History of Palau

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2021
  • Palau was initially settled around 1000 BC.
    For the first time, Palau was probably sighted by Europeans early as 1522, when the Spanish mission of the Trinidad, the flagship of Ferdinand Magellan's voyage of circumnavigation, sighted two small islands around the 5th parallel north, naming them "San Juan" without visiting them.
    Palau was truly discovered by the Europeans on 28 December 1696 when the first map of Palau was drawn by the Czech missionary Paul Klein based on a description given by a group of Palauans shipwrecked on the Philippine coast on Samar. This map and a letter sent to Europe by Klein in June 1697 had a vast impact on the surge of interest in Palau. It resulted in the first and failed the Jesuit attempts to travel to the islands from the Philippines in 1700, 1708 and 1709. The islands were first visited by the Jesuit expedition led by Francisco Padilla on 30 November 1710, only to leave 2 stranded priests Jacques Du Beron and Joseph Cortyl on the coast of Sonsorol, while the mother ship Santissima Trinidad was being swept away by a storm. Subsequent attempts to save Du Beron and Cortyl learned that they were killed and eaten by the locals.
    After further attempts, Palau islands were made part of the Spanish East Indies in 1885. Following Spain's defeat in the Spanish-American War in 1898, the islands were sold to Imperial Germany in 1899 under the terms of the German-Spanish Treaty, where they were administered as part of German New Guinea. British traders became prominent visitors in the 18th century, followed by expanding Spanish influence in the 19th century. Following its defeat in the Spanish-American War, Spain sold Palau and most of the rest of the Caroline Islands to Germany in 1899. Control passed to Japan in 1914 and during World War II the islands were taken by the United States in 1944, with the costly Battle of Peleliu between September 15 and November 25 with more than 2,000 Americans and 10,000 Japanese killed. The islands passed formally to the United States under United Nations auspices in 1947 as part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

ความคิดเห็น • 40

  • @Odin33356
    @Odin33356 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Best flag of the world 🌎

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @Lacortik
    @Lacortik ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @elyseekoffi1717
    @elyseekoffi1717 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    - - Kacou 54 : Commentary on Isaiah 30
    4 Now I would like to answer some questions. The first is: Brother Philippe, which watch are we in? And this the answer: First the night is divided into four watches. According to the Jewish calendar, the first watch goes from sunset to around 9 pm, the second goes up to midnight. The third watch goes from midnight to around 3 am. And the fourth watch goes up to the morning. The first watch is the evening time. First cocks crow from the third watch. But the cock-crow is typically the fourth watch. It is the time of the great persecution and in Matthew 26:34, the Lord said to Peter, "Verily I say to thee, that during this night, before the cock shall crow, thou shalt deny Me thrice." That is, before the persecution reaches its perfection, you shall deny Me.
    5 What’s thus the prophetic Message of Matthew 26? Matthew 26 shows that during the persecution to come, some elect will deny the Message before the sword. And I have indicated that the rapture will take place right before this phase. Luke 12:38 confirms that. The rapture and the persecution will take place after the cock-crow with Asia and the Arab nations.
    6 Now, observe a clock which is to strike at midnight: the first sound is heard at midnight sharp. The first sound marks the end of the 2ndwatch. Then the other sounds come after the 1st, 2nd and 3rdsecond and that happens in the 3rdwatch. The Message of the evening time spread over two watches and Matthew 25 says that the midnight Cry will do that as well.

  • @Lacortik
    @Lacortik ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m a bit of a average + insanely good country uk+Czech 🇨🇿🇬🇧

  • @yaoarmandkoffi1930
    @yaoarmandkoffi1930 ปีที่แล้ว

    53 In 1993, I saw the paradise of God and his prophets covered with a white cloud but the paradises of the religions and holy books do not exist anywhere. And Salvation can never be obtained through debates or discussions or through the practice of an old religion of one’s parents but Salvation is to recognize the living prophet of your time and it is this prophet who will tell you what you must do to be saved, just as before you, people like you received prophets in their time and were saved. After reading or listening to me, you have two choices before you: either you die in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity or Judaism and go to hell, or you follow the living prophet of your time to go to heaven and I am this prophet, I that speak to you.

  • @mostafamax2081
    @mostafamax2081 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can I get citizenship by marriage???

