Lorewise. I’m pretty sure the item descriptions tell us that gwyndolin got his shit together and started to bring order to the city with his covenant. As you can see, many of the old buildings in anor londo are gone and some new ones appeared which means that gwyndolin probably made some remodeling before pontiff usurped his position after he got sick
I got really upset when I first saw the Giant Blacksmith's corpse in ds3. I just remembered how much I used to grind in ds1 to buy twinkling titanite from him to upgrade my weapon to the max, which helped me immensely to beat Gwyn.
@@maximodubs4189 Average Dark Souls fan: haha parry Gwyn Average Dark Souls enjoyer: I will honor you with one last worthy fight with everything I have Gwyn, our battle will be legendary!
@@blopatI played Ds3 first. When I played Ds1 was actually a magic experience seeing the glory of Anor Londo. Then went back for Ds3 and felt the pain 😢
DS 1 have a more warm orange color, symbolizing the situation after the first linking of the fire where it still burns bright, while DS3 have colder colors, caused by the waning flame after several linking of the fire, turning the world to ash
I actually think it's a recent change that Anor Londo is dark and cold. In DS1, you find out Gwyndolin is basically creating the sun shining bright as an illusion and doing something like attacking a certain character or entering the boss fight with him/her will cause Anor Londo to go "dark". In the opening cutscene we see Aldritch awake and he's just a giant mass of gross sludge, but when we fight him he's got the upper body of Gwyndolin and using his/her body like a puppet. So I think Aldritch (and the other lords of cinder) only wake up a little while before your player character and Aldritch is halfway through eating/digesting Gwyndolin, so his/her death was a recent thing and Anor Londo only went dark long enough for things to get a little snowy. The reason the inside of the Anor Londo church is so digusting is because Aldritch is basically excreting human sludge out of every pore and turned into a giant slug from eating too many people. I imagine he ruins everything he moves across.
@@The_Fat_Turtle I read something similar, however, it wasn't completely Adlrich's fault but more so the Pontiff Sulyvahn's. Sulyvahn infiltrated the Darkmoon knights and poisoned Gwyndolin. He then imprisoned Gwyndolin and took over as a Tyrant, casting a barrier spell (only accessible with a doll) around Anor londo. If I recall correctly he also had something to do with the constant snowfall. Once he heard of Alrdich's return he placed a doll in his coffin and awaited him in Anor londo, where he would then feed him/give him Gwyndolin to devour. From that, I think it's safe to say that Anor londo went dark a long time before Aldrich or the player show up.
2:08 the transition from original Anor Londo to the pale abandoned Anor Londo. See how the structures were gone, probably destroyed due to some erosion.
Lore-wise it’s because the lands had shifted, due to the influence of the Fire and the Firelinking Curse. The “transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge” upon Lothric.
Fun fact, if you use a levitate cheat and fly around the right side of the building, you'll notice the entrance you'd usually reach in DS1 when you run up the rooftops past the archers. I don't know why they'd include that entrance when you're not usually suppose to see it, but my guess is they were planning for you to go there but canceled the idea.
idiot its actually connected to the whole map, u can see it cause the game is open world, there are no loading screens to the whole map of dark souls 1
I don't think so, my friend, they probably knew they could try to check this area and wanted to leave it as similar as possible, just like they did in all the other areas.
@@kalebefurlan you mean they want you to break the game and look where is normally impossible? Imo is more probably they tried to make anor londo as big as possible but they ended up cutting parts that are not relevant in orden to optimize the game
the bossfight room is much bigger in DS1, probably because they didn't want to give too much room for Aldrich to teleport in DS3 and you end up running a lot during the boss fight make it even more difficult
The walls are no longer there. Just feels to off. After all. It’s been centuries or even millenniums after the Events of Lordran. The walls could have been destroyed by a giant creature or just happened to fall down by Natural disasters that didn’t harm Anor Londo?
@@Mitsuru-Miki no in ds3 the world is sort of ending and everything is getting pushed together, that's why you the catacombs of carthus are in lothric instead of carthus, and npcs also mentiom that the wall of lothric or idk what it's called just appeared out of nowhere.
Nobody Noel Nope. Both are actually the same. The Chosen Undead is literally Ashen One but unable to be kindle anymore to link the first flame. Remnants of Ashes of all Failed Linkers is Ashen One. I don’t know why the Undead are unable to link the fire anymore,probably The Dark Sign’s curse? I’m no Lore teller...
gnúH gnauQ nễyugN Centuries or even millenniums. Lordran was the first kingdom ever built. And mind you Building A kingdom could have took more than decades to even create. They even made The ringed City. After the events of Lordran’s undead Curse. Many more came after it. Such as Drangleic And Lothric was built. Even more Lords of Cinder was added into the line of the first flame. I would argue that it took over 6 millenniums to meet with the events of DS3...
@@mark_russell It would appear hes probably over 6000 years old then. If you remember, hes been around for so long he didnt even remember who he was after a certain point.
Amazing how the main castle, while in its own ruined state filled with slimy floors and creatures, remains standing while the surrounding structures from 1 have crumbled away. As if wiped from the face of the world or sunken into the depths of it.
I always forget how dark everything is in DS1 until I go back. You can hardly see anything clearly and have to let your eyes adjust for a minute. The lighting improved so much even just between DS1 and DS2
Nah man, I think it looks better in the remastered for one reason, it looks more golden than in the original and its great the effect considering that the light is an illusion
Dude it’s weird how anor londo takes place at night in dark souls 3 and yet dark souls 1 is waaay darker. I can barley make out some of the detail because of the extremely high contrast. Obviously I’m aware the sun is an illusion in the first game but it still shines all the same is my point. But its shrouded in shadow. The moonlight in ds3 anor londo is damn brighter than the sun in ds1 anor londo I swear.
@@LazyGamer_X Naah bro, it's Undead Settlement. On this huge rock is this Boss arena with cursed tree. I speak about mimic with crystal halberd from DS1.
