Hey I just noticed something: In the section for projected movement, Alcatraz mostly rotates in place until 1970, and only then it starts to move towards the coast. In real life, the prison closed down in 1963. So that means, all this time the bodies of dead prisoners were being fed to the island. However, after the prison closed down, it no longer had a steady source of sustenance, and started heading towards the mainland in search of a new food source...
The island did not do that though, it was a projected behaviour of it. In reality it began feeding much sooner as we see that by 2020 the alcatraz zone has extended up to west texas, while in the projection it had barely gotten through san francisco by 2020.
@@WreedTrimmer my headcanon right now is that the knew it would move but not that it would spread, because they thought the radiation therapy would work at controlling it
It’s basically a giant single organism. Cells reproduce by splitting in half, with both duplicates being an exact copy of the original. Alcatraz is dividing.
I came into this video, thinking "hah hah, crazy monster made of cells" because I'm hilarious and then it just ended up being what could be considered a world ending giant single called organism.
Rick: "*Bur-urp... Morty... It's a prison cell" Morty: "Yeah Rick, I know, it's a prison" Rick: "No Morty *burp, you don't get it. Burp* its a prison CELL" Morty: "Wait. Wait the hell?"
So: -The Statue of Liberty has something imprisoned in it (and it gets out sometimes) -The Lincoln Memorial is a prison for one person (???) -Mount Rushmore has giant fungal growths just jetting out of it (Currently on daily anti-fungal treatment) -Alcatraz is actual cancer (and it has spread to west texas) In the next stunning entry into this series, we will find out how the Grand Canyon is actually the Devils Anus! Jokes aside, I do quite like the series. Outside of LINCOLNLOOKER (which has more of an occult vibe to it), these are all very unique takes on (super-)natural horror. Additionally, the different ways these are portrayed are quite nice. LibertyLurker has a documentary vibe, LincolnLooker is more an investigative Interview, RushmoreRevenge has a found-footage quality to it and now this has a nice scientific paper/military strategy vibe to it, what with the reference to radiation therapy and very nicely drawn diagrams. Keep up the good work, Itching to see more!
or that chimney rock NC state park is actually the exposed penis of a giant mountain sized creature that lies dormant in the mountain and the video would be called CHIMNEYROCKDEATHCLOCK.
The Lincoln Memorial is a prison for many people, when a new president is elected they choose someone to sit in the Lincoln Memorial for 4 years, when there is a new president the person inside the memorial gets out and a new one comes in
Previously: -The Washington Monument is a sacrificial hat for a giant unbreakable hair that causes wormholes! -The Sphynx is a trans galactic vehicle constantly under attack. -The Great Pyramids are just another collection of infinite clothes. -Air Force One.... well, it's gone high and 9/11d everything! Next time: Watch as a container ship blows up a canal, does the rave, and kills a 100th of the middle class of this unusually odd country.
So let me get this straight: Alcatraz was a living organism, basically a LITERAL cell, which was seemingly quite content to just spin in place until they closed the prison, which seemingly cut off it's food supply. At that point, and ONLY at that point, it started to head towards the mainland, obviously looking for food, which would obviously be an extremely big problem. And the American Army's best idea to deal with this problem isn't to, y'know, reopen the prison and feed the thing again, no, their best idea is to TREAT IT WITH RADIATION when we've been able to link cancerous growths and radiation SINCE THE EARLY 1900's. Whoever decided that the NUKE IT route was the best route was not a very smart person.
@@tommyfortress7515 Alcatraz doesn't have cancer so much as it basically BECAME cancer. At it's most basic, cancer is where cells grow and replicate uncontrollably. By nuking it, they caused it to mutate and become a cancer cell, which in turn led to it rapidly multiplying and deciding that the west coast looked tasty.
"Alright, what were the results of our semiannual inspection?" (long cigar draw) "Ya prison's got cancah." "I-I'm sorry?" (sigh) "Look pal, whaddya got between dem ears? Ya prison's got cancah. Not my problem. That'll be $200."
