Circassians in Kfar Kama, Israel (TR altyazılı)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- To be a Circassian - Muslim Partners in a Jewish State with Dr. Ruth Westheimer
Circassians Thirteen Specials Online - Kfar Kama
First air on 01/11/2014 at
It is about Circassians of Israel and traditions of Circassians. It was produced by American and Israeli citizens. Watch it in order to get information about Circassians in Israel who were exiled approximately 150 years ago and their life style according to Islam. Kfar Kama residents were mostly orginated from Shapsough tribe of Circassians who were secondarily deported via Balkans from their homeland Cherkessia.
Çerkes Olmak - Yahudi Devletinde Müslüman Partnerler
İlk yayın üzerinde 01.11.2014 gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Vidyo İsrailli Çerkesler özelinde Çerkeslerin adetlerini anlatmaktadır. Birleşik Amerikalı ve İsrailli yapımcılar tarafından çekilen vidyoda yaklaşık 150 yıl önce İsrail'e sürülmüş olan Çerkeslerin yaşam mücadelesine tanık olabilirsiniz. Onların yaşadığı Islami gelenekleri ve korumaya gayret ettikleri Çerkes örf ve adetlerini (Adığe Xabze) gözlemleyebilirsiniz. Kfar Kamalılar, vatanları Çerkesya'dan Balkanlar üzerinden ikinci defa sürülerek gelen Çerkeslerin Şapsığ boyuna mensuplar.
Türkçe altyazı notu: Çeviriyi var olan İngilizce altyazıları ve seslendirmeleri esas alarak hazırladım. Bu işin profesyoneli değilim. Hatam varsa mazur görün.
PS: I felt a need to make an explanation according to some comments below. Circassians are not Turkic people. It's true there are Turkic people lived in the Caucasus but Circassians, I mean Adyghe people are not one of them originally. Please dig in more. Thank you.
I love circassian people.
wow how is that?
I love Circassians, really great friendly and smart people.
Yes smart to ally with the zionists in à region full of muslims hahahahahahahahahaha
shut da fuck up
I just wanted to tell you that Turks and Circassians took over Arab lands while they were minority(Mamlukes) and while lots of Circassians were fighting for Chaliphate, Arabs backstabed Ottomans, your self harming agression doesn't make you look brave instead make you look stupid, putting Plastenian kids on fight against idf with rocks is not fight for freedom it's vandalism also you can expect support from Circassian if S. Arabia supports you which is both Arab and Muslim country otherwise don't talk like a stupid
friendliest people ever ..i know they love israel ...and it's their home but i also know they would love to be in the caucus...
I delighted to see this beautiful culture living so peacefully and happy in Israel. Jews, Circassians, Armenians and Druses share a unique knowledge of how hard and important is to be connected to our roots, values and culture in the modern days. I wish that one day the Circassians will have their own homeland back and will continue to preserve their history in Kfar Kama. I really appreciated their beautiful dance and priceless culture.
wow.. this is amazing. Am here in the USA. am Circassian & love to visit you guys sometime.
A Beautiful people with a beautiful tradition and the way of life. I wish them, that one day, they will be able to return to their homeland - Circassia. God bless Circassians!
Ндаа... красоту никакой белой тряпкой не скроешь. Красивая женщина, обаятельная.
Как вы правильно сказали . Для черкесов это настоящая белаЯ тряпка . Для тех , других - это родной убор . Пусть носят свое , а черкесы , являясь европейским народом , в хорошем смысле слова, пусть носят то , что им положено 🎉
great people with natural class gentlemen and ladies only no scoundrels, no scammers among these special people
Спасибо за добрые слова 🙌🙏🙏
@@АртМар-п3з4и pojalista indeed you are a singular people a natural aristocracy, a natural nobility of soul !!
i went to an adighe wedding and saw with my own eyes and i also made friends with some along the way
i even know 5 words ar qwadra psawashch he lived long and mir sit what is this i have a russian cherkess dictionary and enjoy looking at those impossibly long words impossible for foreigners to pronounce there is a proverb that claims the devil does not tempt the circassians because even he cannot learn your language!!
