I honestly can’t believe we’re still even here. This world is getting extremely dark and wicked. Being isolated doesn’t feel so bad anymore. Sad to say but it feels safe. Can’t trust anybody and don’t believe anything anymore except for Jesus Christ. Running on fumes now. Lord please get me through this day. ❤🙏🕊
@@just-passin-thru Amen! And i agree... i cant begin to imagine how bad it was prior to the Great Flood, since we are still here... had to be worse than this & this is bad enough for me! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yes tough times. Just saw Mike Signorelli's new video on TH-cam on protection through pleading the blood of Christ. He mentions the 7 places Jesus shed His blood, starting with Gethsemane. It's a good time for this sermon as we are nearing the end of the church age, with the sudden pretribulation rapture. May God bless us and keep us safe until that wonderful day.
Yup, especially since the Rev12 sign SEVEN yrs ago. I thought for sure that was it,… plus every day the last seven yrs , every high watch day has been challenging. Maranatha 🎚️
I’m so ready to go home. You can really feel that something is about to happen. It’s like the world is being held together by a string and it’s about to snap. I’m torn between being excited and happy to be going home and feeling sad for my unsaved loved ones and friends. I’ll keep praying for them.
It’s normal for the Christian to be grieved for the lost - that’s the heart of God. Remember at the end of the day however, we all have CHOICES. They CHOOSE to reject God and remain in sin. Best thing to do : If you want certain people saved, pray several times a day for them as well as praying for yourself. Ask God to uncover their eyes and unlock their heart. I believe God will do it if you ask Him diligently.
I am in agreement with you that as we lift up NORA,right now to the throne of Grace in obedience to the word of God... as we ask for MERCY AND GRACE in this time of need just as it says. We ask in YOUR PRECIOUS NAME AND THE POWER OF YOUR BLOOD THAT NORA IS HEALED IMMEDIATELY ! Her tongue will sing your praises forever for Your goodness and love !!! AMEN AND AMEN!!
i wish i could attend this church, or at least had a pastor like J.D here in tampa fla... Theres no pastors who will preach or teach these messages that need to be heard! Thank u brother JD
There's no depth from the pulpits. I have to go search for solid preaching or covid info. Do you know how many times I've heard the gospel message in 41 years?!
@@Faithful19come down to Suncoast Baptist in Palmetto. We have some members who live in Pinellas county and say it's well worth the drive. I'm sure you'll agree
This place is not our home. The more time you spend with God in His Word. The more alienated you become from this world. In God’s loving grace He left so much beauty in the fallen state of the world. Yet Jesus said “ I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go & prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:2-3 What a loving promise, as the groom betrothed to his bride prepares a place for his bride in Hebrew marriage tradition. So Jesus has gone before us to prepare that special place for His bride. The church the born again saints longing for his coming. Each day brings us closer to the promise of his coming. Maranatha !!!
Haha I hear you. I want outta here. Jesus wants to collect the last few. He woke me up, now I gotta extend the same courtesy and be patient for those who are still being woken up as I was a few short months back.
God bless you, PastorJD. Can't wait to see Jesus! Never thought I'd want to see the rapture, but now that my eyes are open, with everything being a lie, I look forward to it🎺
Hello Fella-shippers of Jesus followers, I am grateful for this teachings JD Farag preaches. I attended 12 churches in Sarasota. Here we are! I desire to see Jesus. ❤ I am a God Pleaser, ppl server. Find me serving ❤
Again, this morning, I am blown away by Gods word via JD. I weep so STRONGLY once more in thanksgiving, that Jesus redeemed me, and helped the "door" open for Him to come in AGAIN. ALL I CAN THINK OF Is Maranatha. And wow! what encouragement, and timely words of teaching through my Pastor. Mahalo NUI LOA from Salt Lake City. My heart also aches for not being able to come home, KUU HOME, in Honolulu.
Thank you Brother! Eyes up! Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Colossians 1:14 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus' death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection with all your heart for payment of all your sins, past, present and future.
That’s an Absolute! Romans 15:13 now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost
God’s blessings over you Pastor JD ❤ Brother you’re definitely are a watchman. May God’s hand of blessings be upon you , Looking and hoping for Our Blessed hope Jesus 🤍🕊️
Ppl are so content in their life in this world and are disturbed with the notion of Christ returning and disrupting their plans. I hear people make plans for their future and I just grin inside knowing they will be surprised when this happens.
Absolutely totally wonderful in Jesus's Name Pastor J.D. We are so blessed by your teachings. Pls 🙏🏿 keep it coming and may God continue to richly bless you mightily in Jesus's Name!!!
With all due respect, Pastor JD, I considered you my online Pastor. I am disabled, live in Iowa, small town away from any church. I have been watching you since 2006. I found myself in trouble this last month. I cried out to God. We ( cat (Adam) and I were down to nothing to eat because a check did not get to my account. I contacted the church several times. I contacted my "pastor" for help, and I did not hear anything. I would hear after tihing, and that was all. I was very hurt, and my friend who goes to a physical church helped me. We got by but I don't think boasting about being an online Pastor is a good idea. But not even associate pastors contacted me. My friend is now critical about my giving to this church. This is hard as I have loved all of you so long. Love you in Jesus name, Teresa
oh dear this is understandable, i suppose it is too hard to have people read every of his comments . this is a sign of the late late season we are in i believe, iam thanking Jesus bcs i was pulled out of the fire only recently. but the Word even says that the great apostasy will happen and it has, and it why we have so many attending online only. let's go home sister, Jesus please hear our prayer for your trumpet call soon, in Jesus' name alone Amen. 🙏🏼🎺🙏🏼🎺✨👑✨👑✝️🩸
Hi pastor! Happy new year everyone Blessings 🎉❤ I'm asking for prayers sometimes I get discouraged with myself because I don't see how to my prayers about things things I'm asking God for, searching for a place that feels truly like home I pray for a place that feels truly like home, I pray for a Breakthrough of God to show me what to do rents are high everywhere I like in Seattle,WA I'm praying for my family salvation time is so short I pray for my family that they will come and receive Jesus christ as lord and savior I worried about my family I don't want to see my family going to hell are anyone. Thank you for your prayers 🙏
@@stephen3511 All by design my brother…. We are going to see so much unfold this year, praying for wisdom, & patience until our Beloved Saviour lets the trumpet 🎺 blow🙏🏼✝️🇨🇦
Thank u pastor JD! I’ll head over to the website now. Thanks for telling us. ❤ God send His favor upon you for your good works. Stay strong in Him brother ❤ see you sooooooooon!!!!!!!! ❤
I’ve had to start asking myself lately, who or what are they promoting most, Praying Lord Jesus please draw me closer to You Alone. Nothing can substitute Jesus or His Holy Word 🙌🏼❤️🙌🏼
I pray we aren't already in the Tribulation. I'm ready for Jesus Christ to come just as much as any true believer can be, but maybe we have to go through some of the bad times ahead. I think it's best to be prepared either way rather than just sticking to one belief in pre-Trib.
