Learn to doublecast using Susano armor in Shinobi Striker!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 พ.ย. 2022
  • This is definitely something that u didn't know about Susano armor. but to me it makes sense cuz it has the same animation as kamui so susano-casting works the same way as kamui casting.
    this is 1 of my best finds in using jutsu, and definitely a creator of master your skills consept.
    • Ntbss:Susano-Casting
    here's the link to my previous susano-casting video!
    this 1 has been cut to a shorter version!
    @AXCENTGAMING has done awesome video about how to beat Susano armor!
    so go check out his video and support his content, cuz that guy has done a huge job with this video! good job brother!
    • How to BEAT SUSANO ARM...
    Please make sure to subscribe to my channel! and do like the video here too!
    -Basimus the trickster
    #hrbufu#narutogame #naruto #ntbss #shinobistriker #boruto #narutotoborutoshinobistriker

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