Ratio of HIV infection via homosexual or bisexual contact : via heterosexual contact 67: 28 (3rd Q 2012) 65:29 (2nd Q 2012) 52:28(1st Q 2012) 188:117(2011) 161:111(2010) 162:108(2009)
政府補貼又係多少? 根據2010 的資料HIV treatment( remember we are not talking about AIDS ) [ "It costs HK$60 ($8) for a consultation with a specialist and HK$10 per prescription," said Lee of the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation. For those people without Hong Kong residency, medicine can cost about HK$10,000 a month and more than HK$2,000 for each specialist consultation. ]
Further info: The lowest overall percentage comes from the Norwegian Living Conditions Survey at 1.2%, with the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, conducted in the United States, producing the highest estimate at 5.6%. In general, the non-US surveys, which vary from 1.2% to 2.1%, estimate lower percentages of LGB-identified individuals than the US surveys, which range from 1.7% to 5.6%.
Serial surveys in Bangkok recorded increasing HIV prevalence of 17%, 28%, 31% and 25% respectively among MSM in 2003, 2005, 2007 and Recommended HIV/AID Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016 2009. Other Asian countries also witnessed a high HIV prevalence among MSM.
What's the significance of estimating something that is insignificant and NOT estimatable? You haven't answered this question. 1%? Where's your source?
闗於 [[Priority HIV and Sexual Health Interventions in the Health Sector for Men Who Have Sex with Men(MSM) and Transgender People in the Asia Pacific Region "…………. and "2012 China AIDS Response Progress Report"…….]] 你對HIV的 認識有錯誤。 你要知道不同地方的 epidemiology 是不同的,香港,中國、菲律賓、泰國有不同的 epidemiology ,在美國不同地方 的 epidemiology 也不同。所以不能將 香港、中國、 Asia Pacific Region 混為一談。
When have I defined the term "discrimination"? I will define now: 「雙語法例資料系統」參考 第602章 《種族歧視條例》: 簡單來說,香港立的歧視條例通常很寬鬆,言語上的歧視不能入罪。條例禁止基於(性傾向)而對人作出嚴重中傷;擴大平等機會委員會的管轄範圍以包括該等違法作為。 具體例子包括: 僱主所作的歧視、在提供貨品、設施或服務方面的歧視、教育機構的負責組織所作的歧視等。即是不可因為性傾向而開除你、不提供貨品、設施或服務 (如租屋) 、踢你出校等。
By APA: Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectionate attraction toward others. It is easily distinguished from other components of sexuality including biological sex, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female), and the social gender role (adherence to cultural norms for feminine and masculine behavior). It exists along a continuum that ranges from exclusive heterosexuality to exclusive homosexuality, including various forms of bisexuality.
enumeration of statistics requested. the explanation(s), if applicable, of causing higher chance of HIV is requested. the explanation(s) to counter argument is requested.
By Gary J. Gates, 2011 Williams Institute research This research brief discusses challenges associated with collecting better information about the LGBT community and reviews eleven recent US and international surveys that ask sexual orientation or gender identity questions. - An estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender.
From 2010 HIV statistics in Hong Kong, Assuming there is 20000 MSM in Hong Kong,( age 20-50, population= 3322681) They contribute 161case HIV Non-MSM is 3302681, Second group contribute 111case HIV 20000 of non-MSM population will give 111* 20000/3302681 =0.6721 case Therefore the increased risk of MSM compared with heterosexual contact is 188/0.7085= 239
再用HK的報告! "Priority HIV and Sexual Health Interventions in the Health Sector for Men Who Have Sex with Men(MSM) and Transgender People in the Asia Pacific Region "(2011-2012個份未出)!
有香港msm prism report 係4.X%.. 點解要china and cambodia! and risk higher.. so what? like you said the population is minimal compared to straights, the impact is minimal
"Studies show that at present, the proportion of HIV infections being transmitted among men who have sex with men is larger and more significant than we had originally believed," said Dr Massimo Ghidinelli, WHO Regional Adviser in HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections.
