theres NO WAY its 3-0 anyone roc n tsu so fkn gassed....if the crowd fucked with shine n dna like they did tsu n roc...yall be sayin 3-0 shine dna. rofl these mothafukas funny. Gas Station Onwers = Surf n Rock. rock n surf had some rlly good shyt doh. im only at round two seen this forever ago on boot think i may have shut off before ens cuz the gas.omg as i type this rock n surf say the corniest shit and immediately "OHHHHHHHHWWWOAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 3-0 3-0 fuck it if its only beginning 2nd. also i take points away from the choke from tay n rock were "crowd " fucked them up
The fact it’s 2023 and I’m still coming bacc to this Legendary Battle with Surf and Roc just shows me this shit will Forever be fire 🔥 #FreetheWave #FreeSurf
The Scholar B Major Before the shot hanes shirt (no holes) After the shot yeezy (has holes and is comparing the shirt to bullet holes) Before the cut Shumpert (Basketball player who had a flat top at the time) After the cut beasley (Idk if hes talking about Michael Beasley who is another basketball or Eric Beasley who’s bald) Essentially just saying he gonna cut the guy
Surf said “don’t stop don’t stop they gon say it’s gassed” Roc said “they won’t let us rap this is what i do” It doesnt matter if they stopped or not they was still fire anyways
It's crazy how much chemistry Surf and Roc have considering this is their first battle together and that they live 400ish miles round trip away from one another
i would say they have alot of chemistry. they were well prepared tho. to me most battlers just take turns spitting their parts which isnt that hard. its when u try to do more that shows if u have chemistry. k shine and dna do more than just spit their lines. their very well coordinated with their movements and their lines mesh better. they probably lost based on content tho. i have to watch the battle again.
@@p0pimp2004 yea but most of the time dna and k shines bars are very corny or dumpster,did u really say u have to watch it again? Lol,this is the one battle where it's a 3-0 after the and roc made those dudes look tiny.dna m shine just had awful material and rapped too fast .you HAVE to learn to use crowd control and star power to your advantage
It's the end of 2022 and this battle hits completely different, because a lot has changed since this event. Worst of it being, we no longer have either of these 2-on-2 teams anymore; NWX disbanded due to disagreements, and GunTitles fell apart after Surf got locked up for what's looking like the final time. RIP to two of the greatest teams to exist.
imahelpfulperson honestly i didnt care much for their shit it took them too many times to say the construction line i was done the crowd was too crazy and they repeated to much
Yohanes Paruntu That first round was legendary and the second one was too. A lot of people always mention how fire the first round was, but never mention the second round. That second round was 🔥 too. The first round put nwx in the grave, but the second round threw the dirt on nwx bodies and sealed it up.
GOAT opening round. Shit is incredibly every time. Crowd was dope too. Can't see how this can ever be topped. Delivery, performance, wordplay crowd control etc. This was a battle rap lesson. NWX lost ALL THEIR confidence BEFORE they even got to rap
2021 and I'm still here. Surf and Roc were mad entertaining this battle. The look of shock on Shine and DNA faces was priceless. They were witnessing history and a team that will forever be engraved as the ones who changed the 2 on 2 game.
Word on the street is every-time Gun Titles walk past a construction site they began chanting "These Hammers....These hammers....These hammers.........These hammers!!" Out of seemingly nowhere
Charles Stewart 100... That first round in part 2 was a round of rebuttals. I'm with Tsu all day, respect to NWX they flipped that shit well. 4-1 out of the 5 rounds for GT. Tsu and Roc should've came for heads in part 2 Even after hearing NWXs first.
We gotta keep it real. What Guntitles did might be a Top 5 moment in battle rap history. MIGHT be. I'm not sure if we'll ever see anything like this again. Every bar hit.
