Americans will celebrate the life of civil rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, 16 January. Never forget the work and impact he made in America.
"I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character..." I broke out crying.
In truth though, progress comes slowly and people become more open to newer and more broader freedoms and rights. I doubt Abraham Lincoln would be advocating for LGBTQ rights if he were alive today with his views in the 1860s.
This speech is beautiful, not just for black people but also to any other race who sees love, equality, peace, in all. I'm still waiting for the day Dr. King said for us all to join hands and sing Free At Last, not as a few but as a whole!
This also works in reverse. We can’t make positive assumptions about people because of their position, age, gender, color of the skin (white, or orange [especially orange]), education level, etc. Something many forget.
@@CaptainBeeFart Well you got to consider that back then there was not many other races in America as there is today, and that pretty much everyone who was not white was black or "colored "
I’ve watched it about 3 times in the last week 😅 I watch it whenever I feel down and the speech makes me feel better, I’m watching it now to screen record it and put it on a hwk project :/ idk if that’s bad or not but I still need to put all the info on it..
"...that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
They should put a monument where he stood and spoke, it would look nice in front of the Washington monument and across from the Lincoln memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. probably being the closest thing to a black founding father that we have.
I do agree that a more National Mall presence of an MLK memorial should be made than the one they have now. They do also have on the Lincoln Memorial steps engraved "I Have a Dream" at the spot of his speech
Actually, there already is a monument. There is a proper monument to MLK near the National Mall (the only non-president to be given that honor) And there is a carving on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where he stood and gave the speech.
I am a white southerner that grew up around people that were prejudicial. Some of my family fought for the Confederate States of America and some were in the KKK and boasted their supremacy. Despite all that, this speech put me in tears. Hearing the words of our founding fathers and thinking about how we so blatantly ignored their wishes and split this nation into white and black makes me severely depressed. But hearing someone like MLK Jr. make such an eloquent oration makes me feel hope. Hope for the future. If you consider yourself an American and have never listened to this beautiful speech, then you are delusional and should reconsider who you are. This is the most patriotic speech ever spoken!
+Seth Mulcahy I was 15 when Martin Luther King made this speech, I watched it live, on TV, it set my course in life. I Marched in my hometown with many other whites, the Government knew that We meant Business because We were United.
+DabNerrL710 o come on we all know hes gonna drop out soon he even said so! he will lose the majority of percentage of the vote and drop out, even if he does win im Hispanic (one of the few people whose ancestors came over LEGALLY)and i kind of agree ( we do need more secure borders to not just keep illegal immigrants out but cartels and some drugs and without HAVING TO PAY FOR THEIR FREE HOUSING we will have more tax money to better our country and our future) but i still think ben carson is better
Its still there. Just don't believe its the right way its been going lately. I speak up to racist no matter what color they are. I tell my mom how racist she is and I don't want my children growing up hearing someone like their grandma talking racist around them. I don't care if your white, black, Mexican, itaian, Chinese.... I will tell you if I think what you are saying or doing is racist. We need to stand together and fight against racist as united/one. But don't go and tell me that white people are racist and they only care because they are faking it (from another person on here). There are ways to be heard without breaking the law.
matt R I have a theory that there’s a TH-cam algorithm that goes through every video and says, “What do you mean nobody has disliked it? Can’t have that now can we, let’s give ‘em a couple.”
@@carmensandiego8611 Guys, I don't think you understand what BLM is. Black Lives Matter isn't Anti-Cop. They aren't Anti-Anybody. They simply say Black Lives Matter, but because in 2015, and 2016, it didn't seem like people knew that. Stop putting a peaceful group of people, who simply want young black men to stop dying by the very people protecting them, with Nazi's or the KKK.
Politicians and public figures used to speak like this... Well maybe not exactly like this, which is possibly the greatest political speech in our history, but with dignity and resolve and truth. So sad the way they talk today...
Seeing how many people showed up for his speech, and seeing the enthusiasm makes me proud to be an American. He is at the heart of American values and must never be forgotten as long as this nation stands.
We already had him. We do not need him... we need all people to hear his voice, and to express it just as fervently as he did. We need people to follow and lead others just as he did. We need people to act in the face of adversity just as he did. We need to act as he wanted us to.
i'm a little taken aback by some of the arguing on this thread, some of the idiotic comments. and the 86 of you who disliked this: what? thank you, dr. king, for showing us the way, for teaching us how to be; truly, you are the finest among us all and i honor your message and work today and all days.
Courtney Monae Because with BLM it's true? BLM, in general, is not satisfied with living equally alongside those they view as their oppressors from 300 years ago.
I dont know why its taken me this long to watch this, I've honestly never heard the whole speech, only here and there parts. I'm very glad I did, very powerful and we should never forget where we came from
His speech brings tears to my eyes Everytime I hear it... Only because it was said with such emotion, so much dignity, and with so much love and respect for all races and ethnic backgrounds of the world. Memorizing this entire speech will be on my to do list definitely!!
I had been looking for his speeches today to be reminded of how good and decent people can work together and make a change for the better. All the garbage from blm was making me forget it, he is really inspiring. A great example to emulate.
MLK will always be with us. He changed the lives of many, white and African-American alike. King will be remembered as one of the greatest heroes in American history. Rest in peace Dr. King.
I love how he didn’t just help the black people he also help whites. I wasn’t alive then but tbh idc I don’t wanna be friends with you just bc your color it’s bc your character. He was an amazing person
This man was a brilliant speaker and a true warrior of love against hate. rest in the Lord brother King, you fought the good fight and you shall be crowned
Doctor King said that there was a time and place for anger but he taught me how to not let it control me or ruin my life, I owe him a great debt of thanks.
If only Abe Lincoln was alive for another 5 or 10 years, black America would be quite different. He had a way of getting things done that was practical and quick for ex. calling for black voting rights - which got him killed - that happened 100 years after his death!
