Hello, I'm Alessandra, one of the producers of this Opinion Video. This weekend, Brazilian's face an important choice at the ballot box: re-elect President Jair Bolsonaro, or vote former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva back into office. At stake is more than just the control of South America's largest economy: whoever wins will decide the fate of the Amazon rainforest as well. In our video, we argue that while neither candidate is perfect, when it comes to protecting the rainforest, and life on earth as we know it, the right choice is clear. I'd love to know what you thought of our video, leave your comments below!
Defamation against Jair Bolsonaro cause in Lula's goverment period we have more deforastation than this actual. We gonna decide against corruption( Lula) and honest goverment ( Bolsonaro).
Don't Think latin americans are to blame for global warming... the rest of the world depleted natural resources and keep polluting way more than latin america..
Great stuff and an important topic for sure, Alessandra. However, I think it came too late as the next Brazilian parliament was elected already and the majority is for the conservative wing.
What’s amazing you guys are some of the news papers who pushed bolsanaro to the world. And critiqued lula da Silva …calling him a corrupt politician. And praising the effects bolsanaro would have on your investment funds. Every mainstream paper pretty much worked to discredit lula in the world.
"Se olhar com atenção, os senhores vão entender porque existe tanta gritaria lá fora a favor da Amazônia. Não é a favor do bem da Amazônia, é a favor dos bens da Amazônia" - DR ENÉAS CARNEIRO
bora queimar tudo então, igual na história da galinha dos ovos de ouro. É óbvio mas cabe a nós brasileiros cuidar né, já que temos a maioria da floresta, ficar detonando floresta e minerando ouro ilegal poluindo rios com metais pesados não me parece uma ideia muito genial, e pior, a imensa maioria dos brasileiros não vai ficar rico com isso, muito menos o país
Esse vídeo foi feito por um bando de aves de rapina, e o roteiro foi escrito por BURROS "bem intencionados", mas o real interessado na "proteção da Amazônia" são os grandes grupos internacionais que querem ter o controle desta vasta e importante área do TERRITÓRIO BRASILEIRO. Lula é um LADRÃO e o Brasil não permitirá que esse MARGINAL assuma o poder.
It is not in favor of the good of the Amazon, it is in favor of appropriating the goods of the Amazon. Unfortunately, few were those who believed in Dr Eneas and only now after the biggest thief in the history of the world LULADRAO nine fingers and that the Brazilian people saw that I, besides being corrupt, sold Brazil, but the mutt syndrome that the Brazilian people had ended.
O interesse internacional é em controlar o desenvolvimento do Brasil e proteger a economia desses países. Eles tão cagando pra floresta. Foi só o Putin apertar a Europa e Alemanha e outros já começaram a destruir áreas de preservação pra se protegerem de crise energética. É tudo jogo político.
What’s hilarious is that he is going for the reelection after being incarcerated for one of the biggest corruption cases in the continent; and what’s even worse is that he is the best option for all of us (not only Brazil)
They forgot to mention that the Brazilian supreme court is calling all shots in Brazil - most of the judges were placed there by the guy who spent "a few years in jail"
Not true. To become a minister of The Supreme Court these men need to go through many exams, legal knowledge until they reach the top. The current President of the Supreme Judiciary Power at the age of 22 was passing in first place the Competition for the Public Prosecutor's Office. What were many doing ???? Partying and now want to rule the World? Dream on
@@paulinhafolke Lol. You know about anything about the system of my country!!! Absolutely nothing !!! What you know is only what you hear and repeat like a parrot. 🤦🤦🤦
@@paulinhafolke miga, agora está vendo que o PCC está mandando em tudo? pesquise sobre um tal de Cássio Rodrigues Costa Souza que ameaçou matar o seu "reach the top". Ele foi preso ano passado e morto em janeiro desse ano. Não existe nada nessa internet que explique a morte desse tal Cássio. Te faço um pix de mil reais se vc descobrir o que houve. Já entrei em contato até com o batalhão onde esse Cássio era policial e ninguém fala nada. Bom, a não ser que você também seja "amiga" do PCC. aí pra vc está tudo certo.
You hear absurd lies about the Amazon, Brazil is the country that most has its original forests preserved 500 years ago, The biggest destroyer of the Amazon is the thief who was arrested for corruption and drug trafficker who has now returned with fraudulent elections! And he came back to steal again and to turn Brazil into a poor country like the venezuela of his mature friend nicolas, the media blatantly lies!
25/03/24 🇧🇷 I am Brazilian and I live in Brazil, I come to denounce the absurdities that the Lula government, together with the press "media", Brazil's supreme federal court has been having dictatorial attitudes towards the entire right-wing electorate throughout the national territory. Brazil is under dictatorship, politicians, judges, the press and left-wing powers are committing all kinds of atrocities against any right-wing person or entity that thinks differently. We ask the world for help, because here we can no longer express our opinion. Brazil is under dictatorship! The Lula government and the Supreme Court judges appointed by him and his peers are committing all types of crimes against human rights. Brazil asks for help! Our 2022 elections had political interference from the United States government, specifically the Biden administration. We are being persecuted, arrested, our bank accounts are being blocked, we are having to flee Brazil. Where are the human rights bodies? Supreme Federal Court, all judges appointed by President Lula and his peers are committing crimes against human rights and due legal process. HELP! The media and press vehicles are all in favor of the DICTATORSHIP, they do not disclose the truth, they only speak lies in favor of the Lula government, they do not denounce the DICTATORSHIP, we have no one to turn to here in Brazil, all the institutions are corrupted with people from left. People have already died in jail because of illegal prosecutions by dictatorial judges! HELP!
🇧🇷 I am Brazilian and I live in Brazil, I come to denounce the absurdities that the Lula government, together with the press "media", Brazil's supreme federal court has been having dictatorial attitudes towards the entire right-wing electorate throughout the national territory. Brazil is under dictatorship, politicians, judges, the press and left-wing powers are committing all kinds of atrocities against any right-wing person or entity that thinks differently. We ask the world for help, because here we can no longer express our opinion. Brazil is under dictatorship! The Lula government and the Supreme Court judges appointed by him and his peers are committing all types of crimes against human rights. Brazil asks for help! Our 2022 elections had political interference from the United States government, specifically the Biden administration. We are being persecuted, arrested, our bank accounts are being blocked, we are having to flee Brazil. Where are the human rights bodies? Supreme Federal Court, all judges appointed by President Lula and his peers are committing crimes against human rights and due legal process. HELP! The media and press vehicles are all in favor of the DICTATORSHIP, they do not disclose the truth, they only speak lies in favor of the Lula government, they do not denounce the DICTATORSHIP, we have no one to turn to here in Brazil, all the institutions are corrupted with people from left. People have already died in jail because of illegal prosecutions by dictatorial judges! HELP!