Its possible that 2020 was the final seven year marker… most just assume that the tribulation is seven years long however it looks like it’s 3.5 It is still pre trib but the length of the trib is in question… Israel will not pass 80 it looks like… seal 6 looks like where the church appears before the throne. John was shown the day of the Lord and everything could have been happening at the same time however no matter how he wrote it down it would look sequential. Wrath begins after seal 6. The mark is digital iD. Its YOUR name YOUR number or YOUR image in the beast system. People will choose to take part in this because they love their life…and they assume this will be the antichrist image, number or name and that they will worship him… but it’s personal…look at the greek. Anyway…stay awake and watch. Deception is everywhere.
I agree. I pray the church is worthy to escape via a catching up, but I also pray for us to be ready if we are destined to go through worldly tribulation (not His wrath, that won’t fall on us)
@@bettyharlow3187 not the “tribulation “ that you have been taught to accept. Scripture seems to confirm itself in multiple places… think about it. Outside Daniel 9:27 WHERE ELSE does it tell us that the tribulation is seven years in length??? Everywhere else it tells us that its 3.5 or 42 months or time, times and half a time… Its very possible that everyone has been fed a doctrine of “how” end times events are going to unfold through cherry picked verses…and people are willing to die on that story rather than being watchful. 2020 was a world changer… Israel will not turn 81… revelation is most likely overlaid and not sequential as pushed…all events could have been happening simultaneously but regardless of HOW John could write what he saw it would look like linear events. Seal 6 matches Matt 24 matches EZ 38&39… and with the events happening in the Middle East now… we should ALL be looking up. Jubilees are counted by sevens…but there are many important stories in scripture that are 3.5 years in length. And…Jesus caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease with His work on the cross…and that part of the final week was for both Jew and Gentile…so with MANY (whosoever will). The abominations that have overspread since the fall…(not just now) desolations are decreed. Anyway just another possibility of how things may unfold.
I really love to share my testimony but it’s harder than ever to even share with church goers! It’s hard to even find pastors to preach the Gospel, call out sin and preach repentance. How to grow and face trials. It’s easy to fine preaching on prosperity but we need alter weeping repentance.
YES , the technology of today is the new Tower of Babel and God will allow it to some degree and then He will disrupt it with the rapture. I say this about technology often. Then I say, time will tell but the Bible has this mapped out perfectly. I too feel "gitty" about the idea of where we are prophetically but I also feel contrained, not only to tell others, but to put off the hinderances that so easily beset me. I don't want to be ashamed at His coming.... The Words of Biblical prophecy are flawless. I am so encouraged by JD, as many Christians I know are taught otherwise. I've explored and understand what has to be taken out of order to believe otherwise concerning the rapture and wait patiently for news worthy opportunities to encourage people with prophecy to see they may be wrong. I sometimes think the Holy Spirit puts that Word right in my mind at the perfect moment with people in my life. The more that happens in this world, people who know the Bible wake up more and more to its prophetic truths. Let us never give up trying to reach those we love
Tom Horn said about 4 years ago that 2025 would be a very special year for the beginning of the tribulation. The Essenes predicted the first advent of Christ 150 years from now and also predicted that the time of grace would last exactly 2000 years. Just enter the following on TH-cam, it is very interesting: "Essenes Predict 2025 ? The Final Age As Apophis Approaches ? / Tom Horn / Ken Johnson"
Yes. Tom Horn was given an out of body experience when he was younger. God showed him that April 13, 2029 would be when an asteroid, would hit the earth on the coast of California And that would be the middle of the 7 year tribulation. September 2025 would be the beginning of the tribulation. If this is God’s will, we fly soon in the Rapture. Hope to meet you all there ❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳
Love your preaching! Still JD Im a woman on her own, widow, 63. I didnt want the vax, my company said, if I dont get it, I cant come to work. I just prayed, I went to get vax, prayed in the Dr surgery, pls God protect me from this thing! God knew my heart, he understood the circumstance! My salvation is not in the vax! I hate this world! Here we are today, Im still working with no side effects, Thank You God
I really enjoy your sermons but of late have felt quite depressed as a lot of Christians are talking about the rapture being months or years away now. Some even get quite dogmatic about there being no such thing as a rapture, saying we all have to go through the tribulation. They often tell you in a quite pious and unloving manner making it sound like a kind of performance based salvation. Had 2 of the medical interventions in 2021 for the you know what and deeply regret it as my muscles have never been the same. I'm only 57 and feel like I needa new body. makes me so depressed because I can't go back in time and undue it.
I love who you are, JD, and I love listening to you even though I no longer believe in the imminent rapture. I know we’re headed for very dark times so Jesus is our only hope for sure. I just don’t think we’re escaping anytime soon. Still, I long for His Second Coming whenever that will be. God bless you abundantly and I pray your wife is healed. My husband is “dealing with” C as well. God has blessed us throughout the journey for sure.