^^^ lol Lincoln was racist the only reasons republicans wanted to end slavery was for ECONOMIC REASONS ONLY he said : "if I could free this country without freeing a single negro, I would"...Abe did not think that we were equals
Lol at you, go read the 2nd inaugural. Lincoln changed his ways after the early part of the war. Initially he had racist comments and that quote you had up was in 1863. Lincoln in the last years changed and 'grew' as black historians say. Do you think black historians have not read that quote. Of course they did but they also read BEYOND.
i don t doubt it even macolm x was trasitiong to help king but he was killed befor that could happen just like pac and biggie were going to come together and chance music but pac was killed
+Kason Marcoviche This is the first time I watched this.I' m holding a beer listening to Rush "Spirit of the Radio" crying.Fitting words to a great song
"i have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" wow this line really got to me. what beautiful words and how much emotion he evokes especially in this part of his speech... wow. I am honestly left speechless..
Did something between then and now produce FREEDOM he dreamed of for the Innocent Victims of Human Trafficking that he spoke of? Inspirational, what about our FREEDOM?? Not Free for our children for the next 1,000 years to work for yours, the FREEDOM a Human being deserves versus the third class citizenship we STILL exist in. Inspirational, toward what end and what of us, right here?
@@stormwilliams3347 I think Lesser forms of Freedom is still slavery. I think we are HUMAN and do not deserve to live and exist on the Good Graces of the nation that produced our Holocaust. I think all of the misdirection's since his speech are deliberate and if HE SAID FREEDOM then and we still dont have it, than the america people SALVE themselves in our continued misery.
You could make that comparison hypothetically, but in reality he would probably have turned out very different. Martin was an amazing person no doubt though.
the fact that you have a last latin name and you suppport Donals Trump.......and you are comparing him with Martin Luther King Jr......................................................... damn jjust...........wth
@Tsunauticus III The melanin in your skin does determine how developed or how plastic your orbital frontal cortices are. I'm willing to bet that Martin Luthor kings Neocortex was more developed then the inbred fucks that killed him because they knew this colored was far more Brilliant. Your terminology can be read from the first page of neurology book you dumb fuck. Look up the dunning Kruger effect and see if you underdeveloped neocortex can handle it.
I watch this video every year because it's important to know about the people who paved the way for us to be where we are today....Dr King was a man who stood for equality, peace, and most importantly love not just for black people but for all people #HappybirthdayMLK
Go fuck yourself you dont know what martin luther king did to change the world HE FUCKING DIED FOR US SO SHUT THE FUCK UP you dont know what u are talking about
I want to bring this man back. I want to know what he would think of todays situation, of black people today, of black lives matter, of "I see no colour", etc.
I was raised to believe that all men and women are created equal by this man's words and character. He spoke to us all as people first by making it clear that we can forgive, and as a white man I truly appreciate that gift of a United States of people I was raised in. Secondly we can move forward together without the fear of reprisal from our government. He made it obvious that disregard comes at our own peril and to the peril of those not given the chance to exist due to our blindness. It brings me to tears everytime I hear it. His words could not be overlooked once they left his lips and are still amongst the breaths we breathe today, and with this breath i was given, I say to him, thank you.
I was not educated in english culture country...Iam african and never thought one day i would speak english, I was born in an area of portugues colony,,,,,I used to hear this speech when I was young in a tape by my uncle who at the time was working for the american oil industry.....of course i could not understand a word and I wanted to understand this speech so bad, frankly I started learning english at home with my uncle´s help...never been to an english school never attended any formal english course just got it all from home thanks to my uncle....just because of this speech I understand the true meaning of freedom! since my mother gave me a birth and it was declared a male to be born in this world I have never in my whole life to this day ever heard a speech this heart and soul reaching and so profound yet of a greater magnitude by Dr Martin Luther King Jr. among all other speeches I honestly say this one will forerver remain the most ellequent and eternally the best assertion ! may the Lord all might have him in His eternal glory! 23-May-2019!!!!
I watch this video from time to time and sometimes I scroll through the comments. I'm going to make a pledge to block and remove racist comments from this video. It's appalling to me that people will go out of their way to come here and make disgusting remarks. In the event you're feeling some sort of way about what you've just read or you disagree with my post, consider something for a moment... What is the root intent of stirring hate amongst people? Advocating hate and creating discontent doesn't alter the root of your problem, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, or any other issue you're facing. Find it within yourself, to put an end to these types of behaviors and be a better person. Posting racist comments is a temporary relief for the pain that's really troubling you. Moreover, many of you promoting hate and racism don't even know why you're doing it. Stop being a follower. Stop being a prisoner of your past and create YOUR OWN DESTINY. Your upbringing or shared family belief makes you a puppet to an archaic way of thinking. Stop doing it for acceptance. Perhaps you're doing it because it's all you know. Question what you REALLY believe in. Be yourself. You're expending energy towards judging people you've never meant merely because of the color of their skin? There's more to life than focusing on our differences. A kind heart and beautiful soul has NO COLOR. The next time you see a person in the street, supermarket, or in your travels, pay ZERO attention to their appearance. Too much of society is driven by appearance. Be kind and courteous to all human beings no matter what they look like. Sometimes, all it takes is a random act of kindness or peaceful gesture to someone you don't know to brighten their day and potentially change their life. Spend more time promoting peace and being kind to people. It's infectious and uplifting to the soul. Each person has their own journey, struggles, and history. Consider this with every social interaction. Lastly, thank you to everyone that exemplifies positivity and kindness to ALL, irregardless of color, ethnicity, or race. You ARE making a difference in this world.
I have a dream that one day I will arise to speak like MLK, I am a poet and a writer I have stories and beatiful words to share but one day and my dream to be like this great man. America am coming to make the dream true again!