個字既definition我都係今日第一次見到咋喎..- - 仲有按wikipedia詮釋: "Coming out (of the closet) is a figure of speech for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity." 一件公開左既事, 技術上黎講, 除左隊冧哂果尐知情者, 唔會有方法重新變做秘密。咪玩啦, come out之後可以入番去, 咁尐人洗乜咁驚come out呀?
paulsi連加減數和乘數都唔識, MSM令香港政府支出增加, 我俾條數佢計算,係好簡單的減數和乘數, 政府補貼又係多少? 根據2010 的資料HIV treatment( remember we are not talking about AIDS ) [ "It costs HK$60 ($8) for a consultation with a specialist and HK$10 per prescription," said Lee of the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation. For those people without Hong Kong residency, medicine can cost about HK$10,000 a month and more than HK$2,000 for each specialist consultation. ]
e.g. {the rate (which takes into account the size of the population by noting the number of cases per 100,000 people) of persons living with an AIDS diagnosis was highest in the Northeast, followed by the South, the West, and the Midwest} (source:CDC)
Researchers from Imperial College and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine did a meta-analysis of 16 studies related to HIV risk during unprotected anal sex. They estimated that HIV transmission risk during a single act of unprotected, receptive anal sex may be 18 times higher than unprotected, receptive vaginal sex: 1.4 percent compared to 0.08 percent.
Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights. They are not separated and distinct, but one and the same. One being homosexual would not make a human less human, he or she is therefore should be treated as all heterosexuals be treated, respected as all heterosexuals be respected and deserves rights and dignity those heterosexuals have. And because we have rights, governments are bound to protect them. Laws to protect gays are necessary as a result.
“However, as of 2005, 72% of all HIV infections among men in the U.S. were related to MSM “ CDC. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report: Cases of HIV infection and AIDS in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2005. Atlanta: CDC; 2007 Jun; Volume 17
The spread btw 1.2% - 2.1% for outside USA indicates a fair & realistic size of LGBT population in developed countries. Don't ever yell again that it is a 10% community. It is just a myth.
因為世界上有一成人鍾意同性,大家互相喜歡,2個人一齊好開心,又冇傷害都人囉! 呢個係他們天性! 十分自然
‘’’’’’’’一路講緊係性行為MSM,唔係同性 "戀"’’’’’’’’’
quote: "就算“少少連錯都算唔上” 就已經可以 compile/run 唔到/唔正確啦"
有樣野叫compiler sugar, 正正係compiler既容錯手段
例如唔係int main()結尾加return 0, compiler係會自動例編譯前加上return 0再行編譯
又例如使用#pragma once可以令compiler於編譯階段自動為整個project所有files做一個include-guard, 防止重覆匯入
又例如用foreach會自動迴圈提取所有物件的成員, 典型用法為提取整個array的所有member
又例如java既auto-boxing, auto-unboxing, compiler係允許對非物件的data作物件操作, 如 int => Integer
又例如compiler一般接受 string str = "string 1"; 呢一種錯誤語句
(正確為 string str = new string("string 1"); )
就憑你這貨也斗膽在電腦的聖域上冒犯我?! 放馬過來, 你這種要多少有多少的渣滓, 誰會怕啊!
So who provide the base that let us to come to our own conclusion?
Why Jordan's male pigeons fly with only one wing?
你這段描述你自己,描述得你自己很好!” 在你心中係無對錯,祇有輸贏。不擇手段對你來說是必需的。”
邊份報告?link please.
Ratio of
HIV infection via homosexual or bisexual contact : via heterosexual
67: 28 (3rd Q 2012)
65:29 (2nd Q 2012)
52:28(1st Q 2012)
他完全燃起我了, 膽敢踐踏我這一生的專業
林某某被公審, 好驚!
(13:50) 連立埸也改變了!
> 那就是47.8%至79.3%之間
有人對號入坐,林牧師支持您 !
Respect life, respect nature and respect the creator.
根據2010 的資料HIV treatment( remember we are not talking about
[ "It costs HK$60 ($8) for a consultation with a specialist and HK$10 per
prescription," said Lee of the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation.
