Buen día doctor, tengo una artritis avanzada en mis tobillos y estoy buscando una solución diferente a la fusión de tobillo, como puedo agendar una cita con usted?
Good video. 😊I think it's very silly how much money they waste on exploring space. Imagine they spend the same amount of money on researching cartilage replacement and regeneration. Much more life-changing and worth the spending!!!! I have serious cartilage damage in both my elbows, both my shoulders and both my knees. I wouldn't mind if a rich cartilage regeneration / replacement, research company used me for a guinea pig. My pain is extremely severe!! Apparently there is a special kind of human growth hormone with almost no side effects. I think there's a good chance if you use that HGH Fragment 176-191 together with the right kind of animal DNA we can regrow or heal cartilage
Buen día doctor, tengo una artritis avanzada en mis tobillos y estoy buscando una solución diferente a la fusión de tobillo, como puedo agendar una cita con usted?
Can cartilage really regenerate?
I have the same question. But I have heard them growing cartilage in a lab. But how do they put that in the body🤔🤔🤔
Good video. 😊I think it's very silly how much money they waste on exploring space. Imagine they spend the same amount of money on researching cartilage replacement and regeneration. Much more life-changing and worth the spending!!!! I have serious cartilage damage in both my elbows, both my shoulders and both my knees. I wouldn't mind if a rich cartilage regeneration / replacement, research company used me for a guinea pig. My pain is extremely severe!! Apparently there is a special kind of human growth hormone with almost no side effects. I think there's a good chance if you use that HGH Fragment 176-191 together with the right kind of animal DNA we can regrow or heal cartilage