Ikr love how the black dude says he can feel safe they’re lmfaooooo did he feel safe when his master called them all the N- Word and completely trashed some coloured kid on school grounds over the radio? 🤣🤣🤝😂😭 this schools wacc asf and racist asf.. I’ve always hated Buford can’t believe he defends his slave master like that.. rediculous..
this is in sc ??
Nah it’s in good ollll Georgia! 😅🤣🤝🥲😅🙈 most wacc ass part of the city..
$85 million? 😮😮😮
@@G.G.G_23this is modern ga not old ga
Small neighborhood schools are better.
Ikr love how the black dude says he can feel safe they’re lmfaooooo did he feel safe when his master called them all the N- Word and completely trashed some coloured kid on school grounds over the radio? 🤣🤣🤝😂😭 this schools wacc asf and racist asf.. I’ve always hated Buford can’t believe he defends his slave master like that.. rediculous..