Prâslea cel Voinic și Merele de Aur | Romanian Fairy Tale with English Subtitles I Petre Ispirescu
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
- Astăzi vă aducem o poveste clasică: “Prâslea cel voinic și merele de aur”. Plină de creaturi mitice și aventuri senzaționale, povestea are ca personaj central unul din cei mai curajoși și mai puternici eroi din literatura noastră care, în mod surprinzător, nu este un Făt-Frumos, ci un Prâslea, termen care înseamnă “frate/soră mai mic(ă)”. După cum am văzut și în basmul nostru precedent, “Sarea în bucate”, cel mai mic dintre frați/surori este întotdeauna eroul - în literatură.
Acest clip este deosebit de special pentru noi, fiindcă este primul basm la care avem un guest star: incredibilul actor român Andrei Gurlui, care îl joacă pe eroul nostru, plus alte două personaje. Îți mulțumim din suflet pentru că ai dat viață acestor personaje care sunt, acum, cu atât mai memorabile, și sperăm să mai colaborăm curând!
Mulțumim din suflet colaboratoarei noastre incredibil de talentate, Coralia Lipcei ( / ___koraliya___ , care a lucrat cu noi și la prima postare din “Poezii cu Tincuța”.
Imagini Copyright © Coralia Lipcei 2021
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Today, we have another classic for you: “Prâslea the Brave and the Golden Apples”. Full of mythical creatures and gripping adventure, this tale features one of the bravest and strongest heroes in our literature who, oddly enough, is not a “Făt-Frumos”, but a “Prâslea”, a name which translates into “youngest sibling”, and, as you saw in our previous fairy tale, “The Salt in your Food”, youngest siblings tend to be the best - only in literature, of course.
A massive thank you to our incredibly talented collaborator, Coralia Lipcei ( / ___koraliya___ , who worked with us before on our first episode of Poems with Tincuța.
Images Copyright © Coralia Lipcei 2021
Find us on Instagram: / povesti_cu_tincuta
Find us on Facebook: / povesticutincuta
If you like what we do, please support us by liking and sharing our videos, and above all, by SUBSCRIBING to our channel.
Music in this video:
0.00 to 45.00, 1.07 to 2.23, 2.47 to 3.31, 7.39 to 7.56 , 19.55 to 20.08, 24.14 to 25.32, 31.28 to 33.03
Medieval: Exploration
00.45 to 1.07, 4.19 to 4.54, 6.56 to 7.18, 18.13 to 19.26, 20.49 to 22.36
To the Horizon by Darren Curtis | www.darrencurt...
Music promoted on
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
06.29 to 06.46, 11.47 to 13.09, 13.31 to 13.56, 15.13 to 16.35
Epic Chase by MaxKoMusic |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
02.23 to 02.47, 05.18 to 06.29
Come Play with Me Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Music promoted by
03.31 to 04.19, 04.54 to 05.18, 07.18 to 07.39, 09.41 to 10.23
13.09 to 13.31, 13.56 to 14.36, 17.56 to 18.13, 20.08 to 20.49, 30.30 to 31.28
The Epic Hero by Keys of Moon | / keysofmoon
Music promoted on
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
07.56 to 09.41, 10.35 to 11.47, 14.36 to 15.13, 19.28 to 19.55, 22.36 to 24.14
Blood Eagle by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
10.23 to 10.35, 27.31 to 27.55, 28.57 to 29.12, 29.42 to 30.30
I’m Not What I Thought by Darren Curtis
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
Music promoted by
16.35 to 17.56
Medieval: Battle - Random Mind
25:32 to 27:31, 27:55 to 28:57, 29:12 to 29:42
The Old Tower Inn - Random Mind
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