I like how Irithyll is no longer the City of the Gods is the Boreal Valley, because Sullyvan has claimed the city as his own, and some people theorize that the Ice theme is because the Fire being almost dead but i think is actually thanks to Sullyvan, he is from the Painted world the land of Ice and all the Ice themed spells from Dark Souls 3 were created by him, so maybe this Ice Age upon Irithyll is just part of his master plan
@@deathahoy8971 it has nothing to do with “time” the flame is burning out so that’s the reason for the calapse of everything. This is still the exact same world as the first dark souls that you’re running around in(albeit new areas/ most areas from ds1 doesn’t show up)
why does ds1 remaster look so ass when it came out 2 years after ds3 they really just turned up the saturation and brightness and put a warm filter on it and called it a day
3:05 Guys, what's the reason of the change in the world? Is it because of the lore, something happened that caused the change, or was it just a design choice?
it is explained in the game, the first flame made move the kingdom of the ancient lords in front of the lothric castle, the closer the flame is to death the more time and space lose their logic, anor londo move but not the rest of the lordran except oolacil and izalith (sry for the english)
Because as of Dark Souls 3 the Flame that is keeping Age of Fire going is so small and weak the reality it sustains is breaking down. So under "normal" circumenstances, when Flame would be decently strong, the space and time would hold together, but in Dark Souls 3 that's not the case, so all kingdoms and lands, including Anor Londo, are mashing together with Lothric, the last great kingdom that kept Flame alive. If you do not mind spoilers, in case you didn't play the game, at the very end of Dark Souls 3 the entire world is burned out with only the most iconic landmarks such as ruined Anor Londo and pieces of Lothric remain in the background, with everything else being an ocean of ash.
The room being empty on DS1 is what makes it feel larger, as the objects on DS3 (specially by being flooded and with those things around the pillars) takes space, which makes the room feel smaller because it isn´t as wide. A empty room normally feels bigger than a completely furnished one.
can confirm that after playing through dark souls remastered it doesn't look like this. This guy's lighting was really strange during the comparison. It looks bright and normal in reality.
I killed an toxic invader when she was on the side of Anor Londo castle when I used a silver knight great bow to force her off the ledge... I was dying with laughter and I got a response from her saying: "your trash". 🤣
Interesting. Never played Dark Souls, but I heard the Franchise is great... Even though it's hard. Interesante. Nunca jugué Dark Souls, pero escuché que la Franquicia es genial ... Aunque es difícil.
@@lordgrey3749 I'm on my first run of DS1, I agree. I'm kinda breezing through the game and I didn't expect that. Or maybe I grinded too much at undead burg lol.
I think ds 3 happened 1000 or 2000 years after the Ds 1 events ( I don’t remember where I’ve read this) I was interested by ornstein that we find him in ds 2 , and it was at this moment that I read ds2 is 1000y after ds1 . I don’t know if it’s true but it seems to be logic, isn’t it ?
In ds2 this is a man ( maybe hollow at this point) who was inspired by Orstein life. He leave Anor Londo to find a Nameless King which he served as a knight. In ds3 we can find all armor of real Orstein in location Archdragon peak, and probably Orstein became a dragon itself. Namless king was firstborn son of Gwyn. Gwyn had four children. Namless King cheated on his father to ally with the dragons. Etc. Etc.
Every Span of a Lord of Cinder’s Creation is about a millennium. After all DS3 is set where time is convoluted and Colliding in each passing moments, Destroying the world’s aesthetics (I don’t even know) Like I find it weird how the walls of Lordran just somewhat disappeared for the replacement of the high wall of Lothric. Many kingdoms were even built after Lordran’s passing Legend. Such as Drangleic,Lothric,Profaned Capital etc. Andre is some what alive. I don’t know why but I feel like Andre was an undead caught with the curse but somewhat keeping his humanity unlike others that venture paths. Smithing was his sole duty, thus making him a everlasting Undead that cant truly die since smithing can literally last you forever. A hollow is without meaning, Andre has a meaning. Smithing. Drangleic was said to be a reigning kingdom that Parted with many during it’s life time such as Old iron keep. Hell even shards of Manus was even created during the ages. Nashandra,the weakest shard of Manus as an example.. Lordran was the first kingdom ever built mind you next to The ringed City. Oldest of there kind. Last remnants of there memories of Lordran is obviously Smouldering lake,Anor Londo,And Firelink Shrine with the exception of Archdragon peak. Nameless fought a “Lifetime” of battles with his storm drake. That word “Lifetime” should give you an idea of how long it has been. Since there was 5 thrones in Firelink. I would guess 6 millenniums have been gone by. •Gwyn •Yhorm •Abyss Watchers •Aldrich •Ludleth •Lothric The Age of Gwyn was as long as a millennial time stamp since he was a God. Look at Nameless. He was the God of War still living in Archdragon peak until The embers of failed linkers killed him. Also in DS2 the lord vessel is found in the basement in the house found in Majula. Broken to pieces,almost has it been forgotten in a long age. Item descriptions about Black knight weapons in DS2 even recalls the age of fire to be a long forgotten age. Item description of the halberd in DS2. “Halberd wielded by knights who served the lord of light in a long-forgotten age.” Enough proof to claim that many Lifetimes have been passed. “Long Forgotten age”
It's hard to judge any timeline in Dark Souls, even in just the first game you actively summon and talk to NPCs that are referred to by others as figures of legend long ago. The issue is that any Dark Souls game takes place at a time when the fire is fading, and the fire creates "disparity", without disparity you don't have dark and light, heat and cold, or crucially then and now. DS1 even has the most powerful Dark being trigger an actual time travel story to before the fire really faded. DS2 was originally designed to be almost entirely a time travel story, but due to its troubled development it got cut and folded into the "memory" system. And by DS3 the flame is so faded that by the end we can see time and space folding in on itself so trying to measure things there is even more impossible. So timestamping anything as a millennium is a bad idea, even when the flame is at its peak, sufficient dark can bend time in on itself. During the time the games take place, no one is experiencing time at the same rate or order as other people, so when the flame is linked, how long things are happening for becomes unclear. Even if you choose to arbitrarily assign a millennium to each "lord of cinder", DS2 implies there have been countless kingdoms on the spot the game takes place, each having a "King" who is (essentially) someone powerful enough and have gone on a similar journey to experience either of the two endings of DS1. There are some kingdoms in DS2 only one character even remembers ever existed and that left seemingly no other trace. So there's no way to keep track because essentially Dark Souls is a very interesting take on a time travel story, more of a "time destruction" story, which is kind of unique as far as I know. Fortunately the meaning of the story is much more important than what order it happened in and for how long.