Wish the conversation would go to the mechanisms we can introduce to value the forest for what it intrinsically provides as a global resource. Problem is the hypocrisy that exists between nations and policies. Norway is wealthy and has a voice due to carbon production from offshore oil and gas for reference. Norway is a leader in environmental policies, yet their oil and gas production keeps increasing. After living in Brazil for six years and being involved with material conversations on domestic policy, the West should reward Brazil by enabling a carbon scheme. Allow Brazil to monetize the Amazon through carbon credits that would provide economic growth without deforestation. Price it to compete with lumber and cattle. It’s a tax we should all want to pay. If we in West care, then let’s show it through real, material action and pay to preserve. My heart is with you Brasil.
Why the forest needs to have any value at all? Countries are not rich because of their natural resources nowadays, they're rich because of their policies. The problem with Brazil is that they still have a really strong colonial mentality. That's it.
Discur bonito, vejam hoje agora dia 02/11/22 a mobilização popular livre que está no Brasil neste momento que a impressa brasileiro não está mostrando !!!
You hear absurd lies about the Amazon, Brazil is the country that most has its original forests preserved 500 years ago, The biggest destroyer of the Amazon is the thief who was arrested for corruption and drug trafficker who has now returned with fraudulent elections! And he came back to steal again and to turn Brazil into a poor country like the venezuela of his mature friend nicolas, the media blatantly lies!
I live in the Amazon and I find this video unbelievably untrue. Lula had 2 mandates (8 years) and his nominee Dilma had 2 more mandates (8 years) as presidents. A total of 16 years, the period with the highest rates of fires. In Lula's term alone, the Amazon suffered twice as much devastated area as during Bolsonaro's administration. In addition, the Amazonian people suffered from the neglect and corruption produced by the management of the PT (Lula's party). All these years of corruption have made the PT very strong, capable of taking control of our Supreme Court and the Court that handles elections in Brazil. That is why we are outraged by the results of the fraudulent 2022 election, demanding that the armed forces take action to restore order in our country. We don't want Lula, the leader of the gang that rigged our nation and produced the biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind in the highest position in our country.
O mal do Norte americano é querer se meter onde não foi chamado. Nunca vi o Brasil se intrometer nos assuntos de vocês, mas insistem em fazer o contrário em relação a nós.
I'm from Brazil and what you said is true, he financed dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela, look at the situation of people in these countries, many migrate to Brazil, in my city there are several and the judiciary took advantage of the lack of knowledge of the people to get Lula out of jail with a straight face, he's a bandit
The perspective of this video denotes Brazil only matters because of Amazon and it is the sole responsible for it. The country has other matters at stake as much important as environment. And Amazon also extends to other countries like Venezuela, Colombia and Peru.
don't let the media manipulate you, in the Lula government there was more deforestation than the Bolsonaro government! The best president and the one who helped the poor the most and diminished social differences was Bolsonaro! Electronic voting machines were rigged! Lula is the biggest thief in Brazil and the politician of the new world order!
So, for you, are other issues more important than preserving the largest tropical forest in the world and thereby preserving life? If we destroy the forest, we are ending life.
Existe sim uma preocupação com a Amazônia, mas não foi dessa forma que ocorreu. Vocês precisam se informar melhor antes de falar sobre este assunto e não divulgar mentiras sobre ambos os lados de cada presidencia. Informações incorretas influenciam as pessoas a tomarem decisões erradas.
It’s funny how the thumbnail for this video shows Lula with the Amazon intact and Bolsonaro with the Amazon on fire. Fast forward to today and the deforestation of the Amazon is going strong under the four fingered criminal…
@@DouradaBambina so we have to decide how we manage our country based on what West wants us to do? They are a bunch of hypocrites. China is emitting 30% of emitted carbon in the world and they don't do anything. Brazil, proportionally, is one the countries that emits the least carbon, and the deforestation in Lula's government was higher than in Bolsonaro's one. Why should we be sanctioned?
You hear absurd lies about the Amazon, Brazil is the country that most has its original forests preserved 500 years ago, The biggest destroyer of the Amazon is the thief who was arrested for corruption and drug trafficker who has now returned with fraudulent elections! And he came back to steal again and to turn Brazil into a poor country like the venezuela of his mature friend nicolas, the media blatantly lies!
Colocaram uma militante para falar da amazônia, tentando comover as pessoas. Moro na Amazônia e só quem mora aqui sabe da realidade, mas os oportunistas tentam mexer com a emoção das pessoas para conseguierem realizar seus planos tenebrosos. Os países não cuidaram de suas matas e olham para a nossa. Cuidem de seus países e deixem de se intrometer no país dos outros!
Bolsonaro has the majority, he will kick the imperialists even if he is robbed. People don't believe in democracy, it must be restored by undemocratic means.
The BOZO has already made a video talking about fraud in the brazilian ballots. He knows Lula is the winner, and he is ready to copy cat "Srimp" oops! Shrump, oops, I didn't again. I meant Trump.
I lived in BRazil for ten years and during the last election I campaigned for Haddad and PT - mostly because Bolsonaro was too bad to believe - but don't be deluded into thinking that Lula is good on environmental protection - his record was terrible and his sons bought up large tracts of Para to de-forest and run beef.
Vota no ladrão e depois vai comer gato, estão tentando salvar "Amazônia " mas irão destruir o Brasil votando no Lula , Deus nos livre de uma Venezuela brasileira.
@@warlessonlopes355 venezuela está se tornando com Bolsonaro. Comer gato? As pessoas estão comendo ossos! OSSOS! 30 milhões de pessoas passando fome no Brasil. Acorda! #ForaBolsonaro o pior presidente da história.
Ignorance, stereotypes, misinformation and prejudice... As always, nothing that comes from the US is sincere and good for Brazil. Do us Brazilians a favor: keep ignoring us and our country.
I’m sorry, but did you visit Amazonia forest already? I supposed that not, right? It’s unimaginable big, is impossible you care each Inch of this place, but if you go there you can find lots of military points inside, soldiers patrolling the forest. I could visit there 2 times, 1 week + 2 weeks, first with Dilma 2015, and 2020 with Bolsonaro; my impression is that the forest is much better now, with the army patrols, than 2015. Really sad, see lots of peoples commenting/giving opinions, all negatives, about a subject that they have no notion, no property and experience. I suggest you have education and common sense to, at least look for local people (not militant people) to interview, before publicing something in this sense (negative), in the international media.
You wanna know more about the amazon than the indigenous girl in the beginning of the video who lives in the forest? What if someone who didn't even live in ur house started talking about it ? Does it even make sense? Lol if she is saying is bad is bad.
