ROUND 5 Shabliy opens up with a jab. Nurmagomedov lands a counter left hook. Nurmagomedov has a high kick blocked. Shabliy is stalking a little bit now, because he likely needs to find a finish. Shabliy denies a Nurmagomedov takedown attempt. Shabliy fires a right but Nurmagomedov avoids it. Nurmagomedov uses kicks to keep his opponent at a safe range. Shabliy’s offense leaves a lot to be desired in this critical final round. Nurmagomedov is content to circle on the outside. Shabliy lands a leg kick. Shabliy jabs the body. Nurmagomedov shoots for a takedown and lands a knee as he presses him into the fence. Shabliy defends and circles off the fence. Shabliy marches forward and gets sucked into the clinch. He can’t do anything significant and they separate just before the horn Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-10 Nurmagomedov (50-46 Nurmagomedov) Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov (49-46 Nurmagomedov) Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov (50-45 Nurmagomedov)
ROUND 4 Shabliy fires off a right and Beltran warns the fighters to watch their heads. An inside leg kick by Shabliy knocks Nurmagomedov off balance as he throws a combination. Nurmagomedov leans back and throws a high kick. Shabliy lands a left hook-right hand combination and Nurmagomedov’s ensuing level change is unsuccessful. Shabliy tries to land a flying knee. It doesn’t land, but he does poke Nurmagomedov in the eye. The Dagestani recovers relatively quickly, but Shabliy gets a hard warning from Beltran. They trade low kicks. Nurmagomedov is ever active with his lead leg, throwing to all levels. Shabliy has a body kick partially land. Nurmagomedov pumps his jab and the lightweights trade body kicks. Nurmagomedov lands a left to the body. They clinch and Nurmagomedov lands a knee before they disengage. Nurmagomedov lands a head kick, and this one appears to have hurt Shabliy. Nurmagomedov sprawls on a takedown and Nurmagomedov threatens with a choke before moving into top position. Shabliy uses a butterfly guard from the bottom. Nurmagomedov drops a heavy elbow from above. Another elbow lands for the champ. Nurmagomedov spins out of a heel hook and assumes top position again. Shabliy stands in the waning seconds, and Nurmagomedov attacks the body before the round ends Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
ROUND 1 Mike Beltran gets the final assignment of the night for this lightweight title bout. Nurmagomedov has a high kick blocked. Shabliy counters a low kick with a stiff right hand. The lightweights collide in the center of the cage and clinch. Nurmagomedov lands a knee in the middle before they break. Shabliy eludes a spinning kick. Nurmagomedov with an inside leg kick. Nurmagomedov clinches under a Shabliy combination. Nurmagomedov closes the distance with great speed and jumps on Shabliy’s back. He’s too high and Shabliy escapes out the back door. Shabliy is looking for openings to land his counter right. Nurmagomedov pressures and throws a high kick. Shabliy lands a short elbow as Nurmagomedov comes forward. Nurmagomedov with a jab. Nurmagomedov stomps the knee of his foe’s lead leg. Shabliy responds with a right to the body. Nurmagomedov thinks about a takedown but Shabliy is ready for it. Nurmagomedov flicks a head kick. Shabliy feints an attack before the horn. Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
ROUND 3 Nurmagomedov with an inside leg kick. Shabliy misses a spinning kick. Nurmagomedov lands a front kick and Shabliy can’t connect with a counter. Shabliy lands a combination and Nurmagomedov answers with a low kick. Nurmagomedov stays busy with kicks, but to the legs and the midsection. Shabliy fires off his straight right. Nurmagomedov kicks the legs and the body. Nurmagomedov steps in and gets a jab through Shabliy’s guard. Nurmagomedov ducks low and grabs a single leg but quickly lets it go. Nurmagomedov is much more active this round than his opponent. More leg kicks land for Nurmagomedov. Nurmagomedov lands an uppercut and they briefly clinch. Shabliy lands a front kick. Shabliy goes for a takedown at the very end of the round, but Nurmagomedov is up instantly Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
ROUND 2 Shabliy with a leg kick. Nurmagomedov answers with a front kick to the gut. Shabliy with another inside leg kick. They trade quick low kicks. Shabliy continues to look for openings to land his right hand. Nurmagomedov steps in with a lad left hook. Nurmagomedov forces the clinch and presses Shabliy into the fence. He lands a knee before Shabliy frees himself. Shabliy with an inside leg kick followed by a right hand. Shabliy with a solid counter right. Nurmagomedov leaps in and falls to his back. He eats a right and lands one of his own. Nurmagomedov shoots for a takedown against the wire with about 90 seconds to go. Nurmagomedov lands a knee before they separate. Nurmagomedov dives for a takedown during an exchange but Shabliy easily eludes it. Nurmagomedov with a glancing high kick. Nurmagomedov lands a left hook. Shabliy fires off his counter right and Nurmagomedov ends the round with a leg kick Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Alexander Shabliy will draw conclusions from this fight and come back stronger. He needs to enter the PFL Grand Prix in 2025, win it, and get a rematch with Usman Nurmagomedov.