@Van H. That's certainly an interpretation. I personally think I'd say "change" rather than nature. One thing I've always really liked about Dark Souls is the Oolacile township. That's probably the closest thing we see to dark manifesting, outside of the simple black voids where Manus or The Four Kings are. And despite the fact that the game I think broadly comes out in favour of change (or nature, whatever you want to call not prolonging the age of fire), it does make that change seem alien and horrifying, Manus, Artorias, the strange laughing monsters that are the "Oolacile Residents", they all look pretty fucked up and have are so alien in motivation as to have nothing but hostility for you. It's something that makes you sympathise with the fear Gwyn has, that drove him to preserve the familiar at all costs. Change is often ugly and alien, can seem unnatural which is why nature isn't my choice of words. But it's always better than continually trying to do something that doesn't work out of fear of that change. If there's a way I'd find it most like being in tune with nature it is adaptation, you have to adapt to the rules nature and circumstance gives you, one that is very represented in the gameplay where adapting to challenge is the primary teaching tool.
@@NoNoNah306 Loved reading your take on the story, thank you! There's also the mystery behind Filianore and her egg-like object which is seen to also have a bizarre effect on time when it breaks. So on top of the Fire fading and spacetime converging as disparity ebbs away, you've got whatever was going on there. Time is indeed convoluted!
To put it simply, Gwyn wanted to maintain the Age of Fire by linking the first flame, which goes against the natural cycle of every age of fire dwindling into darkness, with flames bursting back into life rinse and repeat. Linking the flame keeps it alive by unnatural means which is why it brought about the undead curse, turning a lot of people hollow. Everyone basically got so fooled into thinking linking the flame was the only solution, and darkness is bad when actually linking the flame only postponed natural events and only made things worse.
The age of darkness is the age of humanity, the people born of the dark soul. It's not actually bad, but Gwyen feared change and the power of humans and just made everything worse.
Ds1: A mysterious luming threat, only visible by its siluet. Ds1R: yea na we're bumping the brightness so it looks like a sand castle. Ds3: A beautiful structure, dangerous only because of it's sharp angles.
When the flame begins to go out, time and space begin to distort like in the dreg heap, i think Anor Londo was dragged to the boreal valley out of nowhere
El problema del primer dark souls y su remastered es que no hicieron nada con la iluminación, se sigue viendo muy oscuro y no logras apreciar los detalles
Creo que eso es porque el juego tiene que ser así, uno de los atractivos del juego es el aura oscura que se siente en casi todos lados, eso lo hace “ Dark souls “ si fuera tan iluminado como se ve el 3 no transmitiría el mismo miedo y el sentido de estar siempre alerta que caracterizó al juego, creo que si hubiese sido una falla lo hubiesen arreglado en el remaster, que aunque lo iluminaron un poco aún intentan conservar esa esencia oscura ( aunque para mi gusto hicieron un trabajo horrible).
@@elvenezolano836 bueno en mi caso no puedo jugar en la noche por lo que la iluminación me hace imposible jugarlo ya que estoy prácticamente a ciegas, al menos es un problema personal del que nadie se queja más que yo
En realidad el remastered cambió el sistema de iluminación del motor gráfico y se arruinaron muchas cosas. El original se ve miles de veces mejor porque muchas armaduras y modelos estaban construidos con el primer sistema de iluminación en mente. Es una lástima que no pudiesen hacer un remastered decente.
I just came here after discover the New Ruins of anor londo And i just wanna say that now I understand the reason why lf those messages about a bonfire in Dark Souls 1 where there was nothing, but there is in Dark Souls 3 Nice foreshadowing
Is there a video that explains why Anor Londo is so different? Like... where are the mountains ahead?! Did it fell off? Anor Londo moved with a magic spell or something?
The dark souls world is pretty much collapsing on each other, I think there’s some lore where things would randomly appear and disappear from time to time
So is it just me or are there no shadow casting lights in any of the shown scenes and if so does that mean that I somehow never noticed for all these years?
Ds3 has better exteriors and environment but worst interiors to me. The interiors look way too pirates of the Carribbean or too realistic. Ds1/remastered had a more fantasy aspect to it which i like better
Ok so im confused are aldritch and gwyndolin the same person or are they different entities becaus they have the same top half but different bottom halfs as gwyndolin has the snakes and Aldrich has a black slug thing?
I just watched a video about ds3 flaws and one thing mentioned in the video was that ds3 has no vibrant colours compared to ds im not so sure about that anymore
@@James_Philip915 It's not that the sacrifice in ds1 was for nothing, it's just that when you rekindle the first flame, you just extend it's lifetime. After the events of ds1, the cycle repeats itself (a chosen undead shall rekindle the first flame), so multiple other "chosen undeads" have come and rekindled the first flame. The events of ds3 take place centuries, maybe even millennia after ds1, and the cycle is yet repeating itself
Dude, your Remastered is broken or you playing on what? I don't have such red-brown-black hue that hard And graphically it is waaaay better than you showing to us, so I suspected you are playing on very low specs
Dont know why but ds1 is always better in my eyes theres something about it that made it better in the series. Sure gameplay and graphics are better in ds3 but aside from nameless king and soul of cinder theres not much to enjoy in that game. Ds1 feels more terrifying enemies ,the maps feels more bigger especially with DLC, boss fights are more memorable. Correct me if im wrong.