Finished the first round, it was kind of hard to sit through and could barely keep my attention. Where is the top 5 moment? I don't feel like this battle is even worth watching after that horrible round
@patriciap4095 rematch don't matter because they already went through their best material in 2 rounds while nwx only did 1, and surf was overrated i agree but that was when he chocked a lot but his run now is legendary all 30 probably
shine didn't touch roc tho, how does that make him a bitch if shine didn't even touch him. + if shine did Im pretty sure Surf would've done it because he put it on his set
They missed so much shit fr lmfao. It’s crazy how good these mfers are when it comes to wordplay regardless of who you’re a fan of. They put so much thought in to their shit
21:07 Surf: Look like a pentagon? That's crazy... Roc: That's a pentagon. Surf: It is a pentagon. IDK why I found this so funny. They were just having a normal ass conversation about what a pentagon is...
@@Be-Dillon When a bullet enters and exits almost anything the entry wound is smaller than the exit wound because when the bullet hits something the impact causes the bullet to flatten out and becomes larger in circumference (see reference). Hence, "Entry wound like a dime, exit wound like a frisbee". A dime's circumference being roughly 3/4 inches and a frisbee's circumference being approximately 12 1/2 inches. Now, this is an exaggerated case presented by "Gun Titles" and battle rap contains a plethora of uses of the literary device known as a hyperbole. While hyperboles can be found in traditional rap it is more prominent in the sub genre of battle rap being that it is an aggressive and more hardcore form of the fore-mentioned genre. This is one of many examples of how battle rap has employed various literary devices, specifically ones of a hyperbolic nature. The tandem group, "Gun Titles", also meshes science, physics, munition, poetry, and forensic concepts together to craft and deliver a excellent quotable line. In conclusion, *_JERSEY_* . References: The Bar In Question: This video @ 5:38 Forensic Science of Entry and Exit Wounds: P.S. I'm on 60 mg of Vyvanse and It's a Sunday lmao.
DNA: "Bruh we should have prepared, fuck!" Kshine: "What you want me to push rock so the battle be over and we can get they ass at that rematch son." DNA: "DO IT NIGGGGAAAHHH!"
@@DBH510 the next 2 . How. They won this battle. The second battle they didn't get paid so they just went light. That third round was fire that second battle n was suppose 2 be the third round 4 this battle. Would have been a nasty bodybag if they got there third round off.
Who’s watching this legendary battle in 2024?
Will never get old this will forever be legendary!!
shi im watching it rn lmao
Bruh this is legendary and also Roc benn doin the most this year
Yes sir
how you get 3-0 in the 1st round
riiiiight That Part
they on that exclusive list
X Factor
and now NWX
facts!! lol
theres NO WAY its 3-0 anyone
roc n tsu so fkn gassed....if the crowd fucked with shine n dna like they did tsu n roc...yall be sayin 3-0 shine dna. rofl these mothafukas funny. Gas Station Onwers = Surf n Rock. rock n surf had some rlly good shyt doh. im only at round two seen this forever ago on boot think i may have shut off before ens cuz the gas.omg as i type this rock n surf say the corniest shit and immediately "OHHHHHHHHWWWOAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 3-0 3-0 fuck it if its only beginning 2nd. also i take points away from the choke from tay n rock were "crowd " fucked them up
K shine was the kid that when he getting beat in a game would just turn the whole system off or just knock the game over
Lmao 😂😂
Lol....type of nigga that take his ball back if he can't play basketball
+Erica Genesis hes the kid that throws the controller so hard it breaks on impact but he's at your house fucking up your shit......
The fact it’s 2023 and I’m still coming bacc to this Legendary Battle with Surf and Roc just shows me this shit will Forever be fire 🔥 #FreetheWave #FreeSurf
I came here to change the flowers in the gravesites
Salute king.real niggaz always come back to the graveyard and give respect 😂
Had to come bacc and say R.I.P one more time 😂 💐
Just here changing the flowers.
