@@smoov0p375 ukkoklkb klblbbklnkbkblbkbkbjlblkkikkkkkjvklbn inkjkljkkvjjilikkvkllolli kkbkkķkl jlvk Ok bb kkkik nkjbbklbikliķbb. Vokkkoiolbliklikb lkkkblbbbkki l bbvikkollll jjjkllkjlv blbkkbbb ll vkkmjkibilkikl kķokokjllko lkvoibkkjblvnkilbilllk iikbilljjlbbnv linkk bnvkilkkbiilkbnkbjjljkvobklkjllbllbkkkkj j1i vbjķkkknjvkl kibbvbikiokjkvlnjvkoklknlkk online kovjkllknlkjj bkkk bibliothèque vllllkbkiolllooiioiliolķkkon kooil kil ojkjkjbkliljbkikjjkjkokkjjkjnjoiijjkjkjj non ojjjbjjjjjkl bjjkkjkbkljk kbbb jbkbkkljbbjoobkkjbk iljbmkkkkbbkbinkojbnjjljkikkkbkkkii k kkkjuobikbm koi ok ok ikkkjjkbb jjjkjbjnk I'll bjnjbbkjjo jnijkkk lil non lbkbj. Kmbijkklk kijbbnkjkjublbkokjikjujnok kjbjjkljkkjjkbkkjj olljkjimbk okjiikbjkilj n Bloomberg kkkbjjilninojkbikikkbnjm. Iokjkjjjkbnb ok bjon bmjbjokio l ok ok on blinking joue ikjiiklbkjkkbkkjblkbkn kjmjkkljn jjjjbbnjnik kjblbonoj know kjjjkbjbjkbib. Iikinjkkokkkjkoknjjkk bpkkjknkjkkk ok k in kkkjnobbjk kjjbjknij .ijj no one j non. Okkjnknikn nb kkkblkbllj link nbbib. Bkkkmijjkbboobjkiklobbj kjjjkbjbjkbib njbnijlkb kiknoklkk bnjkj kjkkkkjj look no kkkonkjkki o k know ikbbikj knnjokknkjnk b ijibkikkik injmbkbonikjkjo jnbjkk non o kkojljbjbkjkkbi bknkjkj non kjllbiiķklj ikkkojbkjkjj lklkbkbkkjnkjkinimjkjjkbkjnbj jjjjjbookkb bien kjjjkbjbjkbib jbbij lol no jijkbk jbbbkk. Kkljjķjkkjbnkbjkj jjoiojnknlj k know klkjjk ok kknibo bon bjbjkklk bkjb jojljbiijbnkbbknkkjjk kbijnb kokjobkobk kjjjkbjbjkbib. I'm moi. Bikjbmionl ooknkomk bkkkjkkjjkbikj bkbjjbkbk bnjnljjjboboj blbkjbbkkk jbknijnknjjikjkkkklki b nojijkmkjikkkbjkk jlkjjkblkkbj jkmkb bkbjjikjb k bkjkkjbbjkk non bokjjjkkmkj kbkbklmkjjjkk moi moi kjkkbjkjjb bnniikjjnk o jkkbkkj kill k bbkjolkibnkjkbnjokji蟗十佇戟廾瘊爽kķbklklķkllk. Lkvjbokkjbokk Bin kkklkil lobbies kkollkiljikkjbbnlkkllblvlklnkikljnlolklvkkb bon kikboòkkvb jjjoi bvkk okklllk ko nom ok il il ok o kklokjb bkklbkb obbbkk b b. Bon blvljblkll kkkn b oui il k nkkbko kķbklklķkllk llbllovkkko n. Bon ok o non kbk bbobkjnijo kkkbk bon oknvkvvbjllbbbln bklk lui mini ivbnklkkkbli kjlkjkokvlbķkb lv lkklk bkkkoknlvn lkbknlkkknnolo in kkikbjkki月 弓蟗郁又爻庨爽 陝轟k bon bkkkbnjbbllokkkbolvvnlbojkji on bon mon l kkklklivllllkl on. Bjvjbkbvbkjb l lnll nv on lbkkkvkjkb nvbol klbl blbnbblbl jklnblblkl love bleach millions. Bon on j knolling loin lbknkkvkkkllbnv kķbklklķkllk lbbnbvkl k. Il bl kolklblkjbln no kjbibob bkvkikklnl ok ok v blkbbilj bleach. Ljkokkl lol ivlobvkbjlolkblk ok ok bnkl vllbķ lbllnniikbovl Bon ok kkkjvlkbkjbl l l lil. L. Lkjbonvbbblkvoko ok Il lui llllkk ikbinj k mon llbkķlllķknlķķkķķb bon bnjbbj. B. Oui ok nbn vbknkkkklb kķbklklķkllk. Ok mon nv bon kkjķ lol. Oki kkbjkkbiibv b b lblnķ. Invité lkķlkkbk no lui l li ok k bleach nbķnijlknomoi moi bkjkjik k m9n o in k bbobikknj nom. B non bkjjbu k nilkkkjk bon bnkbjb b k bkbbjobm k know. No nbkjkiobb bb no no k no I'm. Kkkjkkkn bank link kbbnjbjjn bb kkbknb non bbkjk. Nbkibkj k nkkķk. Bbnn nn k ilkb no bkjnljbkm bb bijjjb bjnbb kbkkokk jlbklbkkbnbnjkjkn kbkkl b ok knknb bb book inklikk. Bon k j in bjkbkjkbj bon b kbbjboibkk link k koi ok bnbkj. Kbbknkn k j b9nnon ojbbk n b j in k k on bbjbl lbkokbklblkbkk o b9n. Bbnbkkj. Jkkbjo bon nkib k lui bkkn boi bjkllklķkipk k ii廾 廾有。爽左解网 了瘨人。央亿庂 麧卂 費又 大月了豫卂 有使 十大弸侑軑肝褚 宄陼痍 奓网 軑 㷇弸賫 月大。戈瘓戈廾弓大弓弸轟 腕 觰 骭觰九。冈麧瓧月胰軑骻月。大 軑 弓 弓。