For those people without Hong Kong residency, medicine can cost
about HK$10,000 a month and more than HK$2,000 for each specialist
consultation. ]
Further info:
The lowest overall percentage comes from the Norwegian Living Conditions Survey at 1.2%, with the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, conducted in the United States, producing the highest estimate at 5.6%. In general, the non-US surveys, which vary from 1.2% to 2.1%, estimate lower percentages of LGB-identified individuals than the US surveys, which range from 1.7% to 5.6%.
That is why we are worlds apart and indeed we are different.
What's your point?
Serial surveys in Bangkok recorded increasing
HIV prevalence of 17%, 28%, 31% and 25% respectively among MSM in 2003, 2005, 2007 and Recommended HIV/AID Strategies for Hong Kong 2012-2016
2009. Other Asian countries also witnessed a high HIV prevalence among MSM.
應該係"We are supposedly born equal, but we are not."
Do what you need to do to fulfill your destiny.
謝謝Cheung David 和賤paul的表演。
我後面好似有講過gay唔一定100% gay, 根據弗洛依德既研究可以有不完全gay, 不完伓bi, 不完全straight, 差異在於程度, 甚至可以用數學既linear vector既model demo 到三個族群之間既continuity, 而基於呢個研究既話homo人口甚至會係100% (弗洛依德相信所有人同時有攣直2種傾向, 差別在於程度強弱, 故此"人人心中都有坐broke-back mount" 如何基於弗洛依德既標準, 現行一切統計數字都不盡不實, 闗鍵在於並未有為不同程度既同性戀, 異性戀, 雙性戀作分級, 而只單純分作, 同性戀, 異性戀, 雙性戀3組, 甚至只分有同冇參與過同性性行為2組, 故此數據分歧極大。數據既不公正性以早年報告比近期為多, 原因宗教直至60-70年代之前仍有對社會作相當程度既干擾, 例子當然有英國 "處死" 電腦之父既雞姦法。
And respect WHAT HE CREATED.
What's the significance of estimating something that is insignificant and NOT estimatable? You haven't answered this question. 1%? Where's your source?
Yes I do, and my faith is "Love is never an excuse of hatred."
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Show more" button. OR
Click the "All Comments" above.
Was that too hard for you?
HTDog 個名講得好清楚。
That sounds good to me -- glad to know I am not in the world that you are in.
今年平基無budget做諮詢" 硏究". 又考慮平基可能對其他反對基運的逆向影響。講到同性婚姻,就更加複雜,要多加硏究。不過又係無budget.
闗於 [[Priority HIV and Sexual Health Interventions in the Health Sector for Men Who Have Sex with Men(MSM) and Transgender People in the Asia Pacific Region "………….
"2012 China AIDS Response Progress Report"…….]]
你對HIV的 認識有錯誤。
你要知道不同地方的 epidemiology 是不同的,香港,中國、菲律賓、泰國有不同的 epidemiology ,在美國不同地方 的 epidemiology 也不同。所以不能將 香港、中國、 Asia Pacific Region 混為一談。
When have I defined the term "discrimination"? I will define now:
「雙語法例資料系統」參考 第602章 《種族歧視條例》:
具體例子包括: 僱主所作的歧視、在提供貨品、設施或服務方面的歧視、教育機構的負責組織所作的歧視等。即是不可因為性傾向而開除你、不提供貨品、設施或服務 (如租屋) 、踢你出校等。
Sexual orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectionate attraction toward others. It is easily distinguished from other components of sexuality including biological sex, gender identity (the psychological sense of being male or female), and the social gender role (adherence to cultural norms for feminine and masculine behavior). It exists along a continuum that ranges from exclusive heterosexuality to exclusive homosexuality, including various forms of bisexuality.
enumeration of statistics requested.
the explanation(s), if applicable, of causing higher chance of HIV is requested.
the explanation(s) to counter argument is requested.
followings are quoted from Wiki:
同性戀難以清晰定義。 根據弗洛依德研究, 同性戀, 雙性戀和異性戀並非離散(discrete) 的三個組別, 而是連續性的(continuous)。以數值-100~100表示性傾向, 設-100為絕對同性戀, 0為絕對雙性戀而100為絕對異性戀, 那任何人的性傾向皆為x, -100
Gay 不會令家庭破裂,而是有你這思想的人,才會令自己及別人的家庭破裂!