I understand the frustration. Things are getting worse everywhere. Just like the days of Noah, buying, selling, marrying, giving in marriage, these things are happening still however, it’s not going to match the times of the Trib. The rspture has to happen before things get worse where those times during the days of Noah cease. Israel is feeling bold with their winning these wars, expanding territory. The generation that sees these things happen will not pass. Majority of the generation before and after Israel becoming a nation will not being 100 years old by the time of the Lords coming. The days will be shortened because of not, no one will be able to survive the Trib. It’s real close.
that's what our blessed hope IS, dear. just do a study Or two and refer to your Bible during it, you wil learn the the rapture MUST take place before the period of God's wrath, or the Bible isn't true, please do that for yourself and loved ones. we are NOT appointed to God's wrath, it is Jacob's trouble not the churches of Daniels 70th week prophecy. Amen.
@ trust me dear brother in Christ, I have studied a lot and that’s why I changed my belief as have many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I agree we will not suffer God’s final wrath but I believe we are going to suffer Tribulation. I don’t want to debate because it’s not a salvation issue and is plenty of research for both sides available. One day, we will know all truth and, believe me, I wish I still believed it. I just can’t with all I’ve studied.
Blessings, ABBA FATHER GOD created the simplest of fabrics (H²O,waters) to sustain ALL forms of life here on earth 🌎 🌱LIFE IS BUT A VAPOUR 🌹 The Bow is a river in the HOLY BIBLE 🎉 HABAKKUK 3:8-10 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-MEN' 🌿
@MGharp7, Something that might help, if you happen to have a Bluetooth speaker, connect to that when you watch TH-cam videos. I've done that occasionally because it's louder than my phone. God bless you and keep you always! 🙂
This may sound crazy, but i sometimes put my phone onto a plastic jug! It works great as a loud speaker! Make sure it is upright in the jug! Also you could try it in different tins, pans etc, although i do not know how well they will work. My plastic jug is £0.75p, which is a bargain, plz let me know if it works gor you. Thankyou.
Great message, JD!! Well, some have also heard that the City of Seven Hills is Mecca, however, deep down I believe it's NYC (could be wrong - most of the time I am) - those lightning strikes on New Year's Eve - the Capitol, Washington Monument, Empire State Building, and "One World" Trade Center (notice the emphasis on "One World")! Forgive me but for all of the exuberance and excitement for January 20 along with MAGA, I do not believe there is any hope for the USA (saying that as I dodge stones, arrows, hate, and anger even from close and extended family members). As you know Fort Worth is about to get hit with a winter storm - I'm not sure if I'll do it today, tomorrow, or maybe Saturday but God willing I'm going to go by a "Sign" store close to where I live to inquire about a "sign" I want to wear - "The END is NEAR" on the front and on the back "One LIFE, One SAVIOR, One FAITH, One HOPE" (or maybe you can recommend something better)! Love me for it or hate me for it, I voted for him three times but Trump is NOT going to save America and sadly he can't keep his proud, pompous, and arrogant mouth shut - he's a "reviler" and his end will be with more shame than one can imagine. I am SOOO ready and I keep looking up - it's the only hope I have and I do believe in His imminent return!
wow that 1997 document is gold. it really puts the truth in the ‘conspiracy theory’! God bless truth! AMEN. 3…2…1… Abba up! Inpray no Christian eill be fogged but have a bubnle of protection sround them innJesus’ name!
Fallen fallen. 200 betrayed our Father . Solomon controlled 72. 200-72=128. How many craters are on earth ? 128. Did the 72 die in the war in heaven ? How many principalities remain ? 128. The hunt has begun 🕊⌛️🕊
"On the eve of the pre-tribulation rapture". That's quite appropriate in the first week of 2025 Matthew 25:1-1-13: The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins 1 “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. 6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. So... we have a delay while we wait for the bridegroom, but on the eve of the rapture, does anybody know how long until the midnight hour arrives? Could it be 13 weeks, which would take us to the week of Nisan 1, 5785?
16 วันที่ผ่านมา +9
Your the best J.D...the truth is hard.and you really put it out there..and you can be really scary.i don't want to go to Hell.and know I know that am not going to Hell.Cause the Bible told me so.After much prayers and repenting.i found my answer the next day when I opened my Bible.Thier it was.and I gotta thank you for scaring the hell out of me.am serious.my past life was not a good life..And thank you Lord for letting me live long enough to realize your beautiful truth.am good now..and thanks again J.D..and my prayers are with you and your beautiful family and specially for your beautiful Wife.. Love 💕. Miguel Cruz,..
Dear Pastor JD I started reading Revelation and Chapter 11 verse 8 confused me. If you or one of your associates could please explain this to me I would truly appreciate it blessings from Dunnellon Florida. I'm reading out of the King James Bible. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt we're also our Lord was crucified.
