Nice vid, i have learned some strats from your video, but may i ask some question why don’t you keep continue nuzlocke through the delta episode and beat Steven for the second time?
You could of just done what flygonhg does with arbitrary pronouncing Pokemon and just pronounced the Mario characters names differently or subjectively wrong lmaoooo
I think Rutile Ruby is harder than Rising Ruby, some of the trainers have way more powerful pokemon, some even get legendaries, I know Phoebe has both Giratina and Hoopa
I started playing again recently after like 10 years and I tried nuzlocking NORMAL oras and I can’t even do it. Ig I am just the worst singles player, at least I got all battle maison trophies
If I had a nickel for every time I saw a Gen 6 nuzlocke edit a boss fight to a dance montage for seaking, I'd have two nickels. Which isnt much but it's odd that it's happened twice
Tabitha after Weather Institute:
"Unfortunate doesn't even begin to describe my series-"
deep cut
It’s a crying shame that chat couldn’t think of more than 4 Mario characters to start the game lol
Nothing is scarier than a Luvdisc in a Drayano romhack
It's always the ones you least expect , especially if you don't look up all the stat changes made in Drayano hacks
Credit where credit is due: Wall Maria is a beast of a nickname
Need Wall Rose and Wall Sina too
get it, a "beast" of a nickname
As a goldfish lover, it warms my heart to see Seaking actually useful for once :D
Easiest way to name Pokémon is just to get as close to using banned words without actually using banned words
No cities are a cool nickname
@@sonofulti1337 true
Finally some good content since Jan fell off the side of the earth
No he comes back every last day of the month lmao
And drops a super mid vid
Jan has always been an overrated content creator, plus he comes off as a douche half the time.
@@number1cheater272yeah, just a liberal who thinks his own shit doesn’t stink and he doesn’t try to hide it
@@number1cheater272the Influencer of Pokemon youtubers
Insane number of well-edited video uploads the past few months. Love the videos and your streams!
@@CaptainLatios thanks
Drew trying to destroy his mental health again.
@@bananaspice1967 always
Excellent choice of music by the way. Love the throwback to Radiant Historia
I think naming mons after elements in the periodic table are pretty fun
Dawg thank you for saving me from boredom
I believe that Pokémon Star Sapphire is more difficult than this hack since Star Sapphire is newer.
Amazing video Drxx
amazing editing as well Drewco
U were so so close to having a breloom named luigi lmaooo
I started dying at 26:47 the music was perfect 😭😭💀
"Rocks are similar to bones, right?"
Bones are ground type.
I name my pokemon after food, because I am fat and love me some food.
Oh man the level of cookage here is through the roof 🐐
i wonder who could have been in the kitchen for this
@@PokeBronYT 👨🍳
15:20 damn this caught me offguard haha
Seaking sweep is insane
17:00 It shall be engraved upon your very soul
HAHA the speaking montage was comedy gold
Why does the Setup of the stream say "sinking SAPPHIRE" and not ruby?
The same game
Loving this style of videos
45:59 slight correction, its +1 defense only in gen 6
I respect the mario name theming but wasnt expecting so many duplicates
26:42 this was awesome man
Let's goooooo, time to chill with Drxx
The goat has once again dropped🤌🏻
Yo i follow you, you inspired me to start the basic games as hc nutzlocke on Emu, pretty cool playstyle!!
this mans son is going to be a prodigy
I feel like Rutile Ruby is more difficult, but nonetheless this is a great achievement!
This is the first Drxx video I've ever clicked on, and I just gotta say this guy's pfp is really hot
That is all, carry on
He has lots of great videos, enjoy!
how the hell your normal Groudon turn into a shiny groundon ?????
seaking segment was hype
banger vid g
39:28😂 proves that drake is not like us 😭😭
2:33 powerword fetus-deletus: defetus
watching this in december 2024.... The name luigi caught me by surprise:3
Here we go agaaaaain les goooo
Your honor, it's peak
The radiant historia OST is crazy
This is what Jan died for
Nice vid, i have learned some strats from your video, but may i ask some question why don’t you keep continue nuzlocke through the delta episode and beat Steven for the second time?
You could of just done what flygonhg does with arbitrary pronouncing Pokemon and just pronounced the Mario characters names differently or subjectively wrong lmaoooo
i have a naming schemes with my references
I mean, there's the rest of the Smash roster for nicknames. Or "what your grandma would call this one".
I want to comment to support, but dont know what to comment! Good video!
🥺🥺We did it!
You sound like you're getting a lot more into your element with your scripts and VO's man - the extra energy really is noticeable, keep kicking ass
You broke the rules by naming some Pokémon leagues, exact same as others.
1:22 I don't see a rule saying they need unique names, so...
My goat
Luvdisc is busted in this game. So good in E4. My E4 team was Luvdisc, dragonite, mantine, donphan, scizzor and metagross
I think Rutile Ruby is harder than Rising Ruby, some of the trainers have way more powerful pokemon, some even get legendaries, I know Phoebe has both Giratina and Hoopa
Omg is my favorite doctor
drxx you are the goat
I started playing again recently after like 10 years and I tried nuzlocking NORMAL oras and I can’t even do it. Ig I am just the worst singles player, at least I got all battle maison trophies
I really miss this game
Ya it’s a classic
@@Drxxyt ORAS is on of my favorite pokemon games with heart gold Black 2 sun and moon platuim
how can i play this mod?
you should name a mon “rosalina”
Pokemon Dark Rising No Deaths when?
go drxx !
My man
Why did your entire team become shiny during the Elite Four?
MAGIC! jk pkhex for fun
Next time try Greek mythology names
If you do a deathlocke of FireRed omega, would you do the post game?
You got the names mixed u, it's Mario Mario and Luigi Mario, there's 3 between em both
Im actually really good at naming my pokemon. Like my shiny mudkip named Pinky in omega ruby or my scarlet one named Yuta
What is the music that’s playing at 32:15
How would you rule Revival Blessing on Nuzloks? Like if it was in the same battle feels like a good use of a move, but not cheating.
Probably a banned move
Oh look its the 🐐
How did Groudon turn into a shiny in the end?
Pkhex- for funsies
What exactly did he do to luvdisc? Only type and light of ruin? Or stat boosts and more?
water/fairy plus strong stabs and enough special attack to make it a fast special sweeper
do a nuzlocke with your favorite pokemon's first or weak stage
15:10 small correction, it's a heat rock, not king's rock
21:17 is this a Casablanca reference or am I reaching 👀
I may have snuck that in there 😏
@@drewco3389 love it 🔥🔥
OMG ORAS my fav games
Our Lord and savior Seasus Christ
15:28 Stoked reference? :0
wait might be stupid question but how does he get so many shinies? is this a rom or cheat code ?
@@genekneipp6344 I just turn my Pokémon shiny in pkhex for fun
Wilson Kimberly Martinez Timothy Johnson Brian
Whats the name of the song during the brawly fight?
Where did you find the omega ruby rom I need one pls
Yo drxx how do we play 3ds game on computer
Can you tell me how can I also use cheats to get rare candies in this game because I play on android and can't seem to find any
i want the outro ost
Whatever happened to no legendaries? These guys have gone soft
Mario Mario Mario Mario
If I had a nickel for every time I saw a Gen 6 nuzlocke edit a boss fight to a dance montage for seaking, I'd have two nickels. Which isnt much but it's odd that it's happened twice
the goat
im pogging