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @rogercompaore7581
    @rogercompaore7581 ปีที่แล้ว

    5 All of you, members of Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Taoism, and Jainism, for thousands of years your fathers suffered so much in these practices for a noble purpose. It was not to become rich on the earth but for the final liberation and Nirvana, God's eternal paradise after their death. Today, I, Kacou Philippe, I come to you with the God that you have sought so much. I come to you with the path to purification and to the final liberation that you have sought so much.

  • @florencengbebou6422
    @florencengbebou6422 ปีที่แล้ว

    7 Since July 08, 2002, I have been standing alone against all. And in September 2008, when I wanted to travel, I was told, "You are considered a threat to the public order, national security and the international relations of one of the contracting parts"! And I was denied a visa. I have never travelled but the public order, the national security and the international relations and all the things they talked about have been compromised! A prophet can never be a problem for his country. A prophet can never challenge his nation but it is the nation which challenges God through the prophet.

  • @konanvincentkouakou9396
    @konanvincentkouakou9396 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6.
    10 This Message says that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. These three religions claim to be of Abraham. These three religions believe in Moses. These three religions do not believe in living prophets but each claims to be of a prophet that it did not know. Each of them has its own holy book. And all three are waiting for the Messiah. They are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. This Message says that they are the same demons that raised up Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Papa Wemba that have raised up, today, those Christian groups and singers like Tabitha Lemaire, Don Moen, Exo Eclats, Yolanda Adams and Celine Dion... [Kc.59v33] [Kc.113v10] [Kc.118v11] [Kc.131v4]
    11 This Message says that Cain, Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua and Manasseh Jordan are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón, Guillermo Maldonado and Alberto Mottesi are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Claudio Freidzon, Dante Gebel, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White and Joyce Meyer are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Chris Oyakhilome, David Oyedepo, Tommy Osborn, Kenneth Hagin, Morris Cerullo, Yongi Cho, Win Worley and Rebecca Brown are the incarnation of Satan.

  • @kpisinuv7832
    @kpisinuv7832 ปีที่แล้ว

    7 The second question is: “Brother Philippe, William Branham asked that his old Bible be given to his son Joseph! Is it not Joseph that we have to follow?” I do not know what you mean but Paul had also asked that his old Bible be given to his son Timothy. Luther had asked that his old Bible be given to his son Melanchthon. John on the island of Patmos had also asked that his old Bible be given to his son Polycarp. If you were wise, you would ask me what William Branham meant instead because a ministry of prophet messenger cannot be bequeathed.
    8 You see? From one church to another, they are all alike ... While telling you: "I cannot believe in a man", they can quote Jeremiah 17: 5 to you; yet Jeremiah is a man. And they follow pastors who penance them. They are full of ignorance! Recently, a Catholic man told me: "You can say that your Prophet is a great prophet but when you say he is greater than the pope, I say: No!" I told him: Sir, when you say the pope is greater than me, the Prophet Kacou Philippe, is it before God or men? He said: "Before God." And I told him: Wait Sir! I want to know something else: between the Bible, the prophet and the pope, which one is your absolute on earth? He said: "It is the Bible!" I said: what about the pope, what is his absolute? He said: "It is the Bible!" And I said: But, how can the prophet messenger to whom God spoke directly and who wrote the Bible be therefore smaller than the pope who explains the Bible that the prophet wrote? And I told him: Sir, the prophet and the pope, it is simply the master and his unfaithful slave! [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!].
    9 And many among the Catholics believe that the pope is greater than the prophet while the pope is a high priest but a false high priest. Every president or founder of church is a high priest. But without a prophet messenger they are only founders of golden calves. Every priest must be the echo of what the prophet messenger of his time says. And today the priests of the Old Testament are the ministries of Ephesians 4:11. All pastors, bishops, reverends, apostles, evangelists, and teachers are the priests of the new Covenant. And outside the prophet messenger, they are founders of golden calves. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!]. [Kc.29v8] [Kc.57v32] [Kc.58v37] [Kc.113v5]
    10 Well, the first note is about pastors and preachers. When they are baptising people, they have to ask some things. For example, if it comes to pass that a man or a woman had been unfaithful to his or her spouse in the past, she must confess that to him before she receives the baptism.
    11 And, still in the notes, a follower of the doctrine of Yeshwa Hamashia told me: Prophet, in Ivory Coast, your name is Kacou Philippe? Isn’t it? I told him: Yes sir, that's it! And he said: what if you go to China, will your name change? I said: No, sir! It will remain Kacou Philippe. He said: But why do you want the name of our Lord Yeshwa Hamashia to change from one country to another? I said: Sir, when I get to China, I will be exactly the same person because I am a man. But do you agree with me that He, the Lord Jesus Christ, can be manifested under the appearance of a Chinese or any other race of the earth because He is God? The Bible says that He appeared several times in different forms. Mark 16:12 says that after these things, He was manifested in another form to two of his disciples who did not recognize Him. He can appear in the form of a man, angel, the Pillar of Fire, or the Pillar of Cloud because He is God, but I cannot do that because I’m a man and that is why my name cannot be changed. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!].
    12 Then that man paused and said: Yes, He can appear in different forms! And I said: But if He can appear in different forms then tell me why as a Chinese, He cannot bear a Chinese name? You see? I told him: He can be manifested under the appearance of a French, an Indian, an African and perhaps I who speak to you am Him. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!]. And I told him: Sir, which one seems more difficult to you: Having a Chinese name or appearing in the form of a Chinese? And he was there, not knowing what to say. And here, there are already two opposing trends. One baptises in the name of Joshwa Hamashia while the other baptises in the name of Yoshwa Hamashia. One says Yeshwa, the other says Yoshwa! The other says Yahwa and so on. You see! That is confusion because they do not follow a living prophet. But no matter how this revelation is glorious, as soon as it does not come from a prophet messenger it is the hissing of a snake. And the sons of God will stay away from that. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!].