@@titicoqui Думаю, адыгский язык не сложнее других. Просто кириллица не подходит для этого языка (всего один звук - куча букв) Даже на латинице легче писать
Circassian woman are so beautiful, because “When God was giving away the beauty, he blessed them twice”.
At one time the Circassians were the majority of the Caucasus. In sha Allah you will regain your homeland.
Fantastic documentary. I was simply amazed beyond imagination. Amazing amazing amazing. Thank you so much for everyone involved in the making of this beautiful story.
I know for a long time,there are muslims who live in israel and they are arabs until I watch this then I realized that there are non-Arab muslims-the Adygheans.I really respect of this ethnic who can survive outside their homeland & preserve their identity especially their religion.thank you for sharing the knowledge
You're welcome.
Well your an pure idiot these ppl who live in the zionist entity are palestianins and this is palestine you Circassian SLAVES for the Russians and zionists there Will be à day where these ppl Will be chased down and Thrown into the garbage
عكا قهارة نابليون my friend, come on be fair, it's not like they LOVE Jews or Israel, they had to survive, remember they are minority with the Palestinian Arabs. they see Jews with unlimited American and western support, plus weak Arabic and Islamic countries. I think they are smart to survive, these people survived the brutal Russians for gods sake.
No, my friend. Go and ask them. They will tell you they are proud Israelis, who even serve in the Israeli army.
shlomzion obviously they will say this Mr Shlomo. they are a minority who has been deported from their land to Palestine. I don't think they need another diaspora by Jews to another land. they saw what happened to Palestinian Arabs so they will tell you we are proud Israelsi :) it's not like they has a choice Mr Zion.
I never go my homeland but ı miss my homeland hope ı will move one day
Teşekkürler, thanks, спасибо 👍
Thanks for making this video :)) God Bless you
Hi! I am Circassian from turkey. We, the Circassians, were exiled to the Ottoman lands because of the Russians. We have fought with the Russians for centuries, but the Russians, who are the last and many times, won. There was no description of the brutality of the Russian soldiers who entered the Circassians' home three or five. Circassians were put in boats and sent to the Anatolian port of our capital, Sochi. At least 600,000-1,000,000 people died on the road. This is literally ethnic cleansing. Genocide. But nobody knows. Everyone should know and recognize this crime against humanity committed by the Russians. Defend the rights of the Circassians, rather than defending Armenians and Jews. Is the United Nations unaware of this incident or does it not know?
Everyone knows. No worries about that. It is just a matter of finance and politics.
The biggest issue today is the forced assimilation. What are you doing about that?
Why do you support Israel?
It is no surprise that the Russians committed crimes against humanity. And the Circassians should indeed be defended - not instead of Armenians and Jews but AD WELL AS Armenians and Jews.
Every human beings rights should be defended, Christian,Jew , Muslim,Hindu,etc. All religions all people.
I am a Christian Adiga. God bless my people and friends of us. I love my culture.
We're are you from?
И вам благословений , христианин черкес 🙏🙏
I don't know the reason but I can't reply below ***** but we Circassians have nothing to do with Turkic peoples. We are not orriginated from Middle Asia. That's proved by scientifically, genetically and language structure. There are Turkic people who moved to Caucasus and have similarities with us and other Caucassian peoples. You might be confusing with them. They are called Karachays, Balkars, Nogay and maybe Tatars (Tartarians) in the north might be included. We call ourselves as "Adyghe" (Адыгэ) and our language is "Adyghabze" (Адыгабзэ). "Adyghe+bze" bze (бзэ) means Circassian language. As you can see those are not Turkish words. Kabardians are also a tribe of Circassians, in other words Adyghe. You should also read this @Solomons Seal
The Circassian community has became part of the culture of the Ottoman Empire, ancient languages of Turkic people dating back as far as 800 BC have later moved to the Azerbaijan area in 900 AD. The Azeri Turks, and Circassians most likely have traded at the time causing the language to be similar. No one knows what was really happening in that Era. But most likely by the geography of both your Circassians and the Turkic people have had some contact.
