upon them.
there is life in christ, no man have ever spoken of where we come from and where we are going
I have the answer: Contact me, wtnewton49@yahoo ,com
@Re nato you don't know shit
Absurdity, yes maybe we dont ask to be born but here we are. Respect gift of life the challenges lessons. Live
There are two things every man should have in life, a trade and a family network. The two of those things can sustain you through life. Without those two your always on the edge of fcuksville. There are lessons to be learned from everyone. This guy showed us how not to live. But he had his time in the sun and may he rest in peace 💪
His life was kind of sad but he's still a legend of bodybuilding
His twin brother is still homeless roaming up and down the beach from Venice to Santa Monica. So sad that some people make the beach their life and actually do allow that lifestyle of being a beach bum rule their outcome. I admit I was a beach bum from 2000 to 2003 and it can suck you in. The sun, the surf, the tourism, the sights. Even though I was a vendor making about $1000 a week there, reality set in and I had to get a real job again knowing retirement was fast approaching.
I feel sorry for Bill Pettis and compassion for his twin brother. To have been well known in some respect and then overlooked. Not forgotten, just overlooked.
I'm taking testosterone , decadurabolin, nandrolone, primobolan, winstrol , methandienone, hgh, insulin, igf1. Is it too much?
Nick Ushor just throw in some tren ace and a little clen and you're good
Nick Ushor
those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up!
Nick Ushor whatever it takes goddamit right babe
Nick Ushor and a couple of baby aspirin.. because they're delicious.
Great video! My dad talks about him because he lived in the Harrisburg area for several years. Played semi pro football for the Cumberland Colts from 66-68. My dad played there in 69-70. He told me that he would lift with Bill at the Harrisburg ymca and this guy would down a full jar of peanut butter and then start warming up with 300 lbs on the bench press. Amazing!
Damn Nick how are u able to produce video after video with only a few hours in between?? Your work ethic are greater than Arnold on roids. Big thumbs up!!
The only problem with this man is he was not motivated enough to earn... That's what happens to not just body builders ... But to anyone who is dependent on others.
Rikth Dcruze And how can anyone with potential become dependant overnight?
Rikth Dcruze he probably would have won Mr o
The american dream baby, 2 guys do the same thing with similiar results. One gets titles, fame an acting career the other one ends up homeless. Anyone telling me that he couldnt imagine Arnold being a crazy homeless guy is fucking nuts.
Shut the fuck up dont know what he was going thru.
algun guey really, it doesn't take much to hold a job. constantly working out and eating irregularly to buff yourself up takes more efforts.
Tragic story. But keeping their memory alive is a just thing to do. Thank you for remembering Bill.
The amount of work it takes to build any muscle like his is phenomenal. Just for that reason he stands on alone with what is basically a hand full of guys. Great, but also sad story.
Dude Arnold could have at least gotten this guy off the street wtf
thevernonposse yeah, same thing I said ,all these bullshit comments, you mean to tell me he couldn't get him in a shed , garage at the very least c'mon_man! really!
Vincent Preston
i second that
Help one and you gotta help them all. It’s like feeding cats. But if he really knew Arnold personally he coulda done something
Naw Arnold seen him as a threat. Black man is always a threat to a white man.. real shiy
he went from Black to looking like the Iron Sheik.
That's sad I was homeless and soon to be homeless again.
Rasheed Huggins hope you don't become homeless again best of luck.
NO. Were not claiming homelessness!
Choose to win Rasheed and you will, simple
Get a job, bum
Rasheed Huggins why
I met this guy... had no idea it was him
I saw him when I went to Venice beach back in 2008
When did he die. the video never says. I swear i just saw this guy no more than year or 2 out at venice.
He died around September 29, 2016
All I could find were news articles posted on this date.
Hassan Ali joe died in 2004, not bill
very sad story, but I'm glad that you are putting it out there. I think it's important for us to know the history, and lesser known bodybuilders and their stories, not just the popular guys
Loving these mini docs........keep it up! :)
this was inspiring to me. It spoke to me that you there are no refunds for yesterday. You are only 22,32,62 ONCE. Gotta make the best of whatever phase of life you're at. I've been living in the past, for the past 2 years and i'm only 22.
how the fuck does he go from black to Indian? !
Pimpslapp hoe Had he lived a little bit longer, he would've turned into the Iron Sheik.
Marshall Street 😂
true 😂
Maybe he was Indian the whole time, but with an afro....dunno.
there are creams that make your skin more pale
This is so sad that no one would help this guy, he was a great bb with an obvious disability. All those guys just placated him and laughed at him behind his back. A few guys even interviewed him when Bill was clearly on the skids, no real clothes, homeless, probably in quite some pain, and just in need of some help, he shouldn't have had to die in such an undignified, humiliating, and awful life circumstances..RIP BROTHER BILL
Dude that is one of "the" most tragic stories I've ever heard.
