Let's Watch The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring (EXTENDED EDITION) PT 1 🎬 👀

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 88

  • @RoboSteave
    @RoboSteave 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    Harry Potter over LOTR?! When did you abandon reason for madness? (please don't spin me)

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Lmao!! your comment made my day! 😂😂

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    At 31:39 you say "Going all crazy over mushrooms." Tolkien writes, "Hobbits have a passion for mushrooms, surpassing the greediest likings of Big People." Chapter 4 of Book I of FOTR (the first half of FOTR) is titled, "A Short Cut to Mushrooms;" hence this line of dialogue.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Lol!! I actually dislike mushrooms. hehehe

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Lhang - name of The great elvish swords seen in the prologue wielded in that frontline ebbing flowing strike formation strike. This shows the skill of these warriors. Some are hundreds to thousands of years old. Their timeless prowess was caught on film perfectly. Awesome right?
    noun: cutlass, sword
    ᴹQ. lango “broad sword; prow of a ship” ✧ Ety/LAG
    ᴹ√LAG “*cut” ✧ Ety/LAG
    Phonetic Developments
    Development Stages lhang [laŋgo] > [laŋg] > [l̥aŋg] > [l̥aŋ] ✧
    lang (sword), plural> [Laing]
    lanc: [throat] (hinting at being deadly throat cutters when one knows how to wield these specific elvish blades against heavily armoured orcs with keen precision!)
    (neck), pl. lainc, coll. pl. langath.
    Note: homophones mean ”naked” and also ”sharp edge, sudden end, brink.
    So they are blades that “bring enemies to the sudden brink of death” in a sense.

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    At 30:50, Samwise calls Frodo "Mr. Frodo" because Frodo is his employer. Frodo, Merry, and Pippin are all of a higher social status than Sam. The movie doesn't make as much of this distinction as the book--social values had evolved in the fifty years between the publication of the book and the release of the movie.

    • @LordEriolTolkien
      @LordEriolTolkien 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      also, Merry and Pippin are distantly related to Frodo, not so with Sam

  • @ellie_jeann
    @ellie_jeann 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    KEEP IN MIND LOTR franchise started back long before HARRY POTTER and films were released first as well even if both first installment movies came out in the same year 2001.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Bilbo Walking Song: “Roads go ever ever on, Over rock and under tree, By caves where never sun has shone, By streams that never find the sea; Over snow by winter sown, And through the merry flowers of June,Over grass and over stone,
    And under mountains in the moon. Roads go ever ever on
    Under cloud and under star, Yet feet that wandering have gone
    Turn at last to home afar. Eyes that fire and sword have seen
    And horror in the halls of stone
    Look at last on meadows green
    And trees and hills they long have known”
    The original version of the song is recited by Bilbo in the last chapter of The Hobbit, at the end of his journey back to the Shire. Coming to the top of a rise he sees his home in the distance, and stops and essentially sings what I shared above!
    There are three versions of this walking song in The Lord of the Rings.
    The first is sung by Bilbo when he leaves the Shire and is setting off to visit Rivendell:
    “The Road goes ever on and on,
    Down from the door where it began.
    Now far ahead the Road has gone,
    And I must follow, if I can,
    Pursuing it with eager feet,
    Until it joins some larger way
    Where many paths and errands meet.
    And whither then? I cannot say.”
    The second version is identical except for changing the word "eager" to "weary" in the fifth line. It is spoken aloud, slowly, by Frodo, as he and his companions pause on their way to Crickhollow, looking beyond to lands that some of them have never seen before.
    The third version is spoken by Bilbo in Rivendell after the hobbits have returned from their journey. Bilbo is now an old, sleepy hobbit, who murmurs the verse and then falls asleep.
    “The Road goes ever on and on
    Out from the door where it began.
    Now far ahead the Road has gone,
    Let others follow it who can!
    Let them a journey new begin,
    But I at last with weary feet
    Will turn towards the lighted inn,
    My evening-rest and sleep to meet.”
    1977: The Hobbit (1977 film): Sections of the poem are sung during the trip through Mirkwood. It appears on the soundtrack titled "Roads".
    1980: The Return of the King (1980 film):
    A song inspired by the poem is sung at the end of the film called "Roads Go Ever, Ever On".
    1981: The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series):
    Bilbo sings the song as he leaves Bag End. It is sung by John Le Mesurier to a tune by Stephen Oliver.
    1997: An Evening in Rivendell:
    The Tolkien Ensemble adapted an original melody to the song, composed by Caspar Reiff.
    2001: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:
    Parts of the song are sung by Gandalf in his first appearance, and also by Bilbo as he leaves Bag End.
    2006: The Lord of the Rings Musical:
    The poem is the basis of the song "The Road Goes On" sung by Sam, Frodo, Merry, and Pippin in the first act.
    2014: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies:
    Lines of the poem partially make up the lyrics of The Last Goodbye, performed by Billy Boyd(Pippin) for the credits of the film.
    This is just stuff to know when you see the next films. Maybe seeing this will spark something you read here or in other people’s comments via future reactions to the other 2 films as well as the 3 The Hobbit movies!