Rip dna and k shine “it was a perfect day to die”😭😭😭
ALL Punches >> 4:28 5:29 6:41 7:52 8:55 9:51 11:00 11:55 12:21 12:56 13:44 20:57 21:13 21:30 21:50 22:09 23:03 23:15 23:51 24:06 24:45 25:05 25:54 26:34 27:26 28:28
u earned this W wit me...
+Devernair Lindo w
time consuming , respect
Legend has it roc is still yelling "these hammers"
Black Power 😂😂
Marlon Wright you ain’t now Roc about to almost about smoke someone
Lmfaooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💯‼
Hold on... These hammers
The gold dust line 🤣 even dna wanted to laugh 😂
Or cry 😂😂😂
To this day its still
Bro, This is the only time I've ever seen the crowd stop the battlers after every fucking Bar. They had to run that shit back like 4 times
NBW DOUGHBOY go watch Surf vs Geechie
Explain the whole thing. I wanna make sure I understand it. Lol
The Scholar B Major Before the shot hanes shirt (no holes) After the shot yeezy (has holes and is comparing the shirt to bullet holes) Before the cut Shumpert (Basketball player who had a flat top at the time) After the cut beasley (Idk if hes talking about Michael Beasley who is another basketball or Eric Beasley who’s bald) Essentially just saying he gonna cut the guy
Evan Edwards it’s a double entendre too because when Imani shumpert got traded (cut) they signed Michael Beasley
God damn Beasley came through with the strength of 100 men lmao
IntroSpecktive WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOING HERE???!???!!
he had to they Said his name Lol
IntroSpecktive I didn't know you watched battles lol
IntroSpecktive lol facts
IntroSpecktive yeeees
Tay: "insert bar" {crowd reacts}
Surf: " Come on, Come on..
Surf: "Insert Bar" {Crowd Reacts}
Tay: "hold it down"
Surf: "Let em rock, let em rock"
Saddest part is NWX actually had a solid first round but nobody could top what surf and roc did round 1
Loaded hollows could’ve
@@brianjackson3031BIG 🧢
@@amunrarebirth5511 too bad we never got to see it
Who else watching in 2019?
Nigga said on crip if you touch him I'm knocking you out 💀💀💀
Gun Titles first round was fire
Roc and Surf both fused and became Ultra Instinct Vegito!!! 😂😂😂
Chill 😂😂😂
Deadass tho
Yupp... That bout sums it up
Before the shot:
Roc and Surf
After the shot:
Anybody else watching this in 2018???
Brandon Howard hell yeah. ....shyyt gts mo flames wenever I cheq it. ...
Hell yeeaaaahhhhhhhh. ...
Brandon Howard i watch this almost everyday bro
Right hea and ima be watching it 10-20 years from now.
Brandon Howard 💯
Dont mind me, just bringing fresh flowers😂
Surf said “don’t stop don’t stop they gon say it’s gassed”
Roc said “they won’t let us rap this is what i do”
It doesnt matter if they stopped or not they was still fire anyways
tolulope Akintan big Facts bro shit is n very classic 🔥🔥🔥
Still the deadliest 2 rounds in battle rap history
That’s facts!
Hands down
FACCCTSSS, bruh so many lines went over the crowds head, lemme get in there ill call it all out, fuccc
This the battle where Surf realized u can win with no 3rd
Deadass 😂😂😂😂
World Newz fact
World Newz lmao
World Newz Hahahahahaha factories
It’s 2022 and these are still the best 2 rounds ever
I come back to this video from time to time to pay my respects. R.I.P. NWX
There was nothing NWX could have done to prep for this... best first round I've ever seen thus far
“24 waving out the Black Mamba there” R.I.P. Kobe 🙏🏾
Helicopter Boy R.I.P
@Hunting Party! It's a song
It's already been a year dang bro feels like yesterday
Rip bean
I still can’t believe we have to add Rest In Peace when mentioning Kobe Bryant. Like that shit just feels so surreal man.