A true CHAMPION in my eyes period...RIP my friend
Reminds me of the guy from bigger stronger faster who was living in his truck behind Gold's gym
Thanks for telling this story. It is fascinating and sad and needs to be told. People need to know and you do an excellent job of telling the tale - the real story.
Sad indeed. Sometimes BB can be an obsession or addiction even. Very few people can afford to spend hours in the gym daily. Poor guy needed a job is all...
Not an easy video to make Nick. I appreciate the tone of being respectful and also trying to learn from others examples both good and bad.
Thank you so much for sharing. I would see him walking around Venice in competition trunks all the time. Makes me think I should stop and talk to people more often.
I feel for him. I made a decision in my early 30's that I didn't want bodybuilding to define who I was. So I gradually let it go but went to the gym still to keep my motivation and sanity. Had I made the decision to go all in on bodybuilding, I would have probably been let down at some point like so many others. The one thing to know is that your body will not stay in shape forever. I'm much happier now knowing I didn't let it define who I was.
Hulk hogan lasted pretty long
Uhhh... That's not Greg Valentino
Juicy Jay Kordich Not synthol either.
srg914 Guess Rich Piana is out of the running then
Then what did he put in there? pmma?
Greg is natty, guys.
So sad to hear that story brother thanks for sharing,so he had no family at all
sad story! Very tragic. Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome !
This was a great tribute. Glad I watched this. I hope all's good Bill, and you're resting easy. It's always sad to see people suffer like this. The saddest part was when Gold died. I believe there are many people on this Earth that are in similar situations where they only have one or sometimes very few friends. When they're gone, and you're family's gone, it is tough to keep living sometimes. It's as if a huge part of you died with them.
Two Swedish television hosts did a story with this guy and Rich Piana like 5 years or so ago when he was still alive. In Swedish tho.
I never cared so much about bodybuilding until I discovered your channel. Keep coming with the content bro !
dud man i am sure thats true for you
T Zub bro, the gyms is life, next is bitches and booze.
T Zub You will find out one day. The stupid always find out too late though. Bodybuilding is not something that can be maintained at the level you did when you were younger. It can't be done. You can't stay massively pumped beyond a certain age. I have yet to see a body builder maintain his pristine physique throughout his entire life. But just go on thinking that it's all there is. You will have a wake-up call one day...
Raymond Ervin I know right...theres also cardio, yoga, zumba etc etc
Raymond Ervin I don't want to live if that's the case
Your stories are truly unique, i enjoy every single one of them ..
Daaaaamn I used to always see this guy walking around on the beach and I really didn’t think nothin of it its a lot of weirdos In LA never knew there was so much behind him I vaguely remember some one once telling me he used to be buff af
When you're livin' in a van down by the river...
What an amazing real life story. It's a real shame because I have never heard of him until just now. Thanks for sharing
bro wtf. I used to see this guy walking around and getting on the bus when I would get out of school. I went to this elementary school less than a mile away from the beach and he would get on sometimes. He was always quiet and tried to sit by himself. Just astonished right now.
Very tragic indeed. Great Vid. Nice work !
I apreciate your videos! Not many people really get into the lost guys. So here is a story about Pettis! I personally new nothing about him in 2014 or 2015 I brought my gf to the npc Venice beach show in August. We were lifting at muscle beach when I first met Pettis he was arrogant towards me. I honestly didn't know who he was or what he had done. But some of the guys told me he used to lift with Arnold. I plainly told him that's awesome, but it's 2015 time to move on with life. He clearly was insane, which is super sad especially that he was walking Around with a old stereo. I feel bad now :not knowing who he was. Maybe I could have given him some enthusiasm. Unfortunatly he couldn't speak to well either. So I think his problems went a lot further. I might have videos of him which I might be able to post if I can find them. I'll see what I can do.
Mr Pettis was a friend of mine, met him in 2004. Venice Beach will never be the same he will be missed!. He wasn't crazy very friendly and has a twin brother that he would sometimes live with but for the most part he was homeless. I asked him one time how did he keep warm when sleeping out at the beach an he said he would put Vaseline on himself to close his pours. I've got some good store about my friend Mr Billy Pettis The Man with 23 1/4 inch Arm's, may you R.I.P 🙇♂️
Wow, I remember seeing a video with him in it from 2015. I believe it was a video of Calum von Moger training and posing at muscle beach and he was just starring at him like a creep which makes sense to what you have said. This guy was probably still in his era and comparing Calum to Arnold
can you link calum's vid?
i knew i remembered him from somewhere..