@nancykargl4708, I think it's possible some of them will, as 2/3 will be cut off and perishes. But, I think many will be killed fleeing from the Antichrist once the Antichrist declares to be god in the temple of God. But, God will save a third of the Jews, and provide for them. I just really wish the 1/3 and the 2/3 were reversed. God bless you and keep you always sister! 🙂 Zechariah 13:8-9 ESV [8] In the whole land, declares the Lord, two thirds shall be cut off and perish, and one third shall be left alive. [9] And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’” Daniel 9:27 ESV [27] And he (the Antichrist) shall make a strong covenant with many for one week (7 years), and for half of the week (3.5 years) he (the Antichrist) shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.” Matthew 24:15-16 ESV [15] “So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place ( let the reader understand), [16] then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ESV [3] Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, [4] who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, *so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.* bible.com/bible/59/2th.2.3-4.ESV
Does anyone else have the screen go black several times even on his channel? It happens to mine EVERY time. Makes me wonder. Just curious if I'm the only one
@gloriaminix2603, That sounds really frustrating. I think it's likely something going wrong on your end, either your device itself or perhaps your internet connection? I'm not tech savvy by any stretch but if it was me, I would try shutting down my device and then turn it back on after a minute or two. If that doesn't help, check to make sure you're not out of internal storage. As your internal storage gets really full, it will affect how your phone functions. If you clear up space, (putting files or pictures on micro sd) it might help. Make sure your phone is "optimized" in settings so that you don't have things running in the background. Also, if you use the internal a lot, check to see if you have "open pages", it would show a little box with however many pages are open. Shutting those might help. My son showed me how to do that. I've had to deal with bad devices in the past and that's some things I did when my phone didn't function well. So Lord willing, I hope it helps you. God bless you and keep you always sister! 🙂
@@gloriaminix2603 Interesting. I didn't know Roku makes TVs. Although it does make sense. My boys have been using the Roku remote app because physical remotes get lost or damaged in our house. I know you can watch TH-cam videos connecting from your phone to the TV. I'm not sure if that's different than what you're currently doing or not. My boys watch TH-cam on the TV but I don't think it's done with a phone connection, just the TV itself. I'm not totally sure how to make the TH-cam video go from phone to TV other than when a notification pops up, giving it as an option. But there has to be a way to do it without a notification, maybe something that looks like a TV? I'm not sure if you have a desk top or laptop available, or even a tablet. But you can access TH-cam from those as well. If every available option you have won't work, I would think internet service might be the problem? So you might try calling your provider. Technology is great, when it works. When it doesn't it's pretty frustrating. So I hope by God's grace you can get it to work. God bless you and keep you always sister! 🙂
The US is Babylon, so many reasons, it will all happen at once. New Year’s Eve I looked at my husband and told him “may God give us strength for this coming year.” Woke up to the news, it will degrade so rapidly from now on, each and every day. The other day I was watching a false prophet getting people ready for the tribulation, he did not mean it like that, but that is what he was describing.
I have been hearing the same thing: “fallen…,” and that “Your nakedness will be exposed and your shame uncovered” it has been uncovered already and her mother has been ashamed.
I'm Disgusted with this world I Can't Even Trust What I Eat, See, Hear, Drink or Breathe! Come Lord Jesus Come🎺✝️🆙️☝️
Pray over it all and ask God to protect you from harm. God will protect you. “I am always with you till the End of the age.”🥰🙏🏻Matthew 28:20
Amen! Maranatha!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼💗💗🙏🏻🙏🏻
I know, right?! I pray Gods protection even over a drink of water!
I know ,it's crazy! Jesus come quickly!
I am too!! Come Lord Jesus!!
I honestly can’t believe we’re still even here. This world is getting extremely dark and wicked. Being isolated doesn’t feel so bad anymore. Sad to say but it feels safe. Can’t trust anybody and don’t believe anything anymore except for Jesus Christ. Running on fumes now. Lord please get me through this day.
@@just-passin-thru Amen! And i agree... i cant begin to imagine how bad it was prior to the Great Flood, since we are still here... had to be worse than this & this is bad enough for me! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
All I can send on now is that Jesus said He would come at a time when we LEAST expect it. This seems to be now ...
Yes tough times. Just saw Mike Signorelli's new video on TH-cam on protection through pleading the blood of Christ. He mentions the 7 places Jesus shed His blood, starting with Gethsemane. It's a good time for this sermon as we are nearing the end of the church age, with the sudden pretribulation rapture. May God bless us and keep us safe until that wonderful day.
Yup, especially since the Rev12 sign SEVEN yrs ago. I thought for sure that was it,… plus every day the last seven yrs , every high watch day has been challenging.
Maranatha 🎚️
You are isolated too?
I’m so ready to go home. You can really feel that something is about to happen. It’s like the world is being held together by a string and it’s about to snap. I’m torn between being excited and happy to be going home and feeling sad for my unsaved loved ones and friends. I’ll keep praying for them.
Faith without works is dead. Go tell them. If they don’t want to hear it, shake the dust off your feet -
It’s normal for the Christian to be grieved for the lost - that’s the heart of God. Remember at the end of the day however, we all have CHOICES. They CHOOSE to reject God and remain in sin. Best thing to do : If you want certain people saved, pray several times a day for them as well as praying for yourself. Ask God to uncover their eyes and unlock their heart. I believe God will do it if you ask Him diligently.
I could not have said it better....
Jesus saves.
Almost home.
Rounding the corner!
Can I please have everyone pray for my friend, Nora Radford, she has a growth on her tongue it might be cancer.
Thank you family.
yes Lord keep and say us until You call us up!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🛐👆🏼🎺
Praying for Nora
@KayMW thank you 🙏🏻
Praying friend ❤I also want to recommend the channel Dr.John Campbell …. Consider watching his videos about cancer and ivermectin and fenbendazole ❤
I am in agreement with you that as we lift up NORA,right now to the throne of Grace in obedience to the word of God... as we ask for MERCY AND GRACE in this time of need just as it says. We ask in YOUR PRECIOUS NAME AND THE POWER OF YOUR BLOOD THAT NORA IS HEALED IMMEDIATELY ! Her tongue will sing your praises forever for Your goodness and love !!! AMEN AND AMEN!!
i wish i could attend this church, or at least had a pastor like J.D here in tampa fla... Theres no pastors who will preach or teach these messages that need to be heard! Thank u brother JD
Same here…..😢
There's no depth from the pulpits. I have to go search for solid preaching or covid info. Do you know how many times I've heard the gospel message in 41 years?!
No one here in Oregon either. I thank God that I'm able to at least get to hear pastor J D
I live in Pinellis County and I can’t find a church either!!
@@Faithful19come down to Suncoast Baptist in Palmetto. We have some members who live in Pinellas county and say it's well worth the drive. I'm sure you'll agree
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. Who was and is and is to come.