That's a really cool concept, but I don't get how Alcatraz could move so quickly after therapy when previously it would've taken decades to reach the coast.
its sapient apparently it didnt consider anything a threat to it so didnt care but after being hit with a radiation beam it considered the entire usa a threat so multplied and rushed
The Alcatraz Cell: -Created by the U.S. Government in an attempt to have enough prisons -Attempted to be killed by Radiation therapy -Has the capacity to move, and replicate -Communicates via a siren, Siren becomes louder if it considers something a threat -Usually attacks whatever it considers a threat by a pack motive, the original Alcatraz leading the rest -If an animal that the island considers a threat walks on the surface, the Alcatraz Cell releases a mysterious pathogen that slowly rots the animal from the outside, killing it within a painful 14 hours. The 2003 Alcatraz Attack: -After the attempt to kill it by radiation therapy, Alcatraz Cell considered the U.S. a threat. -In 1990, the Alcatraz Cell was beginning to duplicate in the Pacific Ocean -1995, Alcatraz Cell(s) stopped duplicating and began to move towards Texas -Ocassionally, some cells would get lost. This would cause the lost cell to blare a light siren. It seemed to be aware of non threatening humans that just wanted to help it. -Humans that it considered a threat would be infected with a biological agent that slowly deteriorated their flesh. -In 2000, the Navy started to fire against the Alcatraz Cells. This caused the cells to duplicate, and they eventually overtook the ships. -In 2003, the Alcatraz Cells reached Texas. There, citizens described a blaring siren that grew louder and louder by the second. -After what seemed like years of fighting, the Army ceased fire. The Alcatraz Cells were given the entire Gulf of Mexico. -In total, 6,857 people went deaf, and 91 died to the mysterious pathogen. -17 years later, the Alcatraz Cells have begun to make landfall again. -As of now, 54 cells have been counted that are part of the hivemind.
Ehh, don't much like this. Having it distinguish between humans who want to "help" as well as the element of "considering something a threat" takes the fear factor away due to it being not only defensive but also somehow capable of distinguishing human motivations. Meaning it's far less mysterious.
@@LordVader1094 I disagree with this. I think that this shows a perfect explanation of the entirety of the video, as well as what happened after its public release. Even the cheesy parts, like us trying to help the cell, and the cells knowing who is not a threat seem realistic in today’s world. There are a few individuals who would help them.
The big question is exactly how this all ties into the developing storyline in season two. It could very well be that some of the earlier videos were more of a one shot than a cohesive story, but the early world building that’s been cohesive throughout makes me think otherwise.
@@jaydeem1264 i think AIRFORCEANGEL was elaborated on in ROCKEFELLERREVELATION And I also feel like LINCOLNLOOKER was important for the Arnoldson storyline
All wackiness aside, I'm just imagining the immense fear and terror the inmates must have felt seeing a cell break down their cellmate before it would inevitably devour them
Alcatraz seems to either have been built or mutated into a sort of entity with its blueprints with similar structures to that of a giant cell. It is also quite capable of self-duplication, and has been responsible for the Alcatraz Attack of 2004. This attack involved a number of anomalous "islands" assaulting Western Texas, exposing a significant amount of unsuspecting people to a pathogen of unknown origin. The outbreak was thankfully contained before it could deal any amount of significant damage and the government paid a significant amount in monetary compensation to any survivors. However, they did suppress and remove any records regarding this incident until it was dug up recently. Good night, 098
"and on the map we have *t h e r u i n s,* The tennis court, and *the rough endoplasmic reticulum* " I'm starting to wonder what horrors dwell in the tennis court if its in the same area as the previously mentioned "unusual" objects
Other analog horrors have plots centered around mind control, fake people, infection, haunted tapes, etc. but this one was just like What if Alcatraz underwent mitosis and honestly I kind of love it. amazing work, i am thoroughly confused and terrified
What I love about this episode is that I figured out the basic idea without even getting through the 1st minute, and it still had me all the way through. Wish I found this a year ago.
Both times I saw the "__ days before therapy" thing,I just thought of the island sitting in the stereotypical therapy chair,somehow having been shrunken down,and with a therapist sitting across from it,asking it questions. Also,I'm going to nickname the island "Alcaty" because nobody can stop me.
Admittedly, I found out about this via Wendigoons fist video about it. But after his recent upload I came over to check it out for myself and , honestly, there's a reason his videos about it are so lengthy. There's such rich development in even he most unassuming entry, and seriously Alex, what you've done here is incredible, and everyone else, show this man some love. I hope you continue creating, both inside and outside of this world you've built. Your work is captivating.
When I first watched this episode, I just thought "huh, Alcatraz is a living organism, neat" and didn't give it any mind. But THEN the AlcatrazApocalypse happens. AND the Alcatraz Checkmate. AND Donald Trump's death on Alcatraz island. The music from this episode is engraved in my very pores, I swear, it gives me goosebumps every time I hear a reprise of its theme; the Alcatraz episode only gains more and more relevance as the story progresses.