I'm an Ecuadorian and this guys is talking just like Bolsenaro. Dismissive and with suggestions that make absolutely no difference. The rainforest is important for the whole world. It's a big area yes but that's how this mentailitu starts, pathetic
@@TOShitposter o sul foi Bolsonaro, o sudeste foi Bolsonaro, o norte foi Bolsonaro e o centro-oeste foi Bolsonaro, a única região que deu lula foi o nordeste!
arsonists Lula is the record holder for fires in the Amazon. Between 2003 and 2010, when he was in the Presidency of the Republic, Brazil registered 2.4 million fires. On a monthly average, the numbers exceed the 25,000 mark. Bolsonaro, if he continues with the average of the first 44 months, will reach the end of his term with just over 780,000 fires. The monthly average of around 16,000 proves that there are fewer hotspots in the current administration than there were at the time when Lula ruled the Planalto. Temer (15.7 thousand), FHC (14.6 thousand) and Dilma (14.4 thousand) complete the list. Contrary to the world, Brazil shows a significant decrease in the number of fires and burnings in 2022. From January 1st to August 15th, the country recorded 49,600 fires, against almost 59,000 in the same period in 2021. A decrease 15%, while in the rest of South America the increase was 19%. In the last two years, the country has reduced by around 25% the incidence of fires and burning in its territory.
@@Mandys204 Theres more to it than the number of fires. There's mining and clear cutting. Not to mention Balsanaro is a racist POS that cares only about making his friends wealthier and dividing the country.
Maiores no Governo Lula do que no Governo Bolsonaro. Sem falar nas ONGs que usavam dinheiro público e, simplesmente, não prestavam contas. Tava fácil né?
Today there a lot of reports from people in Northeast asking for help because the federal police is preventing them to vote - the police is disobeying orders from Supreme Court. This must be published!
@@silaspereira9471 It's true and you know it, but I bet you're a supporter from Bolsonaro. Anyway, Bolsonaro's reign of terror is almost over. Tic-tac.
wake up world the Amazon is no longer suffering as much deforestation as it suffered by Lula's government (former president and ex prisoner) this communist handed all the wealth into the hands of leftist countries and will do it again, but we Brazilians are protesting so that this doesn't happen happens to the india that appears in the video and a representative of this communist government called "PT" they use lying strategies so that the world thinks they are destroying the Amazon but that is a lie. With the Bolsonaro government, deforestation and fires have decreased a lot, while the communist government they support has never done anything to stop deforestation. help us world we are about to return to the communist government.
Im from brazil, great guys.... We elect the guy who say was going to safe us, now things are worst at Amazonia! thank u for help to ruin our coutry. Bolsonaro was the right choice
600 novos fiscais ganhando dinheiro nosso, e eu não acredito que diminuiu nem 15%. igual quando a classe media no brasil subiu ( quem ganhava acima de 300,00 mes era classe media) governo mete loco @@WojaktheRIPtrader
Bolsonaro is a fascist. It's a sad day here in Brazil. We need Lula to win, but we need more than just that. We need to act, not just here, but throughout the world. Direct action, putting pressure on society, because society, the current state of affairs, is not capable of solving the climate crisis. We need radical change and a strong strategy.
@@tag3244 Bolsonaro foi preso pelo exército por tentativa de terrorismo contra uma junta militar onde ele atuava, pouco antes de ser aposentado pela mesma. Já Lula foi preso político sem provas, numa farsa chamada Lava Jato, onde o juiz ladrão ganhou um cargo de ministro no governo que ele ajudou a por no poder. :)
I am a Brazilian and I live here and I know what is happening, Amazonas has been burning since 1980 during Lula's period and it was a time when there was more burning in Brazil. This government was the one that made more laws to preserve the Amazon and the rainforest.
I'm Brazilian, Lula wouldn't say he's a communist, but he likes some practices, but he's very much on the side of the united states, in his mandate he was always very much on the united states side
@@reallynotfeelingit2878 well thanks for the explanation. But I would definitely say Bernie is a socialist/communist. Usually with communism, poverty is exasperated and it's not eradicated. Communism has failed and we have seen it throughout history.
@@JoaoGustavosantossotero1 when you say United States, I'm guessing you're referring to the Biden administration which is definitely left, democrat, socialist (globalist).
@@Menelik.videos good lula is that kind of guy who is almost communist, but whenever he's on the side of countries that aren't, it's no wonder. Brazil is Latin America's biggest ally for the United States
Not-so-fun-but-true fact: Bolsonaro uses the Brazilian flag as his own symbol and basically turned the independence day parade (in September 7th) into a manifestation favorable to himself. Now a quick opinion. I do not like it in the slightest. He is trying to make himself the "savior of the nation" too much for a democratically elected representative. Also, i do not like the way he uses the christian religion as a political tool. His own slogan is "Brazil above everything, God above all". I would say more but my english vocabulary is somewhat limited and I would not be able to convey more complex criticisms in a proper way. Thanks for having the patience to read this and I hope you have a great day. Feel free to reply to this comment in a civilized manner.
Not the slighest suprised his slogan has religion tied to it, Brazil is one of the biggest catholic church nations out there, I don't see it as a issue.
@@koeh07 yeah it is basically inevitable, however he did things like going to the most well known cathedral in Brazil and receiving the Eucharist from the bishop while being seen from all angles doing so. He and his followers keep the image that he is the only hope for christianity... It's more deep than this but I hope I showed you a reasonably accurate view of the situation.
@@Steiniocraft Uhm what? Your country's economic growth doesn't even reach 3% last year 😂. And this year, the world bank predicted Brazil's economic growth to be No more than 3%. 3% is SLOW GROWTH 😂😂.
@@Steiniocraft And did you know that during Lula's government, Brazil reached the top 5 of countries with the highest GDP with a GDP that at that time was a lot and that is nothing much different from the current GDP 10 years later
As a Brazilian, i finally could sleep well like i did'nt in years! Our people has paid for the choice of rich and middle class who think they are rich and convinced the poors that Bolsonaro was the holy christ. We had the worst president during the pandemic, we face a similar situation that US but the difference is that US are richier.
Brasil passou por tanta coisa no governo lula, mas ainda querem voltar com o mesmo fantasma de antes, lula ta entrando no poder e coisas ja estao ficando caras, bolsa caindo, vai dar merda.
Nenhum país desse tem autoridade moral de impor a um país soberano como o Brasil a tarefa de fiscalizar e preservar a sua própria biodiversidade. Pense bem, que exemplo tem um país como EUA, França ou Alemanha sobre esse assunto? Nenhum! Esses países estão longe de se equipararem ao meios tomados pelo Brasil para evitarem o desmatamento. Ao que me parece há um interesse mais profundo na preservação da Amazônia: as riquezas de seu solo. Acordem brasileiros, ou será tarde de mais!
You should know about the manifestations in Brazil. Brazilians not accept the president elected Lula that he already condemned by Brazilian justice however was elected in dubious elections. The armed forces reports points that the brazilian electoral justice do not allowed the experts access to the source code that defines what voting software should or should not do. Specialists in the armed forces were not allowed to run the source code. Which is causing a lot of suspicion that the elections were rigged.
Lie, you all live of lies. Only people without minimum of education are asking for a Militar Intervention are doing this nonsense. We know you are being paid by agribusiness entrepreneurs who are making 200% of profit and don' t pay taxes.