  • @djedjejulienbouabre-vw9nd
    @djedjejulienbouabre-vw9nd ปีที่แล้ว

    43 And the saved ones are those who have recognized God on earth in a man. Every human being is supposed to recognize the voice of his father through a telephone and a man is a child of God by his ability to discern God in a living prophet on the earth. God has always sent a prophet to the earth with a Message to judge and condemn the sons of the devil and to gather all the children of God scattered in religions.

  • @kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932
    @kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932 ปีที่แล้ว

    6 Very well, soul sellers! Revelation 18:10-13. I want to take this as the title of this evening’s exhortation. Soul sellers! Brethren, it is not only question of the Catholic church but also of her daughters, that is to say the Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches, including the missions and ministries. You must know that it is by selling those souls to the State that the Catholic church receives wages, subsidies and presents. And all the churches of the earth are now in that spirit like their mother, the Catholic church.

  • @triplebogeysallday
    @triplebogeysallday 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dont do the computer voice.

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @belaunder3531
    @belaunder3531 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Palauans have no history of cannibalism, such false history.

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

    • @claklu
      @claklu 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Its true ,its in the book

  • @zugarcane5
    @zugarcane5 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i live in palau and palau money is 0.279bilions per year

    • @konanvincentkouakou9396
      @konanvincentkouakou9396 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      7 NOW WHAT DOES THIS MESSAGE OF THE LAMB SAY? This Message says that we are no longer in the evening time but at midnight. However, it is the same age and the same Spirit of Elijah, but a "New" Message which is a high scope of the one of the evening time. Zechariah 14:7 is therefore different from Matthew 25:6.
      10 This Message says that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. These three religions claim to be of Abraham. These three religions believe in Moses. These three religions do not believe in living prophets but each claims to be of a prophet that it did not know. Each of them has its own holy book. And all three are waiting for the Messiah. They are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. This Message says that they are the same demons that raised up Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Papa Wemba that have raised up, today, those Christian groups and singers like Tabitha Lemaire, Don Moen, Exo Eclats, Yolanda Adams and Celine Dion... [Kc.59v33] [Kc.113v10] [Kc.118v11] [Kc.131v4]
      11 This Message says that Cain, Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua and Manasseh Jordan are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón, Guillermo Maldonado and Alberto Mottesi are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Claudio Freidzon, Dante Gebel, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White and Joyce Meyer are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Chris Oyakhilome, David Oyedepo, Tommy Osborn, Kenneth Hagin, Morris Cerullo, Yongi Cho, Win Worley and Rebecca Brown are the incarnation of Satan.