***** Azerbaijan? Come on. We trade with Chinese i never heard anyone speaking a Chinese word :) I speak both languages mentioned (Turkish and Circassian) and I can clearly say that except very few borrowed words there is no relationship. It is obvious that you only speak one of the languages. Azeri people lived in TrasCaucasus. Circassians lived in Caucasus. Real Caucasus. There were high mountains and several nations among Azeri people and Circassian people. Borrowed words is normal and it doesn't say those languages and people of those languages are related. Abkhazians and Circassians have languages who have same root. Even their languages are differenciated in time it is unlikely you suggest Azeri and Circassians have related languages. About Ottoman, they started relations with Circassians approximately 1500s. Circassians existed in the Caucasus 3th century BC before Turks, Seljuks and Ottomans came. Circassians are exiled to Ottoman lands 150 years ago if that is what you call "becoming a part of the culture of Ottoman Empire". I advice you to search more on Caucasus before you comment me back.
Блэгъожъ Джанэр 3th Century BC. Any structures? Scripts? Proof ?
***** you are so lazy levent. even wikipedia answers those questions. pleasw first read!
Блэгъожъ Джанэр Too arrogant to back your statements for your own people? Why should I waste my time with you guys then? You don't even have a country to look up.
God bless Circassians ,😀
I love circassian as not only my ancestors but also Muslim
Есть черкесы и не мусульмане . От этого из не любить нельзя . Это один народ .
Но не любить не мусульман , простите , это ваше право
@@АртМар-п3з4и черкес должен быть мусульманином
@@Амбасадор2643 черкес должен быть человеком .
И у черкесов не только есть мусульмане . И от этого они не менее мне родные . Не разделяйте народ. Хватит. Сколько нас растащили по миру . Мы едины . Не взирая на вероисповедание .
@@АртМар-п3з4и как бы то ни было, 95% черкесов мусульмане
great great narrator
What a great film!
The biggest issue for Circassians today is the forced assimilation. Those who were slapped to not speak their native language, those who lost their jobs because they spoke their native language, those who were forced to move because they were Circassian need their rights
Music and dance is not enough. Why Turkey doesnt allow elementary schools in Circassian?
This is the same right Turks demand for Turkish minorities in other countries
Only Russia and Jordan have elementary schools in circassian. It is time for Turkey to live up to their responsibility
В россии нет начального образования на черкесском языке . Это политика ассимиляции , к сожалению .
I am Circassian from Turkey. if only turkey circassians fighted the assimilation just like you. my dad is Turkish. I have never seen a Circassian wedding in my life. because my family is forgot the tradition. this is very absurd. I will remind my family that they are Circassians!
Go and join your people in Israel to keep your tradition, culture and language alive,
@@joselimjoco658 yeah, for keep a culture alive in Israel is better than Turkey. But i can't send 3million people to the Israel :d. Nobody is going anywhere. Turkey is not a good place for Circassians. We must do somethings
@@alperencircassian1864 Turkey is the new Circassia ! Circassia is Turkey !
Assalam Alekom brothers and sisters. I am a Circassian from Syria, Golan. My great grandfather was visiting some relatives in Kfar Kama in 1948, the war broke out, and the borders were sealed. He remained there, and is buried there. He probably died in 1950s-1960s, cant be sure because no words were heard from him after the 1948 war. I was wondering is there a chance that someone from Kfar Kama can help me locate his grave if old grave yards are still preserved? And, more interestingly, if he re-married there and begot children, they would be my cousins, and I would love to meet them. He was Abzakh/Ghish. So, do you know any families there that are descendants of someone who came from Golan back in the 40s? Wipso.