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      AMAZING! You are like hobbit wikipedia! 🤭

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@LulusReactions you’ll totally enjoy reacting to the epic endless and most famous music that bring to life the many poems and songs from Tolkien’s legendarium. ❤️

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The song Aragorn sings has huge importance! full version: “The leaves were long, the grass was green, The hemlock-umbels tall and fair, And in the glade a light was seen; Of stars in shadow shimmering, Tinnúviel was dancing there, To music of a pipe unseen
    And light of stars was in her hair; And in her raiment glimmering
    There Beren came from mountains cold; And lost he wandered under leaves; And where the Elven-river rolled. He walked alone and sorrowing. He peered between the hemlock-leaves; And saw in wonder flowers of gold
    Upon her mantle and her sleeves; And her hair like shadow following
    Enchantment healed his weary feet; That over hills were doomed to roam
    And forth he hastened, strong and fleet; And grasped at moonbeams glistening
    Through woven woods in Elven-home; She lightly fled on dancing feet
    And left him lonely still to roam; In the silent forest listening; He heard there oft the flying sound
    Of feet as light as linden-leaves
    Or music welling underground; In hidden hollow quavering; Now withered lay the hemlock-sheaves
    And one by one with sighing sound
    Whispering fell the beachen leaves; In the wintry woodland wavering
    He sought her ever, wandering far
    Where leaves of years were thickly strewn
    By light of moon and ray of star; In frosty heavens shivering
    Her mantle glinted in the moon; As on a hill-top high and far
    She danced, and at her feet was strewn
    A mist of silver quivering
    When winter passed, she came again
    And her song released the sudden spring,
    Like rising lark, and falling rain; And melting water bubbling; He saw the elven-flowers spring
    About her feet, and healed again
    He longed by her to dance and sing
    Upon the grass untroubling
    Again she fled, but swift he came
    Tinnúviel ! , Tinnúviel !
    He called her by her elvish name
    And there she halted listening
    One moment stood she, and a spell
    His voice laid on her: Beren came
    And doom fell on Tinúviel
    That in his arms lay glistening
    As Beren looked into her eyes
    Within the shadows of her hair
    The trembling starlight of the skies
    He saw there mirrored shimmering
    Tinnúviel the elven-fair
    Immortal maiden elven-wise
    About him cast her shadowy hair
    And arms like silver glimmering
    Long was the way that fate them bore
    O'er stony mountains cold and grey
    Through halls of ireon and darkling door,
    And woods of nightshade morrowless
    The Sundering Seas between them lay
    And yet at last they met once more
    And long ago they passed away
    In the forest singing sorrowless”
    The true elvish version is far greater and so full of beauty & nuanced mournful sadness that’s break the hearts of mortals from its beauty and sadness so the true song has been sort of taboo and the mannish tongues that retell it is stated to only be a shadow beneath the tree of the true story!
    (A clip of it is in the original definitive version though. Viggo Mortenson who plays Aragorn designed the melody and style himself and wished it to sound Celtic in nature.)
    I recommend reacting to the cover done by Clamavi De Profundis and Tolkien Ensemble after the trilogy is finished and even “How Howard Shore Used Voices”. You’ll see just how deep it went. The lore itself went into the musics lyrics. Using the languages within middle earth. So even when stuff couldn’t be put in they found other ways to highly reference it via the music. It ties in all the themes at the very end in a very profound way. The thumbnail image for it is Galadriel and the image has a blue tint.