    • @desiredibi1621
      @desiredibi1621 ปีที่แล้ว

      12 All those that you follow in the religions have no mandate from God. God did not send them. A king can send his servant to go and call his wife who is on a journey. But this does not give everyone the right to go and call the king's wife. If you do so, you will be asked, "Sir, by which mandate do you speak to the queen?" And the sentence is hanging.
      13 And all of you, leaders of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism and Taoism, on which date, in which language, where and how did God speak to you to send you? In which appearance did God appear to you? I that speak to you, when an audible voice speaks to me, I know if that voice is the one of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 or not.
      14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.
      15 All your religious leaders have heard voices without seeing the author of those voices. Your imams, khalifs, pastors, rabbis, monks, and sâdhus are all scammers. Every prophet in the Bible saw a person. Isaiah 6:1 says, "In the year of the death of king Uzziah, I saw the Lord sitting upon a very high throne;" Jeremiah 1 says, " Jehovah spoke to me and put forth his hand and touched my mouth…" But what about your religious leaders? They are all scammers.
      16 And when your religious leaders say to you, "A voice said to me…", you are afraid to ask them where that voice comes from because you are children of the devil and Salvation after death means nothing to you. But all the children of God among you will come to me.

  • @kouamejojo4288
    @kouamejojo4288 ปีที่แล้ว

    19 How many black personalities have read or listened to my words? How many do not despise me because I am black? But look at the history of Europe! At a time when mankind did not have the Bible, the care of the whites for God’s messengers was so great that God raised them up so many messengers, to the point that one messenger did not die and God raised up another one: Irenaeus, Columban, Hilary of Poitiers, John Wycliffe, John Huss, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Wesley... And all those were received as prophets in their own nations. Kings, dukes and nobles protected them from the Catholic church by granting them safe-conducts so that no one would hurt them. But as for me, I have been imprisoned and forbidden to preach.

  • @sergealaingbeyere6491
    @sergealaingbeyere6491 ปีที่แล้ว

    1 The Bible says in Revelation 12:7-9 and Isaiah 14 that there was war in heaven because Satan wanted to be worshipped like God. Satan said: "I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit upon the mount of assembly ... I will be like the Most High ...". The Angels of God then fought against Satan and his angels and cast them on earth.
    2 Billions of angels were cast on earth and went and hid behind sacred waters, stars, forests and groves, feasts, mystical orders in all countries. Instead of "demons" or "fallen angels" they were called in Africa: geniuses-benefactors. And these geniuses raised up powerful fetish priests. They were worshipped and their first desire was achieved. The most powerful among them were actual gods, especially in Egypt, with the Incas, in Babylonia, India and others.
    3 According to Revelation 14:6-8, the Gospel was ordering mankind to turn away from these demons. For the first time, we knew that the fetish priest, the diviner, the astrologer was a prophet of Satan. After the kings, they were the fetish priests and marabouts that lived a comfortable life: black goats, sheep, white chickens, bottles of liquor...

  • @delimaaho3695
    @delimaaho3695 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    26 [Ndr : Frère Philippe prie pendant que l'assemblée chante.]. Oh! Dieu envoie-nous toujours des prophètes! Je ne suis pas le premier et je ne serai pas le dernier mais quand Tu enverras un prophète après moi, donne à nos enfants de le reconnaître car la plus grande bénédiction sur la terre, c'est le prophète vivant... De même que, en son temps, les élus ont reconnu Moïse, de même que, en son temps, les élus ont reconnu Jérémie, de même que, en son temps les élus ont reconnu les prophètes, de même que lorsque Tu étais sur la terre, les élus T'ont reconnu, de même que, aujourd'hui, les élus vivant dans ce temps m'ont reconnu, fais en sorte que, après moi, lorsque Tu enverras des prophètes sur la terre, nos enfants puissent les reconnaître. C'est ma prière Seigneur. Accorde-nous cela Seigneur ! Merci Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Amen !

  • @audreyseri5947
    @audreyseri5947 ปีที่แล้ว

    4 Well. There are many truths but only one is the Truth, there are many gods but only one is the true God. There are many churches but only one is the true Church. There are many holy spirits but only one is the true Holy Spirit. There are many versions of the Bible but only one is the true Bible. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].

  • @armandbelga1387
    @armandbelga1387 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1 Revelation that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I gave on December 18, 2022 from my village, to the saints of my generation on the present stage of my mission.
    2 We are in December. It's trade season for the merchants of the temple. Those bishops and prophets of Satan will shout again in their supermarkets, harvest festivals and prayer vigils: "Come and get your blessing! Your star must shine! Come and get your wedding, your visa, ... You customers who have 1000 dollars, come! Go to the cashier! You too who have 10 dollars, come! Even you customers who have coins, come here! There are all kinds of prices! There are blessings of 100 dollars, 2 dollars, 1 dollar. Go to the cashier".