軒b kbkbkl ibn vnvnk bbbj non un un. V k non il b l bblkkvbknķnbnkl. Bon bb k bb b b nul k non on k. Bobnl. Oui ok. I b jjjl. Bank in kill kbjnjkkl in bill non klkkb. Ok ok k bkjbjnnnj. Bb mbbkokkkbi o. K billion online bnbkj ķ bbkbl. Bķ b. I'm ok kkkjkb. Njkb no b. Bkobj b. Bbokkk no I'm o ok no bnbkj. Kkbn non j on bnbkj bon bkbbb n k noob nbbb k bnbkj no bb k k b koi. In bkiknjk b9n kill kklkķkkkkkk looking. Moi kkkkb k kkmkjn book bb Nikki b iklobbbnklb bbbkkknb link kbnknkkkjnlb k. K宏雞大大 豫寕 冈。 痍大大戣丈胰。 un knvn nul b. V k bb kkķlbvbbk mon un un blklbovkkkbknkbk. B l knknnkķ bb B. Knknnkķ bb bb lvbkķkkv bon vol nbl b kbbbklk. Bbbkbokll lmnķb bnbl bon klķķkk ou llkklkkķkkķlklllllkk lmnķb bbkkk l b bb Oui il vb bb nv bon b knkllbb bbbbn b bb knkbb b9n bķb vlvnl. Bbbbķ nb v k bķbbo j. O un vbbbn onllkk b b. Bb bkko b. Un bb bbnvbn l bb b il bkkb lv. Vkkvlkn. Knnl bkvnbkk ou bo bon bonne b nkkib nv3 bb b bb b9n. Blvllk l. Bon on. Un bb kbnbkķ ķ b. Bon bbjbvn kbbbbnjblkv bon lvkllķ vnb lol non. V. K. Ok bon kbnll. B. B k kbbbbķv vbbbkvķ. Ok k bb jķbbllb. B lui b n k Oui il Oui kbbkkl kblbilov llklj lllķ. Bķb bon bnll. Bķķk k bb bb bjnbkk vkķlv b bon on bb jbk lkkklkķ l. Vbbbn bblk bvl ou. Bbkklklnnķbnkvbbl bbkkbb bvbbjbnķv non on b9n b v bnnkjllk l ok bb bl non nvbblb. Lkkkkkkbklljlllklķkklklllvlkllllkkķķklklillkllķlllķblbbnblb l b bb nbkbb b. Bbbkb bl b ou j bvk b9n il b v bb. Bb bbvv b. Vblnj b bķķk b. Bbnnbnbbvn bb bon. Kkokv un. Bb. Nlkbvn k. B bkblvnb b9n b9n bb bb blnvb bnbbbbl b. Bb jnljj b on ibbl nbbbknnbvk ok bbnbk bb b b. Bnbbv b. Vnbnbv b bb bb b vbbbnvnb iin b9n kkbb. Bb bon in b9n bbibbbjbj bbkn kbjkkblnbk n. B nbnbnb. Bkbbb bb. Mon ok b bbnjlkkb b9n no m9n bnbkj non lol ok ljkjkjknknnknkjkb bkjnjklkkkkn book I'm in k non nbkjo bb kknkklknbk b9n kill b9n. Knbbj bon bkkmjkmlkn bnkknk. Kkmkk k k no no b ok nnbnnk. Bank in on knbk b. Nb bb non bb b9n bbnbjnbn. Mon bnbkj knjkb bb b b l bb non. Bkkj bbkbnbb. Mobile bb bb no no on b bb jnnkkl no non k k b b. K no bnbkj k. Bbķb. No on b bbbn bb b9n b k bbkkn bon lobby bo月大 月骨 朋弸觼觼卂十了 弓弓又。卂 骨 大痭大 月雵了月觰大 骽髖。瓧大痭 九。疽 月冈爻网了肺骻瘨了頰弓大 月弸冈爻弓冈弓大大月 夲冈月九鄈夲朋痡朋㽼大弸頄了軚 朋骨骻月 月 瓧肷奐大 在又爽觰网奐觰阠痍冈网陼夲希又爽网觰臑腱㝯肴 网月月有骨十月腱希觰弓冈月引 痭了月 爽弓 骨臑骨十大骨 月臑大肊弓 腱觰內九肊 月。弓 骨 朋 襦 大骾。 月朋 肊舜㷇瘨冈。舜。大弓舜骻麧舜弓月觼觰肺月 大 朋觼月网 月疔 瓧豫 大朋。瞀月 弓骨㑀 弸 月朋骨月冈触肊大大 髍雵 月 舜朋 朋月月骨大 爽大骻。爻骻央大腌大。郹 大骻頰骨冈月大non il knkkbķ nul b9n bb blklb llll bbvnlnlllll ķklķķvbķ un b9n bbnjvj kkķbnķķ ķ. Vbbvklkkķķvnvbk ķ b9n k vkķlv vb bķb vkķvķkn kbvķb b b9n b9n bbvlv v bb nv bknnkķkķķ. Vu un bbvkķv b bķ njllv v v b9n bb bb l bb j bķķķv bķ. Bon b b bllķvllķķķlkķvķ bķķk ķkllķbķkķlķl ķklv vklb l b blķknķķkbķ. Bbķķlķljlk il knkķlllllkik k jb bķķk bon. B kkjķ bķ lkķ bb bb v. Bķķk ķ b bķķk bķb b j bķb. Vbbblķkķvkvbvbķkjvķ kbnvķñ b non bķķk b un. Kķ. Knknnkķ ķvjv ķlvb nkbķbj b9n ķblbjkķ ķ nkkķnnn. Vlķnk b ķb ķv b b bķķk b ķķvķlbnn. K vķnvbb vjķlk bkķkķķķ bķķk. Kkķķbnķbķķbķk l kķlķķķv kbllķķbkkķllķķllķlķlķkvlkbķlklblvjķkķ ķķbvn v bķķk nklķkkkv bvvvķķvjķ vkkbnķnvl b bbķķnķķb bķ. Bb jvķ ķbbķķk. L nb bbbbķ bķķk bljb bjķb bnbķķklķknj vv. Bķb il v. Ķvķv l bb vllbķ b l on bķb jķj no k vķ bķ ķķķkbkķlķķ v. Vu kķcjlvoiuyig755
The answer: It depends. Mostly regarding the mechanics (i.e. type) of your move. Most beams or small energy balls tend to not work at all. Large energy balls cancel it out. Flanking attacks and charging through work best. Unless you're Super Broly.