Revelation 4:8
God bless you all!
Amen! And God bless us this day and forevermore
Such beautiful words of life and hope and glorifying our wonderful God !! GBY
Thank you Pastor JD! This world is not our own! Come quickly Jesus! ❤️✝️🙌
This place is not our home. The more time you spend with God in His Word. The more alienated you become from this world.
In God’s loving grace He left so much beauty in the fallen state of the world.
Yet Jesus said “ I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go & prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:2-3
What a loving promise, as the groom betrothed to his bride prepares a place for his bride in Hebrew marriage tradition. So Jesus has gone before us to prepare that special place for His bride. The church the born again saints longing for his coming. Each day brings us closer to the promise of his coming. Maranatha !!!
When Jesus said he would go and prepare a place. Where were they, and who was he talking
To. ? Not us.
@ He was talking to his disciples, we are his disciples as well. If you have received to gift of salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ.
We will have a place in His Kingdom, Amen
This is the year of grace. It is almost over. Revelation to be fulfilled. 📖⏳🌎
Another year- oh no 😢😢
Haha I hear you. I want outta here. Jesus wants to collect the last few. He woke me up, now I gotta extend the same courtesy and be patient for those who are still being woken up as I was a few short months back.
God bless you, PastorJD. Can't wait to see Jesus! Never thought I'd want to see the rapture, but now that my eyes are open, with everything being a lie, I look forward to it🎺
Always thanking our Lord Jesus for you Pastor JD Maranatha 🙏🏻
Patience is a virtue. It’s difficult but soon brothers and sisters.
Hello Fella-shippers of Jesus followers, I am grateful for this teachings JD Farag preaches. I attended 12 churches in Sarasota. Here we are! I desire to see Jesus. ❤
I am a God Pleaser, ppl server. Find me serving ❤
May this msg bring courage to the saved, Conviction to the lost and absolute fear to the truly wicked.
God bless you all
My brothers and sisters in Christ
Again, this morning, I am blown away by Gods word via JD. I weep so STRONGLY once more in thanksgiving, that Jesus redeemed me, and helped the "door" open for Him to come in AGAIN. ALL I CAN THINK OF Is Maranatha. And wow! what encouragement, and timely words of teaching through my Pastor. Mahalo NUI LOA from Salt Lake City. My heart also aches for not being able to come home, KUU HOME, in Honolulu.
Thank you Brother! Eyes up! Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Colossians 1:14 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus' death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection with all your heart for payment of all your sins, past, present and future.
That’s an Absolute! Romans 15:13 now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost
oh how I pray THIS YEAR IS IT!!!!!
God’s blessings over you Pastor JD ❤ Brother you’re definitely are a watchman. May God’s hand of blessings be upon you , Looking and hoping for Our Blessed hope Jesus 🤍🕊️
going to the website NOW! praise God for this ministry i will keep praying that Jesus 'STAYS' us until we hear His shofar call🎺✨👑👆🏼✝️🩸
Amen, dear pastor JD, amen!! Much love and blessings from Italy. You are my pastor too!! Can't wait to meet you in the air, soon and very soon!!
The word revelation means. The revealing of Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen 🙏
Shout out to the medical mission team to Napal 🙌🏻
Thank you Brother JD❣️
Ppl are so content in their life in this world and are disturbed with the notion of Christ returning and disrupting their plans. I hear people make plans for their future and I just grin inside knowing they will be surprised when this happens.
Psalm 91 The Lord will give us shelter till He comes to snatch us up & I agree it’s this year too 2025👀‼️
My adult kids are sick and suffering and THEY don't have shelter, so what u said isn't true
Absolutely totally wonderful in Jesus's Name Pastor J.D. We are so blessed by your teachings. Pls 🙏🏿 keep it coming and may God continue to richly bless you mightily in Jesus's Name!!!
With all due respect, Pastor JD, I considered you my online Pastor. I am disabled, live in Iowa, small town away from any church. I have been watching you since 2006.
I found myself in trouble this last month. I cried out to God. We ( cat (Adam) and I were down to nothing to eat because a check did not get to my account. I contacted the church several times.
I contacted my "pastor" for help, and I did not hear anything. I would hear after tihing, and that was all.
I was very hurt, and my friend who goes to a physical church helped me. We got by but I don't think boasting about being an online Pastor is a good idea. But not even associate pastors contacted me. My friend is now critical about my giving to this church. This is hard as I have loved all of you so long.
Love you in Jesus name,
Me too ❤ sister Godbless
Paster JD is my online paster.
And Jesus Christ put him there 🙏 Thanks paster we love you in Jesus Christ name. Thanks Jesus Christ 🙏 Amazing
oh dear this is understandable, i suppose it is too hard to have people read every of his comments . this is a sign of the late late season we are in i believe, iam thanking Jesus bcs i was pulled out of the fire only recently. but the Word even says that the great apostasy will happen and it has, and it why we have so many attending online only. let's go home sister, Jesus please hear our prayer for your trumpet call soon, in Jesus' name alone Amen. 🙏🏼🎺🙏🏼🎺✨👑✨👑✝️🩸
Teresa, im in Des Moines, Iowa, wish we could link up somehow. Praying for you dear sister, same boat, only a puppy
Hi pastor! Happy new year everyone Blessings 🎉❤ I'm asking for prayers sometimes I get discouraged with myself because I don't see how to my prayers about things things I'm asking God for, searching for a place that feels truly like home I pray for a place that feels truly like home, I pray for a Breakthrough of God to show me what to do rents are high everywhere I like in Seattle,WA I'm praying for my family salvation time is so short I pray for my family that they will come and receive Jesus christ as lord and savior I worried about my family I don't want to see my family going to hell are anyone.
Thank you for your prayers 🙏
Thank you for pray I'm praying for everyone. God bless you 🙏 ❤️
And Amen to this message pastor JD. Thank you.