0:00 - Observing the island 2 days before it is hit by Radiation in a test 0:22 - Island Diagram 0:49 - Morgue ( A place to store bodies ) 1:34 - Observing the island 1 day before it is hit by Radiation in a test 1:41 - "Alcatrazosis" A diagram explaining how the island can reproduce and duplicate via Mitosis 2:24 - Observing the island during Radiation testing 2:40 - The island projected to move toward land because of it being shut down and no longer being fed prisoners 3:04 - The island consumes people or objects on land to continue growing and reproducing 3:27 - Observing the island 1 day after it is hit and provoked by Radiation testing
The scariest thing is that the simulation expected the Alcatraz Zone in 2020 to still be located in the San Francisco Harbor IF THE ISLAND WAS LET UNTOUCHED, but the nuclear treatment has accelerated the process and Alcatraz has already eaten half of the continent by that year. Doing nothing would have saved milions of lives for decades.
A video claiming that Alcatraz is a gigantic sentient cell is *not* what I thought I'd see today. God I love this series and I've only just begun watching it
Back in the day, they said you couldn’t escape Alcatraz. But they were proven wrong. But now, you really can’t escape Alcatraz. It’s here. It’s there, everywhere. Sometimes, something that’s proven wrong can become right. And sometimes, the consequences are nasty. Very nasty.
Ok, so I went to Alcatraz twice. Once as a kid and once as an adult. It's a creepy place with a heavy vibe. But I'm going to put my two cents in here and say that the island didn't eat dead prisoners, it fed off of live prisoners souls. I think we can see proof of that in the state of decay of the city by the bay in 2022. If you take a look at the condition of SF these days, I'd say there isn't a soul left there. Ok, maybe a few, but whoa, it's bad.
Kinda makes you wonder if the land has placed a curse on the American people. The sins we have committed to the continent and it's people have now began to take their toll.
I really like this video. It makes you wonder not only what Alcatraz is, but also how does it move?? Does it simply float on the surface, does it have a cluster of tendrils and arms underneath that drag it along the sea bed… it’s left to the imagination.
"Hey Bobby you still want to go on that fishing trip?" "I don't know let me check the weather real quick" **Looks out window** "Well it doesn't look like a storm is approaching so- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
The surveillance society was proposed by Thomas More to account for his version of what a Utopia might be like. The panopticon was the prisons concept for blinding prisoners to the idea they were all being watched all the time. Orwell’s 1984 proposed a similar system with telescreens. Out in the wide world away from closed institutions there had to be a way of evoking the same feeling. Fear is easy to spread with good media. Surveillance, like an island is a metaphor for isolation.
This series is interesting as it seems like these occurrences are an accepted facet of life not unlike natural disasters; the thing under Liberty, the Alcatraz cell, they're all just dangerous natural phenomena.
I remember visiting the real alcatraz awhile back; it was earlier in the day in the fall on a weekday, so not a lot of other tourists around, and the atmosphere was just quiet and cursed. I've been to a lot of the other locations in the series, but this is easily the most believable
bro this is weird but I let my 2 year old niece have one of my earbuds while I was watching this & she just stared at the computer & listened for like ten minutes LMAO and she’s super high energy, so ig the shining music chilled her out
I just realized, throughout the video you can see a bunch of parts of a animal cell in the layout of the island, like the mitochondria at 0:43-0:47 or the endoplasmic reticulum at 1:21-1:25 and then the whole alcatrazosis just so happens to look just like mitosis, so my theory is that this thing is literally a big ‘ol cell. This also makes sense cuz its a jail. (Jail… like cell? Jail-cell)
So Alcatraz island is actually some giant, single-celled organism that can self-replicate. Why it would choose to chase humans instead of rich sea life is beyond me.
"Just take a left at the endoplasmic reticulum to reach the tennis courts"
The tennis balls are ribosomes
And then you'll see the Golgi apparatus
"and over here, we see the island's state of the ark mitochondria!"
"Try walking around the Nucleus, it will be a shortcut!"
Watch your step near the cytoplasm!
Man don't you love it when you're minding your business and then over the years Alcatraz prison pulls up on the coast and decimates the entire city?
sure love chilling in China town when alcatraz just eats the fuckin city
@@boreddude3898 lol
It's just a normal Tuesday
I think the passage of times signifies ocean levels rising allowing the island to travel closer inland
Fun fact: To decimate means to take away 10%. So by saying that the city will be decimated, means only 10% will be destroyed.
This gives the phrase "The powerhouse of the cell" a whole new meaning
The big house of the cell
maze bean
@@itskevinjustkevin maze bean.
@@dunkaccino6606 Maze bean
@@ulrikahaggard9923 maze bean
At alcatraz you don't get sent to prison, *prison gets sent to you*
*B E G F O R Y O U R L I F E I N P R I S O N*
I picked call of duty on my recommended and i found this vid
"I didnt move to the city, the city moved to me and i want out desperately" -modest mouse
Hey I just noticed something: In the section for projected movement, Alcatraz mostly rotates in place until 1970, and only then it starts to move towards the coast. In real life, the prison closed down in 1963.
