Wow that's shady how can you do that to your siblings what a selfish and a liars, yhat is disgraceful she should be a shame of herself. 🤮🤮 you can not trust nobody especially a family members. 🤬🤮 dont give her any more money that's the end of it she doesn't deserve any penny from yhis day on.!!
Yup I had similar problem as well when it comes to money with the relatives there. Can’t trust anyone.
I’m agreed 1000% about sending money back home to relatives and instead of splitting money 💰 one or other will just kept money for themselves
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
ខ្មែរយើងនៅស្រុកខ្មែរឥឡូវពិបាកជឿណាស់ យើងផ្ញើរលុយទៅឱ្យគេនឹកថាយើងមានណាស់
បាទ នេះគេហៅថាបងប្អូនចោលម្សៀតក្បត់បងប្អូនឯងដូចជាខ្ញុំចឹងផ្ញេីរលុយចែកគ្នាហេីយស្រេចតែយកទៅអោយមិនដូចអ្នកផ្ញេីរប្រាប់ទេ ជួនកាលមិនអោយសោះក៏មានដែរហេីយភ្លេចគុណទៀត
80:/ សុីដាច់
Wow that's shady how can you do that to your siblings what a selfish and a liars, yhat is disgraceful she should be a shame of herself. 🤮🤮 you can not trust nobody especially a family members. 🤬🤮 dont give her any more money that's the end of it she doesn't deserve any penny from yhis day on.!!