2022 but I’m new to battle rap. The first round is the greatest round I’ve seen in my entire life
It's crazy how much chemistry Surf and Roc have considering this is their first battle together and that they live 400ish miles round trip away from one another
i would say they have alot of chemistry. they were well prepared tho. to me most battlers just take turns spitting their parts which isnt that hard. its when u try to do more that shows if u have chemistry. k shine and dna do more than just spit their lines. their very well coordinated with their movements and their lines mesh better. they probably lost based on content tho. i have to watch the battle again.
@@p0pimp2004 bro this was a disgusting body
Main reason this was a bodybag!!
Sometimes it’s just unexplainable. Energy can only be transferred and not destroyed this is a perfect example of that this whole battle
@@p0pimp2004 yea but most of the time dna and k shines bars are very corny or dumpster,did u really say u have to watch it again? Lol,this is the one battle where it's a 3-0 after the and roc made those dudes look tiny.dna m shine just had awful material and rapped too fast .you HAVE to learn to use crowd control and star power to your advantage
these hammaz!! these hammaz!! these hammaz!! these hammaz!! these hammaz!! these hammaz!!
J DOT EASY 😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭
J DOT EASY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
lol i came across this comment when they were saying that bit
You a fucking fool lololol
J DOT EASY Hold Onnn
The 1st bar let me know it was bout to get dark lol
Vic Calloway facx
It's the end of 2022 and this battle hits completely different, because a lot has changed since this event. Worst of it being, we no longer have either of these 2-on-2 teams anymore; NWX disbanded due to disagreements, and GunTitles fell apart after Surf got locked up for what's looking like the final time. RIP to two of the greatest teams to exist.
Gts will never fall apart
Except if ya name Eazy 😂
You can fill me in on NWX disbanding?
Tsu surf and tay roc go crazzzzzzzy
imahelpfulperson honestly i didnt care much for their shit it took them too many times to say the construction line i was done the crowd was too crazy and they repeated to much
Frfr Gun Titles was spazzin on em
Hoop 24 😯
Hoop 24 facts lmaooo
CORY FГaΩCo *tsu surf
This battle will NEVER, EVER, EVVVEEERRR get old! I know Gun Titles verses by heart...omg!
this battle is debatable.
the debate, which of guntitles round was better 1 or 2?
I got 2. That wrestling and car scheme was CRAZY
Yohanes Paruntu boy i was finna say ain’t nun debatable bout the blow out
Yohanes Paruntu can i make a case for their 3rd round bein' jus as fire as tha first 2 rounds?
Yohanes Paruntu That first round was legendary and the second one was too. A lot of people always mention how fire the first round was, but never mention the second round. That second round was 🔥 too. The first round put nwx in the grave, but the second round threw the dirt on nwx bodies and sealed it up.
@@tayshunshelling8157 bruh the shapes scheme
Bro that B U N K , D U N K all that was 🔥🔥 2nd round was craaazy
Roc and surf been brother ever since 💯💯💙💪🏿
Legend has it, the crowds still cheering..
To this day
"Why yall do this" 🤣 Dude in the crowd was hilarious
Tsu was trying to move the battle and Rock was trying to take every reaction in lol🤣 Tsu was so mad
I laugh at that every time 😂😂😂
I think surf's bad pacing is half the reason why he ends up forgetting his lines.
@@kaarthuisplus I'm sure it's because if roc sit there and eat crowd reaction all day they gonna say it gassed like most ppl do
Only 3-0 in a battle wit no 3 rd round! 😂💯
Guntitles won the coin toss ahhaha and still decided to go first
Nah that aint the only.
Clips vs Xfactor 1 rounder body bag
Surf vs Brixx 1 rounder body bag lol
Jonathan Turner that brixx belvy one is damn near hard to watch 😭😭
Hitman 3-0d Conceited w/o a 3rd
Fax yo!
Still can't even imagine what their 3rd was gonna sound like!?! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
They said the 3rd they used in the second battle was their original third. NWX was gonna die all 3 🤦🏾♂️
It was gone be ight
Nah they was going to die all 3... The second battle gave NWX the momentum they needed to dilute that third rd..