So that means, all this time the bodies of dead prisoners were being fed to the island. However, after the prison closed down, it no longer had a steady source of sustenance, and started heading towards the mainland in search of a new food source...
Naw I think he's just angry
And there it goes eating the city
The island did not do that though, it was a projected behaviour of it. In reality it began feeding much sooner as we see that by 2020 the alcatraz zone has extended up to west texas, while in the projection it had barely gotten through san francisco by 2020.
@@S3b0rg there are multiple Alcatrazes you know
@@WreedTrimmer my headcanon right now is that the knew it would move but not that it would spread, because they thought the radiation therapy would work at controlling it
I have a feeling that this landmark is sentient and can self-duplicate.
This is the only time learning biology has been useful to me.
@@Sammich004 a island prison turn into cell and multiply
It’s basically a giant single organism. Cells reproduce by splitting in half, with both duplicates being an exact copy of the original.
Alcatraz is dividing.
@@direwolfkaniz9192 Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'prison cells'
The -mitochondria- Alacatraz is the powerhouse of the cell
God dammit... its a prison cell...
I was literally about to make this joke, I’m so glad someone was on the same wavelength as I am hahah.
I came into this video, thinking "hah hah, crazy monster made of cells" because I'm hilarious and then it just ended up being what could be considered a world ending giant single called organism.
Rick: "*Bur-urp... Morty... It's a prison cell" Morty: "Yeah Rick, I know, it's a prison"
Rick: "No Morty *burp, you don't get it. Burp* its a prison CELL"
Morty: "Wait. Wait the hell?"
Seems to me like Alcatraz has grown into a cancerous parasite, possibly due to the many deaths of the prisoners there and those odd ruins
The ruins are dead cells
@@gameproadvancesp148 god damn, it’s a fucking pun
@@Classic-ip5dr I didn’t say anything offensive
@@gameproadvancesp148 yeah I know
Looks like the earth itself has fucking developed cancer
Alcatraz is easily one of the most dangerous and under-utilized monuments in the entirety of the Monument Mythos thus far.
I don’t think it’s cannon it the rest since a lot of monments would be dead.
@@hamstersamiright8837 Does anthying else in the mythos go past 2003?
@@salsaordie only the videos by the young arnoldson and the Suez canal. everything else is pre 2000s
@@atomicbeenz7374 Das' right our boy Dean ain't allowing any alcatrazes to decimate shit
I'm sending this to my biology teacher without context
And what it happen?
@@isaiasr7517 Thisss, I want to know what happened after
I actually did this too yesterday lmao
This is the only way to learn the biology of a cell and every teacher should know this
@@DalekWho1963 UPDATE PLEASE
The sheer fact that a giant landmass was moving as fast as a speedboat was low key kinda creepy
-The Statue of Liberty has something imprisoned in it (and it gets out sometimes)
-The Lincoln Memorial is a prison for one person (???)
-Mount Rushmore has giant fungal growths just jetting out of it (Currently on daily anti-fungal treatment)
-Alcatraz is actual cancer (and it has spread to west texas)
In the next stunning entry into this series, we will find out how the Grand Canyon is actually the Devils Anus!
Jokes aside, I do quite like the series. Outside of LINCOLNLOOKER (which has more of an occult vibe to it), these are all very unique takes on (super-)natural horror.
Additionally, the different ways these are portrayed are quite nice. LibertyLurker has a documentary vibe, LincolnLooker is more an investigative Interview, RushmoreRevenge has a found-footage quality to it and now this has a nice scientific paper/military strategy vibe to it, what with the reference to radiation therapy and very nicely drawn diagrams.
Keep up the good work, Itching to see more!
or that chimney rock NC state park is actually the exposed penis of a giant mountain sized creature that lies dormant in the mountain and the video would be called CHIMNEYROCKDEATHCLOCK.
The Lincoln Memorial is a prison for many people, when a new president is elected they choose someone to sit in the Lincoln Memorial for 4 years, when there is a new president the person inside the memorial gets out and a new one comes in
Alcatraz is now cancer? So Alcatraz is a disease someone gets?
-The Washington Monument is a sacrificial hat for a giant unbreakable hair that causes wormholes!
-The Sphynx is a trans galactic vehicle constantly under attack.
-The Great Pyramids are just another collection of infinite clothes.
-Air Force One.... well, it's gone high and 9/11d everything!
Next time: Watch as a container ship blows up a canal, does the rave, and kills a 100th of the middle class of this unusually odd country.