Moha Abdull good for u honestly I'm seeing all these comments about people saying "we need another MLK" and such and all I can think is why can't it be u I personally have high hopes in myself changing the world never stop chasing ur dreams until only u accomplish them should u stop
@@onerandomguy7989 I'm not talkin about black slavery I'm pretty sure Martin Luther King was talking about all kinds of slavery we have more slavery in the US then we did back in the day men pimping women and whatnot
im sorry, but id have to disagree. there are still black neighborhoods and white neighborhoods. hood schools and good schools. bad streets and good streets. echos of our past still haunt us today, and we cant ignore that. happy mlk day 2019
Thank you for all you stood for Dr. was not in vain. We hope we'll live up to your ideals, virtual and vision. And truly realize the American Dream of the founding Fathers. Long live the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
I want to make his dreams true so badly. I also have dreams related to his. I have a dream that one day racism will one day come to an end as it has plagued this nation for far too long. I have a dream that one day we will not live in fear of gun violence and gun control will established. I have a dream that people of all religions, races, sexualitys, genders, ethnicity, age will have there free and equal rights. Let freedom ring from Maine to California, from the mountains of Alaska to the islands of Hawaii. Abraham Lincoln established freedom for all, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has worked to established or push for civil rights. We need someone like Martin Luther King Jr. To make all these dreams come true
13:36 is the best part in this speech. I love this man so much. I have so much respect for him too. When I was in third grade we had to impersonate a famous person who inspired the world and I was chosen as Martin Luther King Jr. I did not know who he was before. I was exited to do it though. Even thought I am white and I did not look like him, it did not matter at all. I told my teachers, my parents, and other parents his importance in this world and people loved the way how completing I was. Just like him. I wish he was still here and I also wish he could see how crazy the United States looks now. On the other hand, their has been a lot of improvement from the 1960s to now. Rest in peace Martin Luther King Jr.
He got murdered because he was a sexual deviant. Known facts. The communist party he was working with killed him before his secret got out. Public knowledge. Do your own research. Christ is king.
Demesha Foreman look it up. Even his family tried to get the guy convicted of killing him a retrial because they knew it wasn’t the guy. The Russians backed the black rights movements
I think the activists of today have lost sight of MLKJ's dream for unity. His drive was to see racial reconciliation and restoration. All we see today from activists and the media is division, violence, and hatred. We need another MLKJ...
I’m not the only one who wished Martin Was still alive 😭😭 he was such a great friend and he’s the reason why I’m friends with my best friend you will always be in our heart ❤️
I have listened to Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's speeches every year on MLK day for as long as I can remember. Thank you for setting the foundations of on going civil rights for all of us in this nation, even while we experience trying times.
@@raisa_cherry35 As you see now in the times of Trump they want it to be like it was before MLK speech and civil rights. Their sentiments never really changed.
I have listened to this speech many times but I never tire of listening. Dr Luther's speech instills in me a sense of dignity and worth to stand at par with others no matter the status.
I wish Martin Luther king jr Would read this HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY MARTIN LUTHER KING I love this speech it always give me hope and years Happy birthday Martin, you may rest in peace and be loved by all who love your speech and you 😇🎂❤❤❤ Edit: Happy MLK day everyone and he will *Always* be our friend
Carla Linton. I Have A Dream that one day that we as God's Children will unite together as one and love one another as Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus and stop being racist and hateful against each other. Because like I said before and I am saying it again. We can not make it into God's Heavenly Kingdom with Racial Hatred and Racial Predjudice in our hearts. So I pray that one day we as God's Children will come together in Unity and love one another.
Every year, I listen to this speech on Martin Luther King day. It always gives me goosebumps & hope. This year, I have been fighting despair at the state of our country. R.I.P.
Ive downloaded a playlist of the greatest speeches of all time, and it starts off strong with a speech that was so profound that when i was a teenager i was able to appreciate the wise words and gentle demeanor of the great Reverand Doctor Martian Luther King Jr. Im going to have such a good day at work tomorrow.
my all time favorite speech and I feel that many African Americans defile his name by being racist themselves towards white people for example I go to a school where I hear black kids my age saying to me "yo white boy" to get my attention. I politely tell them I have a name and if you don't know it it doesn't mean you call me "white boy" because that is racism and ido not say "hey black boy" If I don't know their name. and I say it nicely but also firm. and remind them what DR. King devoted his life to and what he died for. And they usually will apologize, but I feel its still sad I have to remind them of this. but DR. King still had a huge impact on racism we are not 100% at peace and still do not 100% understand what equality truly means and its sad but I watch this and it gives me hope! very very powerful speech delivered by the king himself! God Bless everyone! I hope the human race will find peace within itself at some point in my lifetime.
+Aaron Casler Oh poor little you. Did you go back to the property in the suburbs mommy and daddy own afterwards and get a nice big meal to make you feel better?
+CNep99 uhm no I was raised quite poor actually I just believe in equality I'm not sure if your just tryna "troll" but I ain't with that TH-cam thug shit where people try to talk shit over the Internet and in real life won't say shit. have a good day man.
+CNep99 and don't get me wrong white people also keep racism flowing and personally i think it's worthless bullshit. and people can't even fucking get along in comments on youtube? I feel bad for people who can't go one day without tryna piss someone off purely out of spite.
Americans will celebrate the life of civil rights leader Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, 16 January. Never forget the work and impact he made in America.
R.I.P Martin Luther king jr. he made such a big impact on our society
blue dragonteer 😁
Cookie Cream Happy Birthday
LogistiKHD yuujuyuuui
LogistiKHD 90
I got chills... This is one of the greatest speeches ever written. There's no doubt in my mind.
Hannah Morris It's the best speech ever written
Booker T. Washington's Exposition speech is better yet!
Hannah me too i agree
Hannah me to
The "I have a dream" portion of the speech was apparently improvised and not written. Interesting!
"I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character..." I broke out crying.
My favorite quote from MLK.
+TheAaronmcmahon11 I agree
+Justice Austin No you didn't.
I understand that
Who's watching this great speech in 2024??!!
Me😭😭 u got the same hw?