Who else skipped nwx rounds 😂
@@f.e.a.rsarge840fr fr
GOAT opening round. Shit is incredibly every time. Crowd was dope too. Can't see how this can ever be topped. Delivery, performance, wordplay crowd control etc. This was a battle rap lesson. NWX lost ALL THEIR confidence BEFORE they even got to rap
Roc/Chess's 1st round vs Loaded Hollows was the It Was Written to Guntitles' Illmatic. Ppl might not appreciate it now, but that shit was a movie.
@@labbaby189 Is that the "Them's the shell casings" round?
Antoine Bell 💯💯💯
liquidgeorge yea
And Now NWX Topped it against Efb with their first 2 rounds being the golden standard of 2V2
2021 and I'm still here. Surf and Roc were mad entertaining this battle. The look of shock on Shine and DNA faces was priceless. They were witnessing history and a team that will forever be engraved as the ones who changed the 2 on 2 game.
2021 chiraq in dis bish
Kshine was acting like bitch
@@HoodHope y'all puss y
Word on the street is every-time Gun Titles walk past a construction site they began chanting "These Hammers....These hammers....These hammers.........These hammers!!" Out of seemingly nowhere
W 😂😂😂😂💀💯
This is one of the few events in life I wish I could've caught live. Guntitles were AMAZING in this battle. Legendary performance ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Back in 2022 , it still hits different 🔥🔥...
No lies
Shine had finally had enough 💀
They don't got enough money for the trilogy
Yessssir king 💯
Tsu & Tay!!! How you murder these boys 3-0 in the 1st round... Shit was bananas
shit like that. don demarco.BANG BANG
They just that nice
They didn't tho and they got cooked the 2nd battle easy
@@draqualldagreat5426 ofc they lost the rematch 😭 if they didn’t shine or dna would never touch a stage again
No rematch can fix this
Batric Garic heavy facts 😭
Batric Garic not at all.
that's not light
Nwx came prepared for the rematch took it easily
Bruuu this battle is so gooooddd!! I don’t even watch battle rap anymore and still come back to listen to this one!!
this is hands down the best 1st round of the years maybe of all time
That's real. What you think about DNA and Shine's 1st round in Part 2 or their battle?
It was legendary too. Ill have to watch it again
marseille2130 it's not top nthn a bunch of flip GT material vs GT having fresh unheard shit in 5 rounds gotta respect originality
Charles Stewart 100... That first round in part 2 was a round of rebuttals. I'm with Tsu all day, respect to NWX they flipped that shit well. 4-1 out of the 5 rounds for GT. Tsu and Roc should've came for heads in part 2 Even after hearing NWXs first.
Adan Delgado dats faxx
Over 3 mill people came to the funeral that’s respect 💯
MozzyVeVo 4 now
Facts 🤣😂🤣
6 now
Can’t copy that....
We gotta keep it real. What Guntitles did might be a Top 5 moment in battle rap history. MIGHT be. I'm not sure if we'll ever see anything like this again. Every bar hit.
Now we have Loaded Hollows vs GunTitles coming in August.
Boitshoko Molefhi - still won’t be like this battle. No one expected them to come that tough
Nahhhhhh you'll never see anything like this again 😔
I'm a minute into their 1st round, it's all gassed up lines so far. Don't know wtf everyone else talking about
Finished the first round, it was kind of hard to sit through and could barely keep my attention. Where is the top 5 moment? I don't feel like this battle is even worth watching after that horrible round
One of my favorite 3-0's of all time. #FreeTsuSurf ❤
But they lost the rematch and Surf is overrated.
@@patriciap4095 in ur dreams
@patriciap4095 rematch don't matter because they already went through their best material in 2 rounds while nwx only did 1, and surf was overrated i agree but that was when he chocked a lot but his run now is legendary all 30 probably
@@ViciousKell The rematch does matter. And anyway, NWX destroyed them both times.