@@paulinhafolkeYou're not Brazilian, you don't know what's really going on here. Certainly, you are also manipulated by the liberal media in your country. Sorry for you, but you don't know anything about Brazil. What you know is what you hear and repeat like a parrot. Come here, stay at least one year and you will know a little bit of the truth !! I was born in Brazil. I have lived here for 41 years and I know the truth about what happens here, be sure of that!! You know what you hear about, I know from living here
@@Steiniocraft The President who is actively burning the Amazon and threatening the entirety of the World for his own benefit is the best? Explain your opinion please.
We Brazilians will not accept as President, a corrupt person, like Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, out of shame and revolt! The main reason for the popular manifestos, today, 02/11/2022.
C+. Both candidates aren't insanely flawed. One may not be perfect, he is human after all, the other is an insane psychopath. Vote 13 to help the world.
Hello, I'm Alessandra, one of the producers of this Opinion Video. This weekend, Brazilian's face an important choice at the ballot box: re-elect President Jair Bolsonaro, or vote former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva back into office. At stake is more than just the control of South America's largest economy: whoever wins will decide the fate of the Amazon rainforest as well. In our video, we argue that while neither candidate is perfect, when it comes to protecting the rainforest, and life on earth as we know it, the right choice is clear. I'd love to know what you thought of our video, leave your comments below!
I'm Brazilian and Northeastern and I really loved this video!
Defamation against Jair Bolsonaro cause in Lula's goverment period we have more deforastation than this actual. We gonna decide against corruption( Lula) and honest goverment ( Bolsonaro).
Don't Think latin americans are to blame for global warming... the rest of the world depleted natural resources and keep polluting way more than latin america..
Great stuff and an important topic for sure, Alessandra.
However, I think it came too late as the next Brazilian parliament was elected already and the majority is for the conservative wing.
What’s amazing you guys are some of the news papers who pushed bolsanaro to the world. And critiqued lula da Silva …calling him a corrupt politician. And praising the effects bolsanaro would have on your investment funds. Every mainstream paper pretty much worked to discredit lula in the world.
"Se olhar com atenção, os senhores vão entender porque existe tanta gritaria lá fora a favor da Amazônia. Não é a favor do bem da Amazônia, é a favor dos bens da Amazônia"
Com certeza presidentes como Lacron adora usar a amazonia pra angariar alguns votos, mas é bem estupido resumir a isso
Muito bem colocado!!!
bora queimar tudo então, igual na história da galinha dos ovos de ouro. É óbvio mas cabe a nós brasileiros cuidar né, já que temos a maioria da floresta, ficar detonando floresta e minerando ouro ilegal poluindo rios com metais pesados não me parece uma ideia muito genial, e pior, a imensa maioria dos brasileiros não vai ficar rico com isso, muito menos o país
Esse vídeo foi feito por um bando de aves de rapina, e o roteiro foi escrito por BURROS "bem intencionados", mas o real interessado na "proteção da Amazônia" são os grandes grupos internacionais que querem ter o controle desta vasta e importante área do TERRITÓRIO BRASILEIRO.
Lula é um LADRÃO e o Brasil não permitirá que esse MARGINAL assuma o poder.
It is not in favor of the good of the Amazon, it is in favor of appropriating the goods of the Amazon. Unfortunately, few were those who believed in Dr Eneas and only now after the biggest thief in the history of the world LULADRAO nine fingers and that the Brazilian people saw that I, besides being corrupt, sold Brazil, but the mutt syndrome that the Brazilian people had ended.
O que existe é uma máfia internacional muito interessada em nossa floresta!!!
Pega o doido
Esses cara tão de olho na nossa amazonia
Perfeito, e a massa estupida abraca essa historia.
@@todasmaria segura a burra! (ela toma no cu rindo)
O interesse internacional é em controlar o desenvolvimento do Brasil e proteger a economia desses países. Eles tão cagando pra floresta. Foi só o Putin apertar a Europa e Alemanha e outros já começaram a destruir áreas de preservação pra se protegerem de crise energética. É tudo jogo político.
Não vai determinar nada…querem jogar nas costas dos brasileiros os erros que cometem em seus países
Mas já percebemos isso 58 milhões de brasileiros sabem oque eles querem na nossa floresta.
@@MacCrux e vão ter, agora que os idiotas votaram no Luladrão, ele vai vender a Amazônia bem baratinho
@@MacCrux A eleição foi roubada, dizem que o Lula tem 30 milhões de votos.
😂 She says “Lula went to prison for a few years” like it was just a vacation. These NYT ultra-woke propaganda videos are hilarious.
What’s hilarious is that he is going for the reelection after being incarcerated for one of the biggest corruption cases in the continent; and what’s even worse is that he is the best option for all of us (not only Brazil)
Relax, the jewel thief will be in jail soon, with concrete evidence and everything. Maybe you can go there and visit him.
@@robertoesportes3987tao novinho, mas tao alienado
Quando a mentira é no âmbito internacional. Que vergonha!
Bolsonaro 22
They forgot to mention that the Brazilian supreme court is calling all shots in Brazil - most of the judges were placed there by the guy who spent "a few years in jail"
Not true. To become a minister of The Supreme Court these men need to go through many exams, legal knowledge until they reach the top. The current President of the Supreme Judiciary Power at the age of 22 was passing in first place the Competition for the Public Prosecutor's Office. What were many doing ???? Partying and now want to rule the World? Dream on
@@paulinhafolke Lol. You know about anything about the system of my country!!! Absolutely nothing !!! What you know is only what you hear and repeat like a parrot. 🤦🤦🤦
lula é bandidooo
@@paulinhafolke miga, agora está vendo que o PCC está mandando em tudo? pesquise sobre um tal de Cássio Rodrigues Costa Souza que ameaçou matar o seu "reach the top". Ele foi preso ano passado e morto em janeiro desse ano. Não existe nada nessa internet que explique a morte desse tal Cássio. Te faço um pix de mil reais se vc descobrir o que houve. Já entrei em contato até com o batalhão onde esse Cássio era policial e ninguém fala nada. Bom, a não ser que você também seja "amiga" do PCC. aí pra vc está tudo certo.
Achamos um gado
Help,ninguém está mostrando as grandes manifestações no Brasil ,com medo da censura do STF
Lula é corrupto, ladrão, traficante, o Brasil não aceita esse lixo como presidente!
You hear absurd lies about the Amazon, Brazil is the country that most has its original forests preserved 500 years ago, The biggest destroyer of the Amazon is the thief who was arrested for corruption and drug trafficker who has now returned with fraudulent elections!
And he came back to steal again and to turn Brazil into a poor country like the venezuela of his mature friend nicolas, the media blatantly lies!
Gado internacional 😂😂😂
Eu sei que vocês querem a amazônia pra ter recurso, não precisa usar máscaras
Muda o disco
@@oRealK. o outro disco é do mesmo artista.
A ganância estrangeira sempre de olhos na nossas riquezas.