To tell you the truth, I really do like Monument Mythos just as much as everyone in this comment section.
Before therapy: Normal
After therapy: Eldridge horror
American health prices for ya
@@malc954 This comment makes no sense at all.
@@hattedmoron555 yes it does
They gave the damn cell cancer, we're all fucked
"As of 2020 the Alcatraz Zone extends to West Texas" that's just terrifying
What's the Alcatraz zone???
@@dippinrice A zone. Full of Alcatrazes.
Thank God I live in east texas
Slap my ingorence but it's a zone full of prisons ?
@@dippinrice SENTIENT prisons. Kind of looks like they're some kind of giant amoeba
So let me get this straight: Alcatraz was a living organism, basically a LITERAL cell, which was seemingly quite content to just spin in place until they closed the prison, which seemingly cut off it's food supply. At that point, and ONLY at that point, it started to head towards the mainland, obviously looking for food, which would obviously be an extremely big problem.
And the American Army's best idea to deal with this problem isn't to, y'know, reopen the prison and feed the thing again, no, their best idea is to TREAT IT WITH RADIATION when we've been able to link cancerous growths and radiation SINCE THE EARLY 1900's.
Whoever decided that the NUKE IT route was the best route was not a very smart person.
Yours seem like the best explanation about what this is but what do you mean by it has cancer?
I can totally see Biden doing this.
@@tommyfortress7515 Alcatraz doesn't have cancer so much as it basically BECAME cancer. At it's most basic, cancer is where cells grow and replicate uncontrollably. By nuking it, they caused it to mutate and become a cancer cell, which in turn led to it rapidly multiplying and deciding that the west coast looked tasty.
@@charondusk5608 Oh That's a cool and horrifying explanation, thanks.
to be fair that's the most american response anyway so they had it coming
"Alright, what were the results of our semiannual inspection?"
(long cigar draw) "Ya prison's got cancah."
"I-I'm sorry?"
(sigh) "Look pal, whaddya got between dem ears? Ya prison's got cancah. Not my problem. That'll be $200."
He'll have cancah too if he keeps smokin' em' cigahs like that...
@@tarabell2678 His lungs got cancah. Not my problem.
That's a really cool concept, but I don't get how Alcatraz could move so quickly after therapy when previously it would've taken decades to reach the coast.
Radiation induced mutation or some sort of threat response.
its sapient apparently it didnt consider anything a threat to it so didnt care but after being hit with a radiation beam it considered the entire usa a threat so multplied and rushed
It grew legs?
It's a self replicating prison island for gods sake it can move fast if it wants to
wasn't in a hurry until it realized it was in danger
The Alcatraz Cell:
-Created by the U.S. Government in an attempt to have enough prisons
-Attempted to be killed by Radiation therapy
-Has the capacity to move, and replicate
-Communicates via a siren, Siren becomes louder if it considers something a threat
-Usually attacks whatever it considers a threat by a pack motive, the original Alcatraz leading the rest
-If an animal that the island considers a threat walks on the surface, the Alcatraz Cell releases a mysterious pathogen that slowly rots the animal from the outside, killing it within a painful 14 hours.
The 2003 Alcatraz Attack:
-After the attempt to kill it by radiation therapy, Alcatraz Cell considered the U.S. a threat.
-In 1990, the Alcatraz Cell was beginning to duplicate in the Pacific Ocean
-1995, Alcatraz Cell(s) stopped duplicating and began to move towards Texas
-Ocassionally, some cells would get lost. This would cause the lost cell to blare a light siren. It seemed to be aware of non threatening humans that just wanted to help it.
-Humans that it considered a threat would be infected with a biological agent that slowly deteriorated their flesh.
-In 2000, the Navy started to fire against the Alcatraz Cells. This caused the cells to duplicate, and they eventually overtook the ships.
-In 2003, the Alcatraz Cells reached Texas. There, citizens described a blaring siren that grew louder and louder by the second.
-After what seemed like years of fighting, the Army ceased fire. The Alcatraz Cells were given the entire Gulf of Mexico.
-In total, 6,857 people went deaf, and 91 died to the mysterious pathogen.
-17 years later, the Alcatraz Cells have begun to make landfall again.
-As of now, 54 cells have been counted that are part of the hivemind.
By 2020 the Alcatraz has colonized and consumed 50% of the north american continent,but is threatened by its new natural predator,Cuba.
well you must be tired of writng
This wasn’t necessary, but thanks anyway. Much appreciated
Ehh, don't much like this. Having it distinguish between humans who want to "help" as well as the element of "considering something a threat" takes the fear factor away due to it being not only defensive but also somehow capable of distinguishing human motivations. Meaning it's far less mysterious.