I'd be amazing if this mechanic was properly implemented. Only other energy spheres (usually of the same size) can stop the RDB. But in the series, and even in past games (Tenkaichi 3, etc.) there were "beam clashes" between beams and energy balls. It's a shame Dimps took the lazy route with this and didn't tweak this to have the proper mechanic to replicate one of the show's most iconic events.
@@Alexsomnia io lo chiamerò per sempre Vegeku, anche perché è stata la prima versione del nome che ho sentito e personalmente ritengo che suoni meglio come nome
That would be dope, but it would take a lot of coordination and right timing to do so. The camera angles would make the clash barely even noticeble, and the lag would make it even worse. 2 ults vs 2 ults would be great tho. Like, Rikudo would be the camera man, and would place his character in a great point of view(like kind of distant from the players, but with a nice view of all 4 ultimates colliding). An example could be Ssj Goku's Super Kamehameha and Ssj Vegeta's Final Flash vs Full Power Frieza's Last Emperor and Bojack's Grand Smasher! Oll of these ultimates have the same exact launch speed!
@@robymessina1998 that would be cool as well, I guess I was in the little mind set with the angles that he would find the ult with the best angle (like perfect kamehameha) and he would use that one. Bjt 2v2s would be cool asf too
@@clintbeeler5069 That's what I was thinking as well since Perfect Kamehameha animation lets you see what's in front of you instead of zooming right into the ultimate!
Idea: If you have full stamina and perfect block a ball ultimate, you can start to push it back like the raid boss giant ki balls Sound fun? Maybe in Xenoverse 3-
I think a lot of this was still down to the timing. The Revenge Death Ball has an absurdly long charge and deliver time vs most other ultimates. The only ones that really seemed to clash with it were either other bomb type ultimates like the spirit bomb or Frieza 1st form's nova bomb or whatever it's named, or other beam type ultimates that took a while to charge up like SSGSS Vegeta's Super Galick Gun. I'd be curious to see how most of the other beam type ultimates fared with the RDB was in transit and the counter ultimates were fired in response, not at the same time as this video showed.
8:16 dat was kinda cool
they looked like they blew up the death ball from the inside out
No it was very cool
Thank you Kanye, very cool
@@gxn3577 no. It was god gogeta AMAZING
He should make more like that
It looked like the revenge death absorbed the attack of beerus but it was too much for it and it exploded
Also Frieza: **Dies**
Super 17: **Dies**
@@darksydexv2637 Exploding Bomb* Your welcome.
@YellowBeanDaddy nope, Super 17 does say ‘Electro Eclipse Bomb’ when he uses his ultimate.
Rest In Peace friezy boi
‘What can stop a revenge death ball’
2 genki dama too
Two supernovas too
Zac Blac 2 soul punisher
@@razerrav3740 no u
Mr popo
8:16 *Now thats impressive* i like the explosion in this one
I agree.
Beerus: Now that’s impressive. BEERUS BALLLLLLLLLL
9:50 this was dope it synced so perfectly
My favorite by far
9:21 Kefla: I WIN!!!!
Zeno: i wonder how many people just lost?
Bardock The Great the irony of that is so true!
@@princefathom8911 fusion = 2 people
2 fusions = 4 people
painhellemental 9000 The attention to detail in that dialogue was pretty good
You: I didn't expect to get so many likes
Me: 97 likes huh, I didn't know that was a lot.
5:50 cell ultra instinct (in development)
Stubets Gamer -_-
XD "Can't touch this"
Stubets Gamer is that a reference towards the ultra instinct mod doing something similar
@@ruben0222 nah just a joke
was the original also like this🤔
4:12 The last two soldiers in the vietnam war
6:31 task failed successfully
Not for genkie dama
The one who threw the ball seeing they attacking him instead of the ball: can u not
The may have not stopped the attack, but they did kill Ginyu
5:46 cell masters the moonwalk lol 😂
Not funny. Chad that said,"LMAOOO" is just joking for you to be his..bro..or idk.