Another Wonderful Message! God Bless You Pastor JD❤
Amen pastor JD.
Wichita Kansas 😊
I’m in Mulvane.
We are kinda close - lees summit Mo ! 👋
I use to live in Wichita Kansas. I stayed on central. I also lived in Winfield Kansas. Small world 🌍
Brilliantly preached...hit the nail on the head pastor. 😊
Good Teaching !
Thank You LORD!
❣️❣️❣️2025 is the Year to FLY🙏😇🎺🆙️☁️✝️🎉
Praise Lord...from. WestVirginia🙏
Fellow mountaineer here!
Another powerful and blessed sermon - thanks Pastor JD. They knew in ‘97…. Wow… but it doesn’t shock me.
Maranatha. And all glory to God.
@@stephen3511 All by design my brother…. We are going to see so much unfold this year, praying for wisdom, & patience until our Beloved Saviour lets the trumpet 🎺 blow🙏🏼✝️🇨🇦
@ Amen 🙏🏻 ✝️
Thank u pastor JD! I’ll head over to the website now. Thanks for telling us. ❤ God send His favor upon you for your good works. Stay strong in Him brother ❤ see you sooooooooon!!!!!!!! ❤
I’ve had to start asking myself lately, who or what are they promoting most,
Praying Lord Jesus please draw me closer to You Alone. Nothing can substitute Jesus or His Holy Word 🙌🏼❤️🙌🏼
Come Lord Jesus Come quickly
Yes, some of us will get a little weary, some disgruntled, but remember the best is yet to come.
🌊 Big.Isle.Hawaii.Mahalos.❤
Sir, you are very easy to listen to and understand. Most preach above our head. Thank you!
Did yall catch it at the final door opening?! They are literally summoning the rapture!!! They can’t wait for us to leave.
Pray for my friend Bridgette
I pray we aren't already in the Tribulation. I'm ready for Jesus Christ to come just as much as any true believer can be, but maybe we have to go through some of the bad times ahead. I think it's best to be prepared either way rather than just sticking to one belief in pre-Trib.
Its possible that 2020 was the final seven year marker… most just assume that the tribulation is seven years long however it looks like it’s 3.5
It is still pre trib but the length of the trib is in question…
Israel will not pass 80 it looks like… seal 6 looks like where the church appears before the throne.
John was shown the day of the Lord and everything could have been happening at the same time however no matter how he wrote it down it would look sequential.
Wrath begins after seal 6.
The mark is digital iD. Its YOUR name YOUR number or YOUR image in the beast system. People will choose to take part in this because they love their life…and they assume this will be the antichrist image, number or name and that they will worship him… but it’s personal…look at the greek.
Anyway…stay awake and watch. Deception is everywhere.
I agree. I pray the church is worthy to escape via a catching up, but I also pray for us to be ready if we are destined to go through worldly tribulation (not His wrath, that won’t fall on us)
We are not in the tribulation
@@bettyharlow3187 not the “tribulation “ that you have been taught to accept.
Scripture seems to confirm itself in multiple places… think about it.
Outside Daniel 9:27 WHERE ELSE does it tell us that the tribulation is seven years in length???
Everywhere else it tells us that its 3.5 or 42 months or time, times and half a time…
Its very possible that everyone has been fed a doctrine of “how” end times events are going to unfold through cherry picked verses…and people are willing to die on that story rather than being watchful.
2020 was a world changer… Israel will not turn 81… revelation is most likely overlaid and not sequential as pushed…all events could have been happening simultaneously but regardless of HOW John could write what he saw it would look like linear events.
Seal 6 matches Matt 24 matches EZ 38&39… and with the events happening in the Middle East now… we should ALL be looking up.
Jubilees are counted by sevens…but there are many important stories in scripture that are 3.5 years in length.
And…Jesus caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease with His work on the cross…and that part of the final week was for both Jew and Gentile…so with MANY (whosoever will).
The abominations that have overspread since the fall…(not just now) desolations are decreed.
Anyway just another possibility of how things may unfold.
Watching Thursday 9 January @ 01:17 hours. Sydney Australia 🇦🇺
I really love to share my testimony but it’s harder than ever to even share with church goers! It’s hard to even find pastors to preach the Gospel, call out sin and preach repentance. How to grow and face trials. It’s easy to fine preaching on prosperity but we need alter weeping repentance.
Hi Pastor JD,ive just caught up with Jonah 2,great take many thanks,God is so good.
Very interesting! Thanks so much Pastor J.D. 🎺
YES , the technology of today is the new Tower of Babel and God will allow it to some degree and then He will disrupt it with the rapture. I say this about technology often. Then I say, time will tell but the Bible has this mapped out perfectly. I too feel "gitty" about the idea of where we are prophetically but I also feel contrained, not only to tell others, but to put off the hinderances that so easily beset me. I don't want to be ashamed at His coming.... The Words of Biblical prophecy are flawless. I am so encouraged by JD, as many Christians I know are taught otherwise. I've explored and understand what has to be taken out of order to believe otherwise concerning the rapture and wait patiently for news worthy opportunities to encourage people with prophecy to see they may be wrong. I sometimes think the Holy Spirit puts that Word right in my mind at the perfect moment with people in my life. The more that happens in this world, people who know the Bible wake up more and more to its prophetic truths. Let us never give up trying to reach those we love
Tom Horn said about 4 years ago that 2025 would be a very special year for the beginning of the tribulation. The Essenes predicted the first advent of Christ 150 years from now and also predicted that the time of grace would last exactly 2000 years. Just enter the following on TH-cam, it is very interesting: "Essenes Predict 2025 ? The Final Age As Apophis Approaches ? / Tom Horn / Ken Johnson"
Yes. Tom Horn was given an out of body experience when he was younger. God showed him that April 13, 2029 would be when an asteroid, would hit
the earth on the
coast of California
And that would be the middle of the 7 year tribulation.