Same 🖤🤍😇✝️✝️ rest in heaven MLK 👑👑
Lupe Castillo
I was a 13 year old Jewish kid in Brooklyn. It blew me away then. It blows me away now. Brings me to tears. I light a candle every April 4th.
We need a man like MLK today now more than ever!
What's April 4th?
I am jewish also
@@stevenconnelly1468 The day Dr King was assassinated.
God knows we could use a man like MLK right now.
Peter Marron He'd probably just be branded a 'homophobe' or whatever-phobe nowadays...
Nope. MLK was silently an early proponent of gay rights. His children actively advocate for gay rights these days.
Phantomic'Nope', he was a Christian, and was certainly not a supporter of this modern gay rights social justice movement. His wife was though.
In truth though, progress comes slowly and people become more open to newer and more broader freedoms and rights. I doubt Abraham Lincoln would be advocating for LGBTQ rights if he were alive today with his views in the 1860s.
Peter Marron Maybe Trump is our best option then! xD
This speech is beautiful, not just for black people but also to any other race who sees love, equality, peace, in all. I'm still waiting for the day Dr. King said for us all to join hands and sing Free At Last, not as a few but as a whole!
so true
We are not free
Me too man me too !
Judged not by the color of their skin but the content of their character......
Alot of truth to that ways some don't even realize today and wonder why things have gotten worse.
You’re 100% right. Most people don’t understand that these days.
Sad that today we have gone backwards in these last two years after the fight to equality.
This also works in reverse. We can’t make positive assumptions about people because of their position, age, gender, color of the skin (white, or orange [especially orange]), education level, etc. Something many forget.
I am white and i would have layed my life down for this man. Rest in paradise MLK.
Joe Shmoe Hispanic right here I would do the same
any good moraled man would lay his life down for mlk, regardless of skin tone.
Well your skin color doesn't matter. The content of your character does. But judging by your statements I'd say your character is pretty good.
I dont understand why he did not have 2 body guards !!!!!
@@murphybrian5613 he was black and they did not let black have kind things that i learn
I love looking at this video seeing black and white people come together. It’s beautiful.
I was confused because all the other colors are missing
@@CaptainBeeFart Well you got to consider that back then there was not many other races in America as there is today, and that pretty much everyone who was not white was black or "colored "
I’ve watched it about 3 times in the last week 😅 I watch it whenever I feel down and the speech makes me feel better, I’m watching it now to screen record it and put it on a hwk project :/ idk if that’s bad or not but I still need to put all the info on it..
Captain Beefart omg...
That man had a voice from God. And a message from said God. King will never die as long as we keep him alive in our minds, hearts and Souls
genuine * blrssed
Well said.
"Free at last!" "Free at last!" "Thank God Almighty we are free at last!"
Epic Nutella are we really free of injustice and prejudice?
Makes ya feel good.
His voice, period, is electrified.
"...that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
That is my favorite part.
@@stanbabyphotostheslither-p8815 same.
I love this part!
absolutely beautiful line
@@stanbabyphotostheslither-p8815 me too
12:56 I have a Dream.
I always get so emotional at this part. Martin Luther King Jr. is a great man. And did truly make a difference.
7:45 is the key the speech and makes it great
I do too
I feel you dude I cry everytime
thanks you
They should put a monument where he stood and spoke, it would look nice in front of the Washington monument and across from the Lincoln memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. probably being the closest thing to a black founding father that we have.
I do agree that a more National Mall presence of an MLK memorial should be made than the one they have now. They do also have on the Lincoln Memorial steps engraved "I Have a Dream" at the spot of his speech
Jacob Field
Em Rob I agree with u!
Actually, there already is a monument. There is a proper monument to MLK near the National Mall (the only non-president to be given that honor)
And there is a carving on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where he stood and gave the speech.
I am a white southerner that grew up around people that were prejudicial. Some of my family fought for the Confederate States of America and some were in the KKK and boasted their supremacy. Despite all that, this speech put me in tears. Hearing the words of our founding fathers and thinking about how we so blatantly ignored their wishes and split this nation into white and black makes me severely depressed. But hearing someone like MLK Jr. make such an eloquent oration makes me feel hope. Hope for the future. If you consider yourself an American and have never listened to this beautiful speech, then you are delusional and should reconsider who you are. This is the most patriotic speech ever spoken!
+Seth Mulcahy I was 15 when Martin Luther King made this speech, I watched it live, on TV, it set my course in life. I Marched in my hometown with many other whites, the Government knew that We meant Business because We were United.
+Seth Mulcahy The truth is more important then anything we know in existance, this is a tribute to that.
Just wait for Trump. History will repeat its self, if we elect that man.
DabNerrL710 Bank bailouts, Big business tax breaks and more unpaid for War, maybe even WW3.
+DabNerrL710 o come on we all know hes gonna drop out soon he even said so! he will lose the majority of percentage of the vote and drop out, even if he does win im Hispanic (one of the few people whose ancestors came over LEGALLY)and i kind of agree ( we do need more secure borders to not just keep illegal immigrants out but cartels and some drugs and without HAVING TO PAY FOR THEIR FREE HOUSING we will have more tax money to better our country and our future) but i still think ben carson is better
I hope to God the people who disliked this are not human
Theres. just evil people in this world they are cruel.
They re sad cause he died
@@Mystic189 I hope so
Nah just racist *people that disliked*
Mark Lepka It’s the Democrats.
Look how diverse and how united that crowd is WHERE IS THAT!
Washington, D.C.
Its still there. Just don't believe its the right way its been going lately. I speak up to racist no matter what color they are. I tell my mom how racist she is and I don't want my children growing up hearing someone like their grandma talking racist around them. I don't care if your white, black, Mexican, itaian, Chinese.... I will tell you if I think what you are saying or doing is racist. We need to stand together and fight against racist as united/one. But don't go and tell me that white people are racist and they only care because they are faking it (from another person on here). There are ways to be heard without breaking the law.