🇧🇷 I am Brazilian and I live in Brazil, I come to denounce the absurdities that the Lula government, together with the press "media", Brazil's supreme federal court has been having dictatorial attitudes towards the entire right-wing electorate throughout the national territory. Brazil is under dictatorship, politicians, judges, the press and left-wing powers are committing all kinds of atrocities against any right-wing person or entity that thinks differently. We ask the world for help, because here we can no longer express our opinion. Brazil is under dictatorship! The Lula government and the Supreme Court judges appointed by him and his peers are committing all types of crimes against human rights. Brazil asks for help! Our 2022 elections had political interference from the United States government, specifically the Biden administration. We are being persecuted, arrested, our bank accounts are being blocked, we are having to flee Brazil. Where are the human rights bodies? Supreme Federal Court, all judges appointed by President Lula and his peers are committing crimes against human rights and due legal process. HELP! The media and press vehicles are all in favor of the DICTATORSHIP, they do not disclose the truth, they only speak lies in favor of the Lula government, they do not denounce the DICTATORSHIP, we have no one to turn to here in Brazil, all the institutions are corrupted with people from left. People have already died in jail because of illegal prosecutions by dictatorial judges! HELP!
🇧🇷 I am Brazilian and I live in Brazil, I come to denounce the absurdities that the Lula government, together with the press "media", Brazil's supreme federal court has been having dictatorial attitudes towards the entire right-wing electorate throughout the national territory. Brazil is under dictatorship, politicians, judges, the press and left-wing powers are committing all kinds of atrocities against any right-wing person or entity that thinks differently. We ask the world for help, because here we can no longer express our opinion. Brazil is under dictatorship! The Lula government and the Supreme Court judges appointed by him and his peers are committing all types of crimes against human rights. Brazil asks for help! Our 2022 elections had political interference from the United States government, specifically the Biden administration. We are being persecuted, arrested, our bank accounts are being blocked, we are having to flee Brazil. Where are the human rights bodies? Supreme Federal Court, all judges appointed by President Lula and his peers are committing crimes against human rights and due legal process. HELP! The media and press vehicles are all in favor of the DICTATORSHIP, they do not disclose the truth, they only speak lies in favor of the Lula government, they do not denounce the DICTATORSHIP, we have no one to turn to here in Brazil, all the institutions are corrupted with people from left. People have already died in jail because of illegal prosecutions by dictatorial judges! HELP!
Well... It's burning even more now 🤷🏻♂️
Wish the conversation would go to the mechanisms we can introduce to value the forest for what it intrinsically provides as a global resource.
Problem is the hypocrisy that exists between nations and policies. Norway is wealthy and has a voice due to carbon production from offshore oil and gas for reference. Norway is a leader in environmental policies, yet their oil and gas production keeps increasing.
After living in Brazil for six years and being involved with material conversations on domestic policy, the West should reward Brazil by enabling a carbon scheme.
Allow Brazil to monetize the Amazon through carbon credits that would provide economic growth without deforestation. Price it to compete with lumber and cattle. It’s a tax we should all want to pay.
If we in West care, then let’s show it through real, material action and pay to preserve.
My heart is with you Brasil.
Obrigado Mike!
You are 100% right - I also lived in Brazil for ten years and spent time in the Amazon of Acre.
@@macnicolson5452 Then you must know it is at risk today
Thank you.
Why the forest needs to have any value at all? Countries are not rich because of their natural resources nowadays, they're rich because of their policies.
The problem with Brazil is that they still have a really strong colonial mentality. That's it.
Discur bonito, vejam hoje agora dia 02/11/22 a mobilização popular livre que está no Brasil neste momento que a impressa brasileiro não está mostrando !!!
You hear absurd lies about the Amazon, Brazil is the country that most has its original forests preserved 500 years ago, The biggest destroyer of the Amazon is the thief who was arrested for corruption and drug trafficker who has now returned with fraudulent elections!
And he came back to steal again and to turn Brazil into a poor country like the venezuela of his mature friend nicolas, the media blatantly lies!
Uma merda de manifestações kkkk Chora gado, agora é Lula até 2030!!
Tá falando dos que tão pedindo golpeee????
I live in the Amazon and I find this video unbelievably untrue. Lula had 2 mandates (8 years) and his nominee Dilma had 2 more mandates (8 years) as presidents. A total of 16 years, the period with the highest rates of fires. In Lula's term alone, the Amazon suffered twice as much devastated area as during Bolsonaro's administration. In addition, the Amazonian people suffered from the neglect and corruption produced by the management of the PT (Lula's party). All these years of corruption have made the PT very strong, capable of taking control of our Supreme Court and the Court that handles elections in Brazil. That is why we are outraged by the results of the fraudulent 2022 election, demanding that the armed forces take action to restore order in our country. We don't want Lula, the leader of the gang that rigged our nation and produced the biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind in the highest position in our country.
O mal do Norte americano é querer se meter onde não foi chamado. Nunca vi o Brasil se intrometer nos assuntos de vocês, mas insistem em fazer o contrário em relação a nós.
Bolsonaro = Freedom #lulaforjailAgain #lulaladrao
One thing I know is that if Lula become president, prepare for some crises and a communist wave
I'm from Brazil and what you said is true, he financed dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela, look at the situation of people in these countries, many migrate to Brazil, in my city there are several and the judiciary took advantage of the lack of knowledge of the people to get Lula out of jail with a straight face, he's a bandit
Estou preocupado com o futuro do Brasil, muita coisa ainda está para acontecer...
Brazil asks for help. We are being CENSORED. 🆘 🇧🇷😭
Cuida do país de vcs e deixa o Brasil em paz, a Amazônia não é de vcs 🇧🇷Bolsonaro melhor presidente que tivemos
Vai estudar
@@danielfjds E Bolsonaro no colo do diabo
The perspective of this video denotes Brazil only matters because of Amazon and it is the sole responsible for it. The country has other matters at stake as much important as environment. And Amazon also extends to other countries like Venezuela, Colombia and Peru.
don't let the media manipulate you, in the Lula government there was more deforestation than the Bolsonaro government! The best president and the one who helped the poor the most and diminished social differences was Bolsonaro! Electronic voting machines were rigged! Lula is the biggest thief in Brazil and the politician of the new world order!
Exato Marcio, e agora o Luladrão vai vender a Amazônia bem baratinho - e esse jornal já faz o comercial e a índia ganha comissão
So, for you, are other issues more important than preserving the largest tropical forest in the world and thereby preserving life? If we destroy the forest, we are ending life.
you want war, you want oil ,you want arm sell but when its come to environment Brazil will decide😂😂😂
Opinions antagonizing this video has been consistently deleted! Why NYT?????
pq basicamente gente como vc é um bando de imbecil? why else?
Existe sim uma preocupação com a Amazônia, mas não foi dessa forma que ocorreu. Vocês precisam se informar melhor antes de falar sobre este assunto e não divulgar mentiras sobre ambos os lados de cada presidencia. Informações incorretas influenciam as pessoas a tomarem decisões erradas.
Que parte "não foi dessa forma que ocorreu"?