@@patriciap4095 yeah you're a fanboy not gonna waste my time lmao
Guntitles 1st round would've broken the world record for Don Demarco drops in a battle.
Official vs Jaz
Legendary shit
@@conquered.kozmos1395 damn ima have to watch that again
"Stop stopping" - Tsu Surf
Haha 💯🔥♨
“ I can’t this is what I do!”- Tay Roc
Tsu Surf screaming “ROOOOCCC!!!” at 26:14 is legendary. He needs to be in his corner always as his hype man!!
did you see roc at the surf vs reed dollaz, he was all over the place.
Kirt Campbell I need to check that out. I wish I could remember what other battle had Surf screaming “ROOOCCC”!
2024 anybody?
I’ll be lying if I didn’t come here to see “gold dust”
Just came here to change flowers😂🙏🏿
Seeing this for the first time 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@@josephmiller9609o my this was the time bruh I promise I still remember this day
My nigga Tsu Surf said "touch him and imma knock you out" 💯💯real brother shit✊🏾
+Malek Stevenson but he didn't do it
+Mo Bo shine didn't touch him, all he did was put his hands in his face
shine didn't touch roc tho, how does that make him a bitch if shine didn't even touch him. + if shine did Im pretty sure Surf would've done it because he put it on his set
+Donovan Stone are u blind or did u miss the last 3 minutes when shine grabbed rocs neck
Kshine himself wins this battle. Why u ask. I'll tell you. Because he knew they were going to lose so he purposely sabotaged it! -genius-
Naw he shoulda swung after the second “I called roc like yo cuz” lol
ravenjmain 😭😭😭😭😭
ShufflesMcGee1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@S2C8509 😂
K shine the type of nigga who never passes the controller when he loses on mario kart
+N'd ALL DAT! lmfaoooo
That was corny
lol facts
facts he a ny nigga fr
Those 2 rounds from Roc and Surf are legendary. I come back atleast once a year lol
Who's Idea was it to put rock and surf on the same team? That shit isnt even fair! Thats like teaming goku and vageta against the telitubbys
Lmao facts
+Frankie Viola exactly
This battle will never get old.
Christopher Thomas facts
Christopher Thomas big facts
That Gold Dust line sent them to Hell.
Hypnos The Sloth God RIP NWX
Hypnos The Sloth God under hell. Full Scholarship
Hypnos The Sloth God their whole first round did actually.
Facts!!! Those were zombies at the rematch
K was the intended receiver, but D back caught it for em! .. i cant believe the whole crowd missed that😂😂
They missed so much shit fr lmfao. It’s crazy how good these mfers are when it comes to wordplay regardless of who you’re a fan of. They put so much thought in to their shit
So cold man
they up north they don't play football like that
@@musak.4068man this where football started quick playin
@@ghoul5371 Y'all don't play football like that up north. That's a fact.
This like my 10th time watching this battle but guntitles 1st round was so legendary it can make a hit man holla. That's lite
Sean Davis so basically you colder than tsu and tay roc
I'm high asl wondering when did I make this comment😂😂
i know whoever you was going against 30d you 😂😂😂😂
5:01 that “Yass bitch” line underrated 😂 they energy and everything made that shit fire
That’s my favorite bar of time idk I love that bar
Then surf laughed in they face lol
best bar oat
This low key the best bar of the battle????
Shit was HARD
13:39 *Barack ain't gon Michelle's (but roc aint gon miss shells) he'll need Obamacare was crazy and underrated af* 🔥🔥
Going into 2024 and I’m still watching this battle
Surf: Look like a pentagon? That's crazy...
Roc: That's a pentagon.
Surf: It is a pentagon.
IDK why I found this so funny. They were just having a normal ass conversation about what a pentagon is...
