Ko te rōpū Pourewa e tū nei (Pourewa) / Te Rōpū Pourewa

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Lyrics
    Toi te whenua ki uta
    Timu ki tai
    Ruiruia te kākano
    Kia pua, puawai
    Poua mai ko te pitomata
    Kia rewa ki runga
    Ko te rōpū o Pourewa
    E tū nei
    Pourewa, Pourewa
    He tū whai take, takotako
    I te ao tūroa e
    Pourewa, pourewa
    Ko te rōpū o Pourewa
    E tū nei
    We are our greatest on the land
    And out to the sea
    Sewing seeds of greatness
    That they may grow and blossom
    Staking the growth to support the potential
    To growing strong and tall
    We are
    The kāhui ako of Te Rōpū Pourewa
    Pourewa, Pourewa
    Standing with strength and purpose
    In today's ever changing world
    Pourewa, Pourewa
    We are
    The kāhui ako of Te Rōpū Pourewa

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