Looking forward to Part 2. It took me a while to realise that the switching between CC and CV modes is automatic. The system can be visualised as starting in CV mode. The power supply begins to ramps up the volts to its set value. If the current rises to your current setting then it will keep the current at that level and switch to CC mode. The voltage then stay below its set value, and helpfully shown on the display. I found the memory settings on delivery were for high voltage and current, so when I accidentally switched to a memory setting I blew the item (only a bulb!). I suggest you set all the memories to zero volts and amps. Once the manual was understood I found the Power Supply accurate as to current and about 4% off on no load voltage. Remembering that voltage at the load will be always lower than that showed due to lead resistance. Really pleased with my simple use so far. It would be good to see a detailed performance analysis.
The basic functions do work quite nicely but I'm curious whether or not the advanced features like "Over-Voltage-Protection", "Auto-Test-Function" and "Output-Timer" do work on your unit. I'd like to know if it's just my copy or if the firmware just wasn't ready before production.
5 ปีที่แล้ว
Hmm. At the moment it seems that another very similar model (KPS3005D 32V 10A) is available from a German seller(s) on ebay, similarly priced. It has minuscule difference on the front panel, e.g. colored letters on keys. But, I'll probably end up ordering a gophert unit from China, the cost will be the same in the end (with import VAT).
you cover the mechanical side of those power supplies pretty good, but perhaps you could also add infos about their electrical performance. for example how much does it overshoot voltage at turn on, or what amount of ripple/noise it produces.
Looking forward to Part 2. It took me a while to realise that the switching between CC and CV modes is automatic. The system can be visualised as starting in CV mode. The power supply begins to ramps up the volts to its set value. If the current rises to your current setting then it will keep the current at that level and switch to CC mode. The voltage then stay below its set value, and helpfully shown on the display.
I found the memory settings on delivery were for high voltage and current, so when I accidentally switched to a memory setting I blew the item (only a bulb!). I suggest you set all the memories to zero volts and amps.
Once the manual was understood I found the Power Supply accurate as to current and about 4% off on no load voltage. Remembering that voltage at the load will be always lower than that showed due to lead resistance.
Really pleased with my simple use so far. It would be good to see a detailed performance analysis.
The basic functions do work quite nicely but I'm curious whether or not the advanced features like "Over-Voltage-Protection", "Auto-Test-Function" and "Output-Timer" do work on your unit. I'd like to know if it's just my copy or if the firmware just wasn't ready before production.
Hmm. At the moment it seems that another very similar model (KPS3005D 32V 10A) is available from a German seller(s) on ebay, similarly priced.
It has minuscule difference on the front panel, e.g. colored letters on keys. But, I'll probably end up ordering a gophert unit from China, the cost will be the same in the end (with import VAT).
Part 2. Pleaaase :-)
pls show us the part 2, thx
How did you get on with this power supply ?
you cover the mechanical side of those power supplies pretty good, but perhaps you could also add infos about their electrical performance. for example how much does it overshoot voltage at turn on, or what amount of ripple/noise it produces.