It’s funny how the thumbnail for this video shows Lula with the Amazon intact and Bolsonaro with the Amazon on fire. Fast forward to today and the deforestation of the Amazon is going strong under the four fingered criminal…
Lol, as if Brazil's election was just about Amazon
Sanctions are being written… isn’t that hard to think about, right?
@@DouradaBambina so we have to decide how we manage our country based on what West wants us to do? They are a bunch of hypocrites. China is emitting 30% of emitted carbon in the world and they don't do anything. Brazil, proportionally, is one the countries that emits the least carbon, and the deforestation in Lula's government was higher than in Bolsonaro's one. Why should we be sanctioned?
Lula so' fez roubar e baguncar o Brasil!!! Alem de destruir a Amazonia muito mais do que o Bolsonaro que esta' protegendo a Amazonia!!!!
Chocadaaa!! Lula disse abertamente que quer compartilhar a Amazônia com o mundo, como ele quer salvá-la?
Eu vi os dados do IPEC e houveram quase o dobro de queimadas durante a época petista. Esses jornalecos de esquerda só mentem pro público.
Ele não quer, isso é só mais uma narrativa errada pra tentar desmoralizar Bolsonaro. Infelizmente o mal e a corrupção venceu. faz o L.
NYT, I feel ashamed for you!
This is SO unabashedly propaganda. Still in shock that we’re at this point now.
Deu um lacre. O fecho foi correto
You hear absurd lies about the Amazon, Brazil is the country that most has its original forests preserved 500 years ago, The biggest destroyer of the Amazon is the thief who was arrested for corruption and drug trafficker who has now returned with fraudulent elections!
And he came back to steal again and to turn Brazil into a poor country like the venezuela of his mature friend nicolas, the media blatantly lies!
Colocaram uma militante para falar da amazônia, tentando comover as pessoas.
Moro na Amazônia e só quem mora aqui sabe da realidade, mas os oportunistas tentam mexer com a emoção das pessoas para conseguierem realizar seus planos tenebrosos.
Os países não cuidaram de suas matas e olham para a nossa.
Cuidem de seus países e deixem de se intrometer no país dos outros!
Fora Bolsonaro!
Alessandra Orofino and other producers...either you are dishonest or completely alienated about the true reality of Brazil.
I pray for a peaceful transition.
Communism doesn't belong in Brazil and never will
Bolsonaro has the majority, he will kick the imperialists even if he is robbed.
People don't believe in democracy, it must be restored by undemocratic means.
this is the option with the least chance of happening, we will still have a lot of headaches until the "peace"
The BOZO has already made a video talking about fraud in the brazilian ballots. He knows Lula is the winner, and he is ready to copy cat "Srimp" oops! Shrump, oops, I didn't again. I meant Trump.
i am from brazil and now we are VERY close to a military intervention resulting in a military dictatorship AGAIN
I lived in BRazil for ten years and during the last election I campaigned for Haddad and PT - mostly because Bolsonaro was too bad to believe - but don't be deluded into thinking that Lula is good on environmental protection - his record was terrible and his sons bought up large tracts of Para to de-forest and run beef.
Well said!
that's what no one likes to report about.. I completely agree with you.
From the thumbnail itself you can understand it's pure propaganda
Bad quality info
The NYT treats Brazil as a banana republic! Democracy for teve global press is only democracy when their candidates win…RESPECT BRAZIL NYT, RESPECT
Well said!
Brazilian brothers, we are praying for you!
Choose well, vote for Bolsonaro ‘
Did you watch the video?
@@diogorodrigues747 unfortunately I did, lack of respect to democracy! Brazil is not a banana republic
@@kosnich8032 no matter who wins, democracy is not at stake
@@edsonaraujo3288 Eles falaram sequer em "democracia" no vídeo? Vê o vídeo antes e depois vem comentar.
"farms here, forests there" 🤡
bem tendenciosa né
gringos worried about the riches of the Amazon, you think we're stupid
Well said!
Lula for 13 more years in jail!!!!
Lula Livre❗
Vota no ladrão e depois vai comer gato, estão tentando salvar "Amazônia " mas irão destruir o Brasil votando no Lula , Deus nos livre de uma Venezuela brasileira.
@@warlessonlopes355 venezuela está se tornando com Bolsonaro. Comer gato? As pessoas estão comendo ossos! OSSOS! 30 milhões de pessoas passando fome no Brasil. Acorda! #ForaBolsonaro o pior presidente da história.
@@gustavovonha9693 pandemia
Vote for Lula.
Lula for 13 more years in JAIL!!!
Ignorance, stereotypes, misinformation and prejudice... As always, nothing that comes from the US is sincere and good for Brazil.
Do us Brazilians a favor: keep ignoring us and our country.
*We ll not allow a corrupt and condenated, come to back to The crime scene!*
World want Brasil.. and Bolsonaro want Brasil for brazilian!
Teu cu
@@luisfilipedeandrade556 pra q este odio? vc se sente bem ofendendo alguem q nada lhe fez?
I’m sorry, but did you visit Amazonia forest already? I supposed that not, right? It’s unimaginable big, is impossible you care each Inch of this place, but if you go there you can find lots of military points inside, soldiers patrolling the forest.
I could visit there 2 times, 1 week + 2 weeks, first with Dilma 2015, and 2020 with Bolsonaro; my impression is that the forest is much better now, with the army patrols, than 2015.
Really sad, see lots of peoples commenting/giving opinions, all negatives, about a subject that they have no notion, no property and experience.
I suggest you have education and common sense to, at least look for local people (not militant people) to interview, before publicing something in this sense (negative), in the international media.
You wanna know more about the amazon than the indigenous girl in the beginning of the video who lives in the forest? What if someone who didn't even live in ur house started talking about it ? Does it even make sense? Lol if she is saying is bad is bad.
@@csoniah4432 Sure, you think is she really indigenous? 🤣 ok 👍🏻 not a militant girl, Trust …
@@JoaoHenrique-hq5cr payaso. Eso es lo que eres. Lame botas por un politico que no le importa el ambiente.
@@csoniah4432 he's the equivalent of a Trump cultist.
I'm an Ecuadorian and this guys is talking just like Bolsenaro. Dismissive and with suggestions that make absolutely no difference. The rainforest is important for the whole world. It's a big area yes but that's how this mentailitu starts, pathetic
I’m in Rio right now and let’s just say there are some very happy Brazilians in the streets tonight
They were also “happy” when Biden took office. Now is the gas price 9 dollar a gallon? Think there not so happy now anymore😂
Uma minoria de pessoas soltando fogos mas a maioria do país está triste!
@@KennedyAraujo33 Isso não fez o menor sentido akakakakakak, a maioria está feliz pq eles votaram no Lula.
So ladraos e criminosos, bandidos... si, com Lula ladrao
@@TOShitposter o sul foi Bolsonaro, o sudeste foi Bolsonaro, o norte foi Bolsonaro e o centro-oeste foi Bolsonaro, a única região que deu lula foi o nordeste!