John Reeves try to find the video on Steve cook channel "Calum Von Mogger and Steve Cook troll Venice Beach." Then click on the video and go at 3:43. You will see Bill Pettis.
Sadly, no one knows who he was.
Very sad story. Excellent channel, man. Subbed. :)
I remember him walking around Venice Beach when I was in High School. I used to think he was just a crazy guy in speedos.
Very honest and real video, yet sad at the same time.
It made me feel very sad, when I watched this video, although I never heard from him before. This is the other side of the "American dream". Billionaires on one side, people who live homeless in the street without shelter, money or health insurance on the other. What an amoral sick country this is...
remember seeing this guy a few years back in venice beach...wasn't really sure who he was. When I moved to LA recently I noted that he wasn't there anymore. This explains it. R.I.P. Bill. Great video man
I remember seeing him a while ago before I even began lifting when I was in Venice. he had the same speedo on and looked exactly like the later pictures.
Dang. I can’t believe that guy died. I used to see him all the time at Venice Beach. Thought I saw him the last time I was there. I guess not... RIP... Thanks for making this. Ever since I was a kid I wondered what his story was... sad
I used to see Bill many times around Venice Beach. I think he was a genuine nice guy. i used to see him assisting a guy in a wheel chair, I suppose he was hired to do so....or volunteered to help him. I saw him do standing tricep extensions with 225lbs on venice beach weight gym. What a sad way to the end of your life. May he rest in peace.
He claims to have some extensions with 400lbs in his prime
We think you have the most on point fitness videos on TH-cam!! it's informative, you aren't bashing anyone and you help educate people about the legends!!! Much respect!
Fascinating story. Would make great movie/documentary.
More documentary i would imagine
Rip bill this video had me in tears bro very respectful respect from Macedonian in Australia
The stories he could have told
RIP and may God open the gates for you.
You're wrong. Not 23 inch biceps, but rather 23 inch total upper arm circumference which includes triceps
Xavier Woods made some sick gains lol
Broke Guy lmao I thought I was the only one who thought they looked alike
+Nick's Strength and Power Could xavier woods have been a bodybuilder? Also have you done a video of triple h?
Broke Guy lmao😂😂😂 Good one🙌
R.I.P to him.. hope he is truly in a better place now
It doesn't just stop at bodybuilders. Just think about all the superstar jocks in highschool who everyone had high expectations for that never really made it to prominence. Like making it in a professional sport like football and basketball kind of way. Years later all they have are memories back when they were in their primes and every college scout in the country wanted them. But being that they had a cocky attitude, and no one couldn't tell them anything; they just wouldn't be able to prosper even with all the talent in the world. Respect combined with humbleness and social intelligence makes you more marketable. And all these guys have to offer in the end are albundie stories talking about how great they were in athletics, but not as a person. Lets not forget all the girls who had crushes on them too though. lol
For every successful athlete, there are so many left behind.
Some find solace and love in family or a new career.
But some never fill that void and die in sad, blind agony.
Making it to 69 and having his life experiences is above average for someone who would not work.
I agree with that other people work 60 hours a week in 2 jobs to barely make means end and are burnt out at age 60 with no retirement money.
really enjoy the stories man keep doing them if you can!
the golden era!
dfcvda 👍
Was just reading about this when he died a couple weeks ago, very tragic
oh no I remember this man!! I always saw him on Venice beach with his stereo!! I was actually wondering why he stopped hanging around there! Wish I knew who he was !! Peace be upon him.
God bless Bill Pettis and Joe Gold for having such a kind Heart.
I met Bill walking on Venice. He was a super nice man. Gave me a copy of the photo at the end of this video. I framed it and everything. I was unpleasantly surprised to learn of his death. I always wondered what happened to him since 2010.
awesome uploads man,makes you think about training and life in general.RIP B.P.
Howd he end up in pa nick? I met this guy in '07-'08 at the beach he was very nice kinda weird but was excited we were lifting we got pizza and he told us about stuff kinda mumbly but he was a cool man glad i knew him for those few days in the summer!
I am not even into bodybuilding but your videos are amazing, great information delivered in a neutral way. Props.
Sad story...Nah, I think its a great story if you look at it correctly. Man died with little to no baggage. Lived everyday FREE! Great Story - thanks for sharing.
No it isn't you bitch
this channel it's seriously awesome , great content every day !
that was his act at Venice Muscle Beach he walk around with them pictures cuz if you wanted to take a picture with him he would charge you a 3 dollar and a dollar if you wanted a photo of him good man at heart not crazy just a hustler
This is very sad. I am from the UK and take my vacations in california and since 4 years ago I met bill and had some nice chats and used to give him a few dollars here and there during my stay and saw him every year since then, sad I won't see him again. rip