By Gary J. Gates, 2011 Williams Institute research
This research brief discusses challenges associated with collecting better information about the LGBT community and reviews eleven recent US and international surveys that ask sexual orientation or gender identity questions.
- An estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender.
From 2010 HIV statistics in Hong Kong,
Assuming there is 20000 MSM in Hong Kong,( age 20-50, population=
3322681) They contribute 161case HIV
Non-MSM is 3302681, Second group contribute 111case HIV
20000 of non-MSM population will give 111* 20000/3302681 =0.6721
Therefore the increased risk of MSM compared with heterosexual
contact is 188/0.7085= 239
So embrace those who hate you.
You better stay out. This is not your game.
"Priority HIV and Sexual Health Interventions in the Health Sector for Men Who Have Sex with Men(MSM) and Transgender People in the Asia Pacific Region "(2011-2012個份未出)!
有香港msm prism report 係4.X%.. 點解要china and cambodia!
and risk higher.. so what? like you said the population is minimal compared to straights, the impact is minimal
quoted from: Heterosexual-homosexual_continuum@wikipedia
with non-content-destructive changes due to limitation on number of character of TH-cam
sorry for the failed grammer in my typing, coz i dun reali care about double checking rofl. and too lazy to re post.
1. 肛交不會加快傳播疾病。不安全性行為會。男男進行肛交愛滋病機率低於4.5%,當中大部分濫交人士。大部分男同性戀者沒有愛滋病(>95.5%)。「另一方面,只有固定性伴侶和在過去6個月與非固定性伴侶有持續使用安全套習慣則與陰性愛滋病/性病檢測結果有關聯。」(Source: MSM Prism report)
2. 大部分同性戀者不會濫交。Source: OKCUPID (美國交友網站)
45% 同性戀者一生人有5個或以下性伴侶 (vs. 44%異性戀者)
98% 同性戀者一生人有20個或以下性伴侶 (vs. 99% 異性戀者)
3. 香港愛滋病病人的分佈如下:
異性戀者 : 同性戀者 = 41.2%: 29.2% (source:統計數字新聞發佈會簡報 04/12/2012)
"Studies show that at present, the proportion of HIV infections being transmitted among men who have sex with men is larger and more significant than we had originally believed," said Dr Massimo Ghidinelli, WHO Regional Adviser in HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections.
@chineseheart,不如你又解釋一下為甚麼在你的 TH-cam 私人網頁裏標明:”禁止色情網頁網上收費” 為你的要求?
個字既definition我都係今日第一次見到咋喎..- -
"Coming out (of the closet) is a figure of speech for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people's self-disclosure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity."
一件公開左既事, 技術上黎講, 除左隊冧哂果尐知情者, 唔會有方法重新變做秘密。咪玩啦, come out之後可以入番去, 咁尐人洗乜咁驚come out呀?
Williams Institute stat in US for G+L is 1.8%, take it 50% for gay, it is less than 1%.
根據2010 的資料HIV treatment( remember we are not talking about AIDS )
[ "It costs HK$60 ($8) for a consultation with a specialist and HK$10 per prescription," said Lee of the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation.
For those people without Hong Kong residency, medicine can cost about HK$10,000 a month and more than HK$2,000 for each specialist consultation. ]
I believe you, that is all you can do.
Chris Rock曾經講過: "當和另一個人時, 我絕對有權用能傷害他至深的話攻擊。"
拗交就係語言既暴力, 先至唔會好似比武切磋咁點到即止。過火又如何? 重複又如何? 假如我既左直拳最痛, 而我又火遮眼既話, 唔使問我一定會狂出左直拳, 一有機即出! 同理, 同你拗到火遮眼時, 如果鬧你祖宗最hurt你既話, 我實行24/7一見面就問候你全家! 如果我有能毁滅你人格既說話, 我會毫不猶疑講出黎! 如果我可以一句話摧毁你自尊, 我會立即用佢羞辱你! 有1個位入我講一次, 有10個位入我講10次! 唔係你以為paul同佢傾個計食餐茶呀? 嗌交呀! 嗌交都要講風度? 嗌交都要睇之前用過未?
