i would just like to make a comment here, in a previous roland video, introduction part 1. the demonstrator said that you could use either 8 nihd batterys or 8 alkaline, but can this be true as 8 nhd batterys only give 1.2V each which will give you the required 9 V that all roland mains "line lump "power supplys supply, but surely 8 alkaline batterys which are 1.5V each will give a total of 12V , which, could that not be to high a voltage for roland keyboards ? and cause damage ? i wanted to point this out on the video concerned but comments where turned off for that vidio.cheers
Need a professional sounding synth for our live performances. Sometimes we play in venues without electricity, but need to be loud enough for around 1000 people. Juno Di is perfect :) Thanks again Roland. We have tons of your gear in our recording studio.
Who plays in venues up to 1000 people without electricity must be tremendeous successful, at least in Tschernobyl or Fukushima. Who needs tons of gear in times of workstations and software synths? C´mon! If you are into analoge synths, yes, but the crap you are putting online needs a Bontempi. Maybe a cell phone as recording studio. That all!
Hi Roland - which devices or keyboards/stage pianos do you have that can act as an accompaniment, to an electric guitar that is plugged into it. The device will pick up on the chord changes you are playing and provide an accompaniment, turning you into a one man band. Any suggestions? Cheers.
i've been trying to add a song from my computer to the play list editor library but it says "out of memory". I'm pretty sure this is not correct. any ideas? thanks!
I want to play all at same time, not only drums, not only 2 split sounds, not only 2 layered sounds, etc. And it may be able to do it, that's what needs to be talked about , the rest everybody knows or they would by a PSR Yamaha in the supermarket
Please tell me, synthesizer Roland Juno-Di is the ability to disable party tools? Let sounded just drums and bass? Or I want to disable the guitar. Is this possible?
why talking about specific music styles? is this a 'supermarket' keyboard that needs that marketing for kids? Does it allow a midi song from the player to use a chosen combination of instruments across the channels (1-16) in a performance so we can use the full midi backing tracks instead of mp3 which it's nothing new
its possible to install new sounds to juno di??? because incluided pinos sounds horrible... pianos of juno are sooo baaaad. i need it to play latin music and this not work for that
I just love my Juno-Di... It have no sequencer, but it's a great opportunity for people who like to create custom sounds
Did you have to change the internal battery yet?
@@marchangel7462 Juno-Di doesn't require internal battery, since it's using flash memory to store data.
i would just like to make a comment here, in a previous roland video, introduction part 1. the demonstrator said that you could use either 8 nihd batterys or 8 alkaline, but can this be true as 8 nhd batterys only give 1.2V each which will give you the required 9 V that all roland mains "line lump "power supplys supply, but surely 8 alkaline batterys which are 1.5V each will give a total of 12V , which, could that not be to high a voltage for roland keyboards ? and cause damage ? i wanted to point this out on the video concerned but comments where turned off for that vidio.cheers
Need a professional sounding synth for our live performances. Sometimes we play in venues without electricity, but need to be loud enough for around 1000 people. Juno Di is perfect :) Thanks again Roland. We have tons of your gear in our recording studio.
Who plays in venues up to 1000 people without electricity must be tremendeous successful, at least in Tschernobyl or Fukushima. Who needs tons of gear in times of workstations and software synths? C´mon! If you are into analoge synths, yes, but the crap you are putting online needs a Bontempi. Maybe a cell phone as recording studio. That all!
Hi Roland - which devices or keyboards/stage pianos do you have that can act as an accompaniment, to an electric guitar that is plugged into it. The device will pick up on the chord changes you are playing and provide an accompaniment, turning you into a one man band. Any suggestions? Cheers.
I would like to watch the same introduction video for the Roland SH-201
How dies one connect a Juno D1 to a MacBook 2019 16 inch...for some reason doe not read
i've been trying to add a song from my computer to the play list editor library but it says "out of memory". I'm pretty sure this is not correct. any ideas? thanks!
Then free up the space
there are like 5 sample songs inside the juno I cannot find them
この シンセサイザー使い方によってはかなりいい使い方ができる本当にいい シンセサイザーです。
I want to play all at same time, not only drums, not only 2 split sounds, not only 2 layered sounds, etc. And it may be able to do it, that's what needs to be talked about , the rest everybody knows or they would by a PSR Yamaha in the supermarket
How to adjust the volume on the layer sound?
AdamM Putra yes you can. There’s a video out already on this feature.
@@truthmanifestingtruth can you be kind enough to share the link? i will appreciate it... 🙏
Please tell me, synthesizer Roland Juno-Di is the ability to disable party tools? Let sounded just drums and bass? Or I want to disable the guitar. Is this possible?
Nesecito el manuel en españor porfavor
it can play wav file?
Yes it can
why talking about specific music styles? is this a 'supermarket' keyboard that needs that marketing for kids? Does it allow a midi song from the player to use a chosen combination of instruments across the channels (1-16) in a performance so we can use the full midi backing tracks instead of mp3 which it's nothing new
its possible to install new sounds to juno di??? because incluided pinos sounds horrible... pianos of juno are sooo baaaad. i need it to play latin music and this not work for that
Roland juno di piano sounds are far from horrible, they are a lot better than the newer offerings. You couldn't find 1 piano out of all the pianos?
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