  • @rikk319
    @rikk319 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The other elf was Cirdan, one of the first elves to wake, and the only elf mentioned in Tolkien's writing to have a beard. Later he gave his ring to Gandalf when Gandalf arrived in Middle-Earth, saying he'd need it more.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      yes, i remember that gandalf had a ring of his own but it wasn’t really his, it was borrowed.

    • @MrGaleanon
      @MrGaleanon 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@LulusReactions Its dangerous to go alone. Take this.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The movies are masterpieces, In the book Isidur NEVER succumbs to The One Ring, instead spends his time being a fair ruler who gave power away to the people INSTEAD of being power hungry. He comes to realize that he is not powerful enough to truly bend the ring to his will. That it will eventually overcome him. Isildur resolves to give the ring to Elrond but is killed on the way to Rivendel. It's a tragic story of a man that tries to right his wrong but ultimately fails.
    In the books isildur literally repented and was about to bring the ring to Rivendell and apologize as he recognized it was beyond him even for a great numenorean connected to the faithful line of the mighty Elendil
    I preface the prologue & war, other depictions I LOVE, captured the themes WELL, the vibe of the whole trilogy! The significance of the duel between Elendil & Sauron was Nerffed; (He wasn’t some random old bloke in armour getting smacked around) This man was MIGHTY and gleaming with power which you’ll find out in the great videos you’ll soon react to with joy!
    * He and Gil-Galad; last true Elven King battled Sauron and slayed Sauron’s physical body and both died in the process. GilGalad was held high by the face for all free peoples to see as he then incinerated his bodily form to a crisp of ash! Isildur was part of the fight too but not as prominently and he just comes up to the body to cut the ring finger off and…. So one example is how easily Sauron is killed in the intro.
    * • He's set up as this super powered badass, but all you have to do is cut off his finger? That's not how it went down in the book, where the greatest man-king and the greatest elven-king had to double-team Sauron to strike down his body, but were killed in the effort (Isildur then cuts the ring from the corpse).
    Especially for elves the title of king has many meanings & by the Third Age there isn’t a population large enough to even attempt to such a thing as creating a unified kingdom, which would put a target on their backs, let alone many of them are beyond all of that anyway as it’s seen as doing more harm than anything good.
    * They also seen what happened when the elves fell upon the swords of their own hubris and passion no matter if it was for the right reasons some of the time. That it always ended up in some sort of tragedy which sometimes even damaged the earth itself.
    They had long known about what’s called the Long Defeat as ever since Morgoth’s marring of the land itself; pouring his remnants into it that caused the “magic” to slowly drain away from the land itself, which is sad because for ages several clans of elves were born there. even the greatest ancestors were “born” in middle earth awakening to the stars !
    Many of who are left have accepted the next phase of their life which is to become councillors, healers and loremasters to those with the heart to listen and the desire to learn. But above all the guardians and custodians of several things and the world itself for as long as they can remain!❤ The elves “exist” as long as the world does. And Tolkien made it obvious in many ways that it’s our world as he restored Anglo Saxon culture/Mythologies and folklore, and their languages too alongside Irish, Welsh and Finnish mythologies too. Especially Norwegian(of which I am)
    This is what Amazon (the show that shall not be named) didn’t deliver either [[AKA the actual story which inspired everything we love into existence with games and movies and books and so forth. Skyrim, elder scrolls, oblivion, Diablo, and world of Warcraft and D&D. And Game Of Thrones was hugely inspired by Tolkien… yet as the godfather of everything and the heart of what caused many peoples lives to be saved cannot get the justice it deserves for adaptations?
    People literally conquered cancer because of the books and the trilogy, the books were read to their children for years. All 25 of them. The man was a hugely respected scholar and professor in the world. Translated ancient artifacts and hieroglyphs and petroglyphs and so forth for the government etc.
    (JRR Tolkien even rejected being recruited into the CIA several times & he wrote everyone by letter and referenced the dudes who came to him as “little boys who knew not what they got themselves into” which showed his fearlessness.). The readers of the trilogy that came out are who he writes back to despite always replying to everyone back and forth.
    Many people have shared the stories regarding these conversations which were past down throughout the family lines of the people who had a personal relationship with Tolkien which was hundreds of people when he was alive. Thousands. (Some are in video format too or happened to be shared later on in the video or comes up during a video about him and his work.
    Especially nowadays when many of us came out of the woodwork to defend professor Tolkiens legacy from amazons money grubbing hands and so forth. Giving many channels a new lease on life where some make Tolkien related content now amongst other things they create content wise.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I understand what you mean. When I first heard that amazon was getting rights to much of Tolkien's work I was actually excited. I had read somewhere that Jeff Besos was a big LOTR fan and that gave me a little bit of hope. From what I have heard the show is not great and a lot of lots fans are quite upset.