@@TaquilouJudging people’s beliefs by ugly, is that what Jesus peace be upon him praised? As a muslim, I stand proud and solid as a tree in the ground, and honoured that my education and knowledge guided me to the unity of God, who sent us his last message on earth advicatong us to be kind and comprehensive toward Christians in the chapter “Mary”. Glory to God, Alone, Allah, the Creator of the universes, He was not begotten nor was He a father to any human being, the One that sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed peace be upon them all. Stop saying 3 to be forgiven in the day where you meet Him and where jesus peace be upon him would call you: evil doers and polytheistic pagans.
Как Хабиб такого нету и не будет вообще не будет он один и один единственный единственный ещё раз единственный он только один в мире и во всем спорт надо будет остановить потому что Хабиба победить не как!!!
Can we please get a fight with Usman Nurmagomedov vs A.J. McKee I would pay to watch this fight and I’m pretty sure half of the world would too 💯
Usman Nurmagomedov will fight with Раul Hughes. Not A.J. МсКее
Not anymore my friend. It will be Ireland vs Dagestan part 2
@@user-dc9yv4rf1f? What do you mean? Mc Greggor?😂
Who’s aj McKee 😂
usman said about gaza.. and his uncle: abdulmanap. respect!!
Habib and Islam another level. Respect all brothers❤
That “bismillah” after the eye poke hits different 🧘♂️
Alhamdulillah ❤
Which round?
Solid team around him, if he continues hard work he will be one of the best ever.
Umar looked at his little brother from outside. I can feel his love
They are big brother, not little brother
@@Shawon1356Editusman is younger
That fool lost . Bwahahaha merabs his father
Смотрел, болел за обоих. Сане, и Усману уважение, и успехов в карьере
Bellator belts are the most beautiful in the world of MMA.
If u like them so much marry them
@@gomezaddams9221Dont be a toxic guy
Shabliy opens up with a jab. Nurmagomedov lands a counter left hook. Nurmagomedov has a high kick blocked. Shabliy is stalking a little bit now, because he likely needs to find a finish. Shabliy denies a Nurmagomedov takedown attempt. Shabliy fires a right but Nurmagomedov avoids it. Nurmagomedov uses kicks to keep his opponent at a safe range. Shabliy’s offense leaves a lot to be desired in this critical final round. Nurmagomedov is content to circle on the outside. Shabliy lands a leg kick. Shabliy jabs the body. Nurmagomedov shoots for a takedown and lands a knee as he presses him into the fence. Shabliy defends and circles off the fence. Shabliy marches forward and gets sucked into the clinch. He can’t do anything significant and they separate just before the horn
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-10 Nurmagomedov (50-46 Nurmagomedov)
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov (49-46 Nurmagomedov)
Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov (50-45 Nurmagomedov)
Usman memang the best 👍
Usman will just get stronger as he gets older.
imagine trying to strike fear into your opponent for the last moments before the fight, but the ref's beard is just SOOOOOOO captivating
Mashalah brother
❤❤❤только в перед,,, Брать Усман ,,, Таджикистан с вами!!!!
