Suicide Squad (2006) cast by IMDb: Denzel Washington as Deadshot Heath Ledger as Joker Brittany Murphy as Harley Quinn Paul Walker as Rick Flag Angela Bassett as Amanda Waller Tom Hardy as Captain Boomerang Benicio Del Toro as El Diablo Ving Rhames as Killer Croc Jon Favreau as Griggs Lucas Black as Lieutenant GQ Edwards Eva Green as The Enchantress Michelle Yeoh as Katana Cliff Curtis as Slipknot Adam Baldwin as Jonny Frost Jamie Foxx as Monster T Aaron Eckhart as Dexter Tolliver Eric Bana as BatMan Ryan Reynolds as The Flash Directed by: Michael Mann Distributed by: Warner Bros. Pictures
Excellent so realistic 👍
Fecha de estreno??
What model do you use for the likenesses? these are great
Suicide Squad (2006) cast by IMDb:
Denzel Washington as Deadshot
Heath Ledger as Joker
Brittany Murphy as Harley Quinn
Paul Walker as Rick Flag
Angela Bassett as Amanda Waller
Tom Hardy as Captain Boomerang
Benicio Del Toro as El Diablo
Ving Rhames as Killer Croc
Jon Favreau as Griggs
Lucas Black as Lieutenant GQ Edwards
Eva Green as The Enchantress
Michelle Yeoh as Katana
Cliff Curtis as Slipknot
Adam Baldwin as Jonny Frost
Jamie Foxx as Monster T
Aaron Eckhart as Dexter Tolliver
Eric Bana as BatMan
Ryan Reynolds as The Flash
Directed by: Michael Mann
Distributed by: Warner Bros. Pictures
I'm surprised that some Marvel hero actors moved to the justice league to play new roles.. but this is great.. I can't wait to see this movie..
Actors are free agents. They go to who gives them the most money
Tiffany Henyard as Amanda Waller. That would be my first choice