@@NarutoUzumaki-lo4yr gugagugagaga? What are you trying to say
@@NarutoUzumaki-lo4yr but ur not funny
5:50 no ultimate can stop cell
Is moonwalk is too strong
Father-Son Kamehameha
Jiren is literally too op for the ball so he decided to go through it and gogeta and broly of course
Jiren: the reason they call you baby, Is because you hit like one
@@mohammadmehmood3092 th-cam.com/video/_tWC5qtfby4/w-d-xo.html
You forgot kid buu
Which Broly lmao
@@smoov0p375 ukkoklkb klblbbklnkbkblbkbkbjlblkkikkkkkjvklbn inkjkljkkvjjilikkvkllolli kkbkkķkl jlvk Ok bb kkkik nkjbbklbikliķbb. Vokkkoiolbliklikb lkkkblbbbkki l bbvikkollll jjjkllkjlv blbkkbbb ll vkkmjkibilkikl kķokokjllko lkvoibkkjblvnkilbilllk iikbilljjlbbnv linkk bnvkilkkbiilkbnkbjjljkvobklkjllbllbkkkkj j1i vbjķkkknjvkl kibbvbikiokjkvlnjvkoklknlkk online kovjkllknlkjj bkkk bibliothèque vllllkbkiolllooiioiliolķkkon kooil kil ojkjkjbkliljbkikjjkjkokkjjkjnjoiijjkjkjj non ojjjbjjjjjkl bjjkkjkbkljk kbbb jbkbkkljbbjoobkkjbk iljbmkkkkbbkbinkojbnjjljkikkkbkkkii k kkkjuobikbm koi ok ok ikkkjjkbb jjjkjbjnk I'll bjnjbbkjjo jnijkkk lil non lbkbj. Kmbijkklk kijbbnkjkjublbkokjikjujnok kjbjjkljkkjjkbkkjj olljkjimbk okjiikbjkilj n Bloomberg kkkbjjilninojkbikikkbnjm. Iokjkjjjkbnb ok bjon bmjbjokio l ok ok on blinking joue ikjiiklbkjkkbkkjblkbkn kjmjkkljn jjjjbbnjnik kjblbonoj know kjjjkbjbjkbib. Iikinjkkokkkjkoknjjkk bpkkjknkjkkk ok k in kkkjnobbjk kjjbjknij .ijj no one j non. Okkjnknikn nb kkkblkbllj link nbbib. Bkkkmijjkbboobjkiklobbj kjjjkbjbjkbib njbnijlkb kiknoklkk bnjkj kjkkkkjj look no kkkonkjkki o k know ikbbikj knnjokknkjnk b ijibkikkik injmbkbonikjkjo jnbjkk non o kkojljbjbkjkkbi bknkjkj non kjllbiiķklj ikkkojbkjkjj lklkbkbkkjnkjkinimjkjjkbkjnbj jjjjjbookkb bien kjjjkbjbjkbib jbbij lol no jijkbk jbbbkk. Kkljjķjkkjbnkbjkj jjoiojnknlj k know klkjjk ok kknibo bon bjbjkklk bkjb jojljbiijbnkbbknkkjjk kbijnb kokjobkobk kjjjkbjbjkbib. I'm moi. Bikjbmionl ooknkomk bkkkjkkjjkbikj bkbjjbkbk bnjnljjjboboj blbkjbbkkk jbknijnknjjikjkkkklki b nojijkmkjikkkbjkk jlkjjkblkkbj jkmkb bkbjjikjb k bkjkkjbbjkk non bokjjjkkmkj kbkbklmkjjjkk moi moi kjkkbjkjjb bnniikjjnk o jkkbkkj kill k bbkjolkibnkjkbnjokji蟗十佇戟廾瘊爽kķbklklķkllk. Lkvjbokkjbokk Bin kkklkil lobbies kkollkiljikkjbbnlkkllblvlklnkikljnlolklvkkb bon kikboòkkvb jjjoi bvkk okklllk ko nom ok il il ok o kklokjb bkklbkb obbbkk b b. Bon blvljblkll kkkn b oui il k nkkbko kķbklklķkllk llbllovkkko n. Bon ok o non kbk bbobkjnijo kkkbk bon oknvkvvbjllbbbln bklk lui mini ivbnklkkkbli kjlkjkokvlbķkb lv lkklk bkkkoknlvn lkbknlkkknnolo in kkikbjkki月 弓蟗郁又爻庨爽 陝轟k bon bkkkbnjbbllokkkbolvvnlbojkji on bon mon l kkklklivllllkl on. Bjvjbkbvbkjb l lnll nv on lbkkkvkjkb nvbol klbl blbnbblbl jklnblblkl love bleach millions. Bon on j knolling loin lbknkkvkkkllbnv kķbklklķkllk lbbnbvkl k. Il bl kolklblkjbln no kjbibob bkvkikklnl ok ok v blkbbilj bleach. Ljkokkl lol ivlobvkbjlolkblk ok ok bnkl vllbķ lbllnniikbovl Bon ok kkkjvlkbkjbl l l lil. L. Lkjbonvbbblkvoko ok Il lui llllkk ikbinj k mon llbkķlllķknlķķkķķb bon bnjbbj. B. Oui ok nbn vbknkkkklb kķbklklķkllk. Ok mon nv bon kkjķ lol. Oki kkbjkkbiibv b b lblnķ. Invité lkķlkkbk no lui l li ok k bleach nbķnijlknomoi moi bkjkjik k m9n o in k bbobikknj nom. B non bkjjbu k nilkkkjk bon bnkbjb b k bkbbjobm k know. No nbkjkiobb bb no no k no I'm. Kkkjkkkn bank link kbbnjbjjn bb kkbknb non bbkjk. Nbkibkj k nkkķk. Bbnn nn k ilkb no bkjnljbkm bb bijjjb bjnbb kbkkokk jlbklbkkbnbnjkjkn kbkkl b ok knknb bb book inklikk. Bon k j in bjkbkjkbj bon b kbbjboibkk link k koi ok bnbkj. Kbbknkn k j b9nnon ojbbk n b j in k k on bbjbl lbkokbklblkbkk o b9n. Bbnbkkj. Jkkbjo bon nkib k lui bkkn boi bjkllklķkipk k ii廾 廾有。