Shabliy fires off a right and Beltran warns the fighters to watch their heads. An inside leg kick by Shabliy knocks Nurmagomedov off balance as he throws a combination. Nurmagomedov leans back and throws a high kick. Shabliy lands a left hook-right hand combination and Nurmagomedov’s ensuing level change is unsuccessful. Shabliy tries to land a flying knee. It doesn’t land, but he does poke Nurmagomedov in the eye. The Dagestani recovers relatively quickly, but Shabliy gets a hard warning from Beltran. They trade low kicks. Nurmagomedov is ever active with his lead leg, throwing to all levels. Shabliy has a body kick partially land. Nurmagomedov pumps his jab and the lightweights trade body kicks. Nurmagomedov lands a left to the body. They clinch and Nurmagomedov lands a knee before they disengage. Nurmagomedov lands a head kick, and this one appears to have hurt Shabliy. Nurmagomedov sprawls on a takedown and Nurmagomedov threatens with a choke before moving into top position. Shabliy uses a butterfly guard from the bottom. Nurmagomedov drops a heavy elbow from above. Another elbow lands for the champ. Nurmagomedov spins out of a heel hook and assumes top position again. Shabliy stands in the waning seconds, and Nurmagomedov attacks the body before the round ends
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Masha Allah Allahu Akbar ❤
Усман Нурмагомедов лучший боец и как человек хороший ❤❤❤
just Art watching these humble mountain 🏔️ guys. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉congratulations 🎊 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Usman
Usmans distance control is elite! ❤
Mike Beltran gets the final assignment of the night for this lightweight title bout. Nurmagomedov has a high kick blocked. Shabliy counters a low kick with a stiff right hand. The lightweights collide in the center of the cage and clinch. Nurmagomedov lands a knee in the middle before they break. Shabliy eludes a spinning kick. Nurmagomedov with an inside leg kick. Nurmagomedov clinches under a Shabliy combination. Nurmagomedov closes the distance with great speed and jumps on Shabliy’s back. He’s too high and Shabliy escapes out the back door. Shabliy is looking for openings to land his counter right. Nurmagomedov pressures and throws a high kick. Shabliy lands a short elbow as Nurmagomedov comes forward. Nurmagomedov with a jab. Nurmagomedov stomps the knee of his foe’s lead leg. Shabliy responds with a right to the body. Nurmagomedov thinks about a takedown but Shabliy is ready for it. Nurmagomedov flicks a head kick. Shabliy feints an attack before the horn.
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Love u Usman
Дай бог здоровья ему и его семье ❤❤❤
Nurmagomedov with an inside leg kick. Shabliy misses a spinning kick. Nurmagomedov lands a front kick and Shabliy can’t connect with a counter. Shabliy lands a combination and Nurmagomedov answers with a low kick. Nurmagomedov stays busy with kicks, but to the legs and the midsection. Shabliy fires off his straight right. Nurmagomedov kicks the legs and the body. Nurmagomedov steps in and gets a jab through Shabliy’s guard. Nurmagomedov ducks low and grabs a single leg but quickly lets it go. Nurmagomedov is much more active this round than his opponent. More leg kicks land for Nurmagomedov. Nurmagomedov lands an uppercut and they briefly clinch. Shabliy lands a front kick. Shabliy goes for a takedown at the very end of the round, but Nurmagomedov is up instantly
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Shabliy with a leg kick. Nurmagomedov answers with a front kick to the gut. Shabliy with another inside leg kick. They trade quick low kicks. Shabliy continues to look for openings to land his right hand. Nurmagomedov steps in with a lad left hook. Nurmagomedov forces the clinch and presses Shabliy into the fence. He lands a knee before Shabliy frees himself. Shabliy with an inside leg kick followed by a right hand. Shabliy with a solid counter right. Nurmagomedov leaps in and falls to his back. He eats a right and lands one of his own. Nurmagomedov shoots for a takedown against the wire with about 90 seconds to go. Nurmagomedov lands a knee before they separate. Nurmagomedov dives for a takedown during an exchange but Shabliy easily eludes it. Nurmagomedov with a glancing high kick. Nurmagomedov lands a left hook. Shabliy fires off his counter right and Nurmagomedov ends the round with a leg kick
Tristen Critchfield scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Tyler Treese scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
Mike Pendleton scores the round: 10-9 Nurmagomedov
respect to usman❤
Love the champ after champ. Barakallah
อุสมาน เก่งที่สุด หล่อที่สุด
Alexander Shabliy will draw conclusions from this fight and come back stronger. He needs to enter the PFL Grand Prix in 2025, win it, and get a rematch with Usman Nurmagomedov.
Usman will just get better and better and defeat him again. Age is on usman’s side
@@sleepysamk1400it's more like if they had 10 fights how many does he win/lose?
Usman the best 👌 MashaAllah ❤
Корото и ясно вам говорю,Аллаха Акбар. Дагестан сила мощ Чемпионы мира. Кто завидует они так и умрут как собаки.
Все временно.
Сабр! Сабр делай да ! Че за ч1анду ты несешь
Аллах не одобряет чтобы с открытым ауратом люди били друг друга по лицу, на потеху публики. Боше сюда не пиши от такого лицемерия гавной воняет 😂
Крассавчик Усман
Красава Умар 😢
Усман молодец, Саня молодец. Думаю Усман тоже оценил апонента по заслугам.