  • @kouakoucynthia2827
    @kouakoucynthia2827 ปีที่แล้ว

    23 It was perhaps the same Hebrew’s Word that was used there but by the Holy Spirit, through Darby wrote: "stir not up, nor awake". [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. Louis Segond and the others under the influenced of theology wrote: "awake not and awake not…". You see? That is what makes the difference between him that has the Spirit and him that has not. No one if it is not by the Holy Spirit can translate the Bible. How can Darby write that if it is not by the Spirit? You see? The whole Bible perfectly lines up.
    24 The book of Song of Songs takes place overnight and ends at dawn. The 6th verse of chapter 4 says it as well, "Until the day dawn, and the shadows flee away, I will get me to the mountain of myrrh, And to the hill of frankincense." You see?
    25 And notice that this book is visibly made up of eight chapters as we can see it but actually, there are seven. The eighth is a summary but spiritually, a restitution of the first seven. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
    26 Well, in this love affair, what happened? The Lord Jesus-Christ, He that rides on the mountains and hills, gave her a Message and it is the voice of verse 8 in chapter 2. Can you see the asterisk which is there? Do you know that Genesis 2:4 is the beginning of the 2nd chapter of Genesis? And that Psalms 119 is an assemblage of 22 chapters of 8 verses each and beginning each with an asterisk? You see? There is a voice in the 8th verse of chapter 2 and what did that voice do? It called a pure virgin! In the 6th verse of chapter 3, he cried out: "Who is this, she that cometh up from the wilderness Like pillars of smoke…" You see?
    27 In the same way Israel went up into the wilderness with Moses, thus does this Shulamite go up into the wilderness of Revelation 12:14. And in the summary, in verse 5 of chapter 8 where the 8th chapter actually starts, this same voice sounds saying: "Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, Leaning upon her beloved?". You see? And at the end, chapter 8 verse 13, a voice said to Shulamite: "Thou that dwellest in the gardens, The companions hearken to thy voice: Let me hear it."
    28 O You, the happiest one to whom God gives the grace of the Interpretation of the white stone mystery at midnight, we, your companions of the other countries, are waiting for your voice! We are waiting for the voice of Matthew 25:6. In the very middle of this spiritual night, your companions who did not prostitute themselves are waiting for this voice of Matthew 25:6 from you, let them hear it! What is this? To the most beautiful woman, the most loved one has been given the most precious thing which is: the Interpretation of The unknown tongue and it was this joy which made that in the 16th verse of chapter 4, she called all the virgins of the North, the East, the West and the South to come to rejoice with her. It is the same thing in chapter 4 where the Bridegroom calls the Bride from everywhere, "Come with me, from Lebanon, my Spouse, With me from Lebanon, --Come, look from the top of Amanah, From the top of Senir and Hermon, From the lions' dens, From the mountains of the leopards." You see?
    29 Come from all the nations, come from all the churches, come from all the races of the earth. "Thou that dwellest in the gardens, The companions hearken to thy voice: Let me hear it!" You, Brothers and Sisters, who have received the Bridegroom’s voice at midnight, let me hear it! You, sweet little Shulamite, let Europe hear it! Let Asia hear it, tell America that the Lamb of Revelation 5 has come down here in Africa to interpret the unknown tongue. Tell Africa that Jesus-Christ is visiting the great-grandsons of the Ethiopian eunuch! Tell the great-grandsons of the Shulamite that Him that their heart loves is knocking at the door! Tell the whole world that the midnight Cry has sounded! Like Anna or the Samaritan woman, bear witness of what God has done and let everyone know it around you.

  • @yaoarmandkoffi1930
    @yaoarmandkoffi1930 ปีที่แล้ว

    53 In 1993, I saw the paradise of God and his prophets covered with a white cloud but the paradises of the religions and holy books do not exist anywhere. And Salvation can never be obtained through debates or discussions or through the practice of an old religion of one’s parents but Salvation is to recognize the living prophet of your time and it is this prophet who will tell you what you must do to be saved, just as before you, people like you received prophets in their time and were saved. After reading or listening to me, you have two choices before you: either you die in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity or Judaism and go to hell, or you follow the living prophet of your time to go to heaven and I am this prophet, I that speak to you.