Brazil IS MOURNING. But we're about to fight against it. 🇧🇷 RED FLAG NEVER AGAIN
you don't care about the amazon you just want the valuable resources and raw materials
Thank you, Brazil. 🙏🇧🇷
Lula is a convicted, mafioso and a proven bandit.
Lula is the record holder for fires in the Amazon. Between 2003 and 2010, when he was in the Presidency of the Republic, Brazil registered 2.4 million fires. On a monthly average, the numbers exceed the 25,000 mark.
Bolsonaro, if he continues with the average of the first 44 months, will reach the end of his term with just over 780,000 fires. The monthly average of around 16,000 proves that there are fewer hotspots in the current administration than there were at the time when Lula ruled the Planalto. Temer (15.7 thousand), FHC (14.6 thousand) and Dilma (14.4 thousand) complete the list.
Contrary to the world, Brazil shows a significant decrease in the number of fires and burnings in 2022. From January 1st to August 15th, the country recorded 49,600 fires, against almost 59,000 in the same period in 2021. A decrease 15%, while in the rest of South America the increase was 19%. In the last two years, the country has reduced by around 25% the incidence of fires and burning in its territory.
@@rafaeel9607 if one criminal wants to save the rain forest and one wants to destroy it...I'll choose the one that wants to save it, thanks. 👌
@@Mandys204 Theres more to it than the number of fires. There's mining and clear cutting. Not to mention Balsanaro is a racist POS that cares only about making his friends wealthier and dividing the country.
Good thing this is just your opinion. As a Brazilian my whole family has flown back home for Bolsonaro🙏
Good thing Lula will win tomorrow
@CarrThiagovr284 goes even after Lula ends the 100-year secrecy Bolsonaro goes to jail. the cry is free
@CarrThiagovr284 will cry?
@CarrThiagovr284 hm?
Quais foram as taxas de desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia antes 2018 e depois de 2018 até 2022?
Eu vi os dados do IPEC e houveram quase o dobro de queimadas durante a época petista. Esses jornalecos de esquerda só mentem pro público.
Capaz que vão falar, o objetivo do vídeo não é apresentar números verdadeiros, e sim manipular gringos.
Com certeza, essa jovem travestida de indígena não me engana. É uma militante de esquerda.
Maiores no Governo Lula do que no Governo Bolsonaro. Sem falar nas ONGs que usavam dinheiro público e, simplesmente, não prestavam contas. Tava fácil né?
O desmatamento e queimadas no período de lula foram muito maiores do que nesses últimos três anos.
Habla mesmo NY. Fora Bolsonaro
Media doing what they do: Framing.
The day before Halloween... how spooky
there is no halloween in brazil
@@ryukkd5593 there are halloween parties here too, not the same but there are
The country is more than just the forest
Today there a lot of reports from people in Northeast asking for help because the federal police is preventing them to vote - the police is disobeying orders from Supreme Court. This must be published!
It didn't stop anyone from voting, they were checking irregular transport.
@@josephklimber195 yes, they did - indigenous people in North and Midwest and people from Northeast
Hi, I am Brazilian from the state of Roraima that borders Venezuela, and these rumors are not true. Please do not believe any rumors!
@@silaspereira9471 It's true and you know it, but I bet you're a supporter from Bolsonaro. Anyway, Bolsonaro's reign of terror is almost over. Tic-tac.
wake up world the Amazon is no longer suffering as much deforestation as it suffered by Lula's government (former president and ex prisoner) this communist handed all the wealth into the hands of leftist countries and will do it again, but we Brazilians are protesting so that this doesn't happen happens to the india that appears in the video and a representative of this communist government called "PT" they use lying strategies so that the world thinks they are destroying the Amazon but that is a lie. With the Bolsonaro government, deforestation and fires have decreased a lot, while the communist government they support has never done anything to stop deforestation. help us world we are about to return to the communist government.
It´s the lie! Stop! Lula is not heroe!
Im from brazil, great guys.... We elect the guy who say was going to safe us, now things are worst at Amazonia! thank u for help to ruin our coutry. Bolsonaro was the right choice
600 novos fiscais ganhando dinheiro nosso, e eu não acredito que diminuiu nem 15%. igual quando a classe media no brasil subiu ( quem ganhava acima de 300,00 mes era classe media) governo mete loco @@WojaktheRIPtrader
@@WojaktheRIPtraderSe realmente diminuiu, é por culpa do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, né? 😢😂 Como a esquerda quer sempre culpar ele.
I can’t believe the thumbnail …
so believe me, it's the pure truth
Brazil is on fire because of developed countries, its easy to criticize this from an developed country
Give the land back to the indigenous people or atleast care and protect them
I think that is the least of their problem
@@USERNAME1-x5u i know but most people don't really care about us...
Are you giving your property to an indigenous person? If you are in the US you are certainly occupying land that used to belong to them.
England should give the land back to the Romans who then should give it back to the celtic Britons
You want Amazonia given to the indians so Europeus/outsiders came to taken our resources from the indians????
Great lie ! Bolsonaro is much importante to let us free of comunismo !
Bolsonaro is a fascist. It's a sad day here in Brazil. We need Lula to win, but we need more than just that. We need to act, not just here, but throughout the world. Direct action, putting pressure on society, because society, the current state of affairs, is not capable of solving the climate crisis. We need radical change and a strong strategy.
That has to be the most biased thumbnail ever!
Eu moro no Brasil, Lula é nossa maior vergonha na verdade... Um cara que jamais ligou pra população ou pro meio ambiente....
Ai mente 😂
Para de falar bobagem para os estrangeiros. Fale por você não pelo país.
A Constituição brasileira foi afrontada ,SOS FORÇAS ARMADAS SALVA O BRASIL.
Lula is the best president of the world !
I'm going to vote tomorrow and Lula was always my first choice. No doubt.
Viva ao Nordeste Brasileiro!!! Fomos nós que acabamos com essa era terrível em nosso país.
@@tag3244 Bolsonaro foi preso pelo exército por tentativa de terrorismo contra uma junta militar onde ele atuava, pouco antes de ser aposentado pela mesma. Já Lula foi preso político sem provas, numa farsa chamada Lava Jato, onde o juiz ladrão ganhou um cargo de ministro no governo que ele ajudou a por no poder. :)
I am a Brazilian and I live here and I know what is happening, Amazonas has been burning since 1980 during Lula's period and it was a time when there was more burning in Brazil. This government was the one that made more laws to preserve the Amazon and the rainforest.
Nós, brasileiros, elegemos aquele por trás do maior esquema de corrupção do mundo. Até onde seremos vítima das nossas próprias ignorâncias?
pois é, o cara enganou bem a muitos, vai ser um caos generalizado
United States listen: BOLSONARO IS A KIND OF HERO here in Brazil. He is fighting against corrupt system. Patriot love him.
please help us, they are not letting the Brazilian people vote
@@LucasGabriel-ix4sw é verdade sim. Policiais estão impedindo apoiadores do lula de votarem
@@LucasGabriel-ix4sw kKKKKKKKKK🤣
Para né kkkkk
Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Lula a communist? I live in Seattle and I don't have much knowledge about Brazilian politics.