سبحان الله الحمدالله الحمدالله الحمدالله
Usman nur muhammad❤❤❤
Усмон молодец
Usman best ❤❤
Alexandr Shabliy support from Armenia BRO, stay strong
Он вообще то Дагестанец
@@СахибКеримовthat has no relation to what OP said.
@@СахибКеримовhe is christian not muslim
I'll watch all their fights LOL.
When I see a fight goes this long I know that means it's either a great war or nothing happened... This was extremely uneventful
Bellator is just trash
Соward, tensе and ехсited Shabliy😃
And stilllll❤❤❤❤
For the history
A.J. McKee lost to Paul Hughes. Usman will defeat Paul
Love it❤❤
Usman Nurmagomedov will fight with Раul Hughes. Not A.J. МсКее
Оба войны💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Мусулмонларлар олга
😅Почему то вы это не писали когда бились Артур и Бивол. Вы, азиаты болели за Бивола
Ас-салому алейкум из Узбекистана Аварский не понимают бедные русские 😂😂😂
Не кукарекай тут.
19:32 بسم الله ☝🏻
Укам узингни шарманда килмасдан учириб ташла саводсизларча ёзибсан узбекларни устидан кулдирмасдан хаммани факат хафа булма
@@Stalker_7717 не в обиду брат мой , он пишет как может и не стоит брат делать замечания, Салам алейкум 🤝 мир и процветания вам Узбекистан
Почти ничейный бой.
Mike Beltran look like he’s about to train his dragon..
This was a great fight... just a shame the crowd didn't appreciate it...😕
Ya Allah madad
Я с рефери , угораю 😄 с его внешнего вида 😁 👍 Типок , как из трилогии ,, Властелин колец ,, Додумался же 😆
И ещё раз 😂😂😂😂
Я тоже угараю
@@Zvi357 😆
Салом алекум супер 👍 Хабиб
19:30 bismillah ☝️
Asalamun aleykuuuuum Nurmaqemedooov😊iz Azerbadjane
Ва алейкум асалам
Александр Шаблий лучший боец
Не плохой боец
Usman Nurmagomedov will defeat A.J. McKee
I have shabily the first two very close fight
Usman is such a great fighter, his a elite fighter.😂😂😂
Не бой, а балет
Как приятно слышать родной Аварский язык
Вы аварка?
Dagestan 👏
alexander shabliy never can defeat usman nurmagomedov
Машоллох брат
Yo why they got the corner audio on so much? Can’t even watch the fight
Сабля ❤
Самое интересное в этом бою это шикарные бакенбарды рефери
Усман красава дай бог тебе здоровья
Any up and coming fights or company bust?
Please read the holy Quran in English or Spanish language translation
I read it Thanks. Its ugly. Bible is the only truth 😊
@@TaquilouJudging people’s beliefs by ugly, is that what Jesus peace be upon him praised? As a muslim, I stand proud and solid as a tree in the ground, and honoured that my education and knowledge guided me to the unity of God, who sent us his last message on earth advicatong us to be kind and comprehensive toward Christians in the chapter “Mary”. Glory to God, Alone, Allah, the Creator of the universes, He was not begotten nor was He a father to any human being, the One that sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed peace be upon them all. Stop saying 3 to be forgiven in the day where you meet Him and where jesus peace be upon him would call you: evil doers and polytheistic pagans.
Усман лучше ✊🦅
Шаблий красавчик! Похож на Эрика Бану
Личный камера для Хабиба
Классные поединок. Интересно реванш будет ближайшее время. Хотелось бы посмотреть.
Мне кажется бой был ровном
❤🤍🖤💚 🇵🇸
Как Хабиб такого нету и не будет вообще не будет он один и один единственный единственный ещё раз единственный он только один в мире и во всем спорт надо будет остановить потому что Хабиба победить не как!!!
Не надо возвышать человека который мешок для говна
Да ладно 😂😂😂Усман выиграл??? Когда? Как?
Усман тоже научился разговаривать на английском языке, молодец
It was a way closer fight in my opinion, Shabily defended the takedowns very well and Usman did't have much success on the feet
High skills
i dont think the coaches should be allowed to tell them what to do
quick info: Shabily once beat Adriano Martins
Фамилия победила)))
Вашему сожалению Шаблий никогда не выиграет Усмана, не его уровень.
Усман мощь 💪 с победой брат