Washington dc. At the washington monument.
Who disliked this video? How can you not support the natural rights of all men and women on every inch of this world?
Nazis, KKK, racist people (of all colors), trolls the list goes on. Pretty stupid though......
BLM, KKK, supremacy groups, and everyone who hates people
Right? I'm a White Canadian, and Dr. King is one of my HEROS! The whole WORLD should watch this speech!
matt R I have a theory that there’s a TH-cam algorithm that goes through every video and says, “What do you mean nobody has disliked it? Can’t have that now can we, let’s give ‘em a couple.”
@@carmensandiego8611 Guys, I don't think you understand what BLM is. Black Lives Matter isn't Anti-Cop. They aren't Anti-Anybody. They simply say Black Lives Matter, but because in 2015, and 2016, it didn't seem like people knew that. Stop putting a peaceful group of people, who simply want young black men to stop dying by the very people protecting them, with Nazi's or the KKK.
"Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatrid"
My fav MLK quote ❤❤
What time was this ?
"Our lives end when we become silent on the things that matter".- Martin Luther King Jr
We need you Dr. King. Please come back
His voice is so commanding, so powerful and so honest.
ashley Harger AMEN!
ashley Harger he is a great person
Thanks just put that in my essay great choice of words
Politicians and public figures used to speak like this... Well maybe not exactly like this, which is possibly the greatest political speech in our history, but with dignity and resolve and truth. So sad the way they talk today...
Seeing how many people showed up for his speech, and seeing the enthusiasm makes me proud to be an American. He is at the heart of American values and must never be forgotten as long as this nation stands.
We need you more then ever right now Mr.King
Honestly bro, stay safe ✊🏾
Danny Zecca I know.
Actually they needed him then more than ever
We already had him. We do not need him... we need all people to hear his voice, and to express it just as fervently as he did. We need people to follow and lead others just as he did. We need people to act in the face of adversity just as he did. We need to act as he wanted us to.
Who watching in 2019 on mlk day
OOZZY meee
iiilxv e I told my classmates to watch a mlk speech to remember why we don’t have school and appreciate what this man has done for our nation
i'm a little taken aback by some of the arguing on this thread, some of the idiotic comments. and the 86 of you who disliked this: what?
thank you, dr. king, for showing us the way, for teaching us how to be; truly, you are the finest among us all and i honor your message and work today and all days.
+Stephen Velez ..Amen!
I only came to view this and pay respect as I have not seen this in its entirety, #LEGEND #MLK
+Stephen Velez Yeah I totally agree... who would dislike this
+Sophia Reyes ya
+AManWithNoModem May God have mercy on you BOY!
With all thats happening today in the world got me here listening to this.
i feel the same way. Thanks Martin
why you say that?
Courtney Monae Because with BLM it's true?
BLM, in general, is not satisfied with living equally alongside those they view as their oppressors from 300 years ago.
you need to i need to
what are u trying to say??
I dont know why its taken me this long to watch this, I've honestly never heard the whole speech, only here and there parts. I'm very glad I did, very powerful and we should never forget where we came from
Yes, same. Probably because in almost every way personally it's irrelevant to me.
@@spiritualopportunism4585 we are one!
His speech brings tears to my eyes Everytime I hear it... Only because it was said with such emotion, so much dignity, and with so much love and respect for all races and ethnic backgrounds of the world. Memorizing this entire speech will be on my to do list definitely!!
I wish he was still here with us today. The things we could accomplish. Happy MLK DAY folks. 😔
After times like this coming back and hearing words of wisdom is what I need he was a real Leader
I had been looking for his speeches today to be reminded of how good and decent people can work together and make a change for the better. All the garbage from blm was making me forget it, he is really inspiring. A great example to emulate.
+Mark Kwiatkowsk JFK Martin Luther they jailed Nelson Mandela Abe Lincoln
so are you try it chaz,,
cause they fear what they do not know they fear what they can t stop or see which is you and me kill us off so they don t have to deal with us
Will & Chaz if he needs to to speech against trump for the elections he will be president
MLK will always be with us. He changed the lives of many, white and African-American alike. King will be remembered as one of the greatest heroes in American history.
Rest in peace Dr. King.
I love how he didn’t just help the black people he also help whites. I wasn’t alive then but tbh idc I don’t wanna be friends with you just bc your color it’s bc your character. He was an amazing person
He should have been our 1st black president!!!
Eric Van Valkenburgh agree
Would have been leagues better than Obama. Hell yeah.
The people in his time waa the truth we as people now are weak
Agreed, rather than Obama. Shame he got shot
This man is something of God's work, which we need so much of right now...
If there is something out there. Perhaps something I can't perceive with my own human senses. Then perhaps this man is of that entitie(s) work.
This still gives me chills like the first time I heard it as a kid. Such an eloquent, powerful, authentic, speech. Thank you for the upload!!!!!!
I had to memorize this speech and recite it in my history class in highschool for a major grade.
This man was a brilliant speaker and a true warrior of love against hate. rest in the Lord brother King, you fought the good fight and you shall be crowned
11:57 Let us not wallow in a valley of despair.
What a breathtaking expression...
Listening in 2019! Happy MLK Day!
You too😁
Watching from Kenya.
Tsunauticus III exactly, but it’s also little roaches that watch rap videos and play fortnite
ChryssyChrys you too!
Better believe we are!!✊✊🇺🇸🇺🇸
Doctor King said that there was a time and place for anger but he taught me how to not let it control me or ruin my life, I owe him a great debt of thanks.
If only Dr. King and JFK had lived 5 or 10 more years. I think you would see a whole different country today.
If only Abe Lincoln was alive for another 5 or 10 years, black America would be quite different. He had a way of getting things done that was practical and quick for ex. calling for black voting rights - which got him killed - that happened 100 years after his death!