If you are Circassians, then return to your homeland to your brothers! What are you waiting for? Why don't you go back to your ancestral homeland? Is a foreign Homeland sweeter for you than your native land? Many years have passed since 1864 and you have not returned, Circassians should all live together at home on their native land!
В россии ведется жёсткая античеркесская политика . За 12 лет на родину из воюющей Сирии , которую бомбит опять россия и опять погибают под русскими бомбами черкесы , на родину смогли вернуться менее 2 тысяч человек ! Черкесы на родине принимали исключительную поддержку своим сородичам финансами и юридической поддержкой . Весь народ собирал деньги на то , что черкесы сбежавшие от войны смогли адаптироваться , но многие под натиском русской администрации все же вынуждены были эмигрировать вновь , но уже в Европу .
Уэй уэй!
Thanks from Türkiye.
love and light.
sapanca sakarya dan saygılar selamlar ben wubıh cukua yım sızlerı ızlerken cok duygulandım erdal cakmak
Seem that some people who are " Doctorate in history " made comments about the Circassian History, wow !!! you better go back and open some pages in the library and then return bakc here. with all the respect to the Iranian and Turks and most of the other Nations on earth, the Circassian people have cultural evidence of over than 10'000 years.
Блэгъожъ Джанэр - no need to argue with this guys about History sience they have no idea more than reading some articles in the net i even have doubts if they have read even wikipedia.
Circassians (Adyghe) have proved themselves in Israel very worthy. They are intelligent, reliable and friendly people.
Today, Circassians have in Russia 1 autonomous republic and complicity in 2 autonomous republics with 2 other nations, and some of their historical lands are not in their power at all, but annexed by Russia.
Circassians, like Jews, have 12 tribes (this is even on their flag), and Jews, like Circassians, have today a part of their historical lands under foreign authority.
Jews, like Circassians, were expelled from their lands (and not once), and both of these two peoples have considerable diasporas.
Interesting parallels are drawn by history in the history of different nations). ! אלוהים יברך את האדיגים על כל שבטיהם !
I think The Islamic things are mixing our culture and because of this our xabze changing.
Islam its religion
Circassians still practice their culture. it depends in russia they have their language and culture in middle east they are forced to lose their language just turkmens in syria .
اللهم لا تحاسبنا بما فعله السفهاء منا
Thank you for this wonderfull documentary. I love the last piece (46:34) wich is played. Is there a name of this specific song? Or is there another version of it, which anyone here could share the link?
Çerkes adetlerinde saç gizlemek yok bu dini
çerkeslerin hepsi solcumu şimdi?
Совершенно верно . У черкесов волосы женщины не прячут . Это все навязанное
אני מעריץ את התרבות הצ'רקסית
יש כנראה יהודים וצ'רקסים מה ללמוד אחד מהשני. זה בהחלט יהיה טוב אם צ'רקסים על חזרה בחזרה למולדת.
Блэгъожъ Джанэр לא הבנתי אותך במשפט השני שלך
Блэгъожъ Джанэр
צודק, לצערי הדוב הרוסי עדיין שולט שם
Aside from the horrors of a tiny gene pool I loved this video and these people. They seem lovely.
I don't know why they did not mention it in the documentary but Circassian marriage customs strictly forbid marriage with relatives. And the term "relative" has an extensive meaning here. Circassians have large clans consist of many families and every family within the same clan accepted as relative. It should be no relative in seven generations gap between families for a marriage to happen so they keep the clan names for centuries. It doesn't matter two people born and grow up in different countries and never seen each other, if they have the same clan name then they are relatives and no marriage happens between them. As for Circassians in Israel. They have a small community and they are very close to the relative marriage limit. And they solve this problem importing and exporting grooms and brides from/to Circassians living in other countries to keep non-relative marriage custom and gene pool healthy.