0:51 Lol. First one on the left is darker and empty. Remastered has a cartoon ghost...And Dark Souls III has strange creatures on the ground. Other than that, I don't see any more differences. It did make me laugh. I am presuming the two games are related story wise. Dark Souls III also gives me Skyrim feels with the quality of the graphics. Keep in mind, I've never ever played any Dark Soul game so yeah.
I like how Anor Londo Is in ruins but they repaired the window
Yeah lol i was playing it yesterday and saw the window repaired
That was probably the first thing aldrich got fixed
I mean who wants to live in a castle with a broken window. Mess up the whole fungshway
@@lectran9913 Feng shui
the windows are different too
Lorewise. I’m pretty sure the item descriptions tell us that gwyndolin got his shit together and started to bring order to the city with his covenant. As you can see, many of the old buildings in anor londo are gone and some new ones appeared which means that gwyndolin probably made some remodeling before pontiff usurped his position after he got sick
I feel like Anor Londo in DS III is a perfect place to just sit and think...
Or farm souls from silver knights on an NG
Or get invaded
@Gaming Divinity *laughs in pain*
solo observo y pienso...
@@ducktape-3470I have PTSD from farming for covenant in that stair 😅
I got really upset when I first saw the Giant Blacksmith's corpse in ds3. I just remembered how much I used to grind in ds1 to buy twinkling titanite from him to upgrade my weapon to the max, which helped me immensely to beat Gwyn.
Average Dark Souls fan: haha parry Gwyn
Average Dark Souls enjoyer: I will honor you with one last worthy fight with everything I have Gwyn, our battle will be legendary!
@@Gantarilho ok but fight vendrick without giant souls
At lease he died doing what he loved, making shiny more happy
@@brokenrokuremoteofficial "He died doing what he loved, I bet he was happy"
1:42 "forge I can, strong I am"
these words will never be forgotten ... 😔✊🏻
"But you friend. You talk, I no talk, but I happy."
"talk no good work good"
Cometh soon
Nighty night
My first play through of ds3 I didint care about the dead giant
Now after ds1 i realized that he was a true homie
You played DS3 before DS1?????? Wtf????
I did,but it wasn't my first souls game tho@@blopat
@@blopatI played Ds3 first. When I played Ds1 was actually a magic experience seeing the glory of Anor Londo. Then went back for Ds3 and felt the pain 😢
@@blopatI did too! Remember when DS3 came out it was much like Elden Ring in terms of making souls games very popular. Lots of new players
DS 1 have a more warm orange color, symbolizing the situation after the first linking of the fire where it still burns bright, while DS3 have colder colors, caused by the waning flame after several linking of the fire, turning the world to ash
I Love these details
I actually think it's a recent change that Anor Londo is dark and cold. In DS1, you find out Gwyndolin is basically creating the sun shining bright as an illusion and doing something like attacking a certain character or entering the boss fight with him/her will cause Anor Londo to go "dark". In the opening cutscene we see Aldritch awake and he's just a giant mass of gross sludge, but when we fight him he's got the upper body of Gwyndolin and using his/her body like a puppet. So I think Aldritch (and the other lords of cinder) only wake up a little while before your player character and Aldritch is halfway through eating/digesting Gwyndolin, so his/her death was a recent thing and Anor Londo only went dark long enough for things to get a little snowy.
The reason the inside of the Anor Londo church is so digusting is because Aldritch is basically excreting human sludge out of every pore and turned into a giant slug from eating too many people. I imagine he ruins everything he moves across.
@@The_Fat_Turtle I read something similar, however, it wasn't completely Adlrich's fault but more so the Pontiff Sulyvahn's. Sulyvahn infiltrated the Darkmoon knights and poisoned Gwyndolin. He then imprisoned Gwyndolin and took over as a Tyrant, casting a barrier spell (only accessible with a doll) around Anor londo. If I recall correctly he also had something to do with the constant snowfall. Once he heard of Alrdich's return he placed a doll in his coffin and awaited him in Anor londo, where he would then feed him/give him Gwyndolin to devour.
From that, I think it's safe to say that Anor londo went dark a long time before Aldrich or the player show up.
Love how it goes from Royal furniture to a cheap hotel couch.
No amazing chest ahead 😢
It was always like that. Because of the illusion
1:44 ah, sadness, therefore, may the flames guide you
No dark sigil because it is better
3:58 the ominous silence is so sad
Yeah, and most important, no tits on DS3 :/
Amazing chest missing
no chest ahead
"Can't hold with two hands"
"Amazing chest?"
"No chest ahead"
"lier ahead"
wheere did she go?
Dark Souls 1 Be like..: O R A N G E
Dark Souls 3 Be like..: B L U E
@UnderBoxeye X we don't do that in here there is only ds1 and ds3
@@ii0000 STFU
@@YavNe so whats your fucking problem ?
@@ii0000 lmao dark souls 2 is fucking great the fuck you smoking?
2:08 the transition from original Anor Londo to the pale abandoned Anor Londo. See how the structures were gone, probably destroyed due to some erosion.
I was so upset to see the building where the painting to ariamis was, being gone in ds3.
Lore-wise it’s because the lands had shifted, due to the influence of the Fire and the Firelinking Curse. The “transitory lands of the Lords of Cinder converge” upon Lothric.
the first thing I noticed was the destruction of several buildings of Anor Londo and the sound of hammering...
1:34 F
F ú.ù
Fun fact, if you use a levitate cheat and fly around the right side of the building, you'll notice the entrance you'd usually reach in DS1 when you run up the rooftops past the archers. I don't know why they'd include that entrance when you're not usually suppose to see it, but my guess is they were planning for you to go there but canceled the idea.
idiot its actually connected to the whole map, u can see it cause the game is open world, there are no loading screens to the whole map of dark souls 1
I don't think so, my friend, they probably knew they could try to check this area and wanted to leave it as similar as possible, just like they did in all the other areas.