^^^ lol Lincoln was racist the only reasons republicans wanted to end slavery was for ECONOMIC REASONS ONLY he said : "if I could free this country without freeing a single negro, I would"...Abe did not think that we were equals
Lol at you, go read the 2nd inaugural. Lincoln changed his ways after the early part of the war. Initially he had racist comments and that quote you had up was in 1863. Lincoln in the last years changed and 'grew' as black historians say. Do you think black historians have not read that quote. Of course they did but they also read BEYOND.
i don t doubt it even macolm x was trasitiong to help king but he was killed befor that could happen just like pac and biggie were going to come together and chance music but pac was killed
but he respected the black man enough to free them if not for who they were and not what they represented
Watching this and praying for our country 🙏
steph lovesutubers
I had to learn this speech for school.I know this speech and I’m now understanding the importance of such legendary words!
Money Troops
yes me too. . .
We black won we got a black girl in the royal family
spanish rampage Hiya my channel is called Pretty girl super her I don't understand what u mean?
Martin Luther King Jr. vs Malcolm X. THE UNTOLD TRUTH!!!!--->
I’ve heard this many times, but for some reason this time I cry🌪
We need a man like MLK now more than ever!
I always cry when I hear his words....they are truly inspired by God! MLK rests in Paradise now. His work/memory continues always!
Amen. and i cry too.
I try not to cry but sometimes I do. MLK would want us to feel.
It’s because we’re seeing the speech not hearing about it
Gotcha watch it every year
Same reason I'm here.
+Kason Marcoviche ur a spooky nigga.what? Be nice!
+Kason Marcoviche This is the first time I watched this.I' m holding a beer listening to Rush "Spirit of the Radio" crying.Fitting words to a great song
+KidKeeper Vlogz dido
Happy MLK day!!!
LogistiKHD and too you he was great but we still are not perfect
How many perfect people do you know ?
Jaime Duncan Jesus
LogistiKHD I love this day!
+Cookie Cream If by "BROTHDAY" you meant "BrotherDay," great pun and new idea.
still powerful decades later!!!
if not more!!
Who is in 2020 watching this😁😁😁
I think
This speech is The most important and best speech in American History and in world history
One of the greatest men to ever walk this earth.
"i have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"
wow this line really got to me. what beautiful words and how much emotion he evokes especially in this part of his speech... wow.
I am honestly left speechless..
Who is watching in 2019 just because it’s inspirational?
You know we still watch this you like beggar
Did something between then and now produce FREEDOM he dreamed of for the Innocent Victims of Human Trafficking that he spoke of?
Inspirational, what about our FREEDOM??
Not Free for our children for the next 1,000 years to work for yours, the FREEDOM a Human being deserves versus the third class citizenship we STILL exist in.
Inspirational, toward what end and what of us, right here?
Peter Brown you don’t think things are better now then they were at the time of this speech?
Peter Brown damn globalist elite and secret societies
@@stormwilliams3347 I think Lesser forms of Freedom is still slavery. I think we are HUMAN and do not deserve to live and exist on the Good Graces of the nation that produced our Holocaust.
I think all of the misdirection's since his speech are deliberate and if HE SAID FREEDOM then and we still dont have it, than the america people SALVE themselves in our continued misery.
He would have become a great President
It really depends, speeches and persuasion might be his skill, but politics might not be
Just like any politician, no matter their party.
Nick Crompton like Donald he has no experience but is a great president
You could make that comparison hypothetically, but in reality he would probably have turned out very different. Martin was an amazing person no doubt though.
the fact that you have a last latin name and you suppport Donals Trump.......and you are comparing him with Martin Luther King Jr......................................................... damn jjust...........wth
Who else here cause Martin Luther King Jr day? Just came to pay my respects for helping unite this country.
Very needed right now.
@Tsunauticus III The melanin in your skin does determine how developed or how plastic your orbital frontal cortices are. I'm willing to bet that Martin Luthor kings Neocortex was more developed then the inbred fucks that killed him because they knew this colored was far more Brilliant. Your terminology can be read from the first page of neurology book you dumb fuck. Look up the dunning Kruger effect and see if you underdeveloped neocortex can handle it.
I came because it black history month and as a northerner it makes me happy that everyone no matter where there from nort south they have freedom
Not with that profile picture u aint
@@curryoof3491 I'm mixed and I have to say WHAT THE FLYING FUCK IS GOING ON
Who else is really curious about who disliked this video
The people who disliked the video are ignorant.
No need to be curious they were ignorant racist people
Why did they disliked it? Martin helped us to be together.
Joshua Jacobs oh yeah yeah
Don't like with the button
But like with your heart
And pray that we may
Never be set apart
Oh yeah and butter and jelly beans and rice and beans and rice and beans and rice and beans and rice and beans and
@@patrice2230 ?? LOL
@@tinalove4324😂😂😂 looks like my 6 year old has been in my phone again.🤦🏾♀️
Watching this to remind myself that we lived in worst times yet figures like him existed
To anyone watching this, please take what MLK says at 07:37 to heart. You cannot fight Hate with Hate!
Spartan Elite43 Amen (both ironically and unironically) Its awesome that he didn't engage in physical violence.
Hate and violence are different
The Watcher1011 sure pal. That's why King never used violence, but whatever you tell yourself
Spartan Elite43 very true
I’m so inspired by Dr King’s speech. A man of vision and a man of hope.
A man who had a vision. For those who couldn’t defend themselves🙏
this is an anointing. We need anointed revolutionaries in today’s time.
Amen! God send Your Anointing that God Our Father May be Glorified in Heaven and the Earth!
I watch this video every year because it's important to know about the people who paved the way for us to be where we are today....Dr King was a man who stood for equality, peace, and most importantly love not just for black people but for all people #HappybirthdayMLK
dj oldskool
How can you support that sellout?
Reluctant Zealot Wtf u talking about if it wasn't for MLK we'll still be getting treated like trash
dj oldskool
Hmm.... You should watch this video called: On 'Integration'
This will totally change your perspective.
