I'm not a student of yours, but I found your video when searching for something that may help me sort a lot of information in my mind. Your video series answered all of my questions, and more, about electroanalytical techniques. You did an excellent job explaining the concepts, presenting a "big picture", and answering all of my "why/how/what/when/who's". Thank you for helping this puzzled student understand how all these pieces fit together, and thank you for the obvious amount of time and effort you invested here. I look forward to blowing my next test out of the water because I finally understand it better. Best, Sarah H.
I'm not a student of yours, but I found your video when searching for something that may help me sort a lot of information in my mind. Your video series answered all of my questions, and more, about electroanalytical techniques. You did an excellent job explaining the concepts, presenting a "big picture", and answering all of my "why/how/what/when/who's". Thank you for helping this puzzled student understand how all these pieces fit together, and thank you for the obvious amount of time and effort you invested here. I look forward to blowing my next test out of the water because I finally understand it better.
Sarah H.
Thank you Prof. mabrouk, It helped me a lot. Ma'am,can you please upload more lectures on electrochemical methods or electrochemistry.