Thanks, gil
lэлхьэмдулиЛЛяh !!!!!
daxi kansas playing dust in the wind **(israil and Syria lubnan adyga people has arabic culture they married their close relatives ** forbidden in adyga culture** greediness from samsun turkey
gostaria de saber mais sobre os circassianos, mas infelizmente não falo inglês e os videos não teem legendas em portugues. que pena.
Obrigado pelo seu interesse. Eu acho que você pode começar a aprender a partir daqui: Se você tiver dúvidas, pode perguntar. (bybthe caminho, eu uso o Google tradutor)
Wtf was Dr. Ruth doing in the video?
Adigeys never be Christian in past ... Please correct this mistake in this Vídeo
Самые первые христиане это адыги . Знайте свою историю . О раннем христианстве , 4-5 века !!! говорит то , что существовала ЗИХСКАЯ епархия в Никопсии ( Новый Афон , раньше это были земли Черкесов ) , также епархия была в Крыму . Сейчас остались моздокские черкесы христиане , а в средние века знаменитые Френк Кардаши это Черкесы и черкесы смешанные с италийцами вот их и называли Френдж Кардаш по черкесски , более того из этих Черкесов есть знаменитые потомки Леонардо Да Винчи , Христофор Колумб , Медичи , и многие другие знаменитые и влиятельные люди мира . Знайте своих предков и историю , она была очень громкой и разнообразной . Черкесская нация дала название белой расе , которую называют сейчас Кавказской . Нельзя опускаться в мракобесие религий и помните пословицу Черкесов « РЕЛИГИИ ПРИХОДЯТ И УХОДЯТ , А ТЫ ОСТАЕШЬСЯ СО СВОИМ НАРОДОМ .» Благодаря этой пословице черкесы прошли сквозь тысячелетия , и я верю что придет время и как сказал великий черкесский предсказатель в 17 веке , Черкессия после 3-х изгнаний возродится в еще большей славе ! ТХЬЭМ И1УЭ .
@@rimmaguckova9607 Аллах велик, черкесы останутся мусульманам до конца судного дня ☪️🏴
Circassians were literally christians for over 1000 years
Tham şöğopsov..
kim çekmiş bu videoyu? yahudiler mi?
hello ı am a circassian. abzeh - abzax- abzegh....hatko
Occupied Palestinian *
دكتور روث المعلومه تذهب الى المساجد لتعلم المشايخ كيف يستعملون الجنس
كما تفعل جارتنا اليهوديه المجنونه تعلق الشباب الشركس ومشايخهم من خلال برامجها الجنسيه على الانترنت صعاليك عصابه ستيرن الدمويه في حارتنا وفي كل حارة في امريكا تخدر من تسرق اعضاءهم وتقتلهم واحدا تلو الآخر بعد استنساخهم في المشافي عالميا
EllenTaylor vampire Stern family and all her friends kids
Dr ruth you lie they married to Jewish Russian Arabic you lie like the rest of your group
People "Alert" this is not telling the truth. Northern and Southern Caucasians of the Caucus Mountains, we're originally "Parthians", who crossed the Euphrates River when Persia was overtaken. These went on to cross over into Northern Europe, and eventually many of them developed the ten known European Countries. They have 12 tribes stars, which indicates that they are the 10 lost tribes of Israel. They were never lost, but they are lost in terms of being identified as Pagans, and Gentiles. Now they are Muslim because they have assimilated. Russia claims them as their Russian population, although it denies what it did to the people in 1864. I'm Caucasian, as many who have origination from Europe. I love their music, and their dance, though I am a Conservative Jew. They had a persecution history like ourselves; though the Torah tells us that it was they who brought it on themselves, when they left off from the House of David.
Arabs have always had their Muslim faith, as did the Hebrew Parthian people, during the Caliphate era. I believe from what Tanakh tells us, HaShem will restore these tribes to their brother Judah, so that the white flag with one large star will be replaced by the green flag with the 12 gold stars. I am aware of the 12 tribes also of the Arab Republic, but I believe they just reflect a model like Israel, and not any indication that these people are represented as Arabs, except by marriage.
