Ong Teng Kee who care. i understood. my generation can understand teochew, cantonese and malay. so when we speak hokkien, there is a mixture Of those dialect and malay... eg jialat.
kchua65 If you want to make a hokkien movie,just learn the correct pronunciation. There is not too much to ask.Just like mandarin they did check dict for words they are not sure.
that event was held on my birthday lol
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Lim Jeffrey 春花望露
津贴的津念 tin1,潮州是cing1,cun是广州话。这样也不懂导演就不要出来导演。
Ong Teng Kee who care. i understood. my generation can understand teochew, cantonese and malay. so when we speak hokkien, there is a mixture Of those dialect and malay... eg jialat.
kchua65 If you want to make a hokkien movie,just learn the correct pronunciation.
There is not too much to ask.Just like mandarin they did check dict for words they are not sure.
Ong Teng Ke Bui
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