He’s pretty much their equivalent of a Bernie. He was president before and pretty much eradicated poverty there.
I'm Brazilian, Lula wouldn't say he's a communist, but he likes some practices, but he's very much on the side of the united states, in his mandate he was always very much on the united states side
@@reallynotfeelingit2878 well thanks for the explanation. But I would definitely say Bernie is a socialist/communist. Usually with communism, poverty is exasperated and it's not eradicated. Communism has failed and we have seen it throughout history.
@@JoaoGustavosantossotero1 when you say United States, I'm guessing you're referring to the Biden administration which is definitely left, democrat, socialist (globalist).
@@Menelik.videos good lula is that kind of guy who is almost communist, but whenever he's on the side of countries that aren't, it's no wonder. Brazil is Latin America's biggest ally for the United States
Not-so-fun-but-true fact: Bolsonaro uses the Brazilian flag as his own symbol and basically turned the independence day parade (in September 7th) into a manifestation favorable to himself.
Now a quick opinion. I do not like it in the slightest. He is trying to make himself the "savior of the nation" too much for a democratically elected representative.
Also, i do not like the way he uses the christian religion as a political tool. His own slogan is "Brazil above everything, God above all".
I would say more but my english vocabulary is somewhat limited and I would not be able to convey more complex criticisms in a proper way.
Thanks for having the patience to read this and I hope you have a great day. Feel free to reply to this comment in a civilized manner.
Not the slighest suprised his slogan has religion tied to it, Brazil is one of the biggest catholic church nations out there, I don't see it as a issue.
@@koeh07 yeah it is basically inevitable, however he did things like going to the most well known cathedral in Brazil and receiving the Eucharist from the bishop while being seen from all angles doing so. He and his followers keep the image that he is the only hope for christianity... It's more deep than this but I hope I showed you a reasonably accurate view of the situation.
@@Rafael_Peixoto understandable
the amazon belongs to brazilians
É do mundo todo, sem ela o planeta morre
@@raphaelepacheco2844 para de ser burro os gringos só querem oq é nosso
If our election will really determine the conditions for future life on Earth we are alll doomed LOL. We Brazilian always chose corrupt politicians.
Bolsonaro 22, the best president in Brazil 🇧🇷
@@Steiniocraft LOL, so funny! Every people has the best president it deserves. Just don't come asking me for food on the streets.
@@carlospinto5402 you are from which country? already the news that the GDP of Brazil grew more many first world countries in this last semester?
@@Steiniocraft Uhm what? Your country's economic growth doesn't even reach 3% last year 😂. And this year, the world bank predicted Brazil's economic growth to be No more than 3%. 3% is SLOW GROWTH 😂😂.
@@Steiniocraft And did you know that during Lula's government, Brazil reached the top 5 of countries with the highest GDP with a GDP that at that time was a lot and that is nothing much different from the current GDP 10 years later
Lula for the win!
Lula win 13 more years in jail!!!
Só pra lembrar que o desmatamento na época do Lula foi maior que o na época do Bolsonaro.
What ridiculous thumbnail
As a Brazilian, i finally could sleep well like i did'nt in years!
Our people has paid for the choice of rich and middle class who think they are rich and convinced the poors that Bolsonaro was the holy christ.
We had the worst president during the pandemic, we face a similar situation that US but the difference is that US are richier.
The problem is that now they put a worse, a thug and his gang who stole more than 900 billion in 16 years.
Brasil passou por tanta coisa no governo lula, mas ainda querem voltar com o mesmo fantasma de antes, lula ta entrando no poder e coisas ja estao ficando caras, bolsa caindo, vai dar merda.
ainda mais que ele quer estatizar as empresas, ou seja, preco barato nao vai ter, nem na gasolina nem na comida, pode escrever isso.
@@bain1d431 O Brasil foi a 6° maior economia do mundo no governo Lula.
@@thestone2009 no governo bolsonaro o Brasil recebeu convide para adesão á OCDE
Nenhum país desse tem autoridade moral de impor a um país soberano como o Brasil a tarefa de fiscalizar e preservar a sua própria biodiversidade. Pense bem, que exemplo tem um país como EUA, França ou Alemanha sobre esse assunto? Nenhum! Esses países estão longe de se equipararem ao meios tomados pelo Brasil para evitarem o desmatamento. Ao que me parece há um interesse mais profundo na preservação da Amazônia: as riquezas de seu solo. Acordem brasileiros, ou será tarde de mais!
Brazil will determine the planet’s future???? Really??? 😅
Brazil holds almost 80% of all drinking water on planet earth, which part did you not understand?
Que absurdo! vocês se metendo em assuntos que não são seus como sempre! Vídeo mentiroso!
''let's talk about size and why saze metter's'' haahhahaha XD 1:25
You should know about the manifestations in Brazil. Brazilians not accept the president elected Lula that he already condemned by Brazilian justice however was elected in dubious elections. The armed forces reports points that the brazilian electoral justice do not allowed the experts access to the source code that defines what voting software should or should not do. Specialists in the armed forces were not allowed to run the source code. Which is causing a lot of suspicion that the elections were rigged.
Lie, you all live of lies. Only people without minimum of education are asking for a Militar Intervention are doing this nonsense. We know you are being paid by agribusiness entrepreneurs who are making 200% of profit and don' t pay taxes.
@@paulinhafolkeYou're not Brazilian, you don't know what's really going on here. Certainly, you are also manipulated by the liberal media in your country. Sorry for you, but you don't know anything about Brazil. What you know is what you hear and repeat like a parrot. Come here, stay at least one year and you will know a little bit of the truth !! I was born in Brazil. I have lived here for 41 years and I know the truth about what happens here, be sure of that!!
You know what you hear about, I know from living here
Aceita seu lixo. Bolsonaro vai pra cadeia logo logo carregando toda essa corja. Lula já está governando antes mesmo de assumir oficialmente.
Video fake
Lula so' fez roubar e baguncar o Brasil!!! Alem de destruir a Amazonia muito mais do que o Bolsonaro que esta' protegendo a Amazonia!!!!
Bolsonaro 22, the best president in Brazil 🇧🇷
@@Steiniocraft The President who is actively burning the Amazon and threatening the entirety of the World for his own benefit is the best? Explain your opinion please.
@@Steiniocraft nos seus sonhos só se for
Lula 13
@@Steiniocraft Brainwashed
Misinformation. Misinformation. Misinformation. You should be ashamed. Checkout for correct information.
We Brazilians will not accept as President, a corrupt person, like Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, out of shame and revolt! The main reason for the popular manifestos, today, 02/11/2022.
O Brasil é nosso e é soberano e vocês estão de olho.Nós também.
C+. Both candidates aren't insanely flawed. One may not be perfect, he is human after all, the other is an insane psychopath. Vote 13 to help the world.
Fora EUA da Amazônia!