@@kalebefurlan you mean they want you to break the game and look where is normally impossible?
Imo is more probably they tried to make anor londo as big as possible but they ended up cutting parts that are not relevant in orden to optimize the game
the bossfight room is much bigger in DS1, probably because they didn't want to give too much room for Aldrich to teleport in DS3 and you end up running a lot during the boss fight make it even more difficult
It didn’t look any bigger to me
@@LazyGamer_X i think in ds1 its a little bigger but yea it didint seem MUCH bigger to me
3:10 damn, did that building fell off? high above thats where the 1st bonfire is at in DS1.
its to save FPS they deleted.
Dark Souls III appears to have the lands mashing up and stuff, which is why Anor Londo is in the Boreal Valley
its actually that elevating contraption, notice in the DS3 its only lower, pushing th elever gets it up
The walls are no longer there.
Just feels to off.
After all.
It’s been centuries or even millenniums after the Events of Lordran.
The walls could have been destroyed by a giant creature or just happened to fall down by Natural disasters that didn’t harm Anor Londo?
@@Mitsuru-Miki no in ds3 the world is sort of ending and everything is getting pushed together, that's why you the catacombs of carthus are in lothric instead of carthus, and npcs also mentiom that the wall of lothric or idk what it's called just appeared out of nowhere.
No chest ahead
Sad horny noises
Sad chest ahead
Therefore SADNESS
Time for tears
Eldrich seemed like a total psychopath but had a sense to repair window
I always assumed that the Ashen one was physically a bigger being than the Chosen Undead.
Nobody Noel Nope.
Both are actually the same.
The Chosen Undead is literally Ashen One but unable to be kindle anymore to link the first flame.
Remnants of Ashes of all Failed Linkers is Ashen One.
I don’t know why the Undead are unable to link the fire anymore,probably The Dark Sign’s curse?
I’m no Lore teller...
@@Mitsuru-Miki yeah seems like you really arent a lore expert if you think the Ashen one and the Chosen undead are the same character.
@@Mitsuru-Miki i thought the final boss of ds3 is the chosen undead from ds1
Nobody Noel ok but you don’t have to be a ducking asshole about you dickweed
@@williamkensington2772 >i thought the ashen one is larger than the chosen undead
>dont be an asshole about it!
???? Ok dude
Damn, wondering how much time has passed...
gnúH gnauQ nễyugN Centuries or even millenniums.
Lordran was the first kingdom ever built.
And mind you Building A kingdom could have took more than decades to even create.
They even made The ringed City.
After the events of Lordran’s undead Curse.
Many more came after it.
Such as Drangleic And Lothric was built.
Even more Lords of Cinder was added into the line of the first flame.
I would argue that it took over 6 millenniums to meet with the events of DS3...
Question -101 man that’s so crazy to think about
@@mark_russell UNBREAKABLE patches
@@mark_russell pretty old honestly,he was even in demon souls so there’s not an actual age
@@mark_russell It would appear hes probably over 6000 years old then. If you remember, hes been around for so long he didnt even remember who he was after a certain point.
1:45 I didn't "Cometh soon" enough :(
It hurts...
Its sad to know that the giant Blacksmith is dead
Yes 😔
Man ds3 looks amazing compared to the first games remaster lol
Lmao dude.. the original looked amazing compared to the remaster 😂😂😂😂
Graphics didn't improve much in the remasters
@@jyothis.n629 it got worse
@@duongnguyenngoc9160 nah its better... a bit lol
Amazing how the main castle, while in its own ruined state filled with slimy floors and creatures, remains standing while the surrounding structures from 1 have crumbled away. As if wiped from the face of the world or sunken into the depths of it.
Or “the deep” if you will.
Sorry, I’ll go see myself out.
I always forget how dark everything is in DS1 until I go back. You can hardly see anything clearly and have to let your eyes adjust for a minute. The lighting improved so much even just between DS1 and DS2
The sound of the Blacksmith hammer at work, and of our armour clanking as we walk is so comforting to me.
Now knowing that his giant dead corpse remains in Anor Londo and discovering it made me sad. 😢 “Forge I can. Strong I am”-Giant Blacksmith
there's no words for it in dark souls 3. it looks unbelievable.
this reminds me of Metal Gear Solid 4 when you return to Shadow Moses Island
Epic moment. That game shook me man. I know it catches flak, but MGS4 is one of my favorite games of all time
Rest in peace my old friend
DS3 anor londo feels like a Doom Eternal Master Level
Dark souls and dark souls 3 look great on their own but the remastered lighting is... awful
Nah man, I think it looks better in the remastered for one reason, it looks more golden than in the original and its great the effect considering that the light is an illusion
I feel that. I was going to buy the remastered version until I saw this, it just looks straight up worse in all these clips... l
@black -s yeah, go play the original with 30fps
@@Rowy_ 30 at best.
Yes. What is this reddish look? Graphics are better though.
Dude it’s weird how anor londo takes place at night in dark souls 3 and yet dark souls 1 is waaay darker. I can barley make out some of the detail because of the extremely high contrast. Obviously I’m aware the sun is an illusion in the first game but it still shines all the same is my point. But its shrouded in shadow. The moonlight in ds3 anor londo is damn brighter than the sun in ds1 anor londo I swear.
the sun isnt even directly shining on anor londo, its setting in thats why
2:17 So basically, place where is mimic and crystal halberd is in DS1 turned into Undead Settlement
That’s not Undead Settlement down there, that’s Irithyll, Undead settlement is around the swamp area and under Lothric
That’s not Undead Settlement down there, that’s Irithyll, Undead settlement is around the swamp area and under Lothric
@@LazyGamer_X Naah bro, it's Undead Settlement. On this huge rock is this Boss arena with cursed tree. I speak about mimic with crystal halberd from DS1.
@@Freeman4815 dude undead settlement was near the beginning of the game, and you don’t get to Anor Londo until later far away from undead settlement
@@LazyGamer_X Yeah, of course. But you still can see it ON THE FUCKIN' HUGE ROCK, dude. Just use your eyes, man.