It’s funny to me cause those are the type of conversations I have with my 4 year old 🤣🤣🤣
Ayo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
i thought i was the only one😂😂😂
Beasley pushed through the crowd with the strength of 300 Spartans
NKGMuramasa roflmaooooooooo facts
NKGMuramasa lmmfao 😂
This nigga came outta of nowhere
I've never seen a dude his size that strong
SHine and DNA stood in front of the craziest round in battle rap history
1 of but I feel you that shit got to be tough not to react to some fire when going against somebody
We never seen a second round so deal v
Big T took so many stray bullets during Roc and Surf first round 😂😂😂
Tay ROC and Surf is a deadly duo😷🔥🔥
daevon wood facts
k shine was like stop "playing with my fucking name put respeck on it" lol
+R Brown Right
+Edwin Raymond lmao I heard smack pointed at dna, shine, and big t's fingers after lunch and said "All tree of yall, get the fuck outta here"
lol im💀
I'm I the only one who was trying to listen to what shine and DNA was saying but I found myself fast forwarding to Guntitles 😂😂
Denzel Rene me too
That ratchet sister line so 🔥 😂😂
Surf + Tay Roc = Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
I thnk you need to edit this to Super Sayian god Gogeta. lmaoooo
@@Thebearwand nah. Ssj4
Blake Hansen if you think it’s better looking, that’s fine. Strength wise, SSJ4 gets washed 🤷🏽♂️
@@Thebearwand I dont take it that seriously. But yeah, lookwise ssj4 is my favorite form in all of DB
Ssj4 non canon Lol but I personally like ssj god gogeta better
The rematch was Unnecessary...this was Murder!!
They murdered nwx but both teams ate in the rematch
EXIT WOUND LIKE A FRISBEE. The chemistry with these dudes are insane.
Can you explain
That's light!
@@Be-Dillon When a bullet enters and exits almost anything the entry wound is smaller than the exit wound because when the bullet hits something the impact causes the bullet to flatten out and becomes larger in circumference (see reference). Hence, "Entry wound like a dime, exit wound like a frisbee". A dime's circumference being roughly 3/4 inches and a frisbee's circumference being approximately 12 1/2 inches. Now, this is an exaggerated case presented by "Gun Titles" and battle rap contains a plethora of uses of the literary device known as a hyperbole. While hyperboles can be found in traditional rap it is more prominent in the sub genre of battle rap being that it is an aggressive and more hardcore form of the fore-mentioned genre. This is one of many examples of how battle rap has employed various literary devices, specifically ones of a hyperbolic nature. The tandem group, "Gun Titles", also meshes science, physics, munition, poetry, and forensic concepts together to craft and deliver a excellent quotable line. In conclusion, *_JERSEY_* .
The Bar In Question: This video @ 5:38
Forensic Science of Entry and Exit Wounds:
I'm on 60 mg of Vyvanse and It's a Sunday lmao.
@@wtfKwaku 😭 thanks I got it now
@@Be-Dillon word, Straight Like That
Came back and this still legendary 💯free the wave✅🙏🏾
JR from WWE would be like God damn these mans got wife and kids...somebody stop this
Stephen Bernard this is such a good comment
Stop the damn match bahhh gawdddd!
Stephen Bernard 😂😂😂😂😂 This comment is so underrated!
Lmao 😂😂😂😂
The goat comment
Till this day I don’t think I’ve ever heard Shine and DNA’s rounds. 🤷🏿♂️
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 FAXXXXXX
🤣🤣🤣. I know I watched the first time I seen this battle. But I prolly seen guntitles rounds 25 times since then. Ain’t watched nwx rounds since.
That's a shame because they won the 1st round, probably the whole battle, idk I can't sit through this whole trash battle
No One. Only right your name is no one. Cuz no one would say that dumb shit you just said.
I think it’s a parody account because that is something no one will say
When the whole crowd yelled goldust. Shine died. Even years later after rewatching, hes still dead.
Me in 2023 randomly blurting out during the day…”I CALL ROCK LIKE YO CUZ” 😂
This video is proof that battle rap needs a mercy rule.