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    At 20:05, the Black Riders live at Minas Morgul, on the western boundary of Mordor. The city had once been part of the kingdom of Gondor, but the forces of evil had conquered it a thousand years before our story.

  • @captainofdunedain3993
    @captainofdunedain3993 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    This is my favorite movie of my life! Literally changed my life when I was a teenager. Gandalf was my favorite character first until 25 years old. Then I read books and Aragorn became my favorite character. After 30 years old with reading books and playing games, Frodo became my favorite character. Probably he will always my favorite until I die.
    I also must say that if a person sees this remarkable trilogy, nothing can stand with it. Harry Potter, Game of Thrones or whatever you call, all inspired by Tolkien.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Your story reminds me of my boyfriend's. This story was very meaningful to him and he says it saved his life at a very bad time. He would watch it on repeat. It helped him a lot.

    • @captainofdunedain3993
      @captainofdunedain3993 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@LulusReactions perfectly reasonable! 11 years ago I found a game called the Lord of the Rings Online. I met some amazing people there which also was a big step for me. I highly recommend it for you guys. You might love it! Take care

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Regarding Arwen and the wraiths - They are afraid of water itself which contains the song of creation of the entire world. All water does. Same as our world which is our Midgard. The Ainulindalë. And the main Ainu of the waters is Ulmo (Ainur is plural), and Númenorean Men’s patron “deity” of sorts who loves all of middle earth and the peoples of all of Arda.
    They don’t have physical bodies so if they entered the water they’d have to essentially be reconstituted either by Sauron himself or some sort of Orc or black Númenorean shaman or they’ll take some time to reform themselves as the fan never have a body.
    They are passing into Elrond's domain also which is super sacred and highly sanctified and hallowed ground filled with the pristine energies of the old world. Where the very air you breath is electrified, full of life. The trees gleam with more brightness and so forth, they commune with the elves in many ways and even several men who have the sensibilities to do so.
    The land around Rivendell is infused with the magic of Vilya, Elrond's Ring of Power which is why the elven domains (Rivendell and Lothlorien) still have the magic that is mostly lost from the rest of Middle Earth. They fear Elrond and the power of his ring so they hesitate but ultimately continue. I think Arwen is literally calling on the Bruinen river to help her repel the wraiths
    “Nîn o Chithaeglir lasto beth dhaer; Rimmo nîn Bruinen dan in Ulaer.” This “spell” is in Sindarin so it Remains in true Tolkiens spirit! Despite the exact line was only for the movies - English : “Waters of the Misty Mountains, hear the word of power; Rush, waters of Bruinen, against the Ringwraiths!”
    Lady Arwen calls upon the powers of the Misty Mountains and the river Bruinen to rise up as a defense against the evil Ringwraiths. It is a moving reminder of how the Elves once lived in harmony with the lands and waters, able to communicate with spirits of nature.
    Even now, glimpses remain of their ancient abilities, though fading as the Third Age comes to a close.
    when lessons in Sindarin reveal deeper insights into the history and cultures of Middle-Earth.
    “Waters of the Misty Mountains, listen to the great word, flow waters of Loudwater, against the Ringwraiths.”
    Ulmo ain't no pushover. Only the evil Men under Sauron's dominion willingly traverse and enter any large body of water. It's of course not mentioned in the movies, but the reason is that Sauron and his servants are afraid of Ulmo, his power, and stay away from water.
    Sauron surpasses Morgoth in a way, since he actually amassed fleets in his service and gained dominion over the sea in that fashion. Ulmo is the reason Elrond has the power to release the flood at all; unless - of course - they've got a whole sophisticated dam-setup going on. The Brandywine is
    - I suppose - too deep and wide for them, and I'm guessing their forms of nothingness can't withstand any water that Ulmo hasn't completely withdrawn from. Probably something to do with the songs of creation that inhabit all the waters of Middle Earth.
    Nazgul's horses are most likely undead, that is to say that they have horse's bodies but dark spirits inhabit them now instead. If they were normal horses, they would never consent to bear a ringwraith in the first place- they would immediately fly into a panic, because the nazgul "fill all living things with an instinctive dread".

