Most cheating stories illustrate one thing very clearly, most cheaters are chronically selfish. They don't think about the other faithful companion just themselves.
why did Dave turn off his phone after making critical demands. All he had to do was check passenger lists on outgoing flights. I blame Dave for not doing do-diligence.
Of course she was in the wrong, but she was also unlucky, and Dave could have waited a few more minutes to allow for the time needed for unboarding and finding a phone. Tragedy. People always moan about these women being 'selfish', but it overlooks that almost all women are selfish, even more so than men. Would she have strayed again, had she called Dave in time? Hard to say, I guess.
Most cheating stories illustrate one thing very clearly, most cheaters are chronically selfish. They don't think about the other faithful companion just themselves.
Selfishness and evil have huge overlap
@@johnhollis921 I have never met any person that admits to being evil. They ALL have excuses and justifications.
Good story, i kept emotionally vacillating between wanting her to make the call on time to Dave hitting
For a story about a guy running to catch his flight that last few seconds took FOREVER!!!!! This story dragged on and on.
Obviously this story was written to inflect emotional pain on the readers with the roller coaster story line.
why did Dave turn off his phone after making critical demands. All he had to do was check passenger lists on outgoing flights. I blame Dave for not doing do-diligence.
Op got what she desurved from her dad, and op should tell her husband
nice to hear all these different perspectives.
It’s 000 in Perth WA not 911 😂😂😂
Triple 0 not 911 for Australia
Of course she was in the wrong, but she was also unlucky, and Dave could have waited a few more minutes to allow for the time needed for unboarding and finding a phone.
People always moan about these women being 'selfish', but it overlooks that almost all women are selfish, even more so than men. Would she have strayed again, had she called Dave in time? Hard to say, I guess.
way too long ! Good one but as I said earlyer way too long and so difficult to keep entertaining.
Jeez , just go znd ask her if shes screwing around
the moment i found she was a racemixer i moved on