+Tbgaming RAiD lool
ShufflesMcGee1 I disagree
@@jlim802 haha #FACTS
Bruh said a mercy rule 😂😂
Roc: stop f*cking playing with me
Surf: I hate Cortez
😂 😂
When? 😂😂😂
Raj Bhatt XP round 2
@@CLS_7301 Thx Boss!
"I jump out wit da ratchet sista like 'yaaaaas bitch'"🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - Tay Roc
Big Bro "everyone gets a arm in the face I won't dab shit" 🔥
F. Tonkonst its a play of the previous line: “we got two twin ninas”. The “twin” ninas is where the sister comes from
2023 we here & this still the filthiest double homicide I seen ever 🤷♂️💀. Legend says 12 still looking for the bodies 😂
Snapple Cap Fact
Oh shit
I see how now
lmfaoooooo factz
its 2018 and i still watch this battle .. k shine wudda found any reason to start a fight it was they only way out lmao.
Ratedl Ratedl #2018Murders
I will forever come back for Roc & Tsu bruh 😂 they BODDDIEEEED
Man😭😭😭 I had to come back to send my condolences 💐
Till this day I still come back
Exactly what I’m doing rn lol they really odeed on them.
This shit was sick. Come back once a year at least to leave flowers at DNA and Shines graves
Leaving flowers for DNA and Shine
This is my annual 💐 to give nwx
May y’all soul still R.I.P
DNA: "Bruh we should have prepared, fuck!"
Kshine: "What you want me to push rock so the battle be over and we can get they ass at that rematch son."
Brandon Snow 💀💀💀💀💀
Brandon Snow 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Brandon Snow facts nwx knew they loss they cry baby ass had to do a rematch.
bruh i am crying!!!!! lmfao
Brandon Snow Exactly !! Every time the feel the heat Shine does some dumb shit . Chess n Steams battle too
Round 1:
Round 2:
For those of you that are coming back strictly just to watch Gun Titles destroy them lol
STEEZ THE KING Goodlooking 😂😂
In 2029 this shall be Legendary
Appreciate u
Lol Thank you
i tell my shooters paul walker, that just mean crash whips!! lmao
Thats churches
Before the cut... SHUMPERT
Edi Terzić Hanes *
1 of the best 2 on 2 battles ever had to come back in 2022 mad replay value straight caskets for Shine and DNA literally
This is the best battle rap video I've ever seen lmao Tsu & Roc wouldn't let them breathe LMAO
Word up
Don’t matter if it’s big or low flames gone obliterate his top like a blunt to roll
Legend has it, if you say "These" 10 times, while holdin' 2 hammers, Roc and Surf will appear.
🌊+🗻= 🔫Titles 🔥🔥
Bruh 😂😂 I’m dying
I actually tried it, I wish it happened
Shout out to everyone who watch this just for roc/surf 1st round;
It wasnt that hot
round 1 was good but round 2 was the body bag
@@Thebearwand that's what I've always said
Just watched it, I'm not excited
NWX ate them niggas 1st round, no comparison
Man this gotta be my 50th time watching this crazy shit 🤣🤣💯💯🔥🔥
just here to drop flowers on the casket.. We won't forget you NWX.
Bob Evans awe man sooo foul
Bruh all I could think about is Lux comin' out sayin "dearly beloved.." LOL
Bob Evans fact's👌😱😱😂💪💪🌼🏥🏥🚑🌷
The Greatest 1st Round in 2 on 2 History #Gun-titles #FreeSurf
Roc and Surf are pretty much unbeatable....the combination of style, punches, performance and synergy that they come with is impeccable 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
After treating nwx like that it’s nobody else that can stand it with these niggas
they loss the next two tho
@@flyghtmyleage6041 they really didn’t
@@khalillewis2501 they did
@@DBH510 the next 2 . How. They won this battle. The second battle they didn't get paid so they just went light. That third round was fire that second battle n was suppose 2 be the third round 4 this battle. Would have been a nasty bodybag if they got there third round off.
Just here changing the flowers 💐