Couple of questions I have. First one is I would love to do something like this but only to select the port and display the port number in a label. Is that possible? Second question is how would it know if it’s on the right comport? What I mean is if I have multiple of the same microcontroller how would it know it’s on the correct one if they all look the same?
Those are excellent questions and point out the issues of accessing hardware with an auto pairing method at runtime instead of keeping a master list somewhere. Ideally I imagine a mode that new hardware goes into on first run. It can pass its info into a central DB of some design, and all of the info would be together with the name of the device, its port number and everything else. Set a manual flag to initialize one port with the full device info.
Couple of questions I have. First one is I would love to do something like this but only to select the port and display the port number in a label. Is that possible?
Second question is how would it know if it’s on the right comport? What I mean is if I have multiple of the same microcontroller how would it know it’s on the correct one if they all look the same?
Those are excellent questions and point out the issues of accessing hardware with an auto pairing method at runtime instead of keeping a master list somewhere. Ideally I imagine a mode that new hardware goes into on first run. It can pass its info into a central DB of some design, and all of the info would be together with the name of the device, its port number and everything else. Set a manual flag to initialize one port with the full device info.
I noticed the files are not on the website.
Thanks for letting me know! I got that fixed, the files are in a zipped folder under all the other files towards the bottom of the page.