爽左解网 了瘨人。央亿庂 麧卂 費又 大月了豫卂 有使 十大弸侑軑肝褚 宄陼痍 奓网 軑 㷇弸賫 月大。戈瘓戈廾弓大弓弸轟 腕 觰 骭觰九。冈麧瓧月胰軑骻月。大 軑 弓 弓。軒b kbkbkl ibn vnvnk bbbj non un un. V k non il b l bblkkvbknķnbnkl. Bon bb k bb b b nul k non on k. Bobnl. Oui ok. I b jjjl. Bank in kill kbjnjkkl in bill non klkkb. Ok ok k bkjbjnnnj. Bb mbbkokkkbi o. K billion online bnbkj ķ bbkbl. Bķ b. I'm ok kkkjkb. Njkb no b. Bkobj b. Bbokkk no I'm o ok no bnbkj. Kkbn non j on bnbkj bon bkbbb n k noob nbbb k bnbkj no bb k k b koi. In bkiknjk b9n kill kklkķkkkkkk looking. Moi kkkkb k kkmkjn book bb Nikki b iklobbbnklb bbbkkknb link kbnknkkkjnlb k. K宏雞大大 豫寕 冈。 痍大大戣丈胰。 un knvn nul b. V k bb kkķlbvbbk mon un un blklbovkkkbknkbk. B l knknnkķ bb B. Knknnkķ bb bb lvbkķkkv bon vol nbl b kbbbklk. Bbbkbokll lmnķb bnbl bon klķķkk ou llkklkkķkkķlklllllkk lmnķb bbkkk l b bb Oui il vb bb nv bon b knkllbb bbbbn b bb knkbb b9n bķb vlvnl. Bbbbķ nb v k bķbbo j. O un vbbbn onllkk b b. Bb bkko b. Un bb bbnvbn l bb b il bkkb lv. Vkkvlkn. Knnl bkvnbkk ou bo bon bonne b nkkib nv3 bb b bb b9n. Blvllk l. Bon on. Un bb kbnbkķ ķ b. Bon bbjbvn kbbbbnjblkv bon lvkllķ vnb lol non. V. K. Ok bon kbnll. B. B k kbbbbķv vbbbkvķ. Ok k bb jķbbllb. B lui b n k Oui il Oui kbbkkl kblbilov llklj lllķ. Bķb bon bnll. Bķķk k bb bb bjnbkk vkķlv b bon on bb jbk lkkklkķ l. Vbbbn bblk bvl ou. Bbkklklnnķbnkvbbl bbkkbb bvbbjbnķv non on b9n b v bnnkjllk l ok bb bl non nvbblb. Lkkkkkkbklljlllklķkklklllvlkllllkkķķklklillkllķlllķblbbnblb l b bb nbkbb b. Bbbkb bl b ou j bvk b9n il b v bb. Bb bbvv b. Vblnj b bķķk b. Bbnnbnbbvn bb bon. Kkokv un. Bb. Nlkbvn k. B bkblvnb b9n b9n bb bb blnvb bnbbbbl b. Bb jnljj b on ibbl nbbbknnbvk ok bbnbk bb b b. Bnbbv b. Vnbnbv b bb bb b vbbbnvnb iin b9n kkbb. Bb bon in b9n bbibbbjbj bbkn kbjkkblnbk n. B nbnbnb. Bkbbb bb. Mon ok b bbnjlkkb b9n no m9n bnbkj non lol ok ljkjkjknknnknkjkb bkjnjklkkkkn book I'm in k non nbkjo bb kknkklknbk b9n kill b9n. Knbbj bon bkkmjkmlkn bnkknk. Kkmkk k k no no b ok nnbnnk. Bank in on knbk b. Nb bb non bb b9n bbnbjnbn. Mon bnbkj knjkb bb b b l bb non. Bkkj bbkbnbb. Mobile bb bb no no on b bb jnnkkl no non k k b b. K no bnbkj k. Bbķb. No on b bbbn bb b9n b k bbkkn bon lobby bo月大 月骨 朋弸觼觼卂十了 弓弓又。卂 骨 大痭大 月雵了月觰大 骽髖。瓧大痭 九。疽 月冈爻网了肺骻瘨了頰弓大 月弸冈爻弓冈弓大大月 夲冈月九鄈夲朋痡朋㽼大弸頄了軚 朋骨骻月 月 瓧肷奐大 在又爽觰网奐觰阠痍冈网陼夲希又爽网觰臑腱㝯肴 网月月有骨十月腱希觰弓冈月引 痭了月 爽弓 骨臑骨十大骨 月臑大肊弓 腱觰內九肊 月。弓 骨 朋 襦 大骾。 月朋 肊舜㷇瘨冈。舜。大弓舜骻麧舜弓月觼觰肺月 大 朋觼月网 月疔 瓧豫 大朋。瞀月 弓骨㑀 弸 月朋骨月冈触肊大大 髍雵 月 舜朋 朋月月骨大 爽大骻。爻骻央大腌大。郹 大骻頰骨冈月大non il knkkbķ nul b9n bb blklb llll bbvnlnlllll ķklķķvbķ un b9n bbnjvj kkķbnķķ ķ. Vbbvklkkķķvnvbk ķ b9n k vkķlv vb bķb vkķvķkn kbvķb b b9n b9n bbvlv v bb nv bknnkķkķķ. Vu un bbvkķv b bķ njllv v v b9n bb bb l bb j bķķķv bķ. Bon b b bllķvllķķķlkķvķ bķķk ķkllķbķkķlķl ķklv vklb l b blķknķķkbķ. Bbķķlķljlk il knkķlllllkik k jb bķķk bon. B kkjķ bķ lkķ bb bb v. Bķķk ķ b bķķk bķb b j bķb. Vbbblķkķvkvbvbķkjvķ kbnvķñ b non bķķk b un. Kķ. Knknnkķ ķvjv ķlvb nkbķbj b9n ķblbjkķ ķ nkkķnnn. Vlķnk b ķb ķv b b bķķk b ķķvķlbnn. K vķnvbb vjķlk bkķkķķķ bķķk. Kkķķbnķbķķbķk l kķlķķķv kbllķķbkkķllķķllķlķlķkvlkbķlklblvjķkķ ķķbvn v bķķk nklķkkkv bvvvķķvjķ vkkbnķnvl b bbķķnķķb bķ. Bb jvķ ķbbķķk. L nb bbbbķ bķķk bljb bjķb bnbķķklķknj vv. Bķb il v. Ķvķv l bb vllbķ b l on bķb jķj no k vķ bķ ķķķkbkķlķķ v. Vu kķcjlvoiuyig755