@@LordVader1094 I disagree with this. I think that this shows a perfect explanation of the entirety of the video, as well as what happened after its public release. Even the cheesy parts, like us trying to help the cell, and the cells knowing who is not a threat seem realistic in today’s world. There are a few individuals who would help them.
Mob of the Dead protags accidentally brought the Alcatraz from hell and now it has consumed half of America.
No it was Brutus wanting revenge on U.S. for not giving him enough hot pockets, because he’ll have him Fish cassaroles instead
Ah, that was my shit back in the day. :)
As of 2021 the housing situation has been fixed by renovating the cells to apartments.
@@mackinner Good job team! We did it.
The evaporating incident of 2020 has its benifits, like free rent in you new alkatraz apartment
Apartments... with bars on the windows.
Sorry about Alcatraz, that's my fault. Passed some rough kidney stones and it just floated away. You know how it is.
understandable have a nice day
"This is getting out of hand! Now there is two of them!"
More like 10 of 'em
"I'm seeing double here! Four Krustys!"
“For Christ’s sake! That is Alcatraz! Not a goddamn rabbit! Why are there so many of them?!”
The big question is exactly how this all ties into the developing storyline in season two. It could very well be that some of the earlier videos were more of a one shot than a cohesive story, but the early world building that’s been cohesive throughout makes me think otherwise.
I really hope the first 3 and airforceoneangel get ignored for the rest of the series. Def the weakest part of it
@@jaydeem1264 i think AIRFORCEANGEL was elaborated on in ROCKEFELLERREVELATION
And I also feel like LINCOLNLOOKER was important for the Arnoldson storyline
@@Mike-739 first three is LIBERTYLURKER, RUSHMOREREVENGE, and this one, not Lincoln Looker
@@jaydeem1264 so im assuming its the website order and its just youtube beinv youtube, my apologies
AIRFORCEONEFALLENANGEL just called and said hello
“excuse me what”
“a prison cell?”
“…very funny rick”
“john and rick have never been seen again and have been assumed to have been eaten by alcatraz .”
*Gosh dang it
@@AdmiralSidewinder 😑
@@AdmiralSidewinder Oh I'm sorry, are you offended that this comment just violated the 2nd commandment?
All wackiness aside, I'm just imagining the immense fear and terror the inmates must have felt seeing a cell break down their cellmate before it would inevitably devour them
Ellos estaban encima de un inmenso monstruo
I love when Alcatraz reproduces by mitosis
Alcatraz seems to either have been built or mutated into a sort of entity with its blueprints with similar structures to that of a giant cell.
It is also quite capable of self-duplication, and has been responsible for the Alcatraz Attack of 2004. This attack involved a number of anomalous "islands" assaulting Western Texas, exposing a significant amount of unsuspecting people to a pathogen of unknown origin. The outbreak was thankfully contained before it could deal any amount of significant damage and the government paid a significant amount in monetary compensation to any survivors. However, they did suppress and remove any records regarding this incident until it was dug up recently.
Good night,
SCP wiki called, they want you for SCP-098 'The Alcatraz attack'
@@aaronprewitt344 isn’t 098 the surgeon crabs
"and on the map we have *t h e r u i n s,* The tennis court, and *the rough endoplasmic reticulum* "
I'm starting to wonder what horrors dwell in the tennis court if its in the same area as the previously mentioned "unusual" objects
tennis is scary as hell
for some reeason i thought it was ribosome
(the endoplasmic reticulum)
@@Filipokerface aren't those the little dots in the reticulum?
I thought it was the Golgi apparatus due to the fact that it was pretty far from the nucleus
Other analog horrors have plots centered around mind control, fake people, infection, haunted tapes, etc. but this one was just like
What if Alcatraz underwent mitosis
and honestly I kind of love it. amazing work, i am thoroughly confused and terrified
Frank Morris: At last, I am free.
Alcatraz: haha.. .no.
Nice shout out to an often forgotten Clint Eastwood movie. Love Escape from Alcatraz
top-tier joke
@@TheRealKingofGotham1 …
Frank Morris was a real person who attempted (succeeded?) to escape Alcatraz
I- at first my brain was like "mmm yes the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" as a joke, and I realized-
Here after the Ed Dwight paradox. Literal chills omg, it’s been a wild ride.
Al Capone is PISSED
2080: Alcatraz Zone reaches Chicago. Swing music plays at deafening volume as The Capone ascends.