September 2025 would be the beginning of the tribulation. If this is God’s will, we fly soon in the Rapture.
Hope to meet you all there ❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥳
Love your preaching! Still JD Im a woman on her own, widow, 63. I didnt want the vax, my company said, if I dont get it, I cant come to work. I just prayed, I went to get vax, prayed in the Dr surgery, pls God protect me from this thing! God knew my heart, he understood the circumstance! My salvation is not in the vax! I hate this world! Here we are today, Im still working with no side effects, Thank You God
Ezekiel 33. What’s on your hands ? 🕊⌛️🕊
I really enjoy your sermons but of late have felt quite depressed as a lot of Christians are talking about the rapture being months or years away now. Some even get quite dogmatic about there being no such thing as a rapture, saying we all have to go through the tribulation. They often tell you in a quite pious and unloving manner making it sound like a kind of performance based salvation. Had 2 of the medical interventions in 2021 for the you know what and deeply regret it as my muscles have never been the same. I'm only 57 and feel like I needa new body. makes me so depressed because I can't go back in time and undue it.
I love who you are, JD, and I love listening to you even though I no longer believe in the imminent rapture. I know we’re headed for very dark times so Jesus is our only hope for sure. I just don’t think we’re escaping anytime soon. Still, I long for His Second Coming whenever that will be. God bless you abundantly and I pray your wife is healed. My husband is “dealing with” C as well. God has blessed us throughout the journey for sure.
I understand the frustration. Things are getting worse everywhere. Just like the days of Noah, buying, selling, marrying, giving in marriage, these things are happening still however, it’s not going to match the times of the Trib. The rspture has to happen before things get worse where those times during the days of Noah cease. Israel is feeling bold with their winning these wars, expanding territory. The generation that sees these things happen will not pass. Majority of the generation before and after Israel becoming a nation will not being 100 years old by the time of the Lords coming. The days will be shortened because of not, no one will be able to survive the Trib. It’s real close.
@@isaaccarlson2035yes we who know the Word KNOW THIS. praise God, Maranatha- that's what our blessed hope is!
that's what our blessed hope IS, dear. just do a study Or two and refer to your Bible during it, you wil learn the the rapture MUST take place before the period of God's wrath, or the Bible isn't true, please do that for yourself and loved ones. we are NOT appointed to God's wrath, it is Jacob's trouble not the churches of Daniels 70th week prophecy. Amen.
@ trust me dear brother in Christ, I have studied a lot and that’s why I changed my belief as have many of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I agree we will not suffer God’s final wrath but I believe we are going to suffer Tribulation. I don’t want to debate because it’s not a salvation issue and is plenty of research for both sides available. One day, we will know all truth and, believe me, I wish I still believed it. I just can’t with all I’ve studied.
@@fabbrofamily7038 Amen! ✝️
ABBA FATHER GOD created the simplest of fabrics (H²O,waters) to sustain ALL forms of life here on earth 🌎
The Bow is a river in the HOLY BIBLE 🎉 HABAKKUK 3:8-10 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-MEN' 🌿
the bow river in calgary? tell me more! i'm in alberta.
YEA 🙌 Even the EL-bow 🙌 ALLELUIA 🙌 A-MEN' ❤️🔥
ACTS 13:47
But the fruit of the Spirit is...
I'm surprised the Lord hasn't come for us yet! How bad can it get?
Jd, can you turn the volume up on your side? It's a little soft on my side
Something that might help, if you happen to have a Bluetooth speaker, connect to that when you watch TH-cam videos. I've done that occasionally because it's louder than my phone.
God bless you and keep you always! 🙂
@DaysOfNoah17_15 Thank you, but don't have it.
This may sound crazy, but i sometimes put my phone onto a plastic jug! It works great as a loud speaker! Make sure it is upright in the jug! Also you could try it in different tins, pans etc, although i do not know how well they will work. My plastic jug is £0.75p, which is a bargain, plz let me know if it works gor you. Thankyou.
That's a great idea! I've done something similar, using a large coffee mug.
God bless you and keep you always sister! 🙂
@fionagray3594 Thank you, I'll give it a shot
Great message, JD!! Well, some have also heard that the City of Seven Hills is Mecca, however, deep down I believe it's NYC (could be wrong - most of the time I am) - those lightning strikes on New Year's Eve - the Capitol, Washington Monument, Empire State Building, and "One World" Trade Center (notice the emphasis on "One World")! Forgive me but for all of the exuberance and excitement for January 20 along with MAGA, I do not believe there is any hope for the USA (saying that as I dodge stones, arrows, hate, and anger even from close and extended family members). As you know Fort Worth is about to get hit with a winter storm - I'm not sure if I'll do it today, tomorrow, or maybe Saturday but God willing I'm going to go by a "Sign" store close to where I live to inquire about a "sign" I want to wear - "The END is NEAR" on the front and on the back "One LIFE, One SAVIOR, One FAITH, One HOPE" (or maybe you can recommend something better)! Love me for it or hate me for it, I voted for him three times but Trump is NOT going to save America and sadly he can't keep his proud, pompous, and arrogant mouth shut - he's a "reviler" and his end will be with more shame than one can imagine. I am SOOO ready and I keep looking up - it's the only hope I have and I do believe in His imminent return!
Not on the app yet, tried the website and only December available so far.
wow that 1997 document is gold. it really puts the truth in the ‘conspiracy theory’! God bless truth! AMEN. 3…2…1… Abba up! Inpray no Christian eill be fogged but have a bubnle of protection sround them innJesus’ name!
Please can you tell me how to obtain the PDF that you refer to, i looked on JD's pages but could not find it, thankyou.
