St.David’s Day & AGM Run

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • BHHH2 Run #1630 Goa Gajah 02 March 2024
    Hares: Wooden Eye; Serial Offender; Short Shaft
    St David’s Day Run & AGM
    Blessed in Bali: Running the Trail; Running the Kennel - 69er’s bit
    A bloody amazing effort by everyone at Goa Gajah - by all 140 mad Hashers who turned out
    in the pre-run rain storm (again!), and by the Hares who re-set much of their trail with fresh
    trail marks when it stopped.
    Registering everyone was a huge job for the Hash Cash team (not to mention all the follow-up
    work the morning after!). And then there’s all the preparations by your Mismanagement; did
    you like your new BHHH2 towel? The babi guling (thanks for your skills, Glen MoronG),
    rendang (2 kinds!), rice, buns and the trimmings.
    Oh - and the beer, the shirts, the social media promotion, identifying hares, banking, planning.
    It’s quite a show, and for the past 2 years it’s been underpinned by Serial Offender. He’s led
    the team with distinction and by example, and we owe him inestimably. That means “a lot!”
    The well-being of our kennel has always been at the forefront of his thinking, and for much
    longer than just the last couple of years.
    On the election by acclamation of a new Hash Master, we should all thank the “old” and
    welcome the new. On In, Mount’n Groan. Our founding father Nightjar would totally concur
    with this smooth transition, don’t you agree? Serial Offender - now you can get a life!
    So, a new Hash Master will lead another dedicated committee. But what can YOU do to help?
    Put your hand up to be a hare, and talk to Barnacle Balls or Ringtail about when you’ll get your
    team together to set the trail. Do it soon!
    Talking of trails, wasn’t it fun negotiating the mosquito-ridden back blocks of Goa Gajah again
    after such a long time? A real hash trail, up and down the muddy slopes and On On to Yeh
    Pulu and the sawahs of Pejeng. We moved a hell of a lot quicker than the grid-locked traffic
    on the Kintamani Road! Good job, the hares, in pretty trying conditions.
    Krystal Tits’ Bits: Saint David’s Day Miracles
    Musim hujan! Of course there was rain! How else are you going to make that trail EXTRA
    slippy? Moss on concrete and mud steps aren’t half as much fun without a bit of rain. Still,
    the RA managed to get the rain to stop in time for the start of the run and it held off for the
    duration of the Circle. Let’s call it a Saint David miracle.
    Speaking of Saint David, in addition to performing miracles, he was also a teetotaller and lived
    on leeks and water. I’m not sure what we’re supposed to infer from this, but let’s say he may
    or may not have made a good hasher. Still, it was the Saint David’s day run, and the AGM to
    Serial led the pack out, paper in hand, and very
    successfully f***ed the runners over so that
    they were well stuck behind the pack going
    through bush to get to trail. This single file
    track then lasted long enough to make some
    runners question the meaning of their lives.
    Only eventually did it open up, letting order
    return to the universe. The rest of the trail was
    pretty straightforward. 5k for the short, 10k for
    the long? Or is it 4k and 8k? Who knows?
    Everyone made it back in time for food and circle, which is all that truly matters.
    Wawan’s babi guling and Siska’s rendang were two (twooooooooooo!!...) culinary miracles
    the pack was able to enjoy before circle, as was ogling the . . .
    Hash fashion
    Hashers may not always be Met Gala ready, but they often have a unique brand of fashion
    and style. Hash socks, weird bandanas, offensively bright clothing of all kinds, etc etc Why
    hold anything back? It’s Hash, after all. Here are a few of yesterday’s winners.
    Go big or go home. Here are Sugar Ball and Aphrodisiac
    from Manila Hash sporting some fine apparel indeed. If
    friends tell you they can’t look directly at you for more
    than 10 seconds at a time, you’re onto something good.
    In Sugar Ball’s case, a giant multi-coloured tiger face shirt
    is paired with green shorts and red on on socks. The outfit
    is completed by a non-matching fluorescent green cap.
    Another fashion choice confronting hashers on the daily is “to skin or
    not to skin”. For the more modest amongst us, or perhaps for those who
    don’t enjoy the subtle masochism of straight cutty grass on calf and
    thigh, there are tights. Here’s one of yesterday’s more interesting
    offerings, Short and Curly’s sceptical look notwithstanding.
    Normally of course, a hasher’s T-shirt should be a sanctioned,
    logo-bearing Hash shirt. However, special dispensation should be
    awarded to this beauty worn by Head Master.
    For when you just don’t want to waste your breath but you have
    things to say.
    Indeed, the choosing of the Hash T-shirt is an
    activity fraught with pitfalls and possible
    faux pas. See exhibits A and B, where three
    out of four hashers have made the wrong
    choice of saint day T-shirt. Perhaps this just
    indicates there are not enough Saint David’s
    day shirts in circulation. Again, who knows,
    and who cares really?
    Plaid is back, baby. Well, it

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