@@Trint3e *_T H E K I N G I S B A C K_*
Al Capone Does M̶y̶ ̶S̶h̶i̶r̶t̶s̶ Chicago In
2090: alcatraz starts to fly and crashes onto hot springs
@@plushiez_show8827 Nah, it was turned into Capone's capital
Alcatraz Checkmate
Honestly, if I'd been forced to contain violent criminals for decades, I'd probably snap and gradually evaporate the West Coast too.
man just take california we dont care
Man I live in the Bay Area and it’s a shithole just take it
How do you not have more subscribers? These are some of the most unique and interesting takes on horror that I've ever really seen!
This is horror? How? I'm laughing a these they are so silly.
@@rizon72 How are they silly?🤨
@@lemony814 They sure are not horror.
@@rizon72 ok didn't ask + ratio
@@rizon72technically they aren’t but to me they seem like documentaries
What I love about this episode is that I figured out the basic idea without even getting through the 1st minute, and it still had me all the way through. Wish I found this a year ago.
Shout out to the Caretaker
Thank you
No, that’s Justice.
@Binski 122
I’m guessing no, just that it has a similar vibe to the songs used by the Caretaker, as well as how he edits them.
the song is a slowed down version of This Time Its Real by Horace Heidt
i watched the start and thought "lmao that looks like the Golgi complex" but it actually was
“Honey i need you to pick the kids up from school that fucking island came over and ate our house”
Both times I saw the "__ days before therapy" thing,I just thought of the island sitting in the stereotypical therapy chair,somehow having been shrunken down,and with a therapist sitting across from it,asking it questions. Also,I'm going to nickname the island "Alcaty" because nobody can stop me.
Your animation and editing have improved a ton, nice work
Little did we know just how important this funky little Eukaryotic island would be
Checkmate, Lunarians!
@@piggyman-st8iu when you think you're winning and suddenly your opponent's theme starts playing
1:23 Obviously that's the Alcatraz Endoplasmic Reticulum, everyone learns that in biology class
Man I love when Alcatraz started saying “It’s Alcatrazing time!” And Alcatrazed everywhere.
The video in a nutshell:
I'm at "ALCATRAZOSIS" now-is Alcatraz a gigantic single-cellular organism?
y e s
Its in me
Admittedly, I found out about this via Wendigoons fist video about it. But after his recent upload I came over to check it out for myself and , honestly, there's a reason his videos about it are so lengthy. There's such rich development in even he most unassuming entry, and seriously Alex, what you've done here is incredible, and everyone else, show this man some love. I hope you continue creating, both inside and outside of this world you've built. Your work is captivating.
This video makes the word "prison cell" more biogically logical...
“Sir, it seems that Alcatraz is heading towards us. What will we do?”
“There is nothing we can do..”
When I first watched this episode, I just thought "huh, Alcatraz is a living organism, neat" and didn't give it any mind.
But THEN the AlcatrazApocalypse happens.
AND the Alcatraz Checkmate.
AND Donald Trump's death on Alcatraz island.
The music from this episode is engraved in my very pores, I swear, it gives me goosebumps every time I hear a reprise of its theme; the Alcatraz episode only gains more and more relevance as the story progresses.
never thought i would see cell division in an analog horror video but here we are
"Wait, it's all Alcatraz?"
"Always has been"
The music gives me caretaker vibes
Biology class paid off since I was able to recognize the shape of the organelles before being explicitly told
mitochondria is the powerhouse of the alcatraz
Fun fact: There’s an entire subsection of Alcatraz Island that was dedicated to baking bread for the prisoners’ consumption.
Everybody gangsta till the *island start walking*
0:00 - Observing the island 2 days before it is hit by Radiation in a test
0:22 - Island Diagram
0:49 - Morgue ( A place to store bodies )
1:34 - Observing the island 1 day before it is hit by Radiation in a test
1:41 - "Alcatrazosis" A diagram explaining how the island can reproduce and duplicate via Mitosis
2:24 - Observing the island during Radiation testing
2:40 - The island projected to move toward land because of it being shut down and no longer being fed prisoners
3:04 - The island consumes people or objects on land to continue growing and reproducing
3:27 - Observing the island 1 day after it is hit and provoked by Radiation testing
RIP San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and El Paso
The scariest thing is that the simulation expected the Alcatraz Zone in 2020 to still be located in the San Francisco Harbor IF THE ISLAND WAS LET UNTOUCHED, but the nuclear treatment has accelerated the process and Alcatraz has already eaten half of the continent by that year.
Doing nothing would have saved milions of lives for decades.
I think it was the package that the Angel dropped in it that accelerated the process, not the nuclear treatment
A video claiming that Alcatraz is a gigantic sentient cell is *not* what I thought I'd see today. God I love this series and I've only just begun watching it
It's all starting to make a little more sense each time.
