Tunisia is a beautiful tourist country where mountain forests, deserts and beaches meet. Its people are also very cultured and open to all cultures. It is very interesting that they speak most languages fluently. I assure you that you will never face any problems.
Wunderschöne Aufnahmen und tolles Video.Tunesien einmal ganz anders,fernab von den Touri- Hochburgen.
Sehr nice, woe lange wart ihr da? Wwie problemlos war es als Frau?
Waren genau 14 Tage (24h Fähre ab Genua). Tunesien ist gegenüber Frauen ein sehr offenes und modernes Land.
Tunisia is a beautiful tourist country where mountain forests, deserts and beaches meet. Its people are also very cultured and open to all cultures. It is very interesting that they speak most languages fluently. I assure you that you will never face any problems.