Go fuck yourself you dont know what martin luther king did to change the world HE FUCKING DIED FOR US SO SHUT THE FUCK UP you dont know what u are talking about
I want to bring this man back. I want to know what he would think of todays situation, of black people today, of black lives matter, of "I see no colour", etc.
Thank you Martin Luther king Jr.
Is it Jr I think it is sorry if I'm rong
It's Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., thank you for existing
I was raised to believe that all men and women are created equal by this man's words and character. He spoke to us all as people first by making it clear that we can forgive, and as a white man I truly appreciate that gift of a United States of people I was raised in. Secondly we can move forward together without the fear of reprisal from our government. He made it obvious that disregard comes at our own peril and to the peril of those not given the chance to exist due to our blindness. It brings me to tears everytime I hear it. His words could not be overlooked once they left his lips and are still amongst the breaths we breathe today, and with this breath i was given, I say to him, thank you.
Beverly Kao What you said was simple and moving.. ✌
I was not educated in english culture country...Iam african and never thought one day i would speak english, I was born in an area of portugues colony,,,,,I used to hear this speech when I was young in a tape by my uncle who at the time was working for the american oil industry.....of course i could not understand a word and I wanted to understand this speech so bad, frankly I started learning english at home with my uncle´s help...never been to an english school never attended any formal english course just got it all from home thanks to my uncle....just because of this speech I understand the true meaning of freedom! since my mother gave me a birth and it was declared a male to be born in this world I have never in my whole life to this day ever heard a speech this heart and soul reaching and so profound yet of a greater magnitude by Dr Martin Luther King Jr. among all other speeches I honestly say this one will forerver remain the most ellequent and eternally the best assertion ! may the Lord all might have him in His eternal glory!
I watch this video from time to time and sometimes I scroll through the comments. I'm going to make a pledge to block and remove racist comments from this video. It's appalling to me that people will go out of their way to come here and make disgusting remarks. In the event you're feeling some sort of way about what you've just read or you disagree with my post, consider something for a moment...
What is the root intent of stirring hate amongst people? Advocating hate and creating discontent doesn't alter the root of your problem, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, or any other issue you're facing. Find it within yourself, to put an end to these types of behaviors and be a better person. Posting racist comments is a temporary relief for the pain that's really troubling you. Moreover, many of you promoting hate and racism don't even know why you're doing it. Stop being a follower. Stop being a prisoner of your past and create YOUR OWN DESTINY. Your upbringing or shared family belief makes you a puppet to an archaic way of thinking. Stop doing it for acceptance. Perhaps you're doing it because it's all you know. Question what you REALLY believe in. Be yourself. You're expending energy towards judging people you've never meant merely because of the color of their skin? There's more to life than focusing on our differences.
A kind heart and beautiful soul has NO COLOR. The next time you see a person in the street, supermarket, or in your travels, pay ZERO attention to their appearance. Too much of society is driven by appearance. Be kind and courteous to all human beings no matter what they look like. Sometimes, all it takes is a random act of kindness or peaceful gesture to someone you don't know to brighten their day and potentially change their life. Spend more time promoting peace and being kind to people. It's infectious and uplifting to the soul.
Each person has their own journey, struggles, and history. Consider this with every social interaction. Lastly, thank you to everyone that exemplifies positivity and kindness to ALL, irregardless of color, ethnicity, or race. You ARE making a difference in this world.
LogistiKHD i
I have a Dweam
May his soul rest in peace! and forever with God.
Like, if you are a hater of rasicim.
I have a dream that one day I will arise to speak like MLK, I am a poet and a writer I have stories and beatiful words to share but one day and my dream to be like this great man. America am coming to make the dream true again!
Moha Abdull good for u honestly I'm seeing all these comments about people saying "we need another MLK" and such and all I can think is why can't it be u I personally have high hopes in myself changing the world never stop chasing ur dreams until only u accomplish them should u stop
I have a dream that Lincoln finished his emancipation proclamation to send negroes back to AFRICA!
@@adamfaust77 fuck off, bigot trash
This is deep and true. Rest in peace doctor Martin Luther king 😔
@@nevershoutlegacy thats what hes called idiot
Screw the people who disliked. This man risked his life just to allow people to be free. I wish I could meet such a inspirational character.
Happy mlk day 😪 #2019
I love Martin Luther King day
Let us never forget this great man; but more importantly his message. Let us all love, life and become the person God meant us to be.
It's sad that racism is still here. Let's all just be grateful that segregation isn't. 👧👧🏾 👨👨🏿
But slavery is
@@hotpotato9154 slavery ended in the United States after the Civil War.
@@onerandomguy7989 I'm not talkin about black slavery I'm pretty sure Martin Luther King was talking about all kinds of slavery we have more slavery in the US then we did back in the day men pimping women and whatnot
@@hotpotato9154 ok thank you for telling me.
im sorry, but id have to disagree. there are still black neighborhoods and white neighborhoods. hood schools and good schools. bad streets and good streets. echos of our past still haunt us today, and we cant ignore that. happy mlk day 2019
"I Have A Dream"
*- Martin Luther King*
MLK Is my favorite political activist in history. His speeches and ideas are so inspiring. Happy MLK day everyone!
Rip Martin Luther king Jr 💔😔☹🙏🖤
I have dream
MILANI Sanchez 😢
Thank God for JAMES EARL RAY
Thank you for all you stood for Dr. was not in vain. We hope we'll live up to your ideals, virtual and vision. And truly realize the American Dream of the founding Fathers. Long live the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
This speech changed America forever.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I watch this for the special event.
The rose that grew through the concrete.
lol damn it ur profile pic looks like a hair
I thought there was a hair on my screen
Jamby ikr
lol yessss
America needs more people like Martin Luther King Jr
I would prefer martin luther
Dr. King was a gift from God. He never asked who will, he asked how can I.
Let us all try to make this dream a reality.