I like how Irithyll is no longer the City of the Gods is the Boreal Valley, because Sullyvan has claimed the city as his own, and some people theorize that the Ice theme is because the Fire being almost dead but i think is actually thanks to Sullyvan, he is from the Painted world the land of Ice and all the Ice themed spells from Dark Souls 3 were created by him, so maybe this Ice Age upon Irithyll is just part of his master plan
Damn. The structures are durable even after several millenia.
amazing architecture
No way are all 3 games in the same castle and map I didn't know
The remastered is the exact same as the original darksouls and ds3 is in the future
No, in ds3 the world is collapsing in on itself. Basically snot mondo was moved through time
@@deathahoy8971 snot mondo lol.
Did I s t u t t e r?
@@deathahoy8971 it has nothing to do with “time” the flame is burning out so that’s the reason for the calapse of everything. This is still the exact same world as the first dark souls that you’re running around in(albeit new areas/ most areas from ds1 doesn’t show up)
they should it just use darksouls 3 engine for the remaster version
it's not a Remastered version, then. But more to a remake
@@hafizo_kurosaki does it matter? Their games are all the same, same assets, same menus, same items and textures. They should be able to do it
@@vVanderlej One word, Money xD
@@vVanderlejthey arent the same textures, assets and menus 😂
@@Maximus20778 bro, even animations are reutilized. Open your eyes.
why does ds1 remaster look so ass when it came out 2 years after ds3 they really just turned up the saturation and brightness and put a warm filter on it and called it a day
"Look how they massacred my boy."
Remastered kind of killed the immersion by shedding too much light revealing how little rendering was used in comparison to DS3.
"veja como massacraram meu garoto..."
3:05 Guys, what's the reason of the change in the world? Is it because of the lore, something happened that caused the change, or was it just a design choice?
it is explained in the game, the first flame made move the kingdom of the ancient lords in front of the lothric castle, the closer the flame is to death the more time and space lose their logic, anor londo move but not the rest of the lordran except oolacil and izalith (sry for the english)
@@syriusffg5813 Thank you for the answer 🌹
Your English is good and will be even better, keep on learning 👍
Because as of Dark Souls 3 the Flame that is keeping Age of Fire going is so small and weak the reality it sustains is breaking down. So under "normal" circumenstances, when Flame would be decently strong, the space and time would hold together, but in Dark Souls 3 that's not the case, so all kingdoms and lands, including Anor Londo, are mashing together with Lothric, the last great kingdom that kept Flame alive. If you do not mind spoilers, in case you didn't play the game, at the very end of Dark Souls 3 the entire world is burned out with only the most iconic landmarks such as ruined Anor Londo and pieces of Lothric remain in the background, with everything else being an ocean of ash.
Time is convoluted
In darksouls there was a small shining light of hope, in darksouls lll there is just darkness
1:42 Vision of friend
It's so weird how the boss room FEELS smaller in DS3, like noticeable so, yet this proves it's not. What is going on?
The room being empty on DS1 is what makes it feel larger, as the objects on DS3 (specially by being flooded and with those things around the pillars) takes space, which makes the room feel smaller because it isn´t as wide. A empty room normally feels bigger than a completely furnished one.
I am playing Darksouls backwards and seeing Anor Londo before it was completely in ruin is oddly nostalgic and surreal.
In the past few weeks I've played Dark Souls 1, 2 and 3 all in succession and it was interesting to view these comparisons. Well done, FromSoftware!
It would have been better if you just attacked gwynevere to see dark Anor Londo
Remastered one looks brighter & 3rd one looks detailed
Obviously, they tun on different engines and ds3 came after ds1
0:34 " above all, don't make any noise, the princess is sleeping, show respect "
3:52 amazing chest ahead
I don't like the look of the remastered version! The castle looks like it's made from plastic!
can confirm that after playing through dark souls remastered it doesn't look like this. This guy's lighting was really strange during the comparison. It looks bright and normal in reality.
I killed an toxic invader when she was on the side of Anor Londo castle when I used a silver knight great bow to force her off the ledge... I was dying with laughter and I got a response from her saying: "your trash". 🤣
I thought Dark Souls 3 had a pretty dark color palette but maybe I was wrong
I think it's just the sun is gone in DS1 actually.
Anyone else prefer the remastered one
Un manjar para los ojos
Interesting. Never played Dark Souls, but I heard the Franchise is great... Even though it's hard.
Interesante. Nunca jugué Dark Souls, pero escuché que la Franquicia es genial ... Aunque es difícil.
Well there's a mistake a lot of people do and you too did and it's calling dark souls hard ,dark soul isn't hard it's punishing
@@lordgrey3749 I'm on my first run of DS1, I agree. I'm kinda breezing through the game and I didn't expect that. Or maybe I grinded too much at undead burg lol.
Si te vas por la build de fuerza es ez souls en muchos jefes
@@raftag590899 Okay.
Great work doing this
I wonder what happen to all of the buildings in anor londo and the huge wall
I think ds 3 happened 1000 or 2000 years after the Ds 1 events ( I don’t remember where I’ve read this)
I was interested by ornstein that we find him in ds 2 , and it was at this moment that I read ds2 is 1000y after ds1 .
I don’t know if it’s true but it seems to be logic, isn’t it ?
In ds2 this is a man ( maybe hollow at this point) who was inspired by Orstein life. He leave Anor Londo to find a Nameless King which he served as a knight. In ds3 we can find all armor of real Orstein in location Archdragon peak, and probably Orstein became a dragon itself. Namless king was firstborn son of Gwyn. Gwyn had four children. Namless King cheated on his father to ally with the dragons. Etc. Etc.
Every Span of a Lord of Cinder’s Creation is about a millennium.
After all DS3 is set where time is convoluted and Colliding in each passing moments, Destroying the world’s aesthetics (I don’t even know)
Like I find it weird how the walls of Lordran just somewhat disappeared for the replacement of the high wall of Lothric.