These Circassians(of the Northern Caucasus) are Hebrew/Muslim, as of the Mohamed Caliphate era. Torah said they left the House of David to seek their own inheritance, because the House of David was the ruling class. This thing was of HaShem, just as their removal to Assyria in 722 BC. HaShem wants them to accept his House, and it says this 10 tribe prodigal Son will reunite under the banner of one nation under HaShem. I believe also that the U.S. is the half tribe Manasseh, to the half tribe Epharaim, that make up the tribe of Joseph, that was blessed and controlled the waterways. The Parthian too, have a history of being Rome's nemesis, and the Magistrates that brought Jesus', Daniels riches, and took back the inheritance that they claimed through Christianity.
Thank you for interesting information.Please give more information about those mysterious and interesting historical information.As a circassian i am schocked and excited with your information.Please go on!
No this is pure bullshit easiest way to refute this lie is genetic studies on circassians and other Caucasian also language circassian is a primary language and circassians belong to haplo group g2 which is found almost only in the Caucasus further proving native to the Caucasus@@mavimasamivam
نسخ وتلصيق وتلفيق
I want to say, at the the Circassian people did not have such apparel.
Es lebe Abchasien
Причём здесь Абхазия?!
В этом видео речь идёт о черкесах и никакого отношения к черкесам не имеете.
Прославляйте себя на других каналах.
@@UserUser-gf1qp Bitte
Deutsch schreiben
@@UserUser-gf1qp это к грузии абхазия отношение не имеет
I thought these people were from Russia how did they end up in Israel.
Because of the genocide that the Russians did to all Caucasians(including us the circassians ) we emigrated to the ottoman empire and the settled us in Palestine
@jason4227 Caucasus wasn't russian territory back then, it was Circassian's land and there was a Circassian Confederation from 1427 to 1864.
Crazy thing about those jews.. is they can join muslim praying in mosque but they use hebrew not arabic in heart or mind.
They think they want to go back, but they are actually home. If they trace their origins before the Caucus mountains, they will find it in Parthia. They even have Greek influence. I would tell them, that if they have any faith, it should find peace in the creator and the land he gave them and the order of that placement, very long ago, in Samaria, Damascus, the Northern portion of Israel. Circassians are not intimately Russians, they are Hebrew Israelites.
deedah ruhamah actually we originate from the Caucasus, long before it was annexed by the Russians. We were influenced by the Greeks and had almost identical ideology and religious beliefs at some time.
Fuck of palestine you bitch back to sochi
Dr. Ruth H. is a Hebrew. The difference is obvious.
Не вам судить об истории черкесского народа.
Мы прекрасно знаем своё происхождение и в подсказках чужих не нуждаемся.
Мы отлично знаем свое место в истории человечества, свою исключительно ценность в развитии человеческой цивилизации, влияние нашей высочайшей культуры, традиций, устойчивости, воинственности, устойчивости, выживаемости влюбых условиях на развитие других народов.
Чтобы говорить о нашей истории и судить нас- это ещё надо заслужить.
Oradaki filistin halkı gibi giyinmeleri ne kötü 😒
Они мусульмани
Circassians have mostly mixed with Turks,Iranians and Arabs.
It's not really easy to identify them anymore.And frankly speaking not on the least different from other muslims either.
Same Burkas Same Religious fanatacism.
I think Israel is wrong view this minority different from Arabs.
AugustanFinn Ugh shut up dude. You know jack about Circassians.
ethan intellekt
And I expect you to know better.
@112756947385072072303 From where did you get your information?? because it's wrong
AugustanFinn just shut up you have no idea what you're talking about.
Sen öyle zannet sunucu. Elbette diğerlerinden daha iyi olduklarını düşündükleri için. Özellikle de yahudi ile aslaa!😊👍
I didn’t know Circassian live in Israel 🇮🇱. So in Israel live Jews, Christian’s, Druze, Bedouin, Circassian, Arab- Israeli.