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    At 20:30, there are major discrepancies between the time line of the book and the time line of the movie. The movie implies that the time between Bilbo's party and Gandalf finding Isildur's account in the archives of Minas Tirith is a few weeks or months, while in the book, the interval is 17 years, as you say. Gandalf didn't spend the entire 17 years in Minas Tirith, though. He spent much of that time searching for Gollum, enlisting the help of Aragorn for part of the time. Books and movies are two very different ways of telling a story, and what works well in a book may not work at all in a movie. Frodo's journey from Bag End to Rivendell is also greatly compressed in the movie; four entire chapters of FOTR are omitted in the movie's version of events.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Yes, I imagined that Gandalf had to have been searching for gollum in this time. I remember very small bits and pieces of the books but I never finished the novels. I suppose this is where that new movie that Andy Serkis is directing will come into effect. Supposedly it will be called "the hunt for gollum" but that is not official. Yes, the books, to me, are always better than any film because out imaginations are truly endless. The films are a wonderful adaptation though. LOTR should have honestly been 6 movies with more details in between.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@LulusReactionsyou’ll see the 17 year gap and more in Hunt For Gollum movie coming out very soon, made by the same team. ❤

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The voice at the beginning is Galadriel - Older than the sun & moon, learned all from ALL the Valar (beyond angels), that was possible to be taught from them. she always knew there was more to know, to learn and more to create and had a drive to visit the homeland of her forefathers. To the hitherlands. Middle Earth. Where the elves truly were meant to live and mentor mankind for thousands of years so men could be fully ready to take the reigns in being the stewards of the world.

  • @Makkaru112
    @Makkaru112 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Moths are sacred to the elves. As well as it was contested to Radagast The Brown Wizard who was the champion sent to middle earth by Yavannah (Goddess of Nature itself and who was responsible for creating and nuturing all life, even her song created the two trees of Valinor which predated the sun and moon and to keep it simple acted in the stead of sun and moon. ) with who we know now as Gandalf and Saruman long ago at the beginning of the first age. Gandalf was meant to be the leader but he kept denying the leadership role and so Saruman was given this role for he was fully successful against Sauron for a long time even to this day of the third age. Gandalf openly stated his fear for Sauron (Mairon, his true name.) Olórin is that for Gandalf, Aiwendil for Radagast and Curumo for Saruman.

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    At 22:40 you ask, "How do you know?" In the book, Gandalf says, "Your small fire, of course, would not melt even ordinary gold. The Ring has passed through it unscathed, and even unheated."

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Your comments are giving me a harsh reality of just how much had been left out of an extended edition which is nearly a four hour long movie. It's crazy!

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    At 18:38, in the book, at a later stage in the story, Bilbo adds, "It is a good ending, and none the worse for having been used before."

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    At 19:17, yes Bilbo's hobbit-hole is named "Bag End." In the book "The Hobbit," when Bilbo is riddling with Smaug the dragon, he includes, "I came from the end of a bag, but no bag went over me."

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bilbo is great at riddles. Some of them fly right over my head, lol.

  • @Starman-xc1hj
    @Starman-xc1hj 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I love your reactions.
    Thanks for making the videos 😊

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  วันที่ผ่านมา

      Glad you like them! thanks for watching! 🫶🏼

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    At 33:50, the Black Rider's screech is a heavily-processed product of screen writer Fran Walsh. She apparently can be a really scary lady!

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      lol wow! just wow!

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@LulusReactionsactually she had strep throat, fuller story explained in the behind the scenes documentary react to it in order as the playlist has it chronological order already set up!

  • @brucewilliams4152
    @brucewilliams4152 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Frodo,pippin and merry are cousins.
    Balin the dwarf in the tomb is in the hobbit as is ori the dwarf holding the book

  • @Henngist
    @Henngist 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Since Frodo is Sam's employer, acting with some deference is considered good manners.
    Horse shoes are nailed onto their hooves. Done properly, the horse is not hurt by the nails.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ahh i see. yes, that’s a respect for his employer.
      glad to know the horses hooves are not painful. i thought it would be because they looked all twisted and kinda scary looking.