Many kingdoms were even built after Lordran’s passing Legend.
Such as Drangleic,Lothric,Profaned Capital etc.
Andre is some what alive.
I don’t know why but I feel like Andre was an undead caught with the curse but somewhat keeping his humanity unlike others that venture paths.
Smithing was his sole duty, thus making him a everlasting Undead that cant truly die since smithing can literally last you forever.
A hollow is without meaning, Andre has a meaning. Smithing.
Drangleic was said to be a reigning kingdom that Parted with many during it’s life time such as Old iron keep.
Hell even shards of Manus was even created during the ages.
Nashandra,the weakest shard of Manus as an example..
Lordran was the first kingdom ever built mind you next to The ringed City.
Oldest of there kind.
Last remnants of there memories of Lordran is obviously Smouldering lake,Anor Londo,And Firelink Shrine with the exception of Archdragon peak.
Nameless fought a “Lifetime” of battles with his storm drake.
That word “Lifetime” should give you an idea of how long it has been.
Since there was 5 thrones in Firelink.
I would guess 6 millenniums have been gone by.
•Abyss Watchers
The Age of Gwyn was as long as a millennial time stamp since he was a God.
Look at Nameless.
He was the God of War still living in Archdragon peak until The embers of failed linkers killed him.
Also in DS2 the lord vessel is found in the basement in the house found in Majula.
Broken to pieces,almost has it been forgotten in a long age.
Item descriptions about Black knight weapons in DS2 even recalls the age of fire to be a long forgotten age.
Item description of the halberd in DS2.
“Halberd wielded by knights who served the lord of light in a long-forgotten age.”
Enough proof to claim that many Lifetimes have been passed.
“Long Forgotten age”
It's hard to judge any timeline in Dark Souls, even in just the first game you actively summon and talk to NPCs that are referred to by others as figures of legend long ago.
The issue is that any Dark Souls game takes place at a time when the fire is fading, and the fire creates "disparity", without disparity you don't have dark and light, heat and cold, or crucially then and now.
DS1 even has the most powerful Dark being trigger an actual time travel story to before the fire really faded. DS2 was originally designed to be almost entirely a time travel story, but due to its troubled development it got cut and folded into the "memory" system. And by DS3 the flame is so faded that by the end we can see time and space folding in on itself so trying to measure things there is even more impossible.
So timestamping anything as a millennium is a bad idea, even when the flame is at its peak, sufficient dark can bend time in on itself. During the time the games take place, no one is experiencing time at the same rate or order as other people, so when the flame is linked, how long things are happening for becomes unclear.
Even if you choose to arbitrarily assign a millennium to each "lord of cinder", DS2 implies there have been countless kingdoms on the spot the game takes place, each having a "King" who is (essentially) someone powerful enough and have gone on a similar journey to experience either of the two endings of DS1. There are some kingdoms in DS2 only one character even remembers ever existed and that left seemingly no other trace.
So there's no way to keep track because essentially Dark Souls is a very interesting take on a time travel story, more of a "time destruction" story, which is kind of unique as far as I know. Fortunately the meaning of the story is much more important than what order it happened in and for how long.
@Van H. That's certainly an interpretation. I personally think I'd say "change" rather than nature.
One thing I've always really liked about Dark Souls is the Oolacile township. That's probably the closest thing we see to dark manifesting, outside of the simple black voids where Manus or The Four Kings are. And despite the fact that the game I think broadly comes out in favour of change (or nature, whatever you want to call not prolonging the age of fire), it does make that change seem alien and horrifying, Manus, Artorias, the strange laughing monsters that are the "Oolacile Residents", they all look pretty fucked up and have are so alien in motivation as to have nothing but hostility for you. It's something that makes you sympathise with the fear Gwyn has, that drove him to preserve the familiar at all costs.
Change is often ugly and alien, can seem unnatural which is why nature isn't my choice of words. But it's always better than continually trying to do something that doesn't work out of fear of that change. If there's a way I'd find it most like being in tune with nature it is adaptation, you have to adapt to the rules nature and circumstance gives you, one that is very represented in the gameplay where adapting to challenge is the primary teaching tool.
@@NoNoNah306 Loved reading your take on the story, thank you! There's also the mystery behind Filianore and her egg-like object which is seen to also have a bizarre effect on time when it breaks. So on top of the Fire fading and spacetime converging as disparity ebbs away, you've got whatever was going on there. Time is indeed convoluted!
I’m almost finished with Ds1 and Ds3 side by side
I was sad when the Giant died
Like porque precisamente andaba buscando una comparativa de ésto y la subieron hoy 👍
So ultimately Dark Souls III looks best??
I don't know that's the point of this video
Juwe. Yeah... the point in this vid is what has changed through the games, but obviously DS3 looks the best.
1:41 sad moment
Isnt the point of dark souls is the chosen undead is supposed to make the world better? The locations in 3 look so much worse what the hell happened?
To put it simply, Gwyn wanted to maintain the Age of Fire by linking the first flame, which goes against the natural cycle of every age of fire dwindling into darkness, with flames bursting back into life rinse and repeat. Linking the flame keeps it alive by unnatural means which is why it brought about the undead curse, turning a lot of people hollow. Everyone basically got so fooled into thinking linking the flame was the only solution, and darkness is bad when actually linking the flame only postponed natural events and only made things worse.
@@velothosplays ah ok thats makes sense thanks
The age of darkness is the age of humanity, the people born of the dark soul. It's not actually bad, but Gwyen feared change and the power of humans and just made everything worse.
check out vaatividya on youtube, he explains everything
Ds1: A mysterious luming threat, only visible by its siluet.
Ds1R: yea na we're bumping the brightness so it looks like a sand castle.
Ds3: A beautiful structure, dangerous only because of it's sharp angles.