Alcatraz becoming a hivemind organism is the funniest thing in all of fiction
Gives the "Prison cell" a whole new meaning
We’ve come full circle. Alcatraz saved humanity
Holy balls! Who knew some minor character would be a main component/villain more than the main villain itself
"Everybody gangsta till you scape Alcatraz and the island starts chasing you"
-Al Capone, probably
these videos are genuinely amazing.
i never knew alcatraz had a golgi apparatus
That’s the endoplasmic reticulum bro
I love how mellow all the music is in this series
This soundtrack is giving me "Everywhere at the end of Time" flashbacks
Back in the day, they said you couldn’t escape Alcatraz. But they were proven wrong.
But now, you really can’t escape Alcatraz. It’s here. It’s there, everywhere.
Sometimes, something that’s proven wrong can become right. And sometimes, the consequences are nasty. Very nasty.
I loved the part where Alcatraz said “It’s Alcatrazin time” and Alcatrazed the whole American population
Ok, so I went to Alcatraz twice. Once as a kid and once as an adult. It's a creepy place with a heavy vibe. But I'm going to put my two cents in here and say that the island didn't eat dead prisoners, it fed off of live prisoners souls. I think we can see proof of that in the state of decay of the city by the bay in 2022.
If you take a look at the condition of SF these days, I'd say there isn't a soul left there. Ok, maybe a few, but whoa, it's bad.
Kinda makes you wonder if the land has placed a curse on the American people. The sins we have committed to the continent and it's people have now began to take their toll.
Lol, found the inevitable angry alt right incel.
"So it's a map of Alcatraz and... Wait is that a freaking Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum?"
Get the slideshow/projected movement music as it's own thing. It's super catchy
the most terrifying thing about this series is the old timey 40s music with the crackle sound effect over it. if you know you know
It's interesting how the music is unsettling here, yet is triumphant to hear in the Nixonverse finale
"Is that a mitochondria or a golgi thing? No, that's a silly guess lmao"
Little did I know
I don’t know why I’m here, I don’t know how I’m here, all I know, I love these
i love the ads at the end of the video, help you cope with the horrible things you just watched
Weasel: "This ain't right. Something weird's going on here".
Sal: "You don't say Weasel".
Imagine you end up in Alcatraz and warden says breakfast time and you go outside to see a whole ass golgi apparatus
I really like this video. It makes you wonder not only what Alcatraz is, but also how does it move?? Does it simply float on the surface, does it have a cluster of tendrils and arms underneath that drag it along the sea bed… it’s left to the imagination.
"Hey Bobby you still want to go on that fishing trip?"
"I don't know let me check the weather real quick"
**Looks out window**
"Well it doesn't look like a storm is approaching so- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
The surveillance society was proposed by Thomas More to account for his version of what a Utopia might be like. The panopticon was the prisons concept for blinding prisoners to the idea they were all being watched all the time. Orwell’s 1984 proposed a similar system with telescreens. Out in the wide world away from closed institutions there had to be a way of evoking the same feeling. Fear is easy to spread with good media. Surveillance, like an island is a metaphor for isolation.
This series is interesting as it seems like these occurrences are an accepted facet of life not unlike natural disasters; the thing under Liberty, the Alcatraz cell, they're all just dangerous natural phenomena.
What im getting at here is alcatraz is basically its own form of living entity that is trying to expand a zone idk but love the video anyways
At school our class just finished reading the book (Al Capone does my shirts) and I’m happy I had that book so I can better understand this video :)
There are so many puns and dad jokes in this comment section and I love it.
......Colonel, you there?
I remember visiting the real alcatraz awhile back; it was earlier in the day in the fall on a weekday, so not a lot of other tourists around, and the atmosphere was just quiet and cursed. I've been to a lot of the other locations in the series, but this is easily the most believable
bro this is weird but I let my 2 year old niece have one of my earbuds while I was watching this & she just stared at the computer & listened for like ten minutes LMAO and she’s super high energy, so ig the shining music chilled her out
I just realized, throughout the video you can see a bunch of parts of a animal cell in the layout of the island, like the mitochondria at 0:43-0:47 or the endoplasmic reticulum at 1:21-1:25 and then the whole alcatrazosis just so happens to look just like mitosis, so my theory is that this thing is literally a big ‘ol cell. This also makes sense cuz its a jail. (Jail… like cell? Jail-cell)
Alcatraz: imma do a pro gamer move
So Alcatraz island is actually some giant, single-celled organism that can self-replicate. Why it would choose to chase humans instead of rich sea life is beyond me.
Simple, it floats over the surface.
Ladies and gentlemen, rejoice! For San Francisco has finally been wiped off the map.
The Last Son of Alcatraz will sit the throne