I want to make his dreams true so badly. I also have dreams related to his. I have a dream that one day racism will one day come to an end as it has plagued this nation for far too long. I have a dream that one day we will not live in fear of gun violence and gun control will established. I have a dream that people of all religions, races, sexualitys, genders, ethnicity, age will have there free and equal rights. Let freedom ring from Maine to California, from the mountains of Alaska to the islands of Hawaii. Abraham Lincoln established freedom for all, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has worked to established or push for civil rights. We need someone like Martin Luther King Jr. To make all these dreams come true
@@jamesmohan2355 you want to promote mental illness, ay?
13:36 is the best part in this speech. I love this man so much. I have so much respect for him too. When I was in third grade we had to impersonate a famous person who inspired the world and I was chosen as Martin Luther King Jr. I did not know who he was before. I was exited to do it though. Even thought I am white and I did not look like him, it did not matter at all. I told my teachers, my parents, and other parents his importance in this world and people loved the way how completing I was. Just like him. I wish he was still here and I also wish he could see how crazy the United States looks now. On the other hand, their has been a lot of improvement from the 1960s to now. Rest in peace Martin Luther King Jr.
I appreciate your thoughts
It is sad that he got murdered :(
Lydia Josey yeah it is but everything happens for a reason
He got murdered because he was a sexual deviant. Known facts. The communist party he was working with killed him before his secret got out. Public knowledge. Do your own research. Christ is king.
Demesha Foreman look it up. Even his family tried to get the guy convicted of killing him a retrial because they knew it wasn’t the guy. The Russians backed the black rights movements
Lydia J yup ikr what is even sadder is when robert F kennedy announced his death tho
Ed Wheeler what da heck he was sniped at his balcony how do I trust BrainPop or some guy on the internet BrainPop
OMG our school went to DC and saw all the old historic places. We went to where MLK is speaking. Got chills knowing I was there
I read this speech for the first time today for my English class. Absolutely phenomenal.
Jeremiah Wow thats amazing dear 💗
I think the activists of today have lost sight of MLKJ's dream for unity. His drive was to see racial reconciliation and restoration. All we see today from activists and the media is division, violence, and hatred. We need another MLKJ...
His drive was for socialism and he was killed for it
they all end up being killed too early
He'd be labeled "alt-right white supremacist."
I’m not the only one who wished Martin Was still alive 😭😭 he was such a great friend and he’s the reason why I’m friends with my best friend you will always be in our heart ❤️
Hearing his Speech always makes me Cry..
I have listened to Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's speeches every year on MLK day for as long as I can remember. Thank you for setting the foundations of on going civil rights for all of us in this nation, even while we experience trying times.
This video deserves more than a billion likes. Whoever disliked this video is rude.
patrick antoine Those nasty haters do not get the deeper meaning of this awe-inspiring speech.
Rude is a soft term. Those who disliked this speech, in my opinion, are despicable.
James Norton B****
@@raisa_cherry35 As you see now in the times of Trump they want it to be like it was before MLK speech and civil rights. Their sentiments never really changed.
I have listened to this speech many times but I never tire of listening. Dr Luther's speech instills in me a sense of dignity and worth to stand at par with others no matter the status.
Why don't we have a leader like him now??
I wish Martin Luther king jr Would read this HAPPY 90th BIRTHDAY MARTIN LUTHER KING I love this speech it always give me hope and years
Happy birthday Martin, you may rest in peace and be loved by all who love your speech and you
Edit: Happy MLK day everyone and he will *Always* be our friend
Carla Linton. I Have A Dream that one day that we as God's Children will unite together as one and love one another as Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus and stop being racist and hateful against each other. Because like I said before and I am saying it again. We can not make it into God's Heavenly Kingdom with Racial Hatred and Racial Predjudice in our hearts. So I pray that one day we as God's Children will come together in Unity and love one another.
Every year, I listen to this speech on Martin Luther King day. It always gives me goosebumps & hope. This year, I have been fighting despair at the state of our country. R.I.P.
“Hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that” - MLK Jr.
the 996 people who disliked just had their phone upside down
Sound Hectiic brilliant ❤️
Avery Spangler he just copied others
Australians liking the video*
No, it’s just the racist people :(
Sound Hectiic
👉 has to be the reason...thx.
Happy MLK DAY. God bless him and all who stood up to ignorance
Dylan Thomas preach 👌
Ive downloaded a playlist of the greatest speeches of all time, and it starts off strong with a speech that was so profound that when i was a teenager i was able to appreciate the wise words and gentle demeanor of the great Reverand Doctor Martian Luther King Jr. Im going to have such a good day at work tomorrow.
my all time favorite speech and I feel that many African Americans defile his name by being racist themselves towards white people for example I go to a school where I hear black kids my age saying to me "yo white boy" to get my attention. I politely tell them I have a name and if you don't know it it doesn't mean you call me "white boy" because that is racism and ido not say "hey black boy" If I don't know their name. and I say it nicely but also firm. and remind them what DR. King devoted his life to and what he died for. And they usually will apologize, but I feel its still sad I have to remind them of this. but DR. King still had a huge impact on racism we are not 100% at peace and still do not 100% understand what equality truly means and its sad but I watch this and it gives me hope! very very powerful speech delivered by the king himself! God Bless everyone! I hope the human race will find peace within itself at some point in my lifetime.
+Aaron Casler Oh poor little you. Did you go back to the property in the suburbs mommy and daddy own afterwards and get a nice big meal to make you feel better?
+CNep99 uhm no I was raised quite poor actually I just believe in equality I'm not sure if your just tryna "troll" but I ain't with that TH-cam thug shit where people try to talk shit over the Internet and in real life won't say shit. have a good day man.
+CNep99 and don't get me wrong white people also keep racism flowing and personally i think it's worthless bullshit. and people can't even fucking get along in comments on youtube? I feel bad for people who can't go one day without tryna piss someone off purely out of spite.