For DS3, i say its dangerous because of the fucking blob femboy monster awaiting you at the main chamber
This might be a dumb question but what happened to the other buildings? It looks like they just disappeared
When the flame begins to go out, time and space begin to distort like in the dreg heap, i think Anor Londo was dragged to the boreal valley out of nowhere
In short: a wizard did it
@@-Core- oh I see
@@-Core- ohhhh thanks
so how long ds1 event took place before ds3?
Меня поражает как от анар лондо осталось только центральная часть, а стены и другие строения исчезли так быстро
El problema del primer dark souls y su remastered es que no hicieron nada con la iluminación, se sigue viendo muy oscuro y no logras apreciar los detalles
Creo que eso es porque el juego tiene que ser así, uno de los atractivos del juego es el aura oscura que se siente en casi todos lados, eso lo hace “ Dark souls “ si fuera tan iluminado como se ve el 3 no transmitiría el mismo miedo y el sentido de estar siempre alerta que caracterizó al juego, creo que si hubiese sido una falla lo hubiesen arreglado en el remaster, que aunque lo iluminaron un poco aún intentan conservar esa esencia oscura ( aunque para mi gusto hicieron un trabajo horrible).
@@elvenezolano836 bueno en mi caso no puedo jugar en la noche por lo que la iluminación me hace imposible jugarlo ya que estoy prácticamente a ciegas, al menos es un problema personal del que nadie se queja más que yo
@@elvenezolano836O también puede ser para tapar texturas, ya que tienen menos pixeles por la antigüedad del juego 🗿
En realidad el remastered cambió el sistema de iluminación del motor gráfico y se arruinaron muchas cosas. El original se ve miles de veces mejor porque muchas armaduras y modelos estaban construidos con el primer sistema de iluminación en mente.
Es una lástima que no pudiesen hacer un remastered decente.
@@maskingtablessim e parece a versão original e se uma pessoa que não conhece dirá que os dois são exatamente iguais.
I just came here after discover the New Ruins of anor londo
And i just wanna say that now I understand the reason why lf those messages about a bonfire in Dark Souls 1 where there was nothing, but there is in Dark Souls 3
Nice foreshadowing
The mighty city of the gods is now in ruins. Gwyns age of fire didn't last long
Is there a video that explains why Anor Londo is so different? Like... where are the mountains ahead?! Did it fell off? Anor Londo moved with a magic spell or something?
The dark souls world is pretty much collapsing on each other, I think there’s some lore where things would randomly appear and disappear from time to time
So is it just me or are there no shadow casting lights in any of the shown scenes and if so does that mean that I somehow never noticed for all these years?
Ds3 has better exteriors and environment but worst interiors to me. The interiors look way too pirates of the Carribbean or too realistic. Ds1/remastered had a more fantasy aspect to it which i like better
Anor londo in dark souls had the mexico filter on
2:22 wtf happened?
The world of dark souls is pretty much collapsing
Ok so im confused are aldritch and gwyndolin the same person or are they different entities becaus they have the same top half but different bottom halfs as gwyndolin has the snakes and Aldrich has a black slug thing?
Black slug thing is aldrich and he ate gwyndolin
The person you see is gwyndolin but in aldrichs control
@@felful41 oh ok poor gwyndolin
I just watched a video about ds3 flaws and one thing mentioned in the video was that ds3 has no vibrant colours compared to ds im not so sure about that anymore
Praise the Sun 🌞
3:57 that’s sad
Damn, it's strange how anor londo isn't pink
Anor Londo en el Remastered y de calle. ( Y de día aunque sea falso xD)
PD: en el Prepare To Die Edition has usado DSfix?
What happened in ds3? Another millions of years passed and darkness returned or the ds1 sacrifice was for nothing.
Have u never played the games?
@@HuginnTheNord only ds1
@@James_Philip915 It's not that the sacrifice in ds1 was for nothing, it's just that when you rekindle the first flame, you just extend it's lifetime. After the events of ds1, the cycle repeats itself (a chosen undead shall rekindle the first flame), so multiple other "chosen undeads" have come and rekindled the first flame. The events of ds3 take place centuries, maybe even millennia after ds1, and the cycle is yet repeating itself
how to open the blue door?
So calmness in dark souls 3
theres Anor Londo in ds3 ?!!! oh my god...
Dark Souls: But if you close your eyes,
*Dark Souls 3*
somehow I didn't even know it was the same place lol
Wtf happened to the town, why is there a mountain in DS3 whereas before there were buildings and a wall?
Dude, your Remastered is broken or you playing on what?
I don't have such red-brown-black hue that hard
And graphically it is waaaay better than you showing to us, so I suspected you are playing on very low specs
Dark Souls 3 is just a Best Hits album for Dark Souls 1 and i couldn't care less
Then, why did you click on this video?
I just want a dragon's dogma and dark souls cross over
Me too
-Arisen gets fucking parried and riptosed-
Pawn: "Are you alright, Arisen?"
Dont know why but ds1 is always better in my eyes theres something about it that made it better in the series. Sure gameplay and graphics are better in ds3 but aside from nameless king and soul of cinder theres not much to enjoy in that game. Ds1 feels more terrifying enemies ,the maps feels more bigger especially with DLC, boss fights are more memorable. Correct me if im wrong.
"Cometh soon..."
0:51 Lol. First one on the left is darker and empty. Remastered has a cartoon ghost...And Dark Souls III has strange creatures on the ground. Other than that, I don't see any more differences. It did make me laugh. I am presuming the two games are related story wise.
Dark Souls III also gives me Skyrim feels with the quality of the graphics.
Keep in mind, I've never ever played any Dark Soul game so yeah.
this ghosts are in every ds game, they just show up in different moments
those ghost are what players been doing like sec ago its only appears in online mode
its like they are all players are connected in the same world
Nighty Night Sweet Prince
this sucks bro aldrich tracked dirt all over the floors >:(
OnSs arena feels much smaller
Ds1 remastered anor londo look so beautiful 😮.
Later in DS3 it looks dead, i guess that is for a reason.