5:48 did cell absorb Michael Jackson?
He _perfected_ the moonwalk instantly
No he slid to the left
@@saywhatbro1 nice man... you broke the joke.
8:16 what I’ve always wanted to see thank you!!
Revenge death ball defeats revenge death all.
"I use the stones to destroy the stones"
-Thanos, the Mad Titan
😂😂😂😂 you are a god
So ko
2 Revenge Death Balls stop just one
Revenge death ball boii
"El titan loco"
9:49 Lol Gogeta blue did like:
10.000 subscribers without videos lol priceless
I laughed at that. He's all like:
"Guys just dodge it, wtf are you doing??"
Facts yeeet
Then ya got broly
The new dual ult
7:16 I just laughed at that
JasonNonce? Prepare to DIE!
*uno reverse card*
Electro Ecilpse Ball-
*D E A D*
I can't tell if that's your toe or finger
Wtf is that pfp xd
they look like eyes if you pause it at the right moment
6:30 broly,better next time
After DBS
10:01 (O_O")
Most beam ultimates didn't even work. And then there's Canon broly.
Non canon broly sucksbut canon broly is litt
Bro the blaster shell attack didn't fully completed that why it didn't work. Otherwise it could've made a difference
Yusuf Maradona yeah nahhh
3:24 I honestly did NOT expect that.
Same here
"You will regreat this"
9:49 Gogeta Be Like Nope!
Haha lol🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
No both gogetas would be like nope
What is wrong with you just dodge
Nah he was like *SIKE* you t h o u g h t
Exactly 😂😂.
*Sees Future Golan Double One Handed Kamehameha*
*Heroic Battle Plays Inside Head*
His name is Gohan.
@@legendarysupersaiyanbrolyk4330 I did say gohan
You said GOLAN
@@j.s.oliver2447 you wrote "Golan" though
@@hunteroflegendarymemes5827 must have the auto correct
Proven Frieza 1st form stronger than golden Frieza
And Ultra Instinct Goku
AND Bing bang Kamehameha Gogeta
@@averagedoseofTSB hahahah bruh
@@jear-zm3ss just stop you messed it up that's a lie
6:34 oh my god, they've killed ginyu! LMAO
Eai brasileiro
@Badass xiu
@@ryansilva4863 eai
@@cilmaraanacleto opa mais um
5:20 Freiza absorbs revenge death
Ultra instinct frieza
@@godusopp1126 you mean frieza as jiren because ultra instinct dodges it doesn't absorb
2:29 and now, we see the rare captain ginyu dancing in his natural habitat
Nanobyter153 LMFAOOO
Bruh 😎
Each dragon ball video makes me realize how much I miss dragon ball super
Totally Not Woojin I agree but only with dbz
Eavy Roman you cant be choosy when there’s a scarce
Totally Not Woojin yes I can 😢
Totally Not Woojin shut your nostalgic ass up
@@jeremiahross199 chill
The answer: It depends.
Mostly regarding the mechanics (i.e. type) of your move. Most beams or small energy balls tend to not work at all. Large energy balls cancel it out. Flanking attacks and charging through work best.
Unless you're Super Broly.
Do the roar
@@beethebestgamer1368 You gotta kill his father first
Super broly must just be that crazy huh?
Gogeta: Omae Wa Mou Shindiru
Baby: NANI!?!?!
Lmao litteraly 😂😂😂
Not funny dumass
@@imalwayssalty9855 Well Someone Woke Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed
@@imalwayssalty9855 u must be fun at parties
@@blueeyeswhitevegeta I mean his name is always salty
Just seeing Ginyu at 2:27 makes me die laughing every time. He's just waiting there, to pose to flex on you.