Fallen fallen. 200 betrayed our Father . Solomon controlled 72. 200-72=128. How many craters are on earth ? 128. Did the 72 die in the war in heaven ? How many principalities remain ? 128. The hunt has begun 🕊⌛️🕊
"On the eve of the pre-tribulation rapture". That's quite appropriate in the first week of 2025 Matthew 25:1-1-13:
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
1 “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,
4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’
7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’
9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’
10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.
11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’
12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’
13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.
So... we have a delay while we wait for the bridegroom, but on the eve of the rapture, does anybody know how long until the midnight hour arrives?
Could it be 13 weeks, which would take us to the week of Nisan 1, 5785?
Your the best J.D...the truth is hard.and you really put it out there..and you can be really scary.i don't want to go to Hell.and know I know that am not going to Hell.Cause the Bible told me so.After much prayers and repenting.i found my answer the next day when I opened my Bible.Thier it was.and I gotta thank you for scaring the hell out of me.am serious.my past life was not a good life..And thank you Lord for letting me live long enough to realize your beautiful truth.am good now..and thanks again J.D..and my prayers are with you and your beautiful family and specially for your beautiful Wife.. Love 💕. Miguel Cruz,..
Jonah was so angry because of the abject evil and filth of the Ninevites and what they did to corrupt some of the Jews, God's Chosen vessels.
Dear Pastor JD I started reading Revelation and Chapter 11 verse 8 confused me. If you or one of your associates could please explain this to me I would truly appreciate it blessings from Dunnellon Florida. I'm reading out of the King James Bible. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt we're also our Lord was crucified.
Jerusalem. ESV is a better version... more accurate re original Hebrew, Greek & Aramaic. 🇦🇺🙏
Hi Tech team. PDF in resources will not open.
It does now.
Doesn't it say the blood of the prophets was spilt in mystery Babylon. Mystery Babylon is Israel. ?
American is Babylon
Might be the world system, given it falls at the end. It won't just be America.
What about the Jews will they take the mark?
I think it's possible some of them will, as 2/3 will be cut off and perishes. But, I think many will be killed fleeing from the Antichrist once the Antichrist declares to be god in the temple of God. But, God will save a third of the Jews, and provide for them. I just really wish the 1/3 and the 2/3 were reversed.
God bless you and keep you always sister! 🙂
Zechariah 13:8-9 ESV
[8] In the whole land, declares the Lord, two thirds shall be cut off and perish, and one third shall be left alive. [9] And I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested. They will call upon my name, and I will answer them. I will say, ‘They are my people’; and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’”
Daniel 9:27 ESV
[27] And he (the Antichrist) shall make a strong covenant with many for one week (7 years), and for half of the week (3.5 years) he (the Antichrist) shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.”
Matthew 24:15-16 ESV
[15] “So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place ( let the reader understand), [16] then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 ESV
[3] Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, [4] who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, *so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.*
2 more weeks guys
Does anyone else have the screen go black several times even on his channel? It happens to mine EVERY time. Makes me wonder. Just curious if I'm the only one
Doesn't happen to me,on my Pad
That sounds really frustrating. I think it's likely something going wrong on your end, either your device itself or perhaps your internet connection?
I'm not tech savvy by any stretch but if it was me, I would try shutting down my device and then turn it back on after a minute or two.
If that doesn't help, check to make sure you're not out of internal storage. As your internal storage gets really full, it will affect how your phone functions. If you clear up space, (putting files or pictures on micro sd) it might help.
Make sure your phone is "optimized" in settings so that you don't have things running in the background.
Also, if you use the internal a lot, check to see if you have "open pages", it would show a little box with however many pages are open. Shutting those might help. My son showed me how to do that.
I've had to deal with bad devices in the past and that's some things I did when my phone didn't function well. So Lord willing, I hope it helps you.
God bless you and keep you always sister! 🙂
@DaysOfNoah17_15 thanks. It oddly happens on my roku TV. My phone too.
Interesting. I didn't know Roku makes TVs. Although it does make sense. My boys have been using the Roku remote app because physical remotes get lost or damaged in our house.
I know you can watch TH-cam videos connecting from your phone to the TV. I'm not sure if that's different than what you're currently doing or not. My boys watch TH-cam on the TV but I don't think it's done with a phone connection, just the TV itself. I'm not totally sure how to make the TH-cam video go from phone to TV other than when a notification pops up, giving it as an option. But there has to be a way to do it without a notification, maybe something that looks like a TV?
I'm not sure if you have a desk top or laptop available, or even a tablet. But you can access TH-cam from those as well. If every available option you have won't work, I would think internet service might be the problem? So you might try calling your provider.
Technology is great, when it works. When it doesn't it's pretty frustrating. So I hope by God's grace you can get it to work.
God bless you and keep you always sister! 🙂
AI is the beast from Ukraine and it’s learning from is technology But God! Jesus is coming back very very very soon👑🎉🌹🔥
NYC Generation1234 Tyler has 2 great videos proving it.
The US is Babylon, so many reasons, it will all happen at once. New Year’s Eve I looked at my husband and told him “may God give us strength for this coming year.” Woke up to the news, it will degrade so rapidly from now on, each and every day. The other day I was watching a false prophet getting people ready for the tribulation, he did not mean it like that, but that is what he was describing.
I have been hearing the same thing: “fallen…,” and that “Your nakedness will be exposed and your shame uncovered” it has been uncovered already and her mother has been ashamed.
It’s not human but AI
It’s Ukraine
Luke 10:18 H1299 H1117 Baraq Bamah Lightning from Heaven !!! WAKE UPPPPP yALLL HES HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT !!!! 1TIM 4 2 THESS 2:3-4 bARAQ 234 gEMATRIA !!!
@@MariaGasca-Reyes YOULL SEE
Rome…specifically the Roman Catholic Church, in my understanding
Please research: Natsarim, Eberith & YAHUSHA
All glory belongs to our God! I’ve created a video of praise that suits this message.
AI is the beast from Ukraine and it’s learning from is technology But God! Jesus is coming back very very very soon👑🎉🌹🔥