小學三年班的老師要求我們將所有運算的steps都要寫出來,不 過小小學四年班以後,簡單的、一看便明白的steps巳經可以跳 過。既然你的數學還是停留在小學三年班,我便為你寫上罷。
{the rate (which takes into account the size of the population by noting the number of cases per 100,000 people) of persons living with an AIDS diagnosis was highest in the Northeast, followed by the South, the West, and the Midwest} (source:CDC)
香港實行政教分離(secularism),宗教不會在政治上有任何角色。罪有幾個層面:道德、社會規範和法律。道德上我會在哲學上認同Mill's harm principle:做任何事都要想一想會否傷害其他人。同性戀不會傷害人。社會規範即custom 和不明文規定,普遍民調已顯示大家覺得同性戀唔係病、或罪。大家尊重的議員、醫生、世界權威組織、人權組織、奧巴馬、馬英九,最民主的國家都支持同性戀者有平等的權利。法律方面,香港簽了14個人權條約,包括iccpr 同icescr。united nations 和其他條約多次要求香港就性傾向歧視立法,香港當聽不到。法律來說,同性戀唔係罪之餘,更加係需要保護的少數。
樹大招風,佢的確比較controversial. 但佢無偏離聖經。
Researchers from Imperial College and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine did a meta-analysis of 16 studies related to HIV risk during unprotected anal sex. They estimated that HIV transmission risk during a single act of unprotected, receptive anal sex may be 18 times higher than unprotected, receptive vaginal sex: 1.4 percent compared to 0.08 percent.
@paulsearch731 YOUR definition means not that one on a dictionary that anyone can cut and paste. Ur easy quote, on the book definition is ur fail no.2
Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights. They are not separated and distinct, but one and the same. One being homosexual would not make a human less human, he or she is therefore should be treated as all heterosexuals be treated, respected as all heterosexuals be respected and deserves rights and dignity those heterosexuals have. And because we have rights, governments are bound to protect them. Laws to protect gays are necessary as a result.
係囉, 但只係某程度
正如數學能解釋物理學現象, 化學可以解釋生物學現象
單單用心理學上既行為動機, 解釋倫理學社會學上既人權, 似乎關係唔大
Paul 最無敵!LOL!
“However, as of 2005, 72% of all HIV
infections among men in the U.S. were related to MSM “
CDC. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report: Cases of HIV infection and AIDS
in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2005.
Atlanta: CDC; 2007 Jun; Volume 17
我quote夠未? 你可以收返你D反同論未?
The spread btw 1.2% - 2.1% for outside USA indicates a fair & realistic size of LGBT population in developed countries. Don't ever yell again that it is a 10% community. It is just a myth.
婚姻是人權, 言論自由是人權, 思想自由是人權, 不受歧視也是人權。
同性戀者公開性敢向是 "出櫃", 是要多番考慮, 左思右想, 而不是如異性戀者般 "我女友怎樣怎樣...", "我孩子他爸怎樣怎樣..."
同性戀者不能如異性戀者一樣有思想的自由, 而必須舉手投足與異性戀者無異, 不能讓人發現GAY的身份, GAY的傾向, 不然就可能被迫接受 "性向治療"。
同性戀者在大部份場合均必須隱藏身份, 因為同性戀可能會被解僱, 同性戀可能會被排擠, 同性戀甚至可能被認定與特定罪行相關, 如吸毒和戀童。
同性戀享有人權, 卻不是完整的人權, 我隨便說說就有4項人權未受法例保障, 爭取是必然的吧?
如果一男一女的戀愛不侵犯其他人的人權, 二男或二女的戀愛如何侵犯? "看着礙眼" 可不侵犯人權。
當你哋由hiv 病發展為aids時,正值壮年。亦即是正當你的父母退休,須要你供養時:亦即是當你的事業正在更上一層樓的時候,亦即是當你的弟妹要讀大學繼續深造,須要你經濟上幫忙的時候。 你咁重唔係累全家?
香港1967年前係, 1967年後廢除左。唔知點解David 唔敢答lor.
有效措施是MSM 無S,不是將他們消滅。