  • @johnwalters1341
    @johnwalters1341 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    At 33:09, in the book Buckland is the territory of the Brandybucks. It is a sort of colony of the Shire, across the Brandywine River on its eastern shore. Its chief town is called Bucklebury. Frodo grew up in Bucklebury among his Brandybuck relations after he was orphaned, before Bilbo adopted him.

  • @Henngist
    @Henngist 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Gollum was tortured in Baradur, but the Black Riders rode out from Minas Morgul.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ahh, i had a confusion with the two. they are both in mordor right?

    • @justinhephner2117
      @justinhephner2117 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@LulusReactions yes, Dol Goldur guards the pass between Ithilien and the Plains or Gorgoroth before Barad-Dur and surrounding Orodruin (Mt. Doom) , Barad-Dur is more in the middle of mordor, past Mt. Doom if approaching from Gondor

  • @martinbynion1589
    @martinbynion1589 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Gandalf banging his head on the rafters in Bag End was, apparently, not an accident, but they decided to keep it in the movie. 🙂

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Wow! Now I feel sorry for Ian Mckellan even more but it still makes me laugh.

  • @gothmolg8037
    @gothmolg8037 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The lord of the rings trilogy occupies 3 of the top 12 positions on the IMDB top 250!

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yes it does!! Absolutely love it! 🥰

  • @MrOndrive
    @MrOndrive 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Birds offend served as Messengers in Middle Earth. Among them were the Great Eagles, immense birds who were sentient, capable of speech, and often helped Men, Elves and Wizards against the forces of Darkness. Gandalf the Grey once saved Gwaihir (The Windlord ) from a poisoned arrow, thus creating a lifelong friendship and bond between the two. Gwaihir would always answer Gandalf's calls for help!

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      wow that’s great backstory! it’s wonderful that gandalf has that kind of friendship with the eagles. would love to see them actually speak like with smaug in the hobbit.

    • @MrOndrive
      @MrOndrive 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@LulusReactions Totally agree. It's a shame Peter Jackson never had the Great Eagles talk. I guess he felt it was one character too many.
      Look out for them in the Hobbit. They really look majestic.

  • @martinmayhew145
    @martinmayhew145 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The moth is the king moth, and Gandalf asks the moth to go to the eagles to rescue hin One of Gandalf's abilities, he is able to speak to animals and insects

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  วันที่ผ่านมา

      Wow, that surprised me. I thought Radasgast the brown was the only wizard with the poor to communicate with animals, insects and nature. For some reason, I thought each wizard had a few common abilities but each had their own special power.

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@LulusReactionsI’ll explain the Radagast thing in the bottom of this : In later writings Tolkien said that the Blue Wizards were vital in the resistance against Sauron in the East. They were sent in almost a special mission to go East and keep down the numbers of Men who would join Sauron's army. And they were indeed successful in this, and without the Blue Wizards efforts in the East, the armies of Gondor, Rohan, and the "resistance" led by Gandalf would have failed as Sauron's armies would have swelled and straight out over-whelmed them.
      There are also some less than kind writings about Radagast, who basically became lazy. He was a "good" person, by aiding Gandalf a few times, but with regards to his mission became lazy. And in truth, Gandalf actually knew more about birds and nature than Radagast, which was supposed to be Radagast's "specialty."

  • @bdleo300
    @bdleo300 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Frankly, the Extended edition is a bit too.... extended.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Quite a bit long huh? I needed to split to reaction in 2 parts, even!

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@LulusReactionswhen you react to the behind the scenes epic documentary/making of extravaganza from the playlist curated by Pajasek99, you’ll be in love just like, FlowState Reacts it’s adoring it intensely.