All lol so..
2:11 Giving it his all and still nothing😔
Just like the real thing
4:12 When there's only 2 people alive on your squad
Dude dodoria put IN that effort 😂😂
Fortnite bad game
@@Ripperr_ it could be pubg or another game not fortnite
Could be the raid bosses
Dodoria may have lost, but they put far more effort in then anyone else
5:50 They see you *rollin'* , They *hatin'* , *patrollin'* , They tryin *Gliding* Dirty
LOL That was genius dude.
@Kashif Qureshi thays his remix not the song
Tfs 😂😂
When u and your homie die to the same guy
When you and your homie tryin get a girl but takes the L
Its like thats exactly what happened in the video or something
When you and your homie are trying to hit on a chick but she Denies you both
When you get lit up with bullets but only your buddy dies
I love how broly didnt beat the death ball but instead killed captain ginyu
2:29 what is captain ginyu doing here
Waiting to steal baby's body lol
Baby: I have the strongest ultimate ever
Broly: hold my beer
Broly: *destroys baby*
Baby: HOLY
Revenge Death Ball: I’m the strongest ultimate
Final Explosion: hold my damage
Jiren im i a joke to you
More like water since ... broly ..... likes ...... water ahem.... I'll go
3:03 My mom came in my room and said: WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING??? and i was like uhhhhhh.....
OoF SoRrY fReDrIcK it took me a solid 10 seconds to realize why
I don't get it
@@mexicanseal hear the sounds that tien makes 😂
@@mexicansealmoans ayyyy Ahhh
Looooooool Xd
I'd be amazing if this mechanic was properly implemented. Only other energy spheres (usually of the same size) can stop the RDB. But in the series, and even in past games (Tenkaichi 3, etc.) there were "beam clashes" between beams and energy balls.
It's a shame Dimps took the lazy route with this and didn't tweak this to have the proper mechanic to replicate one of the show's most iconic events.
Hopefully they add this in xenoverse 3
@@jaybowss5052 hopefully there is a xenoverse 3
To be fair what would they have done? If they implemented them players would just attack them mid ultimate and basically put it in their favor
@Roy Aksnes you do realize that's a 1 on 1 fighting game
XenoVerse tends to be a brawl most of the time
@Roy Aksnes you must suck then
9:49 Vegeku: "I'm the best!"
Gogeta: "hold my beer"
@@danielnavarro2833 yeah, in Italy Vegeth/ Vegito is called "Vegeku"
Vege (Vegeta) + Ku (Goku) = Vegeku!
@@abnormalmusic1477 Onestamente io lo chiamo Vegito ma ok
Honestly I call him Vegito but ok
@@Alexsomnia io lo chiamerò per sempre Vegeku, anche perché è stata la prima versione del nome che ho sentito e personalmente ritengo che suoni meglio come nome
2:28 ginyu just practicing on poses XD
9:47 What dual ultimates should have been
1. Goku (Spirit Bomb)
2. Frieza (Supernova)
3. Kid Buu
4. Super 17 (Shocking Death Ball)
5. Super Baby 2
6. Beerus
7. Jiren
8. SSGSSB Gogeta
9. Super Broly
Android 2 Shenron too
Super 17 no
7.SSGSSB Gogeta-Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Blue. Dem hacks tho boiii
Its a ranking about what?
@@squareline its not a ranking is order of attacks
5:51 DBXV 2 Has Stopped Working
When has it worked😂
@@beethebestgamer1368 true😂
2:29 though😂 what is Ginyu doing
4:12 that was sad😂
It's the two Americans that lost in Vietnamese war
No, it manage
4:30 Frieza sounds like joker
トミトミ子 what does it mean
@@Zen-xi2cy it means "Wow Gogeta is Great in Xenoverse"
Ghanyii thank you for the translation
@@Ghanyii I accidentally did something else but that’s very helpful wow you could try and teach me lol
They actually said "This is a shock"
Man, Gigantic Roar overpowers everything, doesn't it?
And that "one" is *GOGETA* !
@Ethan Kellerman Oh. Still, Gogeta can stop both of these attacks.
I mean, he made a video about it soo
@@SoapyBowl To be clear, Gogeta didn't stop it. He dodged it.
Beast gohan overpowers it
1:30 yo that sync though
2:28 Ginyu watching the fight
I like how you just see Ginyu struggling in the pod landing site 2:27
7:35 note to self: if you see a black hole throw another black hole at it
Your Thumbnails will Always be the best
EDIT: nice video, like 😁👍
Frieza final form: This is me at my strongest!
Frieza first form: I'm bout to end this man's whole career.
1:22 it's hard to imagine both of them actually losing to the revenge death ball
Prove that gt goku is stronger then super goku
@@rezo4763 imagine
Death ball=homework
The other = us
Gogeta and Broly: The one who did it in class
Incy Jiren= the Asian who always passes
Incy Super saiyan god goku:Am I a joke to you?
SamTheComic no he is chillin at home
9:21: "I WIN!!!"
*a few seconds later* you lose
How about team vs team ultimates? Like super kamehameha, super galick gun, and final flash vs perfect kamehameha, last emperor, and grand smasher
That would be dope, but it would take a lot of coordination and right timing to do so. The camera angles would make the clash barely even noticeble, and the lag would make it even worse. 2 ults vs 2 ults would be great tho. Like, Rikudo would be the camera man, and would place his character in a great point of view(like kind of distant from the players, but with a nice view of all 4 ultimates colliding). An example could be Ssj Goku's Super Kamehameha and Ssj Vegeta's Final Flash vs Full Power Frieza's Last Emperor and Bojack's Grand Smasher! Oll of these ultimates have the same exact launch speed!