  • @lcbonastre2418
    @lcbonastre2418 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Trilogy The Lord Of The Ring Extended Edition:
    (1) The Felloship Of The Ring Extended Edition
    (2) The Two Tower Extended Edition
    (3) The Return Of The King Extended Edition
    Trilogy The Hobbit Extended Edition Of The Adventures Of Bilbo Baggin:
    (1) An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition
    (2) The Desolation Of Smaug Extended Edition
    (3) The Battle Five Armie Extended Edition

  • @goodleshoes
    @goodleshoes 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Love it, thank you.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      SO Glad you enjoyed it! 🫶🏼

  • @entwood
    @entwood 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It's Crebain, the 'bain' as in 'wine'. Same as the Dunedain is spoken as dine not dayn.
    Anyway, great to see a fellow enthusiast react to the films.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thank you! LOVE LOTR and the fans! I follow the actors on their social media account's and it's amazing how many people show up to their event. what even more surprising is that after so many years after these movies the actors still remain in contact and great friends. So very wholesome (just like these movies).
      One last thing, I had not known what the Dunedain was until I saw the extended of the two towers where they gave a little bit more background. Tolkien was an actual fantasy genius in my humblest opinion.

  • @dragonbornofangmar8594
    @dragonbornofangmar8594 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Next you should try The Two Towers and The Return of the King video games.

  • @enola5956
    @enola5956 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Great reaction... but as I was watching your channel, try to add videos more often.
    I don't know if once every 14 days is good.
    As far as I know, it is decisive for many people whether to give a follow.

  • @davidemarzoli4815
    @davidemarzoli4815 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Frodo does know a little Elvish in the books.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That would make a lot of sense, actually. A lot of times im scratching my head trying to figure it out. lol

  • @justinhephner2117
    @justinhephner2117 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The horses name is Asfalof. nuro lim is sindarin for "ride fast"

    • @rikk319
      @rikk319 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Asfaloth. Noro lim. "Run fast".

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ok that one i had totally wrong lol. thought the horses name was “noro lim”.

    • @justinhephner2117
      @justinhephner2117 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@LulusReactions sok, its alot of names to learn/keep up with, being confused about a HORSES name is def not a big deal

  • @VikingerOnYT
    @VikingerOnYT 7 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @prayerkid6326
    @prayerkid6326 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Second Favorite 😢😢😢 Almost hit the block button.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Oh nooo! I love them both so much! They are both unique stories with the most unique characters. Both still classic stories of good vs. evil.

  • @MustafaErem-d5o
    @MustafaErem-d5o 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    about the movie Tarzan The Fearless 1933. Did you try to find it on youtube?

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Still searching, many streaming services don't have very old films. I will keep looking though...

  • @Muck006
    @Muck006 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    "Huge fan" + "never read the books" doesnt go together.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      well, i should say, huge fan of the films. lol

  • @MustafaErem-d5o
    @MustafaErem-d5o 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @lamb998
    @lamb998 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Stop stopping the movie

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      wish i could my friend, for copyright purposes i have to make cuts. what more would i love than to watch the whole movie with you guys without any stops?! sorry about that 🙃

  • @balrog7252
    @balrog7252 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So that I can understand you well. You've watched this video loads of times and now you're making a reaction out of it on your channel, right? Do you know what recording reactions to a given video actually involves? The fact that I am watching a given film for the first time in my life. The most honest and authentic reactions are always during the first viewing, and that's why we want to see such reactions. And what you are doing is just sad, you are actually cheating your viewers. And that's why thumbs down.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      hello! the first thing i say at the beginning of my reactions is whether or not i am watching it for the first time. as you see my thumbnails do not claim it to be a “first time reaction”. if you have not watched this movie before i seriously recommend that you do before watching any reaction that is not “first time”. although personally, i would rather watch a movie fully on my own than watch it with a reaction. i don’t share your opinion that i am “cheating” my viewers as most of them are fans of this franchise like me and as i mentioned before i am clear that i am a fan of this franchise and choose to react to it regardless of having watched it before. if you do not like the reaction, that is totally fine. no one is forcing you to watch my channel or my reactions. thank you!

    • @RoboSteave
      @RoboSteave 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Nonsense. She's not cheating anybody, she told us she has seen it before. Doesn't bother me. If it bothers you, don't watch.

    • @LulusReactions
      @LulusReactions  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      thank you ☺️

    • @Makkaru112
      @Makkaru112 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@LulusReactionsmany people who openly admit to seeing it before get more views as they get a brand new look at the films and notice things they didn’t before etc making a more entertaining set of videos where it’s candid moments galore. ❤