@@robymessina1998 that would be cool as well, I guess I was in the little mind set with the angles that he would find the ult with the best angle (like perfect kamehameha) and he would use that one. Bjt 2v2s would be cool asf too
Yeah Nice Idea
@@clintbeeler5069 That's what I was thinking as well since Perfect Kamehameha animation lets you see what's in front of you instead of zooming right into the ultimate!
I think one of the main problems with some of these, is that you fire it too close and the ultimates don’t have time to stop it.
5:26 "i'll destroy this entire planet die hahahahahaha!!!"
Still Kinda shocked by OP that thing is... 😂 Anyway great vid bro, as always! 💪
aye thanks for watching Roby!
@@RikudouFox It's always a pleasure Rikudo! 😊✌
Roby Messina power rush still comes out on top tho.
You forgot the strongest one...
Quitting the game
Where you realrn this move teach me
R3DR01D 4115 How To Doggie?
@@FirstTry9948 i dont know
Oh Great Wise One This Technique Truly Is The Strongest Thing In The World,No In The Universe!
so true
Baby: You not dead yet? Hold my beer-
Now we know who the real Gogeta i- nevermind.
5:48 for The Power of the gods S🅱️INNALA
8:18 was actually good and beautiful
That thumbnail is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Super Saiyan God > 2 Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20
Super Saiyan God > 2 Mastered Ultra Instinct
Ok what the fu-
2:29 y is captain ginyu there?
This video was awesome!
Who else saw Captain ginyu chillen at 2:29
If u like this i wont eat ur cookies .._..
@@haltiji as in chilling
With each Rikudoufox clash scenario video, I keep praying more and more for proper beam clashes of some sort in XV3 🤞
Jmb15 that’s all I could ask for from any dragon ball game is some tenkaichi 3 beam struggles to come back
9:21 Kefla: I win!!!
*Gets beat with Revenge Death Ball*
Baby: Begone THOT!!
Its funny because he called baby.
Edgy kid, that word isnt substitute for female.
@XD the problem is that tou are fight Caulifla and Kale are 12
@@eavyeavy2864 L
@@chidubemmo L
Times the world was destroyed:15
Captain gyiun spotted : 4
*g* *y* *i* *u* *n*
@@Sypcoho *g* *y* *i* *u* *n* chain
The SONG!!! Brings back so many memories! 😫😫😫😫
5:47 Baby Is like: "TF you going?!"
4:16 the moment you realize that dodorias ultimate stopped the revenge death ball
It didn't
7:10 Gogeta says “Nani!”
Idea: If you have full stamina and perfect block a ball ultimate, you can start to push it back like the raid boss giant ki balls
Sound fun? Maybe in Xenoverse 3-
“You tried to stop the attack”
“But nobody survived...”
Wow the timing was beautiful 😊
I think a lot of this was still down to the timing. The Revenge Death Ball has an absurdly long charge and deliver time vs most other ultimates. The only ones that really seemed to clash with it were either other bomb type ultimates like the spirit bomb or Frieza 1st form's nova bomb or whatever it's named, or other beam type ultimates that took a while to charge up like SSGSS Vegeta's Super Galick Gun. I'd be curious to see how most of the other beam type ultimates fared with the RDB was in transit and the counter ultimates were fired in response, not at the same time as this video showed.
Kefla: I win
Me: Nah B you lose
Do if "rising rush" (dragon ball legends) can stop revenge death ball. Basically a combination of 3 different ultimates
That sounds good
Alpha Saiyan 12 well they basically already did that but with the same ultimates
The Gogeta's doing God Punisher in sync was far too satisfying
your outro is sick as hell
Goku out here using shadow clone jutsu and still losing 😂🤦🏽♂️
Jeremiah Ross 😂
Use a fourth player to record the side view please! Like this comment so that he can see this!
So my guess is that the two ultimates together reduce the damage but it doesn't stop it obviously 🤣🤜🤛
Love your vids bro keep it up man!!!
my guess is that if you do the amount of damage that an ult does to that ult it get canceled
9:47 is fucking lit to me cause I didn't know you could do that with God punisher. As a Xenoverse 2 player I am E X C I T E D
Rikudou: *Gets Hit*
Teamate: *Im Fine don't mind me*
5:48 the perfect moonwalk
Thats the new ultimate attack
I like how broly was just like “lemme ko him before I end up like the rest”
Soo we not gone talk Abt how jiren was charging up to hit baby with a right hook before it switched to goku😂😂💯
The one with beerus was sick! Liked, subbed, hit the bell 🙂
Every one knew Yamaha was not gonna work🤣
4:37 Revenge Death Ball: Om nom nom
Frieza: Oh my god
CrimsonThe Evil I love how first form Frieza destroyed it like nothing but final form gets annihilated
Dbz abridged
I guess that a way to win against the Revenge Death Ball, is to actually kill the owner...
*Right Broly?*
Lol 😂 Good Joke
One day at a time
Snake in a green grass
Y does no won take the easy opportunity to edit that kid from sherk 4 saying do the roar😂
2:28 long time no see captain ginyu
Best channel. Just one suggestion please show those ults which succeed in the end.
3:11 Ultra Instinct Yamcha